Volume 2, Issue 8 October 24, 2014 A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Epic Wigwam by: Maggie & Annika, 5th grade Even in the rain, our kids find fun things to do … for all As I write this email, I am watching the approaching storm. Winds are beginning to pick up, the clouds are getting gray and dark, and the sky is ready to unload with a downpour. This type of condition could frighten some, but being a native Oregonian, I have a different perspective. For me, the rainy season is time when my house slows down, when the chauffeuring to sporting events comes to a halt, and when we can do something as a family: talk and catch up, watch a movie together, or sit in the same room watching my kids doing homework. Sometimes just being present together is a gift too. The rain provides this opportunity to move at a slower pace and just rest inside the house. Thank goodness for Fall! Another Bucket Filling Drawing! In this issue. . . Ft. Vancouver At A Glance Germs Royals Rule! PTA News pg 2 pg 2 pg 3 pg 3 pg 4 Wigwam; now that is a fun word to say. Now you are wondering what a wigwam is. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it is a house that some of the native American tribes lived in during the summer. Have you ever read The Birchbark House by Louise Erdrich? Well one, if you have not read it you should and two, it has a lot of information about wigwams/birchbark houses. In class we are making models of wigwams using all natural things. We constructed our houses using bamboo and burlap and twine. Also, last but not least anything in our backyards or the neighborhood. We are really excited to finish our wigwams! The Buddy Bench by Eideann, 2nd grade The Buddy Bench is when no one wants to play. You look around some more then go to the Buddy Bench. When more people come to the bench you guys can all play together or people will come up to be your buddy. My dad showed me a picture of someone on a buddy bench. It inspired me to get Llewellyn a Buddy Bench too. Impor tant Dates October 24 Bark Dust Bonanza 2:30 – 5:30PM October 25 Bark Dust Bonanza 9:00AM – Noon October 26 Monster March 3:00PM October 28 PTA Pumpkin Carving Contest October 29&30 NO SCHOOL – Conferences October 31 NO SCHOOL November 3 Wreath Sales Begin November 4 PTA Meeting 7:00PM October 24, 2014 – Page 2 School by: Celia & Tess, 3rd grade Super! Cool Helpful Oh how fun! Oh what a nice School Lucky Black Cat by: Kellan, 3rd grade Furry clap, clap, clap Fuzzy clap, clap, clap Cute clap, clap, clap Unlucky clap, clap, clap Yowls clap, clap, clap Hiss clap, clap, clap Spit clap, clap, clap Meow clap, clap, clap As many of you are aware the district hired an outside consultant to test lead paint levels throughout our building. Test results are back and I have good news to share with you. Test results show lead paint dust levels are all well below federal standards. Test samples were taken in over 20 locations throughout the inside of our building. There were two locations that needed minor attention: extra cleaning of a window sill in the boys bathroom fresh paint on the steps up to the stage in the Cafetorium But again both were very minor findings and were taken care of immediately. If you have any questions about the testing or results, please join me next month and we’ll have a district expert on hand who can answer your questions. At A Glance Mrs. Streano by: Isabel, 4th grade Mrs. Streano’s 4th grade class is a great learning environment! So for this year we have been learning things in math about area and in science we are learning about Oaks Bottom. One of my favorite things we do in class is mapping, which I love! We are mapping Oregon. Some of the cities and rivers are Salem, Crooked River, Bend, Grande Rhonde River, Pendleton, Snake River and Portland of course! Also we do some pretty cool art projects like color, shades, and torn paper. Mrs. Streano does some great activities and she is a great teacher. I love my class! Fort Vancouver by: Alec & Nash, 4th grade On Tuesday our class went to Fort Vancouver. Fort Vancouver was a trading post of the Hudson Bay Company. Fort Vancouver is now a national park with people re-enacting jobs such as a blacksmith. There are also re-enactments of activities such as s trapping. All in all, Fort Vancouver is a one of the greatest places ever! PS – There are cannons there that don’t fire! Here in fourth grade, we are so happy that the weather has finally cooled down! Aside from all of the typical fall festivities, the