Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 NAME OF WORK :- Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) 2. Name of Contractor : ___________________________________ 3. Date of application & receipt : ___________________________________ 4. Tender Issued on : ___________________________________ 5. Tender Issued on : 04 / 02 /2013 Upto 4 PM 6. Last date of issue of tender : 06 / 02 /2013 Upto 4 PM 7. Last date for submission of tender : 08 / 02/2013 Upto 3 PM 8. Date of opening of tender : 08 / 02 /2013 At 3.30 PM 9. Cost of Tender : Rs. 500/- (Non Refundable) 10. Estimated Cost : Rs. 2,34,060.00 11. Earnest Money Deposit : Rs 12. Time for Completion: 4,681.00 : One (1) Month 13. Validity of Tender : 90 days Executive Engineer (E) BSNL Electrical Division Surat 1 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 INDEX S. No. 1 Details of Tender 2 Index 3 Notice Inviting Tender 3-5 5 EW-6 6-8 6 8 Important Notes for the Contractors downloading the Tender from Website Declaration by the Tenderer downloading the Tender from Website Declaration by the Tenderer 9 Circular of O&M Cell 12-13 10 Model form of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money 14-15 11 Proforma for Performance Guarantee 12 Item rate tender & contract for Works / PWD-8 17-18 13 General Rules & Directions 19-21 14 Conditions of Contract 22-24 15 Proforma of Schedule “A” to “F” 25-27 16 Schedule of Quantity 28-29 17 Important Additional Clauses 30-31 18 General specifications 32-42 19 List of Approved Makes 43-46 7 DESCRIPTION Page No. 1 2 9 10 11 16 2 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Office of the Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division 6th Floor, Telecom Admn. Bldg., Opp. Panjarapole, Ghod Dod Road, Surat-395001 Phone: 0261-2232100 Fax: 0261-2232500 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NIT No.: 22 / NIT / BSNL / ED / SRT / 2012 - 13 The Executive Engineer (Electrical), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat invites on behalf of the BSNL, sealed item rate tenders, for following works, from the approved and eligible contractors, who fulfills the following eligibility conditions. Name of Work: :- Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) Estimated Cost: Rs. 2,34,060/= Earnest Money: Rs. 4,681/= Tender Fee: Rs. 500 /-(Non Refundable) One Month Time for Completion: Last date of receipt of application: 04/ 02 /2013 up to 5.00 PM 06/ 02 /2013 up to 5.00 PM Last date of sale of tender: Last date of receipt of tender: 08/ 02 /2013 up to 3.00 PM Date of opening of tender: 08/ 02 /2013 at 3.30 PM Validity of the Tender: 90 days ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: 1. The contractors enlisted/ registered with BSNL subject to their financial limit will be participate in the Tenders. OR 1. The OEM’s / Authorized dealers of E/A sets 2. The firm should have valid Electrical contractor’s license to work in state of Gujarat The contractor shall submit and confirm: 1. 2. 3. Valid C A 's Certificate regarding no dues of Income Tax along with Turn Over for last three years having Permanent Account Number mentioned in it with application on their printed letterheads for purchase of tender. The firm shall also submit the attested copy* of PAN card. The firm shall quote their Service Tax Registration No. and submit the attested copy* of Service Tax Registration Certificate. The firm shall quote their EPF Registration No. and submit the attested copy* of EPF Registration Certificate (Documentary proof of “Application made for EPF registration, to the concerned Authority” shall be considered, however 1st. payment shall be released to the agency, who has been awarded the work, only after obtaining the Registration certificate) 4. For the tenderers, intending to quote on the tender issued by BSNL – 4.1 Tender documents, excluding standard form, will be issued from the office of the Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division SURAT, during the hours specified above, on any working day, on payment of the following :i). Rs.500/- (Rs.One hundred & Fifty only ( Non refundable ) ii). Earnest Money (As shown above), in the shape of CDR/FDR/DD/BG** (of a Scheduled Bank / State Bank guaranteed by Reserve Bank of India ) drawn in favour of The Accounts Officer, B.S.N.L., Electrical Division, SURAT. 4.2 Tenders, which should always be placed in sealed envelope, with the name of work and due date written on the envelopes will be received by the Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division SURAT, up to 03.00 P.M. on prescribed date and will be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office on the same day at 03.30 P.M. 3 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 5. For the tenderers, intending to download the tender from the web – site – 5.1 They shall submit the tenders in two sealed Covers, marked as cover 1st. and 2nd. Both covers should be separate and they should not be enclosed in a common 3rd cover. The 1st cover should contain original / attested copies* of the credentials in support of fulfilling the experience criteria and other documents as per NIT, the tender cost in form of DD in favour of Accounts Officer, B.S.N.L. Electrical Division, SURAT and Earnest Money in the form of CDR/FDR/DD/BG** (of a Scheduled Bank / State Bank guaranteed by Reserve Bank of India), drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, B.S.N.L. Electrical Division, SURAT and the 2nd. Cover should contain the tender documents. In case, 1st cover is not annexed or Credentials submitted by the firm are not as per NIT or the Tender cost and /or Earnest Money are not accompanied or not in proper form, then the 2nd. Cover containing tender will not be opened at all and will be Summarily rejected. 5.2 Eligibility of agency shall be checked only on the basis of documents given in 1st. envelope. No additional document will be entertained during/after tender opening. 5.3 If any difference /discrepancies found between down loaded Tender form, any hard copy issued from Division Office, the contents in Draft NIT issued from Circle Office will be final & binding. 6. *All the attested copies shall be either attested by any gazetted officer / Notary or Self attested with verification by any BSNL Executive. 7. **The E/M must be valid for a period of minimum 120 days from the date of opening of tender. 8. The time limit for acceptance / validity of the tenders will be 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders. 9. In case holiday is declared on the opening day, the tenders will be opened on the next working day. 10. The tenders received through POST / COURIER shall not be entertained. 11. Conditional Tenders or Tenders with conditional rebate shall be summarily rejected. However tenders with Unconditional rebates will be acceptable. 12. Exemption from payment of Earnest Money and security deposit granted by Chief Engineer, CPWD shall not hold good for Bharat sanchar Nigam Limited. 13. The intending tenderers shall invariably sign the undertaking provided with the tender documents. Any failure to do so may result in rejection of the tenders. Executive Engineer (E) BSNL Electrical Division SURAT 4 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of India Undertaking) Office of the Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division 6th Floor, Telecom Admn. Bldg., Opp. Panjarapole, Ghod Dod Road, Surat-395001 Phone: 0261-2232100 Fax: 0261-2232500 PRESS NOTIFICATION Executive Engineer (Electrical), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat, invites tenders for “Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/1213/E13/01 ) ” For further details kindly visit our website at “” Executive Engineer (E) BSNL Electrical Division Surat 5 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 EW.-6 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (ELECTRICAL WING) BSNL ELECTRICAL DN. :- Surat SUB-DN. : Surat I, II NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Item rate tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the CMD of BSNL from eligible contractors for the work of : Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) 1. The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of sale of tenders.In case only the last date of sale of tender is extended, the enlistment of contractor should be valid on the original date of sale of tenders. In case both the last date of receipt of application and sale of tenders are extended, the enlistment of contractor should either of the two dates i.e. original date of sale of tender or n the extended date of sale of tenders. 1.1 The work is estimated to cost of Rs. 2,34,060/= This estimate, however, is given merely as a rough guide. 1.1.1 The authority competent to approve NIT for the combined cost and belongings to the major discipline will consolidate NITs for calling the tenders. He will also nominate Division which will deal with all matters relating to the invitation of tenders. For composite tender, besides indicating the combined estimated cost put to tender, should clearly indicate the estimated cost of each component separately. The eligibility of tenderer will correspond to the combined estimated cost of different components put to tender. Criteria of eligibility of issue of tender documents : AS PER NIT 2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No. CPWD – 7/ 8 which is available as a Govt. of India publication. Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement. 3. The time allowed for carrying out work will be Time allowed to carry out work one month of “Letter of acceptance of tender’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents. 4. The site for the work is available. OR The site for the work shall be made available in parts as specified below: __________________________________________________________ 5. Receipt of the application for issue of forms will be stopped by 1600 hrs ONE day before the date fixed for opening of tenders. Issue of tender forms will be stopped ONE day before the date fixed for opening of tenders. Tender documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the various classes of work be done and the set of terms & conditions of contract to be complied with by the contractor whose tender may be accepted and other necessary documents can be seen in the office of the Executive Engineer(E), BSNL Electrical Division Surat between hours of 11.00 A.M. & 03.00 P.M. from 22.01.2013 to 08.02.2013 everyday except on Sundays and Public holidays. Tender documents, excluding standard form, will be issued from this office, during the hours specified above, on payment of the following: i) Rs.500.00 in cash as cost of tender. ii) Earnest money of Rs. 4,681/=- in the shape of Demand Draft/BG/CDR/FDR/Pay Order of a scheduled Bank / Nationalized Bank / State Bank guaranteed by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in favour of Account officer, BSNL Electrical Division Surat shall be submitted along with the tender. 6 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 6. Tenders, which should always be placed in sealed envelope, with the name o f Work and due date written on the envelopes, will be received by the Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division Surat up to 03.00 P.M. on 08.02.2013 and will be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office on he same day at 03.30 P.M. 7. The contractor shall be required to deposit an amount to 5% of the tendered value of the work as performance guarantee in the form of an irrevocable bank guarantee bond of any schedule bank or State Bank of India in accordance with the form prescribed or in cash or in the form of Govt. Security, Fixed deposit receipt etc. as in case of recovery of security deposit within prescribed number of days of the issue of letter of acceptance. This period can be further extended by the Engineer-In –Charge up to a maximum period of prescribed number of days on written request of the contractor. 8. The description of the work is as follows:- Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) Copies of other drawings and documents pertaining to the works will be open for inspection by he tenderers at the office of the above mentioned officer. Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspect it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost of materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the works unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of tender by a tenderer implied that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and all conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work. 9. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All tenders in which any of the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebates is put forth by the tenderer shall be summarily rejected. The competent authority also reserve its right to allow to the Central Government public sector enterprises, joint venture with CPSE holding 51% equity or more, a purchase preference to the lowest valid price bid, where the quoted price is within 10% of such lowest price in a tender, other things being equal, in case of tenders/ quotations whose date of receipt is up to 31-03-2005, subject to the estimated cost being of Rs. Five Crores and above. The Public enterprises who avail benefit of the purchase preference and should be subjected to adequate penalties for cost overruns etc. 10. