March 26-29, 2015—Chicago, IL Holiday Inn Mart Plaza

MORNING Pre-Conference
8:30am–11:30am — room: Steamboat Hotel
The Rise of Native Advertising: An Exploration of Its
Impact on Advertising, Journalism, and the Consumer
Chairs: Beth Egan & James Tsao, Syracuse University
March 26-29, 2015—Chicago, IL
Holiday Inn Mart Plaza
(Requires Separate Registration)
< < < Pre-Conferences
room: Lake House
MORNING Pre-Conference
8:30am–11:30am — room: Western Stage House
Beyond Student Samples: Overcoming the Challenges
Chair: Anna R. McAlister, Michigan State University
8:30 am
Jef I. Richards, Michigan State University
8:40–8:55 am
Session A:
When Extra Credit isn’t Enough: Establishing a Participant Pool
with Community Members
Presenters: Anna R. McAlister, Michigan State University
Shupei Yuan, Michigan State University
8:55–9:10 am
Session B:
Bureaucracy is Surmountable: Recruiting Schools, Parents, and
Kids while meeting IRB Requirements
Presenters: Elizabeth Taylor Quilliam, Michigan State University
Anna R. McAlister, Michigan State University
9:10–9:25 am
Session C:
Truth or Consequences: How to get Participants to Cooperate in
the Lab and in the Field
Presenters: Carie Cunningham, Michigan State University
Wonkyung Kim, Michigan State University
Chen Lou, Michigan State University
9:25–9:45 am
9:45–10:15 am
Coffee & Tea Break (sponsored by Stukent)
10:15–10:30 am
Session D:
Contexts vs. Control: Tradeoffs in Control vs. Ecological Validity
when Running Lab Studies vs. Field Experiments
Presenter: Sean B. Cash, Tufts University
10:30–10:45 am
Session E:
Dealing with the Logistics of Working with Community Partners
Presenter: Patricia Huddleston, Michigan State University
10:45–11:00 am
Session F:
Recruiting Online: The Promises and Pitfalls of M-Turk and
Presenter: Ann Kronrod, Michigan State University
11:00-11:25 am
Closing Remarks
Jef I. Richards, Michigan State University
11:25-11:30 am
8:30–9:30 am
Frank Maguire, East Coast Sales Director, Sharethrough
Jordan Hyman, Custom Content Sales, The Wall Street Journal
9:30–10:15 am
Session B:
Who is Doing it Right? Best in Class Examples of Native Advertising
Presenters: AJ Storinge, CEO MetaVision Media
8: 30am
Executive Committee Meeting
THURSDAY, March 26
Session A:
What is Native Advertising?
Presenters: Jordan Bitterman, CSO NA, Mindshare
Steve Bonner, SVP Brand Experience Design, Zero/Dot
Stephanie Hale, Content & Strategy, Leo Burnett
10:15–10:30 am
Coffee & Tea Break (sponsored by Stukent)
10:30–11:30 am
Session C:
Debate the Role of Native Advertising in both Advertising and
Journalism Contexts
Presenters: Sebastian Tomich, Advertising & Branded Content, The New York Times
Baomy Wehrle, Brand Strategy & Partnerships, Huffington Post
Edith Smit, University of Amsterdam
Craig Pavia, CRO 495 Communications, trvlsvvy
AFTERNOON Pre-Conference
1pm–4:30pm — room: Western Stage House
Teaching with Social Media: A Hands-On Look
Chair: Keith A. Quesenberry, Johns Hopkins University
Teaching with Social Media
1:00–1:05 pm
Keith A. Quesenberry, Johns Hopkins University
1:05–1:45 pm
Session A:
Using Facebook in the Advertising Class for Independent Learning
and Reflection
Presenter: Shu-Chuan Chu, DePaul University
1:45–2:25 pm
Session B:
Using Social and Digital Media Data to Teach Advertising Insight
and Analytics
Presenter: Valerie Jones, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2:25–2:45 pm
Coffee & Tea Break (sponsored by Stukent)
2:45–3:25 pm
Session C:
How to Incorporate Social Media Management Tools into
Advertising and PR Courses
Presenter: Harsha Gangadharbatla, University of Colorado
3:25–4:00 pm
Session D:
Using Blogs as an Effective Learning Tool and for Social Media
Skill Development
Presenter: Keith A. Quesenberry, Johns Hopkins University
4:00–4:30 pm
Q&A and Closing Remarks
AFTERNOON Pre-Conference
12:45pm–4:30pm — MEET: Lobby — 14th Floor
Advertising Agencies: Work and Discipline
