241 S. 49th Street, Apt. 506 Philadelphia, PA 19139 U.S.A. tgreiff@american.edu www.philomath.eu (703) 254-4919 TOBIAS GREIFF Current Positions Spring 2016 Professorial Lecturer in International Affairs at the Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University. Since 2015 Associate at the TAOS Institute. Since 2015 Visiting Faculty at the Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania. Since 2014 Research Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University. Since 2013 Instructor at the School for Professional & Extended Studies, American University, Washington DC. Since 2012 Affiliate at the Center for Political Practice and Order, University of Erfurt. Since 2008 Director of f-r-e-e, e.V. / f-r-e-e USA (Inc.), International Non-Profit Organization working on peace and community building projects in societies emerging from open violence. Education Since 2012 Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations, Faculty of Law, Economics, and Social Science, University of Erfurt. Dissertation: The Politics of Central Places in Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina. A study of political agency, social interactions, and destructive violence in six Bosnian cities [Completion expected spring 2016]. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler; External Reader: Prof. Dr. Rom Harré (Oxford/Georgetown University). 2011–2012 Ph.D. Candidate (external) in International Relations, Department of International Relations and Organizations, Graduate School of Humanities, University of Groningen; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler. 2011–2012 Guest at the Department of Psychology, Georgetown University; invited by Rom Harré to audit classes on cultural psychology, qualitative research methods in psychology, and on the philosophy of Wittgenstein. 2010–2011 Ph.D. Student in Political Science with a concentration in International Relations, Geschwister Scholl Institute for Political Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-University; Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler. Tobias Greiff 2004–2010 Magister Artium (M.A.) in Political Science (major), Regional History (minor), Modern and Contemporary History (minor), M.A. Thesis with "Highest Honors," Ludwig-Maximilians-University. 2006–2009 B.A. studies in Social Geography (parallel matriculation to M.A.), Technical University Munich in cooperation with Ludwig-Maximilians-University. 2008 Certificate in Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, American University, Washington, DC. Publications Monographs: 2011 Tobias Greiff. Identität und Anspruch: Die Funktionen von Symbolen im Friedensprozess in Bosnien und Herzegowina. Marburg: Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag. ISBN 978-3-8288-27813. [Review by Ines Weber in Portal für Politikwissenschaft: Die Annotierte Bibliografie – Political Science Portal: The Annotated Bibliography (2012).] 2006 Tobias Greiff. Johann Philipp Palm (1766–1806). München: Palm 1874. Reviewed Articles & Bookchapters: [2016] Tobias Greiff. Of Hajduks, Jews, and Weeping Widows: A transnational ‘Cultural Industry’ and its impact on Bosnia’s peace process. [In preparation for: Journal of Peacebuilding & Development] Tobias Greiff and Edi Jurković. Radicalization of the center: Sport as obstacle in Bosnia’s peace process. [In preparation for: Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations] 2016 Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. This causes conflict! – On the risks of establishing causalities through conflict analysis and the consequences of implementing those logics in conflict resolution strategies. In Rom Harré and Fathali Moghaddam (Eds.): Questioning causality: Scientific explorations of causes and consequences across social contexts. Santa Barbara: Praeger, pp. 259—275. 2015 Tobias Greiff. Space, place, & symbol: Utilizing central places to understand intergroup conflict dynamics. Narrative and Conflict: Explorations in Theory and Practice. Vol. 2 (1), pp. 33—64. 2014 Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. The ‘Need For Success’: Untying international peace interventions in Mostar. Alternatives: Global, Local, Political. Vol. 39 (2), pp. 108—123. 2013 Tobias Greiff. Losing one’s enemies? Partisans, Germans and the (in-)stability of Yugoslavia. In Rom Harré and Fathali Moghaddam (Eds.): The Psychology of Friendship and Enmity: Relationships in Love, Work, Politics, and War. Westport: Praeger, pp. 145—166. 2012 Tobias Greiff. Die Neue Welt in deutschsprachigen Reiseberichten des 16. Jahrhunderts: Identitätsfindung und Selbstpositionierung über die Konstruktion der Fremdartigkeit. Aventinus Varia, No. 31, pp. 1—34. [Indexed in AHF: Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung – Annals of Historical Research (2012). München: Oldenburg, p. 645.] 