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with the tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 11. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender and tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted. 12. The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in CPWD Circle (responsible for award and execution of contracts) in which his near relatives is posted as Divisional Accountant or as officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive) . 7 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of this Department. 13. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other Gazetted officer employed in Engineering of Administrative duties in an Engineering department of the Government of India is allowed to work as contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government services, without the previous permission of the BSNL ELECTRICAL DIVISION SURAT Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractor’s service. 14. The tender for the work shall be remain open for acceptance for a period of sixty days from the date of opening of tenders, if any tenderer withdraw his tender before the said period or issue of letter of acceptance, whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. Further the tenderer shall not be allowed to participate in the re-tendering process of the work. 15. This Notice Inviting Tender shall form part of the contract document. The successful tenderer / contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority , shall, within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of :a) The notice inviting tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto. b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form 7/8. 16. For Composite Tenders 16.1.1 The tender must associate with himself agencies of the appropriate class eligible to tender for the other components individually. 16.1.2 It will be obligatory on the part of the tenderer to sign the tender documents for all the components, (The schedule of quantities, conditions and special conditions etc.) 16.1.3 After the work is awarded, the contractor will have to enter into separate agreements for each component with the officer concerned. 16.1.4 Executive Engineer in charge of minor components shall make interim payments in respect of minor component of work. Executive Engineer in charge of the major component shall make the payment against final bill of the composite contract. 16.2 The executive Engineer in charge of the major component will call tenders for the composite work. The cost of the tender documents and Earnest Money will be fixed with respect to the combined estimated cost put to tender for the composite tenders. Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to the estimated cost of the respective component of works. The Earnest Money will become part of the security deposit of the major component of work. 16.3 On acceptance of the composite tender by the competent authority the letter of award will be issued by the Executive Engineer in-charge of the major component on behalf of the president of India, making it clear in the letter of award that the contractor will have to execute separate agreements for different components of work with the concerned officers of the respective discipline (Designation to be given). Signature of Executive Engineer (E) For and on behalf of President of India 8 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR THE CONTRACTORS WHO DOWNLOAD THE TENDER FROM WEBSITE The contractors who are down loading the tender form Web-site are instructed to go through the following points :1. The contractor has to submit tender fee, Earnest Money & pre-qualification criteria as per NIT in first envelope for participation in tender, which will be opened on the same day of opening of tender. If he does not fulfill the eligibility conditions, second envelope will not be opened. 2. The contactor has to give an undertaking that he has gone through and abide by all the clauses & conditions of CPWD/BSNL-8 which is a standard form and available in the market and can be seen in any electrical Sub-Division / Division offices any where in India or in the website 3. Tender fees once submitted will not be returned back i.e it is non refundable whether the tenderer is eligible to participate in the tender or not. 4. The tenderer shall submit the complete downloaded original computer printout of the document from website. The photocopy shall not be accepted. If during the process of tender finalization, it is detected that the tenderer has submitted tender documents after making any changes / corrections / additions / alterations / deletions / omissions / modifications in the tender documents downloaded from the website, the offer shall be summarily rejected and the EMD deposited by tenderer shall be forfeited in addition to any other action as per prevalent rules and even if the discrepancy is noted after award of work the contract will be cancelled without assigning any reason. 9 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 DECLARATION BY TENDERER DOWNLOADING THE TENDER FROM WEBSITE (To be signed by the contractor who downloads the tender from the web site) 1. I/ We have submitted the tender in the proforma as downloaded directly from the website, which are same as available in the website and there is no change in the format, number of pages etc. 2. I/We have not made any changes / corrections / additions / alterations / deletions / omissions / modifications etc. in the tender documents downloaded from website. 3. I/We have checked that no page is missing and all pages as per the Index are available and that all pages of tender document submitted by me/us are clear and legible. 4. I/We have signed (with stamp) all the pages of the tender document before submitting the same. 5. Certified that I have gone through the terms & condition of standard CPWD-6 & CPWD-8 forms containing general conditions of contact and I shall abide by the same. 6. I hereby agrees that CPWD-6 & CPWD-8 forms shall form part of the agreement in case the work is awarded to us 7. In case at a later stage, it is noticed that there is any difference in my/our tender documents with the original documents, BSNL shall have the right to cancel the tender/work, forfeit the Earnest Money/Security Deposit, take appropriate action as per the prevailing rules in force and BSNL shall not be bound to pay any damage to me/us on this account. DATE : SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR 10 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 DECLARATION BY TENDERER ( To be signed by all contractor ) Sub : Participation of near relatives of the BSNL employee in the Tender / Execution of works in BSNL units. Ref : Lt. No. 151-08/2002/0 & M / 38 dtd : 11-09-2002 from O & M Cell , New Delhi. (a) To be signed by Proprietor in case of propritorship firm. (b) To be signed by all parterners in case of parternership firm. (c) To be signed by all the directors in case of a company. M/s _________________________________________________________________ S/o _________________________________________________________________ R/o _________________________________________________________________ herby certify that none of my relatives(s) as defined in the tender document is / are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false / incorrect, BSNL shall have absolute right to take any action as deemed fit / without any prior information to me. Place : Date : SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR 11 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 O&M CELL 324, INDRAPRASHTA HOTEL, 19, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELHI – 110 001. NO. 151-08/2002-O&M/38 Dated: 11/09/2002 To, All Heads of Circle / Metro Districts BSNL All Sr. DDGs, DDGs, BSNL Corporate Office All the Chief Engineers, Chief Architects. Subject: Participation of near relatives of the BSNL employees in the Tender/Execution of works in BSNL Units. It has been decided that the near relatives of all BSNL Employees either directly recruited or on deputation are prohibited from participation in tenders and execution of works in the different units of BSNL. The detailed guidelines in this regard are given in the following paragraphs:i) The near relatives for this purpose are defined as: a) Members of a Hindu Undivided Family b) They are husband and wife, c) The one is related to the other in the manner as father, mother, sons(s) & son’s wife(daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) & daughter’s husband(son-in-law), brother(s) & brother’s wife, sister(s) & sister’s husband (brother-in-law) ii) As per Government of India’s CCS Conduct rule 4, no Government servant shall in the discharge of his official duties deal with any matter or sanction any contract to any company or for any other person if any member or his family is employed in that company or firm or under that person or if he or any member of his family is interested in such matter or contract in any other manner and the Govt. Servant shall refer every such matter or contract to his official superior. This clause is applicable to all BSNBL employees and in view of this as soon as any BSNL employee becomes aware of the above aspect. He must intimate this to the prescribed authority. For non executive employees this authority is SSA Head / Circle Head / Chief Engineer / Chief Architect/ Corporate Office under whom he is posted. For executive employees (at present some of them are called as Gazetted officers) the prescribed authority for this purpose is Circle Head / Chief Engineer / Chief Architect / Corporate office under whom he is posted. iii) (a) The company or firm or any other person is not permitted to tender for works in BSNL Unit in which his near relative(s) is (are) posted. The unit is defined as SSA/ Circle/Chief Engineer / Chief Architect / Corporate Office for non executive employees and all SSA in a Circle including Circle Office / Chief Engineer / Chief Architect / Corporate Office for executive employees (including those called as Gazetted Officers at present). Therefore, it has been decided by the competent authority that a clause must be added in the tender and other related documents that the tenderer should give a certificate that none of his/her such near relative is working in the units as defined above where he is going to apply for 12 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 tender/work. In case of proprietorship firm certificate will be given by the proprietor, for partnership firm certificate will be given by all the partners and in case of limited company by all the Directors of the company. Any breach of these conditions by the company or firm of any other person, the tender/work will be cancelled and earnest money/security deposit will be forfeited at any state whenever it is so noticed. The department will not pay any damages to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit. (b) In respect of cases where the tender notice / work related orders have been issued and are waiting for submission the concerned unit should issue corrigendum for inclusion of above clause. However, where tender/work related documents have been opened and are waiting for finalization the certificate may be taken from the company or firm or any other concerned person giving details of the relatives employed in the jurisdiction of the tender. The company or Firm or the person concerned will not be debarred in this case but his wok will be kept under proper watch to avoid any future complaint. Further, the relative will not be involved in the decision making and execution of the work. (c) Where the tenders of the works are already in operation (or awarded) the tenderer may be requested to give details of relatives employed in the jurisdiction of the tender. In such cases the tenderer will be allowed to continue the work but special watch may have to be kept about his performance to avoid any complaint. The concerned relative will not be involved in execution and settlement of claims of the contractor. (d) Te format of the certificate to be given is “I……….. S/o………………r/o………. hereby certify that none of my relative(s) as defined in the tender document is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any prior intimation to me.” 2. Above guidelines should be incorporated in the bid documents and other Related documents for the various works to be done in BNSL units. This is issued with the approval of the competent authority. __Sd__ ( R.N.PRABHAKAR) SR.DDG (O &M) 13 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ANNEXURE-A Copy of Memorandum No. 5-1-12/EW/94 dated 26th September 1996. Subject : Option for Deposit of Earnest Money in the form of Bank Guarantee for Air Conditioning, Engine Alternator sets, Lifts and Sub Station Works. 