RESEARCH NOTE Exploring the Political Diversity of Social Workers Mitchell Rosenwald barely audible conversation exists within social work on the diversity of political ideology among social workers. Although diversity is a rich area of study in social work, a comprehensive exploration of social workers' political ideologies remains largely absent (Rosenwald, 2004). The assumption that social workers subscribe to liberal economic, social, and moral values prevails, as evidenced in NASW policy statements (National Association of Social Workers [NASW], 2003), even though this assumption has rarely been explicitly and fully examined.This assumption occurs despite the NASW Code ofEthics's, inclusion of respecting fellow social workers' diversity of political belief (NASW). As a result, ideologies of social workers that differ from liberal political ideology may not be represented. A The literature on political ideology provides some insight into social \vorkers' political ideologies. Political ideology, reflected in Democratic Party membership, suggests social workers are predominantly liberal (Abbott, 1988, 1999; Epstein, 1969; Reeser & Epstein, 1990). However, when ideology was examined as political philosophy,findingswere mixed; most social workers were liberal in Abbott's (1988,1999) research but were fairly evenly liberal and moderate (Hodge, 2003) or more moderate (Varley, 1968) in other studies. Hodge also found MSWs tended to be sUghdy more liberal than BSWs. Social workers tended to be more liberal on general political ideology and specific policy positions than people in other professions (Abbott, 1988; Hendershot & Grimm, 1974;Jensen & Bergin, 1988; Rubinstein, 1994) and the general public (Koeske & Crouse, 1981; Hodge). Scant attention has been given to studies involving social workers who idenPOLITICAL IDEOLOGIES Political ideology refers to individuals' support of tify as radical left (but see Fisher,Weedman, Alex, & Stout, 2001;Wagner, 1990) or radical right. policy positions that reflect their attitudes on society's relationship with technology, power disAlthough the literature provides a good introtribution, dependency, and nationalism (Gamson, duction, the full range of social workers' political 1992).This support is commonly detailed among a ideology was rarely examined as the central focus multitiered ideological continuum (Brint, 1994; of any study. No study examined multiple meaKnight, 1999; Lowi & Ginsberg, 1994; McKenna, sures of political ideology as dependent variables. 1998). At one end of the continuum is a "radical Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory study left" ideology that focuses on major systemic changes was to identify both the range and correlates of to address oppression (Wagner, 1990)."Liberal"idesocial workers' political ideologies. ology emphasizes government protection of individual rights (Lowi & Ginsberg) and the separation METHOD of church and state (Brint; McKenna). "Moderate" The dependent variable of political ideology was political ideology combines conservative and libprincipally measured by the 40-item Professional eral views and favors rational, incremental change Opinion Scale (POS) (Abbott, 1988) .The POS was (McKenna). "Conservative" ideology emphasizes selected as the main measure because it appeared to the for-profit and voluntary sectors' abilities to adbe the most comprehensive and reliable scale that dress social problems, socially traditional values, and gauged political ideology by examining policy statesuspicion of government control (O'Connors & ments linked to the social work profession.The POS Sabato, 2000). Finally, at the opposite end of the was based on NASW policy statements from 1985. spectrum is the "radical right" political ideology, Since that time, the positions reflected in these policy which promotes policy relating to biblical literalstatements have not substantially changed as comism, the patriarchal family, and fiscal conservatism pared with current NASW policy positions (per(Hyde, 1991). sonal communication with A.Abbott, professor of CCC Code: 1070-5309/06 $3.00 C2006 National Association of Sociai Workers social work,West Chester University,West Chester, PA, March 14, 2003), although clearly not all current policy positions from SocialWork Speaks (2003) are reflected in the POS. The POS is divided into four value dimension subscales: Respect for Basic Rights (BRSS), Commitment to Individual Freedom (IFSS), Sense of Social Responsibility (SRSS), and Support of Self-Determination (SDSS) (Abbott, 1988).Based on a five-point Likert scale (1 = conservative and 5 = liberal [accounting for reverse scoring]), higher scores correspond with greater liberalness (Abbott, 1988). Three new questions linked to NASW policy statements ("Faith-Based Initiatives," 2002; NASW, 2003) were added to the POS to compensate for a few contemporary issues not addressed and to compose a "POS+3" scale (seeTable 1). Political ideology was measured using a seven-point scale ranging from 1 = radical left to 7 = radical right on the self-ranked political ideology (SRPI) item (Knight, 1999). In sum, the study comprises seven dependent variables: the POS, each of the four POS's subscales, the POS+3, and the SRPI item. The study contained 15 independent variables drawn fi-om the literature (Abbott, 1988,1999; Brint, 1994; Fisher et al., 2001;Jensen & Bergin, 1988; Kornblum, 1997).They are personal characteristics from analysis because they had more than 20% missing data.Therefore, 