Intergenerational Wealth Mobility: Evidence from Danish Wealth Records of Three Generations Simon Halphen Boserup University of Copenhagen Wojciech Kopczuk Columbia University, CEPR, and NBER Claus Thustrup Kreiner University of Copenhagen and CEPR March 2013 Abstract We provide empirical evidence on the intergenerational mobility of wealth using administrative wealth records of three generations of Danes. Our preferred estimate for the intergenerational wealth elasticity (IWE) is 0.2 (and 0.27 when limiting attention to those with positive wealth only). We construct a theoretical framework that allows for understanding the variability of the IWE across time, samples, and countries. Our framework highlights that the IWE can be interpreted as the weighted average of elasticities corresponding to different sources of intergenerational correlation that may in principle vary in importance across di¤erent contexts. However, we …nd that the IWE is surprisingly stable when estimated for di¤erent age groups, when using parents-grandparents pairs instead of children and parents, when eliminating bequests, and when explicitly shutting down many of the potential channels behind intergenerational wealth mobility, including income and education. This suggests that parental wealth is a su¢ cient statistic for the channels that we control for and those that vary across di¤erent samples, that is, the e¤ect of these parental characteristics on wealth of children can be summarized by their e¤ect on wealth of parents. By exploiting information for three generations we …nd that the standard child-parents elasticity severely underestimates the long-term persistence in the formation of wealth across generations. We show that either the true elasticity is signi…cantly underestimated or that grandparental characteristics matter beyond information incorporated in parental characteristics. We also …nd evidence supporting the presence of a persistent dynastic component. Preliminary draft We thank Søren Leth-Petersen for helpful discussion. Benjamin Ly Serena provided excellent research assistance. Financial support from WEST is gratefully acknowledged. Contact information:,, 1 Introduction The main objective of the literature studying intergenerational mobility is to analyze the extent to which economic well-being is related across generations, and to try to understand the underlying mechanisms (Piketty, 2000). In other words, the interest is both in the strength of the relationship between lifetime economic resources/consumption possibilities of children and parents, and in determining whether the statistical association is governed by mechanical transmission of abilities and traits from parents to children or by active decision-making of parents, such as investment in human capital of their children. Intergenerational correlations in earnings and income have been extensively studied (see e.g. the surveys of Solon (1999) and Black and Devereux (2011)), but much less evidence exists on intergenerational wealth mobility, even though wealth measured at some point in life may be a proxy for lifetime economic resources that is as good as income (or even better). An important exception is Charles and Hurst (2003), hereafter C&H, who use wealth data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to estimate the elasticity of child wealth with respect to parental wealth for the United States. C&H obtain an age-adjusted intergenerational wealth elasticity (IWE) of 0.37 before transfer of bequest (i.e., both parents are alive), which is at the low end of the range of estimates of the intergenerational income elasticity for the US, and …nd that around 2/3 of the elasticity is accounted for by income and asset ownership.1 In this paper, we provide new empirical evidence on the intergenerational mobility of wealth using Danish administrative wealth records of three generations observed for the entire Danish population. Our data has several advantages. First, in our basic sample we have more than 1 million child-parents pairs compared to around 1500 in C&H. This allows us to include a rich number of controls and to split the sample into age-cohorts while still obtaining very precise estimates. Second, the use of administrative data removes problems of attrition and measurement errors that often plague survey studies.2 Third, we are able to link comprehensive data for three generations (child-parents-grandparents). The information about an additional generation allows us to test whether child-parents relationships are stable and may also be used to address whether 1 Charles and Hurst (2003) review a few older studies looking at the intergenerational correlation of wealth. These studies have looked at small non-representative samples with few observations and poor data quality. 2 Recent research has documented large survey measurement errors in key economic variables such as income and that the errors are correlated with conventional covariates implying that errors are non-classical (Kreiner et al., 2012). 1 the simple IWE estimate provides an accurate measure of the degree of persistence in the wealth process across generations. We contribute to the literature in a number of ways. We start by providing a theoretical framework capturing the relevant mechanisms that may create correlation of wealth across generations and that lays the foundation for the empirical analysis. The standard Becker and Tomes (1979, 1986) framework focuses on links in economic outcomes across generations due to correlation of abilities across generations and due to parental investment in human capital of children. These channels determine the association of income across generations and therefore are also likely to in‡uence the relationship between wealth across generations. In addition to these mechanisms, however, wealth may be correlated across generations because of direct transfer of wealth from previous generations (inter vivos or through inheritance), because of correlations in patience and risk preferences creating di¤erences in saving propensities (Stiglitz, 1969), or because of correlations in investment ability and the corresponding return (for example, due to stock market participation, entrepreneurship, or attitudes toward borrowing). Individual wealth observed at a given point in time therefore re‡ects in a complicated way economic resources, abilities, and traits inherited from the previous generation, and we show theoretically how the IWE coe¢ cient is related to these underlying mechanisms. The …rst part of our empirical analysis follows C&H. We …nd an (unconditional) child-parent age-adjusted wealth elasticity equal to 0.27 when focusing on indviduals with positive wealth as they do. This estimate is considerably lower than the IWE estimate of C&H. When we address the sample selection bias by using the full population, i.e., not removing child-parents pairs with negative wealth of either child or parents (this is our baseline speci…cation), the estimate is even lower at 0.19.3 Recent studies for France (Arrondel, 2009) and Denmark (Kolodziejczyk, 2011) also …nd an IWE estimate of 0.2. The lower IWE estimate for Denmark is compatible with crosscountry studies of intergenerational earnings elasticities that …nd low elasticities in the Nordic countries and the lowest elasticity for Denmark equal to 0.12 (Björklund and Jännti, 2009). Life-cycle variation has proven to be an important consideration in the measurement of 3 C&H use a standard log transformation of the data and therefore remove non-positive values. However, negative wealth may be optimal from an economic theory point of view in certain circumstances, in particular for young individuals, and many individuals in our data have negative wealth. To allow for negative wealth, we apply the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation (IHS) of the data, which yields identical results as the log transformation for both positive wealth and the absolute value of negative wealth taken in isolation, but in addition allows for parsimoniously combining the two. 2 intergenerational mobility in income that appears to be age-dependent (Haider and Solon, 2006). Similarly, there may be substantial variation in the IWE depending on the age of the child and the parents. To address this issue we run separate regressions for each age-cohort of the children and for each age-cohort of the parents measured at the year when the child was born, respectively. The IWE coe¢ cients are very precisely estimated and all lie within the range 0.16–0.22, revealing a surprisingly stable relationship between child wealth and parental wealth. In our baseline estimates, therefore, we can abstract from age-dependent di¤erences in wealth correlation and proceed by pooling all cohorts while ‡exibly controlling for age of parents and children to adjust for the life-cycle patterns. We obtain a similar conclusion when introducing additional covariates and when splitting the sample. When we add covariates that themselves have a strong explanatory power, such as number of siblings dummies, income level, education length, and portfolio composition dummies, the child-parents wealth elasticity falls but not by a lot. For example, income and education of children and parents can only explain 8 percent of the original IWE estimate. The strongest e¤ect comes from …nancial composition dummies that may explain 25 percent of the IWE, indicating that correlation in household …nance behavior across generations may be important, but all explanatory variables taken together can only explain up to 30 percent of the IWE. We also split the sample according to parental age. This has quite a large impact on the estimates of the e¤ect of child and parental income on child wealth, but only a small e¤ect on the IWE estimate. Our theoretical framework suggests that robustness of our estimates to inclusion of income and education (and to a lesser extent of …nancial composition dummies) is consistent with parental wealth being a su¢ cient statistic for the mechanisms behind intergenerational correlation of wealth that these variables proxy for. In the second part of our empirical analysis, we exploit availability of information about grandparents. We start by addressing whether the relationship between child wealth and parental wealth is stable over time/generations. Recent research has documented substantial changes over the long run in top income shares, in the relative importance of capital and labor income at the top of the income distribution, and in the evolution of inheritance (Atkinson, Piketty and Saez, 2011; Piketty, 2011) and, similarly, there may be long run forces that reduce or increase the strength of the relationship between wealth of children and wealth of parents. In light of 3 our theoretical framework, this would be so when parental wealth is not a su¢ cient statistic for parental in‡uence, so that changing importance of di¤erent mechanisms behind intergenerational correlation of wealth translates into changing the IWE. When estimating the intergenerational elasticity of parental wealth with respect to grandparental wealth we obtain an estimate of