fourth grade is just thrilled we aren’t sweating. Lots of exciting things are happening in our grade. We went to Ft. Vancouver this week. Some of our students experienced “hands on” what it was like to be at a fur trading post. In 4th grade this fall, it is all about Oregon geography and science. Currently, 4th grade is learning about landforms and water. In math, we just finished our first unit with a culminating area and perimeter challenge/art project. Check the halls for our geometric designs. We are now moving on to really big numbers. Look in the hallways for the “Great Walls of Base 10.” Many other artistic and literary endeavors are happening all around us as well, including classes that have had publishing parties, calligraphy tours, and poetry exhibits, and creative and festive artwork. The fifth grade has been having a busy year. Bike safety was a wonderful success and everyone had a great time on the community ride. Students, parents, and community volunteers rode through the neighborhood, Springwater Cooridor, and the Eastmoreland neighborhood. We rode on surface streets, bike paths, and in bike lanes. Students encountered all forms of bicycle situations. Students learned how to transform from a vehicle to a pedestrian and how to handle all different kinds of intersections. The practice was a great way for students to understand the rules of the road, right of way, and have fun learning. It was great to have the Bicycle Transportation Alliance help us with learning and the timing couldn’t have been better as bike and walk to school has just happened. Now it is time to get back to the class room and start practicing our reading, writing, and math skills for the up-coming Smarter Balanced state testing that is new this year. (This Week we Showcase 4th and 5th Grade) October 24, 2014 – Page 3 Nurse Notes by: Suzanne Fuoco, RN Greetings! As I write this, it is a rainy Monday after a spectacularly gorgeous weekend, and I have some thoughts to share regarding weekends and how this past one was profoundly different. It may give you and your family a new perspective. My neighbor contacted me a couple of weeks ago to host a house concert at my house (we have a large yard). I agreed, not knowing what I was in for! After much planning and many emails, it all came together. All of my neighbors and friends and family came together to eat food we all prepared, and listen to incredibly beautiful cello music and poetry. That, in and of itself, Germs is an amazing thing, yet the real point of all this is what happened next: every single person thanked me for bringing this together on a Sunday— to share a meal, conversation, and TIME. Each person joked that the day was so much more meaningful than the usual laundry/Trader Joe's trip. What I'd like to suggest is to help your children see that Sundays are great days to be together, to sit down and eat a meal together, and to truly savor a break. It's NOT the day to rush around and get it all done for the week. Trader Joe's and the laundry will still be there and guess what? People who slow down and enjoy meals together, live longer and happier by: Livia, Kindergarten At school we were looking at glow germs. After that we washed out hands. We even put soap on before we washed our hands. When you wash your hands you should sing the birthday song twice. We also learned not to stick our fingers in our nose or mouth or eyes. Germs can hurt your eyes. It was fun. Royals Rule! lives. It's good for you. I highly recommend it! It doesn't have to be a Big Deal ~ your kids will remember the dinners. They will not remember the rushed trips to get trail mix at Fred Meyer or Trader Joe's. Have a lovely week, people, and use this change of seasons to slow things down a bit! An Oaks Park Adventure by: Claire, 4th grade My class took a walking field trip to Oaks Bottom with Mrs. Clark's class. It was a sunny day. We saw lots of animals and plants on the trail. There were deer and lots of birds. I liked listening to the bird sounds. Mrs. Streano told us about purple loosestrife. It has beautiful purple flowers but is very invasive. Also, English Ivy is an invasive plant that grows in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge. We will have more walking field trips with Mrs. Streano and I am very excited to go back. by: Brett 3rd grade Hi, I am Brett and I am in the second grade. Do you know how you got your name? I am named after George Brett. He is a Hall of Fame player of the Kansas City Royals baseball team. The