Chair: Jim Avery, University of Oklahoma
Session A:
Visit to DDB/Chicago
Session B:
Visit to Mindshare
1:00 pm
3:00 pm
Pre-Conferences > > >
4-6: 30pm
room: 14 th Floor next to Hotel Lobby
6: 30-7: 30pm
Opening Reception
room: Ogilvy & Mather Conf. Ctr (11 Flr)
(The Ogilvy & Mather Conference Center is on the 11th flr. of the same building as our hotel)
Sponsored by Medill Integrated Marketing Communications
Northwestern University
room: Western Stage House
Advertising and Society
THURSDAY, March 26
THURSDAY, March 26
Conference Registration
Session 1.2:
—Consumer-To-Consumer Signaling Within the Informal Economy: A
Content Analysis of Online Garage Sale Ads
Lisa Haayen, Southern Methodist University
Mallorie Rodak, Southern Methodist University
Alice Kendrick, Southern Methodist University
—The Role of Advertising in the Evolution of Thanksgiving
Samantha N. Cross, Iowa State University
Mary C. Gilly, University of California – Irvine
Robert Harrison, Western Michigan University
—Social Exclusion and Minority Consumers’ Political Consumption
Wanhsiu Sunny Tsai, University of Miami
Xiaoqi Han, Western Connecticut State University
< < < FRIDAY, March 27
—Reaching Goals and Doing Good: Exploring Consumer Responses to
Meaningful Advertising
FRIDAY, March 27
Moderator: Herb Rotfeld, Auburn University
7: 30am
First-Timers’ & Mentors’ Breakfast
room: LaSalle
If this is your first AAA Conference, please join us for a complimentary continental
breakfast to meet some of your colleagues and learn more about the association.
room: Sauganash East
room: Sauganash East
Publications Committee Meeting
room: Lake House
For Committee Members only.
Risk and Health
room: The Bull’s Head
—Consumers’ Perceptions of Electronic Cigarettes: Implications for
Advertising, Promotion and Public Health
Marla Royne Stafford, University of Memphis
Erin Willis, University of Memphis
Marian Levy, University of Memphis
—How Consumers Process Risk-avoidance Appeals in Food Advertising: Moderating Roles of Food Healthiness and Dieting Status on the
Prediction Model of Self- and Functional Congruity
Hojoon Choi, University of Houston
Leonard N. Reid, University of Georgia
—Direct-to-consumer Prescription Drug Advertising as a Two-sided
Message: Examining Response to Risk Information Disclosure from
Consumers’ Perspective
Jennifer G. Ball, University of Minnesota
—The Effects of Risk Disclosure Prominence in Health Advertising: The
Mediating Role of Subjective Ease with Locating Risk Disclosure on
Memory, Risk Perception, and Health Information Seeking
Chair: Don Schultz, Northwestern University
Ian Lings, Queensland University of Technology
Philip J. Kitchen, ESC Rennes School of Business
Gayle Kerr, Queensland University of Technology
room: Steamboat Hotel
Creative [Thinking] Skills of Tomorrow
Co-Chairs: Thomas Vogel, Emerson College
Jorge Villegas, University of Illinois at Springfield
Panelists: Amanda Callahan, Havas Worldwide
8: am–10am
Lessons from George: The Dangers of Not Replicating
Session 1.1:
room: Merchants Hotel
Session 1.4:
8: 30am
Session 1.3:
Panelists: Martin Eisend, European University Viadrina
Conference Registration
Linwan Wu, University of Florida
Naa Amponsah Dodoo, University of Florida
Ilwoo Ju, Saint Louis University
Moderator: Wonsun Shin, Nanyang Technological University
Glenn Griffin, University of Alabama
Chris Jansma, DigitasLBi
Kim Sheehan, University of Oregon
Coffee Break
10am-10: 30am
room: Sauganash East
Sponsored by The Chicago Portfolio School
Session 1.5:
10: 30am–noon
room: The Bull’s Head
Co-Chairs: Sheila Sasser, Eastern Michigan University
Gayle Kerr, Queensland University of Technology
Panelists: Sara Rosengren, Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Retailing
Erik Modig, Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Consumer Mktg
Jens Welin, Starcom USA
Janet Tyler, Airfoil Marketing & PR for Innovative Companies
Andrew Stimpson, Harpo Studios, Own Network
