Consciousness Quiz

Consciousness Quiz
1. Which of the following is a construct?
a. Sleep
b. Chronobiology
c. Consciousness
d. All of the above
2. An example of chronobiology is when
a. People have a free-running cycle
b. Our bodies have high and low points
c. Our temperature remains stable
d. People lose energy in the summer
3. A circadian rhythm makes
a. High and low tides occur each day
b. Certain flowers open and close each day
c. High and low temperatures in humans
d. All the above
4. The deepest stage of sleep is marked by
a. Alpha waves
b. Beta waves
c. Delta waves
d. Theta waves
5. Night terrors occur most often during
a. A REM rebound
b. A state of NREM
c. The twilight stage
d. The second half of the night
6. An elderly person experiences
a. More REM time than teenagers
b. More nightmares than children
c. Less REM time than teenagers
d. Equal amount of REM and NREM
7. Strange dreams are the result of
a. Random firing of memory circuits
b. Excessive REM time
c. Eating late at night
d. All the above
8. A person who abuses drugs or alcohol will usually experience
a. Sleep apnea
b. Instant REM
c. More REM time
d. Less REM time
9. Hypnosis might help in
a. Reducing minor pain
b. Increasing your REM time
c. Improving your intelligence
d. Greatly improving your memory
10. Meditation is a form of
b. Sleep control
c. Self-control
d. REM
11. A construct is
a. A belief in biological rhythms
b. A belief in something that can’t be seen or touched
c. So light that it can’t be measured
d. All of the above
12. Which would be an example of the unconscious at work?
a. Knowing where you are in space
b. Being in a hypnotic state
c. Feeling depressed by not knowing exactly why
d. Knowing how to get from class to class
13. Birds fly south in the winter because of
a. Circadian rhythms
b. Biological clocks
c. Chronobiology
d. Entrainment
14. Entrainment is necessary if
a. You start a new job working all night
b. You get tired in hot weather
c. You work from 9am to 5pm
d. Your temperature rises when you are ill
15. The twilight state is a time when
a. Beta waves are beginning to appear
b. You are in a state of delta sleep
c. You are in REM sleep
d. Images and thoughts appear
16. Most of our dreams are about
a. Repressed memories
b. Strange objects
c. Ordinary events
d. Childhood experiences.
17. Nightmares occur more often when you
a. Have missed REM sleep for a few days
b. Have too little NREM sleep
c. Eat something strange
d. Show signs of mental problems.
18. When you experience sleep-walking, you are in stage ______________ sleep
19. ____________________controls the body at different times of the day or night.
20. The longest dream of the night is your __________________________dream
21. Throughout the night, ______________periods of sleep occur about every 90 minutes
22. The term “mesmerize” comes from _____________ ___________, who worked in the
1700’s pretending to cure people of their ailments.
True or False
23. Young children require less deep sleep than the elderly. ________
24. Incubus attacks occur during NREM states. ___________
25. During stage 1-REM, you are almost impossible to awake. __________
26. All species have the same circadian cycles as humans. ______________
27. Babies experience free-running cycles at birth. _____________