UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference September 17-19, 2007 Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA •Clinical Forensic Medicine Institute September 17-19 •California DEC Institute September 17-19 •Post-Conference Institute with Dan Siegel, MD September 20 Enroll Early—Space is Limited Jointly Sponsored by: Office of Continuing Medical Education, UC Davis Health System CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis Children’s Hospital California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center at UC Davis The Center for Human Services, UC Davis Extension R e g ister O n l ine : w w w. canconference . com Twenty-Sixth Annual UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference: September 17 - 19, 2007 • Clinical Forensic Medicine Institute, September 17-19 • California Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Institute, September 17-19 • Post-Conference Institute with Dan Siegel, MD, September 20 An Interpersonal Neurobiology of Psychotherapy: Relationships, the Brain, and the Development of Well-Being WHO SHOULD ATTEND? The Twenty-Sixth Annual UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference and accompanying institutes are designed for professionals involved in the investigation, evaluation, and treatment of abused and neglected children and triers of fact. The conference is planned to advance knowledge and practice standards of professionals in the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, mental health, and criminal and juvenile justice. For workshop descriptions, visit www.canconference.com TWO CONFERENCES WITHIN A CONFERENCE California Drug Endangered Children (DEC) Institute Significant developments are occurring throughout the nation in all fields regarding Drug Endangered Children (DEC). The purpose of this institute is to advance knowledge and practice standards for professionals specializing in this important field. The institute features workshops on community drug intervention strategies and the roles of law enforcement, social workers, and prosecutors in ensuring coordinated intervention for optimal outcomes. The medical, mental health, and neurodevelopmental outcomes for children are also the focus of this institute. Program sustainability and recent research are additional highlights. Clinical Forensic Medicine Institute Clinical forensic medicine is rapidly emerging as a field of specialized clinical practice, training, and research. Clinical forensic medicine addresses the interface of medicine and the law. The California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center at UC Davis is on the cutting edge of this field statewide, nationally, and internationally. Interpersonal violence has given rise to this developing branch of science. Our vision is to provide leadership and support for the development of this interdisciplinary subspecialty field. This institute supports that vision by: teaching victimcentered approaches; promoting the team approach for clinical forensic medical care; endorsing and supporting victim advocacy; promoting scientific, evidence-based practice; and collaborating with all involved disciplines. POST-CONFERENCE INSTITUTE With Dan Siegel, MD Daniel J. Siegel, MD is an award-winning educator and author who studies family interactions with an emphasis on how attachment experiences influence emotions, behavior, autobiographical memory and narrative, and the interface of human relationships and basic biological processes. His is the co-editor of a handbook of psychiatry and author of numerous articles, chapters, and the internationally acclaimed text, The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience (1999). He co-authored with Mary Hartzell, MEd, Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive (2003), which explores the application of this newly emerging view of the mind, the brain, and human relationships. Dr. Siegel’s goal is to provide a scientifically grounded view of human experience to a wide audience to help facilitate the development of psychological well-being and emotional resilience across the lifespan. This one-day seminar will be exciting, moving, and ground breaking for all in attendance. See page 6 for seminar details. 1 EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES By attending this conference, attendees should be able to: 1.Develop knowledge, skills, and abilities about the following mental health and development issues experienced by abused and neglected infants and children, and intervention strategies: • chronic stress in infants and young children • neurodevelopmental needs of children from birth to age three • children emerging from chaotic homes involving domestic violence, drug manufacturing, or heavy drug usage • male victims of sexual assault • traumatic bonding, traumatic grief, and recovery • psychotropic medication issues for abused and neglected children • assessing and treating sexual behavioral problems 2.Gain an understanding about interviewing, medical examinations, and findings: • advanced techniques in interviewing • extended forensic interview evaluation model • use of telemedicine to expand expertise of examiners in rural areas • literature basis for interpretation of findings in child sexual abuse cases • traumatic brain injury • fetal