WIU MICROBIOLOGY Introduction to Microbiology (MICR200) Fall 2015 Instructor: Dr. C Miller-Hunt; CL-Miller-hunt@wiu.edu Office: 283 Waggoner Hall; 298-1294 Office Hours: Wednesday 3-4 PM or by appointment Textbook: Microbiology, An Introduction; 12th Edition; Tortora, Funke and Case (recommended) Lab Manual: Microbiology 200 (Introductory Microbiology) Lab Manual (REQUIRED; MUST BUY NEW) Lecture: 11-11:50 AM Monday, Wednesday and Friday; 003 Waggoner Hall Lab: 246 Waggoner Hall Course Overview: Micro 200 is a 4-semester hour lecture and laboratory course required for science majors and minors. It provides an introduction to microorganisms with emphasis on the biology, methodology, and applied aspect of viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and slime molds. Course Goals: Micro 200 is designed for students who plan to major in any area of biology. Students will learn foundational information of multiple aspects of microbiology including prokaryotic structure and metabolism and eukaryotic immunology. Laboratory sessions are an essential component of this course (and your grade), and are designed to help you understand various aspects of general microbiology as well as demonstrate how microbiologists study various aspects of the field. Week Dates 1 8/24-8/28 2 8/31-9/4 3 9/7 9/9 9/11 9/14-9/18 4 5 6 7 8 9 9/21-9/25 9/28 9/30-10/2 10/5-10/9 10/12-10/14 10/16 10/19-10/23 10 10/26 10/28-10/30 11 11/2-11/6 12 11/9-11/11 11/13 11/16-11/18 11/20 11/23-11/27 11/30-12/4 12/7-12/11 13 14 15 16 Lecture Topic Basic principles of Microbiology Prokaryotic Anatomy Prokaryotic Anatomy Eukaryotic Anatomy LABOR DAY-­‐NO CLASS Eukaryotic Anatomy EXAM 1: FRIDAY 9/11 Microbial Growth/Control of growth Microbial Metabolism Microbial Metabolism EXAM 2: MONDAY 9/28 Microbial Genetics Microbial Genetics Microbial Genetics FALL BREAK-­‐NO CLASS Biotechnology/Recombinant DNA Classification of Microorganisms EXAM 3: MONDAY 10/26 Intro to the Prokaryotes Intro to the Eukaryotes Intro to the Eukaryotes Intro to the Viruses Intro to the Viruses EXAM 4: FRIDAY 11/13 Basic principles of Immunity Basic principles of Infectious Disease THANKSGIVING BREAK-­‐NO CLASS Principles of Infectious Disease Principles of Infectious Disease Applied/Environmental Micro Textbook Chapter 1 and 3 4 4 4 4 Lab Exercise(s) NO LABS Exercise 1 NO LABS 6 and 7 5 5 8 8 8 Exercise 2 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 Exercise 8 16 and 17 21-­‐26 21-­‐26 21-­‐26 27 and 28 Exercise 13 Exercises 3 and 4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11 and 12 NO LABS Exercise 14 Exercise 14 17 12/16 FINALS WEEK: EXAM 5: WEDNESDAY 12/16 at 10 A.M Final is NON-­‐comprehensive! NO LABS Distribution of points: Lecture Points Item Exam #1 Exam #2 Exam #3 Exam #4 Exam #5 Quiz #1 Quiz #2 Quiz #3 Quiz #4 Quiz #5 BAC Visit #1 BAC Visit #2 BAC Visit #3 BAC Visit #4 BAC Visit #5 TOTAL lecture points: Total Points 75 75 75 75 75 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 Laboratory Points Item Points per item Quiz (x12) 10 Worksheets and Participation (x12) 10 TOTAL lab points: 240 points 600 points TOTAL points possible = 840 points for the entire course The final course grade will be determined by the total number of points received divided by the total number of points possible. Your final grade will be based on the following Grading Scale: Percentage Grade 92-100% 90-91.9% 87-89.9% 82-86.9% 80-81.9% 77-79.9% 72-76.9 70-71.9% 67-69.9% 60-66.9 % below 59.9% A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F At the sole discretion of the Course Director, students with exemplary laboratory participation and performance who are on the borderline between two grades (within 10 points) may receive the next highest grade. Grading Policy: The final grade for the course is determined from a combination of the lecture exam points and the lab assignment points. Lecture exam points account for ~70% of the final course grade and lab assignment points account for ~30% of the final course grade. The lecture portion of the grade consists of five exams (including the final exam), five “pop” quizzes and five visits to the BAC (Biology Assistance Center). “Pop” quizzes will be given randomly during lecture throughout the semester. There will be one “pop” quiz preceding each of the five exams (including the final exam). Exam and quiz format may include multiple choice, true/false, and matching. Exam policies and procedures must be followed while taking the exam. Talking will not be allowed during quizzes or exams. Please bring your WIU ID for each EXAM. Possession of visible papers or talking, texting, or looking at your phone during the exam or quiz results in an automatic F for that exam or quiz and possibly for the entire course. The lab assignments consist of 12 worksheets and 12 quizzes. Grading scale will not be adjusted and no extra credit is offered for this course. The point range listed above will be used to assign final grades. Attendance: Although attendance at lectures will NOT be taken, students are strongly encouraged to attend all lectures. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all lecture notes for the lecture sessions missed. The instructor will NOT provide complete lecture notes to students for any reason. Lecture notes in outline form will be provided on the course website before each lecture. Attendance WILL be taken for the laboratory portion of the course. A portion of your final grade will be based on attendance to the laboratory. One unexcused absence from lab will result in a loss of 25 points and all the daily lab assignment points (quiz, worksheet, or report or all mentioned). Students with an unexcused absence cannot make up missed lab points. Two unexcused absences from lab will result in an automatic F for the entire course. Three excused absences or 1 unexcused and two excused absences from lab will result in a final course grade of an F. Tardiness to lab (<10 min) is considered an excused absence, but more than 10 min late is considered an unexcused absence. Quizzes are given the first 10 min of lab. If a student arrives late to lab, the student has the remaining time (10 min minus late arrival time) to take the quiz. For an excused absence, a make-up lab quiz will be taken the lab period following the excused absence (if student was not present). The student must be prepared to take the lab quiz the lab period following the excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain lab quiz material. The student must complete any missed lab worksheets to receive points. No makeup labs will be given. The student must provide documentation for excused absences. The lab instructor will determine if an absence is considered excused or unexcused. Unexcused absence notification will be posted on WesternOnline (D2L). Allowable excused absences may include illness, death in family, sponsored university event with which your involved (athlete, club), military obligation, or emergency responder obligation. Excused absence requires documentation. If you are going to be absent from lab the student must contact the lab instructor prior to the quiz, or lab date. Academic Integrity: The penalty for cheating on any test or assignment will include an automatic F for the entire course and referral to the WIU Student Judicial Program. Course Management Software: Aspects of Introductory Microbiology will be managed by Western Online (D2L). Grades and absences will be posted on D2L. Students must possess an ECOM account username and password for access to Western Online. Cell Phone & Electronic Devices Policy / Course Disruption Policy: Cell phone usage, text messaging, voice recording, and digital imaging are prohibited in this course during lecture and lab. Cell phones must be turned off (including silent mode) and cell phones must be kept out of sight while in lecture and lab. Only EMTs, WIU First Responders, or other designated emergency personnel are allowed to have an electronic devise on or activated during course hours. Laptop computers are allowed only for note-taking but should not pose a distraction. Failure to follow the electronic devices policy may result in confiscation of the electronic device, and/or eviction from the class meeting or course as determined appropriate by the instructor. In addition to electronic devices, any behavior determined to be a distraction or disruption to the course will result in loss of course points and/or eviction from the class meeting or course as determined appropriate by the instructor. The course starts promptly at 11 AM. If any class period cannot start on time at 11 AM due to excessive noise or talking, then there will be a 5 point penalty for everybody enrolled in the course for each offense. Students with Disabilities: In accordance with University values and disability law, students with disabilities may request academic accommodations where there are aspects of a course that result in barriers to inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement. To file an official request for disability-related accommodations, please contact the Disability Resource Center at 309-298-2512, disability@wiu.edu or in 143 Memorial Hall. Please notify the instructor as soon as possible to ensure that this course is accessible to you in a timely manner. Biology Assistance Center: The Department of Biological Sciences maintains an assistance center to help students enrolled in introductory courses including Biology 100, 101, Bot 200, Micr 200, and Zool 200. The center is located in WG 104. Hours are posted outside the assistance center and in the lab room. Hours will also be posted on the course website. University Policies: Final Exam Policy. http://www.wiu.edu/policies/finexam.php Grade Appeals Policy. http://www.wiu.edu/policies/gradeapp.php Student’s Rights and Responsibilities. http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students/ Student Academic Integrity Policy. http://www.wiu.edu/policies/acintegrity.php This syllabus may be changed WITH notice to students.