
Attendance Features
Locating the Attendance Feature:
1) Open Blackboard, and locate the course. In the COURSE MANAGEMENT area, under “Customization”,
select “Tool Availability”:
2) Locate “Online Attendance” and make sure the first box to make it available is checked:
3) Hit “Submit” at the bottom of the page:
4) In the COURSE MANAGEMENT area, select “Course Tools”:
5) Select “Online Attendance”:
Adding Online Attendance to the Course Menu:
1) Add a menu item, by selecting the “+” in the top left corner of the page. Choose “Create Tool Link”:
2) Give the link a name. Under the Type: drop box, select “Online Attendance”:
3) Choose the “Available to Users” checkbox, and select “Submit”:
4) Link has been created, and made available:
Note: Creating the Online Attendance link allows quick and easy access to the attendance area for you and your students.
3) The following Online Attendance window will open:
4) You must setup the dates for the class before proceeding.
Setting up Dates:
1) Select “Dates Setup”:
2) Set the “Course Begins on”, and “Course Ends on” dates. Fill out the “Class Meets on” days. Select “Save
Setting Changes”:
Changing Dates:
Note: Anytime changes are made to settings, attendance records could be lost.
1) Select “Dates Setup”:
2) Select “Add Individual Days” or “Remove Individual Days”:
3) For “Add Individual Days” select the “Date to be added” and choose “Add Selected”:
4) For “Remove Individual Days” select the dates to be removed:
Setting up a Seating Chart:
1) In the Online Attendance area, select “Seating Setup”:
2) Fill in the “Number of seats across:” and the “Number of seats down:”. Choose “Save Setting Changes”:
3) Use the drop down boxes to select the student’s seat, and then select “Save Seating Chart”:
Taking Attendance:
Option One:
1) Choose the date for taking attendance on the date drop down menu:
2) Select the appropriate attendance, and choose “Save Attendance”:
Option Two:
Note: The seating chart must be setup, before you can take “Attendance by Seat”.
1) In the Online Attendance area, select “Attendance by Seat”:
2) The seating chart will open, select 1) the appropriate date, 2) the student’s attendance, and 3) “Save
Student View:
1) If a link has been created in the menu, the student will see the link:
2) The student will only see their attendance, and will look like this:
Creating a Viewable Total Attendance Report:
1) Select “Report”, on the Online Attendance window:
2) A total report will open:
Exporting Attendance into an Excel Spreadsheet:
1) Select “Export”, on the Online Attendance window:
2) Select “Open with”, and choose Microsoft Excel. Select “OK”:
3) Attendance is exported to an Excel spreadsheet. You can manipulate and/or save: