JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 105, NO. B10, PAGES 23,431-23,442, OCTOBER 10, 2000 Factors controlling normal fault offset in an ideal brittle layer LucL. Lavier• andW. RogerBuck Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory ofColumbia University, Palisades, NewYork Alexei N. B. Poliakov Laboratoirede G6ophysique et Tectonique,CNRS UMR 5573, Universit6de MontpellierII, Montpellier,France Abstract. We studythe physicalprocesses controllingthe developmentandevolutionof normal faultsby analyzingnumericalexperiments of extensionof an idealtwo-dimensional elastic-plastic (brittle) layer floatingon an inviscidfluid. The yield stressof the layer is the sumof the layer cohesionand its frictionalstress.Faultsare initiatedby a smallplasticflaw in the layer. We get finite fault offsetwhen we makefault cohesiondecreasewith strain. Even in thishighly idealized systemwe vary six physicalparameters: the initial cohesionof the layer,the thicknessof the layer,therateof cohesionreductionwith plasticstrain,the frictioncoefficient,the flaw sizeand the fault width. We obtaintwo main typesof faulting behavior: (1) multiple major faultswith smalloffsetand (2) singlemajorfault thatcandevelopvery largeoffset.We showthatonly two parameters controlthesedifferenttypesof faultingpatterns:(1) the brittlelayerthicknessfor a givencohesionand (2) the rateof cohesionreductionwith strain. For a largebrittlelayer thickness(> 22 km with 44 MPa of cohesion),extensionalwaysleadsto multiplefaults distributedover the width of the layer. For a smallerbrittlelayer thicknessthe fault patternis dependenton therate of fault weakening:a very slowrateof weakeningleadsto a very largeoffset fault anda fastrateof weakeningleadsto an asymmetricgrabenandeventuallyto a very large offsetfault. When the offsetis very large,the modelproducesmajorfeaturesof the patternof topographyandfaultingseenin somemetamorphiccorecomplexes. 1. Introduction Karsonet al., 1987; Axen andBartley, 1997; Cannet al., 1997; Tucholkeet al., 1998] are major featuresof Earth's Thenaturalfaultsthat either boundor cut an asymmetricor symmetricgrabenin rifts showa widerangeof offsets [e.g., Robertset al., 1991; Morley, 1995]. The offset varies from microscopic slip on incipientfaultsto ~5 km slip on rift basin boundingfaults [e.g., VeningMeinesz, 1950; Ebingeret al., 1987] up to severaltens of kilometers on metamorphiccore complexesstructures [e.g., Coney, 1980; Karsonet al., 1987; topography. Some authors [e.g., Davis and Lister, 1988; Davis and Lister, 1988; Wernicke, 1985; Lister et al., 1986, 1991; Cannet al., 1997; Tucholke et al., 1998]. Fault with Wernicke,1995] believethatthesefaultsformedandslippedat a low dip. However, this mechanism violates Andersonian faulting theory [Anderson,1951; Wills andBuck, 1997] which statesthat normalfaultsformandslip at a high dip angle. An alternativeto this modelis that normalfaultsoriginateat high angleand,asfaultoffsetincreases,arerotatedflexurallyto an inactive low-angle configuration[Hamilton, 1988; Wernicke andAxen, 1988; Buck, 1988]. Field observations in favor of offsetssmallerthanthethicknessof the brittlelayer generally or againsteitherof thesemodelsarenumerous(seereviewfrom dip at high-angle (> 45ø) [Anderson,1951; Jackson, 1987]. Axen and Bartley [1997]) so that it is often difficult to These faults are the most common features encountered in rift Suezandthe East African Rift [Hamilton, 1988; Patton et al., determine whetherthe faultrotatedto its presentconfiguration afterlargeoffsetor if it initiatedat low angle. We wouldlike (1) to understand the physicscontrollingthe differentkindsof normalfaultingobtainedin a set of idealized numericalexperimentsand(2) to definethe possiblerangeof behaviorsthat are relevantto geologic environments. It is 1994, Morley at al., 1992, BosworthandMorley, 1994] or at mid-oceanicridges [e.g., MacDonaldand Luyendyk, 1977, likely that many processesnot treatedhere, such as thermal advection,magmatism,andcrustalthinning affect the pattern Karson et al., 1987]. of faultingin a brittle layer. However,our goal is to startto understandone of the simplest systemsthat leads to the settings [Jackson, 1987]. They usually define a series of grabensstructured by major or secondaryhigh-angle normal faults. Such features are consistently observed in most extensionalsettingssuchas the BasinandRange,the Gulf of Recent observations in both continental and oceanic settingsshowthat largeoffsetnormalfaultswith dip < 30 ø or evenwith negativedips [e.g., Coney, 1980; Wernicke, 1985; •NowatGeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. Copyright2000 by theAmericanGeophysicalUnion. formation 2. Previous 2.1. We therefore use a Work Modeling of Normal Faults A great deal of work has been done to understandthe Papernumber2000JB900108. 0148-0227/00/2000JB 900108509.00 and offset of normal faults. dynamicmodelof faultingto studythe evolutionof fault offset duringthe extensionof a uniformthicknessbrittle layer. mechanics of normalfaultingusingdifferentapproaches.The 23,431 23,432 LAVIER ET AL.: FACTORS CONTROLLING main differencebetween these methods is the simplifying assumptionmade in order to study the evolution of normal faulting. A first approachconsidersthe initiation of normal faults and ignores the long-term developmentof faulting. Anderson[1951] showsthat in a uniformbrittle layer subject to side-drivenextension,faultsareproducedwith dips ranging from about~70ødownto 45 ø, dependingon the coefficientof friction. On the basisof laboratory estimatesof rock friction [e.g., Byerlee, 1978] normalfaultsshouldform with dipsclose NORMAL FAULT OFFSET only the initiation of fault patterns when the stressfield is slightly aboveyield. Thusthesepredictionsare only useful for small deformations,and give erroneousresultsfor large deformation 2.2. encountered Modeling in natural faults. of Normal Faults With Finite Offset Forsyth [ 1992] andBuck [ 1993] have attemptedto define the parameterscontrolling finite offset on normal faults by to 60 ø. usingvery simplified modelsof