AP Biology Summer Assignment 2011 Exploring Life! As you wrap up the current school year, I’d like to begin to get you excited about next year, more specifically, AP Biology. The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory Biology course. AP Biology aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of Biology. This summer assignment has been designed: • to get you to think during the summer months to keep your mind sharp, because you will need a lot out of it come August! • to be able to cover the vast amount of information by May 2012 READING ASSIGNMENT AND GUIDED READING MINIUNIT The field of Ecology lends itself to be ideal for independent study prior to formal classes in August. You will be responsible for reading Chapters 51-56 (unit on Ecology & Animal Behavior), in Campbell’s AP 8th Edition Biology over the summer (if you have an earlier edition, you may use that, but you will have to check chapter numbers, as they are different.) You will also be required to complete a “mini-unit” with vocabulary and reading exercises covering the material. This will help direct your reading and help you discern the most important points. You will have a quiz and be tested over this material the first week of school. The test will be on Friday, September 2, 2011. ***The completed “Miniunit” is due the first day of class, August 29, 2011!! Many of you have inherited or bought your textbook from someone. The school has purchased internet access to the text website for additional resources and study aids. By using the following code, you can gain access. This code is for ANY EDITION of the Campbell, BIOLOGY text. 1. Go to: www.pearsonschool.com/access, and follow the simple steps for registering with this student access code shown below. SSNAST-STEAD-OBEYS-SIDED-ORACY-TOTES Should you have any difficulty, please let me know. 1 I will have the beginning of our schedule up on my website by the first of August. The website is: www.drlytle.org. All assignments, handouts and important dates will be located on this site. I will also place a copy of the “Miniunit” and summer assignment on the website for downloading (just in case yours gets soaked at the pool). Throughout the summer feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. You can email me at slytle@ursulineacademy.org. This is big assignment, so don’t procrastinate!! It will be to your benefit to make a schedule and read a certain number of pages each day. The Miniunit can also be time consuming so work on it throughout the summer. Although you may be able to “fill in the blanks” over a long weekend, this will not give you time to assimilate all the information contained in these chapters. This course is cumulative, so you will want to remember the information far past September! WELCOME to AP BIOLOGY!! I look forward to an exciting year with each of you. Have a great summer and remember… the light of evolution.” “Nothing in biology makes sense except in -- Theodosius Dobzhansky 2 Name______________________ AP BIOLOGY 2011-2012 Summer Assignment 2011 Due August 29, 2011 3 Mini-Unit INSTRUCTIONS: For many of the units we will be studying this year, I have prepared a “Mini-unit”. These will consist of vocabulary, and some guided reading to complete. The purpose is to help you solidify concepts and be able to discern the more important concepts in the chapters. You will not get nightly homework, as you do in math or other sciences, instead you are expected to keep up with the readings and to work on the mini-unit. Typically, the mini-unit is due the day of the test, but for the summer assignment, I will review it and return it to you prior to our first test. The first test over this material will be the week of Sept. 14. The chapters listed are the ones in the 8th AP edition of Campbell, Biology. If you have an older edition, the material should be the same as the 8th edition, it is just organized a bit different. If you have questions, please feel free to email me at slytle@ursulineacademy.org or drlytle@cinci.rr.com. Grading for the miniunits: Miniunit is worth 80 (assignment) points o Vocabulary is worth 0.5 points/definition. Maximum 20 points (so you are only required to define 40 words), but you are responsible for knowing the meaning of all of the words. o “Exercises” are worth a total of 60 points. The points will be divided up evenly among the questions. I do have some objectives on the Miniunit. You are NOT required to write these out and NO extra credit is given for them. The purpose is to help you focus your energies and studies. Ecology Objectives Chapter 51 – Animal Behavior 1. Explain the difference between innate and learned behaviors 2. Describe the evolutionary basis for behavioral ecology 3. Explain the difference between ultimate and proximate causations of behavior 4. Describe a fixed-action pattern and a sign stimulus 5. Explain the nature versus nurture controversy 6. Explain the effect of maturation on behavioral improvement 7. Define habituation 8. Discuss imprinting, imprinting stimulus, and critical period 9. Define associative learning 10. Distinguish among classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning 11. Describe 2 hypotheses for the evolution of play behavior 12. Discuss the ultimate bases of learning 13. Describe and define kinesis, taxis, and migration 14. Explain the differences among piloting, orientation, and navigation 15. Compare generalist and specialist foraging strategies 16. Explain how a search image is adaptive 17. Describe optimal foraging strategies in terms of energetics and prey densities 18. Describe agonistic behavior 4 19. Explain what is meant by a ritual behavior and describe the evolutionary advantage of ritual behavior 20. Describe a dominance hierarchy and explain the advantages to individuals in the hierarchy 21. Explain