University of California, San Diego

University of California,
San Diego
UC San Diego
This Guide is produced in
partnership with Parent & Family
Programs at the University
of California, San Diego and
University Parent Media.
University Parent Media
2995 Wilderness Place, Suite 205
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (866) 721-1357
Advertising Inquiries:
(866) 721-1357
Sarah Schupp
Rebecca Maytubby
For more information, please contact
University of California, San Diego
Parent & Family Programs
9500 Gilman Drive #0015
La Jolla, California 92093 - 0015
Parents’ Helpline (858) 534-7273
About Our Guides
Allison Black
Rebecca Boozan
Scott Griesser
Sharon Haddad
Jon Hydeman
Emily Rayes
Griffin Sandberg
Henry Springer
Clay Wise
University Parent Media works closely with
institutions around the country to bring together
the most relevant, timely information into one
all-inclusive resource.
Anna Baldwin
Peregrine Bosler
Grace Cassara
Katie Williams
We have published this guide with the mission of
helping you easily navigate the University and its
surrounding community. Ultimately, we hope these
resources help nurture your connection and
involvement in your student’s college years!
Linsey Straugh
Beth Skelley
Make the Most of Your Parent Guide
Hang on to your Guide! Inside you’ll
find information that’s useful allyear long, including important phone
numbers, web sites and calendars.
Store your copy in a purse or glove
compartment for convenient reference.
Pass it along to parents of prospective
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©2012 University Parent Magazines, Inc.
Photo by Erik Jepsen - UC San
Diego Publications
40 |
UC San Diego Guide
Comprehensive advice, information for campus success
Welcome from Vice Chancelor of Student Affairs, Penny Rue
Triton Family Association
Parent and Family Impact
About UC San Diego
Revelle College
John Muir College
Thurgood Marshall College
Earl Warren College
Eleanor Roosevelt College
Sixth College
Campus Map
Academic Success
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Money Matters
Health Services
Campus Safety & Security
Life Outside of the Classroom ...
San Diego Community
Make the most of your visit by getting to know the area
40 | San Diego: The Perfect Family Getaway
44 | Resources
Must-have knowledge to navigate your way
44 | Academic Calendar
46 | Proud Supporters of UC San Diego
Welcome from Vice Chancellor
of Student Affairs, Penny Rue
Dear Triton Family Members,
Welcome to the UC San Diego family!
This UC San Diego Parent & Family Guide
has been created with you in mind. We
know it is challenging to be the parent
or family member of a college student
today, so this publication is focused on
resources to help you help them make
the most of their college experience.
The heartbeat of the undergraduate
student experience is the College System,
designed to provide our students with the
personal touch of a smaller school amidst
the resources of a large one. Should your
son or daughter need any help negotiating
the University, the College Provost’s office
is the place to begin. Here, any question,
personal or academic, can be broached. While UC San Diego is known for its
outstanding academics, its social life
is more of a well-kept secret. Students
are inclined to stay on campus for their
fun, whether at their colleges or in the
many campus-based opportunities. UC
San Diego has best-in-class recreation
programs and facilities, nearby La Jolla
Shores, over 500 student organizations,
and the Price Center, all amidst the
beauty and assets of San Diego.
We hope you’ll stay a part of our
community by becoming a member
of the Triton Family Association,
reading our monthly e-newsletters,
and attending family-related events!
Penny Rue
Vice Chancellor - Student Affairs
UC San Diego is a treasure hunt. It has a
world of riches for those willing to discover
them. We welcome you as our partners in
this unfolding educational journey. We see
this Guide as the beginning of that journey,
the first tool to answer your questions and
serve as a resource for you. It contains
critical information you may need to
better advise your student as he or she
reaches crossroads in university life.
UC San Diego
Triton Family Association
When Parents Are Informed, Students Benefit!
Student success is a goal that is shared by parents and the University. To
help ensure your student’s success, we encourage you to stay involved
during the entire collegiate experience at UC San Diego. What’s the best
way to do that? Become a member of the Triton Family Association.
Our programs
and services
strengthen the
between the
and families,
increase communication with parents
and families, and actively involve you
in campus life. And it’s all free!
As a member of the Triton Family
Association, you receive:
University Parent Guide
Annual “Welcome Issue” of the
Triton Family Connection
Monthly electronic newsletters
with timely announcements
Invitations to special events,
such as Family Weekend
Access to the Parents’ Helpline
for assistance with questions
Email notifications with
important information
Triton Family Association Car Decal
We’ll keep you updated on ways to
encourage your student’s success!
Register today!
Go to and
click on the “Get Involved” tab.
October 26-28, 2012
Join us for this special campus-wide event created just for families. UC
San Diego invites you to spend the weekend with your student, have fun,
and learn more about the UC San Diego experience! Oh, and while you’re
here, feel free to soak up some rays in sunny San Diego Triton-style!
UC San Diego
Parent and Family Impact
About UC San Diego
Triton parents and families know the value of a UC San Diego
education. We strive to provide students with an exceptional college
experience—both inside and outside of the classroom—that will
broaden their education and prepare them for success after graduation.
Yet, we couldn’t do this without the help of parents and families.
The UC San Diego Parents Fund is an
opportunity for Triton families to directly
impact their students’ college experience.
Your support will help strengthen
academic enrichment and Student Affairs
programming by providing a flexible
pool of dollars to each of the university’s
six colleges—Muir, Marshall, Revelle,
Roosevelt, Sixth, and Warren—as well as
for campus-wide enrichment initiatives.
A successful college career is a
collective achievement, with parents and
families, faculty and staff, families and
community members all participating.
We encourage you to consider making
a gift to the UC San Diego Parents
Fund as part of your participation.
For more
information or to
make your gift
today, please visit:
parentfamilygiving. or call
(858) 822-3867.
29,324 undergraduate &
graduate students (as of Fall 2011)
53,455 freshman applications
for Fall 2011 admission (the
second highest application
rate in the UC system). Average admitted high
school GPA was 4.09.
49.5% men
50.5% women
Fields of Study
UC San Diego offers more than
100 undergraduate majors in
six disciplinary areas
Social Sciences (37.8%)
Biology (21.7%)
Engineering (18.3%)
Science/Math (9.4%)
Special/Undeclared (5.9%)
Humanities (3.6%)
Arts (3.2%)
Financial Aid
Approximately 70% of all undergraduate
students receive some type of financial
assistance to attend UC San Diego.
Photo credit aerial photo - Erik Jepsen
- UC San Diego Publications
UC San Diego
Revelle College
the major disciplines of the sciences,
humanities, arts, and social sciences. Revelle College has a dedicated
cadre of senior faculty loyal to the
college’s classical education. The
college’s core course, the humanities
sequence, has the highest percentage
of senior faculty instructors of all
the university’s core courses.
Revelle College
is UC San Diego’s
first college,
named in honor
of Roger Revelle, the
chief architect of the
University in its early
years and a recipient of
the President’s Medal for
Science. In the early 1960s,
when Dr. Revelle and
other founding members
of the UC San Diego
faculty began to think
about an undergraduate
component to the
new university, they
were committed to the
principle of a broad liberal
arts education that would
provide a firm grounding in
The Revelle College Academic Advising
Office is responsible for advising all
new and continuing students from
orientation to graduation. Academic
Advisors are available to help your
students with a variety of questions
and concerns from helping navigate the
Revelle curriculum to decision-making
strategies to assisting students who
are experiencing academic difficulty.
