Mindroom Newsletter June 2011

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Rory Bremner makes his living from pretending to be someone else... but in this
issue of the Mindroom newsletter we discover another side to the comedian and
impressionist. Fascinating. His BBC documentary is essential listening. Also
featured is a new ADHD charity, a look at our new Leith office, and a plea to sign an
important online petition.
Rory Bremner is best known as a sharp-witted comedian and
impersonator. But behind the comic persona is a man who
struggles to focus, loses the thread and takes on too many
tasks that can leave his personal and professional life in
Rory always put his chaotic lifestyle down to his personality but
when a family member was diagnosed with ADHD, it all
sounded so familiar. The discovery that he too may have ADHD
set Rory on a journey that took him to Mindroom’s international
conference, No Mind Left Behind: Social Brain 3 in March, where
he recorded a large part of his BBC Radio 4 documentary
ADHD and Me.
“Rory met and interviewed conference speakers Professor Eric
Taylor, David Coghill and Bill Colley,” said Mindroom founder
Sophie Dow, “but I think the part that made the biggest
impression on him was simply being around so many likeminded people. He told me that it was a life-changing
experience, and thanks partly to Mindroom he is beginning to
truly understand why he is how he is.”
Rory’s documentary, in which he described the lack of
understanding of ADHD and people affected as a ‘national
scandal’, was aired on May 23 and prompted a 5% surge of
visitors to the new Mindroom website.
Further listening:
ADHD and Me (BBC iPlayer)
Women’s Hour (BBC iPlayer)
We’ve moved... into a beautifully restored listed building right in
the heart of Edinburgh (or for the sports-minded among you,
right on the doorstep of Hibernian FC). And we’ve certainly
scored. Our spacious new office is part of an award-winning
project to provide high quality, affordable accommodation for
the voluntary sector in Edinburgh. With 24 organisations and
240 people now working in the former school building, it’s a
great place to share experiences, ideas and resources. And
with rainwater capture and solar-powered heat recovery
systems, it’s also... rather appropriately, given our
neighbours... green!
Visit us at:
Mindroom, Norton Park, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh EH7 5QY
Contact us:
0131 475 2330
Thank you...
...to everyone who has donated furniture and other items for
our new office. Even so, it has still cost almost £6000 to move.
Can you help?
Donate now:
Mindroom website
At Mindroom, we believe that compulsory training on learning disability and autistic spectrum disorders
for all teachers and support staff is essential. And yet, most training is offered only as an option. This
must change. An online petition has been started by ENABLE Scotland to help make it happen – and
we’re right behind it. Please sign-up today and help ensure that children and young people with learning
disabilities and ASD are given the right support in schools, so that they can achieve their full potential.
Sign up:
Online petition
More information:
Linda Noble, ENABLE Scotland
0131 663 9427
In Scotland, it’s estimated that nearly 2% of the adult
population suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD). That’s 60,000 people struggling with personal
difficulties such as disorganisation, poor working memory and
impulsivity. Untreated, it can have a profound impact on
everyday functioning, relationships and prospects. And yet,
ADHD is still thought of as a childhood condition.
Fortunately, a new charity has been set up to help adults with
ADHD maximise their potential. Addressing the Balance helps
by encouraging self-management using a combination of
education and peer support. “ADHD adults have a lower
appreciation of reward, and tend to be poor at reviewing and
transitions,” said the charity’s Richard Jones, “so peer support
can help, and keep the long-term aims in view”.
Addressing the Balance holds study club support sessions at
the Royal Edinburgh Hospital and regular meetings.
More information:
Charity website
You might also be interested in...
...Brighter Days, an ADHD support group for families in the
Lothians and Stirling.
Did you know that if you’re a UK taxpayer and in employment,
you can make your charitable donations go further? Most
employers have a Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme – which
turns every 80p you donate into £1 for your chosen charity. It’s
the most tax efficient to donate, and some employers will
match or even double your donation. Just let your payroll
department know that you would like to participate, and make
donations to Mindroom, Registered Scottish Charity
SC030472. If your employer is not involved in the GAYE
scheme, it’s time they were!
Further reading:
CAF Give As You Earn
More information:
Thanks to funding from The Waterloo Foundation, we still have
two free places on our ‘virtual conference’ for parents or carers
living in Wales. So, if you would like online access to all the
information from our fifth international conference, No Mind Left
Behind – Social Brain 3, please get in touch.
Having moved into our new Mindroom offices, we now need someone (on a voluntary basis to begin with)
to keep us organised and provide administrative support for about 15-20 hours each week. Can you help?
We don’t bite!
More information:
Role description
Mig Coupe, Head of Direct Help & Support, Mindroom
1. How did you get involved with Mindroom? I have known
Mindroom’s founder, Sophie Dow, since her daughter Annie
came to my nursery when she was four years old. When
Sophie invited me to get involved in the charity she was
creating to help raise awareness of learning difficulties, I didn’t
hesitate. In an average week, I can be attending cross-party
groups at Parliament, collaborating with other agencies,
providing bespoke training sessions and, of course, advising
and supporting parents and families living with learning
2. What is the biggest challenge for people with learning
difficulties? To have their needs recognised and met.
3. What are your hopes for this year? That with real
collaborative practice, we can capitalise on the wealth of
knowledge and expertise that exists across Scotland and the
UK and ensure the implementation of the Additional Support
for Learning Act, GIRFEC (Getting it right for every child) and the
EqualityAct, and actually begin to make a difference to the lives
of the parents and children who are fighting daily to get what
should be theirs by right.
How we can help:
Mindroom website
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Norton Park
57 Albion Road
Tel +44 (0)131 475 2330
Email moreinfo@mindroom.org
Mindroom is a charity registered in
Scotland number SC 030472, and
a company limited by guarantee and
registered in Scotland number SC