Overview: This summer, incoming English Honors I students are

 Overview: This summer, incoming English Honors I students are required to read two different texts: selected
chapters from ​
Edith Hamilton’s ​
Ray Bradbury’s​
Fahrenheit 451​
Classic Greek and Roman Mythology are alluded to in both ancient and modern literature. A strong knowledge
of mythology is key to understanding and analyzing mythological allusions in literature, and their significance to underlining symbols or themes in a writer’s work.
* ​
See the class Google Classroom for more information on the books and related, helpful materials. Assignment:
* ​
Students must complete the study guides in preparation for an assessment that will take place during
the first few weeks of school. The guides have been developed to assist in the understanding of the readings and to help students focus on more rigorous reading strategies. These are not “beach reads”
and should not be approached as such. The amount of time spent will vary depending on how quickly
the material is read and understood. The study guides will be graded and will count as a project grade. The study guides are due the first day of school. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions
about the books and study guides, as well as complete classroom related activities before tested on​
* Students must be able to discuss ​
Fahrenheit 451 and Mythology​
on interpretive and critical levels. The study guides will be collected; therefore, it is important that students keep copies of their guides/notes. These will provide students with information to use during class discussions, serve as a
study guide for the unit test, and will become resources throughout the year for other novels. Annotate, take your own notes, to help keep track of plot, characters, literary devices, questions, etc. (use post it
notes if you do not own the book). ​
See the note taking references posted on the Google Classroom. The course will cover many selections throughout the year. ​
Students will be asked to make connections between the summer readings and the works covered during the school year. In addition, students will recognize and practice the principles and components of the writing process. Students will develop numerous essays. Students will also complete journal writing, and various research
projects. Students will be responsible for ​
reading of novels, articles, and other related materials. Writing assignments are document based and are required to be typed. Weekly grammar and vocabulary assignments will be given quiz grades. Furthermore, students will be required to participate in group activities, deliver individual presentations, and voice their opinions on a regular
basis during class discussions. Students can expect 20 to 30 minutes of homework nightly​
. ***​
For more information and helpful resources see the Honors Google Classroom page. It is our hope that you will enjoy the books, and we look forward to working with you during the next school year​
– Mrs. M. DeLucca and Mrs. K. Prinzo **​
If you have any questions regarding the Honors English I summer reading assignment,​
please contact Mrs. Prinzo and Mrs. DeLucca via Google Classroom by utilizing the Email Teachers/Instructors option. Writing a GREAT Short Answer Response: Using the ACE Method will help you to focus your response in a clear and concise manner. ​
It is not enough to simply answer the question. 1. ​
nswer and restate the question asked in the prompt. 2. ​
ite textual evidence (return to the reading and find at least one quote​
, which supports your answer. 3. ​
xplain and ​
laborate on your answer and the textual evidence you have provided. Clear, concise ​
answers with appropriate textual​
evidence ​
will receive the best scores. ​
See the A.C.E. reference sheet posted on the Google Classroom. #1 Mythology Assignment: Read ​
only ​
the following selections from Edith Hamilton’s ​
. ● Introduction To Classical Mythology ● Part One: ​
The Gods, the Creation, and the Earliest Heroes ●
Chapter 1 “The Gods” ●
Chapter 2 “The Two Great Gods of Earth” ●
Chapter 3 “How the World and Mankind Were Created” ●
Chapter 4 “The Earliest Heroes” Address the following questions / topics with insights and details. Use complete thoughts, sentences, and be sure to edit for errors. Demonstrate good writing skills (A.C.E.). Introduction To Classical Mythology 1. What is the purpose of Greek and Roman mythology? 2. What is the first written record of Greece called, and who was the author? 3. What do the myths show us about the early Greeks? 4. Why did the portrayal of Zeus change over the years? , and why is it important? 5. What is the ​
PART ONE: 1. The Gods 1. Create a glossary of the major gods mentioned in this chapter. Give each name and a one to two sentence definition/identification. List them in the order in which they are presented in the text. Do not just provide information about the 12 Olympians. Include them and other significant characters. You don’t need to include the Roman gods, but note the Roman names for Greek gods/goddesses. PART ONE: 2. The Two Great Gods of Earth 2. Write a thorough and thoughtful paragraph discussing the similarities and/or differences between Demeter and Dionysus. Include their personalities and actions. PART ONE: 3. How the World and Mankind Were Created 3. Bullet the eight key events of this creation story. For each bullet point, write 2-3 complete sentences with details. Be sure they are in chronological order. Be sure your bullet points cover main ideas from throughout the chapter. PART ONE: 4. The Earliest Heroes 4. Write 2-3 complete sentences with details identifying each hero. Writing a GREAT Journal SAMPLE Entry: ​
