the contender - Christ University

Debate Competition
This event will be one of the most heated and informative competitions at the Economics Fest.
Contestants will be expected to consolidate their opinions on the given topic and present their views
effectively within the allotted 5 minutes. They will be allowed to answer three questions, one from
their counterpart, one from the judge and one from the audience in an effort to allow holistic
Contestants will be scored on their presentation of Matter, the Manner in which the information is
conveyed and the flow of the speech (its logical links) or its Method.
Teams will consist of two members: one speaker for the topic and one against.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of two teams.
Each participant will be allotted a maximum of 5 Minutes to present his/her matter.
The Speaker for the topic will present matter first and the Speaker against the topic from the
same team will present matter second.
At the end of each speech the contestant will be allowed to entertain a maximum of 3
questions. (Cross questioning will not be entertained.)
Questions will be asked by the Judges, the opponent from the same team and the audience.
Participants are allowed to carry prompt sheets with them to the podium; however they are
encouraged not to do so.
PRIZES: Prizes will be awarded to the Best Speaker for both motions
VENUE: Panel Room
DATE: 19th February, 2011
TIME: 11.00 AM – 12.30 PM
For any queries please contact- Dipti (+91 93416221228)
Best Economist
The most coveted event of ALTIUS 2011, Penny Lane is set to attract the best economic minds from
across the country. The participants would be put through a series of rigorous oral and written
rounds all of which pertain to the subject matter of Economics.
The preliminary round comprises of a comprehensive written examination which will test the
participants’ competence in Economic Theory, Quantitative Economics and Developmental Issues.
The preliminary round would result in the selection of 5 finalists who would then compete for the
title of Best Economist. The duration of the preliminary round is 1 hour.
The final round consists of economic interpretation of visuals and a live open interview with a
panel of distinguished economists/scholars, wherein the participants’ knowledge of the subject
matter of economics will be tested through an oral examination.
This is an individual event.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of two teams.
The participants will be judged on the basis of a cumulative score across all rounds.
Any kind of malpractice in the written round would lead to a disqualification of the
VENUE: Room no. 105 (Central Block)
DATE: 18th February (Preliminary round)
19th February (Finals)
TIME: Preliminary round – 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
Final round – 12.00 NOON – 1.00 PM
For any queries contact- Akash (+91 9742335105)
Treasure Hunt
Be prepared to tickle your brain!
This event is aiming to be the craziest, most competitive and fun event, the stalwart of the fest itself!
The treasure hunt participants should expect to test both their economic and physical strength and
stamina. Clues will be based on the basic principles of economics and economists themselves.
Each team must consist of three team members.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of one team.
The winner will be decided on a cumulative point system based on clues.
All clues must be collected to be considered an eligible win.
Wear comfortable shoes 
DURATION: 2 hours (approx)
VENUE: College Campus
DATE: 19th February
TIME: 9.00 AM – 11.00 AM
For any queries contact- Nandini (+91 9008405415)
Mock United Nations
This event is geared up to be a fun and educational experience! Participants will be allotted a
country a week prior to the day of the event along with an Agenda to be discussed in a mock
council session of the United Nations. They will be expected to follow basic parliamentary
procedure and behave as representatives of their allotted nation discussing the given issue at hand.
The aim of the session is to evolve solutions to economic problems commonly faced in the global
economic – political arena.
Participants through this experience will gain a keen understanding of how international political
and economic policies of countries affect the world scenario and vice versa.
Each participant will be allotted a country represented at the United Nations.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of three participants per team.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of one team.
Participants will receive their countries, a study guide and the Agenda for the Council
session a week prior to the event.
Through the course of the session participants are expected to stick to the stances of their
given countries and not defend their own personal opinions.
The debate will be geared towards solution building and problem solving. Delegates are
encouraged not to attack countries with divergent foreign policy.
While some amount of preparation is required for this event, we assure participants that we
will facilitate healthy, stimulating, well informed discussions on the problem at hand.
DURATION: The Council will be in session for approximately two and a half hours.
VENUE: Panel Room
DATE: 18th February
TIME: 9.00 AM - 12.00 PM
For any queries Contact- Dipti (+91 9341621228)
Monopoly- Be the game!
The game of monopoly displays both strategic capabilities of participants and their tactful
management of limited resources. A life size board with human pawns will lend a truly realistic feel
to the age old game of buying and selling profit.
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Shoot the Right Economist game
Here participants will be questioned about economists and economics and will be required to shoot
the right answer off a board of option balloons.
Each team must consist of two team members.
There is no cap on the number of teams per college however only the top ten teams will
proceed to the final round (MONOPOLY).
Participants are requested maintain decorum while holding a gun 
DURATION: 2 hours
VENUE: College Campus
DATE: 18th February
TIME: 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
For any queries Contact: Chandni (+91 9844093692)
This is an event designed for participants to display their ability to view both sides of an issue with
equal depth of insight. Turncoat participants will receive a topic and one minute to prepare their
speeches with two minutes to speak.