Louise Kelly, Queensland University of Technology
FRIDAY, March 27 > > >
AAA 2015 C onference B egins
< < < FRIDAY, March 27
—Paid, Owned, Earned Advertising Avoidance on Facebook
Seunghyun Kim, University of Oklahoma
Doyle Yoon, University of Oklahoma
Hongsik Cheon, Frostburg State University
Dong Hoo Kim, The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Yoon Hi Sung, University of Texas at Austin
Dongwon Choi, University of Georgia
Soyoung Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Youngjun Sung, Korea University
—The Self- and Social Motivation to Interact with a Brand on Facebook
Taemin Kim, University of Minnesota
Okhyun Kim, University of Minnesota
—Fan Identification and Brand Preferences on Social Media Sites: Effects
of BIRGing and CORFing on Sport Fans’ Evaluations of Endorsed Brands
Joe Phua, University of Georgia
Po-Lin Pan, Arkansas State University
Kuan-Ju Chen, University of Georgia
Moderator: Jhih-Syuan (Elaine) Lin, University of Georgia
Session 1.7:
room: Merchants Hotel
Engagement and Viral Marketing
—Viral Marketing: Optimizing the Ripple Effect of Spreading Promotions
Anik St. Onge, Universite du Quebec Montreal
Sylvain Senecal, HEC Montreal
Marc Fredette, HEC Montreal
—Why Do People Share Adverting Messages on Social Media?
Hyunsang Son, University of Texas at Austin
—Like it or Not: The Fortune 500’s Facebook Strategies to Generate
Engagement from Users
Jiangmeng Liu, University of Miami
Cong Li, University of Miami
Yi Ji, University of Miami
Michael North, University of Miami
Fan Yang, University of Miami
room: Wolf Point
Keynote Speaker: Antonio Neves, Millennial Leadership Expert and
1: 30pm–3pm
Session 1.9:
room: The Bull’s Head
Bridging the Gap between Industry and Academia
—Thinking Pink? Consumer Reactions to Pink Ribbons and Breast Cancer
Awareness Messages in Advertising
Kim Sheehan, University of Oregon
Kati Berg, Marquette University
—Case Study on the First-time Use of a Webinar by a Small Marketing Firm
Lauren Harrison, Secret Penguin Agency
Ruth Brown, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
—Shaping Creative Values: Communication Strategies for Actively
Influencing the Creative Code in Advertising Agencies
Kasey Windels, Louisiana State University
Mark Stuhlfaut, University of Kentucky
Moderator: Joe Phelps, University of Alabama
Session 1.10:
room: Western Stage House
(New) Approaches to Measuring Advertising Effectiveness
—Redefining Neuromarketing
Martin P. Block, Don E. Schultz​, Bobby Calder, S​ herri Livengood,
Hans Breiter, Frank Mulher, Kalyan Raman, Daniel Stern,
Vijay Viswanathan​: all of N
​ orthwestern University​ Anne Blood, Harvard University
Laura Chamberlain, Aston University
Nick Lee, Aston University
Fengqing Zhang, Drexel University
—Utilizing Consumer Neuroscience to Diagnose Advertising Effectiveness
Terry Daugherty, Ernest Hoffman, Kathleen Kennedy,
Megan Nolan, Frederico de Gregorio, all of University of Akron
—Comparison of the Message Strategy between Business-to-Business
and Business-to-Consumer Companies: Sentiment Analysis of the
Corporate Messages on Facebook
—Spokes Characters as Twitter Marketing Tools
Taemin Kim, University of Minnesota
Yunhwan Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
—Attention-grabbing Advertising: Investigating the Role of Location
Lance Kinney, University of Alabama
Jennifer M. Ireland, University of Alabama
Moderator: Jun Heo, Louisiana State University
Session 1.8: Luncheon’s Director of Higher Education
—Timeline vs. News Feed: The Influence of Facebook Pages and
Message Types on Ad Effectiveness
noon – 1: 30pm
room: Western Stage House
Social Media
room: Steamboat Hotel
#HIRED -- Are You Teaching Your Students What
They Need To Get A Job? An Open Panel with
Industry Recruiters
and Visual Salience in Outdoor Advertising
Rick T. Wilson, Texas State University
Jeff Casper, Traffic Audit Bureau of Media Measurement Inc.
