The Truth about Immanuel and Mary Magdalene Preaching along

The Truth about Immanuel and Mary Magdalene
Preaching along the shores of the Galilee, Immanuel (Jesus) attracted large crowds
regularly. In his short life, he reached many who would have never learned about the
Kingdom of Heaven. Still, the man who healed and saved lived a quiet life away from
the crowds. He often stopped by the small town of Bethany to visit with the one who
captured his heart, Mary Magdalene. (Mary’s brother Lazarus lived in Bethany.) Her
grace and beauty were not the attraction; it was her determination to follow through with
his lectures among the poor and needy. Often he would arrive to find her helping the
homeless and orphans alone. Soon they were married in a private service, and by the
end of three years, she became pregnant with their first child. Not only would she follow
him throughout the land for months on end as he healed and taught she ministered
alongside him.
But the wicked would not allow him to have peace on Earth; instead they beat and
tortured him unto death. She was the witness who stood beside him as the other
disciples fled for their lives. Unafraid of death, she followed him to the grave, knowing
in three days, he would return. She knew he would reemerge from death; and he did,
she was the first one to see him alive.
Anointing his feet with Spikenard oil prior to his death was a beautiful thing that he
appreciated greatly, though complained about by the disciple who would later betray
him. Another factor that was objectionable to the other disciples was his great love for
her; often he would kiss her on the lips, as a husband to his wife. The joy of their life
together was a driving force, he knew their days on earth would be short. Both knew his
destiny was to lead people to God the Father, Immanuel is the King of Heaven, first
born Son of the Creator. She is the Queen of Heaven, his perfect mate. Both of them
came to bring forward God’s secret Plan of Salvation. He returned from death and
continued to teach his disciples, while Mary was always at his side.
She was “the Beloved Disciple” later called John by the male priests who couldn’t bare
the thought of a strong woman among the first leaders of Christianity. Mary left
occupied Israel pregnant with their first child. She traveled with James (aka Joseph of
Arimathea, Immanuel’s brother), Matthew and a few others preaching the truth
everywhere they went. After landing on the shore of France in a small boat, they took
up residence in the southern mountainous region. Throughout France, Europe, Egypt
and Syria they traveled preaching to and healing all who would listen. Together these
disciples worked day and night to bring the knowledge of Heaven to those in foreign
lands. Mary especially focused on France where women were not scorned as leaders,
she left her mark strong and deep there.
The Magdalene was not a repentant whore as Pope Gregory portrayed with his evil
words, a pathetic myth still propagated today. Gregory took the words of the Gospels
and mixed up the characters to rid any remaining evidence of women leaders of the
church. He was not alone in his vicious deeds, for many other men of the cloth
mistranslated and out right lied about her life’s work.
But the truth always comes out, and here it is. She was never possessed by seven
demons, as wrongly translated and forged into Luke’s Book. This nauseating fallacy
was a mixture of the stories of Immanuel ridding a prostitute of demons, and the next
story which followed about Mary Magdalene anointing her husband Immanuel’s feet
prior to his death. The truth is she was as righteous as Immanuel, always living her life
in service to the Almighty Creator. Mary Magdalene was the one appointed by God to
bring forward His design onto the material universe, as His Mother for Creation. But
those men who hated to see a woman capable of anything great do not allow this to see
the light of day, showing themselves instead as the unrepentant whores possessed by
several demons.
All evidence of Immanuel and Mary’s marriage was later eliminated from the Gospels
because of rampant homosexuality among the clergy who preferred male domineering
instead of equality between men and women. Soon they took the story of Immanuel’s
mother Mary, and turned her into a perpetual virgin, and gave her the crown of Heaven,
no matter how undeserving she was. Ad nauseum the clergy throughout time have
intentionally changed words, mistranslated, discredited, burned books, and outright lied
to perpetrate the devils’ words upon mankind. But the truth will always see the light of
day, no matter how long it takes to reemerge. Hidden books found within the last
century can prove all of these words.
Today Immanuel and Mary Magdalene are still the King and Queen of Heaven. The
time for his second coming is close at hand, he has prepared a place for the children of
the One God; while she has continued to labor on the earth bringing mankind the truth
from Heaven. Look closely at the words in the Bible, there are many discrepancies
thrown in there by male dominated glory hounds that would prefer you just listen to
them instead of research and think on your own.
The Queen has prepared herself, for the wedding of the Bride and Groom is very near.
Are you ready for that wonderful life in the Heaven our King has shown exists? Or will
you prefer the words of the demons that possess the souls of those who are too afraid
to think for themselves. The God Who Immanuel and Mary dedicated their lives to
unhesitantly loves all of His children, He wants you to return unto the land of your origin.
Find more about the King and Queen of Heaven at