De vacaciones

Spanish II Unit
De vacaciones
Cana Trahan
SECD 532
Summer 2011
Table of Contents
Page 3
Curriculum Grid
Page 4
Grading Rationale
Page 5
Student Grade Tracker
Page 6
Lesson 1
Pages 7-8
Lesson 2
Pages 15-16
Lesson 3
Pages 19-20
Lesson 4
Pages 23-24
Lesson 5
Pages 26-27
Page 28
¡Qué lindas vacaciones!
Vocabulario: En el aeropuerto
Vocabulario temático
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
Es hora de contar un cuento!
Pages 9-12
Pages 13-14
Pages 17-18
Pages 21-22
Page 25
¡Buen viaje!
This unit will take us on fun and exciting vacations without even leaving the classroom.
There will be various activities that keep the lessons interesting and varied. Students will have
the opportunity to work with partners, in groups, and individually throughout the unit. The
lessons include role play, art, and other ways to be creative. There will also be many options for
them when it comes to choosing topics.
Students will begin this unit by reading a funny story about a vacation that is not exactly
ideal. They will also create, design, and write postcards, and that is just the beginning. We will
be covering situations including the airport, on the beach, in the mountains, and camping. The
students will be able to choose words that will be in a TPR lesson for the airport vocabulary.
Additionally, students will review weather expressions in order to create their own dialogues for
a weather report. These reports will be videoed for the benefit and entertainment of the class.
De vacaciones encompasses so much that the class will only touch on a portion of it
during this unit. However, students will learn a great deal of information, not only in Spanish,
but across the curriculum. They will be able to tell stories, research, work with PowerPoint, and
teach the class about their ideal location to go on vacation.
As Spanish II offers a wider vocabulary and more speaking opportunities, we will
definitely be taking advantage of it during this five day unit.
Curriculum Grid
Content Standard
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
1: Students engage in
conversations, provide
and obtain information,
express feelings and
emotions, and exchange
2: Students understand
and interpret written
and spoken language on
a variety of topics.
3: Students present
information, concepts
and ideas to an
audience of listeners
6: Students reinforce
and further their
knowledge of other
disciplines through the
foreign language.
7: Students understand
the nature of language
through comparisons of
the language studied
and their own.
Grading Rationale
Dear Students and Caregivers,
As grades are important, it is my belief that students be made responsible in their own
education. Therefore, a grade tracker is an excellent tool for students to have in the classroom.
Not only does it allow them to monitor their grades, they are also able to fill in due dates,
essentially count down their assignments, and make their own judgments as to which grades are
necessary. I will, however, encourage the best of grades.
I will follow a total point system gauging tests and assignments as I see fairly. Other
than chapter tests and homework, each assignment will have a rubric for students to follow, as
this is also part of their responsibility.
I have come to believe that grades are not as important as the learning experiences that
may touch the life of at least one student. Hence, I have chosen to grade the items that are
most beneficial to the students. There will be grades for each chapter of the textbook. Students
are to complete all assignments and then take a test on the materials. Also, students will
receive a final homework grade that will depend upon the number of homework assignments.
There will be an average of three homework assignments per week; some will be checked for
completion, others for accuracy. Based on the chapter vocabulary and topics, there will be two
role play scenarios per chapter. The students will act in groups of two or three. For each role
play assignment, the students will have to submit a written dialogue for grading as well as
perform. I also plan on having students learn about the various Spanish-speaking countries and
their cultures. In doing so, students will complete passport journals for grading. Under each
passport entry there will be a photograph taken from which the students create a backdrop of
each country. There will be an additional grade in the last semester for the finished product.
Each semester the students will choose their own cultural project to complete for a grade. It will
include a paper, poster (PowerPoint, visual, etc.), and presentation. To add cultural depth, I will
assign a book reading by a well-known Hispanic author. The students will have an opportunity
to receive a grade based on verbal credit of issues in the book. Additionally, some extra credit
opportunities will be given.
Being responsible will also include organization. Students will also be required to keep
their binders neat and in order as they will be turned in each 9-week for grading. As a semester
assignment each student will choose a short lesson to teach to the class. It will add depth and
knowledge as well as be a great experience for the individual and the class.
I look forward to working with each and every one of you. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Señorita Trahan