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-1571
Don Wayne, PhD., Provost
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-3490
Jane Wehrle, Interim Dean
of Academic Advising
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-3493
Liora Kian Guiterrez, Interim
Dean of Student Affairs
Residential Life Office:
(858) 534-3025
Malik Ismail, Resident Dean
Revelle College Residence Life is
committed to providing a safe living
and learning experience for a diverse
population of students. Professional
and paraprofessional Residence Life
staff members encourage community
and personal development, academic
success, leadership development
and civic engagement, and a
respect for individual identities.
Encourage your student to get involved in
the numerous activities that are provided
both at Revelle and UC San Diego like
Watermelon Drop, Roger Revelle’s
Birthday, UnOlympics, Anchor Painting,
and Revelle’s Semi-Formal Dance.
Parents & families can access more
information regarding Revelle College
UC San Diego
John Muir College
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-3583
Dr. Susan Smith, Provost
Inspired by the
nature writer, Sierra
Club founder,
and his remarkable life,
John Muir College of UC
San Diego emphasizes the
spirit of individual choice
and responsibility within the
framework of a welcoming and
supportive community. Muir
is a special place where generations
of students have felt recognized and
valued as individuals and experienced
a strong sense of belonging within
this large research university.
Muir students maintain the highest
grade point average among graduating
seniors at UC San Diego. The College’s
General Education curriculum allows
students the freedom to choose courses
meaningful to them in a program that
includes both breadth and depth in
natural sciences, social sciences, arts,
humanities, and foreign languages.
The wonderful, close-knit community
at Muir College is directly linked to the
high level of student involvement in
a wide range of activities and events
throughout the year. Muir boasts one
of the most active college communities
at UC San Diego. Muir has more
student organizations than any of the
other colleges! Whether it is a whalewatching trip, learning to play croquet,
attending a casino night, writing an
article for our own student-run humor
newspaper, or performing in the Muir
Musical, we are certain there is an
organization or activity for everyone!
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-3580
Doug Easterly, Dean of Academic Advising
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-3587
Dr. Patricia Mahaffey, Dean of Student Affairs
The residential complex at Muir is a fun
and comfortable place to live, where
residents develop friendships and learn
about themselves and those who live
with them. The organization of Muir’s
residence halls into houses and suites
makes it easy to connect with others
and develop lifelong friendships.
Residential Life Office:
(858) 534-4200
Pat Danylyshyn-Adams, Resident Dean
A few John Muir College traditions
that take place annually are the Muir
Pumpkin Drop and Halloween Carnival;
Muirstock, a festival and concert
highlighting a number of well-known
bands; Muir Musical, a completely
student run musical production; and John
Muir Week, a week celebrating green
initiatives and John Muir’s birthday.
Throughout the academic year the
College Center’s Middle of Muir (M.O.M.
as it is known by the community) offers
family and friends of John Muir College
students the opportunity to send their
best wishes. Custom baskets can be
delivered directly to your student’s room!
For further details, call (858) 534-4418.
Parents & families can access more
information regarding John Muir
College at:
Photo courtesy of UC San Diego HDH Marketing & Communications
UC San Diego
Thurgood Marshall College
Photo by Erik Jepsen - UC San Diego Publications
Thurgood Marshall
inspires and
dignifies our
college in a
myriad of ways. A career
defender of civil rights
and the first AfricanAmerican Supreme
Court Justice, Thurgood
Marshall fought to correct
the social, educational, and
cultural inequities in the U.S., and
inspires the UC San Diego College that is
named after him (formerly Third College).
School integration was a major legacy
of Thurgood Marshall’s activism. Third
College was founded in 1970. Igniting
the passion of student and faculty
“reluctant revolutionaries,” Third College
had enriched the lives of UC San Diego
undergraduates by illuminating complex
moral and social issues, with emphasis on
our underrepresented communities. For
this powerful reason, Third was named
Thurgood Marshall College in 1993.
Today, Thurgood Marshall College
embraces our history and the profound
impact of our namesake through the
college’s commitment to the intellectual
and philosophical development of both
scholar and citizen. TMC encourages
students to grow, to learn, to
challenge themselves and
their view of the world, to
reach out, and to become
an active, articulate, and
engaged member of our
ever-changing world. TMC Academic Advising
is dedicated to developing
the scholar and citizen by
serving as student advocates,
who encourage, respect, inspire, and
aid students in establishing and achieving
their academic goals. Counselors help
students make informed choices by
teaching decision-making processes
in the context of a large research
university and small liberal arts college.
Our Student Life team endeavors
to facilitate the development of its
diverse community through innovative
opportunities for student learning,
leadership and activism. Throughout
the department, caring professionals
work in partnership to shape vibrant
co-curricular experiences in which
students are simultaneously encouraged
to reflect: (know yourself. check yourself.
be yourself.) and, to act: (be involved.
be in the know. be informed.)
Parents & families can access more
information regarding Thurgood Marshall
College at:
Throughout the year, Marshall student
organizations plan and enjoy a multitude
of events, including study breaks,
bowling nights, social justice dialogs,
cultural nights, leadership seminars,
and trips to various San Diego hotspots. Especially popular are the annual
MarshallPalooza! carnival during Fall
Quarter and the Cultural Celebration
community festival during Spring Quarter.
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-4390
Mentha Hynes-Wilson, Dean
of Student Affairs
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-4002
Allan Havis, Provost
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-4110
Gene Sandan, Acting Dean
of Academic Advising
Residential Life Office:
(858) 534-4340
Eeman Agrama-Minert, Resident Dean
Photo by Erik Jepsen - UC San
Diego Publications
Living at Marshall as a scholar and citizen,
students enjoy and appreciate the value
of being a unique part of a diverse
community while building life-long quality
relationships. Our Residential Life team
will support students in creating their
community here at Marshall College,
and our philosophy will encourage and
support students in: getting to know
themselves, and learning how to check
themselves, so ultimately they strengthen
their confidence to be themselves.
UC San Diego
Earl Warren College
Provost, engages students and faculty in
an evening of fine dining and conversation
that enriches faculty-student relationships.
The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
and Parade provide students a chance to
positively impact the San Diego community
by volunteering at sites around San Diego.
Photo courtesty of UC San Diego
HDH Marketing & Communications
Earl Warren College
was established in
1974 as the fourth
undergraduate college
at UC San Diego. Named after
the former California Governor
and Chief Justice of the United
States, the College continues the
legacy of Earl Warren by encouraging
students to explore the relationship
between leadership and social justice.
Warren College students represent
all majors offered at UC San Diego,
and the college motto, Toward a Life
in Balance, is integrated into Warren
College’s academic requirements
and student events to provide a wellrounded university experience.
Warren College Academic Advising
offers personalized academic advising
services to all Warren students. The
staff of professionals and peer advisors
assists students with understanding
and complying with general-education
requirements and academic policies,
educational planning, and referrals
to appropriate campus resources.
While reaching their highest academic
potential, students also need a chance
to socialize. Warren College student
organizations offer events throughout
the year ranging from trips to Disneyland,
Open Mic Nights to showcase student
talent, and tailgates before athletic
events. One of most popular annual
events is the semi-formal dance,
which is held in Spring Quarter.
