Course Syllabus COURSE: INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: WWW Homepage: EMAIL: Spring 2013 FIN 4723 – Principles of Real Estate Investment Dr. Thomas Thomson BB 4.06.26 Mon & Wed Noon – 1 PM and by appointment PHONE: 458-5306 TEXTBOOK Ling and Archer. 2010. Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach, 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 736 p. (ISBN: 978-0-07-337732-2) Other readings may also be assigned as announced in class. An HP 10bII or HP 10bII+ is the recommended financial calculator. Any examples shown in class will use this calculator. If you choose to use another, it is your responsibility to learn to use it. LEARNING OBJECTIVES This course presents an overview and analysis of real estate investment. Upon completion of this class you should understand the analytical issues of real estate investments including investment analysis of the major types of commercial real estate (CRE) including lease structures, proformas, and before and after tax cash flow analysis. This course emphasizes real estate proformas. You will learn how to calculate the NOI, before and after tax cash flows and income from reversion. You should be able to evaluate the appropriate leverage to use in a real estate investment. You will learn about the leases that for the foundations for estimating cash flows. You will learn how commercial real estate is securitized as Real Estate Investment Trusts. Guest speakers will present current issues regarding CRE investing. PREREQUISITES MGT 3003, FIN 3014,and FIN3433, or consent of instructor COURSE OUTLINE Week of Topics January 14 Introduction, Investment goals January 21 Types of Properties and Leases January 28 Investment Analysis I:Before Tax Cash Flow February 4 Investment Funding: Debt and Mortgages February 11 Investment Decisions Ratios February 18 Exam 1 February 25 Investment Decision: Leverage and Risk March 4 Investment Decision: Income Taxes March 11 Spring Break March 18 Investment Decision: Income Taxes March 25 Enhancing Value: Ongoing Management April 1 REITS April 8 Exam 2 April 15 Real Estate Portfolios, Special Topics April 22 Guest Speakers / Case Analysis April 29 Review Reading (Chapters) 22 8 17 18 19 20 20 21 17 TBA EVALUATION Your success in this course will be measured using professional development, homework (due at the beginning of each class, late homework = 0) and attendance, and three examinations. The proposed event dates are shown below. Any revision announced in class supercedes the schedule below. The course website ( provides details for homework and professional development events. The weights which will be applied to the exams and other measures are: Item Professional. Development Homework & Attendance Exam 1 Exam 2 Final Exam Weight 10% 25% 20% 20% 25% Date Ongoing Ongoing Feb 18 April 8 May6, Chapters 8, 22, 17,18 17, 19-21 All Though subject to a downward revision in cutoff scores (i.e. a “curve”), grades will be assigned to the percentage achievements noted in the Table below. A grade below 60.0% will be assigned an F. A+ A A- 98.0-100 92.0-97.9 90.0-91.9 B+ B B- 88.0-89.9 82.0-87.9 80.0-81.9 C+ C C- 78.0-79.9 72.0-77.9 70.0-71.9 D+ D D- 68.0-69.9 62.0-67.9 60.0-61.9 Exams The proposed exam dates are noted above. The Chapters included on each exam will be announced during class. In addition to the text materials, exams will test materials covered in class by the instructor and guest lecturers. Unless revisions are announced in class, the exam dates will be as noted above. The exam questions will be taken from the homework, examples covered in class, presentations by guest speakers and assigned readings. The Final Exam will be comprehensive. To each exam you may bring the 8.5"x11" sheet which will be handed out during class to which you place your hand written notes as indicated. You may continue using this sheet, for all exams. To each exam, bring a financial calculator and a SCANTRON form. All exams and all your work on exams are the property of the instructor. You are encouraged to review your exams during office hours. Student Conduct in Class: Class Attendance: This class follows HOP 5.09 which can be found at: Attendance at lecture is expected and sign in sheets will be used to monitor and will count toward your homework grade. All students are expected to exercise self-discipline and a respect for the rights of others at all times. Students acting in a disruptive manner will be asked to leave the classroom. Please turnoff all noise making sources (cell phone ringers, for example) before class. All students are expected to uphold the UTSA Creed:, and the Student Code of Conduct, Any student suspected of participating in any academic dishonesty will be reported to Office of Student Judicial Affairs, and the Instructor will recommend an automatic F for the course grade. Appropriate academic accommodation will be made for any student registered through the Office of Disability Services. Please note only the Office of Disability Services, 210-458-4157, ( may issue instructions for academic accommodations. Course Revisions: Any revisions to this syllabus will be announced in class. “It would be devastating to the egos of the intelligentsia to realize, much less admit, that businesses have done more to reduce poverty than all the intellectuals put together. Ultimately it is only wealth that can reduce poverty and most of the intelligentsia have no interest whatever in finding out what actions and policies increase the national wealth.” Thomas Sowell from