1.0 In modification of the existing procedure of Deposit of Earnest Money with each Tender in the shape of Cash/Demand Draft/Pay Order, it has been decided by the Telecom Commission to provide for an option to the Contractor(s) for deposition Bank Guarantee along with the Tenders for air conditioning, Diesel Engine Alternator, Lifts and Sub Station works wherever the amount of EMD is more than Rs.20,000/-. 2.0 The Bank Guarantee shall be from a Scheduled Bank or from a nationalized Bank/State Bank Guaranteed by Reserved Bank of India. 3.0 The Bank Guarantee shall remain in force for30 days after the period for which the tenders are valid. 4.0 The value of the Bank Guarantee to be deposited along with each Tender shall be at the rates of Earnest Money prescribed by the Government from time to time. The Bank Guarantee Bond for EMD Deposit shall be as per the Model form at Annexure-I. 5.0 The Bank Guarantee Deposit by the Contractors shall be entered in a register to be maintained by the Divisional Officer/Accounts Officer of the concerned Electrical Division and the register shall be reviewed periodically and appropriate action to be taken for extending/ encashing or release of these Bank Guarantee. 6.0 This is issued with the concurrence of Telecom Finance vide their U.O. No.274/FA-V dated 26th September 1996 and shall come into force with immediate effect. Encl : ANNEXURE-I. 14 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ANNEXURE-I MODEL FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE BANK GUARANTEE BOND FOR EMD FOR AIR CONDITIONING, DIESEL ENGINE ALTERNATOR, LIFTS AND SUB STATION WORKS WHEREVER THE AMOUNT OF EMD IS MORE THAN RS.20,000/- Whereas ____________________________________ (hereafter called “The Contractor(s)”) has submitted its Tenders dated _____________ for ______________ (Name of work) ___________ _____________________________________________________________________________. KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that we ___________________________________ OF __________________________ having our registered officer at __________________________ (hereafter called “The Bank”) are bound unto _______________________________ (hereafter called “The Government”) in the sum of _________________________________ for which payment will and truly to be made of the said Government, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. 1. 2. THE CONDITIONS of the obligation are : If the Contractor(s) withdraws its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified on the Tender Form; or If the Contractor(s) having been notified of the acceptance of its Tender by the Government during the period of Tender validity. (a) Fails or refuses to execute the Contract. (b) Fails or refuses to furnish Security Deposit in accordance with the conditions of Tender document. We undertake to pay to the Government up to the above amount upon the receipt of its first written demand, without the Government having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the Government will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition of conditions. This guarantee will remain in force as specified in the Tender Document up to and including Thirty (30) days after the period of the Tender validity, and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates. Signature of the Witness Signature of the Bank Name of Witness Address of Witness 15 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 PROFORMA PERFORMANCE SECURITY GUARANTEE BOND In consideration of the CMD, BSNL (hereinafter called ‘BSNL’) having agreed to exempt________________(hereinafter called ‘the contractor(s)’) from the demand under terms and conditions of an agreement / Advance purchase order No.___________________ Dated _______ made between____________________ and _______________ for the supply of ___________________________(hereinafter called “the said agreement”), of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said Agreement, on production of the bank guarantee for ________________________ we, (name of the bank) ______________________(hereinafter refer to as “the bank”) at the request of ___________________(contractor(s)) do hereby undertake to pay to the BSNL an amount not exceeding ____________ against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by BSNL by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement. 1. We (name of the bank)__________________ do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from the BSNL by reason of breach by the said contractor(s)’ of any of the terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the contractor(s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee where the decision of BSNL in these counts shall be final and binding on the bank. However , our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding________________ 2. We undertake to pay to the BSNL any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s)/Supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor (s) / Supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 3. We (name of the bank) ___________________________ further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of BSNL under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied of discharged or till __________________ (office / Department) BSNL certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully or properly carried by the said contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in writing on or before the expiry of TWO / TWO AND HALF / THREE YEARS (as specified in P.O) from the date hereof, we shall be discharged from all liabilities under this guarantee thereafter. 4. We(name of the bank)___________________ further agree with the BSNL that the BSNL shall have fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to very any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time from time to time any powers exercisable by the BSNL against the said Contractor(s) and to the said forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation , or extension being granted to the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the BSNL or any indulgence by the BSNL to the said contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 5. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s) / Suppliers(s). 6. We (name of the bank)_____________________lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the BSNL in writing. Dated the ______________ day of _________ for_____________________________ (indicate the name of bank) 16 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) (ELECTRICAL WING) STATE : GUJARAT CIRCLE : VADODARA BRANCH : ELECTRICAL DIVISION : SURAT ZONE SUB DIVISION : Surat I, II : AHMEDABAD “Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) .” (A) Tender for the work of (B) i) Issued to (Contractor) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ii) Tender Cost----------------------------------(iii) Receipt No.------------------------------------------ iv) Date of Application- 04/02/2013 (v) Date of Issue :- 06//02/2013 (vi) Signature of officer issuing the documents__________________________________ (vii) Designation__________________________________________________________ (i) To be submitted by (Time) 3 :00 P: M hours on (Date) : 08/02/2013 (ii) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at _3:30 P:M hours on 08/02/2013 in the office of O/o The Executive Engineer (E)BSNL ED SRT TENDER 1. I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, Specifications applicable, Drawings and Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work. 2. I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for BSNL within the time specified, schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respect with the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions and other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work. 3. I/We agree to keep the tender open for ninety (90) days from the due date of submission thereof and not to make any modifications in its terms and conditions. 3. A sum of Rs…………………… is hereby forwarded in the form of Deposit at call receipt receipt / FDR / BG** (of a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank as earnest money. If I/we, fail to commence the work specified, I/We agree that the said BSNL shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely and the same may at the option of the competent authority on behalf of BSNL be recovered prejudice any other right or remedy available in law out of the deposit in so far as the same may extend in terms of the said bond and in the event of deficiency out of any other money due to me/us under this contract or otherwise. 5. Should this tender be accepted, I/We agree to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered upto maximum of percentage mentioned in clause 12.3 of the 17 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 tender form and those in excess of that limit at rates to be determined in accordance with provisions contained in clause 12.2. 6. I/we agree to furnish to BSNL deposit at call receipt / FDR / Bank guarantee of a Nationalized / Scheduled bank for an amount equal 5% of the contract value in a standard format within two weeks from the date of issue of award letter. I/we agree to keep the performance bank guarantee valid for one year from the date of actual completion of work. 7. I/We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records connected with the work as secret/ confidential documents and shall not communicate information/ derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/we am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of BSNL. Signature of Witness ( required in the case of contractor’s thumb impression is given by the contractor in place of signature ) (Name & Postal address) ( Signature of Contractor ) Seal of Contractor Date : Occupation of Witness ACC EPTANCE The above tender ( as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder ) is accepted by me for and on behalf of BSNL for a sum of Rs._________________Rupees________________________________________ The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement :a) b) For and on behalf of BSNL Signature____________________________ Dated_________________ Designation___________________________ 18 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 General Rules and Directions 1. All work proposed for execution by contract will be notified in a form of invitation to tender pasted in public places and signed by the officer inviting tender or by publication in news papers as the case may be. This form will state the work to be carried out, as well as the date for submitting and opening tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the tender, and the amount of the performance guarantee and security deposit to be deposited by the successful tenderer and the percentage, if any, to be deducted from bills. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings and any other documents required in connation with the work signed for the purpose of identification by the officer inviting tender shall also be open for inspection by the contractor at the office of officer inviting tender during office hours. 2 In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must by signed on his behalf by a person holding a power of attorney authorising him to do so, such power of attorney to be produced with the tender, and it must disclose that the firm is duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1952. 3. Receipts for payment made on account of work, when executed by a firm, must also be singed by all the partners, except where contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners, or by some other person having due authority to give effectual receipts for the firm. 4. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form, stating at what rate he is willing to undertake each item of the work. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other conditions of any sort, including conditional rebates, will be summarily rejected. No single tender shall include more than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall submit separate tender for each. Tender shall have the name and number of the works to which they refer, written on the envelopes. The rate(s) must be quoted in decimal coinage. Amounts must be quoted in full rupees by ignoring fifty paise and considering more than fifty paise as rupee one. 5. The officer inviting tender or his duly authorised assistant, will open tenders in the presence of any intending contractors who may be present at the time and will enter the amounts of the several tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, a receipt for the earnest money forwarded therewith shall thereupon be given to the contractor who shall thereupon for the purpose of identification sign copies of the specifications and other documents mentioned in Rule-1. In the event of a tender being rejected, the earnest money forwarded with such unaccepted tender shall thereupon be returned to the contractor remitting the same, without any interest. 