'Ofc THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART NEW YORK 19 T? WEST TELEPHONE, CABLES: SARAH NEWMEYER, PUBLICITY 53rd CIRCLE MODERNART, STREET 5-8900 NEW-YORK DIRECTOR September 11, 1945 TO City Editor Art Editor Education Editor Dance Editor Theatre Editor Dear Sir: You are invited to come or send a representative to Press Preview of COSTUME CARNIVAL a small exhibition to be shown in the Young People1s Gallery Tuesday, September 18 2 to 6 P,M. at the Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53 Street The exhibition will open to the public Wednesday, September 19, and will remain on view through November 25, The exhibition, which has been prepared by the Department of Dance and Theatre Design, will be sent on tour to schools and small galleries throughout the country after Its initial showing at the Museum. rely yours, larah Ne; ofer Publicity ireotor f / 45917 - 29 THE M U S E U M OF M O D E R N ART jl WEST 53RD STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. TELEPHONE: CIRCLE S-8900 F Q R I M M E D I A T E RELEASE COSTUME CARNIVAL FOR YOUNG PEOPLE OPENS AT MUSEUM OF MODERN ART By means of paper sculpture, wooden cutouts, drawings and a gaily colored merry-go-round, the Costume Carnival which opens at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53 Street, on Wednesday, September 19, indicates the historical sources to which the contemporary costume designer refers for his free and imaginative interpretations. The exhibition, designed by the Museum's Department of Dance and Theatre Design for children of all ages, will be shown in the Young People1s G-allery on the second floor. When it closes November 25, it will be circulated to schools and small galleries throughout the country. Models and drawings emphasize the fact that fashion has never been static and that variations and elaborations of basic patterns throughout the centuries have provided the costume designer with an unlimited field of ideas and inspiration. In the first section of the exhibition, paper sculptures by Erica G-orecka-Egan illustrate three basic costumes—the draped gown, the poncho and the kimono. Other paper sculptures represent highly stylized contemporary costumes The ten wooden cutouts on the merry-go-round span the fashions of many centuries, the figures exaggerating and emphasizing the peculiar characteristics and oddities of the period. A dance figure by Alexander Calder straddles the top of the merry-go-round. The work of the modern artists, in the second part of the exhibition, points out the changing attitude to the problem of costume design. Instead of limiting himself to a dependence upon authentic historical details and transposing the actual costume to the stage, the modern artist relies primarily on his imagination and has thus introduced a freer and more creative approach to the field of costume design. No original costume designs are shown. Drawings and cutout figures by Jean Volkmer and Charlotte Trowbridge of the Museum staff, are adapted for children from original documents. Among the artists whose costume designs have served as Inspiration are Picasso, Leger, Schlemmer, Dali and Merlda. /£»> COSTUME CARNIVAL C]je_clLiiisi SHELF ONE 5 moor sculptures in boxes and 5 drawings illustrating the following costumes: (1) Draped Gown (Toga - Chiton) (2) Tunic - Poncho (3) Cloak - Kimono SHELF TWO 5 wooden cutouts (1) Costume "Harlequin" (Commedia doll1Arte) (2) Mexican Indian Costume (3) Mexican Costume, after Merida PANELS A and B (A) Different forms of Skirts (B) Different forms of Trousers SHELF THREE 3 paper sculptures (1) Alexandra EXTER - Costume for Oscar Wilde's"Salome", 1917 (2) Alexander VESNIN - Costume for Racine's "Phedre", 1921 (3) Pablo PICASSO - Costume 'Manager1 for Satie's Ballet "Parade", 1917 SHELF FOUR 5 cutouts and 5 drawings (1) Fernand LEGER - Costume for Milhaud's Ballet "The Creation of the World','1923 (2) Joan JUNYER - Costume for projected Ballet, 1945 (3) Georges VALMIER - Costume for Pillement's "Cyprien", 1923 (4) Oskar SCHLEMIMl - Costume for the "Triadic Ballet", 1923 (5) Salvador DALI - Costume for the "Paranoic Ballet", about 1940 (6) Richard LINDNER - Ballet Costume "The Magic Cock", 1945 MERRY-GO-ROUND Ten cutouts of silhouettes of Fashion through the Ages, Samples of Materials, demonstrating different materials, weaves, colors. All costume drav/ings or sculptures or cutouts are free copies or have been redesigned. None of them is original.