2 Tobias Greiff 2011 Tobias Greiff. Entscheidende Jahre für München – 1791-1809 – Von Residenzstadt zur offenen Stadt. Aventinus Bavarica, No. 21, pp. 1—17. [Indexed in Historische Bibliographie Online – Historical Bibliography Online. München: Oldenburg.] 2010 Tobias Greiff. Symbolische Kommunikation und die gesellschaftliche Positionierung des hohen Adels im (früh-)modernen Bayern. Aventinus Bavarica, No. 19, pp. 1—27. [Indexed in Historische Bibliographie Online – Historical Bibliography Online. München: Oldenburg.] Additional Publications: 2015 Tobias Greiff. Radicalized. Review of the book Why ‘good kids’ turn into deadly terrorists, by Alice LoCicero. Peace & Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Vol. 21 (4), pp. 673— 674. 2011 Tobias Greiff. The Munich Security Conference (MSC). In Historisches Lexikon Bayerns (online). www.historisches-lexikon-bayerns.de/artikel/artikel_46205 2010 Tobias Greiff. South Ossetia – From a Frozen to a Hot Conflict. In Politlounge (online). www.politlounge.de/essays/south_ossetia.pdf 2009 Tobias Greiff. Stadtpolitik und Urbanistik: Die Residenzstadt München wird eine offene Stadt. Die entscheidenden Jahre der Stadtplanung 1791–1809. In Politlounge (online). www.politlounge.de/essays/muenchen_offene_stadt.pdf 2007 Tobias Greiff. Fragile Staatlichkeit, Fallstudie – Tadschikistan. In Politlounge (online). www.politlounge.de/essays/fragile_staatlichkeit_tadschikistan.pdf 2006 Tobias Greiff. The ‘New’ Great Game – die Kaspische Region, ein globaler Konfliktraum des 21. Jahrhunderts? In Politlounge (online). www.politlounge.de/essays/ konflikt_kaspisches_oel.pdf 2005 Tobias Greiff. Welche Kriegsformen werden das 21. Jahrhundert prägen? Die Faktoren der neuen Kriege. In Politlounge (online). www.politlounge.de/essays/neue-kriege.pdf Fellowships, Scholarships, Grants & Awards Fellowships & Research Affiliations: Since 2015 Associate at the TAOS Institute, invited by Prof. Kenneth Gergen. Since 2015 Visiting Faculty at the Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, invited by Prof. Brendan O’Leary. 2014–2015 Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Political Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, invited by Prof. Brendan O’Leary. Summer 2014 Visiting Research Fellow at the Balkan Institute for Conflict Resolution, Responsibility, and Reconciliation, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology; Faculty supervisor: Prof. Sabina Čehajić-Clancy. Since 2014 Research Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University, invited by Prof. Sara Cobb. Since 2012 Affiliate at the Center for Political Practice and Order, University of Erfurt, invited by Prof. Oliver Kessler. 3 Tobias Greiff 2012–2015 Visiting Scholar at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (Commonwealth Center for Excellence), George Mason University; Faculty sponsors: Prof Dennis Sandole, Prof. Andrea Bartoli. Spring 2011 Visiting Researcher Conflict Resolution Program, Department of Government, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Georgetown University; Faculty sponsor: Prof. Fathali Moghaddam. Scholarships: 2011–2013 FAZit Dissertation Scholarship highly selective scholarship for outstanding research achievement from the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung" Foundation; covering all study and living costs for two years of Ph.D. dissertation research. [ ≈ 33,000$ ] 2007–2010 Konrad Adenauer Scholarship highly selective scholarship for promising future leaders and highly talented students from the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation; covering all study and living costs for six semesters of undergraduate/graduate studies plus part of the tuition for one semester abroad. Participated and supported in several extracurricular workshops, e.g.: "Theories of Justice," "World Religions and Cultures," "Frozen Conflicts." [ ≈ 40,000$ ] 2008 Konrad Adenauer Study Abroad Scholarship for participation in Certificate Program in Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University. [ ≈ 13,000$ ] 2008 Washington Semester Scholarship for participation in Certificate Program in Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University. [ 1,200$ ] Grants: [2016] ISA Travel Grant for travel and conference participation at the International Studies Association Annual Convention in Atlanta from the International Studies Association. [ 450$ ] 2015 Course Design Grant for the development of a new online master’s level course PPE 660 "Intercultural Communication for Evaluators" from the School for Professional & Extended Studies at American University (Co-PI with Alex Cromwell). [ 1,000$ ] 2015 TAOS Associates Grant for peace and community building workshops in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the TAOS Institute. [ 4,000$ ] 2014 DAAD Grant for travel and conference participation at the International Peace Research Association Annual Conference in Istanbul (Turkey) from the German Academic Exchange Service. [ ≈ 1,000$ ] 2012 DAAD Grant for travel and conference participation at the International Peace Research Association Annual Conference in Tsu City (Japan) from the German Academic Exchange Service. [ ≈ 2,000$ ] 2009 Academic Outreach Endowment Grant for initializing community-building projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina from Middlebury College (Co-PI with Jacquelyn Antonson). [ 4,000$ ] Awards: 4 Tobias Greiff 2015 The President’s Volunteer Service Award (gold) awarded for peace and community building work in Bosnia and Herzegovina by U.S. President Barack Obama. 