Session T3F A WEB-BASED MULTI-MEDIA VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT Sushil Chaturvedi1 , Osman Akan2 , Sebastian Bawab3 , Tarek Abdel-Salam4 , and Manjunath Venkataramana5 Abstract – A physical experiment from the undergraduate thermo-fluids laboratory titled “Venturimeter as a Flow Measuring Device” has been chosen for its mapping into the virtual domain, as a computer-based experiment. The virtual experiment described in the present study, combines three unique aspects simultaneously: use of computer generated (virtual) data to recreate the physical phenomenon, virtual experimentation and measurement on a computer screen, and coupling of the virtual experiment with the LabVIEW software to introduce students to digital data acquisition and analysis. The proposed multi-media module has three submodules namely, the physical sub-module, the experimental details sub-module, and the virtual experiment sub-module, for introducing students to physical system configuration, experimental procedure, and detailed instructions for conducting virtual experimentation, data acquisition and analysis. The proposed module is expected to impact the development of virtual engineering laboratories for webbased distance learning undergraduate engineering programs Index Terms – Virtual experiment, web-based laboratories, interactive experimentation, e-devices. INTRODUCTION There is a scarcity of undergraduate engineering programs available through distance learning networks. Resistance to the implementation of web-based engineering programs stems from the fact that engineering is perceived, and rightly so, as a hands-on discipline. As a result, there remains considerable skepticism among engineering faculty, and even among students, about offering of undergraduate engineering programs on distance learning networks. There are two notable exceptions, however. In 1998, the University of North Dakota began offering distance learning undergraduate engineering programs for industry, using courses delivered to off-campus locations through the asynchronous video-transmission of lectures [1]. The laboratory courses are conducted on-campus in two-week sessions during the summer. Another example is the College of Engineering and Technology at Old Dominion University, which offers mechanical, civil, and electrical engineeringtechnology programs via Old Dominion University’s TELETECHNET distance learning network. Live televised courses are beamed to several receiving sites in Virginia and across the country. Laboratory courses are offered through creation of videotapes and CD-ROMS of all experiments for viewing by distance students [2-3]. However, the videotape or CD-ROM based delivery methods fail to incorporate two critical aspects of laboratory experiments. First, the distance students are a passive audience, not actively participating or exercising control generally afforded by a real-life experimental set-up. Second, there is also absence of teamwork and communication among students – critical ingredients of an engineering education – in the video or CD-ROM based laboratory instruction. The Old Dominion University engineering technology programs have also used in past a mobile thermo -fluids laboratory for providing access to distance students at remote locations. However, this approach has been abandoned in favor of the CD-ROM and video-based laboratory instruction due to difficulty of serving many centers with one mobile laboratory. STATEMENT O F THE PROBLEM The virtual absence of undergraduate engineering programs on distance learning networks can be attributed primarily to a lack of high quality web-based virtual laboratories capable of capturing the details of lab experiments, including handson activities and the collaborative work environment that is normally found in physical laboratories. This has proven to be a great impediment to offering of undergraduate engineering degree programs to distance learners. However, with recent developments in computer, communication and internet technologies, it has become possible to address problems inherent in development of web-based virtual engineering laboratories. Using recent paradigm shifts in visualization technology, together with advances in computer solution of physical phenomena and orders of magnitude increases in computer power, design and implementation of truly interactive, life -like virtual experiments has become feasible. The present work demonstrates this by mapping a physical experiment in the undergraduate thermo -fluids laboratory into a web-based virtual experiment. 1 Sushil Chaturvedi, Chairman and Professor, Old Dominion University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Norfolk, VA 23529 Osman Akan, Chairman and Professor, Old Dominion University, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Norfolk, VA 23529 3 Sebastian Bawab, Associate Professor, Old Dominion University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Norfolk, VA 23529 4 Tarek Abdel-Salam, Old Dominion University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Norfolk, VA 23529 5 Manjunath Venkataramana, Graduate Assistant, Old Dominion University, Mechanical Engineering Department, Norfolk, VA 23529 2 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-3 Session T3F This project will bridge a critical gap that in authors’ opinion will make offering of web-based undergraduate programs more commonplace in the near future. A second, but an equally important, benefit will be that an instructor will be able to bring virtual experiments to lecture classes in conventional on-campus courses for clarification of concepts and reinforcement of physical principles. Instead of taking students to a laboratory demonstration during a lecture, an instructor will be able to use computer-based virtual experiment modules in classroom to illuminate and reinforce basic concepts. We can even say that this virtual tool will make it possible for an instructor to bring the (virtual) laboratory