how dominance hierarchies and territories may stabilize population densities 22. Describe the advantages of courtship 23. Explain how ritualized courtships may have evolved 24. Define parental investment 25. Discuss the intimate bases for mate selection 26. Compare and contrast the 3 main mating systems 27. Describe the differences between polygyny and polyandry 28. Discuss how the needs of the young influence the development of mating systems 29. Describe how the certainty of paternity influences the development of mating systems 30. Describe the various modes of communication 31. Relate an animal's mode of communication to its lifestyle 32. Discuss why altruistic behavior might evolve 33. Define inclusive fitness and kin selection 34. Define reciprocal altruism 35. Define cognitive ethology 36. Describe the premise of sociobiology Chapter 52 – An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere 1. Explain why the field of ecology is a multidisciplinary science 2. Distinguish among organismal ecology, population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, landscape ecology and global ecology 3. Describe the relationship between ecology and evolution 4. Explain the importance of temperature, water, light, soil, and wind to living organisms 5. Explain the principle of allocation 6. Describe how environmental changes may produce behavioral, physiological, morphological, or adaptive responses in organisms 7. Explain the concept of environmental grain and under what situation(s) a single environment may be both coarse-grained and fine-grained 8. Describe the characteristics of the major biomes a. Tropical forest b. Savanna c. Desert d. Chaparral e. Temperate grassland f. Temperate forest g. Taiga h. Tundra 9. Compare and contrast the types of freshwater communities 10. Be able to diagram the various zones found in the marine environment 5 Chapter 53 – Population Ecology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Define the scope of population ecology Distinguish between population and density Explain how ecologists measure species density Describe conditions which may result in clumped dispersion, random dispersion, and uniform dispersion of populations Explain how age structure, generation time, and sex structure of populations can affect population growth Describe the characteristics of populations which exhibit Type I, Type II, and Type III survivorship curves Explain how carrying capacity of the environment affects the intrinsic rate of increase of a population Explain how density dependent factors affect population growth Describe how weather and climate can function as density-independent factors in controlling population growth Explain how density-dependent and density-independent factors may work together to control a population's growth List the 3 major characteristics of a life history and explain how each affects the a. number of offspring produced by an individual b. population's growth Explain how predation can affect life history through natural selection Distinguish between r-selected and K-selected populations Explain how a stressful environment may alter the standard r-selection and K-selection characteristics Chapter 54 – Community Ecology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Compare and contrast the individualistic hypothesis of H. A. Gleason and the interactive hypothesis of F. E. Clements with respect to communities Explain the relationship among species richness, relative abundance, and diversity List 4 properties of a community and explain the importance of each Explain how interspecific competition may affect community structure Describe the competitive exclusion principle and explain how competitive exclusion may affect community structure Distinguish between an organism's fundamental niche and realized niche Explain how resource partitioning can affect species diversity Describe the defense mechanisms evolved by plants to reduce predation by herbivores Explain how cryptic coloration and aposematic coloration aid an animal in avoiding predators Distinguish between Batesian mimicry and Mullerian mimicry Describe how predators use mimicry to obtain prey Explain the role of predators in community structure Distinguish among parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism Explain why it is difficult to determine what factor is most important in structuring a community 6 15. Distinguish between primary succession and secondary succession 16. Explain how inhibition and facilitation may be involved in succession 17. Describe how natural and human disturbances can affect equilibrium and species diversity 18. List the factors involved in limiting a species to a particular range 19. Describe the mechanisms which contribute to the global clines in diversity 20. Explain the factors which determine what species eventually inhabit islands Chapter 55 - Ecosystems 1. Explain the importance of autotrophic organisms with respect to energy flow and nutrient cycling in ecosystems 2. List and describe the importance of the 4 consumer levels found in ecosystems 3. Explain how gross primary productivity is allocated by the plants in an ecosystem 4. Explain why productivity declines at each trophic level 5. List factors that can limit ecosystem productivity 6. Distinguish between energy pyramids and biomass pyramids 7. Describe the hydrologic (water) cycle 8. Describe the carbon cycle and explain how it results from the reciprocal processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration 9. Describe the nitrogen cycle and explain the importance of nitrogen fixation to living organisms 10. Explain how phosphorus is recycled locally inmost ecosystems 11. Explain why the soil in tropical forests contains lower levels of nutrients than soil in temperate forests 12. Describe how agricultural practices