alcohol syndrome • failure to thrive and child neglect 3.Acquire knowledge about key concepts and promising practices in the field of social services intervention: • team decision making • differential response • disproportionality 4.Gain knowledge about the needs of children in foster care: • speech and language delays • educational issues facing children in foster care • working effectively with young foster children 5.Learn about new developments in clinical forensic medicine: • non-stranger (acquaintance) rapists as predators • assessment, description, and photo documentation of bodily injuries, and evidence recovery • consentual intercourse research study • evaluating the sexual assault forensic and scientific literature • team development 6.Acquire knowledge about Drug Endangered Children (DEC): • DEC as a community drug intervention strategy • law enforcement, social services, and prosecution roles for best outcomes • medical assessments, health hazards for children and first responders, and child developmental and neurodevelopmental outcomes • latest research developments See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com Schedule of Events S U N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 16 , 20 07 6:00-8:00 PM Pre-Conference Check-In M o nday, S eptember 17, 20 07 7:00 AM Conference Check-In and Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM 9:15 AM General Assembly Welcome Marilyn Strachan Peterson, MSW, MPA General Assembly Keynote: Drug Endangered Children From Risk to Resiliency Kiti Freier, PhD 10:15-10:30 AM Break 10:30 - 12:00 PM WORKSHOPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12:00 PM 12:40 PM 12:45 PM 1:30-1:45 PM Kiti Freier, PhD How Effective Are Family Treatment Drug Courts? Outcomes from a Four-Site National Study Beth L. Green, PhD Chronic Stress in Infants and Young Children Barbara McCarroll, PhD Speech and Language Disorders in Abused and Neglected Children Aimee Bord, MA, CC-SLP Advanced Techniques in Interviewing Children Kim Berardi, MSW Case Presentations for Inflicted Traumatic Brain Injury Kevin Coulter, MD and Sandy Gorges, MD Qualifying and Testifying as an Expert Witness John E. B. Myers, JD Drug Endangered Children: What is DEC? A Community Drug Intervention Strategy Chief Mitch Brown and Detective Brandi Swan Non-Stranger Rapists: Behavior and Characteristics - Part I David Lisak, PhD Luncheon Welcome and Introductions Anthony Philipps, MD Luncheon Keynote: The Only Constant Is Change Jack Gallagher Break 1:45-3:15 PM Workshops 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 3:15-3:30 PM Neurodevelopmental Needs of 0-3 Year Old Infants Kiti Freier, PhD Talking to Parents About Their Children’s Special Needs Michele Rogers, MA Promising New Practices in Foster Care Using Team Decision Making Karri Biehle, MSW and Pat Senna, MS Updates on Sexually Transmitted Disease Deborah Stewart, MD Understanding the Ecology of Child Maltreatment: A Review of the Literature and Directions for Future Research Bridget Freisthler, PhD Substance Abuse: Dual Diagnosis - Part I Alex Stalcup, MD Law Enforcement and Prosecutor Roles in DEC Investigations Steve Hirsch, JD and Clare Keithley, JD Jack Gallagher Non-Stranger Rapists: Investigation and Prosecution - Part II David Lisak, PhD Break See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com 2 3:30-5:00 PM WORKSHOPS 17. Children of Chaos: Identifying and Treating Young Children from Families of Domestic Violence, Drug Abuse, and Child Abuse David Love, MFT Assessing Development and Social-Emotional Health in Children Using a Variety of Tools Michele Rogers, MA Differential Response: California’s Retooling of Child Protective Services’ Emergency Response System Marian Kubiak, MSW and Karen Parker, MSW Male Victims of Sexual Assault David Lisak, PhD Forensic Reality: It’s Not CSI Cathy Boyle, PNP (moderator); Anne Alexis, PA-C; Carol O’Callaghan, FNP-C; Glennie Trestler, FNP; Ana Ross, PA-C; Sydney Scanlon-Davis, FNP-C; Patricia Daugherty, PA-C; and Cindy Truong, PA-C Substance Abuse: Dual Diagnosis - Part II Alex Stalcup, MD The Social Worker’s Role in DEC Investigations Desiree Wallis-Vance, MSW and Emilio I. Mendoza, MSW Bodily Injuries: Assessment, Description, and Photo Documentation William Green, MD and Elliot Schulman, MD, MPH Photo Review - Northern California Medical Examiners 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 5:00 PM T uesday, S eptember 18 , 20 07 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:15-10:30 AM Conference Check-In and Continental Breakfast General Assembly Welcome Anthony Urquiza, PhD General Assembly Keynote: Evidence-Supported Treatments for Abused and Traumatized Children: Why Don’t We Use Them? Benjamin Saunders, PhD Break 10:30 - 12:00 PM Workshops 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 12:00 PM Traumatic Bonding Benjamin Saunders, PhD David Corwin, MD The Moving Dialogue: A Mindful Somatic Treatment Proposal for Repairing Mother and Baby Birth-Trauma Manuela Mischke-Reed, PhD Weaving Parent Partners into the Delivery of Child Welfare Services Gregory Clover and Deborah K. Yip, MSW Practical Issues in the Use of Telemedicine to Assist in Pediatric Sexual Assault Exams Kristi MacLeod, MD (moderator); Cathy Boyle, PNP; Sheridan Miyamoto, FNP; and Juan Trujano Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Foster Care Population: Recognition and Best Practices for Advocacy Deborah Stewart, MD Effective Examiner Testimony: A Multidisciplinary Approach William Green, MD and Valerie Zucker, JD Developmental Concerns of Drug Endangered Children Kiti Freier, PhD Consensual Intercourse Research Study Hillary Larkin, PA-C Lunch - on your own 1:15 - 2:45 PM Workshops 33. 