to lecture classes, something that is generally not possible in the physical doma in. Last but not least, virtual experiments will facilitate development of hybrid laboratories in future that would employ an optimal mix of physical and virtual experiments to provide students handson experience both in physical as well as virtual domains. The present study incorporates two factors that are expected to facilitate development of high quality web-based laboratories that would mimic physical laboratories quite closely. These factors are: (i) Recreation of Physical Phenomena in the Virtual Domain – there is a need to map the underlying phenomena in physical experiments into the virtual domain by using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) codes. The computed data is created and stored in virtual data modules a priori. These virtual data modules are activated by an experimenter, through an animation program, to recreate the physical phenomena on the computer screen. (ii) Hands-on Activities – Currently available laboratory courses for distance learners do not provide them the same environment and experience as an on-campus student encounters in campus-based physical laboratories. For instance, distance students are generally not able to manipulate valves (in a fluids experiment), change flow parameters, and make measurements on a computer screen as students can do in a physical setting. The authors have developed an interactive virtual experimentation methodology that would enable distance learner to perform a virtual experiment interactively on a computer screen. The website, developed by authors, gives a demonstration of this methodology. M ETHODOLOGY The Proposed Thermo-Fluids Virtual Experiment physical configuration of the experiment is shown in Fig. 1. The undergraduate thermo -fluids laboratory course (ME 305) has been chosen for transformation to a web-based virtual laboratory (Fig. 2). The laboratory has seven experiments, and it is expected that the virtual laboratory will be operational within two years. In addition to receiving an introduction to thermodynamics and fluid mechanics experimentation techniques, students in this course are also exposed to digital data acquisition using software, such as LabVIEW, and statistical treatment of data and errors. FIGURE 1 PHYSICAL CONFIGURATION FOR THE VENTURIMETER EXPERIMENT The virtual experiment module is uploaded on the college computer server at the web address The infrastructure set-up is shown in Fig. 3. The server through the internet can support several users simultaneously. It is to be noted that in its current configuration, the module permits distance learners to perform the experiment interactively on the computer screen but not collaboratively. Aspects dealing with virtual collaboration among geographically distributed users will be discussed in a subsequent paper. Computational Environment and Virtual Data Modules The underlying physical phenomenon in the venturimeter experiment is visualized in the virtual domain by using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code “Fluent” [4]. Due to advances in computer hardware and software, the methodology of numerical prediction of a physical phenomenon on computers has become very reliable and, in many cases, an alternative to experiments. The Fluent code uses a finite volume numerical scheme to discretize the physical laws governing the phenomenon on a numerical grid [5]. It should be noted that due to non-linearity of governing equations, the CFD code generally requires The present study has developed a virtual experiment module that allows a distance learner to access it through the internet, and conduct the experiment much in the way an oncampus student performs it in a real laboratory. We chose the experiment titled “Venturimeter as a Flow Measuring Device” for transformation to the virtual domain. The 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-4 Session T3F FIGURE 2 WEB-BASED VIRTUAL THERMO - FLUIDS LABORATORY considerable CPU time, ranging from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the grid refinement and the capabilities of the personal computers. As a result, all possible cases that an experimenter is going to execute during this virtual experiment are pre-calculated and stored in virtual data files. For instance, in the present case, results are calculated and stored for seven free stream velocities for subsequent visualization during the execution of the virtual experiment. STRUCTURE OF THE VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT M ODULE The structure of the virtual module shown in Fig. 4. The physical sub-module, using audio and video capabilities, acquaints students with the physical layout of the actual experiment. It also contains a four minute long video movie, describing the experimental procedure. The experimental procedure sub-module contains in the text form information about objectives, procedures, equations and analysis. The virtual experiment sub-module contains all virtual data modules needed to perform the experiment, as well as a stepby-step procedure for conducting the virtual experiment, which is shown on the left side of the window in Fig. 5. DETAILS OF VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE FIGURE 3 I NFRASTRUCTURE SET- UP FOR VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT It should be noted that in its current configuration the proposed module replicates only the core features of the experiment. The physical experiment involves measurement of two quantities, namely the flowrate and the pressure drop from the maximum to the minimum cross-section of the venturimeter. In the physical experiment, the flowrate is determined by measuring time taken to collect a given volume of water in a tank attached to the hydraulic bench 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-5 Session T3F FIGURE 4 STRUCTURE OF THE WEB- BASED VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT MODULE FIGURE 