Royals are in the World Series, and they haven’t been in the playoffs in the last 29 years of baseball. The last time they were in the World Series was when George Brett played for them. So, I am excited that my Kansas City Royals are in the World Series. Go Royals! OSW by: Madeleine and Lila, 4th grade(Oregon Studies Weekly) Twice a month our class gets a newspaper called Oregon Studies Weekly (OSW). It is about facts that are about Oregon. In week four we talked about weather, energy, and regions. On the back there is a crossword puzzle. After reading OSW we do a quiz and event map or timeline for homework. OSW sounds boring but it’s actually really fun! Thank you to Officer Berg (pictured left) for attending The October Cup of Joe. As requested from the meeting: Nextdoor is the name of the neighborhood specific communication app for your smartphone. It allows the entire neighborhood to post messages about things from garage sales to suspicious behavior. https://nextdoor.com (Thank you Ms. Lattimore for getting this app for our community!) October 24, 2014 – Page 4 PTA News by: Eilidh Lowery, PTA Vice-President Create Community: Wear yellow, blue, or Llewellyn Gear on Fridays to show your school spirit! If you need gear drop us an email. Our new line of great looks will launch in January. Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editor: Mark Robb E-mail: jgalati@pps.net Writers: Kellan Whitehouse Livia Skalberg Celia Leedy Tess Belden Isabel Parra Alec LeClaire Nash Newton Brett Lundgren Madeleine Burns Lila Temple Eideann O'Riordan Claire Synder Maggie McCreery Annika Lovett No School 10/31 or 11/10-11 Enhance Learning: (Fundraising) Chinook Book Sales benefit our 5th grade outdoor school program. Get yours today in the office. Last chance to support your school by eating gelato. Atlas Scoops (behind Sock Dreams on 13th) will be giving us 10% of proceeds on Halloween! This coming Tuesday, October 28th enjoy lunch or dinner at Salvador Molly’s at 4729 SE Milwaukie Ave. The PTA will receive 20% of all Llewellyn sales so be sure to let your server know you want to be counted! Candy Buy-Back at Aspire Dental. Receive $1 per pound of candy and a prize bag filled with surprises from local businesses. Candy will be donated to deployed military troops. Kids will also have the opportunity to earn fabulous prizes for the PTA! Open November 3rd-7th 7:30am-5:15pm. Organize Volunteers: Go back to recess! Sign up to help our students have safe and fun outdoor play time. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054aa8ad29aaf58-recess Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions- llewellynpta@gmail.com Updates & more info can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/LlewellynParents www.llewellynpta.com Llewellyn PTA's HOLIDAY WREATH SALE starts The Annual Wreath November 3rd! "Jingle bells, jingle bells..." Yep, that's Sale is approaching! right, it really is time to start thinking about the holidays! Make your home festive AND support Llewellyn by purchasing a beautiful Holiday Wreath, Bark Basket Centerpiece, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, or Cedar Garland, all handcrafted by Portland-based Teufel Holly Farms. An order form will be sent home with your child Monday, November 3rd. TO ORDER: Fill out the Wreath Order Form and return it with payment to your child's teacher by Friday, November 14th. Your pre-ordered wreaths and other greenery will be ready for pick-up after school on Friday, December 5th. THANK YOU for supporting Llewellyn and please contact me with any questions! Shannon Nelson (nelson.shannon@comcast.net) Book Fair News! If you missed this week’s Book Fair or want to shop from home you can order online until Friday, November 7. Go to http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/ and find Llewellyn’s fair. Orders will be delivered free to Llewellyn. You can pick them up or have them sent home with your child. Thanks for the amazing support of the library and classrooms at our Book Fair! LOST AND FOUND: The October Lost and Found Items will be prominently displayed inside the front doors of school during Parent/Teacher conferences. Please take a moment to look through the items while you are at Llewellyn for your conference. At the end of the day on Thursday, October 30th, the items will be cleared out to be donated to the PPS Clothing Center. (As always, if there is a name on the item, every effort will be made to reunite the piece of clothing with its owner!) Thank you!