Summary Document (March 28 and April 18 Public Consultations)

Summary Public Consultations
March 28 & April 18, 2011
Royal Canadian Legion & St. Philip’s Church
Councillor Patsy Whitten welcomed attendees at each session and thanked fall in attendance for
their time and commitment to the process. The evening’s agenda was reviewed. Councillor
Whitten introduced Christine Snow (facilitator) and Maureen Foley (recorder) of the Northeast
Avalon Regional Economic Development Board and turned the proceedings over.
Comments made at each of the sessions are presented according to each major theme:
• Economic and industry overview;
• Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT analysis);
• Draft Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles;
• Strategic Directions and Activities; AND
• Nest Steps.
C. Snow noted that the Town’s Council and senior staff have participated in a strategic planning
session and have drafted a vision, mission, guiding principles and goals for consideration by
town residents. These sessions provide all an opportunity for public input.
To facilitate discussion, C. Snow noted that a Public Consultation Document was drafted and
available online. This document summarized key economic characteristics of the town,
highlighted key industries, and summarized a number of recent planning documents. A
presentation summarizing the findings occurred at each session.
The presentation highlighted the young, high income and well educated population and the
clusters of the Town. C. Snow noted that the Town’s website has posted: the 2007-2010
Strategic Plan; the 2007 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, the 2009 draft Municipal Plan; and
the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan. Copies of the consultation document are
available at the registration table and online.
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011
C. Snow discussed the industry overview of the Town which included the limited commercial
base, need for business park and the sectors of agriculture; tourism, construction, and renewable
Comments included:
• Perception of high income may not be correct. There are pockets of lesser income
characteristics throughout the Community and the average income may be distorted;
• Conflict between increased residential land use and agriculture use;
• Preserving agricultural land. Food security issues;
• Limited commercial base;
• Need to get input from 50 plus. Suggestion to attend one of their meetings.
It was noted that SWOT can vary with individuals’ vision of the Community.
• Rural flavour, close proximity to St. John’s
• Proximity to St. John’s is a benefit to home based business
• Quality of life. Great residential area with unique characteristics. Great sized lots. By the
sea. Survey new residents to find out why they moved here.
• Stable labour force, year-round workers
• Diverse economic base
• Strong sense of entrepreneurship. Unique opportunities for specialty shops /boutiques
• New beginnings, starting from scratch, creating the Community as we go, learning from
others’ mistakes
• Low business tax
• Strong commitment to culture and heritage. Culture and heritage assets can lead to
spinoff opportunities
• Some families have resided in Town for many, many years
• Lack of primary services (i.e. Tim Horton’s, gym)
• Difficult to attract major industry
• Difficult to grow while keeping our rural flavour
• Lack of attractions
• No access to beaches, garbage on beach
• Zoning challenges
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011
Perception of far away
Perception of Community being conflict ridden
Not viable with current tax base
Not all high income
Drive-through mentality
Difficulty in data collection to incorporate into marketing plan
Poor infrastructure. Cannot support heavy traffic or vehicles
Predominately residential area
Lack of water and sewer
Lack of Class A office space. No amenities to offer to office workers
Lack of Town planning staff
Lack of affordable land
• Town’s increase use of local newspaper
• Town’s enhanced communication with stakeholders
• Development of an advertising plan
• Need more information awareness
• Enhanced citizen engagement
• Promotion of assets ( i.e. artists, tourism, beaches, publishers)
• Town must lead by example
• Promotion of Town
• Town Business Info Package( tax incentives, low taxes, benefits of paying business tax,
business directory, other incentive offered instead of tax breaks such as high-speed
• Information in Economic Review could be beneficial
• Local chamber of commerce
• High Tech age, e-commerce
• Attendance at trade /oil/gas shows
• Boutiques and specialty shops. High quality businesses (i.e. high end restaurants)
• Friendly, Main street based businesses
• Coffee shop
• Marina, boathouse and other waterfront facilities, increase regatta activities and
promotion. Installation of Japanese breakwater to increase opportunities. Sailboat access.
• Tourism opportunities (heritage assets, museums, art exhibits, walking/hiking trails)
Eastern Destination Management Organization may be able to help with product and
package development. Need to have Harbour Authority involved.
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011
Tourism packages developed around tour boats and ferry
Lifestyle center
Expansion of medical services
Increase construction sector
Furnished rental homes
Alternate energy. Turbine research done, sell energy, would pay for itself in 5 – 8 years.
Survey residents to get their view/support on turbines. Could be privately owned.
• Need to move quickly pursuing new business, all happening fast
• Lack of government investment in Community
• Lack of management/Council control with builders
• Loss of Town’s identity with growth
• Over – development
• Threats to watershed areas
• Mega projects
• Lack of communication with stakeholders
• Zoning issues
• Recognize and support business
• Focus on business owners
• Business supports residents
• Current draft is too broad and general, all communities have similar vision, could be any
• Highlight and encourage growth opportunities, especially business
• Clarification of “connected” needed
NOTE – Business Forum scheduled for May 12
• Actively promote, open for new business
• Assertive, progressive, connected
• Healthy lifestyle
• Support the “balanced” growth and expansion and quality of life
• Open to business, don’t restrict vision
• Remove “establishing” and “supportive”
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011
Need more reflection on where Council is going
Guiding Principles
• BizPal, benefit for new and expanding business (Licensing and permit streamlined
• Time limit on Town’s response to requests
• Too directed at new business and doesn’t seem to target current business (CBS has
business info online)
• Working on a business directory
• Need business startup information/brochure/kit (Develop by Town)
• Quality of life, support citizens and town’s rural character
• Clarification/definition needed on the meaning of “sustainable”. (leave things in a better
state than when you found it)
• Farmer’s market has Council’s support. Needs promotion.
Home-based Business
• Need to make residents aware of what is a home-based business
• Advertise on Town’s website
• Promote one –year tax exemption to potential new home-based business
Business Growth
• One stop shopping
• New pharmacy needs to be promoted and supported
• Grocery Store, issue of economic viability, need to encourage residents to shop
• Geographic split. Promote oneness and pride of Town
• Boutiques potential
• Small tourism focused shops
• Lifestyle centre –showcase local products
• Tax incentives. Promote one –year tax exemption for new business, EDGE
program – ten year tax holiday. Should Town look at more tax incentives?
• Business Park development on Maggies Road, IT focus
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011
Commercial area – All business in one area. Develop theme areas throughout
No room for retail on St. Philip’s beach, Where? Portugal Cove waterfront
Airport property, green space borders PC-SP, Torbay interested, follow-up with
Year round tourism businesses
• Town wants conveniences for residents
• Promote leadership from within the Community through local individuals and
groups. Create an environment to do this. How do we accomplish that?
• Establish a Business Advisory Committee
• Needs assessment, what type of businesses will be beneficial to Town
Summary of public consultations made available online; Participants are encouraged to
review the summary. Any suggestions, comments please contact Christine Snow at the
Northeast Avalon Regional Economic Development Board at 753-5554 or;
Online public survey to solicit further feedback;
Business Roundtable scheduled for May 12, 8:30 am, Town Community Centre;
Opportunities for review of a draft plan.
Portugal Cove- St. Philip’s Public Consultations, March 28 & April 18, 2011