can interfere with nitrogen cycling 13. Describe how deforestation can affect nutrient cycling within an ecosystem 14. Describe how the carbon cycle differs in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems 15. Explain how "cultural eutrophication" can alter freshwater ecosystems 16. Explain why toxic compounds usually have the greatest effect on top-level carnivores 17. Describe how increased atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide could affect the earth 18. Describe how human interference might alter the biosphere Chapter 56 – Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. List the major threats to biodiversity and give an example of each Describe the importance of biodiversity Describe the 3 basic concepts upon which the field of biodiversity is based Describe the goal of conservation biology Describe ho biodiversity is distributed Define the term : "biodiversity hot spot" Describe the problems presented to conservation by migratory species Describe how the biodiversity crisis extends throughout the hierarchy of biological organization 9. Describe how habitat fragmentation affects population dynamics 7 10. Define "source habitat" and "sink habitat" and how these concepts relate to conservation habitats 11. Describe how population viability analysis and estimates of minimum viability size and effective population size are used to evaluate the chances of a species persisting or becoming extinct 12. Give examples of how predictive models are being used in conservation efforts 13. Describe the conflicting demands that arise in conservation management plans 14. Describe how edges and corridors influence landscape biodiversity 15. Discuss why nature reserves are important to preserving biodiversity and why conservation efforts will involve working in landscapes dominated by humans 16. Describe why restoring degraded areas is an important part of conservation biology and how bioremediation and augmentation play a role in restoration efforts 17. Describe how sustainable development goals are reorienting ecological research and will require changes in some human values VOCABULARY abiotic abyssal zone acclimation Ammonification aphotic zone aposematic coloration benthos biodiversity hot spot biome biosphere biosphere biotic climate clumped coevolution cognitive ethology cognitive maps community demography Denitrification density detritus dispersion ecology ecosystem ectoparasite endoparasite estuary ethology Evapo-transpiration fecundity foraging habituation habituation herbivory imprinting imprinting intraspecific competition iteroparity kinesis littoral zone logistic population growth mark-recapture method migration movement corridor neritic zone Nitrogen fixation oceanic zone opportunistic populations permafrost polyandry polygyny population predation promiscuous recruitment ritual semelparity sign stimulus sociobiology species richness symbiosis taxis thermocline Transpiration tropics zero population growth 8 EXERCISES- You must complete ALL portions of this section. Adapted from K. Foglia and D. Knuffke CHAPTER 51: BEHAVIORAL BIOLOGY 1. How do genes affect the behavior of an individual animal?____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Compare and contrast instincts and reflexes. ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is a fixed action pattern? Give an example. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe and give an example of each of the following behaviors. Explain why it is an example: a. Imprinting __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ b. Habituation _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ c. Agonistic behavior ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ d. Dominance Hierarchy __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ e. Altruistic Behavior____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Associate Learning includes classical and operant conditioning. How can you distinguish between classical and operant (trial and error) conditioning? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9 a. What are some examples of operant and classical conditioning that might occur in nature? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. How do ethologists distinguish between proximate and ultimate causation of behavior. Give an example of two of the ways of explaining an animal’s behavior. ____________________________________________________________________________ a. proximate causation_____________________________________________________ b. ultimate causation_______________________________________________________ 7. List an advantage and a disadvantage of defending a territory._________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 8. What are the benefits of pheromones or other chemical communications in animals and insects? _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 9. What are circadian rhythms and how are they of adaptive value?________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Explain the evolutionary adaptation of kin selection. _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. Nazca boobies (Sula granti) lay 2 eggs several days apart. No matter how much food is available, only one survives to adulthood. The first chick to hatch pushes its younger sibling from the nest, and the younger one then dies of starvation and neglect. Formulate a hypothesis on how it might be adaptive for parents of this species to lay 2 eggs if one hatching tends to kill the other. Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. (See Design diagram at the end of this miniunit – page19.) CHAPTER 51: ECOLOGY & THE BIOSPHERE 1. List several examples of factors that limit geographic distribution. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10 2. How does dispersal influence distribution? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What are the most important factors influencing terrestrial distribution?__________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the largest biome on earth? ______________________________________________ 5. Identify factors that are significant to organism distribution and abundance in a lake. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the difference between a lake that is oligotrophic and one that is eutrophic? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Fill in the following chart – list Abiotic and biotic characteristics: Terrestrial Biome Abiotic Characteristics Biotic Characteristics Tropical Rain Forest Savanna Desert Temperate Grassland Temperate Deciduous Forest Coniferous Forest (Taiga) Arctic Tundra 11 8. Fill in the chart with characteristics of each of the following Marine Biomes: Aquatic Biome Abiotic Characteristics Biotic Characteristics Lakes Wetlands Streams and Rivers Intertidal zone Ocean Pelagic Zone Coral Reefs Marine Benthic Zone CHAPTER 53: POPULATION ECOLOGY 1. What is a common manner in which ecologists estimate the number of individuals in a population? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are some possible difficulties in counting populations?____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Describe three patterns of dispersal. a._____________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________ c. _____________________________________________________________ 4. What pattern is the most common? Why?_________________________________________ 12 5. Draw a graph showing the survival strategies of species and give an example of each type. 6. Although you need calculus to solve this equation, write the formula for population growth without limits. Explain what each variable means. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ a. Describe the type of curve on a graph would be generated displaying this type of growth. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Define carrying capacity. ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. Now, write the formula for population growth with limits. Explain what each variable means. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ a. Describe the type of curve on a graph would be generated displaying this type of growth. ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. What happens to a population when the number of individuals in the population approaches carrying capacity?_____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Compare & contrast K-selected to r-selected species. Give examples of each. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 13 ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. Identify factors that regulate population size. _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Compare density-independent and density-dependent factors limiting populations. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 13. Look at the growth curve of the human population. How does it compare to the growth curve on the right. What are the differences and why? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Have humans reached K? What factors are significant when explaining our growth curve? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 15. Look at the age structure diagrams (next page) of different countries. How might the age structure influence government policy?____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 14 16. Explain why Kenya, U.S., and Italy display different growth patterns. In other words, how do you know Kenya is rapid, U.S. is slow, and Italy is zero growth? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 54: COMMUNITY ECOLOGY 1. How is co-evolution significant in community ecology?_________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Fill in the chart of interspecific interactions, using symbols “+” and “-“ to indicate affects on survival and reproduction between the 2 species. Interaction Effects on Population Example Density Competition Predation(includes parasitism) Mutualism Commensalism 15 3. What is the competitive exclusion principle?________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe Gausse’s experiment with Paramecia._______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Define ecological niche and give an example.________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Define and give an example of resource partitioning.__________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe several defense mechanisms to predation in plants.____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. The following animal defenses are often confused. Define each, and give a “memorable” example of each. a. Cryptic coloration __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ b. Aposematic coloration _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ c. Batesian mimicry ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ d. Mullerian mimicry ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. What is meant by the “trophic structure” of a community?____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 10. What does a food web show that isn’t indicated by a food chain? _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 11. Using the energetic hypothesis as a basis, explain why most food chains are limited in length, where as, food webs are not?_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. Define a keystone species and why are they so important to a community? Why are they not necessarily the most abundant species in a community? 16 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 13. Define ecological succession. Distinguish between primary and secondary succession. _________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 55: Ecosystems 1. How does the definition of ecosystems expand on the concept of the community? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is needed to maintain a self-sustaining ecosystem? __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Define the following energy budget terms: a. Primary productivity _________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ b. Gross primary productivity ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ c. Net primary productivity _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Which ecosystems have the highest productivity per unit area? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 5. What factors do you think contribute to such high productivity? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why is the open ocean so low in productivity?_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is secondary productivity? ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 17 ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. What happens to the size each level in the idealized pyramid as energy is transferred through the trophic levels?_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Explain what happens to the energy and biomass as it is passed through the trophic levels? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Why is it essential that elements move through biogeochemical cycles in the ecosystem? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. What are the major processes that move carbon through the ecosystem? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 12. What is the impact of combustion on the carbon cycle? ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 13. Give 3 reasons why the Nitrogen cycle is so important to life on earth. __________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. Why is human population growth at the root of environmental issues? ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 15. Define eutrophication. Why is it a problem?_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 16. Why is acid rain a problem? ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 17. Explain biological magnification.________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 18 18. What would be some of the properties of molecules that could be candidates for biological magnification?________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 19. What is the greenhouse effect? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 20. Explain the relationship between greenhouse gases and global warming. _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 21. What is the cause for the depletion of the ozone layer? Why is it a problem? Did this cause global warming? _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 22. Look around you and name at least 5 objects, natural or manufactured, that might be contributing to the amplification of the greenhouse effect. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 23. List several additional disruptive impacts humans have had on the environment. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 24. REVIEW: Water, Nitrogen and Carbon cycles. We will be discussing them in class. You are RESPONSIBLE FOR KNOWING THESE CYCLES. Chapter 56: Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology 1. State at least 2 reasons why we currently face a “biodiversity crisis” on Earth. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Define the three levels of biodiversity.____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 19 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Provide at least three benefits of maintaining a high level of biodiversity in the biosphere. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Explain how the following human-caused problems threaten biodiversity: a. Habitat destruction__________________________________________________________ b. Introduced species___________________________________________________________ c. Overexploitation_____________________________________________________________ d. Disruption of interaction networks_______________________________________________ 5. Diagram and explain the extinction vortex. 6. Compare and contrast the “minimum viable population size” with the “effective population size.” ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Pick one of the case studies presented in the first part of the chapter: -greater prairie chickens, red-cockaded woodpeckers or grizzly bears. Explain why the population was threatened and how conservation efforts were aimed towards helping the struggling population. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. Why is conservation always a compromise between the organism involved and human needs?________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 9. How do fragmentation and edges effect habitats?____________________________________ 20 ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10. Explain the concepts of “Bioremediation” and “Biological Augmentation.”___________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11. What are the goals of sustainable development?____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN DIAGRAM (Chapter 50, #11) Hypothesis: If_______________________________________________________________ then _______________________________________________________________________ Independent Variable (only 1):___________________________________________________ Dependent Variable:___________________________________________________________ How will you measure the dependent variable?_______________________________________ Constants(things you will keep the same between groups):______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Brief synopsis of procedure:_____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 21