Meeting Minutes for 04-21-14

APRIL 21, 2014
The meeting was called to order by President Englehart at 4:30 p.m. at the Bureau
County Metro Center, Princeton, Illinois.
Present were Commissioners Gene Englehart, Dennis Nink, and Dick Volker. Also
present were Executive Director, Elaine Russell; Superintendent of Parks, Keith Scherer;
Administrative Assistant, Tammy Lange; Attorney Bob Russell; and Secretary, DeAnn
Underwood. Commissioners Bob Halberg and Andy Marti were absent.
President Englehart perfected the agenda by adding under New Business f. Concert
Request at Zearing Park and eliminating under Unfinished Business a. Revisit Advertising
Request from Jud Scott/Dimond Bros. to Advertise on Metro Center Scoreboard in Gym~$500
per Board~One Year Contract.
President Englehart requested a motion for approval of the minutes of the Regular
Meeting on March 17, 2014. Motion was made by Commissioner Nink and seconded by
Commissioner Volker. A voice vote was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The motion carried.
Nothing was presented.
A list of bills due and payable for the Bureau County Metro Center in the amount of
$13,352.15 was presented for the time period of March 17, 2014 through April 21, 2014.
President Englehart requested a motion for approval of all Bureau County Metro Center claims
totaling $13,352.15. Motion was made by Commissioner Nink and seconded by Commissioner
Volker. A voice vote was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The motion carried.
A list of bills due and payable for the Princeton Park District in the amount of $4,941.13
was presented for the time period of March 17, 2014 through April 21, 2014. President
Englehart requested a motion for approval of all Princeton Park District claims totaling
$4,941.13. Motion was made by Commissioner Volker and seconded by Commissioner Nink. A
voice vote was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The motion carried.
A list of hand written checks in the amount of $40,857.25 was presented for the time
period of March 18, 2014 through April 10, 2014, as well as debit card transactions in the
amount of $1,502.66 for the time period of March 14, 2014 thru March 26, 2014. President
Englehart requested a motion to approve the hand written checks and debit card transactions, for
a total amount of $42,359.91. Motion was made by Commissioner Nink and seconded by
Commissioner Volker. A voice vote was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The motion carried.
The Board reviewed the spreadsheet of Cash Fund Balance Reconciliation for the
2013/14 fiscal year. The Cash Total at month end March 2014 was $1,234,100.49. Elaine stated
all balances are in excellent shape. It was noted the cash total is approximately $50,000 higher
than last year; however, those funds will be used for the balance of the parking lot repairs.
The Fiscal 2013/2014 Expense Totals by Month Report was reviewed. The total amount
for March was at $102,797.75.
The Board reviewed the March 2014 Financial Statements.
Approval of Health, Dental, & Life Insurance for Full-Time Staff – Elaine reviewed
with the Board the insurance coverage for the full time employees for the next renewal period.
The federal and state regulators have elected to afford small employers in Illinois with the option
to renew their existing plans in 2014 without all the Affordable Care Act requirements, referred
to as “Transitional Relief” from ACA. It was recommended to continue with the current carriers,
UnitedHealthcare for medical and Companion Life for the dental and life.
For the renewal period, the costs for the Health and Dental/Life Insurance will be as
Health $43,201
Dental/Life - $ 5,220
President Englehart requested a motion to approve the employee health, dental, and life
insurance cost at $48,421 for the next renewal period. Motion was made by Commissioner Nink
and seconded by Commissioner Volker. A voice vote was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The
motion carried.
Discussion on Asset Allocation for Zearing Park Trust (Gene/Andy) – President
Englehart stated he and Elaine had met with Rob Mounts of Heartland Bank and Trust Company
regarding the Asset Allocations for the Zearing Park Trust investments. Currently the funds are
invested in conservative investments and it was suggested to be more aggressive in order for the
funds to grow. After some discussion it was the consensus of the Board to change the funds
from a Conservative Asset Allocation to a Balanced Asset Allocation.