6. The officer inviting tenders shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and will not be bound to accept the lowest or any other tender. 7. The receipt of an accountant or clerk for any money paid by the contractor will not be considered as any acknowledgement or payment to the officer inviting tender and the contractors shall be responsible for seeing that he procures a receipt signed by the officer inviting tender or a duly authorised Cashier. 19 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 8. The memorandum of work tendered for and the schedule of materials to be supplied by the department and their issue-rates, shall be filled and completed in the office of the officer inviting tender before the tender form is issued. If a form is issued to an intending tenderer without having been so filled in and incomplete, he shall request the officer to have this done before he completes and delivers his tender. 9. The tenderers shall sign a declaration under the officials Secret Act, 1923 for maintaining secrecy of the tender documents drawings or other records connected with the work given to them. The unsuccessful tenderers shall return all the drawings given to them. 10. In the case of Item Rate Tenders, only rates quoted shall be considered, Any tender containing percentage below/above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. Rates quoted by the contractor in item rate tender in figures and words shall be accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy in rates written in figures and words. However, if a discrepancy is found, the rates which correspond with the amount worked out by the contractor shall unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the contractor or it does not correspond with the rates written either in figures or in words, than the rates quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as correct. Where the rates quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the contractor will unless otherwise proved be taken as correct and not the amount. 11. In the case of any tender where unit rate of any item / items appear unrealistic, such tender will be considered as unbalanced and in case the tenderer is unable to provide satisfactory explanation, such a tender is liable to be disqualified and rejected. 12. All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. The amount for each item should be worked out and requisite totals given. Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amount in figures only, in such a way that interpolation in not possible. The total amount should be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the word ‘Rs’ should be written before the figure of rupees and word ‘P’ after the decimal figures, e.g. ’Rs. 2.15P’ and in case of words, the word, ‘Rupees’ should precede and the word ‘Paise’ should be written at the end. Unless the rate is in whole rupees and followed by the word ‘only’ it should invariably be upto two decimal places. While quoting the rate in schedule of quantities, the word ‘only’ should be written closely following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. 13. (i) The contractor whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 5% of the tendered amount within specified period. This guarantee shall be in the form of government securities or fixed deposit receipt of any Scheduled bank, guarantee bonds of any scheduled bank or State Bank of India. (ii) The contractor whose tender is accepted, will also be required to furnish by way of Security Deposit for the fulfillment of his contract, an amount equal to 5 % of the tendered value of the work. The Security deposit will be collected by deductions from the running bills of the contractor @ 10% of the gross amount of the bill and the earnest money if deposited in cash at the time of tenders, will be treated as a part of the Security Deposit. The Security amount will also be accepted in cash or in the shape of Government Securities, Fixed Deposit Receipt and Guarantee Bonds of a Scheduled Bank or State Bank of India will also be accepted for this purpose provided confirmatory advice is enclosed. 14. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative (s) of the contractor who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge. 20 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 15. Sales tax, purchase tax, turnover tax or any other tax on material in respect of this contract shall be payable by the Contractor and BSNL will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. 16. The contractor shall give a list of both gazetted and non-gazetted BSNL employees related to him. 17. The tender for the work shall not be witnessed by a contractor or contractors who himself / themselves has/ have tendered or who may and has / have tendered for the same work. Failure to observe this condition would render, tenders of the contractors tendering, as well as witnessing the tender, liable to summarily rejected. 18. The contractor shall submit list of works which are in hand (progress) in the following form: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of Name and particulars of Divn Value of Position of Remarks Work where work is being executed work works in progress -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act- 1961 and the rules and orders issued thereunder from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of the contract and the Superintending Engineer / Executive Engineer may in his discretion, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law.cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of he provisions of the said Act. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (E) 21 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. The Contract means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof and the formal agreement executed between the competent authority on behalf of the CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and the Contractor, together with the documents referred to therein including these conditions, the specifications, designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge and all these documents taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be complementary to one another. 2. In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meanings, hereby respectively assigned to them :i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) The expression works or work shall, unless there be something either in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be construed and taken to mean the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent, and whether original, altered, substituted or additional. The Site shall mean the land/or other places on, into or through which work is to be executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street through which work is to be executed under the contract or any adjacent land, path or street which may be allotted or used for the purpose of carrying out the contract. The Contractor shall mean the individual, firm or company, whether incorporated or not, undertaking the works and shall include the legal personal representative of such individual or the persons composing such firm or company, or the successors of such firm or company and the permitted assignees of such individual, firm or company. The CMD means the CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and his successors. The Engineer-in-charge means the Engineer Officer who shall supervise and be incharge of the work and who shall sign the contract on behalf of CMD, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited as mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ hereunder. Department or BSNL shall mean CMD Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited. The terms Director General of Works includes Additional Director General and Chief Engineer of the Zone. Accepting Authority shall mean the authority mentioned in Schedule ‘F’. Excepted Risk are risks due to riots (other than those on account of contractor’s employees), war (whether declared or not) invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of Government damages from aircraft, acts of God, such as earthquake, lightening and unprecedented floods, and other causes over which the contractor has no control and accepted as such by the Accepting Authority or causes solely due to use or occupation by Government of the part of the works in respect of which a certificate of completion has been issued or a cause solely due to Government’s faulty design of works. Market Rate shall be the rate as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge on the basis of the cost of materials and labour at the site where the work is to be executed plus the percentage mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ to cover, all overheads and profits. Schedule(s) referred to in these conditions shall mean the relevant schedule(s) annexed to the tender papers or the standard Schedule of Rates of the government mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ hereunder, with the amendments thereto issued upto the date of receipt of the tender. Department means BSNL or any department of Government of India which invites tenders on behalf of CMD Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited as specified in schedule ‘F’. District Specifications means the specifications followed by the State Government in the area where the work is to be executed.Tendered value means the value of the entire work as stipulated in the letter of award. Tendered value means the value of the entire work as stipulated in the letter of award 22 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 3. Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice versa. Any reference to masculine gender shall whenever required include feminine gender and vice versa. 4. Headings and Marginal notes to these General Conditions of Contract shall not be deemed to form part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the contract. 5. The contractor shall be furnished, free of cost one certified copy of the contract documents except standard specifications, Schedule of Rates and such other printed and published documents, together with all drawings as may be forming part of the tender papers. None of these documents shall be used for any purpose other than that of this contract. 6. The work to be carried out under the Contract shall, except as otherwise provided in these conditions, include all labour, materials, tools, plants, equipment and transport which may be required in preparation of and for and in the full and entire execution and completion of the works. The descriptions given in the Schedule of Quantities (Schedule-A) shall, unless otherwise stated, be held to include wastage on materials, carriage and cartage, carrying and return of empties, hoisting, setting, fitting and fixing in position and all other labours necessary in and for the full and entire execution and completion of the work as aforesaid in accordance with good practice and recognised principles. 7. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices quoted in the Schedule of Quantities, which rates and prices shall, except as otherwise provided, cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the works. 8 The several documents forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another, detailed drawings being followed in preference to small scale drawing and figured dimensions in preference to scale and special conditions in preference to General Conditions. 8.1 In the case of discrepancy between the schedule of Quantities, the Specifications and / or the Drawings, the following order of preference shall be observed :i) Description of Schedule of Quantities. ii) Particular Specification and Special Condition, if any. iii) Drawings. iv) C.P.W.D. Specifications. v) Indian Standard Specifications of B.I.S. 8.2 If there are varying or conflicting provisions made in any one document forming part of the contract, the Accepting Authority shall be the deciding authority with regard to the intention of the document and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. 8.3 Any error in description, quantity or rate in Schedule of Quantities or any omission there from shall not vitiate the Contract or release the Contractor from the execution of the whole or any part of the works comprised therein according to drawings and specifications or from any of his obligations under the contract. 