MS Word 2007 skills contents There are five sections in this file: 1

MS Word 2007 skills contents
There are five sections in this file:
1. Right Click, Grammar and Spell Check Functions, and Autocorrect
2. MS Word 2007 “Autocorrect” options (자동 고침 옵션)
3. Paragraph Indent (Don’t set with the TAB key)
4. Em Dash and En Dash format (Don’t use ~ or --)
5. Readability Statistics (computer-analysis of your writing level)
See also MS Word Editing functions handout at
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff
MS Word 2007 Skills
“Right Click, Grammar and Spell Check Functions, and Autocorrect”
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff.
1. How to use right click functions (마우스 오른쪽 클릭 사용)
If you right click on a word that is mispelled (red line) in MS Word, it will automatically give you a
suggested spelling in a pop up menu. This can save you a lot of time running a spell check on a
long document.
Did you see the spelling mistake in the first paragraph above? Copy and paste the text into a
WORD file and/or RIGHT CLICK (수정하려는 문장을 워드 파일에 삽입 후 마우스 오른쪽 클릭)
to correct it.
If you right-click a phrase or word that has a grammar problem (underlined green), it will suggest a
correction, and there is a help screen that explains the grammar problem. Do not automatically
follow the suggestion, however. The advice is not always correct.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
You can also highlight a word in an MS Word file to find words with a similar meaning. Right click
and hold. You will see an automatic Thesaurus (words with a similar meaning) function. You can
use it to build your vocabulary.
However, you must always evaluate the suggestions that the computer gives. MS Word functions
help eliminate many basic mistakes, but the program is far from perfect. In addition, many words
are not appropriate for academic or technical writing.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
2. Grammar and Spell Check (맞춤법 및 문법 검사)
MS Word has automatic grammar and spell check functions. Although the functions are not
perfect, they can help you eliminate many common mistakes.
There is a spelling/grammar mistake in the following sentence. Can you find it?
“The folowing link contains great advice on writing.”
Copy and paste the previous sentence into a WORD document. Click on [TOOLS (도구) →
Grammar and Spelling (맞춤법 및 문법검사)]. Spell check will immediately show you the mistake.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
For Word 2007, click on [Review(검토)  Grammar and Spelling (맞춤법 및 문법검사)]. The
spell check will immediately show you the mistake.
The grammar and spell check function is far from perfect, however. As an example, check the
results of the following task.
How many mistakes does the computer show for the following sentence?
“I want two sea there web sight to see if its a good won.”
From these tasks, you should learn two important lessons:
1. Do not trust your own eyes when you edit.
2. Do not trust the computer either!
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Words that cannot always be distinguished in spell check and autocorrect: roadload, their-there, form–from, it’s-its and many others. Be careful to always proofread on
3. How to Customize Grammar and Spell check Options
(맞춤법 및 문법 검사 규칙 지정하기)
In Word 2003, click on [TOOLS (도구) → OPTIONS (옵션)]. In the pop-up window for OPTIONS
(옵션), click on [Spelling and Grammar (맞춤법 및 문법검사)].
In Word 2007, click on [Office button(Office 단추)
→ Word options(워드옵션) ]. In the pop-up
window for Word options (워드옵션), click on [ Proofing (언어 교정) ].
You can select which grammar and style rules you want to apply. If you want to check style options
such as sentence length and sentence structure as well as grammar, you can select “grammar &
style” (문체검사), or choose “grammar only” (기본검사).
Word 2003
Word 2007
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
For example, you can turn off the default warning about passive sentences if you are writing a
scientific document. Passive sentences are much more common and are often appropriate in
science writing.
You can also choose settings such as punctuation inside quotation marks, which is correct in
American English, one space after a period at the end of a sentence, no contractions (shortened
forms of word like can’t) and other useful settings appropriate for academic writing.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
4. Customizing dictionaries (사전 지정하기)
If you need to write in British English for a European conference paper, for example, you could also
select the variety of English you want to use for your Dictionary: American or British English or
others. Click on [TOOLS (도구) → OPTIONS (옵션)]. On the pop-up window for OPTIONS
(옵션), click on [Spelling and Grammar (맞춤법 및 문법검사) → Custom Dictionaries (사용자
지정 사전)]. Select the language as shown below:
Word 2007
Place your mouse cursor on the menu bar. Right click on the mouse to select [Customize Quick
Access Toolbar (빠른 실행 도구 모음 사용자 지정)  Select Proofing (언어교정)  Custom
Dictionaries (사용자 지정 사전)]. Select the desired language.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
It can take a long time to run a spell check on a long academic paper full of scientific terms and
personal names unfamiliar to the MS Word dictionary. Therefore, it is a good idea to add any
commonly used words such as terms, names, or abbreviations in your field to the dictionary. This
makes the spell check function much faster over time.
In order to add a word to the computer dictionary, right click on the word you want to add and then
click [Add (추가)]. Word 2007 uses the same procedure.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Open an MS Word document and type the word "Konglish" or any other word that you think might
not be included in MS Word. Run the spell check. Add the word "Konglish" to your dictionary.