lithosphericbending. Forsyth Most continuum models realistically approximate the [ 1992] treatedthe brittle layer as a thin perfectly elastic beam, overall deformationof the lithosphere during rifting but andBuck [1993] choseto treat it as a thin elastic plate having generally do not examine the evolution of primary versus a finite yield strength (elastic-plastic). Both assumedthe secondaryfaults. They either do not treat the localization of lower crust to be an inviscid fluid and prescribedan initial deformationassociatedwith faultsor must explicitly specify cohesionlessfault in the model domain. Both studiesattempt the initial fault properties. Also, a systematicanalysis of the to show that a normal fault will continueslip as long as the influenceof eachphysical parameterson the faulting behavior material aroundit is stronger than the fault itself. A weak is lacking in most of thesestudies. frictional fault surrounded by a strongerfrictional andcohesive Severalauthorsmodeledtopographycausedby normal fault materialfits that criterion. To slip on this fault, thereneedsto offset by treating the lithosphereas an elastic plate [e.g., be a forceincreaseto compensatefor the resistanceof the layer Vening Meinesz, 1950; Kusznir et al., 1987; Weissel and to bending and the resistanceof gravity to the buildup of Karner, 1989]. They assumedslip on one or more high-angle topography. If the force increase is sufficient to cause the normal faults and look at the topographyresulting from the materialaroundthe fault to reachyield, a new fault will form. bendingof the lithospherearoundthe fault. Vening Meinesz If the forceincreaseis too small to causea significant change [ 1950] proposedthat grabenswereproduced by flexureof the in stress around the fault, the fault may slip indefinitely. hanging wall of a major normal fault boundinga rift when Therefore both of these authors studied the effect of this secondary faultsantitheticto the first fault form in the part of "gravitational" force increaseon the strength of the layer the hangingwall that undergoes the mostbending. surroundingthe fault. In orderto study the potential formation of antithetic or Using the simpler approximation,Forsyth [1992] inferred syntheticfaults in the vicinity of a high-angle normal fault, that the maximumfault offset is controlledby the dip angle of Melosh and Williams [1989] useda finite element method to the fault andthe layer cohesion. A very large offset fault can modelthe lithosphereasa thick elastic plate. They inserteda only developon a fault with an initial low dip angle, lower normal fault in the lithosphere and predict the initiation of than that predictedfor the formation of a normal fault in a new faults by assuminga Mohr-Coulomb criterion for brittle homogenouslayer [Anderson,1951; Wills and Buck, 1997]. failure in the elastic plate. However, they could not model By using a more complete descriptionof the strength of the largefaultoffsets. In a furtherimprovementof thesetypes of layer, Buck [ 1993] foundthat for a given cohesion,fault offset studies,Hassani and Chery [ 1996] were able to simulate the is controlledby the thicknessof the elastic-plastic layer. For localization and formation of new faults around an initial a brittle layer thickness >10 km and for a reasonably low prescribedweakfault by assumingplastic behavior in a thick cohesionvaluethe fault can build up only a few kilometers of elastic-plastic plate to allow for the localization of offsetbeforebeing replacedby a newone. For a thinnerbrittle deformation in shear zones. layer the fault offset may be unlimited. Stein et al. [1988] showedthat, to accuratelymodel the It can be seen (Figure 1), that in a frictional brittle layer observedpattern of deformationaround high-angle normal with a reasonablylow value of cohesion (20 to 40 MPa [e.g., faults assumingan elastic lithosphere, the effective elastic Handin, 1966]), the remaining strength on an active fault thicknessof the lithosphere must be much smaller than the (proportional to the area in light shadedarea on the yield seismogenicthickness. By treating the lithosphereas a thin stressprofiles) representsa much smaller proportion of the elastic-plasticplate, Buck [1988] confirmedthat result by total strength(proportionalto the areain dark shadedareaon showingthat finite offset on a normal fault could greatly the yield stressprofiles) in a thin layer than in a thick layer. reducethe wavelengthof the flexural responsein the area Moreover, Buck [1993] showedthat the gravitational force surroundingthe fault. increaseis proportional the squareof the layer thickness. Several authorshave studiedloading of elastic layers in Thereforea fault will remain relatively much weakerthan the differentwaysthat might causeinitiation of normal faults with surroundingmaterialin a thin layer (Figure la) than in a thick low-angledip (<30ø) [¾in, 1989; Parsonsand Thompson, layer (Figure lb), and the gravitational force increasewill be 1993]. However, these studies looked only at stress smallerin a thin layer than in a thick layer. For these reasons, orientationandnot at magnitudeof stressesneededfor slip on normalfaultscanaccumulatelarge offset in a thin layer. In a faults. Wills andBuck [ 1997] looked at •tress magnitudeand thick layer, fault offset should be small and multiple faults showedthat the loading describedby Yin and Parsons and should form. Thompsonwouldnot leadto slip on low-anglefaults cutting an entire layer. Indeed,they show that in the areaswherethe 3. Model Formulation stressorientationssuggestlow-anglefault initiation the stress differences(andso shearstresses)approachzero,in contrastto Forsyth's [1992] and Buck's [1993] studies are limited adjacentareaswherethe stressorientationsand magnitudes becausethey assumed thin plate behaviorfor the lithosphere allow for high-angle fault initiation. Further, Gerbaultet al. and that faults are set as preexisting surfaces in the [1998] showedthat elastic solutionsfor faulting can predict lithosphere. The thin plate approximation does not render LAVIERET AL.:FACTORSCONTROLLING