+For The Staunchest.

+ForThe Staunchest.
"Forever With Quality"
Spring 1997
Chairman's Report: Retreat A Success!
The last time you heard from the association, fear was spreading far and wide in concern
f'cr the undergraduate chapter. This time, I'm proud to report that things seem to be on an
the chapter.
The active chapter retreat m s held January 6th and 7th at camp in Northern lower
Tvfichigan on Torch Lake. Despite severe weather conditions many of the undergads, brother
I<en Breen, Facditatorhrother Beta Mertin Cobb ard myseymade the trek up North to begm the
1lealing process. The first evening we spent significant time on Team-Building and discussions on
tlow the fraternity plays a part in our lives. The second day was focused on discussing the
Ixoblemsiconcerns in the chapter, and creating solutions and plans for implementing positive
c:hange. The end result of the retreat was an improved moral condition amongst the brotherhood,
imd a plan of action for the remainder of the school year.
After the retreat, brother Ken Breen and I agreed on a few suggestions for Epsilon
+ The building and strengthening of the brotherhood must always be top priority. Brotherhood
events outside of meetings and other fraternity business should be encouraged.
The house must be filled to capacity each year and be maintained in a respectable manner.
The pIed,&
p r o w needs to be revamped, possibly shortening the pled_& period. An
educational emphasis needs io be in place, while encouraging more of a brotherhood
atmosphere during Beta Week rather than a coercive environment. The chapter must
maintain a strong stance against hazing.
+ Rush must be an on-going process. Recruitment is a year long process involving the entire
chapter (active and dumni). We must ensure the chapter's survival through recruitment.
Re-evaluate the structure of the chapter's organization. A simpler, fine-tuned E-Board can
minimize stress and confusion, thus adding accountability to the members.
Many thanks need to be handed out to al the people who helped make the retreat a
uccess. The person most responsible for this event was Paul DeRoche. Paul single-handily made
1.he arrangements at the retreat camp, and secured a speaker fkom the National Intefiaternity
hnference. Paul played a very instrumental role in making sure this retreat happened. In
i~dditiosthe following brothers also deserve a big 'thank yoc.': Steve Genus for orgmkkg
1transpolfation and motivating members to attend the retreat. Jeny VanHorn, then acting chapter
IPresident, for getting so personalty involved for the betterment of the Epsilon Gamma chapter.
IKen Breen for attending and offering his insight and writing a follow-up letter to the chapter. The
id v e Beta's who gave a damn and went to the retreat and kept thirgs rolling when they returned
1 o CMU. And fi&ly, all the Ahrnni how donated money to help defray the costs of this
1meaningful chapter event.
There is more good news to foIfow in this newsletter about the chapter, but 1'11 leave the
;,ob of informing the Alumni to those who are most qualified to report it. As always. if you would
1like to contact me, please call or write.
Hope to see everyone on April 26th. for the FatbedSon Euchre Tournament.
Bob Seeber, Jr. the
In the Summer of 1996,
Epsilon Gamma's own
Bob Seeber, Jr. became
the new District Chief ol
our district. We are very
proud of Bob and give
him our sincerest heart
felt congratulations. Bob
will prove to be an
excellent District Chief.
and w i l l make the General
Fraternity very proud, not
to mention how proud we
feel as his CklU brothers.
Scott E. Eiadeau
Chapter Advisor
Convention Report
Beta Network
Financial Page
Missing Phone
FYI Page
For The Staunchest
Page 2
It's that time of the year again! Time to get
together with Epsilon Gamma brothers and
their fathers for a day of h n . Lenny, 'the
International Pig Roaster', will be there with
his expertise in cooking up that delicious pig.
Oren Lane and his father are the defending
euchre champions. It's time to unseat them!