Parents & families can access more
information regarding Earl Warren
College at:
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-1709
Steven Adler, Provost
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-4350
Jacob Lacy, Dean of Advising
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-4731
Dr. Paul DeWine, Dean of Student Affairs
Residential Life Office:
(858) 534-4581
Claire Palmer, Resident Dean
The Dean of Student Affairs staff
is dedicated to working with
students to develop opportunities
for engagement, learning,
and discovery that support
classroom efforts as well as
foster growth and development
outside of the classroom. The
dean’s office provides advising support
to many of the Warren College student
organizations and the Warren College
Student Council and works to promote
health and safety, community responsibility,
and academic integrity efforts.
The Warren Residential Life Office is a
resource that provides students with
transitional support and helps foster
personal growth. The office employs 30
Resident Assistants who host programs that
enhance educational experiences, promote
the UC San Diego Principles of Community,
and engage students in dialogue around
issues of diversity and social justice. Earl Warren College offers students several
co-curricular programs to enhance their
academic and personal development. The
quarterly High Table Dinner, hosted by the
UC San Diego
Eleanor Roosevelt College
of the ERC spirit group, learn about
and investigate new cultures through
participation in the Celebration of Cultures
at Home and Abroad programs such as
Global Marketplaces and study breaks,
serve on the activities programming board
or start a new student organization!
Eleanor Roosevelt College has several
events throughout the year that students,
faculty and staff look forward to including
Rock N’ Roosevelt, Making of Modern
World Blowout, ERC Semi-Formal, and
the annual Leadership Banquet.
Parents & families can access more
information regarding Eleanor Roosevelt
College at:
Eleanor Roosevelt
College (ERC) is
one of the six
colleges located
on the campus at the
UC San Diego. The
college was named after
former American First
Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who
was a humanitarian as well as a
champion of international cooperation
and a major member of the early United
Nations. Founded in 1988 as UC San
Diego’s fifth college, Eleanor Roosevelt
College was named in 1994 for the
former First Lady, delegate to the United
Nations, chair of the UN Commission
on Human Rights, and member of the
Peace Corps Advisory Council.
ERC’s Educational Philosophy is based
on the belief that to be educated in
our world today means to understand
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-2247
Dr. Alan Houston, Provost
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-9864
Sarah Spear-Barrett, Dean
of Academic Advising
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-2237
Patricia Scott, Dean of Student Affairs
Residential Life Office:
(858) 534-2261
Rey Guerrero, Resident Dean
one’s own history and
cultural heritage and the
history and thought of
other major cultural
traditions as well. All
ERC undergraduates will
include in their academic
programs a series of
general requirements
designed to provide a broad,
multi-cultural perspective. ERC’s Student Affairs Office strives to
create a college environment that is
exciting, full of new experiences and
challenges while achieving a balanced
life. College is a time of self-discovery,
personal growth and exposure to new
and different opportunities. At ERC your
student can explore the many student
organizations specific to ERC, engage in
community service, serve on the college’s
Student Council, lead the cheers for our
campus athletic teams by being a member
UC San Diego
Sixth College
efforts as well as expand learning
opportunities outside the walls of the
classroom by providing activities and
services that enhance the student
experience. The Student Affairs staff
aims to foster student growth and
development that will prepare students
to become effective citizens in the
21st century, help students build a
college community that supports
individual creativity and expression,
increase students’ understanding and
appreciation of human differences and
foster a learning environment for every
Sixth College community member.
Inaugurated at
the dawn of a
new century,
Sixth College
prepares its students
to become dynamic
and engaged citizens
of the 21st century—
innovative, creative
and interconnected. The
core academic programs
of Sixth College develop skills
in both traditional and emergent
media literacy, emphasizing essential
writing fundamentals as well as the
latest forms of digital communication.
The academic advising mission at Sixth
College is to develop personal and
caring relationships with students and
to help them achieve their educational,
career, and life goals. Academic
advising is an intentional educational
partnership between advisors and
students and is a process that considers
and respects students’ diverse
backgrounds, interests, and abilities.
The Sixth College core
academic program
focuses on Culture,
Art and Technology.
In this program,
students take an
look at how the
things we humans
make—specifically, art
and technology—reflect
what we believe and
value, focus our attention,
and alter our environment. Our
partnership with ArtPower! in creating
our Arts6 program helps students
explore these themes. Students at
Sixth College also participate in the
upper-division Practicum. The goal
of the Practicum is to have students
build bridges to local and global
communities, engaging students
in communal work, and fostering
an ethical obligation to service.
Living on campus is an integral part of
a Sixth College residents’ education.
Living in the apartments and residence
halls provides a wonderful opportunity
to meet new people, learn about new
cultures, develop life skills that will
extend beyond the college years,
develop respect and caring for others,
make responsible lifestyle choices and
decisions, share academic, social, and
cultural experiences with other students,
and learn to live peacefully in close
quarters with a diverse group of people.
Sixth College has several annual
traditions for students to participate
in such as Winter GameFest, SemiFormal, C.H.A.O.S, Spirit of the
Masters, Let It Flow, Kuncocshun,
Digital Film Festival and the Chocolate
Festival just to name a few.
Parents & families can access
more information regarding Sixth
College at:
Office of the Provost:
(858) 534-9001
Dr. Dan Donoghue, Provost
Academic Advising:
(858) 534-9001
Brigitte Benoist, Dean of
Academic Advising
Student Affairs:
(858) 534-9001
Marciano Perez, Interim Dean
of Student Affairs
Residential Life Office:
(858) 822-5268
Marciano Perez, Resident Dean
The Sixth College Student Affairs
team works with students to develop
experiences that support classroom
UC San Diego
Campus Map
Academic Success
Building A Support Network: It takes a village…
Just like with most successful people in
life, students who surround themselves
with caring, knowledgeable people
are more likely to succeed.
Professors – It pays to get to
know the one person who
knows what it takes to get an
“A” in class. Plus, if there are
problems, professors are more
likely to work with the student
if they know that the student
is invested in the class.
Tutors and Study Groups – If
your student anticipates that
a class may be difficult, it is
best he or she arranges for
extra help at the beginning of
the quarter- in other words,
before there is a problem.
OASIS –offers group workshops in
many first-year courses in chemistry,
biology, math, and physics. OASIS
offers all writing assistance for
non-native English speaking
and for assignments in Spanish
language courses for any student.
Academic Advisors – Advisors are
responsible for helping students
plan an academic program suited
to their interests, abilities, and
career goals that will meet the
requirements of their major and
graduation. Frequency of studentadvisor contact is a proven
factor in student success.
loved one, are issues with which
many students have to cope – all
of which can impact academic
achievement. CAPS is staffed
with counselors, psychologists,
and psychiatrists that address
a wide variety of issues ranging
from basic adjustment issues to
serious mental health problems.
Counseling and Psychological
Services (CAPS) – Moving away
from home for the first time,
breaking up with a boyfriend or
girlfriend, juggling the demands
of college, academic stress,
financial stress, and loss of a
Parents – You are still critical to
the success formula. Now’s the
time to let your son or daughter
take all the good advice you
have given them and put it to the
test. When he or she succeeds,
The Family
Education Rights &
Privacy Act (FERPA)
In order to protect the privacy of
students, educational records, such
as grades and tuition statements, are
considered confidential under a federal
law called the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA
provides students, including those
under 18, with two essential rights. As
a result, students have the following
important related responsibilities:
1. Students have the right to privacy.
In most cases, UC San Diego cannot
share or discuss records with anyone
(including family members) without the
student’s permission. This includes
grades and tuition statements.