2014 Northedge Essay Prize (finalist) at the 2014 Millennium Journal of International Studies essay competition. Research Research Interests: Intergroup Interactions: Distribution of power and emergence of (new) political agents in post-conflict environments, differentiation and positioning processes, dynamics of group and boundary formations, conflict prevention, and ethics of interventions. Symbolic Politics: Theories of symbolic power, roles and functions of symbols in everyday political processes and intergroup interactions, utilizing symbols as gateways into local meaning horizons, and symbols as seismographs for measuring conflict potentials. Politics of Public Space: Power and political-psychology of public space in social conflicts, ‘homeland,’ ‘bridging,’ and ‘border’ discourses and their political enactment, role of space in memorialization and reconciliation processes, and public space and security. Field Research Experience: 2014 Field Research: 4 weeks Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a study on the longterm effects of international interventions on Bosnia’s intergroup relations. 2010–2013 Field Research: Several weeks each year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for PhD dissertation on Post-Dayton intergroup conflicts. 2010 Field Research: 3 weeks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a study on the state of the post war education system in Bosnia Herzegovina, co-investigator with Jacquelyn Antonson. 2009 Field Research: 7 weeks Bosnia and Herzegovina, for MA thesis on the functions of ethno-national symbols in Bosnia’s peace process. 2008 Pilot Study Trip: 3 weeks Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to establish contacts and grounding within the region, under the supervision of Prof. Eleftherios Michael. Research Excursion: 1 week Oberpfalz (Germany), for a historical study on the regional development of one of the poorest Bavarian regions, under the supervision of Prof. Martin Ott. Archive Research: 4 weeks Bayerischer Hauptstaatsarchiv, Geheimes Hausarchiv, for a study on symbolic communication of the Bavarian Nobility. 2007 Research Excursion: 1 week Salamanca (Spain), for a historical study on the regional similarities and differences between Bavaria and Castilla y León, under the supervision of Prof. Ferdinand Kramer. Data Sets: Ethno-national Symbols: Collection of over 4000 images of ethno-national symbols central to political discourses in Post-Dayton Bosnia Herzegovina, including both entities, all cantons and all larger Bosnian 5 Tobias Greiff cities. Dataset with various sub-sets, such as: ‘War memorials,’ ‘Religious and cultural heritage sites,’ ‘Pre-war/Yugoslav monuments.’ Boundary/Territory Markers: Growing data set on markers, ranging from official flags and border signs to graffiti and tattoos, used to claim territories, demonstrate group membership, and justify (violent) actions. Papers & Guest Lectures Papers: [2016] Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. "This causes conflict – The impact of IR theorizing on local crisis in the Balkans: A call for destabilization." [Accepted for presentation at: Central and Eastern European International Studies Association joined conference (CEEISA-ISA) in Ljubljana] Tobias Greiff. "The Bosnian Spring – Emergence of new political actors in post Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina." [Accepted for presentation at: International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference 2016 in Atlanta] Fabio Capano and Tobias Greiff. "The European Union as peacebuilder in its neighborhood." [Accepted for presentation at: International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference 2016 in Atlanta] 2015 Tobias Greiff. "Central places in conflict – A research framework." [Accepted for presentation at: 28th Annual International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Conference, Florida] 2014 Tobias Greiff and Katherine G. Miller. "Occupying public space – Learning about intergroup conflict dynamics through the use of central places." [Presented at: 8th Annual Cultural Studies Conference at George Mason University, Virginia] Tobias Greiff. "Symbols as seismographs for intergroup tensions – Towards an early-warning framework." [Presented at: International Peace Research Association’s (IPRA) annual conference held at Sakarya University in Istanbul, Turkey. Accepted for presentation at: 10th Biennial Conflict Studies & Global Governance Conference at