Your assignment is to take the political ideology test at the website politicalcompass.org
and analyze the results.
Part I
Go to www.politicalcompass.org and “take the test.” After you take the test, click on
“Now let’s see where you stand.” Scroll down the page and find your political ideology
plotted on a graph. Click on “Show graph on separate page for printing.” Turn in that
graph as part of your assignment.
Part II
Type a 1 ½ page response paper. In your paper discuss your reaction to the test. Address
the following points:
 Before taking the test, did you have a preconceived idea of where your political
ideology would fall on the graph? Did the test confirm your thoughts, or were
you surprised by the results?
 According to the test, are you liberal/conservative/authoritarian/libertarian?
 Explain where the test plotted you by comparing your economic v. social position
on the graph. (For example, the test plotted me further away from the y-axis than
the x-axis suggesting that I am liberal with economic issues, but a moderate
liberal with social issues.)
 Explain how the answers you gave impacted your final position on the graph. (For
example if the test plotted you far from the x-axis, specifically explain how your
answers pushed you far from the axis. On the other hand, if you were plotted
on/near the x-axis, specifically describe how you are liberal with some issues and
conservative with others.)
 What was your overall reaction to the test? Do you think it was an accurate
reflection of your beliefs? Explain.
Make sure the paper is typed. Use a font no larger than 12 characters per inch.
The paper is due (both Part I and Part II) at the beginning of class on Monday, April 4.
Any papers that are not in class at the beginning of class will be considered late. That
means if you are late to class, your paper is late. Do not email your paper to the teacher.