Responsibility: Students have the
responsibility to share important
information like grades, tuition
statements, attendance, transcripts, etc.
with 3rd parties (such as parents) who
have a legitimate right to know.
celebrate! When he or she doesn’t,
LISTEN, dole out your best love
and support, and use the resources
in this book to help your student
develop a plan for resolution.
Resources for Help
Office of Academic Support
and Instructional Services
Counseling and Psychological
Services –
Career Services Center –
UC San Diego
2. Students have the right
to inspect records.
Students have the right to inspect
records about themselves that are
maintained by the University.
Responsibility: Students have the
responsibility to pursue corrections
and amendments if necessary.
Parents are allowed to obtain copies
of their son or daughter’s financial
records in the following circumstances:
When the student consents.
Students may consent for parents/
guardians to VIEW their financial
(billing, payment, and tax records)
on line via the University’s
Students must initiate the process
through TritonLink, listing any parents
or guardians who may have access
to view and pay bills. Once logged
into TritonLink, the portal, students
should go to Finances Tab> Billing
and Finances > Authorize a Payer.
How can I get a copy
of my student’s grades?
From your student.
UC San Diego expects
students to share important
information, such as grades,
with their families. Students
can provide an unofficial copy
of their academic history or
order an official transcript.
3. In health or safety emergencies,
the University may release relevant
student records to parents.
4. When there has been an
alcohol or drug violation.
The University may notify parents of
alcohol or drug violations by students
under the age of 21. For more information
Those parents/guardians will receive
an email from with
directions on how to confirm the
access and setup a password.
More information about FERPA, including
the law, regulations, and additional
information may be found at www.
The student is allowed to revoke
the consent at any time.
Registrar’s Office
Phone: (858) 534-3150
Fax: (858) 534-5723
UC San Diego
Money Matters
Planning Ahead
Billing and Payment
You may access the UC San Diego
Budgets and Cost of Attendance page
for up to date information on the cost of
UC San Diego (
finances/financial-aid/budgeting/). While
this tool is for planning purposes only,
it can also help you and the Financial
Aid Office determine approximately
how much money you need to attend
UC San Diego, and how much financial
aid you need to meet that goal.
Three most important things
parents should know:
Tuition & Fees
Access the most up-to-date information
on tuition and fees from Student Business
Services website (http://students.ucsd.
html). This site includes information on:
Billing Due Dates.
Receiving and understanding
your student’s bill.
Payment Options.
UC San Diego uses an electronic
billing system called E-Bill.
We do not mail billing statement;
they are emailed once a month.
You will only have access to
your students billing after
they Authorize you.
How can I receive my
student’s bill?
To see your student’s bill, you must
be authorized by your student. The
university regards your student
as an adult with certain privacy
rights, regardless of the student’s
age (see FERPA information).
Student Business Services (SBS)
staff will discuss billing and related
issues only with the student
concerned, unless the student
has enrolled an authorized
parent/payer. In this case, SBS
staff may discuss financial
aid and related issues with
authorized parents/payers.
UC San Diego may not give
out certain types of information
about your student without
the student’s prior consent. UC SAN DIEGO GUIDE
Financial Aid
Student Business Service
Phone: (858) 822-4727
Fax: (858) 822-2314
How do I get Authorized?
You and your student agree that you
should view and pay student bills:
Have your student go to the Billing
and Payment section in TritonLink,
under the Finances tab, and log into
the Authorize A Payer tool. Students
can authorize up to 3 payers to view
and pay their university bills online.
You’ll receive an e-mail notice
from, with the
subject line “UC San Diego E-Bill
Authorization - Action Needed.”
This e-mail will ask you to set up
a username and password. The
e-mail is only valid for 14 days.
Watch the Online Tutorial for
Authorized Payers at http://
Refunds and Direct Deposits: Student
account refunds are paid to the student.
To receive prompt refunds of credit
balances or excess aid, students must
sign up for Direct Deposit. Otherwise, a
check is mailed to the current address
listed on TritonLink. Students are
strongly encouraged to sign up for
Direct Deposit – the fastest and safest
way for students to receive funds.
Financial Aid counselors assist students
and parents in applying for and securing
financial assistance when family resources
are insufficient to meet educational
expenses. Financial Aid offers individual
financial aid advising assistance over
the phone, by email, or in person. If you
have a question about financial aid,
including scholarships, grants, loans,
and Federal Work Study (need-based
campus employment), or would like
help with any part of the financial aid
process, please contact the counselors.
available through UC San Diego’s Cash
Course at
Students and families should be familiar
with financial aid deadlines. Students
must reapply using the FAFSA each
year by March 2nd, and also meet
the application completion date in
May. Check the Financial Aid website
for specific annual deadlines.
Financial Aid Office
Phone: (858) 534-4480
Fax: ( 858) 534-5459
What is Financial Aid?
to assist families with costs associated
with attending UC San Diego.
Students can apply at any time.
Students must be enrolled and
be clear of any university holds
to use TRIP to make payments.
The first payment includes a nonrefundable application fee ($30
for California residents or $45 for
non-residents) and one-third of your
mandatory registration fees/tuition.
Remaining installments will be billed
to the student later in the quarter.
Each payment must be made by its
due date. Look for charges in the
Pay Your Current Balance section
when you view and pay the bill.
If you have questions about TRIP call
(858) 822-4727 or email
For other questions or concerns
about your student’s bill contact:
Student Business Service
Phone: (858) 822-4727
Fax: (858) 822-2314
Triton Registration Installment Plan
(TRIP) – Monthly Payment-Plan Option
Financial Aid includes scholarships, grants,
loans, and Federal Work Study. Financial
Aid funds may come from federal, state,
institutional and private sources.
There are two basic types of Financial Aid:
gift funds (money that does
not need to be repaid)
self-help funds (money that
is borrowed and must be
repaid, or earned through
working while enrolled)
Financial aid counselors are available
year-round to answer your questions,
inform you about the full range of
financial aid resources available to
students and parents, as well as
help you apply for financial aid. You
can trust the staff will offer you the
best funding options available to you
depending upon the timing of your
application for aid, your level of financial
need, and availability of funding.
We encourage students and families
to visit the Financial Aid Office Website
for more information at http://fao.ucsd.
edu. We also recommend students utilize
the financial literacy tools and training
The University offers a payment plan
UC San Diego
When your student lives on campus,
they live, learn, and socialize with
other students going through the same
experiences and changes. It’s also the
best way to get involved in campus life
and build lifelong friendships. Students
who live on campus generally feel more
fulfilled by their college experience.
There are eleven unique restaurant
locations and retail markets, perfect
for enjoying a leisurely meal or
stocking up on fresh produce,
snacks, and other sundries!
UC San Diego HDH Marketing & Communications
Housing includes:
A Dining Plan, trash and recycling,
premium cable TV, housekeeping,
security, a built-in social life,
utilities, 24/7 high-speed internet
access, and laundry facilities.