34. 35. 36. 3 When Sexual Abuse Is the Least of Their Problems: Multiple Victimization of Children and Adolescents Benjamin Saunders, PhD Children of Chaos: Identifying and Treating Young Children from Families of Domestic Violence, Drug Abuse, and Child Abuse David Love, MFT (Repeat) Preschool to High School - Educational Issues Facing Children in Foster Care Robert Byrd, MD, MPH Extended Forensic Interview Evaluation Model Connie Carnes, MS, LPC See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com 37. 38. 39. 40. 2:45-3:00 The Continuum of Family Support: The Contribution of Child Welfare Services and Juvenile Justice Deborah K. Yip, MSW Patient Privilege and Patient Records: How Protected Are They? Terri Ravandi, JD, CWLS (moderator); Kara Hatfield, JD; Jayanthi Kasiraj, PhD; and Ana Orlawsky, JD Health Hazards in the Drug Home: Through the Eyes of a Child Angela Rosas, MD Sexual Assault Forensic and Scientific Literature: A Review and Critique William Green, MD and Elliot Schulman, MD Break 3:00-4:30 PM WORKSHOPS 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 4:30-6:00 PM Traumatic Bonding David Corwin, MD (Repeat) Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT): An Overview Lareina Ho, EdD and Leslie Whitten, MFT Working Effectively with Young Foster Children Mary C. Hargrave, PhD Extended Forensic Interview Evaluation Model Connie Carnes, MS, LPC (Repeat) Newborn Substance Exposure: Policy Implications Kathyrn Wells, MD, FAAP In Pursuit of Educational Equality: Addressing the Symptoms of Trauma in the School Setting Katie Ford, JD; Sonia Frenandez, JD; Elizabeth Gonzales, PhD; and Kevin Huntington, MSW Potential Chemical Exposures Associated with the Use and Manufacture of Methamphetamine and the Implications for Children John Martyny, PhD, CIH Forensic Photo Documentation for Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, and Adult Protective Services William Green, MD; Elliot Schulman, MD; and Sandy Weiss, BCEP, PI Conference Networking Reception W ednesday, S eptember 19, 20 07 7:30 AM Conference Check-In and Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM General Assembly Welcome Deborah Stewart, MD General Assembly Keynote: How Social Interaction Generates Resilience or Trauma in Infants and Young Children Ed Tronick, PhD Break 9:15 AM 10:15-10:30 AM Ed Tronick, PhD 10:30 – 12:00 PM WORKSHOPS 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 12:00 PM Psychotropic Medications: Issues for Abused and Neglected Children Celeste Wiser, MD PCIT Research Poster Presentations Nancy Zebell, PhD and Susan Timmer, PhD Children and Grief: A Unique Program of Support and Healing Michael Durfee, MD and Linda Garcia, MA, CCLS Review of the Literature on Medical Findings of Non-Abused Children Kevin Coulter, MD Failure to Thrive and Child Neglect Carol Berkowitz, MD Understanding and Treating the Youthful Sex Offender David Love, MFT Medical Assessment of Drug Endangered Children Kathryn Wells, MD, FAAP The State of SARTs in California Brooke Allison, MA (moderator); Manveen Meenu Dhindsa; William Green, MD; and Marilyn Strachan Peterson, MSW, MPA Lunch - on your own See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com 4 1:15 - 2:45 PM Workshops Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: What We Know and What We Don’t Know Toni Cavanagh Johnson, PhD The Disorganized Relational Nature of Development and Its Therapeutic Opportunities Ed Tronick, PhD Disproportionality - Part I Rita Cameron Wedding, PhD Literature Basis for Interpretation of Acute Sexual Abuse Related Anogenital Injuries Marilyn Kaufhold, MD Fatal Child Abuse and Consultations with Coroners Carol Berkowitz, MD Dual Status: When Dependency Crosses the Line to Delinquency Annette Feldman, JD, CWLS and Michael Linardi, JD DEC: What’s New in DEC Research and Multidisciplinary Database Development? Kristen Rogers, PhD and Deborah Stewart, MD Struggling to be SAFE and SANE Malinda Wheeler, RN, MN, FNP, SANE-A (moderator); Hillary Larkin PA-C; Claire Nelli, RN, SANE; and Ann M. Brennan, RN, MS, NP Break 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 2:45-3:00 PM 3:00 - 4:30 PM Workshops 65. Children with Sexual Behavior Problems: What We Know and What We Don’t Know Toni Cavanagh Johnson, PhD (Repeat) Home is Where We Start From: Providing PCIT with Young Children and Their Caregivers in Home-Based Settings Sharon Rae Zone, LCSW Disproportionality - Part II Rita Cameron Wedding, PhD Literature Basis for Non-Acute Sexual Abuse Related Anogenital Injuries Marilyn Kaufhold, MD Understanding Attachment: What Are the Resiliency and Toxic Factors? Jayanthi Kasiraj, PhD and Dawn Blacker, PhD Special Issues Facing Dependent Children: Testifying in a Criminal Trial as a Victim-Witness Michael Hansell, JD, CWLS; Christie Guisti, JD, PsyD; and Robin B. Shakely, JD Sustainability of DEC Programs in California Commander Lori Moriarty Optimizing Evidence Recovery