NORMALFAULTOFFSET 23,433 Figure 1. Strengthdifferencesbetween (a) a thin and(b) a thick layer. The strength is the integration of the yieldstressoverthethickness of thelayer.Yieldstressoyis proportionalto the shearstressassuming principal stresses arehorizontalor vertical. Thedifferentstrengthsarethereforeequalto the shaded areas. The layer is frictional andcohesive. Therefore,when a fault has formed, its strengthis proportional to the remaining frictional strengthof the layer. The strengthof the materialsurrounding the fault is proportional to the cohesive and frictional strengthof the layer. One can seethat in a thin layer the strength on the fault is much smallerthan that of the surroundingmaterial. In a thick layer the fault is still strongcomparedto the surrounding layer. accuratelythe dynamic state of strain and stressin an elastic- of the brittle layer andthe inviscid substrateequalto 2700 kg plasticlayer. More importantly,the assumption that faultsare preexisting surfacesin the layer obliterates the processesof m-3andtheacceleration of gravityg equalto 10 m s-2. At the weakeningleadingto the formation of the fault. In the following experimentswe usea numericalmodel that allows for the calculationof the dynamic state of strain and stressin an idealbrittle (elastic-plastic)layer in which plastic strainis given by a non-associated plastic flow rule [Poliakov and Buck, 1998]. Non associatedplasticity allows for the determination of the .................. y•u uppersurface,shearandnormal stressesareassumed to be zero. The right and left side of the box are pulled steadily apart (Figure2a). At the bottom we apply normal stressequalto the lithostatic pressurein the brittle layer and zero shear stress (Winklet foundation). The cohesionis reduce•with increasingstrain after yielding (Figure 2b). The shear stress at yield is given by MohrCo,,•,•mh theory: Coulombyield condition andfor localization in shearzones or "faults." Moreover, we can parametrize the weakening q:-- ILl.On + C(œp•), (1) processes thatleadtotheformation of faultby assuming that, ' wherex is the shearstressat yield,g is the coefficient of whenin the layer the yield stressis reached,the layer locally loses its cohesion with plastic strain [Buck and Poliakov, 1998; Poliakov and Buck, 1998]. This approachis a major advance sinceit provides a tool that allowsus accurately to friction, o, is the normalstress,andC is the cohesion,which is defined to depend onthetotal plasticstrainœpsTheplastic strain is the non recoverable strain accumulatedby plastic deformationwhenthe stressin the layer is locally greaterthan takeinto accountthe effectof the gravitationalforceincrease the yield stress. Up to the point wheremateriallosesall andtheeffectof thedecrease in forcecaused by the weakening cohesion, the reduction of cohesion with strain is linear processes occurring in the fault zone. Because of the complexity of the numericalmethodand to reducethe number of inputparameters wechoose thefollowingsetup(Figure2). 3.1. Model Setup The width of the model domain is taken as 10-15 times the (Figure2b): C(œps) = C(0)[1-(œp,/œb], (2) whereC(0)is theinitial cohesion of thelayer. We defineœc as a characteristic valueof plasticstrain.Whenthe plasticstrain reachesœc,the fault is cohesionless. However,as seenin all modelsallowingfor the localizationof deformation [e.g., Cundall,1989], thewidthof the faultAw is consistently 2 to . inviscid substrateand has a constant thickness. Each time we 4 timesthegridsize. Forthisreason,fora givendisplacement remesh,new materialis addedto the bottomof the grid, AL the strainis dependent on the grid size. In orderto scale keeping the interface between brittle and inviscid materials the characteristic strainandthe rateof cohesionweakening flat, assumingthat materialaddedto the bottom has the same betweentwo models with different grid sizes we use properties asthe materialin the layer. Wetakethe density9 characteristic offset,Ax,= œ,Aw,ratherthan%asa measure of layerthicknessH. The brittle layeris assumed to overlie an 23,434 LAV1ER ET AL.' FACTORS CONTROLLING NORMAL FAULT OFFSET (a) Yield stress 0 Brittlelayer x EXTENSION 0 COMPRESSION H z r r. Z' Inviscid substrate - (b) Plastic strain, œp Figure 2. (a) Modelsetup forextension ofa brittlelayeroverlying aninviscidfluid.Thelayerhasthefinite yieldstress of a Mohr-Coulomb typematerial.Yieldstress oyis proportional to the shearstressassuming principal stresses arehorizontal orvertical.(b)Thereduction of cohesion C is linearwithplasticstrain.The maximum cohesion lossis givenby C(O),andtherateof strength reduction is givenby C(0)/œc, œc beingthe characteristic plasticstrainfor whicha faulthaslost all its cohesion. the amountof deformationneededto form a cohesionlessfault. summed to determine the new out-of-balance forces. This A small perturbation, one to three elementslarge, is dynamicresponseis then dampedto approacha quasi-static initiallyplaced atthecenter ofthemodeldomain to induce the equilibrium. formation of the first fault.. It is set to have a plastic strain FLAC is a very powerfultechniquefor simulatingnon linear theological behavior at very high resolution becausethe explicit time-marching scheme does not require storage of parameters: (1) thethickness of the brittlelayerH, (2) the largematriceswhich areneededfor implicit methods. The time frictioncoefficient, g whichwechoseto fix at a givenvalueto stepof the calculationscaleswith the elastic-plasticproperty limit ouranalysis to theeffectof cohesion on layerstrength, of ourmodel. If the problem is purely elastic the time step of (3)theinitialcohesion C(0)ofthelayer,(4) thecharacteristicthe dynamicresponsescaleswith the velocity of the elastic plasticstrainœ•at whichthe faulthasbecome cohesionlesswavepropagatingthrough the elements. This time step is of equalto œ•in orderto becohesionless. Even in this very simplified setting we input six andAC(O)/e• setstherateof cohesion reduction withstrain,(5) the order of a few hundredths the sizeof theinitial perturbation,and(6) the grid sizeof the resolution