294 surveys were analyzed, which corresponds with a fair response rate of 52.6% (Rubin & Babbie, 2001). Sufficient power was achieved based on the sample size. Based on an a posteriori analysis, using N = 138 as the lowest number of participants in the regression models, power of 0.80 (.7986) was achieved. RESULTS The sample was predominantly fetnale (85.6%), white (80.1%), 45 years of age on average, Protestant (36.1%), and fairly strongly religious or spiritual {M = 1.96 with 1 = very strong and 4 = not strong at all). In addition, most participants were Democrat (78.1%) and heterosexual (93.7%) and varied on income, with 25.5% earning between $40,000 and $49,999 and 25.2% earning more than $60,000. The majority of participants worked full time (72.9%), held MSWs (83.6%), and were licensed at the LCSW-C level (59.8%). Participants tended to work in public settings (36.6%) and in nonprofit settings (35.5%). Finally,participants had an average of approximately 13 years of licensed experience and tended to work in clinical and direct social work practice (52.6%). (gender, age, race, religion/spirituality, religiosity, sexual Range of Political Ideology orientation, socioeconomic status), professional charac- The POS (M= 158.38, SD = 13.52) points correteristics {degree achieved as one proxy for education, sponded with a fairly liberal political ideology; with employment status, type of work setting, years of work the addition of three items for the POS+3, the mean experience, type of social work function, licensure level increased almost 10 points. Regarding the four [created by author]), and two significant interac- subscales, the SDSS had the highest mean (44.41, tion effects {degree by years of [licensed] experience [r = SD = 4.00), followed by the BRSS (M = 44.07, SD .25, p < .01] and gender by highest social work degree = 3.08), the SRSS (M= 37.38, SD = 5.18), and the [X'(3, N = 285) = 8.69, p = .03]). After a pilot test {N = 10) identified no major problems, the study's sample was drawn from the 2003 membership list of the state of Maryland's social work licensing board. Proportional random sampling was conducted to ensure licensed social workers from all four licensure levels (LSWA, LGSW, LCSW, and LCSW-C) were represented. Participants received the survey, along with a cover letter, self-addressed stamped envelope, and $1 as a token of appreciation. A follow-up reminder postcard was sent to all participants a week later (Dillman,2000). Of the approximately 11,000 licensed social workers in Maryland, a sample of 558 participants was obtained. Three hundred questionnaires were received for the data analysis, but six were removed 122 IFSS (M = 32.69, SD = 6.02) (Table 1). The single item on SRPI (M= 3.39, SD = 0.92) corresponds with a political ideology that is between liberal and moderate. No one political ideology was held by the majority of participants.The largest self-ranking category was "liberal" (40.6%), followed by "moderate" (34.4%). Slightly more than half of participants (55.2%) ranked their political ideology from liberal to radical left, and 10.4% indicated they were right of center (from conservative to very conservative). No one reported her or his ideology as "radical right." Correlates of Political Ideology The significant correlates for each of the hierarchal regression models appear in Table 2. The best Social Work Research VOLUME 30, NUMBER 2 JUNE 2006 Table 1: Means and Standard Deviations of Professional Opinion Scale + rhree Items for Social Workers 1. All direct-income benefits to welfare recipients should be in the form of cash. 2. When they are old enough, children should have the right to choose their religion, including the option to choose none. 3. The employed should have more government assistance than the unemployed. 4. Sterilization is an acceptable method of reducing the welfare load. 5. Counseling should be available to women who ask for abortions. 6. There should be a guaranteed minimum income for everyone. 7. Couples should decide for themselves whether they want to become parents. 8. The federal government has invested too much money in the poor. 9. The government should not redistribute the wealth. 2.19 .90 4.19 3.63 4.20 .98 .91 1.05 .80 4.49 3.59 4.62 .58 4.18 .88 3.58 1.08 10. Retirement at age 65 should be mandatory. 11. Women should have the right to use abortion services. 4.37 4.34 12. 13. 14. 15. The dying have a right to be informed of their prognoses. The FBI (government) should keep files on individuals wirh minority political affiliation. Abduction by parents who do not have custody should be viewed as a family, not a legal, matter. The government should not subsidize family-planning programs. 4.80 4.22 16. 17. 18. 19. The mandatory retirement age protects society from the incompetency of the elderly. Welfere mothers should be discouraged from having more children. Family planning should be available to all adolescents. Capital punishment should not be abolished. 20. The government should provide a comprehensive system of insurance protecting against loss of income because of disability. 1.27 4.34 4.14 4.44 .75 1.05 .50 .99 .82 2.63 .89 .(>! 1.07 4.23 3.09 1.34 .94 4.07 4.11 .80 21. Mandatory retirement based on age should be eliminated. 22. The death penalty is an important means for discouraging criminal activity. 3.68 1.20 23. Local governments should be monitored on the enforcement of civil rights statutes. 24. The aged require only minimum mental health services. 