Jill Spriggs, MBA Conference Adjourns 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 4:30 PM Disclosure As a sponsor accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, the UC Davis Health System, Office of Continuing Medical Education must ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all individually or jointly sponsored educational activities. Speakers, moderators, panel members and planning committee members participating in a sponsored activity are expected to disclose to the audience any significant financial interests or other relationships with manufacturers of commercial products and/or providers of commercial services that will be discussed in their presentations. The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent speakers with significant financial or other relationships from making presentations. Rather, disclosure allows listeners to determine if content is evidence based and free of commercial bias, and it demonstrates how speakers will resolve conflict when it exists. All presenters must agree to provide verbal disclosure prior to presentations. A complete disclosure statement and acknowledgment of commercial support for this program will be included in the syllabus provided at the activity. CALIFORNIA AB 1195 With the passage of California Assembly Bill 1195, signed November 2005, continuing medical education courses with patient care components are required to include curricula in the subject of cultural and linguistic competency. It is the intent of the bill, which went into effect on July 1, 2006, to encourage physicians and surgeons, CME providers in the state of California, and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to meet the cultural and linguistic concerns of a diverse patient population through appropriate professional development. The planners, speakers and authors of this CME activity have been encouraged to address issues relevant in their topic area. In addition, a variety of resources are available to address cultural and linguistic competency, some of which will be included in the syllabus or handout materials. Additional resources and information about CA AB 1195 can be found on our website at http://cme.ucdavis.edu. 5 See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com Post-Conference Institute with Dan Siegel, MD Thursday, September 20 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM Hyatt Regency, Sacramento An Interpersonal Neurobiology of Psychotherapy: Relationships, the Brain, and the Development of Well-Being This cutting edge event will enable attendees to learn the basic tenets of Interpersonal Neurobiology: • The mind is a process that regulates the flow of energy and information • The mind emerges within the interaction of the internal processes of the brain and body and interpersonal dynamics • The mind develops as the genetically programmed maturation of the nervous system and is shaped by ongoing experience • Genes and experience contribute to the formation of the brain and mind • Experience (neural activation) shapes connections in the brain via synapse formation and neuronal growth • Mental processes shape neural connections, which, in turn, shape About Dan Siegel: mental processes Daniel Siegel, MD is currently Dr. Siegel will discuss the domains of integration an associate clinical professor and how they relate to achieving self-awareness, of psychiatry at the UCLA self-acceptance, a sense of well-being, and School of Medicine. There he the ability to form healthy adaptations to life’s is co-director of the Mindful challenges. This presentation will facilitate Awareness Research Center understanding about a new dimension to the and on the faculty of the provision of psychotherapy and interventions Center for Culture, Brain, and Development. Dr. Siegel is provided by a range of practitioners across the founding editor of the disciplines. 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:15 PM 4:30 PM Institute Check-In and Continental Breakfast Program Lunch – on your own Program Adjourn Registration includes program materials, continental breakfast, and afternoon break. Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology and author of the internationally acclaimed bestselling text, The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience (1999). Dr. Siegel’s most recently released text, The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well-Being, is now available. 6 Directors and Faculty Anthony Philipps, MD, Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA CONFERENCE DIRECTORS Marilyn Strachan Peterson, MSW, MPA, Director, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Deborah Stewart, MD, Medical Director, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA CONFERENCE FACULTY Anne Alexis, PA-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Brooke Allison, MA, Executive Consultant, Loomis, CA Kim Berardi, MSW, Forensic Interview Specialist, Sacramento County Multi-Disciplinary Interview Center, Sacramento, CA Carol Berkowitz, MD, Executive Vice Chair, Department of Pediatrics, UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA Karri Biehle, MSW, Program Planner, Redesign Implementation Team, Sacramento County Child Protective Services, Sacramento, CA Dawn Blacker, PhD, Supervising Psychologist II, Training