Moderator: Kevin Wise, University of Illinois
Session 1.11:
room: Merchants Hotel
Co-Chairs: Margaret Murphy, Columbia College Chicago
Games or No? (Comparing Effectiveness Across
Communication Tactics)
Panelists: Sarah Walker, Director, HR, CAHG TBWA WorldHealth
—Can Advergames Be Fun and Persuasive in the High-Involvement,
Informational Advertising Context? A Comparison of Advergames,
Print Ads, and Brand Websites for Prescription Drugs
Laurence Minsky, Columbia College Chicago
Craig Badynee, Assoc. Director, Creative Recruitment, DigitasLBi
Courtney Henderson, Recruiting Director, FCB
Kimberly Jones, HR Manager, Geometry Global
Stacy Fenster, Creative Recruiter, Leo Burnett
Kelly Beasley, Talent Development Manager, Slack and Company
Tracey Richards, Director of Talent Acquisition, VSA Partners
Jisu Huh, University of Minnesota
Jennifer Lueck, University of Minnesota
Yoshikazu Suzuki-Lambrecht, Campbell Mithun
Michelle Gross, Ackmann & Dickenson Inc.
FRIDAY, March 27 > > >
Session 1.6:
< < < FRIDAY, March 27
room: Merchants Hotel
Games or No? (Comparing Effectiveness Across
Communication Tactics) (cont’d)...
—Effects of Prominent Advertising in Mobile Games on Cognitive, Affective
and Behavioral Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Persuasion Knowledge
Soojung Kim, University of Minnesota
Joonghwa Lee, Middle Tennessee State University
Yoori Hwang, Myongji University
Se-Hoon Jeong, Korea University
Frank E. Dardis, Penn State University
Mike Schmierbach, Penn State University
Brett Sherrick, Penn State University
Frank Waddell, Penn State University
Jose Aviles, Penn State University
—Creative Aspects of Multichannel Advertising Campaigns – A Content
Analysis Study of the Use of Message Appeals in Advertising Campaigns
in Traditional and New Media
Osnat Roth-Cohen, Ariel University
Dorit Zimand-Sheiner, Ariel University
room: Steamboat Hotel
The Role of Technology in Advertising Education and Practice
Chair: Harsha Gangadharbatla, University of Colorado
Panelists: Glenn Griffin, University of Alabama
Laura Bright, Texas Christian University
Trina Arnett, Trinalytics
Harish Valsan, Leo Burnett
Eric Schwieger, Leo Burnett
3: pm–5pm
Journal of Advertising Editorial Review Board Mtg
room: LaSalle
room: The Bull’s Head
Green Advertising/Environmental Product Marketing
—The “Just-Right Feeling” and Conservation Behaviors: The Role of
Regulatory Focus, Self-Construal and Involvement
Sun-Young Park, Rowan University
Doori Song, Youngstown State University
—Motivating Environmentally Friendly Behaviors: The Role of Perceived
Consumer Effectiveness Appeals in Public Service Announcements
Soo-Kyong Kim, Michigan State University
Nora J. Rifon, Michigan State University
—Exploring Hispanics’ Green Consumption: Applying The CognitiveAffect-Behavior Model
Analysis of Ad Agencies, Ad Professionals & Ad Research
—As Seen on TV: How The Pitch Depicts the Advertising Creative Process
Erin Schauster, Bradley University
Patrick Ferrucci, Bradley University
Kristin Sharkey, Bradley University
—How Practitioners at Hispanic-Oriented Agencies Develop Messages
that Resonate
Silvia Medrano, Louisiana State University
Kasey Windels, Louisiana State University
—Expert or Servant? Understanding how Account Managers Interpret
Client Interaction Styles
Sarah Turnbull, University of Portsmouth
—Thirty Years of Advertising Research in Leading Communication and
Marketing Journals: Learning from the Parent Disciplines
Kyongseok Kim, Towson University
Jameson L. Hayes, University of South Florida
J. Adam Avant, University of Georgia
Moderator: Jami Fullerton, Oklahoma State University
room: Merchants Hotel
Sigal Segev, Florida International University
Yu Liu, Florida International University
Maria Elena Villar, Florida International University
Galit Marmor-Lavie, University of Texas at Austin
Patricia Stout, University of Texas at Austin
Panelists: Kate Bednarski, 5 Stepping Stones
Shannon Smiley, Energy BBDO
Session 1.16:
room: Western Stage House
Chairs: Sponsored by Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group
Jinhee Lee, University of Tennessee
Jieun Lim, Chung-Ang University
Moderator: Sid Muralidharan, Southern Methodist University
How is Spirituality, Beyond Religion, Integrated in
room: Sauganash East
Session 1.13:
Session 1.15:
3pm–3: 30pm
Coffee Break
Green Advertising/Environmental Product Marketing (cont’d)...
—The Effects of Temporal Distance on Consumer Responses in Relation
to Green Advertising: Focusing on Skepticism as a Moderator
Moderator: Nate Evans, University of Georgia
Session 1.12:
room: The Bull’s Head
Session 1.14:
—Which Way to Go?: The Relative Effectiveness of Branded Advergames,
Banner Ads, and Pre-Roll Ads on Brand Recall in Video Games
Session 1.3 (cont’d)
room: Steamboat Hotel
Preparing Women and Minorities for Success and
Leadership in “Creative”
Jean Grow, Marquette University
Karen Mallia, University of South Carolina
Panelists: McGhee Osse Williams, Burrell Communications Group
Laurence Klinger, Lapiz
Jeanie Caggiano, Leo Burnett
Karen Mallia, University of South Carolina
5: 15pm–6: 15pm
AAA Members’ Meeting
room: Western Stage House
Join your officers and committee chairs to learn about current plans and
organizational updates. Ask your officers questions—and voice your opinion.
6: 30pm–8: 30pm
Reception/Buffet Dinner
Sponsored by: Western Michigan University
Desserts by: The Creative Circus
room: Wolf Point
The AAA welcome to the Conference. An opportunity to network with
your colleagues while enjoying a lavish buffet dinner.
FRIDAY, March 27 > > >
Session 1.11 (cont’d)
< < < SATURDAY, March 28
room: Merchants Hotel
Storytelling: Creating Immersive Worlds
SATURDAY, March 28
Chair: 7: 30am–8: 30am
Past-Presidents’ Strategic Planning Committee
room: Sauganash East
Conference Registration
room: Sauganash East
8: 30am–10am
Session 2.1:
room: Steamboat Hotel
Construal and Message Framing Effects
—“Where I Come From” Decides “How I Construe My Future”: The Fit
Effect of Culture, Temporal Distance and Construal Level
Dong Hoo Kim, University of North Carolina
Yongjun Sung, Korea University
—“What Am I to You?”: The Interplay of Perceived Brand Role and
Regulatory Focused Message on Advertising Persuasion
Dongwon Choi, University of Georgia
Vincent Cicchirillo, University of Texas at Austin
—Being the Same or Being Unique: The Interplay of Regulatory Focus
and Informational Cues in Advertising
Doori Song, Youngstown State University
—Is it Good for Me or Good for Somebody Else? A Test of the Effect
of Message Framing and Self-referencing on Message Engagement,
Attitude toward the Ad and Behavioral Intention
John G. Wirtz, University of Illinois
Thais Menezes Zimbres, University of Illinois
Moderator: Sukki Yoon, Bryant University
Session 2.2:
10am-10: 30am
room: Sauganash East
Sponsored by The University of Colorado
Jeff Williams, University of Texas at Arlington
Coffee Break
Panelists: Darren McColl, SapientNitro
room: Lake House
For Past-Presidents only.