(about 200+ words per entry) “He hung up his black beetle-colored helmet shined it; he hung his flameproof jacket neatly; he showered luxuriously, and then, whistling, hands in pockets, walked across the upper floor of the fire station and fell down the hole. At the last moment, when disaster seemed positive, he pulled his hands from his pockets and broke his fall by grasping the golden pole. He slid to a squeaking halt, the heels one inch from concrete floor downstairs” (4). This passage is about the character of Montag and his actions upon returning to the firehouse. The fact that he carefully shines his helmet and hangs both his helmet and jacket “neatly” suggests that Montag is a particular person when it comes to his personal belongings. He seems to revel in routine. However, he also seems reckless and daring as evidenced when he “fell down the hole” and only “broke his fall” at the last minute. In addition, Montag seems quite confident in himself and his abilities as evidenced by his “whistling” as he recklessly throws himself down the hole; he has complete confidence that he can save himself from the fall. ​
(This sample is 207 words) #2 Novel Assignment: ​
carefully and stop to complete the journal entries as indicated. Read Ray Bradbury’s ​
Part 1: “The Hearth and the Salamander” Journal Entry 1 1. As you read this section, look for a short 5-10 line passage that you think ​
best ​
captures each of the following characters: Montag, Clarisse, and Mildred. Then, in paragraph format: ● Identify the page where the passage is found - Copy the passage; see sample for correct MLA citation. ● Summarize the content of the passage. ● Identify significant words or phrases that describe the character. ● Explain what the reader learns about the character in the selected passage. Do not answer these as bullet points, these ideas should be incorporated into a journal entry, like the sample above. Journal Entry 2 1. Locate ​
ten very short passages​
describing something significant about the Mechanical Hound. Identify the pages where the passages are found. Then write a response describing how the Hound is being described and to what is it being compared? Identify the author’s purpose in using such figurative language? ​
Explain in paragraph format; remember to incorporate the quoted passages in your response. ​
See sample for correct MLA citation. 2. Locate ​
five words or short phrases ​
that describe the books as they are burned. Identify the pages where the phrases are found. To what are they being compared? Identify the author’s purpose in using such figurative language? ​
Explain in paragraph format; remember to incorporate the quoted passages in your response.​
See sample for correct MLA citation. Part 2: “The Sieve and the Sand” Journal Entry 3 1. Describe Faber; Your response should be in paragraph format and should include how he is both similar to and different from Montag. Explain his function or purpose in this section. ​
Incorporate ​
six excerpts​
from the book in your response.​
Identify the pages where the passages are found. See sample for correct MLA citation. Part 3: “Burning Bright” Journal Entry 4 In these pages Montag moves between his old life and his new life ​
after he crosses the river​
. Find a passage​
(1-2 paragraphs; no more than a ½ page) from his life in the new world (which begins when he emerges from the river). Then, ● Identify the page you are analyzing. Copy the passage; see sample for correct MLA citation. ● Explain what is happening in this section, as well as how it relates to what has happened before and after this moment. ● Identify ​
six words or phrases​
that stand out to you. ● Explain why these words or phrases stood; what image do these words form in your mind about this new world? ● Explain what these words or phrases say about Montag and his new environment. ● How is this particular paragraph important and necessary to the book? Do not answer these as bullet points, these ideas should be incorporated into a journal entry, like the sample. Journal Entry 5 ● Identify two arguments or beliefs about modern society (our culture) that Bradbury seems to be making through this novel. Do you agree with his arguments? Incorporate Incorporate ​
four excerpts​
from the book in your response​
. ​
Explain in paragraph format; use correct MLA citation. Grading Rubric 1. ​
Completeness (20 points) Do your responses directly answer ​
each part​
of the assigned questions? Excellent 20-19 Very Good 18-16 Average 15-10 Needs Improvement 9-5 Unsatisfactory 4-0 2. ​
Knowledge (30 points) Do your responses clearly show you have read and understood the novels’ content by correctly defining key terms, key persons and key concepts/themes? Excellent 30-28 Very Good 27-24 Average 23-14 Needs Improvement 13-7 Unsatisfactory 6-0 3. ​
Analysis (30 points) Have you clearly ​
analyzed and given examples​
from the texts to back them up? NO RETELLING! Excellent 30-28 Very Good 27-24 Average 23-14 Needs Improvement 13-7 Unsatisfactory 6-0 4. ​
Writing Skills (20 points) Did you write clearly, in complete sentences and/or in paragraphs with minimal errors in grammar and spelling? Did you use the MLA method of citation where needed? ​
– ​
​ee ​
the MLA references posted on the Google Classroom for expected format- or google MLA documentation. Excellent 20-19 Very Good 18-16 Average 15-10 Needs Improvement 9-5 Unsatisfactory 4-0 100-91 ​
= A+- A-​
90-80 ​
= B+ - B- ​
79 - 48 = ​
C+ - C- ​
47 - 24 ​
= D+ - 60% ​
23> F= 50% This is to be attached to your written assignment Name ___________________________________________________ ID # _________ Period __________ 