Director, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Aimee Bord, MA, CCC-SLP, Senior Speech Pathologist, UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, Sacramento, CA Cathy Boyle, PNP, CAARE Team Coordinator, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Ann M. Brennan, RN, MS, NP, Trauma Recovery/Rape Treatment Center, San Francisco, CA Mitch Brown, MA, Chief of Police, City of Oroville, Oroville, CA Robert Byrd, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA Connie Carnes, MS, LPC, Director, The Renewal Center, Huntsville, AL Gregory Clover, Instructor, Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, The Center for Human Services, UC Davis Extension, Davis, CA David Corwin, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Primary Children’s Center for Safe and Healthy Families, Salt Lake City, UT Kevin Coulter, MD, Chief, General Pediatrics, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Patricia Daugherty, PA-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Manveen Meenu Dhindsa, Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, Davis, CA Michael Durfee, MD, Chief Consultant, Interagency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect, National Center on Child Fatality Review, Los Angeles, CA Annette Feldman, JD, CWLS, Managing Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA Katie Ford, JD, Attorney, EJW Fellow, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA Kiti Freier, PhD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Loma Linda University, San Bernardino, CA Bridget Freisthler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Welfare, UCLA School of Public Affairs, Los Angeles, CA Jack Gallagher, Entertainer, Sacramento, CA Linda Garcia, MA, CCLS, Manager, Child Development Services, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA Elizabeth Gonzales, PhD, Psychologist, Pittsburg Unified School District, Oakley, CA Sandy Gorges, MD, Associate Professor, Director Pediatric Imaging, Department of Radiology, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA Beth L. Green, PhD, Vice President, Senior Research Associate, NPC Research, Portland, OR William Green, MD, Director, Sexual Assault Clinical Forensic Medical Education, California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center, UC Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, CA Christie Guisti, JD, PsyD, Staff Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA Michael Hansell, JD, CWLS, Supervising Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA Mary C. Hargrave, PhD, President, CEO, River Oak Center for Children, Carmichael, CA Kara Hatfield, JD, Staff Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA 7 Steve Hirsch, JD, Deputy Probation Officer, Sonoma County Narcotic Task Force, Santa Rosa, CA Lareina Ho, EdD, Clinical Specialist, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Kevin Huntington, MSW, Social Worker, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Toni Cavanagh Johnson, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, South Pasadena, CA Jayanthi Kasiraj, PhD, Psychologist, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Marilyn Kaufhold, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Chadwick Center for Children and Families, Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego, Director, Child Sexual Abuse Clinical Forensic Medical Education, California Clinical Forensic Medical Training Center, San Diego, CA Clare Keithley, JD, Deputy District Attorney, Butte County, Oroville, CA Marian Kubiak, MSW, Program Manager, Sacramento County Child Protective Services, Sacramento, CA Hillary Larkin, PA-C, Director of Medical Sexual Assault Services, Department of Emergency Medicine, Alameda County Medical Center, Oakland, CA Michael Linardi, JD, Supervising Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA David Lisak, PhD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics, University of Massachusetts Boston, Framingham, MA David Love, MFT, Executive Director, Founder, Valley Community Counseling Services, Inc., Stockton, CA Kristi MacLeod, MD, Pediatric Fellow, Volunteer Clinical Faculty, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA John Martyny, PhD, CIH, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Barbara McCarroll, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Napa County Therapeutic Child Care Center, Ross, CA Emilio I. Mendoza, MSW, Program Manager, Drug Endangered Children Task Force, Coordinating Supervisor, Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services Multi-Agency Response Team, Compton, CA Manuela Mischke-Reed, PhD, Psychotherapist, Private Practice, San Francisco, CA Sheridan Miyamoto, FNP, Child Protective Custody Medical Clearance Exam Coordinator, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Lori Moriarty, Commander, North Metro Drug Task Force, Thorton, CO John E.B. Myers, JD, Distinguished Scholar and Professor, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, CA Claire Nelli, RN, SANE, Executive Program Director, Independent Forensic Services, San Diego, CA Carol O’Callaghan, FNP-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Ana Orlawsky, JD, Counsel, UC Davis Health System, Sacramento, CA Karen Parker, MSW, Program Planner, Sacramento County Child Protective Services, Sacramento, CA Terri Ravandi, JD, CWLS, Managing Attorney, Sacramento Child Advocates, Inc., Sacramento, CA Kristen Rogers, PhD, Assistant Researcher of Pediatrics, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Michele Rogers, MA, Executive Director, Early Learning Institute, Sonoma, CA Angela Rosas, MD, Director, Children’s Specialists Medical Group, Sutter Children’s Center, Sacramento, CA Ana Ross, PA-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Benjamin Saunders, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, Charleston, SC Sydney Scanlon-Davis, FNP-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Elliot Schulman, MD, MPH, Health Officer, Medical Director, Santa Barbara County Public Health Department, Santa Barbara, CA Pat Senna, MS, Sacramento County Child Protective Services, Sacramento, CA Robin B. Shakely, JD, Sacramento County Deputy District Attorney, Sacramento, CA See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com Jill Spriggs, MBA, Assistant Bureau Chief, California Department of Justice, Sacramento, CA Alex Stalcup, MD, Director, The New Leaf Learning Center, Lafayette, CA Brandi Swan, Detective, Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, Riverside, CA Susan Timmer, PhD, Research Coordinator, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Glennie Trestler, FNP, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Ed Tronick, PhD, Director, Child Development Unit, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA Juan Trujano, Programmer, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Cindy Truong, PA-C, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Anthony Urquiza, PhD, Director, Mental Health Services, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Desiree Wallis-Vance, MSW, Senior Social Worker, Butte County Children’s Services and Butte Interagency Narcotics Task Force, Oroville, CA Rita Cameron Wedding, PhD, Professor and Coordinator, Women’s Studies, Sacramento State University, Sacramento, CA Sandy Weiss, BCEP, PI, Forensic Evidence Photography Consultant and Educator, Packer Engineering, Inc., Naperville, IL Kathryn Wells, MD, FAAP, Medical Director, Denver Family Crisis Center, Denver, CO Malinda Wheeler, RN, MN, FNP, SANE-A, Director, Forensic Nurse Specialists, Inc., Long Beach, CA Leslie Whitten, MFT, Clinical Specialist, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Celeste Wiser, MD, Psychiatrist, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Deborah K. Yip, MSW, Director, Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice, The Center for Human Services, UC Davis Extension, Davis, CA Nancy Zebell, PhD, Psychologist II, CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Sharon Rae Zone, LCSW, Program Manager, UC Davis Children’s Hospital, Sacramento, CA Valerie Zucker, JD, Supervising Deputy District Attorney, Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, Riverside, CA CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS ACCREDITATION: A Maximum of 22.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint sponsorship of The Office of Continuing Medical Education at UC Davis Health System and the CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center, UC Davis Children’s Hospital. The Office of Continuing Medical Education of the UC Davis Health System is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Physician Credit: The Office of Continuing Medical Education of the University of California, Davis, Health System (School of Medicine, Medical Center and Medical Group) designates this educational activity for a maximum of 22.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ of the Physician’s Recognition Award of the American Medical Association. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Family Physicians: Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending. The following may apply CME Category 1 credit for license renewal. Physician Assistants: The National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) states that AMA accredited Category 1 courses are acceptable for continuing medical education requirements for recertification. Psychologists: This educational activity is recognized by the California Board of Psychology as meeting the continuing education requirements toward license renewal for California psychologist (self reporting required). Registered Nurses: The California Board of Registered Nursing accepts CME Category 1 credit toward license renewal. On the BRN license renewal form, report the number of hours you attended (up to 22.5 hours of credit) and fill in “CME Category 1” for the provider number. ADDITIONAL ACCREDITATIONS MFT’s and LCSW’s: UC Davis Health System Office of Continuing Medical Education, Provider No. PCE 2354. This course meets the qualifications for 22.5 hours of continuing education credit for marriage and family therapists and/or licensed clinical social workers as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Participants must attend the entire course, write license number on the roster, and complete the course evaluation to earn credit. Single day credit is 6 hours for Monday and 5.5 hours each for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Attorneys: The CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center certifies that