5 VIRTUAL EXPERIMENT SUB- MODULE 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-6 Session T3F (Fig. 1). The pressure drop is measured in terms of water height difference in the piezometer tubes attached to the maximum and minimum cross-sections of the venturimeter. The height difference is gaged by a differential pressure transducer whose readings are transferred to the LabVIEW R software through an analog to digital (A/D) card. The pressure differential reading appears on the computer screen as water level heights in piezometric tubes. Students use the LabVIEW R software to write a program to convert the pressure drop and flowrate into the coefficient of venturimeter (cv), and plot it as a function of Reynolds number (Re) for a number of volumetric flowrates. Although the virtual experiment captures most of the details of the physical experiment, one difference should be noted. Unlike the physical experiment which is closed loop, and involves volume flowrate measurement through measurement of volume and time, the virtual experiment is depicted as an open loop system, and the flowrate is read from an e-flowmeter located on the inlet part of the virtual experiment set-up (Fig. 5). The flowrate is manipulated by an e-valve with seven flowrate settings, and the e-flowmeter, e-valve and e-venturi are all programmed to act in a consistent manner. For instance, clicking the mouse on the evalve at setting 1 would open the valve, and the indicator on the dial of the e-flowmeter will move to a preset value. Also, the water level in piezometric tubes will adjust to levels predicted by the CFD program for that valve setting and flowrate (Fig. 6). We avoided replicating the collection tank process because it would have involved significant additional animation complexities without adding much to the enhancement of the quality of the virtual experiment. The experiment is commenced by clicking the valve to the selected open position, and clicking the pump on. This creates a rush of rising water, and eventual stabilization of water level in the piezometer tubes (Fig. 6). Since in the real experiment, the tube water level generally fluctuates around a mean value, a fluctuating motion of the water meniscus around the mean height was also incorporated to achieve more realistic animation. The pressure reading in the piezometer tubes connected to the inlet and the throat sections of the venturimeter are recorded for the selected flowrate. The coefficient of the venturimeter (cv ) is related to measured flowrate, and pressure drop by the following equation. Q& Actual = cv A2 where 2(P − P21 ) ρ A 1 − 2 A1 2 (1) QActual is the measured flowrate, A1 and A2 are inlet FIGURE 6 P IEZOMETER TUBE READINGS FOR HIGHER FLOWRATE CASE Using flowrate and pressure drop data, and the Eq. (1), students can determine the values of cv and Reynolds number, Re, for a graphical representation on a cv-Re diagram. After completing one set of experiment, a higher flowrate case can be implemented by following the virtual experiment procedure. It should be noted here that to enable the virtual module to yield data, two approaches can be used. First, experimental data from the physical experiment can be used in the animation program as the virtual data for the computer simulated experiment. Alternatively, computational fluid dynamics techniques can be used to predict pressure drop and venturimeter coefficient for the chosen venturimeter geometry for a number of flowrates (Reynolds number). The data from the virtual experiment is coupled to the LabVIEW R software through a link that students can actuate to record and process the data. Students can also, using programming facilitated by LabVIEW R, can calculate and plot cv versus Re (Fig. 7). In this regard, the virtual experiment, preserves an important feature of the physical experiment that allows students to acquire and process data using LabVIEW R. CONCLUSIONS A physical laboratory experiment in the undergraduate thermo -fluids laboratory has been transformed into a webbased virtual experiment. The web-based module can be accessed by distance learners through the internet to perform experiments interactively on a computer screen. The virtual experiment has also been coupled to the LabVIEW R to enable students to record data digitally, and to perform data analysis, using programming features in the LabVIEW R software. Based on instructor’s observation, the res ults from this project have been very encouraging, and the virtual experiment has been well received by students in the and throat areas respectively, ρ is water density, and (P1 – P2 ) is the pressure drop from the inlet to throat section. 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-7 Session T3F thermo -fluid laboratory course. The on-campus students have used the module as a primer before they perform the physical experiment, and they have used the LabVIEW R linkage to do data analysis. The results, so far, have met our expectation, and we are continuing efforts to transform additional physical experiments into web-based virtual experiments. REFERENCES [1] Benjamin, N. N., et al., “The Development of an Undergraduate Distance Learning Degree for Industry – A University/Industry Collaboration,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 87, No. 3, pp. 277-282. [2] Crossman, G. R., “A CD-ROM Based Laboratory Course in Fluid Mechanics,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Session 2247. [3] Considine, C. L. and Lewis, Jr., V. W., “Assessment Methods for Virtual Technology,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition Session 2247. [4] “Fluent,” Fluent Corporation, New Hampshire, 2002. [5] Patankar, S. V., “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow,” McGrawHill, Inc., New York, 1980. FIGURE 7 V ARIATION OF C V WITH REYNOLDS NUMBER 0-7803-7961-6/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE November 5-8, 2003, Boulder, CO 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference T3F-8