the IWE that is very similar to the estimate obtained from children-parents pairs. This is even more striking when taking into consideration that the generations di¤er in many other respects than just age, and indicates that the cumulative importance of the underlying mechanisms governing the intergenerational relationship in wealth is quite stable. Next, we look at the correlation between children and grandparents in isolation. If parental wealth is a su¢ cient statistic for all previous generations then the coe¢ cient on grandparental wealth should be the child-parents IWE raised to the power of two. We obtain a coe¢ cient that is more than three times as high and very precisely estimated. This indicates that the degree of persistence across generations is higher than what is re‡ected in the IWE estimate. A reason may be that the underlying processes relating wealth across generations have longer memory than just one generation, for example because grandparents have a direct impact on their grandchildren (Solon, 2012). When including both parental and grandparental wealth in the regression, we obtain a signi…cant and sizable coe¢ cient on grandparental wealth, while the childparents coe¢ cient only falls a little. This is consistent with the hypothesis of more persistence and the underlying processes relating wealth across generations having longer memory than just one generation. Another likely reason for the signi…cant coe¢ cient on grandparents is measurement errors in wealth or, in the same vein, that wealth is a noisy signal of abilities and traits transmitted across generations and of the size of money transfers given from generation to generation. Attenuation bias created by transitory components in the economic outcomes has been a major concern in the intergenerational income mobility literature since the in‡uential contribution of Solon (1992), and it is common to take averages over some years as we have done to reduce the importance of transitory components. However, this method may only remove a small part of the attenuation bias if the transitory component has some persistence (Mazumder, 2005) and would not work at all to remove a bias from random "…xed e¤ects", e.g. you are born lucky in terms of ability given your family background without transmitting this to your children. In the theory section, 4 we demonstrate how idiosyncratic variation in wealth may bias the IWE estimates downward, but also discuss conditions under which it is appropriate to use wealth of grandparents as an instrument for parental wealth in order to obtain consistent estimates. When we redo the …rst part of the empirical analysis, we consistently obtain estimates of the IWE in the range 0.6-0.7, which is more than three times as high as the original ordinary least squares estimates. This points again to a much higher degree of persistence in the wealth formation across generations. The exclusion restriction that allows for using grandparental wealth as an instrument for parental wealth is strong. Hence, the results indicate one of the two possibilities: either IWE is signi…cantly underestimated when using the conventional approach or the e¤ects extend for more than just a single generation. In either case, we interpret it as indicating that the extent of intergenerational mobility is substantially lower than a naïve estimate would indicate. As an alternative approach, we further inquire into the degree of persistence by allowing for dynasty …xed e¤ects. The standard Becker and Tomes framework, underlying intergenerational empirical analyses, assumes that economic outcomes of all generations converge towards the same constant. But as demonstrated by Stiglitz (1969) and in our theory section, people may belong to di¤erent classes/dynasties who di¤er with respect to productivity or savings behavior, implying that wealth, without any new shocks, converges towards a steady state distribution rather than a constant. Our empirical analysis allowing for …xed e¤ects indicates that the model with a common constant is misspeci…ed and therefore provides further evidence to the conclusion that the conventional IWE estimates underestimate the degree of persistence. The remaining part of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a theoretical framework to understand the relevant mechanisms underlying the correlation of wealth across generations and the challenges in estimating the degree of persistence across generations. Section 3 describes the construction of the data sets and provides summary statistics of key variables. Section 4 describes the results of the empirical analysis. Finally, Section 5 o¤ers concluding remarks and an appendix provides additional details concerning the data. 2 A theory of the correlation of wealth across generations We start by providing a simple conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between wealth of di¤erent generations. Let’s denote wg to be wealth of generation g. A member of 5 g family i that belongs to generation g maximizes lifetime utility u(fCag ; qag ga=A a=o ; "ig ), where Ca is consumption at age a, where 0 a A, qa are transfers to the subsequent generation made at age a (inter vivos when a < A and bequests for a = A), and "ig is the set of taste parameters characterizing preferences of this individual. Optimization is subject to the initial wealth of W0g = 0 and the set of budget constraints for a > 0 Wag = Wag 1 (1 + rig + a) + yag Cag + Bag qag ; where Wa is wealth at age of a, yag is income at the age of a, Bag is the bequest received from the previous generation at age of a (with one member per generation, Bag = qa~g 1 where a ~ a is the age di¤erence between the parent and the child), rig is the mean rate of return speci…c to that particular individual (to allow for varying investment strategies), and a is the mean-zero deviation from the normal rate of return. Consequently, the level of wealth can be expressed in terms of the exogenous parameters of the problem as Wag fqbg 1 A a gb=0 ; fybg gA b=0 ; rig ; "ig ; f b gb=0 : (1) In other words, wealth at any given age depends on the history and future (expected) transfers from parents, the history and future own income, the rate of return, preference parameters, and stochastic shocks. We are interested in understanding the relationship between wealth of members of di¤erent generations. Most simply, one can observe the statistical association that may be, for example, described using the correlation coe¢ cient corr(Wag ; Wa~g 1 ), where a and a ~ are ages at which we observe wealth of children and parents, respectively, or the empirical association between some transformation of observed wealth levels d wag , d wa~g 1 where (if we focus on positive wealth) we could use for example w = ln(W ) or (as we will do in what follows) we can use the inverse hyperbolic p sine transformation w = log(W + W 2 + 1) that behaves as log(jW j) everywhere with the exception of in the neighborhood of zero. Let’s focus attention on d wag d wa~g 1; which we will refer to as the intergenerational wealth elasticity (IWE). Wealth of parents does not enter directly as an argument of child’s wealth (Equation (1)), but rather it may be either 6 correlated or causally related to the other arguments. Hence, it should be intuitive that this is not a well-speci…ed concept, without taking a stand on why wa~g 1 varies. By investigating the determinants of wealth in Equation (1), one can identify a number of reasons why wealth could co-vary: transfers from parents qbg 1 are a function of their own characteristics and hence correlated with parental wealth incomes of parents and children may be correlated for many reasons extensively analyzed in the literature rates of return and preferences may be correlated across generations Depending on the relative importance of these factors, we may expect to see di¤erent relationships at di¤erent times and places and di¤erent sample choices unless they happen to correspond to precisely the same strength of correlation in wealth. We expand on and formalize this intuition in what follows. In order to make progress and introduce our empirical speci…cation, we simplify our framework to resemble what has been sometimes dubbed the “mechanical” approach in the literature (Goldberger, 1989). It amounts to positing a statistical relationship between variables of di¤erent generations without explicitly specifying the nature of the individual optimization problem. We adopt this terminology but note that the framework we described is an optimization framework, except that we have refrained so far from imposing additional assumptions so that the framework serves only to identify the relevant variables. Our main simpli…cation in what follows is approximation of the (potentially nonlinear) relationship rather than assuming away optimization. In order to operationalize our empirical approach, we linearize our original wealth formula as wag where + g 1 q qa + g y ya + r (1 + rig ) + " "ig + g a; (2) is an error term incorporating rate of return shocks and approximation errors that is assumed (very strongly) orthogonal to the other variables and we posit that the current values of right hand side variables are su¢ cient to summarize the relationship with wealth. While we write all terms in a linear fashion to simplify notation, they can correspond to transformations (e.g., log or IHS) of the original variables. 7 When we estimate the statistical relationship between wag and wag wag = the coe¢ cient w g 1 w wa 1 as + !; (3) is going to re‡ect the average impact of wag 1 running through all four possible channels: bequests, income, preferences, and rate of return. Our objective in the rest of this section is to clarify the interpretation and estimation of w. In what follows, we abstract from the age aspect of inter-generational relationship (we will return to considering it in the empirical work). It will prove useful to write the determinants of wealth as a vector xg = (q g 1; yg ; 1 + rig ; "ig ; g ), with wealth expressed as wg = x g + where g g; is white noise measurement error. Finally, we specify the law of motion for determinants of wealth as xg = xg 1 + g : (4) We assume for now that it is autoregressive of order one, but deviations from this assumption will be important to consider in what follows. Equation (4) describes the relationship between characteristics of subsequent generations other than wealth. In what follows we will consider a special case when the relationship between xg imposes structure on matrix 1 and xg runs through wealth — that special case but otherwise yields the law of motion (4). Note that we have introduced many potentially unobservable sources of variation in wealth. First, taste parameters " are likely unobservable directly (though perhaps they may be proxied for). It is natural to consider and test whether correlation in preferences is a source of intergenerational persistence. Second, we split the rate of return into two separate components. One is the normal rate of return — this is akin to a preference parameter in the sense of re‡ecting traits of individuals that lead them to select investments with varying