4.04 .78 4.49 .67 25. Welfare workers should keep files on those clients suspected of fraud. 2.23 4.44 .89 .70 .(>(, .60 26. Only medical personnel should be involved in life and death treatment decisions. 27. Pregnant adolescents should be excluded from school. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Students should be denied government funds if they participate in protest demonstrations. Juveniles do not need to be provided with legal counsel in juvenile courts. Corporal punishment is an important means of discipline for aggressive, acting-out adolescents. Unemployment benefits should be extended, especially in areas hit by economic disaster. It would be better to give welfare recipients vouchers or goods rather than cash. 4.51 4.57 4.60 .84 4.31 4.10 .64 .92 .77 2.56 1.04 3.17 34. The government should have primary responsibility for helping the community accept a returning offender. 2.81 35. Efforts should be made to increase voting among minorities. 4.20 36. "No-knock" entry, which allows the police entrance without a search warrant, encourages police to violate the rights of individuals. 3.75 37. Family planning services should be available to individuals regardless of income. 4.60 38. Older persons should be sustained to the extent possible in their own environments. 4.43 1.10 .92 33. The gap between poverty and affluence should be reduced through measures directed at redistribution of income. .79 1.00 .58 .82 39. The child in adoption proceedings should be the primary client. 4.34 40. A family may be defined as two or more individuals who consider themselves a family and who assume protective, caring obligations to one another. 4.19 .95 41. Faith-based delivery of social services is an effective method of helping people in need. 42. Special laws for the protection of lesbians' and gay men's equal rights are not necessary. 43. Social services should be provided to illegal immigrants. 2.47 3.87 3.28 1.02 RoSENWALD / Exploring the Political Diversity of Social Workers .83 1.05 1.18 123 Table 2: Significant Variables in Multiple Regression Models Correlated with Social Workers' Political Ideology Variable Professional Opinion Scale (A^= 139) Age Independent* Professional Opinion Scale +3 (A'^= 138) Age Independent Individual Freedom Subscale (N= 161) .416 11.884 .366 2.816 .006 .249 2.047 .043 2.809 2.308 .006 .445 .353 14.363 .273 -2.965 .208 -.185 .394 -2.036 .044 3.348 .001 5.453 6.816 .371 .295 3.003 2.952 .003 .004 Race Age 2.731 .160 .213 .378 2.321 3.152 .022 .002 Democrat 4.639 5.293 .384 3.134 .002 .281 2.806 .006 -.710 -1.183 -.845 -.350 -.238 -3.306 -.550 -5.639 -3.120 .001 .000 Race Age Democrat Independent .023 Social Responsibility Subscale (A^ = 163) Independent Self-Ranked Political Ideology {N= 180) Other religious or spiritual affiliation'' Democrat Independent Work status -.247 -.154 -2.035 .002 .044 Note: All missing variable cases were excluded listwise. 'Democrat and Independent are attributes of the political affiliation variable. "Other religious/spiritual affiliation is an attribute of the religious or spiritual affiliation variable. regression model was for SRPI, which explained 37.6% of the variance in political ideology and had four significant correlates. Two of the correlates related to political party, where participants who affiliated with the Democratic (B = -1.183, ( = -5.639, p < .001) and Independent political parties (B = -.845, t = -3.120,p = .002) scored approximately one point lower on the SRPI scale than those afFiHating with the Republican Party. Two other correlates in the SRPI model emerged with significant findings: (1) an "other" religious or spiritual affiliation {B = -.710, t = -3.306, p = .001), where participants scored almost one point lower than participants who were Protestant, and (2) work status (B = -.350, t = -2.035, j? = .044), with participants who worked part time in social work scoring almost half a point higher on the SRPI scale than those who worked full time. Finally, race and age emerged as significant correlates in the other regression equations, with participants who were white and older tending to be more liberal than those who were not white and 124 younger. The BRSS and SDSS were not significant in their final models. DISCUSSION As Dinerman (2003) observed, the profession has "grown sloppy in assuming that the prevailing beliefs of our environment are, indeed, held by all" (p. 251).To this end, it was important to examine the political diversity of social workers, which uncovered a range of their political ideologies. Most striking from the data is that social workers' political ideology is not a liberal monolith. With respect to self-ranked political ideology, a slim majority reported they were liberal or very liberal (approximately 53% total), which counters the stereotype of a profession dominated by liberal political ideology. Indeed, almost as many participants reported they were moderate to very conservative in ideological thought. Having more than a third of the sample identifying as moderate suggests that the liberal versus conservative dialogue is too simple and perhaps based on stereotypes.Those Social Work Research VOLUME 30, NUMBER 2 JUNE 2006 with a radical left perspective were a small percentage ofthe sample. The absence ofthe radical right suggests that either there are no social workers who consider themselves as radical right, at least in this sample, or the term may be unpopular for self-ranking and used more as a label by others. The means ofthe POS-related