Evolutionary Arms Race Worksheet

Video: the evolutionary Arms Race
This video is the third episode of the PBS Evolution
series. It deals with evolutionary feedback interactions
between predators and prey.
Please answer the following questions on your own,
using your own knowledge and information from the
video (1 pt. each):
1. Why has the rough-skinned newt in Oregon
become much more toxic than needed to protect
itself from most predators?
2. How have garter snakes responded to the increasing levels of toxins in the newts?
3. What predator is attacking us?
4. How many people died of influenza in the epidemic after World War I?
5. Where did we get the first antibiotics we use to fight bacteria?
6. Why don’t antibiotics help with Sasha’s tuberculosis?
7. What is being done to fight multiple-drug-resistant (MDR) TB?
8. What does Paul Ewald suggest we can do about the problem of multiple-drug-resistance?
9. How does the method of bacteria transmission relate to how dangerous it is?
10. Why is Stephen O’Brien studying FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) in wild cats?
11. What did he conclude?
12. Why do some people exposed to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) not become infected?
13. What percentage of European people were killed by the Black Plague?
14. What is symbiosis?
15. How are leaf-cutter ants an example of symbiosis?
16. What did Cameron Currie find out about how the ants keep their garden free of pests?
17. What may be one danger of our using antibiotics so much?