The Great Gatsby Essay Assignment

The Great Gatsby Essay Assignment
Directions: Choose one of the following prompts and write a 1-2 page essay that analyzes
The Great Gatsby through that perspective. Each essay needs to have an introductory and
concluding paragraph and at least 4 citations from the novel as supportive evidence.
When giving your opinion remember to avoid “I” or “You” statements.
Due Date: Please check the online calendar and submit to
Prompt One: One critic has written, “The theme of Gatsby is the withering (or
destruction) of the American Dream.” Write an essay that demonstrates how The Great
Gatsby shows the withering (or destruction) of the American Dream for Jay Gatsby.
Please also explain wither or not you believe the American Dream is still a possibility for
people today.
Prompt Two: Explain how Fitzgerald uses setting to emphasize the difference between
social classes by comparing Tom and Daisy (old money), Nick and Gatsby (new money
of the 1920s), and George and Myrtle Wilson (working class). Finally give specific
reasons for which social class you would want to be a member of.
Prompt Three: What are some of The Great Gatsby’s most important symbols? What
does the novel have to say about the role of symbols in life? What symbols from The
Great Gatsby still have a significant role in American society and culture today?
Prompt Four: How does the geography of The Great Gatsby’s dictate its themes and
characters? What role does setting play in The Great Gatsby? How does geography
impact an individual or family’s economic and social class today?
Prompt Five: Give specific examples of whether Daisy is the image of the ideal 1920’s
flapper or is she a “beautiful woman with street smarts”. Based on your position, discuss
what her motives are in The Great Gatsby. Explain how brains and beauty work together
for an individual’s success or failure in contemporary American culture.