numericalmodel which setsthe characteristicoffset, Axe. our numerical experiments would yield very long running times. In orderto decrease the CPUtime neededto performthe numericalexperimentswe increasethe speedof calculationby settingthe boundarydisplacementasa fractionof grid spacing per time step. To set the boundarydisplacement,we chosea 3.2. Numerical Method of the domains of a second. Therefore studied and the timescale the needed for The numericalmethodusedfor the experimentsis basedon velocityto soundvelocityof 5x10-s. We an explicit finite element method similar to fast lagrangian ratioof boundary analysisof continua(FLAC) technique[Cundall,1989]. It has find that this ratio allowsfor fast enoughrunsand at the same been usedto simulatelocalized deformation(approximating time minimizes the error on the strain calculation. When the layer cohesion reacheszero at the surfaceof the faults) in elastic-plasticmaterials in a variety of problems [Hobbs and Ord, 1989; Poliakov et al., 1993; Poliakov and model, the material at the surface behaves as a cohesionless t-Ier•nn, 1994; Hassani and Chery; 1996; Poliakov and Buck, 1998]. For each numerical time step the modeling involves directsolutionof Newton'ssecondlaw for every grid point. In order to approximate quasi-staticprocessesthe effectsof inertia mustbe dampedin a way akin to oscillations in a dampedoscillator. Starting from a non equilibriumstate, the forces present at each grid point are summed. The corresponding"out-of-balance"forcesandthe massat the grid point give rise to acceleration. The accelerations are integrated to calculate the velocities which are used to determinethe incrementof strainat eachgridpoint. By using the constitutivelaw for elastic and plastic theologies(Hook's law for elasticity and Mohr-Coulombcriterion for plasticity), the correspondingstress increments are determined,and the forceswhich they produceon the surroundinggrid points are pile of sand flowing on the slope of the topography. The resolution of the model does not resolve such flow, and thereforenumericalinstabilities arise from that phenomenon. To solve that problem, we set the cohesionof the layer to a negligible value of 4 MPa in all experiments. As a result, whenthe processof cohesionreductionhastaken place,4 MPa of cohesion remain on the fault. The initial mesh of the model is made of quadrilaterals subdividedinto two pairs of superimposedconstant-strain triangularzones The use of triangular zones eliminates the problem of "hourglassing" deformation sometimes experienced in finite differences [Cundall,1989]. Sincethis methodis Lagrangian(i.e., the numericalgrid follows the deformations),the simulation of very large deformations (locallymorethat 50%) involvesremeshingto overcomethe LAVIER El' AL.: FACq'ORSCONTROLLINGNORMAL FAULT OFFSET problemof degradationof numericalprecisionwhen elements aredistorted. We trigger remeshingwhen one of the triangles in the grid elementsis distortedenough that one of its angles becomessmaller than a given value. Every time remeshing occurs,strainsat each grid point are interpolatedbetweenthe old deformed mesh and the new undeformedmesh using a nearest-neighboralgorithm. The new state of strain is then used with the rheological laws to calculate the stress and resulting out-of-balance forces to start the time step cycle again. Also, every time we remesh,errors in the interpolation of the strains result in an increase in the out-of-balance forces, and artificial accelerations and oscillations occur. For this reason, the solution may not be in equilibrium immediately after remeshing. This results in transient variations in stressesof order 10% from the averagevaluesas we will see in section4. After abouta hundrednumericaltime steps, damping brings the solution back to equilibrium. We have tested different criteria to trigger remeshing in order to reducethe time to obtain a reproducible result and chose to use a minimumangle beforeremeshingof 10ø. 4. Results We ran 44 models (Table 1), varying the layer thickness, the cohesionof the layer, the characteristicplastic strain, the grid size, andthe flaw size and location. The model resultsin the spontaneousdevelopmentof an evolving system of faults. For all modelsa fault or faults start wherethe plastic flaw is inserted(Table 1). In all casesthe faultsinitially form at a dip, 0 of 60 ø in agreementwith the internal friction coefficient (g = 0.6) assumedin the brittle layer. We find two fundamentally different regimes of faulting with some additional regimes included within each domain (Plate 1). In the "large offset" or "unlimited mode"the initial fault accommodatesnearly all the extension for as long as the numerical experiment continues (Plate l a). For the "small offset" mode, two or more faults form and accommodate significant offset (Plates lb and lc)and no fault is offset by a large amount (i.e., with an off'set greater than the layer thickness). Within Table l e). We believe that this is due to a local reduction of the bending moment in the elastic-plastic layer [Buck, 1997]. When a beamis bent sufficiently, it can break in a distributed mannerover a broadareaor it can break in one place (the way a cracker snaps). Buck [1997] showedthat an elastic-plastic layer shouldbreakin a distributedmanneror "crunch"when its bending moment increaseswith increasing bending of the plate. It should snap when the bending moment decreases locally with increasingbending.We believethat hanging wall snappingand footwall snappingaroundthe major fault occur whenthe bendingof the plate is largeenoughthat the bending moment starts to decrease. This qualitatively explains why this behavior dependson the rate of strain weakening. Note that snapping generatessecondaryfaults for the unlimited Parameters Used for Each of the Numerical Experiments œc KXc,km Perturbation Size, M_JH elts Faulting Mode H = 20 km,Aw = 3000 m, C(O) = 24 MPa 0.01 0.1 0.4 0.6 1 1.2 1.5 0.01 0.4 0.03 0.3 1.2 1.8 3 3.6 4.5 3 bottom 3 bottom 3 bottom 3 bottom 3 bottom 3 bottom 3 bottom 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 H = 20 km, Aw = 3000 m, C(O) = 44 MPa 0.03 3 bottom 0.01 multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple multiple 1.2 3 top 0.25 hanging footwall 0.8 1. 