items suggest an overall liberal tendency among members, although the BRSS and SDSS subscales had higher liberal scores than the IFSS and SRSS subscales. Upon further review, the findings confirm Brint's (1994) conclusion that social workers tend to be more liberal on social issues than economic issues, as the top six liberal items (means between 4.5 and 5) related to social welfare and four ofthe six most moderate to conservative items related to economic welfare (all means under 3) (Table 1). Detailing economic welfare, for example, social workers tended to be more liberal when welfare was needed to help with an unexpected crisis (that is, disaster, disability) and more moderate to conservative when advocating for clients on welfare to have fewer children and to record those who "commit fraud." Finally,fivecorrelates from the regression models (political party affiliation, age, race, religious or spiritual afEliation, and work status) support their importance in the literature (for example, Abbott, 1988, 1999) and suggest variables to examine in future studies. This study's limitations require a cautious interpretation of the findings. Conceptually, using the POS (developed to measure social workers' values) may have limited validity when applied to measuring social workers' political ideology, because some POS items might have more significance to political ideology than others. More conceptual development and psychometric testing of a social work political ideology scale completely based on social work policy statements (NASW, 2003) would be usefiil, in addition to reconciling Abbott's (1988) POS subscales with Brint's (1994) typology of political ideology.Although the POS and POS+3 had good rehability (a = 0.85 and a = 0.86, respectively), the four subscales had fair reliabilities ranging from 0.65 to 0.78. The study's response rate, approximately 53%, is a fair response rate for a mailed questionnaire (Dillman, 2000; Rubin & Babbie, 2001), yet it does not reflect almost half of the sample; participants who responded may be different from those who did not respond. More attention to increasing the response rate would be helpful (Dillman). Finally, because the sampling frame ROSENWALD / Exploring the Political Divenity ofSocial Workers was licensed social workers in Maryland, the results of the study cannot be generalized to nonlicensed social workers in Maryland or to any other social workers beyond that state. National studies would be useful. This exploratory study's central focus on political ideology raises the volume of the barely audible conversation of political ideology in social work. Considering its range and correlates showcases the richness of this diversity variable.The intent of this study is to help establish political diversity as a legitimate diversity variable worthy of serious study and to add to the literature on social work and diversity. M'l'iH REFERENCES Abbott.A. A. (1988). Professional chokes: Values at work. Silver Spring, MD: National Association ofSocial Workers. Abbott, A. A. (1999). Measuring social work values: A cross-cultural challenge for global practice. International Social Work, 42, 455-470. Brint, S. (1994). In an age of experts:The changing role of professionals in politics and public life. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Dillman, D. A. (2000). Mail and Internet surveys.Ttte tailored design method (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Dinerman, M. (2003). Fundamentahsm and social work. Affilia, J 5,249-253. Epstein, I, (1969). Professionatization and social work activism. 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The quest for a radical profession: Social service careers and political ideology. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Mitchell Rosenwald, PhD, is assistant professor of social work, Binghamton University, P. O. Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902; e-mail: Original manuscript received September 28, 2004 Final revision received September 29, 2005 Accepted October 28, 200S Sqcial Workers Do 2nd Edition I Maigaret Gibelman I What Social Workers Do, 2nd Edition is a panoramic view of the social work profession in action. Extensive case studies and vignettes highlight the intersection between practice functions, practice settings, and practice areas, connecting what appear to be diverse specializations. 1 , ; ; ; • | Written in a lucid and engaging style that is refreshingly jargon-free, the book flows easily from the definitions and context of the profession to fields of practice, issues in macro practice, and the future of the profession. It synthesizes source materials, current research, case studies, and insights from social work experts in wide-ranging fields of practice, including mental health, health care, children and families, aging, and more. As with the first edition. What Social Workers Do is perhaps the most comprehensive resource guide currently available on the social work profession. It is a "must-have" addition to college and high school libraries, BSW and MSW classrooms, and the desks of social workers at every career level. Plus, it is an invaluable reference tool for agencies, policymakers, legislators, and executives. j | j I ISBN: (W71O1-364-9. 2005. Item #3649. $49.99. NASW PRESS ORDER TODAY! CALL: 1-800-227-3590 Refer to Code ASWD05 Visit our web site at: to learn about other NASW Press publications. #NASW Ntuioaol Auocidiiod ol SocicI V 126 Social Work Research VOLUME 30, NUMBER 2 JUNE 2006