Fish! Customer Service Training - Oregon State Library: State



Customer Service


Statewide Training and Development Services

Human Resource Services Division

Department of Administrative Services

155 Cottage Street NE, U-30

Salem, Oregon 97301-3967


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Workshop Goals................................................................................... 5

FISH ! Stories ........................................................................................ 6


Philosophy (a.k.a. The FISH!

List) ..................................... 7

Videos Teach Fun at Work................................................................... 8


School ...................................................................................... 10


Assignment .............................................................................. 11


Food—The Movie: Play! .......................................................... 12


Food II—The Sequel: Make Their Day! ................................... 13


Food III: Be There! .................................................................. 14


Food IV: Choose Your Attitude! ............................................. 15

“FISHisms” ......................................................................................... 16

Taking the Plunge: Going From a FISH!

Wish to FISH!

ness ............. 17

Personable Service Still Stands Out Above Technology.................... 18

An Example of the FISH!

Philosophy Applied to Teamwork .............. 20


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Customer Service


Workshop Goals

As a result of participating in this course, you will be able to:

1. Describe the four elements of the FISH!

philosophy of great customer service.

2. Explain ideas for applying the FISH!

philosophy in

your workplace.

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Think of a time when you were a customer at a government agency or business establishment of some kind, and were treated in a playful, respectful, energetic, up beat, and engaging way by the service person.

(If you can’t think of such an experience, try to imagine one.)

1. How did it make you feel?

2. How did it affect the interaction you had with the service person?

3. What impression did it create for you about the organization?

4. What adjectives would you use to describe the experience?

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(a.k.a. The




It’s about having fun, enjoying yourself, being spontaneous and creative. Life is too short to spend it frowning and FISH! brings a smile to your face.

Make their day

It’s about doing something special for your customers and your coworkers (who are your customers too). When you make someone’s day you have given them a special gift they won’t soon forget. It feels good to give it.

• Be there

It’s about being totally focused on the moment and on the person or task with which you are engaged. When we are fully present with our customers and with each other, we are listening deeply and important opportunities do not escape us.

Choose your attitude

It’s about accepting full responsibility for all of our choices, even our attitude at work. A positive attitude is a decision we make, moment to moment.

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Videos Teach Fun at Work:

Morale and Retention Rise at Some Businesses

Fishmongers in Seattle Inspire Business Executives

To put it simply, their job stinks.

The fishmongers at Pike Place Fish Company spend much of their day tossing salmon, monkfish, and clams across the counter at each other. But the head of a corporate training video company is convinced employees of other companies can learn a lot from these guys.

John Christensen, CEO of ChartHouse International Learning Corporation in Burnsville, Minnesota, made the “Fish!” training videos based on the passion the fish-flingers have for their work and how that translates to the bottom line: increased productivity, higher quality, and happier employees.

What’s their secret?

“We’re committed to having fun. If you’re not committed to that, you’re fired,” joked Pike Place Fish Company manager Dick Yokoyama.

Other corporations are buying into the concept that work and play don’t have to be separate worlds. Nordstrom Inc., Boeing Co., Sprint Corp., and

McDonald’s Corp. have all used the Fish! videos, and employees at Pike

Place Fish have been guest speakers at software makers, airlines, and research companies.

Some find it odd that fishmongers who work in galoshes and bright orange rubber pants can inspire business executives clad in suits and ties.

“We’re typical guys,” said Anders Miller, 24, who has been throwing fish for seven months. “When did we become motivational speakers? I don’t even do my laundry.”

In 1997, during a visit to Seattle, Christensen discovered Pike Place Fish

Company. He saw the fishmongers full of energy and joking with a cheering, laughing crowd. They attacked children with crawfish, handed

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out samples of crab legs, and showed off their tossing skills with products needing to be weighed and wrapped.

But it was their consistently good spirits that took Christensen off guard.

“The passion and the wholeheartedness—I was mesmerized,” he said.

As he left, he started thinking: Could he create this environment at his own company and for businesses around the world? Christensen spent most of the next year creating the video of the fishmongers and their advice on how to create a good workplace attitude.

The 17-minute video costs $595, which includes a guide, workbook—also referred to as the “playbook”—and the price of licensing of the use of the film.