outcome, although it is conceptually distinct since it represents manifestation of preferences through choices rather than preferences themselves. The other one is that corresponds to deviations from the normal rate of returns (and approximation errors that we abstract from). We assume that it is an idiosyncratic components so that is assumed not to be correlated across generations ( = 0). We include it though in xg , because it is certainly possible that such random shocks to wealth do in fact 8 have an impact on the subsequent generations by in‡uencing other variables. The …nal source of randomness is — this is assumed to be measurement error or other sources of variation in wealth that have no consequence for the subsequent generations. Using this notation (and expressing all variables in terms of their deviation from the mean in order to eliminate the constant term), we can re-write wealth as follows: wg = x g + where and g w g = xg + 1 + g g = w xg 1 + g = w wg 1 is a linear projection (linear regression coe¢ cient) of xg is the corresponding residual. In other words, w w g 1 + + g + 1 g g (5) on xg 1 summarizes the statistical relationship between wealth of the two generations that runs through the set of characteristics in x (with orthogonal noise terms excluded). More explicitly, using the standard OLS formula (X 0 X) xg 1 value of + g w + g and noting that + g 1X 0Y is orthogonal to xg 1 with X = xg 1 and Y = , we can write the expected as E[ j xg ; xg w 1] = = ( showing how w (xg 1 0 (x0g )0 xg 1 1 1 xg 1 ) ) (xg 1 )0 (xg 1 0 (x0g 1 1 xg 1 ) ) ; (6) summarizes the complicated web of in‡uences that links wealth across gener- ations. It re‡ects the causal relationship between relevant arguments of Equation (2) ( ) that can be mapped to one-dimensional wealth within each generation via . In general, the mapping of wealth across generations depends on the distribution of characteristics in the population x. This is because there are many channels through which characteristics of subsequent generations relate, and the population relationship between wealth of di¤erent generations re‡ects di¤erent components of presence of x0g depending on variation of xg 1 xg 1 The coe¢ cient 1 in the population. This is re‡ected by the in the equation. w is as close as one can get to a “structural” intergenerational correlation of wealth if one insists on summarizing it by a single parameter. In the special case where xg is one dimensional, so that w -coe¢ is a scalar, it is easy to show that cient reveals the (single) structural parameter. 9 w = 1 , implying that the 2.1 Interpretation of More generally, w w is a relationship that is speci…c to a given population and it does not have a direct causal interpretation. This is because the source of variation in wealth (wg depending on which component of xg 1 1) matters: is responsible, the e¤ect will vary accordingly. w does though re‡ect the e¤ect of variation in wealth in the population that combines in‡uences from a variety of sources. To illustrate the logic of this formula, consider the following example Example 1 Suppose that elements of x are uncorrelated with each other (x0g xg is diagonal), is diagonal and only two elements of , indexed by i and j are non-zero. Then straightforward manipulation yields w where 2 ii = 2 2 i ii ii + 2 2 i ii + 2 j 2 j 2 jj jj ; 2 jj is the (i; i) element of x0g xg (variance of ith element of xg , denoted by xgi ) and the (i; i) element of ii is . In this particular example, the correlation of wealth has its source in two di¤erent channels, i and j. A marginal increase in xg g 1 (wg 1) and into a i ii 1;i , translates into a increase in wealth of generation increase in wealth of generation wg . Hence, the intergenerational elasticity driven by this source of variation is driven by the jth element is i jj . ii . Analogously, the intergenerational elasticity When both of the sources are present at the same time, w has to re‡ect both of these sources and their contribution depend on the relative magnitudes of 2 2 k kk (k = i; j). This is intuitive: what matters is the extent to which a given channel is responsible for variation in wealth — this is a¤ected by the extent to which the given channel in‡uences wealth ( k) and the extent of variation in the underlying characteristics, Note that even when one is willing to assume that and kk . are structural parameters, there is no single structural intergenerational elasticity here. Di¤erent societies at di¤erent points in time may di¤er with respect to the extent of variation in determinants of wealth — variation in bequests, tastes, education, rate of returns may all vary over time with institutions, policies, culture, etc. Each of such situations will correspond to a di¤erent weighted average of jj and as will the measured IWE. 10 ii and Another way of phrasing it is that the intergenerational wealth elasticity is the average treatment e¤ect corresponding to changes in wealth of the prior generation. Since prior wealth may be varying for a multitude of reasons (corresponding to di¤erent impacts of the treatment — change in prior wealth), the corresponding estimate will re‡ect a weighed average impact with the weights being sample-dependent. The example is of course restrictive, but illustrative of the logic of Equation (6) that characterizes the general case. In the special case when ii = jj the source of variation does not matter because the intergenerational elasticity stemming from the two di¤erent sources happens to be the same. A priori, this does not seem likely, but we next discuss a more general case where independence of the source of variation can stem from a less arbitrary assumption. 2.2 Parental wealth as a su¢ cient statistic As discussed above, in general there is no single intergenerational elasticity of wealth because di¤erent sources of variation in parental characteristics may in general translate into di¤erent strengths of intergenerational association. However, it is possible to identify a special case when it is not so. Imagine that parental wealth is a su¢ cient statistic for the e¤ect of parental characteristics on wealth of children. That is, retaining the linear structure, suppose that xg = (wg for some vector 1 g 1) = wg 1 g 1 (and note that we are using observed wealth net of term). Then, xg = xg — the measurement error , so that — using our general notation — 1 = and = . Substituting into Equation (6) yields E[ w j xg ; xg 1] =( 0 (x0g 1 xg 1 ) ) which can also be seen directly from wg = xg + 1 g 0 = wg (x0g 1 1 xg 1 ) + g = g 1 ; . When parental wealth is a su¢ cient statistic for the characteristics of parents, the IWE is equal to of xg regardless of the source of variation in wealth — the formula for E[ 1. 11 w] is independent 2.3 Testing the importance of di¤erent channels So far, we have clari…ed the theoretical relationship between wealth of di¤erent generations while allowing for many di¤erent channels of interactions. Consider now the possibility of directly observing some of them. Speci…cally, suppose that we partition x = (x1 ; x2 ) with x1 unobservable and x2 observed. Similarly, let’s denote by x1 : x1g = x1g 1 11 + x2g 1 12 wg = x g + 1 w where and x2g = 1 w xg 1 = 1 w wg 1 g 1. g + = x1g + x2g + + x2g + x2g (with and 2 w;g and 12 the partitions of matrix that determine Then, 2 1 w;g 1 2 1 w;g 1 is a linear projection of x1g 2 w;g 1 11 g = x1g + x2g 2 w;g 1 11 + + x2g + x2g + 1 12 1 g + g 1 + x2g 2 w;g 1 w g 1 1 11 on xg 1 + 1 ; (7) while partialling out the e¤ect of x2g 1 being the resulting coe¢ cients). In other words, by controlling for some subset of characteristics of both parents and children (note that controlling for both at the same time is important), we can zoom in on the e¤ect of the remaining characteristics that is orthogonal to the observed ones. 2.4 Measurement error Simple inspection of relationships (5) or (7) reveals that OLS of wg on wg estimate that wg w 1 = 1 w ). (or xg 1 This is because the error term + g 1 g 1 1 will not in general will be correlated with wg 1 — recall or, more explicitly, the relationship is described by Equation (2). The attenuation bias due to the presence of will not be a problem only when var( ) = 0. One may of course make assumptions to that e¤ect, but absent these assumptions, our estimate of w will be biased. Assuming that the measurement error term of preceding generation xg instrument to consider is wg 2 g 1 is not serially correlated, characteristics can serve as an instrument for wg 2. 1. In particular, a natural Under the simple autoregressive structure of order one that we assumed, the exclusion restriction is satis…ed and this is a valid instrument. Similarly, speci…c components of xg 2 could be used as instruments. Note though that di¤erent instruments will identify di¤erent average treatment e¤ects, i.e., in our case they will identify the weighted average of e¤ects going through the channels that the instrument covaries 12 with. 2.5 Multiple generations We also have assumed so far that the characteristics follow the simple autoregressive structure of order one. Two natural generalizations are to consider a higher order autoregressive structure and to consider a …xed (or very persistent) family component. Suppose …rst that xg follows a second-order autoregressive process, xg = xg while we continue to have wg = xg + y =[ 1; yg , y, y 2] so that yg = yg 1 y+ throughout in place of xg , g g. We can de…ne yg = (xg ; xg and wg = yg and y + g where y 1 ), = ( ; 0; yg 1 1 +x 1 = (xg g 2 2+ g, 1 ; xg 2 ), ; 0). Substituting allows for repeating the whole argument, but now with the set of characteristics expanded to include grandparental ones. On the conceptual level, grandparental characteristics become yet another determinant of IWE. In the presence of a family …xed e¤ect, we can analogously expand the de…nition of xg to include the constant family term. While both of these extensions are straightforward for the purpose of understanding the IWE w, they raise additional estimation issues. First, they invalidate the possibility of using grandparental characteristics as an instrument. Second, eliminating the …xed family component in order to understand the importance of this channel is complicated due to the presence of lagged dependent variable structure. 2.6 Empirical strategy We will proceed as follows. First, we will estimate population w. We will follow it by considering various subsamples and di¤erent generations in order to test the robustness of this estimate. Sensitivity of the results to di¤erent sample choices would indicate that the relative importance of di¤erent channels varies depending on the subsample. Lack of sensitivity would indicate either that wealth is a su¢ cient statistic or that, in fact, di¤erent samples considered happen to correspond to a similar mix of channels behind intergenerational correlation of wealth. Next, we will consider controlling for di¤erent channels by including the corresponding characteristics of parents and children, and investigating the sensitivity of IWE to these choices. As we discussed, this approach allows for shedding light on whether the e¤ect of the particular channel can be summarized through its impact on wealth. 