2.4 3 4 bottom 3 bottom 0.62 0.75 footwall footwall 1.2 1.5 3.6 4.5 4 middle 4 bottom 0.01 0.01 multiple multiple 2. 3. 6 9 3 top 3 top 0.01 0.01 multiple multiple 0.5 1.2 H = 20 km, Aw = 1500 m, C(O) = 44 MPa 0.75 4 middle 1. 1.8 3 middle o• footwall unlimited 0.01 H = 10 km, Aw = 150Ore, C(O) = 44 MPa 0.015 3 bottom 0.01 0.3 0.5 0.45 0.75 0.8 1. 1.5 2. 3. 0.01 hanging 4 middle 4 bottom .9. 1.33 footwall footwall 1.2 4 top 1.46 footwall 1.5 2.25 4 middle 4 middle o• o• unlimited unlimited 3 4.5 3 bottom 2 bottom 0.01 0.01 multiple multiple H = 5 kin, Aw = 900 m, C(O) = 44 MPa 0.009 3 bottom 0.01 hanging 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.09 0.27 0.45 2 bottom 2 bottom 2 bottom 0.71 1. 1.2 0.8 1. 0.72 0.9 3 top 3 top 2.2 o• 1.5 2. 3. 1.5 1.8 2.7 3 bottom 2 bottom 2 bottom o• o• o• 4. 3.6 3 bottom 0.01 0.015 2 middle 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.8 1 1.5 2 0.15 0.45 0.6 1.2 1.5 2.25 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 middle middle middle middle middle middle middle 0.5 0.8 o• o• o• o• o• 3 4.5 2 middle 0.01 the unlimited mode we find that in some cases, secondaryfaults canbreakthe layer in the hanging wall and/or in the footwall of the initial fault. For "hanging wall snapping",both the hangingwall andthe footwall of the fault breakafter a very small offset (i.e., a few hundredsof meters) on the initial fault (Plate l d). For "footwall snapping" the initial fault develops a limited amount of offset (a few kilometers)beforea secondaryfault breaksthe footwall (Plate 1. 23,435 footwall footwall footwall footwall unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited 0.01 multiple H = 3 km, Aw = 1500 m, C(O) = 44 MPa 0.01 hanging footwall footwall unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited multiple Becauserunninga numericalexperimentwith the adequateresolutiontakesbetween3 CPUdaysto3 CPU weeks,the investigation of the parameterspacewaslimited.H is thethi-ckness of thelayer;C(0) is the initialcohesion of the layer or the maximumcohesion loss;Aw is approximately thewidthof thefaultin the models;e½is the characteristic strainfor maximum strength reduction; &re the characteristic offsetfor maximumstrengthreduction,A/. is the maximumfault offset before a new fault forms. The offset is taken as the maximum offset before a second faultforms.We estimate theoffsetby measuring the dip of the fault and the horizontal and vertical offsets of the fault. When the fault offsetis largeandthe fault surfacecurved,we measureeachstraight portionof thefaultfootwallandaddthemup. The perturbation sizeindicatesin numberandposition of elements.The perturbation is a plastic strainflaw of strainequaltothecharacteristic straine½of everyindividualmodels.The perturbation altersthe initialstrength of the layer and allowsfor theinitiation of faultingin themiddleof thelayer. 23,436 LAVIER.El' AL.: FACTORSCONTROLLINGNORMAL FAULT OFFSET (A)UNLIMITED, H = 10kin,C(0)= 44 MPa, • (B) = 1.Skm MULTIPLE, H = lO km,C(O)= 44 MPa, Axe = 3km P_._ -1500 • lO • [:)•a• • (kin) 70 •o ao I:)ista•nce (kin) •o VE 1.5:1 VE l.S:t1 010 O10: Plastic strain Plastic strain OO 4.5 9.0 o.o o 6• 1.7 1500 10 30 50 70 90 Z Z LU I-X LU Plast• •aln • 0.0 Pta•c 45 9.0 strain oo Z 033 1500• o Z 0: 2' 4 8 0 .50O -1000 -1500 10 3o 50 713 90 0 ß 4' , lO Pb•Uc Plastic strain stv•m 0.0 16 o.o 3,1 (D) (C) MULTIPLE, H = 2okm,C(O)= 44 MPa Axc= 4.5km o 12 024 UNUMITED HANGING WALL SNAPPING, H = •o re,C(0)= 44 MPa.•xc= 0.015km •;•.lOOO •o Distance (km) • DistanCe (kin) •o •o •o "5 ß : 10 8 n10 o.o 2.0 40 OO 0.69 14 00 047 o_q4 Z Z w Iw m8 n10 Plasticstrain o.o 1.6 3.1 uJ -1500 10 3o 5o 7o go '•'0 •8 OlO Pb•s•c strain _Plastic strain 0.0 0.9 I 8 0.0 023, 046 LAVIER ET AL.' FACTORSCONTROLLING NORMAL FAULT OFFSET (E) dueto the resistanceof the layer to bendingand the resistance of gravity to the buildupof topographyand(2) the reductionin force dueto the weakeningprocesseson the fault. We know from our parametrization(equation(2)) that the reductionin forcehFwdueto cohesionloss is linear with fault offset hx and UNEMITED FOOTWALL SNAPPING, H = 10krn,C(0)= 44 MPa, Axc= 0.75km 10 3o can be described as 70 5o 23,437 Dlsta,nce (kin) m8 AF,•= - C(O)H(7 + (1- ?)Ax / Ax) Ax < Ax• AF,•= C(O)H (• - 1) Ax _<Ax,, (3) • 10 Plastic•'ain il ' ,,, where? is the size of the initial perturbationdivided by the layerthickness,the subscriptw denotesweakening. The form of the increase in bending related force as a functionof fault offset is not specified;therefore,we ran a set of numericalexperimentsthat allows us to estimate it. We performedsix numericalexperimentswherea fault zone with negligible cohesion(4 MPa) and zero friction is prescribedin the middle of 5-, 10-, and 20-km-thick layers with two I 00 2.8 5.7 1000-'• 10 30 50 70 9O different values of cohesion, C(0) = 4 MPa, C(0) = 24 MPa and •lastiC strain 00 10 • 2.0 30 50 [t =0.6 (Figure3). The numberof grid elementsis 100 in the x direction and 20 in the z direction for each experiments, the 20-km-thick layer having the lowest resolution (1000 m) and the 5-km-thick layer having the highest resolution (250 m). The result of each of these experiments is the bending componentof the forcechangeAF, asa function of horizontal offset (Figure3). As mentionedpreviously, for each remeshing,the out-ofbalanceforcesin the modelarereinterpolatedfar awayfrom the static equilibrium. This results in a discontinuity in the calculationof forces that occursabout every 300 to 500 m of horizontal offset for a grid size of 250 m and every 700 to 1500 m for a grid size of 1000 m. The forcesreacha maximum 4.1 70 90 strain oo i.o z1 Plate 1. (continued) modebut that the primaryfault still can potentially develop very large offset. for each case after an amount of horizontal offset that scales approximatelywith layer thickness(700 to 800 m for H = 5 kin, 1700 to 2100 m for H= 10 km and 