The program gets under way SATURDAY,
APRL45 26, at NOON This event is B.Y.0.B
(Bring your ow. beverage) and B.Y.O.M. (Brig
your own munchies). Also on that day we wi11
be electing new Alumni Board members. Be
sure to set that date aside for a great day of
***Special thanks to Robcrt Sccbcf, S . , for
donating $150.00 towards Lenny and the
delicious mastedpi_a/ Thank you Bob!!!
1 Beta Addresses I
b Alumni Association
PO BOX 7364
Bloomfield Hills, IW483027364
Scott Nadeau Chairman
555 N. Main Street
Mt. Pleasant, MI 45858
Bob Hempton - Chairman
0 Underwaduate
University Center Box 46
Mt. Pleasant, MI 45859
Jeff Wandzel - Chzpter
Scott Nadeau lives at 1432 Kirtland Drive. Ann Arbor. MI 48103. Scott's
number is (313) 994-1358.
Mark Hess - new address and phone: 4502 Streamside Trail, Waterford, W
48329. (810) 674-0809. (***Remember, starting in May, the new area code for
Oakland County is 248) E-mad Ma& at ~ e a c h e r ~ ~ a o 1 . c o m
0 Steve & Sue Siler have a new baby son - Matthew James Siler was born on
Todd 62 Angela Robinson aL.0 have a new c W however, Scott Nadeau
rts that he forgot the name.
Randy Kusowsk married Kate McLean in November.
0 In May, Matt Mularoai!w p d u a t e wnh honors from Nonhwestetll State
Universir?;in Louisiana with a w e e in business. At the same rime he will be
connnissioned as a S e c d Lieutenant in the US Army and the Military Police
Corps. He and bis wife Tracey are expecmg their first child in June.
0 Opie and Mrs. Opie, that would be Spot are pregnant. Matt is happy to
Doug and Lori Ackennan are e
m their tim child as well.
O m Lane - new address: 25554 Keenan Ct., Novi, MI 48375.
Mike McDermott - new address: 2430 Wmvick, Troy, MI 48084. Phone:
0 Chris Makowski - new address: 1036 Alpine Dr., Brighton, MI 481 16.
0 Dave Gillrie - new address: 3851 Long Meadow Lane, Lake Orien, MI 48359.
Dave was recently promoted for Brand Mngt./Pontiac GMC.
d Darryl Jackson: 192 W Street, Miford MI 4838 1.
d Madeline Marie Seeber born to Bob and Teresa Seeber on Nov. 5 same day
as Bob's b-day! Congratulations and sorry this news is late in the newsletter.
(7 Jim Mottern: E-Mail Address is James.Mottem~~edsignal.Com
0 Editors Nae: Due to *be Chapter retrear, the last issue of the newsletter was
very s1101t and dicin't contain much 'extracumcular' type news. We decided to
save some of the costs of p~tiugadditionai pages, thus contributing more money to
the retreat. It is for this reason that many 'items' failed to get printed m the last
edition. Thank you for your u n d e r s t d i .
For The Staunchest
'For The Staunchest'
C/OMark Hess
PO BOX 7364
Bloomfield HiUs, MI
E-Mail your articles,
comments, questions to
'For The Staunchest'
We would love to hear
?om as many brothers a!
possible. If you have an
interesting article or
story for the newsletter,
simply e-mad to us and
ve can print it in the nex
issue. Please use .doc,
.wps, .wri, .txt, or .pub
file formats.
For The Staunchest
Pane 3
The Financial Page
by Andy Shubnell
Financial Donation Clubs
Alumni Club
(up to $50)
Doug Ackerman
D a q l Jackson
Matt Mularoni
Grant Kersten Jr.
Andrew Shubnell
Mark Hess
Staunchest Club
(up to $100)
Scott Nadeau
Bryan Hix
Diamond Club
(over $100)
Dave Deighton
Jim Mottern
Matt Brauer
Brother Beta's,
For those of you who have not heard, I have been elected as the new Treasurer of the Epsilon Gamma
Alumni Association. I am very honored to hold thls position and hope to do as good a job as Brother
Hempton did. I will be lookhg to Bob for any guidance I may need.