an application to approve this activity for MCLE credit is pending with the State Bar of California. UC DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM CME MISSION The Office of Continuing Medical Education at the University of California, Davis, Health System (School of Medicine, Medical Center and Medical Group) offers physicians and other health-care professionals educational opportunities that foster excellence in patient care. In concert with the overall mission of the UC Davis Health System, our endeavor is supported by the Office of Continuing Medical Education Advisory Committee to ensure that activities comply with the Essentials and Standards of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. We support the concept of continuous undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate medical education throughout the lifetime of the healthcare professional. To achieve our mission, we support the expansion of both traditional and innovative modes of learning. See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com 8 Conference and Registration Information WORKSHOP ASSIGNMENTS AND TUITION Workshop space is limited. Sessions will be assigned in the order in which registrations are received, and workshops will be closed for new enrollment once filled. Second choices will be accommodated whenever possible. Priority will be given to three-day registrants. Please note those workshops that are conducted in multiple parts or repeated. Tuition includes continental breakfast and breaks each day, lunch for those enrolled on Monday, and Tuesday’s reception with no-host beverages. Online Registration ! E SAV Register online at www.canconference.com. Those who enroll online will save $40 off the mail-in rate for threeday registration and $25 off the mail-in rate for one-day registration. Group Discounts Groups of five or more from the same agency are eligible to receive a discount of $20 per attendee. Register online at www.canconference.com or submit all applications for your group together when registering by mail or fax. Group discounts will not be granted retroactively. Sorry, no exceptions. CANCELLATIONS AND Refunds Refunds for cancellations must be requested in writing by August 17, 2007, and will be subject to a $50 service charge. Refunds will not be made for cancellations postmarked after August 17, 2007, or for those who register but do not attend. UC Davis Children’s Hospital reserves the right to cancel this program. In such case, a full refund will be given. Purchase Orders Purchase Orders (POs) are accepted. In order to complete your registration when paying by PO, you must fax a copy of the PO with your enrollment number on the cover page to (916) 734-5644, attention: registrar. Confirmation of Enrollment Enrollment confirmation notices will be emailed to applicants who provide their email address. Email addresses will not be shared with outside organizations. Badge Sharing Badge sharing is the sole responsibility of the individuals within a group. How to Register Register online at www.canconference.com; or Fax your enrollment to (916) 734-5644; or Mail your enrollment with credit card information, purchase order number, or check made payable to UC Regents, to: UC Davis CAARE Center 3300 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95820 Attention: Registrar Conference Accommodations Hyatt Regency, Sacramento 1209 L Street Sacramento, California 95814 (916) 443-1234 Staying at the Hyatt Regency, Sacramento helps UC Davis meet contractual obligations with the hotel and helps keep future enrollment fee increases to a minimum. We ask you to consider the Hyatt Regency, Sacramento when making your travel arrangements. 9 A limited block of rooms is reserved until 5:00 pm September 2, 2007 for conference participants at the discounted rate of $152/single occupancy, $177/double, $202/triple, $227/quadruple plus sales and hotel tax. Reservations can be made by calling the Hyatt at (916) 443-1234. Indicate you are with the UC Davis Child Abuse Conference to receive the discounted rate. After September 2, rooms and rates will be based on availability. conference Location Conference and institute registration, general sessions and most workshops will take place at the Hyatt Regency, Sacramento. Additional conference workshops will be held at the Sacramento Convention Center located next to the Hyatt. Check in at the conference registration desk prior to your first workshop for conference materials and meeting room assignments. Parking Discounted daytime self-parking is available for conference attendees at the Hyatt Regency for $10 per day. Conference attendees not registered as hotel guests must request a discount voucher from the conference registration desk before leaving the garage to receive this rate. Overnight self-parking is available for registered hotel guests for $20 per night (current rate as of date of publication). Entrance to the Hyatt parking garage is on 12th Street. This lot often fills in the morning. Additional parking is available at AMPCO Parking, 1100 J Street, for $11 if arriving before 8:30 a.m. and departing before 6:00 p.m. (current rate as of date of publication). Other public lots are available. Light rail and bus schedules can be seen at www.sacrt.com. GROUND TRANSPORTATION Contact SuperShuttle at 