13 Finally, we will consider grandparental characteristics to investigate the relevance of interactions that run across multiple generations. 3 Data Our empirical analysis is based on data from several public administrative registers gathered by Statistics Denmark and linked together using personal identi…cation numbers. Every citizen in Denmark is assigned a unique personal identi…cation number at birth and the identi…cation numbers of the mother and the father are registered for all Danes born in 1960 and onwards.4 This enables us to combine di¤erent data sources at the individual level and to link data across generations. The data on individual wealth and income is based on administrative tax return records, rather than survey questions as in Charles and Hurst (2003) and most other studies on intergenerational mobility. The Danish Tax Agency (SKAT) collects, in addition to information of various income sources, information about the values of asset holdings and liabilities measured at the last day of the year for all Danes, and the bulk of the wealth components are third-party reported.5 The available pieces of information at Statistics Denmark are the aggregate value of assets and liabilities, respectively, covering the period 1980 to 2011, and from 1997 and onwards it is also possible to obtain complete portfolio information with respect to the value of bonds, stocks, cash in banks, house, mortgage loans and sum of other loans. Another attractive feature of the wealth data is that the information is not top coded. The information about the value of …nancial assets and liabilities at the end of the year is reported to the tax authorities by banks, other …nancial institutions, and some government institutions, while the cash value of property is assessed by the tax authorities, based on detailed information of the property, and used for taxation of the imputed rent on the property. The third-party reported value of assets includes all deposits, stocks, bonds, value of property, and 4 Registrations of parents exist before 1960 but are incomplete. The tax authorities use the income information to generate pre-populated tax returns. The information on wealth was originally used to compute the wealth tax, whereas today it is used by the tax agency to cross check if the reported income level is consistent with the change in net-wealth during the year under the assumption of a given estimated consumption level. A recent study by Kleven et al. (2011) reveals, using a large scale randomized tax auditing experiment constructed in collaboration with the Danish tax authorities, only small di¤erences between the third-party reported income items and the corresponding items on the …nal tax return. This indicates that the third party reported information of the Danish Tax Agency is of a very high quality. 5 14 deposited mortgages. Pension funds are not included. The third-party reported value of liabilities includes debt in …nancial institutions, mortgage credit debt, credit and debit card debt, deposited mortgage debt, student debt and debt in The Mortgage Bank (a public institution), debt to …nancial corporations, debt to the Danish municipalities and other liabilities such as unpaid taxes and mortgage debt, which are not deposited. From 1980 to 1996, Denmark had a wealth tax, and taxpayers had to self-report car values, boat values, caravan values, title deed of cooperative dwellings, premium bonds, cash deposits, stocks (both listed and non-listed thereby including privately held companies), and private debt. These components are not included in the computations after 1996. Until 1996 the value of stocks was self-reported, while afterwards it became third-party reported by banks and …nancial institutions (excluding non-listed stocks). The registration of the company value of self-employed has changed several times, but has stayed unchanged since 1997, where assets and liabilities of the …rm were registered separately and included, respectively, in the assets and liabilities of the owner. Another de…nitional change occurs in 1983. Before 1983 all family wealth of a married couples was assigned to the husband, while the wealth of husbands and wives has been registered separately afterwards. Ideally we would like to observe wealth, income, etc., of the individual in the middle age and observe the di¤erent generations at the same age because of the life-cycle variation in economic outcomes (Haider and Solon, 2006). If, for example, parents are around 25 years old when their children are born and we observe wealth of the child generation in 2011, then we would like to observe wealth of the parents and grandparents in 1986 and 1961, respectively. This goal has to be balanced against data availability (grandparents) and data quality (parents). Our main empirical analyses are based on parental wealth observed in 1997-1999, where the de…nition of the wealth measure is the same as that used for children in 2009-2011, and grandparental wealth measured in 1983-1985 where wealth of biological grandfathers and grandmothers are more accurately measured than the years before. We take three year averages of wealth of each individual to reduce the importance of transitory components, as often done in the literature following Solon (1992). The e¤ects on our estimates of this procedure are rather small. The largest change in the de…nition of wealth occurs around 1997 where the wealth tax was abolished. However, for 1995 and 1996 Statistics Denmark computed assets and liabilities of 15 each individual using both the new de…nition of wealth (used for children and parents) and the old de…nition (used for grandparents). In Appendix A, we exploit this overlap to show that the new wealth measure is well approximated by the old way of measuring wealth, and we provide more details on the wealth data. Additional information on the Danish wealth and income-tax data may be found in Leth-Petersen (2010) and Chetty et al. (2011). In the empirical analysis, we consider two types of samples: a child-parents sample (CP) and a child-parents-grandparents (CPG) sample. The CP sample focuses only on child-parents relationships without exploiting information of grandparents. In this sample, we consider all children of age 21-51 in 2011 (ensuring that they are born in 1960 or later), where both parents are alive in 2011, and where both parents are between 21 and 66 years old in 1999. This is very similar to Charles and Hurst (2003) with the exception that they limit the sample to children that are older than 25 years and require that both children and parents have positive wealth. The importance of these two di¤erences in sample selection will be discussed. The child-parentsgrandparents (CPG) sample is based on the CP sample, but with the additional requirement that at least one grandparent is alive in 1985. To avoid selection problems, we further require that parents are born in 1960 or later, corresponding to a maximum age of 39 in 1999, implying that the personal identi…ers of all the grandparents are known.6 Table 1 provides summary statistics of the two samples. In the CP sample, we have 1.16 million child-parent pairs and the CPG sample consists of 97 thousand observations. In both samples, parents are signi…cantly older than their children at the time where wealth levels are observed in the data, and grandparents are older than parents in the CPG sample. Since households normally accumulate wealth over the life cycle up to retirement, we should expect to observe the highest wealth for grandparents and higher wealth for parents than for children, which is also the pattern we see in Table 1. The large sample sizes allow us to account for the life-cycle e¤ects by age-adjusting the wealth levels using age dummies and to estimate separate e¤ects for di¤erent child cohort–parent age constellations in the empirical analyses. Moreover, following the existing literature measuring intergenerational e¤ects, we will relate relative di¤erences within a generation to the relative di¤erence of another generation, which is not sensitive to scale e¤ects. Notice that wealth is negative for many individuals. This is in particular the case among the 6 This reduces the sample considerably. Without the restriction, we obtain the same regression coe¢ cients and a higher statistical precision but we prefer the restricted sample to avoid sample selection bias. 16 child generation where around half of the individuals have negative wealth compared to eight percent in the sample of C&H. One reason is that we do not restrict the sample to children above 25 as C&H, which signi…cantly increases the wealth of children but also of parents, who will on average be older. Another reason is that Danish households have very high debt-to-income ratios (the liability-gross income ratio is around 200 percent for children and 150 percent for parents in the CP sample) compared to other countries, which has received international attention recently (IMF, 2012; European Commission, 2012). The di¤erence to the US and other countries probably re‡ects that Denmark has a reasonably high universal public pension bene…t level, substantial labor market pension savings by international standards, and an extensive social safety net that reduces the need for precautionary savings. Labor earnings and gross income are on average higher for parents than for children, while earnings for grandparents are lower than for parents re‡ecting that some of the individuals have retired. The table also reports the years of education counting completed education. Parents are clearly more educated than grandparents but also somewhat more educated than their children in the CPG sample. However, this re‡ects that many of the children have not yet completed their education. 