University of Massachusetts, Boston] Tobias Greiff. "The psychology of central places – A spatial theory for conflict analysis." [Presented at: International Peace Research Association’s (IPRA) annual conference held at Sakarya University in Istanbul, Turkey] Tobias Greiff. "Space, Place, & Symbol: Utilizing central places to understand intergroup conflict dynamics." [Presented at: International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference 2014 in Toronto, Canada] 2013 Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. "When bridging culture meets border cultures: Why interventions fail." [Presented at: International Studies Association (ISA) annual conference 2013 in San Francisco] Tobias Greiff and Bo A. Christensen. "Nostalgia: A driver in human creativity." [Accepted for presentation: 32nd International Human Science Research Conference in Aalborg, Denmark ] 6 Tobias Greiff 2012 Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. "When bridging and boundary discourses interact: Rethinking success and failure of international interventions through the Mostar experiences." [Presented at: International Peace Research Association’s (IPRA) annual conference at Mie University in Tsu City, Japan] Tobias Greiff. "Symbols as gateways into complex narrative structures: Utilizing symbols to research intergroup conflict (with illustrations from Bosnia and Herzegovina)." [Presented at: 9th Biennial Conflict Studies Conference at University of Massachusetts, Boston] Papers in progress: "The Irredentist Internet: Ethno-Nationalist Narrative Conflict on Youtube" together with Edward Lazarus "Combating Human Trafficking – Implementing Preventive Strategies into International Disaster Relief Programs" together with Hayley J. Walczer. "The power of central places in the politics of everyday life" "When enemies become friends – Challenges to group stability through interpersonal encounters with the collective enemy" "Symbols of Passage – When U.S. street gang members join prison gangs" Guest Lectures, Workshops & Presentations: 2015 Tobias Greiff. "Post-Liberalism: Re-thinking International Interventions." Guest lecture in the International Relations Theory Lecture Series at University of Erfurt, invited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler. Tobias Greiff. "Political agency, social interactions, and destructive violence in six Bosnian cities twenty years after the war." Presentation at the Center for Political Practice and Order, University of Erfurt, invited by Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler. Tobias Greiff. "Political agency, social interactions, and destructive violence in six Bosnian cities twenty years after the war." Presentation at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Laila Sorurbakhsh and Prof. Alex Cromwell. Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. "Internal and external evaluations for non-profit organizations – Experiences from the field." Guest lecture for a Monitoring and Evaluation seminar at Notre Dame of Maryland University, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. Tobias Greiff. "Symbolic politics and identity in intergroup conflicts." Guest lecture for a Conflict Analysis seminar at the Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University, invited by Prof. Edward Lazarus. Tobias Greiff. "Intercultural communication and conflict resolution skills." Workshop at Woodrow Wilson Highschool in Washington, DC, invited by Katherine G. Miller. 2014 Tobias Greiff. "Reconstruction, memorialization, and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Presentation for a seminar on justice and reconciliation at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Phil Gamaghelyan. Tobias Greiff. "The breakup of Yugoslavia and the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina." Guest lecture for a Conflict Resolution seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Mohamed Nimer. 7 Tobias Greiff Tobias Greiff. "Bosnian Spring? Understanding social conflict in Post-Dayton Bosnia." Presentation at the Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict (GMU), invited by Prof. Sara Cobb. Tobias Greiff. "Are there moral hinges? Beyond Wittgenstein’s On Certainty." Guest lecture for a Philosophy seminar at the Honors College (AU), invited by Prof. Rom Harré. Tobias Greiff. "Introduction to international negotiations (including multiparty peace negotiation simulation)." Guest lecture with workshop for a Conflict Resolution seminar at New Century College (GMU), invited by Prof. Alex Cromwell. 2013 Tobias Greiff. "Rites of passage – When street gang members join prison gangs." Guest lecture for a Cross-Cultural Communication seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. Tobias Greiff. "Symbolic politics – Introduction to the study of symbols for conflict analysts." Guest lecture with short workshop for a Conflict Resolution seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. 