6000 to 6400 m for H = 5. Analysis of Results We expectthat two processes will affectthe developmentof fault offset in the layer: (1) the increasein gravitational force 7.1011 H - 20 kin, C(O)-•0 M 6.10" Plate 1. Exampleof the two different regimes of faulting. The modeledtopographyandplastic strainareplottedfor three stepsin the evolutionof eachrun with H = 10 km andH = 20 km (Table 1). Faults are in warmcolors in the plastic strain plot, vertical exaggerationanddirectionfor the evolution of extension are the same for each plots. (a) Very large offset modefor Axc= 1.5 kin. For the last step, the modeledfault has 27 km of offset. The footwall of the fault rotates as the fault offsetincreases.Elasticandplasticdeformationoccursin the footwall of the fault. The accumulation of deformation producesa double peakedtopographic profile. Locally, the fault hasa negative dip. (b) and (c) Multiple faults with small offset modefor Axe= 3 and 4.5 km and H= 10 km and 20 kin, respectively. Initially, one or two faults form in a V or invertedV shapeand are offset alternatively. (d) Hanging wall snappingfor Ax, = 15 m. Aftera small amountof offset in the initial fault, the hanging wall and the footwall have bent enough to break in secondaryfaulting. The topography evolves into an asymmetricgraben. (e) Footwall snapping modefor Ax,= 750 m. After 3 km of offset the hanging wall of the initial fault stops bending. The footwall keep on bendingasthe fault offset increases. After a bendingequalto 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Horizontal offset (m) Figure 3. Plotof the bendingforceneeded to stretchlayers (5, 10 and 20 km thick) of increasingstrengthagainstthe horizontaloffset. The layershavea friction coefficientt.t= 0.6 anddifferent initial cohesions C(0) = 4 MPa and 24 MPa. Thereis no lossof strengthwith plasticstrainin the layer. A strengthless faultis initially setin the layer. The forcesin- creaseuntil they reach their yield point. The thicker layer, 10-4m -•of curvature, thelayersnapson its footwall' anda new thelargertheforceneedsto be. Afterreachingthe yield point fault forms. The initial fault has a maximum offset of 5.5 km. the forces decrease to a constant value. 23,438 LAVIER ET AL.: FACTORS CONTROLLING NOR•MAL FAULT OFFSET .- > I 8888 i • ß i0 • ø o.oõõ•õ o ,- (W•l}tlldeo LAVIER ET AL.: FACTORS CONTROLLING NORMAL FAULT OFFSET 23,439 bendingcomponentof the force changeAFbby an exponential (a) function: Thin Layer Bend AFt,= AH2 [ 1 -exp(-BAx/H)], (4) whereA definesthe maximumforce change and B controls the rate of initial increasein force change with horizontal offset. A and B are obtainedfrom our numericalexperiments (Figure ent ofAF 3). A is estimated at 1200Pam-• andB is estimated to be equal ,-,AH to 50. Fault offset, Ax I AF ,-,C(O)H Weakening Component ofA F When added, the two components give the total force change necessaryto extend the layer. In Figure 4 we sketch eachcomponentof the averageforce changeandtheir sumfor a thin and a thick brittle layer. This suggests that two mechanismsmay control whetherextensionof the brittle layer leadsto the large offset or the small offset mode. The first is related to the maximum possible changes in AF• and AF• while the secondis relatedto the ratesof changeof these force components. Pertinentto the first mechanism,the maximumin bending forceAF• is proportionalto the square of the thickness/_/e of (b) ThickLayer Ben, Com of A F 2 AF b the layer and the maximum decrease in force AFw is proportional to the thickness H of the layer. Thus, the maximumof AF• will exceedthe maximum of the AFwonly for a thick enough layer (Figure 4b). In this case the bending changes are larger than the weakening and a second fault forms, limiting the offset on the initial fault (small offset mode) (Plate lb). For a thin layer (Figure 4a) the bending componentis small enough and the weakening component is large enoughthat the weakening processesdominatethe total force changeneededto offset the fault. In that case the initial fault can accumulatevery large offset (Plate l a) (large offset mode). Total AF For either a thick or a thin layer the rateof changeof forces couldcontrol whetherthe forcechangeis positive andso a new fault wouldform. When the rate of cohesionreductionis very slow, the reduction in force is so small that the initial increase Fault offset, Ax ,.,C(0)H in bending force dominatesthe force changein the layer. In our experimentsafter a few ten's of metersof offset on the fault another fault forms (Plate lc) (small offset mode). If the rate of cohesionreductionis moderateto fast, for a thin enoughlayer the weakening processesdominatethe force change. In our experiments we were able to obtain large offset faults (Plates la, ldand le). • Axc Weakening Componentof/t F Figure 4. Schematicrepresentationof the two components of the regionalforceneeded to extendandfaultthe brittle layer for (a) a thin and (b) a thick layer. Initially, the transition betweenvery large offset faults and small offset faults is controlledby the competitionbetweenthe rate of increasein bendingforceandthe rateof decrease in forcedueto the weakening on the fault. In the long term the transition is controlledby the thicknessof the layer H. 20 km). From there, the regional force neededto pull on the layerdecreases, finally reachinga steadystatevalue(Figure3). Ourresultsconfirmthe analysisof Buck [1993] suggesting that the maximumincreasein force is proportional to the squareof the layer thickness/½. There is also some dependence on the layer cohesion. On the basis of the results of the present experiments we choose to approximate the As we have seen, the modes of faulting in our numerical experiments are controlled by the thickness of the layer H relating to the amountof weakeningpossible on a fault andthe maximumincreasein bendingforce and the characteristicfault offset Axe relating to the rate of weakening on a fault. We plotted ourmodelcasesusingaxesof Hand Axe (Figure 5a) (as definedin Table 1) for a cohesion C(0) = 44 MPa. Using this parameterspaceto plot the resultsof our model experiments yields two well-defineddomainsof fault behavior confirming the theory developed previously: (1) a large offset mode domainand(2) a small offset mode domain. Also confirming ourtheory, we find two main transitions betweenlarge offset andsmall offset domains:(1) Oneis transition that dependson the maximumchangesin cohesionand bending relatedforces, which hereoccurat aboutH = 22 km. Below 22 km the layer is thin enough for the given cohesion to allow for large or unlimitedoffset. Above 22 km the layer is so thick that the bendingforceneededto offset the fault is suchthat the stresses aroundthe fault exceedyield and another fault forms. (2) A secondtransition correspondsto the point at which the 23,440 LAVIEREl' AL.:FACTORSCONTROLLINGNORMALFAULTOFFSET lower characteristic (a) small offset I Multiplefaults ß Unlimited _ Hangingwallsnapping 6. Discussion ßAAAee• © .