Campus billing
statements are
For more
emailed to
all students
based on
Housing FAQs: a Student
Schedule. If a
student wishes
to include their
parent/guardian e-mail address, then they
will also receive a copy of the Monthly
Statement. The first billing statement
will be available for viewing at TritonLink
on September 1, 2012. The first billing
statement is due on September 21, 2012.
If your student needs to cancel their
housing contract, they can do so by
email to: or by
fax (858) 534-8260, or via walk-in at
HDH Administrative Services, HDH
Bldg., 2nd Floor at Revelle Campus
Living on Campus
What to Bring:
We Love our Six Colleges!
When your student moves in, they
should bring their own towels, pillow,
bedding to fit an extra-long twin bed
(36” x 80”) and a non-halogen desk
lamp. They may also bring a telephone,
stereo, television, fan, clock, computer,
printer, power surge protector, and minivacuum. Once your student receives
their room assignment information in
late August/early September, it is a good
idea to call the new roommates and
discuss what each person will bring.
On-campus Housing is located in
the heart of each of the six colleges,
creating the lifeline of these thriving
smaller neighborhoods within the
larger UC San Diego community.
Students should communicate with
their Resident Advisor if they are
experiencing any issues with roommates/
suitemates. If further involvement is
needed, students should seek to talk
to their Residential Life Staff including
Assistant Resident Deans and Resident
Dean. The residence life staff members
are great sources of information about
life at UC San Diego and help address
general resident issues. In addition, they
organize a variety of programs to expand
and enhance educational experiences
while providing exposure to diverse
ideas and viewpoints of fellow students.
Breaks/Halls Closings:
Residence Halls are not open during
Winter and Spring break. Students
will need to plan accordingly for this
and should arrange alternate housing
if needed. Facility closure dates and
times are listed at
housing/contractinfo.asp. Students
don’t have to move-out; they just cannot
be on premise and residing in their
space during those break periods.
Students receive mail or get packages
sent to them via their Campus P.O.
Box. Students will receive their mailing
address when their room assignment is
available in late August/early September.
UC San Diego
The Dining plan is automatically activated
for your student and is part of the Housing
Contract amenities. The Student is
issued their Dining Dollars beginning Fall
Quarter and can only be used at the UC
San Diego Dining Services restaurants
and markets. The Dining Plan cannot be
changed to a lesser value, transferred,
dropped, carried forward, or refunded.
For a more robust Dining Plan, a Buy-Up
Option is available before the school year
begins. Residents who sign up for this
option agree to be responsible for the
added cost to their base Dining Plan.
To activate the Triton Cash Account,
your student will need to sign up at Commuter
Students and residents who have run
out of Dining Dollars towards the end
of the academic year can also use
Triton Cash in the Dining Facilities. The
Triton Cash account is accepted at over
60 locations including the on campus
laundry facilities, the Bookstore, and
the Price Center eateries. The Triton
Cash Account carries over year to year
until your student chooses to close it.
Housing Administrative Services
(858) 534-4010
Triton Card Account Services
(858) 534-7587 or (800) 758-7227
Health Services
Staying healthy in college can contribute to a student’s academic success, overall
well-being, and general college experience. Our students are lucky to have Student
Health Services (SHS), located in the heart of campus. They not only provide full
primary care services, delivered by excellent highly-trained clinicians, but also
programs and services related to navigating the healthcare system, preventing future
illness, and promoting healthy behaviors. SHS is part of the Health Recreation and
Well-being Cluster, and is joined by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS),
Recreation, and the Sexual Assault and Violence Prevention Resource Center in
providing collaborative, integrated and holistic care and services for your student.
WILL BE automatically enrolled
in UCSHIP unless they waive
out. The dates to waive out are
Aug. 1 – Sept. 21, 2012. For more
information about plan benefits,
fees and the waiver procedure
please visit: http://studenthealth.
This fall there are several initiatives,
programs and services:
TB Screening—It’s Required! All
incoming students are expected to
complete the tuberculosis screening
requirement before coming to
campus; look for it on your Checklist
(MYAPPLICATION via TritonLink).
Students will not be able to register
until completing this TB clearance.
Tuberculosis is a potentially serious
disease and San Diego is a highrisk area. This effort protects our
students from infection and illness.
UCSHIP—The Best Health
Insurance Option You Can Find —
SHIP is a comprehensive health
plan that provides a full range of
medical coverage, including in/out
patient services, specialty care,
emergency care, hospitalization
and mental health care, as well as
dental and pharmacy coverage.
Undergraduate students at UC
San Diego can receive coverage
through the system-wide
Student Health Insurance Plan
(UCSHIP). The benefit structure
is tremendous—primary care
visits, routine immunizations
and lab tests at Student Health
are covered by the plan. Health
Insurance is a mandatory nonacademic conditions for enrollment
at UC San Diego, so your student
FLU— Student
Health Services
offers multiple flu
vaccination clinics
each fall. Flu shots
are free to students
with SHIP, and will
be provided at low
cost to students with
other insurance.
Watch our website
for updates regarding
flu-shot clinic dates.
For questions or general
information, call (858) 5343300, email: studenthealth@ or visit http://
Immunization Updates—
updated recommendations
to include a booster shot to
protect from infection. While
meningiococcal meningitis is
rare, it is very serious and can be
fatal, and we strongly recommend
that your student be immunized.
If your student was vaccinated
once before age 16, and they
are currently 21 or younger, the
recommendation is to receive a
booster. For more information,
PERTUSSIS—There has been
a lot of information in the news
regarding the pertussis outbreak
that has affected California, and
San Diego in particular. We strongly
recommend that your student
receive the Tdap vaccine before
coming to campus this fall.
UC San Diego
Life Outside of the
Safety &
The UC San Diego Police Department
is dedicated to providing the highest
quality police service to students, faculty,
staff, and visitors. UC San Diego employs
36 trained, full-time, state-certified
peace officers. The Police Department’s
primary mission is protecting lives
and property, which has resulted in an
exemplary record of law enforcement
service. UC San Diego Police Officers
have peace officer authority anywhere
in the State of California. They receive
the same basic training as city and
county peace officers throughout the
state, plus additional training to meet the
unique needs of a campus environment.
The department handles all patrol,
investigation, crime prevention education,
and related law enforcement duties for
the campus community and operates
24 hours a day, seven days a week. The
department is also a 911 Public-Safety
Answering Point (PSAP), receiving 911
emergency calls from landlines and
cellular phones within our service area.
Residential Security Officer (RSO)
The Residential Security Officer (RSO)
program is a community partnership
between the Police Department, Housing,
Dining & Hospitality, and the Academic
and Residence Life offices at each
campus. The program is supervised by
the Police Department and receives its
funding and support from Housing and
Dining Services. The mission is the safety
of UC San Diego residents and their
property. The RSOs generally patrol the
campus between the hours of 8:00 pm
and 6:00 am. All RSOs are trained in CPR
and first aid. They also attend a 40-hour
Laws of Arrest course, in accordance with
section 832 of the California Penal Code. It is important that your student invest time and energy inside the classroom to be
successful. Research shows that getting involved outside the classroom and feeling
connected to campus is important to student success too! At UC San Diego, there
are so many opportunities to get involved. Here are some of our favorites…
Alternative Breaks (AB)
Associated Students
Participate in social justice programs
through service learning trips that
educate, assist, empower and impact
lives. AB is dedicated to creating
globally conscious active citizens who
commit to lifelong service. Visit: http:// or Alternative
Breaks@UCSD on Facebook.