2012 Tobias Greiff and Jacquie L. Greiff. "Reflecting on conflict resolution theory and practice from the ground: Experiences from the Bosnian peace process." Guest lecture for a Conflict Resolution seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. Tobias Greiff. "Rethinking ethnic identities in Bosnia: Social-positioning processes and rising tensions in Post-Dayton Bosnia." Guest lecture at Conflict Resolution seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. 2011 Tobias Greiff. "Bosnia’s symbolic landscape: Analysis of the role of symbols in Bosnia’s peace process." Guest lecture at Conflict Resolution seminar at American University in Washington, DC, invited by Prof. Eleftherios Michael. Tobias Greiff. "Utilizing ethno-national symbols to understand Post-Dayton social dynamics in Bosnia: A positioning analysis." Invited to present at the Department of Psychology at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, by Prof. Fathali Moghaddam. 2010 Tobias Greiff. "Wir und Bosnien und Jetzt? Drei Geschichten aus Bosnien." Presentation at the annual meeting of Palm 1874 Publishers in Munich. 2009 Tobias Greiff. "Phaleristik – Eine Einführung in die Ordenskunde." Presentation at the annual meeting of Palm 1874 Publishers in Munich. Tobias Greiff. "Erfahrungen aus Washington und Sarajevo." Presentation at the Institute for Bavarian and Regional History at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, invited by Prof. Ferdinand Kramer. Tobias Greiff. "Ethno-nationale Symbole in Bosniens Friedensprozess – Zwischenbericht einer Feldstudie." Presentation at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilians-University, invited by Prof. Mir Ferdowsi Oreh. Tobias Greiff. "Die Funktionen von Symbole in Bosniens Friedensprozess – Eine Arbeitshypothese." Presentation at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science at LudwigMaximilians-University, invited by Prof. Mir Ferdowsi Oreh. 8 Tobias Greiff Teaching & Mentoring Classes taught: THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IAFF 3181 10 S16 "Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution" (3 credit, undergraduate) IAFF 3181 11 S16 "Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution" (3 credit, undergraduate) IAFF 3181 12 S16 "Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution" (3 credit, undergraduate) IAFF 3181 11 S15 "Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution" (3 credit, undergraduate) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SISU 431 001/2F "Conflict Resolution in The Middle East and Beyond" (three week research excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Kingdom of Jordan) SISU 431 003F "Conflict Resolution – Research Methods" (4 credit, undergraduate) SISU 431 004F "Conflict Resolution – Mentored Field Practicum" (4 credit, undergraduate) SISU 431 004S "Conflict Resolution – Mentored Field Practicum" (4 credit, undergraduate) SISU 140 011F "Cross-Cultural Communications" (3 credit, undergraduate) SISU 140 015F "Cross-Cultural Communications" (3 credit, undergraduate) SISU 130 001F "Intercultural Communication" (3 credit, undergraduate) SISU 130 007F "Intercultural Communication" (3 credit, undergraduate) SISU 130 009F "Intercultural Communication" (3 credit, undergraduate) WSEM 120 003F "Mentored Field Practicum" (3 credit, undergraduate) WSEM 120 010F "Mentored Field Practicum" (3 credit, undergraduate) GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY CONF 795 007S "Applying Positioning Theory" (1 credit, graduate) CONF 795 001S "Symbolic-Politics" (1 credit, graduate) LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITY Tutorial "Exam preparation in International Relations" (undergraduate) Classes co-taught/assisted: GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY CONF 695 017 "Discursive Psychology: People and their Narratives" (assisted Prof. Rom Harré, graduate level) LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITY "Lebensformen des Adels in Bayern in der frühen Neuzeit" (assisted Prof. Ferdinand Kramer, advanced seminar) "Internationalisierungsprozesse in Bayern" (assisted Prof. Ferdinand Kramer, advanced seminar) "Revolution 1918-19 in Bayern" (assisted Prof. Ferdinand Kramer, advanced seminar) 9 Tobias Greiff Classes designed and proposed: AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PPE 660 "Intercultural communication for evaluators" together with Alex Cromwell (online, graduate level) SISU 431 "Conflict analysis: Field-research in Bosnia and Jordan" (travel, undergraduate level) SISU 140 "Cross-cultural communications: Meeting the cross-cultural challenges of the 21st century" (undergraduate level) SPExS "Europe at the crossroads: Exploring the European Union’s uncertain future" (travel, undergraduate level) SPExS "The Balkan Route: Human security at Europe’s borders" (travel, undergraduate level) GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY CONF 399 "Ethno-national conflicts: Explaining and understanding