9. The successful tenderer / contractor, on acceptance of his tender by Accepting Authority, shall, within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work sign the contract consisting of :i) The notice inviting tender, all the documents including drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto. 23 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ii) Standard .P.W.D. Form as mentioned in Schedule ‘F’ consisting of : a) Various standard clauses with corrections upto the date stipulated in Schedule ‘F’ alongwith annexures thereto: b) C.P.W.D. Safety Code. c) Model Rules for the protection of health, sanitary arrangements for workers employed by BSNL or its contractors. d) CPWD Contractor’s Labour Regulations. e) List of Acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed. GENERAL RULES AND DIRECTIONS: Officer inviting tender Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat Definitions: 2(v) Engineer-in-charge See below Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat 2(vi) Accepting Authority 2(x) Percentage on cost materials and labour To cover all overheads and profits. 10% Clause 5 i) Time Allowed for Execution of work: Two Months ii) Authority to give fair and reasonable extension Of time for completion of work. Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat Clause 12 12.2.(iii) Schedule of rates for determining rates NIL For additional, altered or substituted items that Can not be determined under 12.2.(i) and (ii) 12.2.(iii) +/- the % over the rate entered in the NA Schedule of rates. Clause 25 Competent authority for concillian SE (E) not in charge of work 24 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 SCHEDULES SCHEDULE ‘A’ Schedule of quantities: Enclosed SCHEDULE ‘B’ Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor. Sr. No. Description of item 1 Quantity 2 -------------------------------- 3 NIL Place of issue Rates in figures and words at which the material will be charged to the contractor 4 5 -------------------------------------- SCHEDULE ‘C’ Tools and plants to be issued / hired to the contractor Sr No. 1 Description of item 2 -------------------------------- Hire charges per day NIL Place of issue 3 4 -------------------------------------- SCHEDULE ‘D’ Extra schedule for specific requirements/ document for the work, if any. A. Important Additional Clauses: B. General Specifications : C. List of Approved Makes: Enclosed Enclosed Enclosed SCHEDULE ‘E’ Schedule of component of Cement, Steel, other materials, Labour etc. for price escalation. -------------------------------- NIL ------------------------------------------ CLAUSE 10 C Clause 10 C stands deleted Component of Materials expressed as percent of total value of work Component of Labour expressed as percent of total value of work Component of POL expressed as percent of total value of work 25 X Y Z NA NA NA Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 SCHEDULE “F” Reference to General Conditions of Contract. Name of Work As per NIT Estimated cost of work: As per NIT Earnest Money As per NIT Security Deposit 5% of tendered value of work Performance Security 5% of tendered value of work. GENERAL RULES and DIRECTIONS: Officer inviting tender Maximum percentage for quantity of items of Work to be executed beyond which rates are to be determined in accordance with clauses 12.2 and 12.3 EE (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat Definitions 2(v) Engineer-in-charge See below Executive Engineer (E), BSNL Electrical Division, Surat Executive Engineer (E), BSNL, Electrical Division, Surat 2(viii) Accepting Authority 2(x) Percentage on cost materials and labour To cover all overheads and profits. 2(xi) Standard Schedule of rates 2(xii) Department 9(ii) Standard BSNL contract Form 25% 10% DSR-2007/1995 & MR BSNL CPWD/BSNL Form 8 as modified and corrected Clause 1 (i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee from the Date of issue of letter of acceptance, in days 15 days (ii) Maximum allowable extension beyond the period provided In (i) above in days 7 days Clause 2 Authority for fixing compensation under clause 2 Clause 2A – Whether clause 2A shall be applicable Clause 5 Number of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance for Reconing date of start Period of Completion Authority to give fair and reasonable extension Of time for completion of work. Clause 7 Gross work to be done together with net payment / Adjustment of advances for material collected, if any, Since the last such payment for being eligible to Interim payment 26 SE (E), BSNL, Electrical Circle, Vadodara. No 10 days As per NIT EE (E) , BSNL, Surat As Applicable. Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 Clause 11 Specifications to follow for execution of work As enclosed Clause 12 12.2 & 12.3 Deviation Limit beyond which Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply 12.5 Deviation Limit beyond which Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for foundation work Clause 16 Competent Authority for deciding reduced rates, 25% NA Superintending Engineer (E) BSNL,Electrical Circle, Vadodara Clause 36 (i) Minimum Qualification and experience required for Principal Technical Representative. a) for works with estimated cost put to tender more than i) Rs.10 Lakhs for civil work ] ii) Rs,.5 Lakhs for Elect. / Mech. works ] b) For works with estimated cost put to tender more than i) Rs.5 Lakhs but less than Rs. 10 Lakhs for civil works ii) Rs. 1 Lakh but less than Rs.5 Lakhs for Elect / Mech,\. Works Graduate or retired AE / SDE possessing atleast recognized diploma NA NA c) Discipline to which the principal Technical Representative should belong. Elect / Mech. d) Minimum experience of work Three (3) Years. e) Recovery to be effected from the contractor in the event of not fulfilling provision of clause 36(1) Rs 4,000/- per month Graduate Rs. 2000/- per month Diploma holder Clause 42 i) (a) schedule / statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement and bitumen on the basis of Delhi Schedule of Rates ________ printed by BSNL. ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities a) Cement for works with estimated cost put to tender not more than Rs.5 Lakhs. For works with estimated cost put to tender more than Rs.5 Lakhs. b) Bitumen All works c) All other materials NA NA NA NA NIL RECOVERY RATES FOR QUANTITES BEYOND PERMISSIBLE VARIRATION Sr, No 1 2 3 4 Description of Item Cement Steel reinforcement Structural Sections Bitumen issued free Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall be made from he Contractor Excess beyond permissible variation [ Less use beyond permissible [ variation ------------------------------- NIL ------------------------------------- 27 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 Schedule of item Name of work : Shifting and ITC of 4 DG sets from store Goji and to be installed at various GSM BTS sites under SSA Surat. ( Chaitaniya, Swastik, Dundifalia, Shiv complex ) ( WBS No : OTH14/12-13/E13/01 ) Sr no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description of item Qty Shifting of 15 KVA DG set with canopy from store Pandesara ( Goji ) or from BSNL bldg premices in surat city area to various BTS sites under SSA Surat which includes loading and unloading from existing place to new place and unloading of same set on existing foundation as directed by concerned site in charge etc as required. Dismantling of existing old one unserviceable 15 KVA DG set and Shifting with canopy to location as directed by concerned site in charge to BSNL bldg premices in surat city/SSA which includes loading and unloading from existing place to new place etc complete as required. Installing testing and commissionning of above 15 KVA DG including PT on actual load available at site for four hours etc. Including providing of required consumbles ( diesel, oil ) etc.complete as required. Repairing if required and Servicing of existing 15 KVA Engine alternator set, panel & canopy which includes replacement of oil & filters, engine coolant, and tested for satisfactory operation complete as required. Supplying and fixing of new BSNL approved make maintenance free lead Acid Battery of 100 AH or above 100 AH capacity which includes battery terminals and copper cable, lugs for connection between battery and starter including removing of existing battery etc. complete as required. Less of existing old battery which will have to taken over and carry by the contractor. Providing PCC foundation of ratio 1:2:4 for DG set which includes necessary shuttering arrangement, cetering, plastering, finishing and providing and fixing 25mmx25mmx3mm thick angle iron aii round the edges of the foundation i/c painting etc. complete as required. Approx. Foundation of one set = 1.5 C.Mtr. Earthing with GI earth plate 600 x 600 x 6 mm thick including accessories and providing masonary enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe etc with charcoal and salt as required Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm G.I strip at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earthelectrode,including soldering etc as required. 28 Rate Unit 4 jobs Job 3 jobs Job 4 jobs Job 4 jobs Job 4 nos Each 4 nos Each 6 cu.m trs C.Mtr 16 sets Set 25 mtrs Mtr Amount Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 10 Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm G.I strip in 40 mm dia G.I pipe from earthelectrode as required. 28 mtrs Mtr 11 Supplying and laying 25 mm x 5 mm G.I strip on surface or in recess for connection as required. 20 mtrs Mtr 12 Providing and fixing 8 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing as required. 80 mtrs Mtr 13 Laying of one number power cable of size not exceeding 4 core 25 sqmm Aluminium Conductor armoured cable in existing trench / on wall / in ground i/c protection, covering etc as required ( a ) In existing trench/RCC/Hume pipe / on wall etc as required 140 mtrs Mtr 30 mtrs Mtr 16 sets Set ( b ) In ground i/c excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and refilling the trench etc as required 14 Supplying and Making end termination with sutiable brass compression glands and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed /XLPE aluminium conductor canle of 1.1 kv grade as required. (A) 4 Core x 25 Sq .mm. Total Amount Rs Amount in words Rs._________________________________________ Sign. of tenderer with seal 29 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL CLAUSES A) TAXES AND DUTIES: The firm shall quote rates for all items inclusive of all taxes, duties and other levies e.g. excise duty, Sales tax, work contract tax, turn over tax, entry tax, Octroi etc. No additional condition whatsoever will be accepted for turnover tax / sales tax on work contract. In case of additional conditions for the payment of such claims by the contractor, the tender may be liable to be summarily rejected by the accepting authority. B) REIMBURSEMENT OF SERVICE TAX : The Service Tax paid by the contractor to the Excise Department shall be reimbursed to the contractor on Actual and Case to Case basis on production of authenticated proof of payment of such Tax, obtained from the proper and competent authority. C) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND The contractor shall comply / fulfill the provisions of the EPF & Misc. Provisions Act.-1952 and Employees Provident Fund Scheme-1952 as amended up to date in respect of labourers / Employees engaged by them for performing this work. Any consequences arising due to non-complying of the provisions as specified above shall be the sole responsibility of the firm only. (a) (b) Agency has to observe all the labour rules & regulation in force. Firm shall be fully responsible for any violation observed at any time. D) REPLACEMENT OF / ADDITION TO CLAUSES: The below mentioned clauses will replace / add to the related corresponding clauses, wherever appearing in the existing CPWD-6 / CPWD-8 / Tender documents :- Earnest Money : 1. Extension of Validity : In case, where the letter of award of work cannot be placed within the validity period of the tender, the BSNL can request all tenderers to extend the validity of their respective tenders and the Earnest Money deposit by a reasonable period. In such cases, extension of validity of Earnest Money deposit by 30 days beyond the extended validity date of tender should also be asked for. While BSNL can make the request for extension, the tenderer is free to either extend the validity or refuse the request to extend the Validity. 2. Release of Earnest Money deposit : a) Where the BSNL requests the tenderer to extend the validity of the tender beyond the stipulated period given in the tender documents, and the tenderer refuses to extend the validity of his tender, the Earnest Money deposit of such tenderers is returned forthwith. b) Earnest Money deposit of all unsuccessful tenderers shall be released on issue of award letter to the successful tenderer. © In case of successful tenderer: a. The Earnest Money deposit shall be released on their submitting performance bank guarantee for individual agreement for full agreement quantity i/c deviation quantity. b. The EMD shall not be adjusted against the security deposit of any individual contract. The security deposits shall be deducted by the E.E.(E) for individual contracts as per prescribed rates unless a B.G. is furnished by the contractor in lieu of security deposit. 