CIS 1000 Computer Applications Department of Computer Science Georgia Southwestern State University Course Syllabus Summer 2013 INSTRUCTOR Name Karen Cook Office CWH Room 204 Office Phone 229-931 - 2818 E-mail Office Hours BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Class Hours ONLINE TEXTBOOK Title Author(s) Publisher ISBN Shelly Cashman Series: Microsoft Office 2010/ Introductory Shelly, G. Vermaat and Misty Vermaat Course Technology/Cengage Learning, 2011 978-1-4390-7838-9 REQUIREMENTS You are expected to have following computer environment: A laptop/desktop computer with Windows 7 Operating System Reliable Internet access using browsers such as the Internet Explorer or Firefox (current versions), Java installed, and pop-up blocker turned off. Access to GeorgiaVIEW Storage Devices: You must have a USB Portable Storage Device to store your work on Software used in this class: Microsoft Office 2010 GAVIEW SUPPORT From GSW website at click on link for GeorgiaView at the bottom of the page. You will see a page of Welcome to GeorgiaView@ GSW. Click on Click here to log in to GeorgiaVIEW. Enter your Username and Password and then click OK. Your user name is the radar email name (everything before @ sign) and the password is your RAIN PIN. For more information please visit - CATALOG DESCRIPTION This course is developed as an exercise-oriented approach that allows students to learn by examples. It encourages independent study by easy-to-follow, step-by-step, dynamic projects. No experience with a computer is assumed, and no mathematics beyond the high school freshman level is required. The goal of this course is to expose students to examples of the computer as a useful tool with emphasis on currently used software packages, and to help students to become familiar with the computer through hands-on experience. GOALS Upon completion of this course, students should be able to Use the fundamentals of Microsoft Office 2010 applications, including MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access,and PowerPoint. Apply Internet Browsers and the most popular search engines in order to do research using the Web. COURSE OUTLINE Introduction to Computers Introduction to Windows 7 Microsoft Word 2010 Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft Access 2010 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the course, students should be able to create documents (e.g., research paper, resume, business letter) proficiently using Microsoft Word 2010, create spreadsheets proficiently using Microsoft Excel 2010, create and manage simple database using Microsoft Access 2010, and create presentation slides using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. ASSIGNMENTS All assignments will be posted under Assignments on GeorgiaVIEW with due dates for each assignment. You should submit your assignment via the Assignments tab. If your assignment consists of multiple files (e.g. requires to send programming code), then create a folder with all the files and zip the folder. Late assignments penalty is 10 points per day. Assignments will not be accepted after three days from due date. Assignments must be properly named. STUDENTS WITH DOCUMENTED DISABILITIES A student requesting classroom accommodations or modifications due to a documented disability must notify me within the first two weeks of the semester. If the student has not already done so, he or she must contact the Office of Disability Services located in room 101 of Sanford Hall. The phone number is 229-931-2661. TESTS Quizzes are given at the end of each chapter. Tests are given at the end of each section. The questions for the test come from the quizzes given for each chapter. ALL tests are given online. If a student misses any scheduled quiz or test, he or she will receive a zero, except for documented emergencies. Excused absences will be allowed to make-up the quiz or test within 3 days. Any absences due to participation in a school related event (athletics, competitions, etc) will require an excuse before the event and all work/quizzes/test must be done and turned in before the absence. All other missed quizzes, tests, or assignments will receive a grade of