modern civil wars" (undergraduate level) CONF 399 "Blood, Water, & Oil: Understanding and explaining global issues of the 21st century" (undergraduate level) CONF 795 "Applying Positioning Theory" (graduate level) CONF 795 "Symbolic-Politics" (graduate level) Mentoring: AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Ethan Graure, Psychology major, Political Science minor (class of 2018) Irene Serrano, International Studies with a focus on Conflict Resolution (class of 2018) Steve Prawiromaruto, International Studies major (class of 2017) Kathrine G. Miller, B.A. in International Studies with focus on Conflict Resolution (2013) CORNELL UNIVERSITY Matthew Crescimanno, Linguistics major (class of 2017) GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Hayley J. Walczer, B.A. in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (2015) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Olga Golovneva, International Business major (class of 2018) SKIDMORE COLLEGE Elizabeth Lehmann, International Relations and Religious Studies (class of 2016) 10 Tobias Greiff Service University, School, or Department Service: SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL & EXTENDED STUDIES, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Curriculum revision for Washington Mentorship Program (SPEX 196 "College Inquiry") Designed new master’s level course PPE 660 "Intercultural Communication for Evaluators" together with Alex Cromwell Initiated conversations for future partnerships between SPExS and academic institutions overseas Faculty spokesperson during several visits of (potential) partner institutions Faculty advisor to the curriculum revision committee for SISU 130 "Understanding Cultures" CENTER FOR PEACEMAKING PRACTICE, GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Advisor for International Fellowship Program CENTER FOR POLITICAL PRACTICE AND ORDER, UNIVERSITY OF ERFURT Founding member Advisor to "Grass Roots Studies" section Editorial work: Redacting and editing the memoirs of Gustav von Kahr, a former prime minister of Bavaria. Redacting, editing, and correspondence with authors for: Kramer, Ferdinand and Rumschöttel, Hermann (eds.). Umweltgeschichte und Landesgeschichte in Bayern, (forthcoming). Editing work for: Kramer, Ferdinand. (ed.). Der Landtag in der Bayerischen Verfassung von 1946. (Beiträge zum Parlarmentarisums, Vol. 15) München, 2009. Reviewer: Peace and Conflict: Journal for Peace Psychology Narrative and Conflict: Explorations in Theory and Practice International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), conference papers Chair, Organizer, Moderator, or Discussant: Non-state Actors in International Politics (invited to serve as panel discussant); Central and Eastern European International Studies Association joined conference, Ljubljana [2016] Exploring Intrastate Conflict, Mediation, Institutions, and Peace (invited to chair the panel); International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Atlanta [2016] (New) Media and Peace (invited to serve as panel discussant); International Studies Association, Annual Convention, Atlanta [2016] Justice and reconciliation in Bosnia – Twenty years after Dayton (panel organizer and moderator); American University (2014) Bosnia’s peace process – from Dayton to the General Elections 2014 (round table organizer and moderator); American University (2014) Peacemaking in post-conflict settings (panel discussant); Poverty and Peacemaking Conference, Princeton University (2014) 11 Tobias Greiff Positions & Commitments Academic (at universities): THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Professorial Lecturer for International Affairs (part-time) at the Elliott School of International Affairs, (spring 2016) Professorial Lecturer for International Affairs (part-time) at the Elliott School of International Affairs, (spring 2015) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Consultant for Curriculum Design and Development; School for Professional & Extended Studies and Intercultural Management Institute (IMI), (spring 2016) Professorial Lecturer for Intercultural Communications (full-time); School for Professional & Extended Studies, (fall 2015) Instructor for International Peace and Conflict Resolution (adjunct); School for Professional & Extended Studies, (spring 2015) Instructor for International Peace and Conflict Resolution (full-time); School for Professional & Extended Studies, (fall 2014) Instructor for Intercultural Communications (full-time); School for Professional & Extended Studies, (fall 2013) AMERICAN UNIVERSITY / UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE Professorial Lecturer for Intercultural Communications; Delaware in D.C. Program, (fall 2015) UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Visiting Faculty; Political Science Department, (since fall 2015) Visiting Pre-Doctoral Fellow; Political Science Department, (2014–2015) GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY Affiliate Faculty; Center for the Study of Narrative and Conflict Resolution, (since spring 2014) Instructor (adjunct); School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, (2013–2014) Graduate Lecturer; School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, (offer declined) Graduate Teaching Assistant; School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, (spring 2013) Visiting Scholar / Adjunct Faculty; School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, (2012–2015) GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY Visiting Researcher; Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Department of Government, Conflict Resolution Program, (spring 2011) LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITY Research / Teaching Assistant; at the chair of Prof. Ferdinand Kramer, (2006–2008) Teaching Assistant; at the chair of Prof. Mir Ferdowsi Oreh, (2006) 12 Tobias Greiff Academic (others): IPRA – RESEARCHER PRACTITIONER WORKING GROUP Founding member; International Peace Research Association – Researcher Practitioner Working Group, (since spring 2016) KAS – OSTEUROPA NETZWERK Researcher; Konrad Adenauer Foundation East Europe Network, (since spring 2015) THE TAOS INSTITUTE Associate, (since spring 2015) CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL GRASSROOTS RELATIONS Co-founder / Interim Executive Coordinator; at the chair of Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler at the University of Erfurt, (2011–2012) BALKAN WORKING GROUP Researcher; at the chair of Prof. Dennis Sandole, (2010–2014) BAVARIAN STATE LIBRARY / LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITY Research Assistant; Foreign Service History Database Project, (2009–2010) POLITLOUNGE Enlisted Author; Online journal for the study of contemporary political issues, (2005–2010) Non-academic (selection): F-R-E-E e.V. / F-R-E-E USA (Inc.) Founder and Director; International non-profit development NGO working on peace and community building projects in post-conflict environments, (since 2008) PALM 1874 Archivist; Non-profit organization working to preserve the cultural heritage of book making and book art, (2006–2012) Member; (since 2005) CONGRESSMAN TIM MURPHY Intern to the political advisor, DC Office, (2008) NACHWUCHSJOURNALISTEN IN BAYERN e.V. Journalist-in-training; Young Journalists Association in Bavaria, (2005–2009) 13 Tobias Greiff DEUTSCHE BUNDESWEHR Officer Candidate, 232nd Mountain-Battalion, (honorable discharge in 2004) Certifications & Languages Certificates: Certificate "Green Teaching Certificate," Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning, American University Certificate "Social and Behavioral Research – Basic/Refresher," CITI University of Miami Certificate "Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research," CITI University of Miami Certificate "Unlawful Harassment Prevention for Higher Education Faculty," American University Certificate "Title IX Awareness and Violence Prevention for Faculty," American University Certificate "Didactics and Methods of University Level Teaching," LMU Graduate Centre Certificate "Communication in Conflicts," LMU Graduate Centre Certificate "Voice Training for Public Speakers," LMU Graduate Centre Certificate "Working with LATEX in the Social Sciences," LMU Graduate Centre Professional Fitness-Trainer License (BSA, Saarbrücken) Professional Nutritionist License (BSA, Saarbrücken) Languages: German (fluent) English (fluent) Latin (university certificate of proficiency) Russian (beginner) References & Mentors Prof. Carola Weil, Ph. D. Dean of School of Professional & Extended Studies American University 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20016 (USA) Tel: +1-202-885-5990 E-mail: weil@american.edu Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler Chair for International Relations University of Erfurt Nordhäuser Str. 63 99089 Erfurt Germany Tel: +49-361-737-4961 14 Tobias Greiff E-mail: oliver.kessler@uni-erfurt.de Prof. Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D. Dean of School of Diplomacy and International Relations Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, New Jersey 07079 (USA) Tel: + 1-973-275-2516 E-mail: andrea.bartoli@shu.edu Prof. Rom Harré, Ph.D. Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Psychology Georgetown University 108 White-Gravenor-Building 37th and O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057 (USA) Tel: +1-202-687-4043 E-mail: harre@georgetown.edu Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Kramer Chair for Bavarian and Regional History Ludwig-Maximilians-University Ludwigstraße 14 80539 München (GER) Tel: +49-89-28638-2507 E-mail: ferdinand.kramer@lmu.de Prof. Eleftherios Michael, Ph.D. Associate Dean for International Education Notre Dame of Maryland University 4701 North Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21210 (USA) Tel: +1-410-532-3183 E-mail: emichael@ndm.edu Last updated: February 20, 2016 15