P.O. Box 3129 -- Hickory, North Carolina. 28603 -- Telephone: (828) 464-8247 / FAX 828-464-8091 Last Updated: March 2011 DAMAGE / LOSS CLAIMS POLICY IN ORDER FOR US TO PROCESS YOUR CLAIM IN A TIMELY MANNER; PLEASE FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES FOR FILING A CLAIM: DO NOT DISCARD PACKAGING UNTIL MERCHENDISE HAS BEEN DECLARED FREE OF DAMAGE! All claims not noted at delivery should be reported within 7 days for consideration. The only reasonable exceptions should be concealed damage on warehoused stock items which have no outside indication of possible damages. We must limit these claims to a maximum of 15 days to report. Take several pictures of damage items from different angles (try to reduce glare if possible). Take pictures of cartons/packaging, especially in area of damage. This will help us to determine the cause of damage, possible packing issues/needs, and prevent similar damages in the future. No claims will be honored on items that are no longer at or have been moved from the original delivery location unless arrangements have been made with Ideal Transport prior to moving the items to another location. We will not be liable for damages found at offsite/home installations. The damaged item(s) must be kept with the original carton(s) and/or packaging for inspection and return to Ideal Transport. Failure to retain the original carton or wrapping along with all other packaging materials may void the claim. When a Replacement item is authorized; the original item must be packed and ready for return when replacement arrives unless other arrangements have been made with Ideal Transport prior to delivery. **Failure to meet this requirement may result in additional pick-up/delivery charges.** As specified on freight bills; no claims will be honored on glass, ceramic, marble, or mirrors unless noted at time of delivery, while driver is present. Anytime "OPEN AND INSPECT" is listed or noted in the body of the freight bill; all items must be opened, inspected, and any damage noted at delivery, with driver present, unless pre-approved by Ideal Transport. **Failure to do so will release Ideal Transport of any liability for damage thus, voiding any later claims.** No claims will be honored on shipments to a delivery service unless opened, inspected, and any damages noted while our driver is present to verify. Do not place an order for replacement(s), for repair parts, or have repairs made on a claim without prior authorization from Ideal Transport; doing so gives just cause to make any claims null and void. Ideal Transport will not be liable for any replacement/repair costs without our prior approval. Ideal Transport will not accept any claims not reported within 15 days of delivery. Concealed damaged claims reported within 15 days will be settled on a percentage of actual manufacturers invoice cost. We reserve the right, by I.C.C. Rules and Regulations, to have damages inspected by an agent of our choosing to determine whether they can be repaired or if replacement is warranted; this includes the right to bring items back to our local repair professionals for inspection and/or repair. Tariff limitations may apply to high value goods. DAMAGE / LOSS CLAIM FORM At Ideal Transport, it is our goal to provide the best quality furniture transport available and keep the need for this damage form to a minimum. However, when a damage/loss claim is necessary, we want the process to be simple and easy. By completing the information on this form in its entirety, our ability to resolve the claim in a fair and timely manner will be greatly enhanced. Please fill in all information on the claim form and the inspection report; checking or circling information that applies. We need this information in order to process a claim. If any additional information is needed, you will be notified. Please call if you need any assistance in filling out the forms. We want to settle your claim quickly and will make every effort to do so. Please E-mail or Fax Completed Forms To: claims@idealtransportinc.com Fax: 828-464-8091 Phone: 828-464-8247 / 800-342-9838 DO NOT ORDER A REPLACEMENT, PARTS, OR REPAIRS UNTIL AUTHORIZED. COMPANY NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIP:_________________________________ FACTORY ACK #:________________________________ YOUR REF. / PO NUMBER: ____________________________ DATE OF CLAIM: ______________________________________ CLAIM AMOUNT: _______________________________ What is the nature of this Claim? ____Shortage ____Damage ____Concealed Damage REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR SUPPORT OF CLAIM FREIGHT BILL / PRO NUMBER: __________________________________________ (ITEMS BELOW REQUIRED FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS ONLY) > Copy of original Manufacturer/Shipper Invoice (All pages) > Invoice for Cost of Repairs and/or Parts > Inspection Report * > Repair Estimate / Cost of Parts (if needed) > All damage claims must be supported with photos of the item and the packaging. ( Please Do Not Fax