M a y of you have received a letter asking for donations to the Alumni Association, specifically for the
purpose of an undergraduate retreat. I would like to thank all of those brothers who made contributions
for t k s cause, the money was a big help in covering the expenses. Unfortunately the total cost of the
retreat was unable to be covered by the donations received, and some of the Alumni savings had to be
As you can see, donations recently have been a little low. Although we are not having a fund raiser at
this time, please feel free to send any or all of those large tax returns!! !!
I hope all of you ,h\~emade it through the long winter and are looking forward to Spring!! I look forward
to seeing all of you at the Pig Roast.
-kaiAndrew Shubnell
For The Staunchest
Page 4
New Chapter Advisor Report
As the new chapter advisor I'd like to take this opportunity to update
you on the chapter. One of our major undertakings this year was a retreat for
the under grads to Torch Lake. Because the year got off to a bumpy start, a
retreat was developed to promote the leadership, teamwork, and brotherhood
of the chapter. The chapter's hard work has paid off and during the fall
semester they received a 2.91 G.P.A.. This was the highest G.P.A. on campus
and one of the highest that I can remember.
Thank you to Paul Deroche, Ken Breen, and Scott Nadeau for all of
their help in organizing and attending the retreat at Torch Lake. The under
grads who attended got a lot out of it and brought back a lot of good ideas to
the chapter. A special thank you to the alumni association for donating the
funds to make this event possible.
I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of Jim Cohn(house
mgr.) and Bob Hempton(house corp. president). Their hard work has
resulted in sixteen leases being signed for the upcoming school year. This
brings the house to full capacity allowing us to complete repairs, pay back
taxes, and have some operating income.
The number one challenge facing the young men of Beta Theta Pi is
increasing membership. This year a large number of seniors are graduating
and we only took four pledges during the winter rush. This is where we as
alumni can help. I would like to encourage the alumni to attend rush
events(fal1 rush is in the middle of September). Our perspective on what Beta
can mean to the development of our leadership ability, career goals, and
brotherhood can be of great interest to prospective members. Also, if you
know of any quality young men going to CMU please forward their name to
our new president James Eschelback at the house. I look forward to seeing
manv of you at the Pig Roast on April 26th. Please feel free to call me with
suggestions or questions at 517-792-2553. YOUS in -hi- Jeff Wandzel
Contact Steve Grenus if you know whereabouts, and/or phone numbers of these, or if you
received this newsletter via forwarded mail:Steve Grenus, CblU Registrars Oilice,
Mt. Pleasant, MI 45559 (e-mad: STEV'EX.GEWS@CMICH.EDU
Tyler Bouaert
Tony Boomer
Brent Bradley
Bill Browning
Mike Cook
James Wallace
Mike Erickson
Jeff Hughes
m Kirkendall
Brendan Lambrix
Dean Lamont
Matt McClusky
Todd &filter
Keith Nagel
Greg Neeper
Chuck Pt~ker
Steve Pohe
Kent Richards
Jay Richardson
Tom Ross
Chris Thelander
For The Staunchest
Page 5
Li~hgIn The House: Your Story
Remember what it was Iike when you w m an undergrad and lived in the Beta Ziouse? U
. those late night pmies,
fnendly encounters with local authorities; late nisht munchies, simng on the fiont porch talking with brothers, rituals,
and the list of memories cao go m an on. Well now her; is your chance ii, tell us your favorite Beta House memory. U'e
rvlll publish short story anecdotes of your memories of our great tiaremiry house. Keep your stories brief They can be
humorous. or serious. We ruould dl like to r e h d l e o w home memoroes by hewing f?om all of you. T!nnk You!