Associated Students, the undergraduate
campus-wide student government,
promotes a unified UC San Diego
community through continuous
communication with students and
administration, and a strong focus
on the issues most concerning its
constituents. Associated Students
offers various services from A.S. Safe
Ride and A.S. Lecture Notes, to its
newest addition, Triton Outfitters, which
provides apparel, which represents
campus culture and the Southern
California beachside lifestyle. Visit: http:// or call (858) 822-3553.
Arts & Music
Major acts play year-round at
RIMAC Arena and RIMAC Field.
The Loft performance lounge
hosts an eclectic mix of global
pop, underground comedy,
and late night DJs.
Community Service Officer (CSO)
The CSO Program employs only UC
San Diego students and offers many
safety-related services, including
year-round campus safety escorts.
Students can call extension 4-WALK or
(858) 534-9255 for a safety escort.
UC San Diego Police Department
Telephone: (858) 534-4357
Text a Tip: Text ‘UCSD’ and your message
to ‘274637’ (CRIMES) or submit a web tip:
UC San Diego uses a phone and e-mail
notification system, in addition to
the UC San Diego Emergency Status
website, to keep the campus community
updated in emergency situations. All
members of the UC San Diego campus
community are eligible, including
parents. To register, visit: www.mir3.
com/ucsd/ and click Create Account.
UC San Diego
ArtPower! presents an eclectic
mix of sights and sounds
to thousands of audience
members each year, including
international dance, independent
film events, and global pop.
La Jolla Playhouse has sent
18 productions to Broadway,
including Memphis, the 2010
Tony winner for best musical.
The Loft: or
call (858) 534-TIXS (8497)
ArtPower!: or
call (858) 534-TIXS (8497)
La Jolla Playhouse: lajollaplayhouse.
org or call (858) 550-1010
UC San Diego
sponsors 23
men and women’s
sports at the
NCAA Division
II level. Triton
Teams have
won 30 national
your student to
attend a game
and show their
school spirit! Visit:
com or call (858)
Campus Community Centers
The Cross-Cultural Center, the Lesbian
Gay Bisexual Transgender Resource
Center, and the Women’s Center work
with students, staff, faculty, alumni and
the San Diego Community to build
and sustain a socially just campus.
The Chancellor’s goal is to
send 50% of students abroad
before they graduate.
Approximately $600,000 in
study-abroad scholarship
funding is given annually.
Study abroad does not delay
graduation; nearly 70% of
students abroad take courses
in their major field.
Science and engineering abroad? You bet! 30% of UC San Diego
students abroad are from the
sciences and engineering.
The Centers work together to offer
resources, programs, and support. At
each location students relax, make
friends, and just be themselves.
Encourage your student to make their
voice heard. Work for change. Translate
passion for diversity into social justice.
Cross-Cultural Center: http://ccc. or call (858) 534-9689
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender
Resource Center: http://lgbt.ucsd.
edu or call (858) 822-3493
Women’s Center: http://women. or call (858) 822-0074
Career Services Center
A very popular resource on campus,
the Career Services Center helps
students determine and fulfill their
career goals through a variety of
programs and services including:
1-on-1 career advising
part-time jobs on campus,
internships, work-study
positions, summer jobs, and
Peace Corps service
UCSD Alumni
Photo courtesy of UC San Diego HDH
Marketing & Communications
career opportunities
after graduation
It’s never too early for students to
use the Career Services Center.
For more information visit: career. or call (858) 534-3750
The Center for Student Involvement
offers professional advising services,
oversees student organizations,
provides communication, leadership
and community service programs,
and host’s campus-wide events. For
more information visit: getinvolved. or call (858) 534-0501.
resources for networking, resume
writing, and interviewing
assistance in completing
applications for professional
and graduate programs
Recreation Programs
Center for Student
Involvement (CSI)
Students can choose from over
500 student organizations (cultural,
service, social, recreational,
academic, political, and religious).
36 fraternity and sorority
connections offer cultural,
pre-professional, community
service, and social groups.
Participate in one-time,
quarterly or annual programs
to boost communication
and leadership skills.
Community service programs
offer opportunities to learn
about social and environmental
issues, make friends with similar
interests, build skills, and give
back to the community.
UC San Diego
Outback Adventures – Backpack
through Joshua Tree National Park,
kayak Mission Bay by moonlight,
learn how to surf at La Jolla
Shores, explore Native American
Pictographs in Anza Borrego.
Rec Classes – Over 300 noncredit
instructional classes per quarter.
Sports Clubs – 30 intramural team
sports and 25 competitive clubs.
or call (858) 534-4037
Study Abroad
More than 1,200 students each year study,
intern, research, or volunteer in Europe,
South America, Africa, the Middle East,
and all across the Pacific Rim. Visit: http://, call (858) 534-1123, or stop
by our office on the second floor of the
International Center, right off Library Walk.
22% of UC San Diego
undergraduates participate
in a study-abroad experience
by the time they graduate (the
national average is 3%).
With 15,000 LinkedIn members, 7,000
on Facebook, monthly e-newsletters
and a quarterly magazine, UCSD
Alumni keeps the University and its
students connected with its many
alumni. Become a part of Society 60
and access your network early while
enjoying donor privileges around campus.
Learn more at !
Volunteer Connection
Volunteer Connection is a student
organization providing the UC San Diego
community with volunteer opportunities.
Volunteer Connection oversees five
ongoing programs and provides a
weekly newsletter to subscribed
students about the current volunteer
opportunities available in and around
San Diego. Volunteer Connection
helps match students to volunteering
opportunities they are interested in. Contact us at
or visit
Wilderness Orientation
Get a jump-start to UC San Diego
with a group of new friends and an
outdoor adventure. There are many
trips ranging from 4-8 days to choose
from. No experience is required. Visit:
trains of Africa to bring riders eye-level with
exotic animals like white rhinoceros, Cape
buffalo, Roosevelt’s gazelles and African
crowned cranes. The tram runs on bio-diesel
and travels the perimeter of the park’s three
expansive African field enclosures: Lion
Camp, Heart of Africa and Nairobi Village.
San Diego:
The Perfect
Family Getaway
Exhibits like Elephant Overlook, Lorikeet
Landing, Hidden Jungle, Kilimanjaro
Safari Walk and African Aviary house
endangered species in enclosures
that mimic their natural habitats.
Erik Jepsen - UC San Diego Publications
Popular tours and activities include the
Photo Caravan Safari Tours, Balloon Safari,
Segway Rolling Safari and the Petting Kraal.
When it’s time for a family vacation, how
can parents avoid the same old song and
dance? The answer lies nestled along
70 miles of sunny Southern California
coastline. Consistently rated one of the
top family destinations in North America,
San Diego is the ideal destination for
children of all ages offering a variety
of family friendly activities and worldclass attractions throughout the year.
