Musical Mysteries Worksheet for Lesson Plan 3 Word Rhythm Using the sounds from the Marble Arch Caves Robbie has made up five ‘word rhythms’. Read each one several times. Then with a partner do the following: 1. say the word and clap the rhythm several times. 2. whisper the words and clap the rhythm several times. 3. think the words and clap the rhythm several times. Then take it in turns to play a game with your partner. Choose a ‘word rhythm’ and clap it. Ask your partner to tell you what it is. EACH =1 CLAP Dripping Water Footsteps Dog Barking Rowing Boat Caver Hammering When you are good at the game, try making up some of your own ‘word rhythms’ using each other’s names. For example: JESSICA MacDONALD Instead of clapping, this time use a xylophone to tap out the rhythm. B B C Northern Ireland Schools