MOTIVATION Improve willingness to work hard to complete academic goals • Are you the type of student who finds it very easy to get motivated to sit down and do your homework, go to class, study for a test? • Are you a student who wants to do well in school, and are motivated to do whatever it takes, make whatever sacrifices are necessary, to succeed? If so, this workshop will not be necessary for you. If not, read on! Some students have the best intentions and want to do well in school, get a degree, find a decent job. They just can’t find a way to get motivated to do the hard work! Other priorities get in the way. We may be lazy, fear failure, or not see the relevance in what we are doing. **Being motivated means to want something.** Motivation guides our behavior. For example, food is necessary to life, so our motivation to eat is generally pretty strong. Motivation to do enjoyable activities is also fairly easy since the payoff is something we really like and the rewards are immediate. **We are willing to work hard for things we value.** The more we want something, the harder we are willing to work to get it! Thus, to find the motivation to do well in school (attend class, study, do homework), we have to: ▫ Want to do it ▫ Value it ▫ Be willing to work hard to get it! What do you want? When considering a class or an assignment, think about what you want. ▫ Do you want to get an “A” in the class? ▫ Do you want to learn the material? ▫ Do you simply want to get through it and pass? Why do you want it? What value does this particular course or assignment hold for you? ▫ Is it a requirement for the class? Necessary to your major? ▫ Is it something you need to learn for your career? Something that interests you? ▫ Will succeeding in this class show that you are able to master something new and difficult? Will you feel a sense of accomplishment? Personal Application Think about your current classes and note what you want in each class as well as the reasons for wanting it. Class What do you want? Why do you want it? Now that you have convinced yourself that the school work is something you want to do and something that you value, the next step is to act on it. All the motivation in the world won’t do any good unless you do something about it! Address Things that Get in the Way • Think about what may hinder your motivation? ▫ Do you have a poor attitude? ▫ Do other priorities get in the way? ▫ Do you have poor study habits? • Refer to our other workshops to address these barriers. Your WCCC instructor, tutor, or counselor also can help. Ways to Motivate Yourself • Remind yourself what you want and why you want it ▫ Write it down and refer to it often • Set small, attainable tasks ▫ Break up larger tasks into smaller ones, making sure to meet deadlines • Reward yourself after completion of each task ▫ Do something enjoyable afterwards such as call a friend, watch tv, take a nap, go for a walk, etc. Ways to Motivate Yourself – cont. • Think about how to make the task more enjoyable ▫ Could you study with a friend, snack, listen to music, sit in your comfortable chair? • Practice positive self-talk ▫ Keep encouraging yourself with words that motivate you to do your best, or find inspirational quotes from others. • Keep going – don’t give up! ▫ You’ll develop perseverance by working hard toward your goals, and this will become a helpful habit toward all areas of your life. Conclusion Remember – motivation comes from wanting something and being willing to work hard to get it. Find value in your college education, and don’t let anything get in your way! Resources at WCCC WCCC offers several resources that can help student improve their motivation and study habits: College Learning Center, Founders Hall, Room 565, 724-925-4135 Disability Services, Founders Hall, Room 130, 724-925-4189 Counseling Services, Founders Hall, Room 130, 724-925-4121 Student Services Support Assistants, Founders Hall, Room 555, 724-925-6893 References “Find your motivation & translate it into action” (2013). Sanger Learning Center. The School of Undergraduate Studies, The University of Texas at Austin. Mastery Quiz 1. T/F - We need motivation in order to do something. 2. T/F – We are willing to work hard for things we value. 3. What are three ways you can improve your motivation? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Mastery Quiz – cont. 4. What are some of the things that get in the way of your motivation to attend class or study? (check all that apply) _____ not really want to take class _____ would rather do other things _____ not enough time _____ study skills not effective _____ procrastinator _____ worried about not doing well _____ not like the instructor _____ other: _______________________________ 5. What is one thing you have learned from this workshop that you will apply right away: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Evaluation Please take a moment to complete our brief survey. You may print it (Ctrl-P in the design view) and return it to the College Learning Center, Founders Hall Room 565. Name of workshop: ________________ Date taken: __________ Using the following scale, please rate each item below. (1) Not very much (2) Somewhat not (3) Somewhat (4) Very much After completing this workshop, my knowledge has increased on this subject: ____ I found the information in this workshop to be helpful to me: ____ I am likely to use the information in this workshop in my life: ____ Other comments: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Thank You!!!