25th Anniversary Celebration for Metro Center~Success!! – Elaine stated employees,
as well as the patrons, enjoyed some fun activities and giveaways during the 25th Anniversary
Celebration for the Metro Center celebrated the week of April 7th. On Friday, April 11th there
was free admission to non members. It was noted it should be considered to have another
celebration in the Fall.
Review Department Reports from Canceled Meeting of April 7, 2014 – The Board
reviewed and accepted the following department reports:
● Superintendent of Park’s Report
● Maintenance Coordinator’s Report
● Recreation Coordinator’s Report
● Aquatic Coordinator’s Report
● Rentals Report
Share Shoemake Foundation Contribution Suggestions for 2013-2014 Budget –
Elaine reviewed the suggestions for the Shoemake Foundation contribution for the 2013-2014
Budget. The list consisted of replacement of hoist belts on gym divider curtain, maintenance
inspection of six suspended basketball backstops, purchase of OptiShot Golf Simulator plus
software notebook, Oartec Slider and Matrix Rower for cardio room, Virtual Video Tours for
Matrix machines in cardio room, vinyl sign cutter, as well as the repair of the cement entrance to
the Metro Center and addition of handicap ramp from parking lot. The option of helping with
the repair of the pool pit, which could cost between $10,000 and $20,000, was also discussed.
Elaine will be meeting with the group from the Shoemake Foundation on Wednesday to share
these suggestions.
Review the Following Funds for Tentative 2014-2015 Budget – Workman’s
Compensation, Liability Insurance, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Bonds, Social
Security, Unemployment, Paving & Lighting, Audit – Elaine reviewed with the Board the
funds for the Tentative 2014-2015 Budget which included Workman’s Compensation, Liability
Insurance, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Bonds, Social Security, Unemployment, Paving
& Lighting, and Audit. Elaine noted all figures are comparable to last year’s figures.
Concert Request at Zearing Park – Elaine stated she has been contacted by Jeff
Clawson and Joni Hunt from the City of Princeton regarding the possibility of having a Country
Western Concert with singer, Brantley Gilbert, at Zearing Park. They noted there is a possibility
of having anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 attend this concert. After some discussion regarding
traffic, parking, possible weather conditions, etc. it was the consensus of the Board that this type
of concert may not be the best use of Zearing Park. Elaine will schedule a meeting with Jeff and
Joni for her and Gene to present to them the concerns the Board may have with the concert.
Review Section 809:1 Drugs, Narcotics, and Alcohol for the Personnel Policy
Manual – The Board reviewed the change in wording for Section 809:1 Drugs, Narcotics, and
Alcohol. It was the consensus of the Board to use the change in wording for Section 809:1 of the
Personnel Policy Manual.
Final Approval of Personnel Policy Manual ~ All Sections 1 – 9 – President Englehart
requested approval of all Sections 1 – 9 of the Personnel Policy Manual. Motion was made by
Commissioner Nink and seconded by Commissioner Volker. A voice vote was taken: ayes –
all; nays none. The motion carried.
Discussion on the Annexation & Abatement Ordinance for Bailey Subdivision –
Elaine stated she has confirmation that $2,900 is the amount owed for the first year on the
Annexation & Abatement Ordinance for the Bailey Subdivision. There are a lot of unanswered
questions for the amounts due after year number one.
Discussion on Heaved Pier at Zearing Park Dock – Keith reported due to the winter
weather, the ramp leading to the fishing pier is damaged. The cement bases under the ramp are
heaving at different levels causing pulling at all seams and joints, as well as twisting the ramp.
The pier is closed as of now until this issued can be repaired. Engineer Kevin Heitz with
Chamlin & Associates has inspected the ramp and will be contacting the original contractor,
Liebhart, to come and look at the situation.
The Board reviewed the Executive Director’s and Administrative Assistant’s Report.
Commissioner Volker stated he has been contacted by a patron in regard to the Metro
Center installing a speed bag at the facility. This request will be given to Nick Davis for
At 5:43 p.m. motion was made by Commissioner Volker, with a second by
Commissioner Nink to adjourn. A roll call was taken: ayes – all, nays – none. The motion
O. Eugene Englehart, President
Robert C. Halberg, Jr., Secretary