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I I .... 2 I .... I .... I .... 3 I 4 5 Oba•ct•,cfaua o•t, •c (km) (b) MORE I BRITTLE ß LESS BRITTLE ß ß ß •40 ß ß I Multiple faults H • •3o •' and Conclusion We have developeda simple theory for understandingthe processesandthe factorscontrolling normal fault offset in an idealbrittle layer. We find that not only the thickness of the layer [Buck, 1993] but also the rate of reductionin cohesion in the fault controls whethera fault can develop large offset or small offset. In this idealizedsystem we were able to show that for a given spaceof geologically reasonablevalues of layer thickness, cohesion loss, and rate of cohesion loss a broad range of behaviors is possible. In order to test the validity of our model we compare our results to some geologicalfeaturesobservedgeologicalfaults. large offset 0 This decreases the size of the domainwherelarge offset can occur (for example Figure 5b also showsthe transition for a 1% perturbation). However, in natural systems, preexisting fault structures and thermal structurecould representlarge perturbationsin our domain. These types of perturbation may increase the size of the domainin which largeoffsetis possible. ß Footwall snapping $ fault offset. C 6.1. Core Complex We predictthat a primary fault can slip by an unlimited : amountonly whena layer with 40 MPa of cohesion is thinner ß hanging wallsnapping than 22 km and when the fault forms for a moderate rate of • 20 •e ß -e PER= 1% el0 ß : ß ER10 ß ß cohesionreductioncorrespondingto a characteristicfault offset (Ax•- 1 to 4 km dependingon the layer thickness) ß ; I • 0 , .... , .... •.... , .... , .... , .... , .... , .... , .... •.... 0 I 2 3 4 5 Characteristic fault offset, •c (krn) Figure •, Domain plot for snappingand faulting by re- giona]stretching.(a) Thicknessof the layeras a functionof (Figure 5b). In that case, the inactive footwall of the fault rotatesto becomenearly horizontal. Theseare the first selfconsistent numerical models that producethis kind of behavior. It is possible,thoughhighly controversial,that such fault rotation may occur in some continental core complexesand along someparts of slow spreadingridges [Laviere! al., 1999]. We compareour unlimitedoffset model results(Platela andPlate 2) to someof the main geologic features of knowncorecomplexes.Theseare(1) a largemassif the characteristicfault offset •. The plot showsthe two domainsof very largeoffset and small. The very large offset located at the inside comer of the intersection between the faults domainis separatedinto an unlimited and a snapping Mid-AtlanticRidgeandthe Atlantistransformfault and (2) the domain where seconda• faults form in the footwall and Whipple Mountains (Plate 2). Plate 2a is the sea-floor hangingwall of the initial fault.(b) Sameplot as in Figure5a topography in the vicinity of the Atlantis transform fault but highlightedin dark and light shadingthe domainsfor [Tucholke e! al., 1998; Blackman e! al., 1998]. Plate 2b small offset and large offset predictedby theory for a layer showsa satellite image of the area of the Whipple Mountains with a very smallinitial perturbation(PER= 1%). The bestfit[e.g., Lister andDavis, 1989]. ting theoreticalcurveto ourexperiments is the one for a layer with a largerperturbation(PER: 10%). cohesionreductionis so slow that the systembreaksanother fault ratherthan continueto slip on the initial fault. Using equations (3) and (4) we can further analyze the transition in faulting modethat dependson the rate of fault weakening. For given values of H and Axc we computedthe maximum of AFw+ AFbas a functionof fault offset Ax. When that maximumequalszero, we predicta transition from small to largeoffset fault. For a given valueof layer thicknessH the largeoffset fault occursfor smallervaluesof Axesincethe rate of fault weakeningis inversely proportional to Ax• (Figure 5b). We find that this transition dependson the initial perturbationsize. The theoretical curvethat best fits the data is for an initial perturbationof 10% of the thickness of the layer (Figure5b). However, in an ideal systemwhereonly infinitely small perturbationsexist, the transition occursfor The Whipples and other terrestrial core complexes have been extensively mappedand sampled. However, the severe erosion and sedimentationaffecting these continental areas and the fact that they have been inactive for several million yearscomplicatethe observationsandtheir interpretation. In fact, no real consensus exists as to whether some normal faults observedin corecomplexesformedat high angle or originated with a low dip angle. The detachmentfault of the Mineral Mountains of southwesternUtah is thought to be a clear exampleof a normal fault that initially dipped at 60 ø in the brittle crust [Coleman and Walker, 1994] and then rotated to a low angle at the surface. In contrast, most workers conclude that the Whipple detachmentmay have had an original dip of <35 ø [e.g., Davis and Lister, 1988; Axen andBartley, 1997]. However, even the Whipples remain a controversial area as someauthorscontendthat the rolling-hinge model explains some of the major structural features [Hamilton and