Sabrina Habib, University of Texas at Arlington
room: Western Stage House
10: 30am–noon
Session 2.4
room: Steamboat Hotel
Sensory Processing: I Hear, I Smell, I See: How Our
Senses Influence Persuasion
—Sounds of Green: How Brand Name Sounds Metaphorically Convey
Environmental Friendliness
Pradnya Joshi, Michigan State University
Ann Kronod, Michigan State University
—Sniff Sniff, This Ad Smells Better: Olfactory Imagery and Individual
Differences in Sense of Smell
Meng-Hsien Lin, Iowa State University
Samantha N. Cross, Iowa State University
Russell N. Laczniak, Iowa State University
Terry L. Childers, Iowa State University
—The Impact of Augmented Reality on Self-Brand Connections and
Purchase Intentions
Tae Hyun Baek, University of Kentucky
Chan Y. Yoo, University of Kentucky
Sukki Yoon, Bryant University
—Tracking Users’ Visual Attention and Responses to Personalized
Advertising Based on Task Cognitive Demand
Hyejin Bang, University of Georgia
Bartosz W. Wojdynski, University of Georgia
Moderator: Jacqueline Hitchon, University of Illinois
Gender Matters
Session 2.5:
—The Role of Female Sexual-Self Schema in Reactions to Non-Explicit
Sexual Advertising Imagery
—Measuring Emotional Responses to Luxury and Premium Brands
James M. Mayer, Indiana University
Plamen P. Peev, Towson University
—Unpacking “Gay Vague” Advertising: The Case of Lesbian Chic
Abigail Nappier, University of Wisconsin
Robert Harrison, Western Michigan University
Ann Veeck, Western Michigan University
—Applying The Risk Information Seeking And Processing Model to the
Risk of Sexual Aggression Among Females Aged 18-25: Advertising
Gregory Calhoun, Marquette University
James Pokrywczynski, Marquette University
Robert Griffin, Marquette University
—A Retrospective Examination of Female Model Portrayals in Male
Youth-Targeted Cigarette Advertising
James M. Mayer, Indiana University
Moderator: Katherine Sredl, Loyola University Chicago
room: Western Stage House
Branding, Brand Placement and Memory
Jooyoung Kim, University of Georgia
Hyejin Bang, University of Georgia
Eun Sook Kwon, University of Georgia
—Implicit Learning of Brand Associations Through Brand Placement
Claudia C. Mich, Purdue University-Calumet
—In-Game Advertising in Fantasy Games: The Role of Thematic Congruity
Shana Verberckmoes, University of Antwerp
Karolien Poels, University of Antwerp
Laura Herrewijn, University of Antwerp
—I Have Seen that Brand Before! How do Consumers Recognize
Advertised Brands?: Brand Distinctiveness vs. Brand Differentiation
Il Young Ju, University of Florida
Jong Woo Jun, Dankook University
Moderator: Lu Zheng, University of Florida
SATURDAY, March 28 > > >
Session 2.3:
< < < SATURDAY, March 28
room: Merchants Hotel
Mental and Embodied Brand Knowledge and Implicit
and Explicit Processes for Advertising
Chair: Martin Waiguny, Auckland University of Technology
Panelists: Patrick Vargas, University of Illinois
Edith Smit, University of Amsterdam
Lisa Vandeberg, University of Amsterdam
Euejung Hwang, Auckland University of Technology
Awards Luncheon
Session 2.9: room: Merchants Hotel
Take a Seat, Grab a Chair, and Learn about Life as an
Chair: Steven M. Edwards, Southern Methodist University
Panelists: Alyse Lancaster, University of Miami
Tom Reichert, University of Georgia
Patricia Stout, University of Texas at Austin
Thomas Vogel, Emerson College
noon – 2pm
5: 15pm
room: Wolf Point
Meet some of AAA’s outstanding members who will be honored with various research, service, and teaching awards. Congratulate the winners of the Top Conference Paper and Top Student Paper. Honor the authors of the Best Journal Articles.
2pm–3: 30pm
Session 2.7: room: Steamboat Hotel
Off Site Event meet in: Hotel Lobby
6:00-8:00pm — Art Institute of Chicago
Sponsored by:
(Reception & Gallery Viewing)
•Michigan State University •University of Georgia
•University of Minnesota
SATURDAY, March 28 > > >
Session 2.6: •Southern Methodist University
•University of Illinois
•University of South Florida
Motivations for Media, Multi-tasking and Effects
—Multitasking with Second Screen Media: The Persuasive Effects and
Underlying Mechanisms of Multiscreening
SUNDAY, March 29
Claire M. Segijn, University of Amsterdam
—A Motivational Approach to Consumer Engagement in Social Media
Eunice Kim, University of Florida
8: 15am
—Advertising Acceptance in Mobile Social Networks (MSN): A Conceptual
Morning Coffee
—The Influence of Game Players’ Motivational Traits on Cognitive
Processing of In-Game Advertising
Session 3.1:
Moderator: Peter C. Neijens, University of Amsterdam
Session 2.8:
room: Western Stage House
—The Moderating Role of Relevance in Ad Repetition
Ann Kronrod, Michigan State University
Joel Huber, Duke University
—The Extended Match-Up Hypothesis Model: The Role of Self-Referencing
in Celebrity Endorsement Effects
SeungAe Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Wonyoung Kim, Wichita State University
Euy-jin Kim, Kookmin University
Jiyoon Karen Han, University of Texas at Austin
—What Explain Cross-Cultural Differences in Responses to Comparative
Advertising? Role of Perceived Informativeness, Perceived Assertiveness, Claim Believability, and Perceived Considerateness
Soojung Kim, University of Minnesota
Yoori Hwang, Myongji University
Se-Hoon Jeong, Korea University
—Measuring Consumers’ Responses To Negative Advertising: The
Tolerance Of Negativity (Ton) Scale
8: 30am–10am
Linwan Wu, University of Florida
Johnny Sparks, Central Michigan University
Sungwon Chung, Texas Tech University
Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Iowa State University
Russell N. Laczniak, Iowa State University
Darrel Muehling, Washington State University
Moderator: Chang Dae Ham, University of Illinois
room: 14th Floor Foyer
room: Merchants Hotel
Product Reviews
—Identity Disclosure, Claim Extremity, Product Knowledge, and Source
Credibility in Online Consumer Product Reviews
Ming-Ching Liang, University of Texas at Austin
—Individual and Social Factors Related to Social Media Word-of-Mouth
Product Reviews
Jiyoon Karen Han, University of Texas at Austin
Lee Ann Kahlor, University of Texas at Austin
—The Effect of Narrative vs. Structured Presentation Formats on the
Evaluation of Product Reviews and Attitudes Toward Products
Hana Na, Michigan State University
—The Credibility of Online Product Reviews: How Much Do Consumers
Trust Them?
Yan Shan, University of South Florida
Karen King, University of Georgia
Moderator: Faye (Fang) Yang, State University of New York System (SUNY)
Session 3.2:
“Social Good” Advertising
room: Steamboat Hotel
—Time Frame and Attribution Process of Cause-Related Marketing:
Moderating Roles of Self-Construal and Product Involvement
Seounmi Youn, Emerson College
Hyuksoo Kim, Ball State University
—Opinion Leadership and Proactive Engagement with Social Norm
Campaigns: A Case Study of the Empty Plate Movement
Ye Wang, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Yang Li, Shanghai University
SUNDAY, March 29 > > >
Session 3.4: (cont’d)
room: Merchants Hotel
Branding and Brand Strategy (cont’d)
“Social Good” Advertising (cont’d)
—The Effect of “Pink” in Breast Cancer Advertisements: How Saliency
Deters Intentions from a Protection Motivation Theory Perspective
—Effects of Repeated Brand Exposure on Memory for Other NonRepeated Brands
—The Influence of Mood and Information Processing Strategies on
Recall and Intention to Get a Flu Vaccine
Moderator: Michael Hanley, Ball State University
Michael Devlin, DePaul University
Sydney Dillard, DePaul University
Sela Sar, University of Illinois
George Anghelcev, Penn State University
John G. Wirtz, University of Illinois