zero. EVALUATION Assignments Quizzes Tests Capstone 30 % 20% 40% 10% GRADING POLICY Score Grade 90 - 100 A 80 - 89 B 70 - 79 C 60 - 69 D Less than 60 F COMMUNICATION WITH STUDENTS The student’s GSW email account is the official method of communication between them and the university. So it is crucial that you check your email frequently. ATTENDANCE POLICY Deadline for the first login: January 9, 2013. Student must access the class website at least three times a week to check emails and schedule. LATE SUBMISSION PENALTY TABLE Submit by Penalty Max Points Due Date 1 Day after due date 2 Days after due date 3 Days after due date > 3 after due date No penalty 10 % penalty 20 % penalty 30 % penalty 100 % penalty 100 90 80 70 0 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Students at Georgia Southwestern State University are expected to conform to high standards of intellectual and academic integrity. Dishonest work will be treated as a serious offense by the GSW faculty and administration. The Policy on Academic Integrity can be found in the GSW Bulletin. Note: The instructor may choose to use plagiarism prevention technology. CURRENT STUDENT PROBLEM RESOLUTION GSW desires to resolve student grievances, complaints and concerns in an expeditious, fair and amicable manner. Complaints regarding any aspect of GSW operations should be filed internally to GSW authorities first and then, if necessary, to external authorities. Link to the contact information for filing complaints is given below: OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION The due dates are all listed on the calendar. The Mail feature only allows you to send and receive mail to others in the class. If you need to communicate with me about the class, you need to use the mail feature for the classes GeorgiaVIEW page. Both the Discussions Page and the Calendar are for class use. Please feel free to use them for the class but also remember that everyone (including myself) can read what you post. NO postings will be allowed that are not related to the class. IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Classes Begin May 29, 2013 Classes End June 24, 2013 Deadline for the first login: May 30, 2013. PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE * Due Date Reading Assignment Laboratory Assignment May 30 1. WebCT 2. CIS 1000 Syllabus 3. Introduction to Computers 1. Introduction to Computers – Quiz 1 May 31 1. Office 2010 and Windows 7 1. Office 2010 and Windows 7 – Quiz 2 June 3 1. Word Chapter 1 2. Appendices C and E – Read only 1. Word Chapter 1 – Quiz 3 2. In the Lab 2 June 4 1. Word Chapter 2 1. Do Word Chapter 2 2. In the Lab 2 3. Word Chapter 2 – Quiz 4 June 5 1. Word Chapter 3 1. Do Word Chapter 3 2. In the Lab 2 3. Word Chapter 3 – Quiz 5 TEST ONE – June 5 1. Introduction to Computers 2. Office 2010 and Windows 7 3. MS Word I, II, III Quiz 1-5 due by June 5 June 6 1. PowerPoint Chapter 1 June 7 1. PowerPoint Chapter 2 June 10 1. PowerPoint Chapter 3 1. Do PowerPoint Chapter 1 2. In the Lab 2 3. PowerPoint Chapter 1 - Quiz 6 1. Do PowerPoint Chapter 2 2. In the Lab 2 3. PowerPoint Chapter 2 – Quiz 7 1. Do PowerPoint Chapter 3 2. In the Lab 2 3. PowerPoint Chapter 3 – Quiz 8 TEST TWO – June 10 1. PowerPoint I, II Quiz 6-8 due by June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 1. Excel Chapter 1 1. Excel Chapter 2 1. Excel Chapter 3 1. Do Excel Chapter 1 2. In the Lab 2 3. Excel Chapter 1 - Quiz 9 1. Do Excel Chapter 2 2. In the Lab 2 3. Excel Chapter 2 – Quiz 10 1. Do Excel Chapter 3 2. In the Lab 2 3. Excel Chapter 3 – Quiz 11 TEST THREE – June 13 1. Excel I, II, III Quiz 9-11 due by June13 1. Access Chapter 1 June 17 June 19 June 21 1. Access Chapter 2 1. Access Chapter 3 1. Do Access Chapter 1 2. In the Lab 2 3. Access Project 1 – Quiz 12 1. Do Access Chapter 2 Save each query. Example: Query1, Query2, and so on. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. In the Lab 2 Access Chapter 2 – Quiz 13 Do Access Chapter 3 In the Lab 2 Access Chapter 3 – Quiz 14 TEST Four – June 21 1. Access I, II, III Quiz 12-14 due by June 21 June 24 1. Capstone Project 1. Do the Capstone Project Assigned to you on the GeorgiaVIEW page for this class