For The Staunchest
Page 6
E ~ s i l o nGamma Alumni Contacts
Scott Nadeau - Alumni Association Chairman
1432 Kirtland Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(313) 994.1438
Matt Baad - Board Memberl Pig Roast Organizer
410 Bvron Rd.
Matthew Brauer - Board MemberlHomecoming Organizer
25713 Pebble Ct.
Farmington Hills, MI 48336
(810) 477.8618
Andrew Schubnell - Alum. Association Treasurer
45338 Ashwood Ct.
Utica, MI 48317
(810) 739.7695
Steven Desmet - Board Memberl Golf Outing Organizer
609 Chesire Ct.
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
(810) 299.5175
Mark Hess - For the Staunchest Editor
4502 Streamside Trail
Waterford, MI 48329
(810) 674.0809
email: teacherrnh@aol.com
Jeff Wandzel - Chapter Counselor
4191 McCarty Apt. #45
Saginaw, MI 48603
(517) 792.2553
Steven Grenus FacultyEtaff Advisor1 Beta Base Master
1425 Pino Lane
Weidman, MI 48893
(517) 644.5770
email: steven.grenus@CMICH.EDU
Robert Hempton - Housing Corp. President
118 Exmore
Waterford, MI 48328
(810) 738.4929
James Eschelbach - Chapter President
c/o University Center box 46
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
95 17) 773.0976
Send all Donations tp:
Epsilon Gamma Alumni Association
P.O. Box 7364
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
For The Stmxhest
Page 7
1996 General Convention Report
I want to say thanks for the acknowledgemnt you gavePLL
the Seebers in the last STAUNCHEST NEWSLETTER. We
appreciate the kind words very much.
Bob ~r.(our new District Chief) and myself went to the
GENERAL CONVENTION at Marriott's Desert Springs Resort and
Spa in Palm Desert, California July 31st to Aug.4th1 1996.
To say it was special to us is an understatement. Being out
there has a unique feeling and the atmosphere is quite
pleasurable. This was my 6th convention and my second time
to Palm Desert. Sharing it with my son, Bob, made it even
better. Due to a foot injury, my mobility was somewhat
hampered. We attended all the dinners and BETA 101 (A
specialty of B. Hume Morris and I always advise the Brothers
to experience it every opportunity they get!! His
stories will move you!) Bob was kept quite busy attending the
various meetings, while I rested my foot. On somewhat of a
humorous note, "TRIPLE S SECURITY" was formed on our
Thursday Night's Marshalling Duties. (Ask for Details.)
All in all, it was a fine convention. After an emotional and
tearful goodbye with Brother B. Hume Morris, (past General
Fraternity President, General Secretary and various other
capacities.) Bob and I departed in the middle of his
breakfast speech to catch our flight far home. We rushed
and. the plane was delayed an hour anyway!!!
A brief note on when Bob Jr. and I attended C.M.U.'s
annual housing meeting and further contributions by the
Seebers. Every year at the end of these meetings, an
anonymous alumni writes a check'to'start-the house off with
a clean slate to start the school year. I would like to
suggest the alumni board to consider making out the check
instead. We have got to support the active chapter NOW more
financially and perhaps consider leaving the scholarship
money, etc. as a future project. I want any contribution the
Seebers make to be given back to the active chapter for
whatever purpose necessary. I believe this would help
maintain a positive attitude and to bring closer ties for
Due to caregiving of our seriously ailling parents and
Aletha's health, my presence at,the house has been kept to a
minimum. I did make the last3'l'nitiation again (my 19th).
Hopefully, 1'11 make homecoming. I know that my son has
stopped in at the house numerous times. It warms my heart
when I'm there and I hear that other alumni have stopped by
to visit. Keep it up and thanks.
Yours in Fraternal Love,
Robert A. Seeber, EG 83
Please Hl out 'The Last Page' and mail to tbe Alumni aociatioo
Please support the Alumni Association & Chapter - lMad your donation in today!
Far The Staunchest
Epsilon Gamma Alumni Association
PO BOX 7364
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302-7364