Brittany R.L. Duff, University of Illinois
room: Western Stage House
—How Uses and Gratifications of Smartphone Apps Affect Attitudes
toward In-App Advertising
Kelty Logan, University of Colorado
—“My Name Is… and I’m a Binge Viewer”: An Exploratory Study of
Motivations for Binge Watching Behavior
Yoon Hi Sung, University of Texas at Austin
Eun Yeon Kang, University of Texas at Austin
Wei-Na Lee, University of Texas at Austin
—Thumbs Down to Facebook? Exploring Social Media Addiction Among
Millennials Using the Consumption Continuum Framework
Laura Bright, Texas Christian University
Stacy Landreth Grau, Texas Christian University
Susan Bardi Kleiser, Texas Christian University
—How Media Factors Influence Trust in Advertising for Baby Boomers:
A Consumer-Media Relationship Model of TV
Kristin Stewart, University of Texas at Austin
Mary Dunn, University of Texas at Austin
Isabella Cunningham, University of Texas at Austin
Moderator: Ruth E. Brown, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
10: 15am–11: 45am
Session 3.4:
room: Merchants Hotel
Branding and Brand Strategy
—Brand Association and Alliance on News Media: Exploration of Brand
Association Networks in International Airline Alliances
Ming-Ching Liang, University of Texas at Austin
Seokho Lee, University of Texas at Austin
Chih-Hao Chen, University of Texas at Austin
—When a Brand is at Risk: Strategic Brand Management with a Focus of
Core Competency and Self-Disclosure
Haley Heiser, Canisius College
Mark Yi-Cheon Yim, Canisius College
Paul Sauer, Canisius College
—“I Think I Just Saw Another Version of It”: An Investigation of Congruity
Effects Between Product Placement and Webpage Ad As Well As
Exposure Timing on Product Recognition
Shili Xiong, University of Illinois
Brittany R.L. Duff, University of Illinois
Jiachen Yao, University of Illinois
Session 3.5:
room: Steamboat Hotel
—Revisiting the Relationship Between Need for Cognition and Humor:
Evidence From Multiple Manifestations of the Humorous Experience
Motivations for Media Use and Advertising Effects
Hyun Jin, Queensland University of Technology
Yun-Oh Whang, University of Pittsburgh
Humor and Persuasion
Moderator: Rebecca Hayes, Illinois State University
Session 3.3: James M. Mayer, Indiana University
—Humor Effects in Shame-Inducing Health Issue Advertising: The
Moderating Effects of Fear of Negative Evaluation
Hyejin Yoon, Southern Methodist University
—Comedic Violence in Advertising: A Test of Gender Commonality
Charles S. Gulas, Wright State University
Kunal Swani, Wright State University
Marc G. Weinberger, University of Massachusetts
—Effective Humor Communication on eWOM for the Serious Collegerelated Anxiety Issue on Campus
Jiyoon Karen Han, University of Texas
Patricia Stout, University of Texas
Moderator: Hsu-Hsien Chi, Shih Hsin University
Session 3.6:
room: Western Stage House
Advertising Avoidance
—Perceptual and Attitudinal Factors Affecting Consumers’ Avoidance of
Location-Based Mobile Advertising (LBMA)
Wonsun Shin, Nanyang Technological University
Tsui-Chuan Trisha Lin, Nanyang Technological University
—5-Second Persuasion: The Effect of the Skip Function in Pre-Roll Advertising
Sang Chon Kim, University of Oklahoma
Doyle Yoon, University of Oklahoma
—The Interplay of Ad Choice and Involvement in Response to Online
Video Ad Interruption: A Mediating Role of Psychological Reactance
Regina Ahn, University of Illinois
Chang Dae Ham, University of Illinois
—Dual Processing Model of Ad Avoidance: Ad Relevance vs. Salience
Hyejin Bang, University of Georgia
Jooyoung Kim, University of Georgia
Doo Yeon Park, University of Georgia
Moderator: Juliana Fernandes, University of Miami
AAA 2015 C onference A djourns
M ark Y our C alendars N ow !
2015 AAA Global Conference
in conjunction with Auckland University of Technology
July 9 – 12, 2015
Auckland, New Zealand
2016 AAA Annual Conference
March 17 – 20, 2016
Seattle, Washington
< < < SUNDAY, March 29
room: Steamboat Hotel
SUNDAY, March 29 > > >
Session 3.2: (cont’d)