5. How to Modify the Autocorrect to Fix Common Mistakes
1) Click on [TOOLS (도구) → Autocorrect Options (자동고침옵션) → Autocorrect Tab (자동고침).
In Word 2007, Click on [Review (검토) → Spelling and Grammar Check (맞춤법 및 문법 검사)
→ Options (옵션) → Autocorrect Options (자동고침옵션)].
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
2) In the pop-up window customize the “Replace (입력): ___ With (결과): ____” box with common
grammar and format problems in your writing. It is designed for typing mistakes, but it accepts
whole phrases! Faculty could also give a list to students of their common mistakes in English or
Korean to input into MS Word into their home or lab computers as well. Professor Pechenik in a
Short Guide to Writing about Biology provides a useful tip. You can use a short code word like “A1”
for long complex biological or chemical terms that you often use in your field such as 5'GACAATCTCAGCTCCCCTCC-3, and the autocorrect will fill in the complete word!
Some authors often forget to capitalize the abbreviation for “figure” when it refers to a specific
numbered figure. To avoid this problem, the author could set their autocorrect as follows:
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Word 2003
The word “Figure” should
always be capitalized with
numbered figures: “Fig. 2”
“Figure 2”
depending on the style of the
Word 2007
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Terms of use
* These handouts were designed for graduate students writing for publication in English at Hanyang
University in Seoul, Korea. However, they may be useful for academic writers from any language
background. These materials may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes under creative
commons license
With Attribution as follows: HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Definition of non-commercial use
See for more materials on writing for publication in English across fields.
Email corrections and suggestions to
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
MS Word 2007 “Autocorrect” option (자 동 고 침 옵션 )
The “autocorrect” function of MS Word can be customized to automatically correct some
common errors that you have found in your writing. All you need to do is input the word or
phrase and your suggested correction. You can also link to advice online etc.
1. Click the main office 2007 button (office 단추)
2. Click “Wordoptions” (워드옵션)
3. Select “Proofing” (언어교정)
4. and “AutoCorrect Options” (자동 고침 옵션)
5. Add problem words and suggested corrections to the database.
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
You can customize
your autocorrect so
that it automatically
fixes common errors.
You can also add
links or reminders to
change text. If you do
not want a change
then hit backspace to
delete your message
and then keep typing.
Add these common
errors to your
Then when you type “So,” at the beginning of a sentence it will automatically change it to
“Avoid using ‘So,’ at the beginning of a sentence in research writing.”
Then you can delete “So,” and make another choice. Watch the video below for an example: Please select the Play in HD option for viewing:
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Terms of use
* These handouts were designed for graduate students writing for publication in English at Hanyang
University in Seoul, Korea. However, they may be useful for academic writers from any language
background. They may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes under creative commons license
With Attribution as follows: HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Definition of non-commercial use
See for more materials on writing for publication in English across fields.
Email corrections and suggestions to
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
MS Word 2007 Skills
“Paragraph Indent”
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff.
1. How to indent
Word 2003
Many people use a tab key to indent. However, to indent properly, use the ruler on the window instead of a
tab key. First, select a paragraph(s) that you want to indent and move the top arrow on the ruler about four
spaces to the right.
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
You may also click [Format (서식) ( Paragraph (단락)] and choose the right settings. Use the preview to
estimate the correct size.
Select the [Indents and Spacing (들여쓰기 및
간격)] tab on the pop-up window. Select [Special
Select [number] under [By (값)].
WORD 2007
Click on [page layout (페이지 레이아웃)  select the small arrow symbol on the right hand side bottom
paragraph section (단락)] and then, follow the same procedure as Word 2003
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
You can also open the paragraph options with one right click on a targeted paragraph.
Skipping lines between paragraphs with no indent is only acceptable for email or online writing, or some
instructional materials. It is not acceptable for formal academic writing.
2. How to Use “Hanging Indent” (내 어쓰기 ) in APA Style
Hanging indent (내어쓰기) is used in the References part of a research paper in American Psychological
Association (APA) style APA style is used in Linguistics, many social sciences, and
English education. The second, not the first, line is indented in the list of references at the end of the article.
Other reference styles have a different format.
Harlow, L. L. (1990). Do they mean what they say? Sociopragmatic competence and second language
learners. Modern Language Journal, 74, 328-351.
Krashen, S., & Terrell, T. D. (1983). The natural approach: Language acquisition in the classroom. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
1) Open a MS Word document and type your reference list in the “References” part of your research paper.
2) Select all of the listed references and click [Format (서식) ( Paragraph (단락)].
3) Select the [Indents and Spacing (들여쓰기 및 간격)] tab on the pop-up window. Select [Hanging
(내어쓰기)] under [Special (들여쓰기)]. Select [2.5 글자] under [By (값)].
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
Word 2007
Click on [page layout (페이지 레이아웃)  select the small arrow symbol on the right hand side bottom
paragraph section (단락)] and then follow the same procedure as Word 2003.