Student Grade Tracker
____ 9-Week Period
Chapter 1 Test _____/100
Chapter 2 Test _____/100
Chapter 3 Test _____/100
Chapter 1 Flashcards _____/20
Chapter 2 Flashcards _____/20
Chapter 3 Flashcards _____/20
Homework _____/300*
Role Play 1 _____/60**
Role Play 2 _____/60
Role Play 3 _____/60
Role Play 4 _____/60
Role Play 5 _____/60
Role Play 6 _____/60
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Cultural Project _____/200
Due Date: _______________
Passport Entry 1 _____/40***
Passport Entry 2 _____/40
Passport Entry 3 _____/40
Passport Entry 4 _____/40
Passport Entry 5 _____/40
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Due Date: _______________
Binder _____/150****
Due Date: _______________
Teaching Time _____/100*****
Due Date: _______________
Book _____/80
Due Date: _______________
Extra Credit _____
Total _____+ EC/1750
*300 ÷ # of homework assignments
**Includes combination of written dialogue (30 pts.) and enactment (30 pts.)
***# of Spanish-speaking countries ÷ 4 semesters = 5 countries per 9-week period
****Responsibility is a learning experience that lasts a lifetime. (reason for the high score)
*****Teaching Time will only occur once per semester. Each student will teach a short section.
Lesson One
Teacher: Srta. Trahan
Grade Level: Spanish II
Lesson Title: De Vacaciones Intro
Overview: In this lesson students will begin a unit on vacationing. They will read a story about a
fictional vacation, answer questions about the story, identify new vocabulary words about the
airport, and do TPR.
Connection to the Curriculum: Reading, Geography, Speech, Art
Connection to the Standards: 2, 3, 6, 7
Multiple Intelligences/Modalities: Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Technology: N/A
Time: 90 minutes
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Summarize and explain sections of the story to peers
 Answer questions about the story
 Pronounce new vocabulary words
 Act out TPR movements for select words
Suggested Procedure:
Opening: Ask for students to name some vacation spots, and list them on the board. Give short
introduction to lesson. Read story section by section.
Development: After each section of the story, allow students to peer teach for clarification.
Answer any questions about vocabulary. As a class, answer the questions that follow the story.
Read the postcard to the class. Explain activity for the following class period: students will
create and write their own postcards to the class about a vacation, true or made up. Be thinking
about ideas. Teach airport vocabulary.
Closing: In the last 10-15 minutes of class, do TPR with vocabulary words selected by the
students. Repeat with eyes closed.
Student Assessment: Conversación A and B as homework. Due the next class period.
Extending the Lesson: Make flashcards for the new vocabulary. Write about airport experiences.
Additional Resources: BBC is a website that offers Spanish resources, tv, radio, and much more.
Adaptations for Diverse Learners: Peer helpers will be available as well as myself. These
students may also receive extra time for completion.
Lesson Two
Teacher: Srta. Trahan
Grade Level: Spanish II
Lesson Title: Los destinos & La tarjeta postal
Overview: In this lesson students will be introduced to additional vocabulary pertaining to
vacation destinations. They will also write a postcard to the class about a vacation experience,
fictional or nonfictional. They will also design the back of it.
Connection to the Curriculum: Reading, Writing
Connection to the Standards: 2, 3, 6, 7
Multiple Intelligences/Modalities: Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Technology: N/A
Time: 90 minutes
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Write, draw and address a postcard
 Pronounce new vocabulary words
 Make and utilize flashcards
 Discuss their vacations with classmates
Suggested Procedure:
Opening: Begin by going over homework, Conversación A and B, and answering any questions
students may have. Introduce new vocabulary that pertains to specific places for vacationing.
Development: Have students make flashcards to accompany the new vocabulary (They can sit in
groups or move around the room). Students will then write their postcard rough drafts, peer
edit, write the final one, then design the back of the card to go with the note. (Can color, draw
stamps, etc. to add to it)
Closing: In teams, students will quiz each other with the flashcards they made.
Student Assessment: Students will write their postcard notes to peer edit. As they work, I will
walk around to make sure that they are on task and have completed the assignment.
Extending the Lesson: Students could act out scenarios on the beach, in the mountains, on a
camping trip, etc. They could also make their own PowerPoint with pictures and narratives about
their vacation.
Additional Resources: BBC also offers additional vocabulary for specific topics, including
sightseeing. It has videos and audio.
Adaptations for Diverse Learners: Peer helpers will be available as well as myself. These
students may also receive extra time for completion.
Lesson Three
Teacher: Srta. Trahan
Grade Level: Spanish II
Lesson Title: El tiempo
Overview: In this lesson students will recall weather terms and expressions, create dialogues for
weather reports for a chosen destination covered in previous vocabulary. They will also present
their postcards to the class.
Connection to the Curriculum: Reading, Writing, Speech, Science
Connection to the Standards: 1, 3, 6, 7
Multiple Intelligences/Modalities: Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Technology: Students will be able to use computers in the classroom and those in the computer
lab. For this activity, students have the option to utilize any type of technology for their weather
Time: 90 minutes
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Recall weather terms and phrases
 Write dialogue for a weather report
 Draw images to correspond with expressions
 Present postcards to the class
Suggested Procedure:
Opening: Call upon students to present their postcards to the class using Popsicle sticks. After
each student reads his or her postcard, they will tack it onto the ¡Buen viaje! bulletin board. (I
will grade them from there.)
Development: As a class, students will recall weather expressions and terms. For those that they
cannot remember, I will either scaffold or give them the remaining ones. After reviewing the
vocabulary, introduce the weather report activity (5-7 minute dialogue). Students will begin
writing their dialogues with partners. They will be allowed to use computers or any other
resources to choose a destination, if necessary. I will encourage PowerPoints, props, and
anything else that may make their weather report interesting.