3. Performance Guarantee : a). Value : The contractor is required to furnish performance guarantee for an amount equal to 5% of the contract value in the form of bank guarantee (of a Nationalized / Scheduled Bank in a standard format)/ CDR/FDR/DD within two weeks from the date of issue of award letter. b). Validity Period : The validity period of the performance security in the form of performance bank guarantee shall be one year from the date of actual completion of work. 4. Security Deposit : In addition to performance guarantee stated above , a sum @ 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor till the sum along with the sum already deposited as earnest money, will amount to security deposit of 5% of the tendered value of the work. F. Increase/ Decrease of tendered quantity : 30 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 (a)BSNL will have the right to increase or decrease up to 25% of the contract value depending upon the requirement of goods and services specified in the schedule of items without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions at the time of award of contract. (b)In exceptional situation where the requirement is of an emergent nature and it is necessary to ensure continued supplies from the existing venders, the purchaser reserves the right to place repeat order up to 50% of the quantities of goods and services contained in the running tender /contract within a period of twelve months from date of award of work at the same rate or a rate negotiated (downwardly) with the existing venders considering the reasonability of rates based on prevailing market conditions and the impact of reduction in duties and taxes etc. G. Compensation for delay : If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress or complete the work and clear the site on or before the contract or extended date of completion, he has to pay the compensation for delay which is limited to 0.5% per week of work order value for the first 10 weeks and 0.7 % per week for next 10 weeks and thereafter subject to a maximum of 12% of the work order value for the location where the work is delayed and the firm is found responsible for the same. Flow chart of the procurement process / contract shall be supplied by the contractor and approved by Executive Engineer concerned . H. Payment Terms : Payment to the contractors during progress of work is regulated for all the items as below: a) 80% of prorata of the approved price breakup of contract value on receipt of equipment at site and after satisfactory physical inspection. b) 10% of prorata of the approved price breakup of contract value after successful installation of equipment. c) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion of Initial acceptance testing. d) 5% of the approved contract value after successful completion of the final acceptance testing. e) For the works where A/T is not applicable e.g. for substation, lift, fire fighting etc. 5% of the approved contract value shall be released after clearance by Electrical inspector/ lift inspector/ Fire officer respectively. I. Determination of Contract : The Engineer – in – charge may determine the contract in respect of any delay, inferior workmanship as per clause 3 of PWD-8 contract conditions. 31 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATION FOR PROVIDING EI AND FANS 1.Rates of only ISI marked conduits, switches and sockets outlets have been taken in the schedule of quantities. Unless and otherwise specified, only such conduits, cables, switches and sockets outlets shall be used in the work. All rigid conduit pipes shall be of steel and be ISI marked. The wall thicnesss shall not be less than 1.6mm (16 SWG) for conduits upto 32mm dia and not less than 2mm (14 SWG) for conduits above 32mm dia. No steel conduit less than 20mm in diameter shall be used. 2 The work shall be done as per CPWD specifications for electrical works as applicable for DSR 2005/2007 and Indian Electricity Rules as amended up to date. 3 The work shall be supervised by a qualified Overseer/Engineer. 4 The layout of the work will be given by the Engineer-in-Charge or his duly authorized representative at site of 5 Awollrkc.onduit work will be carried out in recessed conduit. If recessed conduit wiring is not possible due to circumstances beyond the control, the conduit can be laid in surface. However such surface conduit work shall be carried out only with prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Down/Drops of surface conduit & all MS/CI boxes used for housing switch & socket must be recessed. Phenolic laminated sheet should be only of ‘HYLUM’ make. Separate conduits shall be provided for followings. a) Power plug wiring. b) Light and Fan point wiring. c) Emergency Light point wiring. f) Fire detection and alarm. 6 Capacity of Circuits: (A) Lighting circuit shall feed light/fan/call bell points.Each circuit shall not have more than 800 Watt connected load or more than 10 points.However, in case of CFL points where load per point may be less,number of points may be suitably increased.(B) Power circuit in non-residential building will have only one outler per circuit. (C) Each power circuit in residential building can feed following outlets: (i) Not more than 2 Nos. 16 A outlets. (ii)Not more than 3 Nos. 6 A outlets. (iii) Not more than 1 No. 16A and 2 Nos. 6 A outlets. 7 Socket outlets shall be 6 Amp 3 pin or 16 Amp 3 pin or 16/6Amp 6 pin. 5 pin socket outlets will not be permitted. The third pin shall be connected to earth through protective (loop earthing) conductor, 2 pin or 5 pinsockets shall not be permitted to be used. 8 No bare conductor in phase and / or neutral or twisted joints in phase and / or neutral or protective conductors in wiring shall be permitted.There shall be no joints in the through-runs of cables. 9 Fish wire:- To facilitate subsequent drawing of wires in the conduit, GI fish wire of 1.6mm/1.2mm (16/18 SWG) shall be provided alongwith the laying of the recessed conduit. 10 Earthing of the system is to be done as per CPWD specifications for electrical works as applicable for DSR 2007 and Indian Electricity Rules & IS code of practice ( IS:3043-1987 ) as amended up to date. The earthing sets must be provided in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative. 11 Balancing of 3 phase circuit shall be done. 12 Painting after erection:- After installation, all accessible surface of conduits pipes, fittings, swith and regulator boxes etc. shall be painted in compliance with the clauses under Chapter 15--"Painting" 13 The contractor will have to give the following tests at his cost and intimate test results before final bills are paid. Nothing extra will be paid to him on this account. a. Earth test. b. Polarity test. c. Insulation test. d. Earth continuity test of recessed conduit. 14 Any damage done to the building by the contractor during the execution of work shall have to be Made good at his cost & risk. If he does not do it himself within a reasonable time as determined by the Engineer-in-Charge the same will be got executed at his risk & cost departmentally after giving notice to him. 32 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 15 The circuit wiring at various places shall be kept minimum by taking the runs on walls. 16 The conduits laid shall be provided with fish wire to facilitate wiring at a later stage. The telephone outlets shall be provided immediately above skirting level. 17 All the sub distribution boards, sub main boards and main boards shall be sign written clearly indicating the number of distribution board, the type of load it is serving and the number of circuits contained in the distribution board. 18 While making the end connection of wires, no strand shall be out and the termination of wire shall be done with necessary lugs and ferrule by crimping method without any extra payment. 19 The termination of conduits etc. in the junction box to be provided above DB should be done by making proper holes instead of cutting the box with the help of chuck nuts and washers etc. 20 The bus bar provided in main board shall be suitable for current density of not more than 100 Amp/ 21 All the points on the walls (except for exhaust fan) in the rooms or the corridors shall be provided at a height of 2300 mm above the floor level.Fittings shall be installed such that the lamp is at height of 2.5 mtrs from from floor level, unless otherwise directed by E-N-C. Fans shall be hung at height of 2.75 mtrs above the floor level, unless otherwise directed by E-N-C. 22 All switch boxes and boards in a room shall be of same size and to be mounted with their bottom 1.25 mtr rom floor level, unless otherwise directed by E-N-C. 23 Air conditioning plant rooms, weather maker room, sub station rooms and engine alternator rooms shall be provided light/fans points on walls only. 24 Conduit laid/fixed in slab or wall with fan box before award of work shall be recovered on the following basis : a. Conduit as per size on linear basis of DSR-2005/2007 (Internal) + Contractors percentage of the agency executing the work. b. Fan box already provided shall be taken into account. SPECIFICATION OF CABLE 1 The cable laying shall be as per CPWD specification as applicable for DSR 2005/2007. 2 The route for the cable laying should be gets approved from the Engineer-in-Charge. 3 The completion plan in triplicate in respect of the connection diagram and cable route should be submitted by the contractor before finalization of bill or within 30 days of completion the work failing which recovery shall be made as per PWD -8. 4 All cable joints should be done in presence of Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative. The LT joints should be done with crimping method and will make lugs/ferrules should only be used. 5 The measurement of the cable will be done from the top of the one cable and control box to the top of the the cable and box. 6 The earthing (wherever applicable) should be done in the presence of the Engineer-in- Charge. 7 Any damage done to the building during the erection will have to be made good to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge. 8 Under ground cable of 1.1 KV grade should be subjected to pressure/insulation test before & after laying to the same in the ducts and in case of unsatisfactory tests the cost of all repairs and replacement & all extra work of removal. 9 Schedule of work should be carefully read before quoting if any deviation regarding any item is proposed should be clearly indicated in the tender particularly the type of the cable should be specified. 33 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 10 The quantity of cable in the tender is approximate. The agency will have to assess the quantity from the site before dispatch. SPECIFICATIONS OF M.V. PANEL A. SCOPE: This section lay down general requirements for medium voltage cubicle M.V. panel suitable for 415 Volts, 3 Phase, 50Hz, 4 wire system including installation, testing and commissioning. B. Construction Features: The M.V. Panel shall be sheet steel cubicle floor mounting type. The design shall be totally enclosed, completely dust and vermin proof. The sheet steel used shall be 1.60 mm thick gasket of 2mm thick shall be used between all adjacent units and beneath C. OTHER DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION FEATURES:1 All panels shall be cubicle, indoor, floor mounting, free standing, totally enclosed, dust and vermin proof. 2 A.P.U. (Poly Urethane) or Rubber Gasket of 19 mm width and 2 mm thickness shall be provided between all joints in adjacent units and beneath all the covers in order to render all the joints vermin proof. 3 Each Module (Cubicle) shall have sufficient working space for making connections and shall be with individual dust proof hinged door provided with insulated knobs at two ends. 4 The design shall include all provisions for safety of operation and maintenance personnel. 5 The maximum height of the panel including base channel shall not exceed 1800 mm. 6 The size of base channel shall be 150mm x 75mm (M.S.) 7 The steel sheet work shall be of high quality. All openings and cut-outs in the doors shall be machine made and shall be free from burrs. Weld runs shall be grinding smooth. 8 The entire steel sheet surface shall be free from dents and hammer marks. 9 The panel shall have covering at bottom so that entry of dust and vermin is not possible. 10 Earthing:- 2 Nos. 20 X 3mm copper strip for LT panel upto 400 Amp. Capacity or 2 Nos. 20 X 5 mm copperstrip for LT panel of higher capacity shall be fixed all around the panel connected to 2 Nos. earth bus copper strips connected to incoming earth conductor. 11 The panel shall be fabricated from approved vendor of BSNL, gujarat Zone or CPRI Approved. 12 Drawing shall be approved before fabrication of panel by the Engineering in charge. D : CONTROL WIRING:1 The control wiring shall be done with PVC insulated copper wires of minimum 1.5 sqmm size. 2 The control wiring shall be provided with identification ferrules at each end. 3 More than two wires shall not be terminated at any one terminal. 4 The wires shall be arranged and supported in such a manner that there shall not be stress on the terminals. 5 Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched and suitably supported and clamped. 