It centers on four simple concepts: choose your attitude, play, make their day, and be there.

“It’s hitting people and striking them in a new way, shedding a new light on wisdom we know,” Christensen said.

The fishmongers admit the four steps aren’t necessarily easy.

“We do more than that,” Yokoyama said. “It’s a hard job, hard work.”

The video led to the sequel “Fish! Sticks” and “Fish! Tales,” which features a series of companies explaining how Fish! has changed their business.

After Sprint managers watched the Fish! video, for instance, the company installed televisions in its call centers, put a pool table in the break room, and a manager started dressing up like Elvis on occasion—all of which have increased its retention rate, the company says.

The videos’ success has also spawned a book, workshops, an apparel line, and Pete the Perch—a small, brightly colored stuffed fish.

On the Net



Source: Mia Penta, The Associated Press, in the Salem Statesman Journal , February 3,


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In an attempt to prompt some discussion—to get your reactions and observations about FISH!

—here are some general questions to ponder.

(Yeah, ponder, that’s the ticket. This is kind of like being a part of a school of fish in a fishpond.)

1. What is the source of the energy we feel in the fish market?

2. This is a highly successful market. To what do you attribute that success?

3. What do you see in the fish market that you wish you had at your place of work? Why?

4. Have you encountered anything similar to this fish market? What?

5. Is there any part of your work life that is similar to the fish market?


6. If your organization decided to be more like FISH!

what concerns would you have?

7. The fish market is an energetic workplace. Some workplaces are dead.

Any thoughts?


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1 - Discuss & list examples

& experiences

2 - Brainstorm & list

additional ideas

3 - Decide how you want to

present your “work”

4 - Create a flip chart

5 - Come up with a group


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Food—The Movie:


What seem to be the benefits of a creative, playful work setting, especially in the area of customer service?

Can you remember a time when you were having so much fun you lost track of time?

One of the fish mongers said that any job can be boring if you make it boring, and any job can be fun if you make it fun. What are some ways you make your work fun for yourself or your customers? What else could you do?

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Food II—The Sequel:

Make Their Day!

Think of a time when someone told you that you made a difference for them, that you made their day. What was the situation, and how did it feel?

What has someone done to make your day?

How might you make your customer’s day? Your co-worker’s day? Your boss’s day? (Now, there’s a radical thought.)

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Food III:

Be There!

Have you ever been out to lunch and stopped at a restaurant where the server was also “out to lunch?” What was your reaction?

Have you ever gone up to a counter and had the service person deal with you while making a phone call, taking care of personal hygiene, or talking to another worker? What impact did this have on you?

This one hits close to home for many of us. Have you ever taken a phone call while in the middle of a conversation with someone else? How do you think they felt?

What are some things we can do to be sure that we are “being there?”

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Food IV:

Choose Your Attitude!

How important is attitude in your work life?

Do the fish guys really have control over their attitude?

What evidence do we have that we can choose our attitude?

Describe someone you know who demonstrates that they control their attitude?

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Just for fun, here are some famous lines—with a fish twist—from the movies, television, music, and other pop culture sources. Can you identify the original line and its source?

1. Life is like a box of fishes—you never know what you’re going to get.

2. Show me the fish!

4. May the fish be with you.

5. When the fish is away, the mice will play.

6. It was a dark and fishy night.

7. Go ahead, make my fish.

8. There’s no business like fish business.

9. When you fish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are.

10. Is that your final fish?

11. Growing old ain’t for fishies.

12. Yabba dabba fish!

13. The early fish catches the worm.

14. What we got here is a failure to fish.

15. The fish has spoken.

16. I float like a butterfly, and sting like a bee. I am the fishiest!

17. Fish, James Fish.

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Taking the Plunge:

Going From a


Wish to



Did we hook you? Did you take the bait? Did we reel you in?

Is there a place for FISH! in your workplace?

After analyzing the FISH!

philosophy it’s time to consider this question:

Can you put the FISH!

philosophy to work where you work?

Here are the practical questions to consider:

What can you do?

Should you do it?

How do you do it?

When do you do it?

To help you commit to following through, take the “Fish Pledge.”


I resolve to think of a way to bring the FISH! philosophy to my workplace,



Some fishy ideas I can try are:

and to try it.

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