Project: 3E0017N

INTERCO-PPP - Interregional co-operation for exchange of experiences and
knowledge concerning Public – Private Partnerships (PPP)
Programme zone / Zone de programme:
East / Est
Type / Type
Network / Réseau
Topic / Thème
Objective 1 and 2 areas / Régions des objectifs n°1 et n°2
Problem description / Description du problème ciblé par le projet
Recent years have seen a marked increase in cooperation between the public and private sectors in order to
develop and operate municipal infrastructure and SME development. Such Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
arrangements are usually driven by limitations in public funds to cover investment needs but also by efforts to
increase the quality and efficiency of public services. Nevertheless, the potential of PPPs remains often
unexploited, due to a lack of awareness among public sector officials, insufficient project development, or
limited implementation and management skills.
Overall objective / Objectif général de l'opération
The overall objective of the operation INTERCO-PPP ("Interregional co-operation for exchange of
experiences and knowledge concerning Public – Private Partnerships") is to provide local authorities with the
capacity to assess, design and implement PPPs in their fields of activity (e.g. energy, technical infrastructure,
SME development). More specifically, the operation aims to identify the benefit of PPPs for certain types of
projects and to develop strategies and procedures for planning and implementation as well as for
establishing local or/and interregional alliances.
Expected results / Résultats attendus
The operation results in familiarizing regional and local authorities in the partner regions with the PPP
concept. Improved PPPs in the partner regions can generate significant benefits for regional development,
including accelerated provision and improved management of public infrastructure, generation of additional
revenues and reduction of public expenditures , better allocation of risks and potential improvement of
service quality. Activities include research of existing approaches, and the exchange of experience and
transfer of know-how. Partners implement case studies for selected sectors to try new approaches and
communicate results based on practical examples. Partners also present and discuss PPP structures and
important issues such as national and EU regulatory frameworks through interregional workshops and
conferences and communicate lessons learned to not participating regions.
Lead partner / Partenaire principal
Contact person / Personne à contacter
Z.E.P. Kozani
50100 Kozani
Vasilis Gkoutzios
Tel.: +30 24610 53915
Fax: +30 24610 53969
Duration / Durée
July 2004 - December 2006
Total budget / Budget total:
661.773 €
ERDF contribution / Contribution FEDER:
446.697 €
Norwegian contribution / Contribution
des fonds norvégiens:
Creation date / Date de création: 17/09/2009
Source / Source:
INTERCO-PPP - Interregional co-operation for exchange of
experiences and knowledge concerning Public – Private
Partnerships (PPP)
Partnership / Partenaires
Name of Institution,
Town /Titre de
l'institution, Ville
Country /
Region / Région
Contact information / Détails de
WIBAG – Business
Service Burgenland jst,
Phone: +43-2682-704 2250
Energy Agency for
Southeast Sweden,
Phone: +46 470 72 33 20 (26)
Klaipeda Regional
Development Agency,
Phone: +370 46 401 851
Economic Development
Agency of La Rioja,
Phone: +34 941232261
Creation date / Date de création: 17/09/2009
Source / Source:
INTERCO-PPP - INTERCO-PPP - Interregional co-operation for
exchange of experiences and knowledge concerning Public –
Private Partnerships (PPP)
Activities / achievements so far
The INTERCO-PPP project was approved by the INTERREG IIIC East JTS on November 2004. The
'Kick-Off & Strategy Formulation Meeting' was held in Thessaloniki, GREECE on 18/2/2005. A Study Tour
was held in Burgenland, AUSTRIA on 21-22/4/2005, where seven PPP Case Studies were visited
(Renewable energies in Güssing, Technology Centre Güssing, District heating plant, Bio diesel production
plant, Solar plant/school, Thermal Spa Resort: Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Waste recycling plant). As a result of
these presentations, initial contacts aiming to new activities & co-operations were made among local officials
and PPs representatives. Also, the additional value of various types of PPP projects was acknowledged
through the identification of the specific fields of interest of PPs. The ‘1st PM/PSC (Project
Management/Project Steering Committee) Meeting’ was held in Kozani, GREECE on 21-22/7/2005, where a
2nd Study Tour -regarding PPP Case Studies in the Region of Western Macedonia- took place. During this
Study Tour three PPP Case Studies were presented and visited: 'A PPP project in urban development: ZEP
Kozani – Zone of Alternate Urban Planning', 'DIADYMA SA: The Integrated Waste Management System of
the Region of Western Macedonia', 'XKKB S.A.: Ski Center of Kozani Velvento'. The ‘2nd PM/PSC Meeting’
was held in Logrono, SPAIN on 12-13/12/2005, where the following PPP Case Studies in the Region of La
Rioja were presented: the Mushroom Technological Center and the Digital Technological Park of La Rioja. A
Workshop ‘on PPP Structures, Success & Suitability Factors’ was held in SWEDEN, on 30-31/3/2006. A PPP
Case Study (PPP for real estate development of Hospitals in Region Skåne) was presented there. The ‘3rd
PM/PSC Meeting’, together with the ‘Workshop on Identification of common structures on national and EU
level and on Financial and economic implications of PPP’, were held in Klaipeda, LITHUANIA on
26-27/6/2006. The ‘4th PM/PSC Meeting’ was held in Neckenmarkt, AUSTRIA, on 25-26/09/2006. The
‘Closing Conference’, together with a ‘Conference for the dissemination of the PPP Case Studies of all
partners’, were held in the premises of the Region of Western Macedonia, Kozani-GREECE on 20/11/2006.
Throughout the project all PPs held Seminars in their own countries on 'National and EU Legal and
Regulatory Structures' and on 'Financial and Economic Implications of PPP'. Thirty seven PPP Case Studies
were analyzed and presented by the PPs. A set of twenty preliminary PPP Success & Suitability Factors
(basic requirements for PPP’s success) were identified & commented by all PPs. Four Studies were
elaborated with the contribution and the cooperation of all PPs: I.‘Study on PPP Structures’, II.‘Study on PPP
Success & Suitability Factors’, III.‘Country Reports on PPP Promotion System’, IV.‘Case Studies Analysis on
PPP Implementation’.
More information:
Creation date / Date de création: 17/09/2009
Source / Source:
INTERCO-PPP - INTERCO-PPP - INTERCO-PPP Interregional co-operation for exchange of experiences and
knowledge concerning Public – Private Partnerships (PPP)