Photos) PLEASE PUT PRO NUMBER IN SUBJECT LINE ON ALL CORRESPONDENCE!!!! E-mail: claims@idealtransportinc.com Item #____________________________ Item Description_______________________________________________ Claimants Name (please print) ____________________________________________________________ Phone # __________ - __________ - __________________ Fax # __________ - __________ - ___________________ E-mail Address __________________________________________________________ Claims MUST be reported to Ideal Transport BEFORE delivering to your customer. Once merchandise leaves your property or delivery site, Ideal Transport is no longer responsible for ANY DAMAGES and any claims will be VOID whether claim has or has not been reported. So, merchandise needs to be inspected upon delivery or within the (15) day concealed damage time limit. If damages have occurred to a particular piece, whether it be obvious or concealed, that piece needs to remain at your location until the damaged merchandise has been reported directly to Ideal Transport and you have been given specific instructions on what steps will be taken from there. *PLEASE COMPLETE INSPECTION REPORT ON NEXT PAGE. INSPECTION REPORT Freight Bill / Pro Number ___________________ IMPORTANT - PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD THE CARTON/PACKAGING OR ANY PACKING MATERIALS. *NOTE: If there are multiple items damaged, please complete a separate inspection report for each item. To file a claim, please provide the following information to the fullest extent possible. By providing photographs (of item(s) and packaging) and completing all information on this form; our ability to resolve your claim in a timely and efficient manner will be greatly enhanced. STYLE / ITEM # ________________________ PRDUCT DESCRIPTION (sofa, chest, etc....)____________________________ Please describe the damage: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Was the packaging all intact? _____YES _____NO (please explain)________________________________________________ Was there damage to carton/packaging? _____YES _____NO If yes, please describe __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Is the packaging still available? ____YES ____NO Was the item received at a: ____ Truck level dock ____Ground level dock ____ Curbside ____ Other - __________________ Where is the freight now? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Is it possible that the damage is a manufacturer defect or a result of insufficient packaging? ____NO ____YES (please explain) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Is this an imported product? ____YES ____NO Could this item be repaired? ____YES ____NO Is there a local agent capable of making the repairs? ____YES ____ NO If not repairable, please explain. _______________________________________________________________________________ REPLACEMENT NEEDED ____ YES ____ NO If replaced; could the damaged/repaired piece be sold to recoup some of the repair/replacement costs. ____YES ____NO Was the damaged discovered before being moved from the original delivery location? ____YES ____NO Who discovered the damage?____________________________ When (Date & Time): ____/______/________ _____:_______ Describe the type of packaging (carton, shrinkwrap, bubble, etc.): ___________________________________________________ Please check all that were used in packing: Corner Pads ____ Plastic Wrap _____ Styrofoam Filler _____ End Caps _____ Wooden skid(runners) _____ Kraft Paper _____ Bottom Tray _____ Other (specify) ______________________________________________________ Were the legs or bottom of the damaged item suspended or resting on? ___Suspended ___Skid ___ Pads ____No protection If cartoned, was item protected with: ____Foam wrap ____Styrofoam ____Cloth wrap ____Other ____Nothing additional ? Does the packaging indicate (circle all that apply): Top – Bottom – Front – Back - Arrows – Fragile – Caution - Glass Other (please describe):_______________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: This Damage/Loss Claim Form is merely a process of stating observations and facts about the items listed thereon and in no way acknowledges carrier liability. Upon receipt of these completed forms, Ideal Transport, Inc. will consider the information you have provided and any further investigation and/or interview performed at our discretion. If after a review of the information listed on this form a valid claim is accepted; a process of resolution will begin. Please retain all cartons and packaging until the claim is resolved; failure to do so may void your claim or reduce any compensation for damage or loss. Thank you for cooperating with our damage/loss policy guidelines and requirements. A copy of our damage/loss policy and form is available upon request. Form completed by: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________ If additional information or pages have been sent or attached, please notify us below. ____ *YES ____ NO *If yes, please note number of additional pages: _____