6 All control wiring meant for external connections are to be brought out on a terminal board. E: BUS BAR:Bus bar shall consist of 4 strips – 3 phases and 1 for Neutral, the minimum size of Aluminum bus bar to be used should be 50x5mm of high conductivity electrolytic grade, the bus bar shall be insulated with PVC sleeve/2 layers of PVC insulating tape. 34 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 EARTHING 1.0 SCOPE This chapter covers the essential requirements of earthing system components and their installation. This shall be read with Appendix F, which lays down criteria for their design. For details not covered in these specifications IS code of Practice on Earthing (IS: 3043-1987) shall be referred to. 1.1 APPLICATION (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The electrical distribution system in the department is with earthed neutral (i.e. neutral earthed at the transformer/ generator end). In addition to the neutral earthing, provision is made for earthing the metallic body of equipments and non-current carrying metallic components in the sub-station, as well as in the internal/external electrical installations. Earthing system is also required for lightning protection, computer installations and hospital operation theaters, etc. for functional reasons. Earthing requirements are laid down in Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, as amended from time to time, and in regulations of the Electricity Supply Authority concerned. These shall be complied with. Application for internal E.I a) Every sub-main will have earth continuity conductor to run along with sub-main wiring. In case of 3- phase sub-main wiring two earth continuity conductors shall be provided. b) Every circuit will have its earth continuity conductor to run along with circuit wiring. In case of 3-phase circuit two earth continuity conductors shall be provided. c) Looping of earth is allowed only in case of point wiring. d) When 2/3 power outlets are looped to one circuit, earth looping of these outlets is permissible. 1.2 TYPES OF ELECTRODES & MATERIAL 1.2.1 Earth Electrodes Types The type of earth electrode shall be any of the following, as specified (For selection criteria in designs, Appendix F may be referred to). (a) Pipe earth electrode . (b) Plate earth electrode. (c) Strip or conductor earth electrode. Electrode materials and dimensions. (i) The materials and minimum sizes of earth electrodes shall be as per Table IX. 35 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 (ii) (iii) (iv) GI pipe electrodes shall be cut tapered at the bottom, and provided with holes of 12 mm dia , drilled not less than 7.5 cm from each other upto 2m of length from bottom. The length of the buried strip or conductor earth electrode shall be not less than 15m. This length shall suitably be increased if necessary, on the basis of the information available about soil resistance, so that the required earth resistance is obtained. Prior approval of the Engineer- incharge shall be taken for any such increase in length. All hardware items used for connecting the earthing conductor with the electrode shall be of GI in case of GI pipe and GI plate earth electrodes, and forged tinned brass in case of copper plate electrodes. 1.2.2 Earthing Conductor & sizes (i) (ii) The earthing conductor (protective conductor from earth electrode up to the main earthing terminal/earth bus, as the case may be) shall be of the same material as the electrode, viz. GI or copper, and in the form of wire or strip as specified. The size of earthing conductor shall be specified, but this shall not be less than the following( For calculating the size of the earthing conductor in design, Appendix F para 3.5.1). (a) (b) (c) (iii) 4mm dia (8 SWG) copper wire. 25mm x 4mm in case of GI strip, or, 20mm x 3mm in the case of copper strip. Earthing conductor larger than the following sectional areas need not be used, unless otherwise specified. (a) (b) 150 in case of GI ,or, 100 in case of copper. 1.2.3 Earth Continuity/loop earthing conductor & Sizes (i) The Material and size of protective conductors shall be as specified Below ( for criteria in design of these appendix F may be referred to ): Size of phase conductor size of protective conductor of the same material as phase conductor Upto 4 sqmm Above 4 sqmm upto 16 sqmm Above 16 sqmm upto 35 sqmm Above 35 sqmm 4 sqmm Same size as phase conductor 16 sqmm Half of the phase conductor 1.3 LOCATION FOR EARTH ELECTRODES (i) Normally an earth electrode shall not be located closer than 1.5 m from any building. Care shall be taken to see that the excavation for earth electrode does not affect the foundation of 36 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 the building ; in such cases , electrodes may be located further away from the building, with the prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge. (ii) The location of the earth electrode will be such that the soil has a reasonable chance of remaining moist as far as possible. Entrances, pavements and roadways, should be avoided for locating earth electrodes. 1.4 INSTALLATION 1.4.1 Electrodes Various types of electrodes (i) (ii) (a) Pipe electrode shall be buried in the ground vertically with its top at not less than 20 cm below the ground level. The installation shall be carried out as shown in Fig 11. (b) In locations where the full length of pipe electrode is not possible to be installed due to meeting a water table, hard soil or rock, the electrode may be to reduce length, provided the required earth resistance result is achieved with or without additional electrodes, or any alternative method of earthing may be adopted, with the prior approval of the Engineer-incharge. Pipe electrodes may also be installed in horizontal formation in such exceptional cases. Plate electrode shall be buried in the ground with faces vertical, and its top not less than 1.5 m below the ground level. The installation shall be carried out as shown in Fig. 12. (iii) When more than one electrode (plate/pipe)is to be installed , a separation of not less than 2m shall be maintained between two adjacent electrodes. (iv) (a) The strip or conductor electrode shall be buried in trench not less than 0.5m deep. (b) If conditions necessitate the use of more than one strip or conductor electrode, they shall be laid as widely distributed as possible, in a single straight trench where feasible, or preferably in a number of trenches radiating from one point. (c) If the electrode cannot be laid in a straight length, it may be laid in a zigzag manner with a deviation upto 45 degrees from the axis of the strip. It can also be laid in the form of an arc with curvature more than 1m or a polygon. Artificial treatment of soil When artificial treatment of soil is to be resorted to, the same shall be specified in the schedule of work. The electrode shall be surrounded by charcoal/coke and salt as indicated in fig. 11 and 12. In such cases, excavation for earth electrode shall be increased as per the dimensions indicated in these figures. Watering arrangement 37 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 (i) In case of plate earth electrodes, a watering pipe 20mm dia Medium class pipe shall be provided and attached to the electrodes as shown in Fig.9 & 10. A funnel with mesh shall be provided on the top of this pipe for watering the earth. (ii) In case of pipe electrodes, a 40mm x 20mm reducer shall be used for fixing the funnel with mesh. (iii) The watering funnel attachment shall be housed in a masonary enclosure of size not less than 30cmx30cmx30cm. (iv) A cast iron/MS frame with MS cover, 6mm thick, and having locking arrangement shall be suitably embedded in the masonary enclosure. 1.4.2 Earthing conductor (Main earthing lead) (i) In the case of plate earth electrode, earthing conductor shall be securely terminated on to the plate with two bolts, nuts, checknuts and washers. (ii) In the case of pipe earth electrode, wire type earthing conductor shall be secured as indicatedin fig. 11 using a through bolt, nuts and washers and terminating sockets. (iii) A double C – clamp arrangement shall be provided for terminating tape type earthing conductor with GI watering pipe coupled to the pipe earth electrode. Galvanized “C” shaped strips, bolts, washers,nuts and checknuts of adequate size shall be used for the purpose. (iv) The earthing conductor from the electrode upto the building shall be protected from mechanical injury by a medium class, 15 mm dia . GI pipe in the case of wire, and by 40 mm dia, medium class GI pipe in the case of strip. The protection pipe in ground shall be buried atleast 30 cm deep (to be increased to 60 cm in case of road crossing and pavements). The portion within the building shall be recessed in walls and floors to adequate depth in due co-ordination with the building work. (v) The earthing conductor shall be securely connected at the other end to the earth stud/earth bar provided on the switch board by: (a) Soldered or preferably crimped lug, bolt, nut and washer in the case of wire, and (b) Bolt, nut and washer in case of strip conductor. In case of substations or alternators, the termination shall be made on the earthing terminal of the neutral point on the equipment and/or the earth bus, as the case may be. 1.4.3 Loop Earthing /Earth continuity conductor (i) Earth terminal of every switchboard in the distribution system shall be bonded to the earth bar/terminal of the upstream switch board by protective conductor(s). (ii) Two protective conductors shall be provided for a switch board carrying a 38 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 3-phase switchgear thereon. (iii) Loop earthing of individual units will not be however necessary in the case of cubicle type switchboards. (iv) The earth connector in every distribution board (DB) shall be securely connected to the earth stud/earth bar of the corresponding switch board. By a protective conductor. (v) The earth pin of socket outlets as well as metallic body of fan regulators shall be connected to the earth stud in switch boxes by protective conductor. Where the switch boxes are of non-metallic type, these shall be looped at the socket earth terminals, or at an independent screwed connector inside the switch box. Twisted earth connections shall not be accepted in any case. 1.5 EARTH RESISTANCE (i) The earth resistance at each electrode shall be measured. No earth electrode shall have a greater ohmic resistance than 5 ohms as measured by an approved earth testing apparatus. In rocky soil the resistance may be up to 8 ohms. (ii) Where the above stated earth resistance is not achieved, necessary improvement shall be made by additional provisions, such as additional electrode(s), different type of electrode, or artificial chemical treatment of soil etc., as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (i) 1.6 MARKING Earth bar/terminals at all switch boards shall be marked permanently, either as E or as (ii) Main earthing terminal shall be marked “ SAFETY EARTH-DO NOT DICONNECT. 1.7 USE OF RESIDUAL CURRENT DEVICES (RCDS) An extract on selection and application of RCDs (also known as RCCBs) from IS: 126401988 is given at Appendix G.Provision of RCD shall be specified in individual cases keeping in view the type, use, importance, system of earting and nature of electrical installations to be protected by the RCCBs, requirements of the local electric supply company, etc. The sensitivity shall be 30mA, 100nA, 300mA, or 500mA, as specified. TABLE IX Material and sizes of earth electrodes [Clause] Type of Electrode Pipe Plate Strip Conductor Material GI Medium class (i) GI (ii) copper (i) GI (ii) copper (i) Copper Size 40mm dia 3.45m long (without any joint) 60 cm x 60 cm x 6mm thick 60 cm x 60 cm x 3mm thick 100 sqmm section 40 sqmm section 4 mm dia (8 SWG) Note: Galvanizations of GI items shall conform to class IV of IS : 4736-1986 39 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 SCHEDULE D(B) General Specifications 1. The work shall be done as current CPWD specifications for Electrical works as amended from time to time and Indian Electricity Rules as amended up to date. 2. The work shall be supervised by a qualified Engineer as provided in C.P.W.D. Manual. 3. The layout of the work will be given by the Engineer-in-charge or his duly authorized representative at site of work. 4. The tenderer should submit the sealed samples of materials to be used on work along with the tender (if asked) .The samples of the successful tenderer will be retained by the Engineer-incharge while the samples of other will be returned after the tender is decided. Unapproved materials ,if used on the work shall have to be removed immediately at the cost and risk of the contractor. 5. Separate conduits shall be provided for followings: (a) Power plug wiring (b) Light and fan point wiring © Emergency light point wiring to be fed from battery. (c) Fire detection and alarm 6. The number of power plug points may not exceed one two circuit in any of the cases. 