800-258-3826 or visit supershuttle.com for information and reservations for transportation from the Sacramento International Airport to the Hyatt. The Hyatt is approximately 20 minutes from the airport. CONFERENCE RECEPTION Meet colleagues and conference faculty during this event slated for Tuesday, September 18, from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. in the Hyatt Regency Capitol View room on the hotel’s 15th floor. This reception provides a welcome opportunity to network with conference faculty and peers and enjoy hors d’oeuvres while taking in a spectacular view of the State Capitol. Please refer to the registration form to reserve your space for this no-host event. CERTIFICATES OF ATTENDANCE Certificates of attendance are available in two courses of study: child abuse and neglect and clinical forensic medicine. Please indicate your preference when completing the conference enrollment application on page 10, or when enrolling online. Continuing education unit (CEU) certificates are also offered in various disciplines. Please indicate CEU needs when enrolling. CONFERENCE VENDORS Booksellers and other vendors will be on hand throughout the conference offering publications and other merchandise useful to various disciplines in the child abuse and neglect fields. Watch for books by conference presenters and announcements of special book signings. Questions? Call (888) 705-4141 or email info@canconference.com See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com Conference Enrollment Application Register A www.ca nconfere t nce.com Please print clearly. First Name Middle Initial Last Name Address City State Day Phone Fax Number Zip County (for statistical purposes) Country Institution/Employer (as you would like it to appear on your badge) Email Address (Required for registration confirmation) Social Worker LCSW Psychologist MFT Physician Nurse Nurse Practitioner Physician Assistant Law Enforcement Officer Attorney Deputy District Attorney Administrator Other (specify) Emergency Contact Name Phone Workshop Enrollment: Circle the workshop you wish to attend at each time. Monday 10:30 a.m. Monday Lunch and Keynote 1:45 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Tuesday 10:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Tuesday Reception Wednesday 10:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 3:00 p.m. (first choice) 1 2 Will Attend 9 10 17 18 (first choice) 25 26 33 34 41 42 Will Attend (first choice) 49 50 57 58 65 66 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 59 67 (second choice) 7 8 1 2 3 Vegetarian Lunch is included with Monday registration. 14 15 16 9 10 11 22 23 24 17 18 19 (second choice) 28 29 30 31 32 25 26 27 36 37 38 39 40 33 34 35 44 45 46 47 48 41 42 43 Won’t Attend Reception is included with conference registration. (second choice) 52 53 54 55 56 49 50 51 60 61 62 63 64 57 58 59 68 69 70 71 72 65 66 67 4 5 Won’t Attend 12 13 20 21 6 4 5 6 7 8 12 20 13 21 14 22 15 23 16 24 28 36 44 29 37 45 30 38 46 31 39 47 32 40 48 52 60 68 53 61 69 54 62 70 55 63 71 56 64 72 Register Online Before 8/17/07 Register Online After 8/17/07 3-Day Registration (Monday lunch included) $355 $380 $395 $420 Group Rate (see restrictions previous page) $335 $360 $375 $400 One Day Rate (Monday-Wednesday) $160 $180 $200 $220 Post Conference Institute by Dan Siegel $100 $125 $100 $125 Registration CME Category 1 Credit (for Physicians and Psychologists) Specialty CME Category 1 Credit (for Nurses) License # BBS Credit License # MCLE Credit License # Certificates of Attendance. See page 1 for details. Register by Mail or Fax Register by Mail or Fax Before 8/17/07 After 8/17/07 Enter Amount $55 $25 $25 $55 Check One Child Abuse and Neglect no charge Clinical Forensic Medicine Total Due Please indicate Payment Method Check Payable to UC Regents Master Card Visa Discover Am. Express Purchase Order # ( Cardholder Name Credit Card Billing Address (if different than above) Account Number Expiration Date ) Phone number Signature Register online at www.canconference.com Or mail registration forms and payment to: UC Davis CAARE Center • 3300 Stockton Blvd. • Sacramento, CA 95820 • Attn: Registrar Or fax your registration form to: (916) 734-5644 Questions? Call (888) 705-4141 or email info@canconference.com Special Accommodations Check box if you require special accommodations. Fax requirements to (916) 941-6704. See Workshop Descriptions and Register Online at www.canconference.com 10 University of California at Davis CAARE Diagnostic and Treatment Center Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid U.C. Davis 3300 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95820 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • • • • • Keynote Speakers: Kiti Freier, Ben Saunders, and Ed Tronick Special Post-Conference Institute by Dan Siegel Drug Endangered Children Infant Mental Health as a Developing Field Abusive Head Trauma Healing Traumatic Grief in Children Successful Child Protection Strategies Male Victims of Sexual Assault Traumatic Bonding UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference September 17-19, 2007 Hyatt Regency, Sacramento, CA •Clinical Forensic Medicine Institute September 17-19 •California DEC Institute September 17-19 •Post-Conference Institute with Dan Siegel, MD September 20