Closing: Students will finish the lesson by consulting me with their ideas and progress. I will
check their grammar and make additional suggestions. They will be given until the end of the
period to gather materials and ideas to present their weather reports in the next class period.
Student Assessment: As partners, students will work together on the dialogue. They will
proofread each other’s section as it is written. They will be required to turn in their dialogue in
the following class period before beginning their act.
Extending the Lesson: Students could have a news reporter “in the location” while the action is
going on. They could also dress accordingly.
Additional Resources: Any weather website could be used as a guide. Those in Spanish would be
Adaptations for Diverse Learners: Peer helpers will be available as well as myself. These
students may also receive extra time for completion.
¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
Lesson Four
Teacher: Srta. Trahan
Grade Level: Spanish II
Lesson Title: Mi vacación ideal
Overview: In this lesson students will perform their weather reports, summarize what the other
groups did, and begin writing a story about a vacation that they would like to go on using the
future tense. They will also draw pictures to follow the story.
Connection to the Curriculum: Reading, Geography, Speech, Writing, Art
Connection to the Standards: 1, 3, 6, 7
Multiple Intelligences/Modalities: Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Technology: Video camera for weather reports; any technology that the students use for their
Time: 90 minutes
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Dramatize a weather report
 Summarize what other classmates did in their weather reports
 Draw images that follow a story line
 Write about their ideal vacation in the future tense
Suggested Procedure:
Opening: Class will begin immediately with the volunteering or choosing of groups to perform
their weather reports.
Development: While classmates are not participating in the weather report, they will be taking
notes about what they witnessed in other reports. It will be turned in for a completion grade.
After all have been performed, we will briefly review the future tense. Students will, then, be
given a handout “Es hora de contar un cuento” to begin drawing images and writing a story
about a vacation that they would like to go on including what they would do there.
Closing: Students will continue working on their stories using all the new vocabulary from the
beginning of the unit. I will walk around to answer any questions and give help with vocabulary.
Student Assessment: Students will finish the stories with the drawings to present in the next
class period. It will be a homework assignment if it is not completed during class time.
Extending the Lesson: Students will be able to watch and review their videos using a 3-2-1
handout. They will be required to note 3 things worth changing, 2 likes, and 1 addition. They
could also make itineraries with times, locations, and dates. Additionally, students could
actually do some research on their ideal vacation spot to make a PowerPoint to show the class.
Additional Resources: N/A
Adaptations for Diverse Learners: Peer helpers will be available as well as myself. These
students may also receive extra time for completion.
¡Es hora de contar un cuento!
Lesson Five
Teacher: Srta. Trahan
Grade Level: Spanish II
Lesson Title: El/la guía de turismo
Overview: In this twist to being on vacation, students will write an essay from a tour guide’s
point of view. The “audience” will be tourists who spend their vacation in the ideal location
chosen by the student. It will stem from their ideal vacation stories. Each student will be
required to conduct research on their location so as to give accurate information to the
“tourists.” This will take more than one class period.
Connection to the Curriculum: Reading, Geography, Speech, Writing, Science
Connection to the Standards: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7
Multiple Intelligences/Modalities: Linguistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Technology: Computers will be used for research.
Time: 90 minutes
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Conduct research and cite sources
 Write a summary about their progress and plans for the research project
 Brainstorm ideas
 Tell their ideal vacation stories to groups of classmates
Suggested Procedure:
Opening: Begin by introducing the twist to being on vacation-being the guide. Explain the
research project (PowerPoint with bullets and/or direct information from sources) that students
will be conducting and allow them to brainstorm some ideas and place. Walk around to see
their progress and answer questions. Class discussion.
Development: Students will get into groups of three to read their vacation stories to one
another. Afterward, they will turn them in as a rough draft to be checked for completion (note
major errors without taking away points). Students will, then, be allowed to begin research and
write a summary about their plans.
Closing: In the last 10-15 minutes of class, I will allow some students to read their stories to
the class.
Student Assessment: Students will turn in their summaries of some of the information they will
have found as well as their plans for completing the project.
Extending the Lesson: Students will present, to the class, a completed PowerPoint of their ideal
vacation place from the viewpoint of a tour guide. They will also read it or make short voice
clips to give the information. They will be required to include all references.
Additional Resources: Any country’s main website will be beneficial.
Adaptations for Diverse Learners: Peer helpers will be available as well as myself. These
students may also receive extra time for completion.
Knorre, M., Dorwick, T., Pérez-Gironés, A. M., Glass, W. R., & Villarreal, H. (2009). Puntos de
partido (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
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Valette, J. P., Valette, R. M. & Carrera-Hanley, T. (1994). Situaciones: Intermediate Spanish
(2nd ed.). Lexington, MA: D.C. Health and Company.