They will begin by speaking in favour of the topic, however, intermittently a bell will ring at random,
at the sound of which contestants must turn in a circle and begin to speak against the topic. This
may happen repeatedly, forcing the contestant to alternate between ‘for’ and ‘against’ during the
two minute speech.
This is an individual event.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of three teams.
Each participant will get only one minute to prepare and two minutes to speak.
Each participant will receive only one topic.
Participants must alternate between speaking ‘for’ and ‘against’ the topic at the sound of
the bell.
DURATION: 1 hour
VENUE: Room no. 105 (Central Block)
DATE: 19th February
TIME: 9.00 AM – 10.00 AM
For any Queries Contact: Nikita (+91 9972232551)
Mad Market Mania
Mock Stocks
“Dividend, Sensex, Stock,NSE, Market Capitalization ………….!!!!!“
Sounds Familiar????????????
Then see it as your chance to make money.
Be prepared to battle the rigors of the stock market mania with your speed, precision and analytical
skills, against the very best.
The first round would comprise of a quiz which would have crosswords, analogies and puzzles. The
top eight from this round would qualify to the next round.
The second round would involve intense trading amongst the qualifiers. Each team would be given
Rs. 10,000 as virtual money using which they could buy and sell shares. Buying and selling is only
possible in multiples of 100. There will be six sessions of 10 minutes each where the buying and
selling will take place. The company profiles and necessary updates will be shown to assist the
investing teams.
The top three teams from the second round qualify for the third round which could change their
fortunes and have a bearing on the final outcome. This would be a high stake round with more
options than before for the investing teams.
Teams will consist of two members.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of two teams.
Registration is open only for the first 20 teams so HURRY!
Participants are not allowed to carry anything except a calculator to the venue of the event.
Scientific calculators are permitted. Other stationary will be provided.
Use of internet during the event is strictly prohibited.
The team with the maximum profit wins.
DURATION: 2 hours
VENUE: Panel Room
DATE: 18th February
TIME: 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM
For any queries please contact- Aneesh (+91 962089905)
Challenge your own ideas!
You want to be a creative crazy advertiser, play Ad zap. This event helps to expose your creativeness
to cast a spell on buyers, but with a gentle touch of humor. A bizarre product will be given on the
spot and the advertisers have to come up with ads that will make them sell the product in a very
enthralling manner. Forms of expressions like jingles, slogans and any other props are welcome
(must not be offensive or vulgar in any manner).
Each team consists of a minimum of 5, and a maximum of 8 members.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of one team.
The product name will be provided to the teams.
Teams will be given 5 minutes to prepare.
Teams will be given 5 minutes to present.
The criteria of judgment will be on presentation & creativeness.
DURATION: 1 hour
DATE: 18th February
TIME: 12.00 NOON - 1.00PM
VENUE: Room no. 105 (Central Block)
For any Queries Contact- Hanna (+91 7259279326)
Are you smarter than the smartest? 
Here’s an opportunity for you all to flaunt your economic intellect. Bull’s eye is a quiz event which
will test you on your understanding of economic principles, analytical skills and current affairs.
Each team must consist of two members
Each college may register only one team
First round is a simple question answer round
Second round is an audio-visual round
Third round is a ‘fastest finger first’ round
Final round is a rapid fire round
Be the best, beat the rest!!
DURATION: 2 hours
VENUE: Panel Room
DATE: 18th February
TIME: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
For any Queries Contact- Arpita (+919591232149)
Theme Presentation
Are you a creative economist? This is the place for you to use your creative capabilities. By using the
tools of economics to analyse the themes and representing it judiciously you can be “the insider”.
Preliminary round
In the preliminary round the participants will be given four topics. The participants are required to
submit an essay of not more than 1000 words, on any one of the 5 topics given for preliminary
screening, by February 10th, 2011 midnight. Six candidates will move on to the final round.
Final round
The candidates in the final round will be given a theme 5 days prior to the competition (February 9,
2011). Candidates can represent the themes in any one of the following forms
Short story
Slideshow (Powerpoint presentation)
Video narration (in the form of a documentary of not more than 5+2 minutes. Also, it must
contain only visual elements accompanied with live narration by the participant)
Participants will be judged on the basis of the content of the presentation and not based on the
particular skills associated with the respective formats. Judgement will be based on how well the
participants are able to represent the theme of the competition.
This is an individual event.
Colleges are allowed to register a maximum of two teams.
No profanity is allowed
DURATION: 1 hour
VENUE: Room no. 105 (Central Block)
DATE: 19th February
TIME: 10.00 AM – 11.00 AM
For any Queries Contact- Suraj (+91 9886307496) or Tony (+91 9986550746)