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
Terms of use
* These handouts were designed for graduate students writing for publication in English at Hanyang
University in Seoul, Korea. However, they may be useful for academic writers from any language
background. These materials may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes under creative
commons license
With Attribution as follows: HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Definition of non-commercial use
See for more materials on writing for publication in English across fields.
Email corrections and suggestions to
2009 Adam Turner and HYU CTL
MS Word 2007 Skills
“Em Dash and En Dash”
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff.
1. How to use the Em Dash
The “Em dash” is used to indicate a break in a sentence. It is often a comment or additional
explanation. No space is used either before or after the dash.
Learning a language—truly learning it—means understanding not only the grammar, but how it is used in the
1) Open a MS Word 2003 document.
2) Click on [Insert (삽입) ® Symbol (기호) or “more symbols” in Word 2007.
3) Click the [Special Character (특수문자)] tab in the pop-up window.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
4) Select [Em Dash (Em 대시)] and click [Insert (삽입)].
Note: MS Word will automatically format an em dash when you hit the spacebar for the next word,
if you use two hyphens with no space after a word. Like this—
2 How to use the EN Dash
The “En dash” is used, not a tilde (~), to indicate a simple range of dates, times, or other values.
X: 3~5 days
O: 3–5 days
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
1) In MS Word 2003 and Word 2007.
2) Click on [Insert (삽입) ® [Symbol (기호) or “more symbols” in 2007].
3) Click the [Special Character (특수문자)] tab in the pop-up window.
4) Select [En Dash (En 대시)] and click [Insert (삽입)].
Note: MS Word will automatically format an en dash when you hit the spacebar for the next word, if
you use two hyphens with a space after a word. Like this --
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Terms of use
* These handouts were designed for graduate students writing for publication in English at Hanyang
University in Seoul, Korea. However, they may be useful for academic writers from any language
background. These materials may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes under creative
commons license
With Attribution as follows: HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Definition of non-commercial use
See for more materials on writing for publication in English across fields.
Email corrections and suggestions to
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
MS Word 2007 Skills
“Readability Statistics”
Note: MS Word Version 2007 is available through EZHUB (software download) for Hanyang faculty and staff.
1. How to use Readability Statistics to analyze your writing style
The readability statistics in MS WORD can help you improve your writing. The program
automatically counts the average number of words per sentence and grade level in a piece of
writing. The grade level is based on how easily a native speaker is supposed to be able to read the
In Word 2003, click on [TOOLS (도구) → OPTIONS (옵션)]. In the pop-up window for OPTIONS
(옵션), click on [Spelling and Grammar (맞춤법 및 문법검사)] → [SHOW READABILITY
STATISTICS (문장 난이도 표시)].
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
In Word 2007, click on [Review (검토) → Spelling and Grammar Check (맞춤법 및 문법 검사)].
In the pop-up window click OPTIONS (옵션), and click on READABILITY STATISTICS (문장
난이도 표시)].
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
2. How to analyze the complexity of your sentence structure
First check the grammar and spelling. In Word 2007, click on [Review (검토) → Spelling and
Grammar Check (맞춤법 및 문법 검사)]. After this has been done, MS Word automatically gives
you the readability statistics if you have selected it in the options window.
This system is based on the grade level (문장 난이도 단계) (Flesch-Kincaid 식 분류) a native
speaker needs to understand your writing. In Word 2003, you should aim for a grade level of 11 for
most academic writing. Grade 12 is acceptable for formal academic style. If your grade level is 9 or
10 for research writing then you probably need to improve the variety of your sentences and use
more complex sentence structures.
The type of writing will determine the best average number of words per sentence. Generally you
should aim for about 22-25 words for research writing in the Introduction or Discussion sections of
journal articles. Methods or Experimental Sections may, of course, have shorter sentence lengths.
User manuals and other types of instructions may have an average sentence length of only 15-20
words. Authors can use this analysis to get feedback on their level of writing by comparing their
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
average with published writing from a target journal. This is a screenshot from Word 2003. The
popup is the same in Word 2007.
Copy and paste some text from a published version of the type of writing you are doing. You may
have to reformat the text if you copy and paste from a PDF file. Check the document and read the
statistics. Look at the readability statistics of some of your own writing and compare the difference
if any. Remember that these statistics are only a basic guideline, however.
If your grade level of writing is more than a grade of difference with other published articles, your
writing style might need improvement. It is also important to compare similar types of texts. Only
compare journal articles to other journal articles, but not journal articles to magazine or newspaper
articles, for example. Also, the different sections of the paper may have different average sentence
lengths. Methods sections will usually have shorter average sentence lengths than an introduction
or discussion section. It is best to only analyze introduction or discussion sections for writing style.
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Terms of use
* These handouts were designed for graduate students writing for publication in English at Hanyang
University in Seoul, Korea. However, they may be useful for academic writers from any language
background. These materials may be freely distributed for non-commercial purposes under creative
commons license
With Attribution as follows: HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner
Definition of non-commercial use
See for more materials on writing for publication in English across fields.
Email corrections and suggestions to
2009 HYU CTL English Writing Lab and Adam Turner