The San Diego Zoo is a world-famous
100-acre tropical garden that houses
4,000 animals of 800 rare and exotic
Opened in March 2010, the Conrad Prebys
Polar Bear Plunge provides guests an
opportunity to come within feet of polar
bears as keepers tend to them behind large
glass panels. The new interactive exhibit
also includes a mock polar bear snow den
and Arctic research helicopter; a station
where visitors can see how they compare
to polar bears in height, weight and food
consumption, and life-size statues of a
full-grown adult bear, year-old cub and tiny
newborn. The exhibit also addresses the
threats polar bears are facing due to climate
change and provides guests with suggestions
for reducing their carbon footprint.
Opened in June 2009, the The Harry and
Grace Steele Elephant Odyssey educates
visitors about Southern California animals of
the past and present. The seven-acre habitat
features Asian elephants, a California condor,
sloths, snakes and rodents, as well as life-size
replicas of animal species that dotted the
local landscape more than 10,000 years ago.
A herd of eight elephants roam a 2.5-acre
exhibit that includes a 120,000-gallon pool
and gentle rolling hills surrounded by a replica
tar pit, fossil dig and children’s play area.
The San Diego Zoo is one of only four facilities
in the nation to house critically endangered
Giant Pandas. Its family includes male
panda Gao Gao, female panda Bai Yun and
boy cub Yun Zi, born in August 2009.
Spectacular bioclimatic exhibits like Monkey
Trails, Absolutely Apes, Ituri Forest, Rain
Forest Aviary, Gorilla Tropics, Sun Bear Forest
and Tiger River house endangered species in
enclosures that mimic their natural habitats.
Other popular zoo activities include a threemile guided bus tour, sky tram, children’s
petting zoo and baby animal nursery.
Located on Mission Bay, this 189-acre
park features six major shows, fascinating
attractions and dozens of exhibits containing
marine life from around the globe. www.
In summer 2011, SeaWorld San Diego will
debut Sea Turtle Bay, a new attraction
featuring threatened and endangered sea
turtles. Its highlight will be Turtle Reef, a
300,000-gallon aquarium with a massive,
underwater viewing window where guests
can watch as many as 60 green and hawksbill
sea turtles. The attraction will also include
thousands of tropical fish; a touch screen map,
called Turtlelink, where guests can track sea
turtles in the wild, and Riptide Rescue, a ride
perfect for tweens, who can spin in boats on
their own rescue mission.
In May 2010, SeaWorld San Diego opened
a new dolphin show, Blue Horizons, starring
bottlenose dolphins, pilot whales and an
array of exotic birds. The show blends the
grace of animals with the lavish splendor of
a theatrical production as a cast of divers
and aerialists plunge off elaborate set pieces
in and out of the water while the birds and
marine mammals perform amazing behaviors.
In the Believe show, Shamu and friends
glide through the water and fly through
the air before a giant fountain and
four moving LCD screens showing
images from underwater cameras.
Animal hightlights include the Wild Arctic,
Penguin Encounter and Shark Encounter
exhibits. In other areas of the park, visitors can
pet dolphins, touch and feed bat rays, meet
Elmo and friends at Sesame Street Bay of Play,
hop on the Shipwreck Rapids and Journey
to Atlantis thrill rides or take in a panorama
of San Diego from the Mission Bay Skyride.
LEGOLAND California, located 30 minutes
north of downtown San Diego, delivers
128 acres of fun, interaction, imagination
and entertainment with more than 50
interactive attractions and rides geared
to kids aged 2-12.
The heart of the park is Miniland USA, a
dedication to the ultimate expression of the
LEGO art form, which features famous areas of
the United States, all constructed in miniature
with 20 million LEGO bricks. New to the park
is STAR WARS Miniland, opened in March
2011, featuring six live-action LEGO displays
of memorable scenes from the classic Star
Wars movies including Tatooine, where Luke
Skywalker grew up; Endor; the icy planet Hoth,
and the Millennium Falcon. Miniland USA also
displays the wonders of Washington D.C., New
Orleans, New York City, Florida, San Francisco,
Las Vegas and the Southern California
coastline right down to the smallest detail.
In June 2010, the world’s first LEGO-themed
water park, LEGOLAND Water Park, opened
within LEGOLAND California. The park
includes 5.5 acres of wet-and-wild climbing
structures, a six-person raft slide, tube slides,
body slides, a lazy river, hands-on toddler
areas and an area where kids can customize
their own soft LEGO rafts. In May 2011,
Splash Zoo, a new, zoo-themed area just
for toddlers, will open and feature giant zoo
animals, interactive spray pads, fountains and
a teeter totter. Guests can upgrade standard
LEGOLAND California tickets to include water
park admission for $10 per person.
Located 30 miles northeast of downtown
San Diego, the San Diego Zoo Safari Park is
a 1,800-acre preserve where wild animals
roam free over vast expanses as they
would in their native habitats of Africa and
Opened in April 2009, Flightline is a zip-line
adventure that flies guests more than 400
feet across the park at speeds up to 60
mph. The 1.5-hour experience features a
training lesson, behind-the-scenes narration
and an aerial adventure that soars across
the Asian and African field exhibits; it costs
$70 per person, plus park admission.
The Journey into Africa Tour, aboard an openair tram, was inspired by the legendary safari
For more info about San Diego, visit:
A Smithsonian affiliate, the San Diego
Museum of Man, home of Balboa Park’s
iconic California Tower, celebrates the
diversity and ingenuity of the human race.
Permanent exhibits bring anthropology
home with studies of native cultures from
across the globe.
LEGOLAND’s Land of Adventure features
four fun-filled attractions: Lost Kingdom
Adventure is a dark ride that transports
guests back to ancient Egypt as they ride in
desert jeeps through temple ruins; Beetle
Bouncers boosts children nearly 15 feet
into the air; the Pharaoh’s Revenge play
area features a climbing structure with
catapulting foam balls; and Cargo Ace
stimulates the imagination as children become
airplane pilots soaring up to six feet.
Other popular areas of the park include
the LEGO Hero Factory, which opened in
February 2011 in the park’s Imagination
Zone; the Police and Fire Academy, one of
the park’s most popular rides; Pirate Shores;
Dino Island; Fun Town, and Castle Hill.
SEA LIFE Aquarium at LEGOLAND California
offers 36,000 sq. ft. of play zones, fin facts,
quiz trails and marine exhibits designed to
educate children about life under the sea.
The aquarium features a seahorse kingdom,
360-degree ring of sting rays and fish, an
interactive tide pool and 175,000-gallon
aquarium displaying a replication of the
Lost City of Atlantis. The aquarium requires
a separate admission from LEGOLAND®
The New Children’s Museum in downtown
San Diego is an interactive arts destination
for families that encourages children to
think, play and create with innovative,
hands-on art opportunities, classes and
first-rate exhibitions designed by emerging
and established contemporary artists. The
museum is downtown’s first public ‘green’
project with environmentally friendly
architecture and infrastructure practices,
including the use of recycled building
materials, water-saving devices and natural
convection cooling.
The San Diego Natural History Museum,
allows guests of every age to practice being
paleontologists and explore San Diego’s
fossil history. The museum also features
a rotation of excellent, family friendly
educational films.
The Balboa Park Visitors Center rents onehour audio listening tours that highlight the
park’s history, architecture and horticultural
offerings. A children’s version features
narrations by actors voicing two Balboa
Park historic figures – George Marston, a
local civic leader who was instrumental in
the park’s founding, and Kate Sessions,
often called the “mother of Balboa Park”
for her horticultural contributions.