4 Empirical analysis 4.1 Elasticity of child wealth with respect to parental wealth We …rst use the child-parents (CP) sample described above to estimate the (unconditional) elasticity of child wealth with respect to the average wealth of the (biological) parents.7 This corresponds to estimating an ordinary least squares regression after using the natural log transformation on the wealth measures of children and parents. Column 1 of Table 2 reports the estimated elasticity without age adjustment, while column 2 reports the age-adjusted elasticity obtained by including age dummies of both children and parents in the regression. The …nding of a child-parents age-adjusted elasticity equal to 0.268 implies that children born of parents with a wealth level that is 10 percent above the mean of the parent generation can expect to obtain a wealth level that is 2.7 percent above the mean of the child generation. C&H obtained an age-adjusted intergenerational wealth elasticity (IWE) of 0.365 for the United States using 7 Results are unchanged if we use the aggregate wealth of parents instead of the average wealth of parents, which is due to the fact that the log transformation and the IHS transformation of the data remove any scale e¤ects. 17 the PSID survey data. The lower estimate for Denmark is not surprising. Denmark has a very homogeneous population and a high degree of redistribution, and comparative studies have found that Denmark has the lowest intergenerational elasticity of earnings/income.8 When applying the log transformation, we are throwing away all child-parents pairs where either the child or the parents have zero or negative net wealth. Most of the empirical literature analyzing intergenerational relationships have looked at economic outcomes that do not attain negative values by de…nition, for example earnings. In this case, it is natural to apply the log transformation, which has appealing properties. This is, however, not the case when analyzing net wealth, which may well be negative, and where standard life cycle theory predicts negative values for young persons who have increasing earnings pro…les. Another reason for observing negative wealth of households in our case, and also in C&H, is that we are unable to include pension wealth. In order to avoid the potential selection problem of using the log transformation, we will for the remaining part of the paper be using the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation p (IHS), w = log(W + W 2 + 1), that behaves as log(jW j) everywhere with the exception of in the neighborhood of zero.9 Column 3 shows the IWE estimate after using the IHS transformation on the sample where wealth is restricted to be positive. The estimate is completely identical to the result based on the log transformation in column 2. Next, we consider the full sample with 1.16 million child-parents observations that include negative wealth of children and/or parents. This gives an IWE of 0.19, which is considerably lower than the estimate obtained from the restricted sample, showing that it may create severe selection bias to remove observations with negative wealth. Note …nally from Table 2 that all regression coe¢ cients are very precisely estimated because of the large sample size as illustrated by the tiny standard deviations of the estimates.10 Life-cycle variation may be important when measuring intergenerational mobility in economic outcomes (Haider and Solon; 2006). Thus, there may be substantial variation in the IWE, depending on the age of the child and the parents, that are not removed by including age 8 An overview of estimates of intergenerational earnings elasticities for di¤erent countries may be found in Björklund and Jännti (2009). They report an elasticity for Denmark of 0.12, which makes Denmark the country with the lowest correlation across generations. 9 For details on why the IHS transformation can be used to estimate approximate elasticities, see Appendix B. 10 Another concern may be that outliers or observations with zero or close to zero wealth may be very important for the estimates. We have run sensitivity analyses, which revealed no e¤ects on the estimates of removing observations in the tale of the distribution and around zero wealth. 18 dummies. The large sample size allows to address this issue by running separate regressions for each age-cohort of the children and for each age-cohort of the parents measured at the year where the child was born, respectively. Figure 1a shows the IWE estimate as a function of the age of the child in 2011 starting from the early twenties and going up to an age of …fty years. The diagram is constructed by running separate regressions for each cohort of the children, including in each regression age dummies of the parents, and then plotting the estimates and the 95 percent con…dence interval for each cohort. The con…dence interval shows that the IWE is very precisely estimated for each age group and the graph displays a remarkably stable IWE. For all thirty age groups, estimates lie within a narrow interval from 0.16 to 0.22 without any systematic trend. Figure 1b is constructed in the same way but this time subsamples are created for each age level of the parents at the time when the child was born and child age dummies are included in each regression. The graph shows a weakly increasing correlation of wealth between children and parents when the age-di¤erence between parents and children is increased, but the main conclusion is again that the IWE is remarkably stable and within the same interval as in Figure 1a.11 4.2 Decomposition of the intergenerational wealth elasticity In Table 3, we add income controls. Column 1 is the baseline without income controls and is identical to column 4 in Table 2. We …rst include the income of the child. It is natural to expect that a high income level of the child is associated with a high level of wealth. This is also what we see from column 2 showing that the elasticity of child wealth with respect to child income equals 1.4, implying that a ten percent higher income level is associated with 14 percent higher wealth. Our main interest is how it in‡uences the size of the IWE. If parents with high wealth invest more in the human capital formation of their children, as in the theory of Becker and Tomes (1979) then this would raise the income and wealth of their children. This would generate a positive correlation between child wealth and parental wealth working through child income, and if this channel was stronger than other sources of intergenerational correlation in wealth, the IWE estimate should fall when we introduce child income as a regressor. Table 2 shows that the IWE is unchanged after introducing child income, and does therefore not lend support to a 11 We have also estimated the IWE for each child-parent age constellations. All estimates are signi…cant with the exception of constellations where the age-di¤erence between the child and the parents is very small or very large. The conclusion is again that estimates are roughly the same for all combinations. 19 mechanism working through child income. Next, we also introduce parental income in the OLS regression. Column 2 shows that the elasticity of child wealth with respect to parental income is 2.2, which is therefore more important than the child’s own income. This corresponds closely to the speci…cations we discussed in our theoretical section: the objective is to shut down income as a mechanism of intergenerational transmission of wealth, and it requires controlling for income of both parents and children. It could be that parental wealth was not directly relevant for wealth of children, but own income was an important determinant of own wealth. If it was so, correlation of income would translate into unconditional correlation of wealth. Unconditional correlation between wealth of children and parents could also arise if the true relationship was from parental income to child wealth, because parental wealth works as a proxy for parental income. In each of these cases, the IWE would fall when controlling for parental income, but we observe nearly the same estimate as in column 2. Altogether, the IWE falls only slightly when going from column 1 to column 3. Income explains less than 8 percent of the IWE, and this conclusion is completely unchanged if we use a more ‡exible speci…cation with, for example, fourth degree polynomials in child income and parental income, respectively. The last two columns, report the result of splitting the sample depending on parental age. This has a sizable impact on the coe¢ cients on income but only a small impact on the IWE. Note that the coe¢ cient on the child’s own income becomes negative. This may re‡ect that the children are young in this group and that students, who currently have a low income (student bene…ts), come from a wealthy background and are wealthy themselves compared to young persons earning income in the labor market. In Table 4, we include number of siblings dummies, years of schooling dummies, and …nancial composition dummies. The idea here is to test the independent importance of the corresponding mechanisms beyond their relationship to wealth. Column 1 is the baseline with only age dummies included. In column 2, we include number of siblings dummies, so that we only exploit the variation within families of a given size to estimate the IWE. It is certainly possible that the number of siblings might a¤ect one’s own wealth separately from any relationship that it might have with parental wealth. For example, siblings may reduce incentive to save if they provide an implicit insurance or the number of siblings 20 may in‡uence traits that are determinants of wealth accumulation such as patience. Inclusion of sibling dummies has nearly no impact on the estimate suggesting that sibling considerations, if any, are adequately captured by parental wealth. Similarly, dummies for education length of both parents and children reduce the IWE only a little, and the e¤ect is of the same magnitude as when introducing income controls (see column 3 of Table 3), suggesting that wealth is also a good proxy for this channel. The largest reduction in the IWE arises when we introduce …nancial composition dummies for children and parents, i.e., dummies for homeownership, stock ownership, bonds ownership, and for being self-employed. This reduces the IWE by 25 percent, which is much more than what is explained by the income controls alone. Finally, when including all control variables the IWE becomes 0.134, which is a reduction of the IWE by less than 30 percent when starting from the baseline with only age controls. Thus, the explanatory variables explain only up to 30 percent of the IWE, which is considerably less than in C&H where income alone explains more than 50 percent of the IWE, and all variables together explain nearly 2/3 of the IWE. 4.3 Wealth across three generations In this subsection, we use the child-parents-grandparents (CPG) sample, which enables us to analyse wealth across three generations. The children and parents are younger in the CPG subsample than in the full CP sample. For comparison, we therefore start by running a simple regression of child wealth with respect to parental wealth for this subsample. The result is reported in column 1 of Table 5 and gives an age-adjusted elasticity of 0.177, which is only a little smaller than the elasticity obtained when estimating the relationship on the full sample (column 4 of Table 2). It is important to know whether the relationship between child wealth and parental wealth is stable over time/generations. There may be long run forces that reduce or increase the strength of the relationship, and recent research has documented substantial changes over the long run in top income shares, in the relative importance of capital and labor income at the top of the income distribution, and in the evolution of inheritance (Atkinson, Piketty and Saez, 2011; Piketty, 2011). In column 2, we report the relationship between parental wealth and grandparental wealth in the data set. The age-adjusted child-parents wealth elasticity from this estimation is 0:160, which is only slightly lower than the IWE when running the regression on the child-parents pairs in the 21 sample, and the standard deviations on the estimates from these two regressions are small and completely identical. This indicates that the underlying intergenerational relationship is quite stable. Next, we look separately at the correlation between children and grandparents. From a structural relationship only relating generation g to generation g 1 such as wg = we would expect that a regression of wg on wg 2 0 + 1 wg 1 +", would give a coe¢ cient equal to ( 2 1) . From the IWE estimates in columns 1 and 2, we should therefore expect a coe¢ cient around 0:03 (i.e., 0:1772 = 0:031 and 0:1602 = 0:026). The estimated coe¢ cient we obtain from regressing child wealth on grandparental wealth is 0:094 (column 3 of Table 5) and is therefore more than three times as large. One reason for this di¤erence could be that the underlying stochastic processes relating wealth across generations have more memory than just one generation, for example because grandparents have a direct impact on their grandchildren (Solon, 2012). Another possible reason, which we pursue in the next subsection, is measurement error/omitted variable that creates a downward bias in the estimated coe¢ cient.12 Column 4 of Table 5 reports the results from including both parental wealth and grandparental wealth in the estimation. When compared to the univariate relationships (columns 1 and 2), we see that the coe¢ cient on parents fall a little, whereas the coe¢ cient on grandparents falls by 1/3. If we consider a ten percent increase in the wealth of grandparents then this regression predicts a nearly one percent higher wealth of the grandchildren, which is again three times as high as the prediction we obtain from a standard estimation of IWE exploiting data from only two generations. In Table 6, we add the same controls as we did in Table 4 plus dummy variables for number of cousins and for number of living grandparents in 2011.13 Introducing the demography variables in isolation reduces the coe¢ cients on parents and grandparents a little (going from column 1 to column 2). The e¤ects on the coe¢ cients are larger when including education and …nancial composition dummies (column 3), as was also the case when we looked 12 If, for example, only 50 percent of the measured variation in wealth is governed by the true variation while the rest is noise then we would estimate a 1 coe¢ cient around 0:2, when the structural coe¢ cient is 0.4. The true coe¢ cient on grandparents would be 0:4^2 = 0; 16, but we would estimate 0:16 50% = 0:08, which is higher than 0:2^2 = 0:04. 13 If grandparents transfer money to grandchildren then the e¤ect of many cousins would be less money received on average per grandchild. By including dummy variables for number of cousins, we are only exploiting the variation within families of same size (measured by the number of cousins). We include dummy variables for number of living grandparents in 2011 because grandparents may die after we have observed their wealth in 1983-85, implying that parents and children may inherit their wealth. 22 at the relationship across only two generations in Table 4. The e¤ect of grandparental wealth on child wealth is again three times as big as the predicted e¤ect from a standard two-generation estimation of the IWE. 4.4 Using grandparental wealth as instrument Attenuation bias caused my measurement problems has been a main issue in the intergenerational income mobility literature since the in‡uential contribution by Solon (1992). Measurement problems may for example be caused by response errors in surveys and by transitory components in income implying that current income is a pure measure of the permanent income. The standard method to reduce the in‡uence of the transitory component is to compute three or …ve year averages, as we have also done in our measurement of wealth. However, this method may only remove a small part of the attenuation bias if the transitory component has some persistence. For example, Mazumder (2005) provides simulations suggesting that it may require an average over 20 to 30 years in order to bring the attenuation factor down to 90 percent. The theory in Section 2 illustrates cases where child wealth only depends on parental wealth and where ordinary least squares estimation of the relationship provides a downward biased estimate of the IWE, but where two-stage least squares estimation using wealth of grandparents as instrument for wealth of parents provides a consistent estimator. Table 7 reports results from such 2SLS estimations. The two …rst columns report 1st stage and 2nd stage results with only age dummies as additional regressors, while the following columns report results when other variables are added. The strong correlation of parental wealth with grandparental wealth and F-test values well above 10 in all cases indicate that we do not have a ‘weak instrument’problem in the 1st stage regressions.14 The 2nd stage results give estimates of the IWE in the range 0.6-0.7, which is more than three times as high as the ordinary least squares estimates described in Subsection 4.1. For robustness, we have redone the age-dependency graphs in Figure 1a and 1b, but this time displaying the 2SLS estimates. This is done in Figure 2a and 2b, which for 14 As a further test of the strength of the …rst stage, we have constructed a worst case scenario where grandparental wealth has no predictive power for parental wealth following the approach of Bound, Jaeger, and Baker (1995). We achieve this by randomly assigning the observations of grandparental wealth to the observations in data. The resulting pseudo instrument is by construction uncorrelated with the endogenous regressor, yet, it retains the marginal distribution of the actual instrumental variable. Using the pseudo-instrument gives an IV estimate close to the OLS estimate, and standard errors are much higher compared to the actual IV standard errors. 23 comparison also include the OLS estimates of Figure 1a and 1b. The graphs based on the 2SLS estimates have the same shapes as the graphs based on the OLS estimates, but of course with a more wide con…dence interval. More importantly, the IWE estimates are consistently around three times as high at each age level. 4.5 Dynasty …xed e¤ects In Section 2, we also consider the possibility of a dynasty/social class …xed e¤ect leading to the relationship wgd = bd0 + b1 wgd 1 + "g ; g = 1; 2; (8) where wgd is the wealth level of generation g in dynasty d, bd0 is the …xed e¤ect of the dynasty and "g is an error term. A direct estimation of equation (8) will provide an inconsistent estimate of b1 because the assumption of strict exogeneity of the regressors is violated by construction when using the lagged dependent variable as regressor. The Within estimator is also biased and so is an estimation of the …rst di¤erences: wgd = b1 wgd where wgd wgd wgd 1. 1 + "g ; (9) However, our assumption that "g is serially uncorrelated allows us to follow the empirical approach …rst suggested by Anderson and Hsiao (1982) and use grandparental wealth wgd 2 as an instrument for wgd 1. This avoids the bias of the lagged dependent variable and provides a consistent estimate of b1 . Table 8 shows the results from this exercise where we have allowed each child-parents-grandparents to have a unique constant bd0 .15 The …rst column reports the OLS estimate of b1 under the assumption of a common constant bd0 = b0 for d, while the second column reports the …rst-di¤erences 2SLS estimate of b1 . The table shows that the 2SLS estimate of the coe¢ cient is only around 1/3 of the OLS estimate. Thus, allowing for …xed e¤ects instead of a common constant reduces the estimate substantially, strongly suggesting more persistence in wealth formation across generations and that the standard measurement of the IWE is underestimating the level of intergenerational ‡uidity. 15 We have chosen this completely ‡exible procedure rather than, for example, restricting siblings to have the same …xed e¤ect because they have the same family background. 24 4.6 Robustness In the empirical analysis, we have imposed the condition that both parents of a child should be alive in 2011 and that some grandparents should be alive in 1985. We have therefore allowed for the possibility that grandparents die between 1985 and 2011 and leave wealth to their heirs, and we have allowed for variation in the number of grandparents alive in 1985. In order to study the importance of these sample selection criteria, we have redone the baseline regressions for the subsample where all four grandparents are alive in 2011. The results are shown in Table 9. The basic child-parents wealth elasticity equals 0.17 (0.19 before), the basic child-grandparents elasticity is 0.06 (0.09 before) and the 2SLS estimate of the child-parents wealth elasticity is 0.52 (0.61 before). The estimates are therefore somewhat smaller, which may re‡ect the presence of bequest in the large sample or just that individuals are younger in the subsample, but without changing the main conclusions. 5 Concluding remarks Using administrative wealth records, we have estimated the child-parents IWE. The theory section illuminates that the IWE is generally not a deep parameter, but a complex function of the underlying mechanisms, by which the intergenerational transmission occurs. However, we …nd a pronounced stability of the IWE across speci…cations, time, and generations, suggesting that parental wealth may serve as a su¢ cient statistic for the e¤ect of parental characteristics on children’s wealth that vary across di¤erent contexts that we consider. In particular, lack of substantial sensitivity to many controls (including income and education) suggests that the role of these speci…c channels in explaining wealth of children is captured by parental wealth. Exploiting that Danish administrative wealth records allow us to use data for three generations, we …nd that there is role to be played by grandparental wealth in predicting their grandchildren’s wealth, suggesting that the wealth generating process has longer memory than just one generation. As we discuss, an alternative interpretation of this may be that of measurement error in parental wealth, where grandparental wealth, under strong assumptions, may serve as an instrument for parental wealth, producing a much higher IWE compared to the basic estimate. On the other hand, grandparents may simply have a direct e¤ect on grandchildren 25 (invalidating the IV procedure). Either way, our empirical evidence illustrates the value added from having more generations of wealth data in characterizing the process that governs wealth across generations. A Additional description of the wealth data A.1 More details on the wealth data The wealth data records are subject to a number of data breaks due to changing classi…cations of certain assets and liabilities, changes in reporting requirements, changes in tax treatment, etc. Table A.1 provides an overview of all data breaks in the underlying components of assets and liabilities. Although we do not construct the aggregate measures of assets and liabilities but instead rely on those compiled by Statistics Denmark, the table is still informative regarding the stability of the de…nition of wealth in the period. On the larger lines, subcomponents are generally third-party reported since 1997, whereas they relied in part on third-party reports and self-reporting prior to 1997. The treatment of company values for self-employed has undergone a number of changes since the 1980s. In the period 1981 to 1985, …rm assets such as buildings and operating …xture, equipment, machines, and cars are included. In 1981, buildings and operating …xture, equipment, machines, cars, etc. are registered at 80 pct. of the cash value or the balance sheet book value. It is calculated as 75 pct. of the cash value in 1982, 70 pct. of the cash value in 1983-1988, and 60 pct. of the cash value in 1988-1996. In the period 1986 to 1996, the equity of the …rm is computed separately and included in the assets of a self-employed. In addition to the above assets, the computation of …rm equity also includes …nancial assets of the …rm, inventory, etc., and company debt is subtracted. From 1997 only …rm assets are included in the assets of the owner while …rm liabilities are included in the liabilities of the owner. A.2 Analysing the impact of the 1997 change in the de…nition of wealth The largest change in the de…nition of wealth occurs around 1997 where the wealth tax was abolished. However, for 1995 and 1996 Statistics Denmark computed assets and liabilities of each individual using both the new de…nition of wealth (used for children and parents) and the old de…nition (used for grandparents). In Table A.2 and Figures A.1 and A.2 we exploit this 26 overlap to show that the new wealth measure is well approximated by the old way of measuring wealth. In Table A.2 we run OLS regressions of the new de…nition of wealth measured in 1995 on the old de…nition of wealth measured also in 1995, and …xing the constant tern at zero. Columns 1 and 2 run regressions for grandparental and parental wealth, respectively, in the CPG sample, and column 3 runs the regression for parental wealth in the CP sample.16 In all three cases, the slope coe¢ cient is fairly close to unity, supporting our claim that the new de…nition approximates well the old de…nition. Figure A.1 presents scatter plots of the new de…nition plotted against the old de…nition of wealth in 1995 for the same three cases as mentioned above. Axes are con…ned to wealth levels of no more than 1 million DKK (in 2010-prices) for readability. Again we …nd that observations tend to be concentrated around the 45 degree line through origo. In Figure A.2 we show histograms of the deviations of the new de…nition of wealth in 1995 from the old de…ntion. The histograms exclude observations with no deviation and con…ne the primary axis to discrepancies of less than 1 million DKK (in 2010-prices) for readability. The distribution of discrepancies for all three cases are symmetric around zero and do not show any tendency for the new de…nition to systematically over- or underpredict old de…nition wealth. B Estimating approximate elasticities with the inverse hyperbolic sine (IHS) transformation The IHS transformation, de…ned as w = IHS(W ) = log W + p W 2 + 1 , behaves as log(jW j), except in a neighborhood around zero. Intuitively, we must then be able to estimate approximate elasticities in regressions of an IHS transformed variable on another IHS transformed variable. p To see this, …rst note that the derivative of the IHS function is 1= W 2 + 1. The slope parameter from regressing y = IHS(Y ) on x = IHS(X) and a constant term is given by ^ = @E [yjx] = p @Y @E [x] Y2+1 p X2 + 1 @X @Y jXj ; @X jY j when X and Y are not too close to zero. In practice the approximation works well for wealth data, where the bulk of the mass of the wealth distribution is located away from zero. 16 Notice that the CP and CPG sample sizes are slightly lower than those reported in Table 1. This is due to observations with missing values in 1995, e.g., due to temporary emigration or, in the case of grandparents, death. 27 References [1] Anderson, T.W. and C. Hsiao (1982). "Formulation and Estimation of Dynamic Models Using Panel Data." Journal of Econometrics 18, 47–82. [2] Arrondel, Luc (2009). "My Father Was Right: The Transmission of Values between Generations." PSE Working Paper 2009-12. [3] Atkinson, Anthony B., Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez (2011). "Top Incomes in the Long Run of History." Journal of Economic Literature, 49, 3–71. 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Econometrica 37, 382-397. 30 Table 1: Summary Statistics Child-Parent (CP) Sample Child-Parent-Grandparent (CPG) Sample Children 2009-2011 Parents 1997-1999 Children 2009-2011 Parents 1997-1999 Grandparents 1983-1985 33.9 (8.2) 12.9 (2.4) 256,025 (207,597) 326,867 (233,078) 0.22 (0.41) 0.47 (0.50) 0.06 (0.23) 0.04 (0.19) 655,952 (1,988,246) 636,575 (1,702,573) 19,377 (1,117,250) 48.5 (7.6) 12.3 (2.6) 288,873 (174,194) 396,203 (345,531) 0.26 (0.36) 0.59 (0.34) 0.06 (0.19) 0.08 (0.20) 923,242 (2,413,591) 596,021 (1,207,167) 327,220 (1,928,688) 23.4 (2.3) 11.0 (1.7) 129,398 (103,486) 172,004 (92,620) 0.15 (0.36) 0.11 (0.32) 0.03 (0.16) 0.01 (0.10) 95,113 (367,708) 129,221 (343,321) -34,108 (215,500) 35.0 (2.2) 12.6 (1.9) 282,080 (135,885) 358,322 (127,748) 0.14 (0.28) 0.59 (0.41) 0.01 (0.08) 0.06 (0.17) 584,975 (883,319) 605,768 (714,934) -20,793 (536,283) 47.1 (5.1) 8.9 (2.3) 247,334 (133,734) 371,134 (163,437) 0.07 (0.14) 0.41 (0.23) 0.11 (0.20) 0.11 (0.16) 828,626 (1,094,917) 550,996 (822,594) 277,894 (701,004) Percentiles of wealth 20th 40th 60th 80th -232,694 -68,913 8,240 147,696 -89,456 47,364 255,708 585,444 -90,626 -24,166 3,969 28,575 -185,697 -87,330 -14,398 123,348 -10,472 111,541 273,039 499,783 Observations 1,155,564 1,155,564 97,438 97,438 97,438 Age Years of educationa Labor income Gross income Share owning stocks Share owning propertyb Share owning bondsc Share self-employedd Value of assets Value of liabilities Net wealth Notes: The table reports mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) of the variables. Age, education and ownership variables are as of 2011 for children, 1998 for parents and 1983 for grandparents. Child-Parent (CP) sample: Children are aged 21-51 in 2011, both parents are alive in 2011 and aged 21-66 in 1999, and children are neither immigrants nor descendants of immigrants. Child-Parents-Grandparents (CPG) sample: Children are aged 19-51 in 2011, both parents are alive in 2011 and aged 21-39 in 1999, children are neither immigrants nor descendants of immigrants, and have at least one grandparent alive in 1983. Parent variables are averages of biological parents. Grandparent variables are averages of biological grandparents. All monetary variables are measured in DKK and deflated with 2010 prices. a) Measures years of completed education. The variable is based on 2010 data for children. b) Property ownership dummy for grandparents is based on 1987 data. c) Bond ownership dummy for grandparents is based on 1995 data. d) Self-employed dummy for children is based on 2010 data. Table 2: Child-Parent Wealth Elasticity (1) Child wealth 2009-2011 log Parental per cap. wealth 0.379 (1997-1999, log) (0.002) (2) Child wealth 2009-2011 log 0.268 (3) Child wealth 2009-2011 IHS (4) Child wealth 2009-2011 IHS 0.268 0.190 (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) Parental per cap. wealth (1997-1999, IHS) Child age dummies X X X Parental age (avg., rounded) dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared X X X 385,338 0.267 0.267 385,338 0.268 0.267 1,155,564 0.102 0.102 385,338 0.086 0.086 Notes: All regressions are on the CP sample described in Table 1. Difference in number of observations from (1)-(2) to (4) is that the log transform in (1)-(2) excludes observations of zero or negative wealth. The regression in (3) is run on the same sample as in (1)-(2). Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. Table 3: Child-Parent Wealth Elasticity and the Importance of Own and Parental Income. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Baseline Par. age <= Par. age > 50 50 Parental per cap. 0.190 0.186 0.175 0.165 0.185 wealth 1997-1999 (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) Child income 2009-2011 1.354 1.134 -0.299 2.772 (0.022) (0.022) (0.027) (0.035) 2.215 3.057 1.276 (0.029) (0.041) (0.042) Parental per cap. income 1997-1999 Child age dummies X X X X X Parental age (avg., rounded) dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared X X X X X 1,155,564 0.102 0.102 1,155,564 0.105 0.105 1,155,564 0.110 0.110 611,918 0.147 0.147 543,646 0.067 0.067 Notes: Dependent variable is the average 2009-2011 wealth of children. The IHS transformation is used on wealth and income variables. All regressions are on the CP sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. Columns (4) and (5) split the sample by median parental age (50 in 1999). Table 4: Child-Parent Wealth Elasticity and the Importance of Controls. (1) (2) (3) (4) Parental per cap. 0.190 0.183 0.173 0.141 wealth 1997-1999 (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (5) 0.133 (6) 0.134 (0.001) (0.001) Child income 2009-2011 -0.407 (0.023) Parental per cap. income 1997-1999 0.671 (0.033) X No. of siblings dummiesa X X X X X X X Years of schooling dummiesb Financial composition dummiesc Child age and parental age dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared X X X X X X X 1,155,564 0.102 0.102 1,155,564 0.105 0.105 1,155,564 0.111 0.111 1,155,564 0.155 0.155 1,155,564 0.161 0.161 1,155,564 0.162 0.162 Notes: Dependent variable is the average 2009-2011 wealth of children. The IHS transformation is used on wealth and income variables. All regressions are on the CP sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. a) No. of siblings is calculated as the average of mother's no. of children and father's no. of children (rounded). b) Years of schooling dummies for both child and parent are included. Years of schooling is recorded as of 2010. c) Financial composition consists of dummies for both child and parents for homeownership, stock ownership, bonds ownership, and for being self-employed. All dummies are included for both child and parents. Parents are noted as owning stocks, say, if at least one parent owns stocks. Self-employment status for children is taken in 2010. Table 5: Child-Parent and Child-Grandparent Wealth Elasticities (1) (2) Child wealth Parental per cap. 2009-2011 wealth 1997-1999 Parental per cap. wealth 0.177 1997-1999 (0.003) Grandparental per cap. wealth 1983-1985 Child age dummies X Parental age (avg., rounded) dummies X Grandparent age (avg., rounded) dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared 97,438 0.194 0.194 (3) Child wealth 2009-2011 (4) Child wealth 2009-2011 0.168 (0.003) 0.160 0.094 0.062 (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) X X X X X X X 97,438 0.055 0.055 97,438 0.161 0.160 97,438 0.200 0.199 Notes: The IHS transformation is used on wealth variables. All regressions are on the CPG sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. Table 6: Child-Parent and Child-Grandparent Wealth Elasticities, Including Various Control Variables. (1) (2) (3) Child wealth Child wealth Child wealth 2009-2011 2009-2011 2009-2011 Parental per cap. wealth 0.168 0.161 0.126 1997-1999 (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) Grandparental per cap. wealth 1983-1985 0.062 0.054 0.038 (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) No. of siblings dummiesa X X Number of cousins dummiesb X X Number of living grandparents in 2011 dummiesc X X Years of schooling dummiesd X Financial composition dummiese X Full set of age dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared X 97,438 0.200 0.199 X 97,438 0.206 0.205 X 97,438 0.256 0.255 Notes: The IHS transformation is used on wealth and income variables. All regressions are on the CPG sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. a) No. of siblings is calculated as the average of mother's no. of children and father's no. of children (rounded). b) No. of cousins is calculated as the average of the (at most) four grandparents' no. of grandchildren (rounded). c) Al combinations of four dummies (one for each grandparent) denoting whether a grandparent is alive in 2011. d) Years of schooling dummies for both child and parent are included. Years of schooling is recorded as of 2010. e) Financial composition consists of dummies for both child and parents for homeownership, stock ownership, bonds ownership, and for being self-employed. All dummies are included for both child and parents. Parents are noted as owning stocks, say, if at least one parent owns stocks. Self-employment status for children is taken in 2010. Table 7: Child-Parent Wealth Elasticities, 2SLS Estimation Using Grandparental Wealth As Instrument. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage 1st stage 2nd stage IV IV IV IV IV IV Grandparental per 0.155 0.151 0.087 cap. wealth 1983-1985 (0.003) (0.003) (0.003) Parental per cap. wealth 1997-1999 0.608 0.603 0.631 (0.022) (0.023) (0.040) Number of siblings dummies X X X X Number of cousins dummies X X X X X X 97,438 0.182 0.181 700.42 0.0000 97,438 0.016 0.015 Extra control variables* Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared F-test (1st stage) F-test p.-val. (1st stage) Partial R-sq (1st stage) R-sq (1st stage) Adj. R-sq (1st stage) 97,438 0.067 0.067 2,097.88 0.0000 97,438 . . 97,438 0.074 0.073 1,976.82 0.0000 97,438 . . 0.0186 0.0176 0.0064 0.0670 0.0667 0.0739 0.0732 0.1819 0.1809 Notes: The IHS transformation is used on wealth and income variables. All regressions are on the CPG sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. All regressions include both child and parental age dummies. *The extra control variables used are identical to the ones in regression (6) of Table 4. Table 8: Wealth Elasticities With Child Fixed Effects. (1) OLS Parental per cap. Wealth 0.220 1997-1999 (0.003) Observations 97,438 R-squared 0.055 (2) FD 2SLS 0.080 (0.005) 97,438 . Notes: Dependent variable is the average 2009-2011 wealth of children. The IHS transformation is used on wealth variables. All regressions are on the CPG sample described in Table 1. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. Estimation details: OLS estimation of child wealth regressed on parental wealth and a constant. FD 2SLS is the difference between child and parents regressed on the difference between parents and grandparents, where the difference between parents and grandparents is instrumented using grandparental (i.e., double lagged) per capita wealth. Table 9: Child-Parent Wealth Elasticities, Robustness Check Using Families With 4 Living Grandparents. (1) (2) (3) (4) OLS OLS 1st stage IV 2nd stage IV Parental per cap. wealth 0.165 0.521 1997-1999 (0.006) (0.062) Grandparental per cap. wealth 1983-1985 Child age dummies X Parental age (avg., rounded) dummies X Grandparent age (avg., rounded) dummies Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared F-test (1st stage) F-test p.-val. (1st stage) Partial R-sq (1st stage) R-sq (1st stage) Adj. R-sq (1st stage) 0.059 0.137 (0.008) (0.009) X X X X X 15,091 0.069 0.068 246.61 0.0000 0.0147 0.0692 0.0675 15,091 0.042 0.040 X 24,383 0.193 0.192 15,091 0.166 0.163 Notes: The IHS transformation is used on wealth variables. The results of the regression in column 1 correspond to column 4 of table 2 but now using only families with 4 living grandparents in 2011. Likewise the results in column 2 correspond to column 3 of table 5 and results in column 3 and 4 correspond to column 1 and 2 of table 7. Robust standard errors are reported in parentheses. Table A.1: Wealth Data Documentation Assets Bank deposits Bonds Deeds Stocks Value of property Liabilities Bank debt Mortgage debt Deed debt Year 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Variables (*=ends with akt) INDESTPI/ BANK* a b c d KURSOBL/ INDESTPI/ OBL* a e f g KURSPANT/ INDESTPI/ PANT* a h e d KURS* a i d g KOEJD/ KOEJD_NY05 j a k a,l a,o a,o m n p n n n q r o d d d (*=ends with GALD, GAELD or GÆLD) GÆLDIO/ BANK*/ PRI*/ BANK* PRI*/ OBL* PRI*/ PANT*/ BANK*/ PANT* Color coding: Combined 3rd party reporting and self reporting 3rd party reports Variable overlap Variable shift Data breaks a During 1984-1986, not incl. people with special income; Income from stocks and bonds, self-employed, or income from other countries. From 1987 and onwards everyone is included. b Including market value of bonds. c Including deeds in deposits. d Wealth tax is abolished. Only 3rd party info. from financial institutions and banks is available. e Included in the aggregate variable indestpi. No seperate registration. f Wealth tax is abolished. Only 3rd party info. from financial institutions and banks is available. Only incl. bonds in deposits. g From 2001 the part of a mutual fond placed in bonds is moved from KURSAKT to OBLAKT. h Only incl. deeds in deposits. i Excl. unlisted stocks from 1994-1996. j Value of property is for 500,000 people only registered in the aggregate asset variable, QAKTIVF. k KOEJD only includes residential property, KOEJD_NY05 also includes business property and undeveloped land. l Included in the aggregate variable GÆLDIO, which includes all other debt (including debt to foreign countries) than mortgage debt. No separate registration. m Independent registration of debt to financial institutions. Deeds issued by financial institutions is included. n During 1987-1993 debt in own business is not included in BANKGAELD. From 1990 and onwards including debt in The Mortgage Bank, pension funds, insurance and financial companies, credit and debit card debt. From 1991 including student debt in financial institutions. From 1993 including debt in deposited deeds (PANTGALD). The variable does not exist in 1994, bank debt is only registrered as part of the aggregate variable PRIGÆLD. o No separate registration. Variable included in the aggregate variable PRIGÆLD. p During 1987-1993 deed debt in own business is not included in PANTGALD. q From 1992 excluding debt in deeds, which are not deposited. r Debt in deposited deeds is included in the variable BANKGAELD and later PRIGÆLD. No separate registration. Table A.2: Wealth Data Break 1995, New Definition Regressed On Old Definition. Grandparental wealth CPG sample (1) (2) Grandparental wealth Parental wealth 0.923 CP sample (3) Parental wealth (0.001) Parental wealth 0.889 0.875 Observations R-squared Adj. R-squared (0.001) 97,388 0.794 0.794 (0.000) 1,155,090 0.771 0.771 97,328 0.855 0.855 Notes: Dependent variable is the new definition of wealth. Regressions in column 1-2 are on the CPG sample described in Table 1. The regression in column 3 is on the CP sample described in Table 1. The difference in sample size compared to Table 1 is due to missing values of 1995 wealth. The IHS transformation is used on wealth variables. The constant term is fixed at zero. Robust standard errors are reported in the parentheses. Notes: Estimates of the parent-child elasticity of wealth stem from separate regressions of child wealth (2009-2011, IHS) on parental per cap. wealth (1997-1999, IHS) and parental age (avg., rounded) dummies by child age in 2011. The regressions are run on the CP sample described in Table 1. 95 percent confidence bounds are calculated using robust standard errors. Notes: Estimates of the parent-child elasticity of wealth stem from separate regressions of child wealth (2009-2011, IHS) on parental per cap. wealth (1997-1999, IHS) and child age dummies by age of parents (avg., rounded) at childbirth. The sample used is the CP sample described in Table 1. 95 percent confidence bounds are calculated using robust standard errors. Notes: Estimates of the parent-child elasticity of wealth stem from separate regressions of child wealth (2009-2011, IHS) on parental per cap. wealth (1997-1999, IHS) and parental age (avg., rounded) dummies by child age in 2011 using 2SLS and OLS. For 2SLS, grandparental wealth (1983-1985, IHS) and a second degree polynomial in grandparental age (avg., rounded) are used to instrument for parental wealth. OLS regressions are run on the CP sample (described in Table 1), and the 2SLS regressions are run on the CPG sample. 2SLS estimates are shown for child ages for which the first stage regression is strong, meaning that the F-test for joint exclusion of the instruments has an F-value above 10 and a p-value below 0.05. OLS estimates are shown for the same ages. 95 percent confidence bounds are calculated using robust standard errors. Notes: Estimates of the parent-child elasticity of wealth stem from separate regressions of child wealth (2009-2011, IHS) on parental per cap. wealth (1997-1999, IHS) and child age dummies by age of parents (avg., rounded) at childbirth using 2SLS and OLS. For 2SLS, grandparental wealth (1983-1985, IHS) and a second degree polynomial in grandparental age (avg., rounded) are used to instrument for parental wealth. OLS regressions are run on the CP sample (described in Table 1), and the 2SLS regressions are run on the CPG sample. 2SLS estimates are shown for parental ages (at childbirth) for which the first stage regression is strong, meaning that the F-test for joint exclusion of the instruments has an F-value above 10 and a p-value below 0.05. OLS estimates are shown for the same ages. 95 percent confidence bounds are calculated using robust standard errors. Figure A.1: Analysis of the Wealth Data Break in 1995. Scatter plots of individual wealth as recorded by the new definition plotted against wealth as recorded by the old definition. Panel (a) and (b) show the plot for grandparents and parents, respectively, in the CPG sample. Panel (c) shows the plot for parents in the CP sample. Sample sizes differ compared to those in Table 1 due to missing observations in 1995, e.g. grandparents dying before 1995, and as we only show observations not exceeding ±1 million DKK (in 2010-prices). Figure A.2: Analysis of the Wealth Data Break in 1995. Histograms of the difference in wealth as measured by the new and old definitions. Panel (a) and (b) show the histograms for grandparents and parents, respectively, in the CPG sample. Panel (c) shows the plot for parents in the CP sample. Sample sizes differ compared to those in Table 1 due to missing observations in 1995, e.g. grandparents dying before 1995, as we only show observations with discrepancies not exceeding ±1 million DKK (in 2010-prices), and as we likewise exclude observations with no discrepancy.