7. Unless otherwise specified bakelite sheet shall be plain white colour without any pattern .Also ISI marked piano switches shall be used. Both sheet as well as piano switches shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge before execution. 1. The piano switches for fans and light plugs shall be I.S.I. marked type/approved switches only. 9. When a boards are connected to a voltage ,higher than 250 volt all the terminals of leads of the apparatus mounted on shall be marked and the following colours to indicate the different poles or phases to which the apparatus for different terminals may have been connected. A.C. D.C Three phases Three wire systems – Red, Blue, Yellow 1 outer wires : Red & Blue. Neutral :- Black Neutral :- Black 10. All cable having more than one strand should invariably crimped with lugs/ferrules of appropriate size crimping tool is to be arranged by the contractor at no extra cost .In case contractor fails to bring crimping tools department may supply crimping tool subject to availability at an extra cost of Rs. 100/- per day per instrument. Responsibility on account of delay shall rest entirely with the contractor. 11. If any conduit is already laid/M.S. box is fixed in the slab/wall of the bldg. its recovery will be governed by the formula as per DSR + contract abatement on the related sub-Head. 12. At the time of laying conduit pipe in the slab/wall in recess the contractor will keep fish wire of 14 SWG wire throughout conduit pipe and will have to take special care so that the conduit is not passed through air-conditioning ducts, grills, columns, beams etc. If any such necessity of foreseen special written permission of Executive Engineer (E) will be obtained before such work is carried out. In case of failure the contractor will not be paid on this account. The successful tenderer should recess the conduit in the walls before they are plastered and in collaboration with the building progress of the work .Any damage done will have to be made good at the cost of the contractor .The conduit pipe should be mechanically and electrically continuous. 40 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 13. The conduits laid for telephone & fire detection alarm shall be provided with fish wire of 16 SWG to facilitate wiring at a later state. The outlets for fire call points shall be provided at 1000mm from floor level and for hooter/speaker shall be at 2300mm from floor level. The telephone outlets shall be provided immediately above skirting level. The four outlets shall be painted red to differentiate with the others. 14. All M.S. boxes for switches plugs and regulators etc. should be provided with 3mm. Thick synthetic phenolic bounded laminated sheet columns. 15. The termination of conduits etc. in the junction box to be provided above DB’s should be done by making proper holes instead of cutting the box. 17. All light points on the walls (except for exhaust fans) the rooms or in corridors, shall be provided at a height of 2300mm above that floor level. 18. No light points and/or junction boxes on ceiling within an area covered by a line 1600mm away from the face of the columns (external and separating corridors) in switch room and other technical rooms requiring air conditioning, shall be provided in order to facilities of provision of air conditioning R.A. boxing if required. 19. Group junction boxes on walls at 3000mm from floor level in case of trunk rooms, auto manual rooms and other rooms having false ceilings and at 1600mm away from the columns face on ceiling in other technical rooms shall be provided for facilitating installation of additional lights through surfaces conduit wiring. 20. Air conditioning plant rooms, weather maker rooms, sub station rooms and engine alternator rooms shall be provided with lights only on walls. 21. Three pin ceiling rose outlets shall be provided on walls in substation rooms at 2300mm from floor level for installation of wall mounting fans / air circulators. 22. All conduits drops in wall shall be restricted within a distance of 300mm from the columns on either side and 700mm in the centre of wall in between two columns in order to facilitate provision of S.A. and R.A. grills for air conditioning purpose. 23. Conduits leading from switch boards to SDBs shall preferable be clubbed in junction boxes to be provided below the beams and reduced number of higher sizes conduits may be taken down to SDBs for termination of circuits & submains. 24. The various circuits wiring at various places shall be kept minimum by taking the runs on walls where crossing of columns is not necessary. This has to be decided before the casting of slab so that unnecessary length of conduits are not laid therein. 25. All the main distribution boards panel, sub-main board and sub-distribution boards and their complete fittings shall be sign written clearly indicating the number of distribution board the type of load it is serving the number of circuits contained in the type of load it is serving and the number of circuits contained. In the distribution box. Details of the recess fed from the particular distribution box shall be pasted in a tabular form on the resource of the cover of distribution box. 26. The contractor shall have to use metal clad switches and metal clad distribution of specified categories as given below unless otherwise specified. 41 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 27. Inter connections on the main board and sub-main boards will be done by solid copper conductor with PVC sheathing/copper conductor cable. 28. The busbar provided in main board shall be suitable for current density of not more than 100Amp/ 29. The earthing sets (if required) shall be provided in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. 30. Lugs should be provided while terminating 8 SWG G.I. wire for earth continuity without any extra payment 31. Underground cables of 1 KV grade should be subjected to pressure ,insulation tests before and after laying the same cost of all repairs and replacements and all extra work of removal and relaying will have to be made good by the contractor at his own cost & risk. 32. Supply of CABLE and Installation/Jointing/Testing shall be carried out as per relevant IS and General specification for Electrical works (External) 1994 33. The contractor will have to give the following tests at his cost and intimate test results before final bills are paid. Nothing extra will be paid to him on this account. (a) Earth test. (b) Polarity test. (c) Insulation test. (d) Earth continuity test of the recessed conduit. 34. Any damage done to the bldg. by the contractor during the execution of work shall have to be made good at his cost & risk. If he does not do it himself within a reasonable time as determined by the Engineer-in-charge the same will be got at his cost departmentally after giving notice to him. 35. All instruments shall be arranged by the contractor , Departmental instruments may also be issued if available at @ Rs.100 per day per instrument. NOTE :- "BSNL reserves the right to get material inspected any components thereof by the manufacturer/ their authorized representative, whose report as regards to the genuineness of component shall be final and binding. In case any component upon such inspection is found to be duplicate/spurious, double the cost of such component based on price list (without any discount whatsoever) effective on date of aforesaid inspection shall be recoverable. In case the contractor agrees to replace the components so found spurious/duplicate at his cost, within 15 days of the said report compensation of Rs.1,000/- per component found spurious/duplicate shall be levied against the contractor. Besides the above the BSNL reserves the right to take disciplinary action against the contractor. 42 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 SCHEDULE D(C) ISSUE 6/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TELECOM SERVICES TELECOM ELECTRICAL ZONE AHMEDABAD LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR EI & FANS, PUMP SET, COMPOUND LIGHT WORKS. 1. ACB : L&T/GE/SIEMENS/CONTROL CROMPTON 2. MCCB : L&T/GE/SIENEBS/CROMPTON CONTROL & SWITCH GEAR 3. TPN SWITCH & : HRC RUSES L&T/GE/SIEMENS/HAVELLS/H-H ELECON/CROMPTON/ STANDARD (UPTO 400A)/HPL/ALSTOM/INDO ASIAN 4. C.T. : AE/IMP/MARSHAL/PACTIL/KAPPA/L&T/ASHMOR/ INDCOIL/WACO/MECO/TRIO/INDOTECH 5. INDICATING LAMP : VAISHNO/SIEMENS/L&T/AE/IMP/RASS CONTROL/ TEKNIC/CROMPTON/KAYCEE 6. AMMETER/ VOLTMETER : AEM/IMP/UNIVERSAL/RISHABH/KAYCEE/MECO/ ENERCON/INDOTECH 7. SELECTOR SWITCH : L&T/KAYCEE/AE/IMP/THAKOOR/RECO/VAISHNO/ SELZER/RASS CONTROL 8. CAPACITORS (APP TYPE) ISI MARK : KHATAU JUNKAR/CROMPTON/L&T/UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC/USHA/ASIAN/AE/IMP/ALSTOM 9. CABLES/WIRES : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 10. PVC INSULATED Cu. CONDUCTOR WIRE : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 11. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 12. RUBBER MATTING : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 13. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATOR : INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL ENGINEERING 14. CABLE JOINTS : RACHEM/M-SEAL/DENSONS. 15. SPP : L&T/MINILAC/ZEROTRIP/SIEMENS 16. TIMERS : L&T/MINILAC/AE/SIEMENS/TELE MECHANIQUE/ INDOKOPP 43 AND SWITCH GEAR/ Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ISSUE 6/2000 17. MCBSA,MCBS ISOTATER MCB DISTRIBUTION BOARD : ISI MARK OF BENTEX/CLARITON/HAVELS/INDOKOPP/ STANDARD/CROMPTON/MDS (LOAD KONTAKT)/ CLIPSAL, INTEGRA, HEGGAR. 18. CHANGE OVER SWITCH : STANDARD/HAVELLS.CONTROL & SWITCH GEAR/ H-H-ELECON/HPL/INDO ASIAN 19. ONE WAY SWITCH PIANO TYPE AND CEILING ROSE : ANY BRAND NAME OF ISI MARK 20. TIME SWITCH : INDO KOPP/MDS 21. MONO BLOCK PUMP SET : BEACON/BATLIBOI/KIRLOSKAR/JYOTI/KSB/CROMPTON/ WASP/PEC/BE/MATHER & PLAIT/ALSTOM 22. SUBMERSIBLE PUMP (HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL : KSB/CALAMA/AMRUT/KIRLOSKAR/PEC/BE/PRIMA 23. STARTER : L&T/SIEMENS/BCH/ABB/MEI/GE. 24. CONTACTOR : SIEMENS/L&T/GE/CROMPTON/MEI/LAXMI 25. GI/MS PIPE : ISI MARK PIPE OF BST/TATA/ITC/ATC/TTA/JST/ITS/ JINDAL/ZENITH/HA/GSI/ATL 26. FOOT VALVE : ANY BRAND NAME OF ISI MARK 27. GATE VALE : ISI MARK OF FOUNTAIN/TRISUL/LEADER/SANT/ ANNPURNA/KIRLOSKAR. 28. MS CONDUIT : ANY BRAND NAME OF ISI MARK 29. ELCB : STANDARD/MDS/HAVELS/DATAR/SIEMENS/GE/ INDOASIAN. 30. EMERGENCY LIGHT : PHILIPS/BAJAJ/SIGMA/URELCO 44 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ISSUE 6/2000 DEPARTMENT OF TELECOM SERVICES TELECOM ELECTRICAL ZONE AHMEDABAD LIST OF APPROVED MAKES FOR E/A SET WORK. 1 ENGINE : CUMMINS/RUSTON/ESCPRTS/KEOL/CATERPILLAR/ ASHOK-LEYLAND/GREAVES/VOLVOPENTA (200500KVA)/ MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA 2. ALTERNATOR : KIRLOSKAR/NEGF/STAMFORD/LEROYSOMER/ JYOTI LTD. 50KVA, & FRAME SIZE PTG(62.5-500KVA)/ CROMPTION (SLIP RING/BRUSHLESS,6-200KVA)/AVKSEGC (UPTO 250KVA)/ELECTRO DYNE (UPTO100KVA)/ ELGI (UPTO 20-380KVA)/ CROMPTION/GREAVES AL SERIES (15-100KVA)/KEL (BRUSHLESS UPTO 1000KVA) 3. ACB : L&T/GE/SIEMENS/CONTROL CROMPTON 4. MCCB : L&T/GE/SIENEBS/CROMPTON CONTROL & SWITCH GEAR 5. TPN SWITCH & : HRC RUSES L&T/GE/SIEMENS/HAVELLS/H-H ELECON/CROMPTON/ STANDARD (UPTO 400A)/HPL/ALSTOM/INDO ASIAN 6. CONTRACTORS AUXILARY : L&T/GE/PLA/LAXMI/TELEMACHANEQUE/ABB/SIEMENS/ UNIVERSAL/CRMPTON/MEI/AVKC-SEGC/ALSTOM 7. C.T. : AE/IMP/MARSHAL/PACTIL/KAPPA/L&T/ASHMOR/ INDCOIL/WACO/MECO/TRIO/INDOTECH 8. P.F. METER : AE/IMP/RISHABH/MECO/UNIVERSAL/DIGITRON/ INDOTECH : AEM/IMP/UNIVERSAL/RISHABH/KAYCEE/MECO/ ENERCON/INDOTECH DIGITRON/RISHABH/MECO/KELTRON/IMP/AE/INDOTECH 9. AMMETER/ VOLTMETER 10. FREQUENCY METER 11. KWH METER 12. SELECTRO SWITCH : : : 13. INDICATING : LAMP 13. INDICATING : LAMP 14. LEAD ACID : BATTERY AND SWITCH GEAR/ SIMCO/JAIPUR/IMP/AE/UNIVERSAL/RISHABH L&T/KAYCEE/AE/IMP/THAKOOR/RECO/VAISHNO/ SELZER/RASS CONTROL VAISHNO/SIEMENS/L&T/AE/IMP/RASS CONTROL/ TEKNIC/CROMPTON/KAYCEE VAISHNO/SIEMENS/L&T/AE/IMP/RASS CONTROL/ TEKNIC/CROMPTON/KAYCEE EXIDE/STANDARD FURUKAWA/AMCO/PACESETTER/ NICCO/PRESTOLITE/AMARA RAJA/STANFORD/ CROMPTON GREAVES/HITACHI/KIRLOSKAR 45 Free tenders for Generator Sets by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited-2737129245 ISSUE 6/2000 15. BATTERY CHARGER : AS PER CONTROL PANEL MANUFACTURER ALONGWITH A CERTIFICATE 16. G.I./M.S. PIPE : ISI MARK PIPE OF BST/TATA/ITC/ATC/TTA/JST/ITS/ JINDAL/ZENITH/IIA/GSI/ATL 17. TYRES : CEAT/MRF/DUNLOP/APOLLO 18. A.V.M.PADS : DUNLOP/POLYBOND 19. RESIDENTIAL SILENCER : AS PER ENGINE CERTIFICATE 20. FIRE EXTINGUISHER : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 21. RUBBER MATTING : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 22. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATOR : INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL ENGINEERING 23. CABLES : ANY BRAND NAME WITH ISI MARK 24. G.M.VALVE : ISI MARK OF KIRLOSKAR/FOUNTAIN/TRISUL/LEADER/ SANT/ANNAPURNA 25. HOOTER : VAISHNO/MINIMAX/MELTRON/KHERA/AHUJA/PHILIPS/ MOTWANI/AGNI/AGNI INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. TILAK VIHAR, NEW DELHI/SILITRONIX/SAFEWAY 26. TRIVECTOR METER : SUNCO/JAIPUR/IMP 46 MANUFACTURER ALONGWITH