Howard, 1991] whereas other authors believe that it cannot [Beratan and Nielson, 1996]. LAVIER El' AL.' FACTORS CONTROLLING Work over the past 10-20 years on large-offset low-angle normal faults along the slow spreadingMid-Atlantic Ridge shedsnew light on this problem. These structuresmay be currently active and are far less affected by erosion and sedimentation.As a result,observationsand interpretation of the first-order topographic features are easier than in the continental domain. However, detailed mapping is more difficult than for terrestrial core complexes: it is undertaken with a combination of sonar imagery, near-bottom photography,samplingfrom submersibles,anddrilling. In the oceanic case illustrated in Plate la the dip of the exposed detachment can vary from horizontal to --30ø or greaternearthe contactbetweenthe footwall and the hanging NORMAL Extension FAULT OFFSET at rifts results in subsidence within 23,441 the rift and uplift of the rift flanks. The factors that control these basic componentsof rift expression are poorly understoodat present.We believe that the partitioning of strain and the pattern of faulting in a rift dependon a small number of parametersthat control either localizing or delocalizing processes.Heat advectionoccurringduring necking of the lithospherereduces the strengthof the lithosphereandtendsto narrowthe width of the necking area. The corresponding diffusionof heat cools and strengthens the lithosphereand tendsto delocalizethe deformationin the upper crust. The delocalizing effectof buoyancy forcesgenerated by thedensity differencesfrom surfacetopography and Moho relief is counteredby lower crustal flow which decreasesrelief and massifis roughly 30 km [Tucholkeet al., 1998; Blackman et buoyancy forces. The localizing process of cohesion al., 1998]. Thus, we show our model results for about 30 km of reduction of faults[BuckandPoliakov, 1998] is countered by horizontalextension(Plate 2c). The shapeand the amplitude viscousstrengtheningin the lower crust, dueto its strain-rate (2600 m) (Plate 2a) of the topographyis readilycomparableto dependenttheology. Since our model does not take into the modeledtopography (2100 m) (Plate 2c). As in the model, accountall of theseprocesses, wedonot comparethe resultsof inferredhigh-densitylower-crustalmaterialwasuplifted during our modelto currentdatafrom rifts. However, we believe that exposureof the inactive footwall of the fault [Blackman et al., the smalloffsetbehaviorof ourmodel(Plateslb andlc) is the wall of these faults. The fault offset inferred for this oceanic closest to the behavior observed in continental 1998] (Plate 2c). rifts. What The topographicfeaturesat the Whipple Mountains are at first orderdifferentfrom the modeledtopography. However, the modeledinactive-footwall dip and offset and the position of the mylonitic front (Plate 2c) (15 km away from the controlsthe maximumoffsetin this regimewhenthe effectof the viscouslowercrustandthe effectof crustalthinning are includedis still an openquestion.Ebingeret al. [ 1987, 1991] andScholzandContreras[1998] have shownthat in places detachment) are all similar to what is observed on the real suchas the EastAfricanRift, thereis a relationshipbetween topographicprofiles(Plate2b). Also, filling the topographic the maximumpossibleoffseton a majornormalfault andthe low with sedimentswouldmake the amplitudeof the modeled effectiveelasticthicknessof the lithosphere. They find that relief similar to the topographictrendsof the Whippies. 6.2. Implications for Material Parameters the effectiveelasticthicknessof the lithosphereis larger wheretheobserved offsetis the largest. In the future,we will explorethe effect of viscousstresses,heat transfer, crustal thinning and erosion and sedimentationin orderto determine To model the evolution of low-angle normal faults, an the natural condition that should lead to the formation of important requirementbesidehaving a thin layer, is that the multiplefaults. Also we will attemptto definethe factors rateof cohesionreductionwith plastic strain be moderate(Axe controllingnormalfaultoffsetin settingsuchas narrowand : 1 to 4 km). Thereis some geologic and laboratory evidence wide rifts. for rapidlossof cohesion with strain (i.e., that Ec - 2% [Scholz, 1990]. For such behavior our results suggestthat while a large or unlimited offset fault develops and slips, secondaryfaults form in the hanging wall of the major fault andaccumulate slip in a way similar to an asymmetricgraben. We believethat in ourmodelsucha rapidloss of cohesionwith strain does not scale with the weakening processesfor the formationof naturalfaults. If we considerthe simple scaling relationship betweenthe offset Ax and the length AL of a natural fault: Ax - 3x10-2 AL [Cowie and Scholz, 1992; Dawers, 1996], an offset of 1 to 4 km (i.e., a moderaterate of weakeningin ourmodel)corresponds to a fault length of 30 to 120 km. Thesevaluesarereasonableandshowthat the scaling of the weakening processin our model scales is consistent whatis observedon faults. This may meanthat the formation of a weaknaturalfaultsoccursonly aftera considerableamount of damagehas taken place over its width and length. This complexproblemclearly requiresfurtherstudy. However,we believe that in our model a moderate rate of cohesion is the one that scales best with natural faults. 6.3. Continental Rifts reduction Acknowledgments. We thankChrisScholz, MikeSteckler, Denny Hayes,BrianTucholke, andRitskeHuismans for theirsupport and insightful comments. We wouldliketo thankCindyEbinger, John Hopper,and DavisWatthamfor theirvery usefuland constructive reviewsof thepaper.Thisworkwassupported by the U.S. National ScienceFoundation grantEAR-9812345anda NSF-CNRScollaborative grant.LDEOcontribution 6089.AlexeiPoliakov thanks theprogramme INSU "Dynamique dela fracturation dela lithosphere." References Anderson, E. M., TheDynamics of FaultingandDykeFormation, With Applications toBritain,183pp.,OliverandBoyd,WhitePlains, N.Y., 1951. Axen,G. J., andJ. M. 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