The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center is
an educational, entertaining experience
for guests of all ages with seven galleries
of hands-on science exhibits. Its IMAX
Dome Theater, the first of its kind in the
world, presents IMAX films and lively
planetarium shows.
Following are just a few of Balboa Park’s
family-oriented offerings. For a complete
list, visit
If “life’s a beach,” then San Diego is the place
to experience life to the fullest. Whether
families wish to swim, surf, snorkel, play
volleyball or just lie in the sun, there’s a stretch
of sand for everyone along San Diego’s 70
miles of coastline.
The San Diego Air & Space Museum,
California’s Official Air & Space Museum
and a Smithsonian Affiliate, offers oneof-a-kind displays of historic aircraft and
The Balboa Park Carousel is a menagerie
of hand-carved European animals with
original, hand-painted murals, military band
music and the classic brass ring game
for everyone taking the 5-minute ride.
Coronado Beach is an aquatic wonderland
recognized annually by the Travel Channel as
“the best family beach in North America.” A
vast expanse of white sand greets families
toting umbrellas, sand toys, beach towels and
picnic coolers for an all-day stay. Recreational
activities abound with paddleball, sandcastle
building, kite flying and volleyball.
The Balboa Park Miniature Railroad takes
visitors on a 3-minute, ½-mile trip through
four acres of Balboa Park. The pint-sized
train is a model G16 — now a rare antique
with as few as 50 currently in operation.
La Jolla Shores boasts a spacious beach
that slopes gently into turquoise waves. One
of the most family friendly beaches in San
Diego County, the mile-long sandy shore is
paralleled by a wide cement boardwalk that
separates the beach from a large grassy park
ideal for picnicking and volleyball games.
Ocean Beach, home to the Ocean Beach
Pier, is a large sandy beach offering surfing,
swimming and other recreational activities.
Ocean Beach is most popular for Dog Beach,
where even the tail waggin’ members of the
family can enjoy San Diego’s surf and sand.
A three-mile boardwalk that is popular
with inline skaters, skateboarders, runners
and bicyclists connects Pacific Beach
and Mission Beach; both beaches feature
designated areas for surfing and swimming.
Families, surfers, kayakers and body surfers
throng to Cardiff State Beach and Elijo
State Beach edging Cardiff by the Sea in
San Diego’s North County. A day at the
seashore here can also include some bird
watching or a nature walk at the nearby
San Elijo Lagoon ecological reserve.
Happy happens in San Diego. For more
information on San Diego offerings, including
exciting vacation packages and valuable
coupons for attractions, restaurants and
more, visit the San Diego Convention &
Visitors Bureau’s Web site, www.sandiego.
org, or call (619) 236-1212. In San Diego,
visit the International Visitor Information
Center, located along the Embarcadero at
the corner of West Broadway and Harbor
Drive in downtown; the La Jolla Visitor
Center, located at the corner of Herschel
Avenue and Prospect Street in La Jolla, or
the California Welcome Center, located at
the Viejas Outlet Center in Alpine.
The Marie Hitchcock Puppet Theater
presents puppet performances throughout
the year by a variety of troupes and
resident puppeteers who work with
marionettes and hand, rod and shadow
The San Diego Automotive Museum,
dedicated to the preservation of historic
autos, displays classic and collectible
The San Diego Hall of Champions Sports
Museum, the nation’s largest multi-sport
museum, lets visitors call play-by-play action
for San Diego Padres’ Tony Gwynn and
hall-of-famer Ted Williams in its state-ofthe-art media center, follow the evolution of
the surfboard or soar with local skateboard
legend Tony Hawk.
The San Diego Junior Theatre presents yearround, family-friendly productions at the Casa
del Prado Theatre.
The world of model trains comes alive at
the San Diego Model Railroad Museum
with scale-model layouts of the Southwest
U. S. and an interactive toy train gallery.
For more info about San Diego, visit:
Erik Jepsen - UC San Diego Publications
Erik Jepsen - UC San Diego Publications
The largest urban cultural park in the United
States, Balboa Park is often referred to as
the “Smithsonian of the West” for its large
concentration of cultural institutions. Its 1,200
lush acres are home to 15 museums, eight
gardens, the San Diego Zoo, art galleries and
renowned performing arts venues like the
Tony Award®-winning Old Globe theatre.
Academic Calendar
Fall Quarter 2012
First Day of Classes: 4/1
Tuition Due: 9/21
Deadline to change grading option, change units, and
drop classes without “W” on transcript – 4/26
Deadline for mandatory insurance health waiver - all students (after this date,
$50 late waiver fee will apply until late waiver deadline, see below.) – 9/21
Move in Day: Residential Housing Facilities open on Saturday, 9/22
– check with your College for move-in week information
Last Day of Classes: 6/7
Finals Week: 6/10 – 6/14
Commencement: 6/14 – 6/15
Welcome Week -
Residence Halls Close: 6/15 at Noon
First Day of Classes: 9/27
Links to Academic Calendar
Deadline to change grading option, change units, and
drop classes without “W” on transcript – 10/26
Academic Calendars
Family Weekend: 10/26-10/28
Billing Due Dates
Homecoming Weekend: 10/13
Enrollment and Registration Calendars
Thanksgiving Break: 11/22-11/23
Last Day of Classes: 12/7/2012
All dates,events and deadlines are subject to review and revision. Please check http:// for current dates.
Finals Week: 12/10 -12/15
Residence Halls Close: Sunday, 12/16 at Noon
Winter Quarter 2013
Tuition Due: 12/19/12
Deadline for mandatory insurance health waiver - all students (after this date,
$50 late waiver fee will apply until late waiver deadline, see below.) – 12/19
Residence Halls Open: Saturday, 1/5 at Noon
First Day of Classes: 1/7
Deadline to change grading option, change units, and
drop classes without “W” on transcript – 2/2
Last Day of Classes: March 15
Finals Week: March 18-23
Spring Break:
Residence Halls Close: Sunday, March 24 at Noon
Residence Halls Open: Saturday, March 30 at Noon
Spring Quarter 2013
Residence Halls Open: Saturday, March 30 at Noon
Tuition Due: 3/15
Deadline for mandatory insurance health waiver - all students (after this date,
$50 late waiver fee will apply until late waiver deadline, see below.) – 3/15
UC San Diego
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Places to Live
Archstone La Jolla &
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San Diego, CA 92122
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Great apartments. Great service.
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La Scala Luxury Apartments
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Please see ad on p. 9.
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Student Services
A-1 Self Storage
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Mira Mesa (858) 225-4139
Kearny Mesa (858) 207-6925 Fashion Valley (619) 537-8004
All sizes to fit your needs, plus we
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Please see ad on p. 19.
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At GW Eye Associates, we
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Please see ad on p. 35.
ArtPower! at UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr. #0077
La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-8497
As UC San Diego’s premiere arts
presenter, ArtPower! presents
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Please see ad on p. 13.
Triton Card Account
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9500 Gilman Dr. 0382 La Jolla, CA 92093
(858) 534-7587
Triton Cash is an optional
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Please see ad on p. 27.
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Trieste Apartment Villas
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Please see ad on p. 9.
La Jolla International
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Where to Eat
Jersey Mikes Subs - LA Jolla,
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For more info about UC San Diego, visit: