Community Trust Company Registered Account Arm's Length

Community Trust Company
Registered Account
Arm's Length Mortgage Package
Send all pages of this original completed package to:
Community Trust Company
Self-Directed Registered Account Administration
2325 Skymark Avenue
Mississauga, ON L4W 5A9
CTC Registered Product Arm’s Length Mortgage Package
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Table of Contents
Professional Investment Advice Recommended................................................................................ 3
Mortgage Terms ................................................................................................................................. 3
Mortgage Registered Accounts Qualifications ................................................................................... 4
Administration .................................................................................................................................... 5
Documentation and Funding Requirements ...................................................................................... 6
Transfer-In of an Existing Mortgage (In-Kind) .................................................................................... 7
Maturity. Renewals. Transfers-Out and Discharges. .......................................................................... 8
Mortgage Arrears and Legal Action.................................................................................................... 8
Address for Service ............................................................................................................................. 9
10. Fees .................................................................................................................................................... 9
11. Forms/Fee Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 9
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Registered Account Arm's Length Mortgage Package
The enclosed general information package contains information required to fund and/or renew an
arm's-length mortgage out of the proceeds of your Registered Account.
1. Professional Investment Advice Recommended
Under the Indemnity & Undertaking you are indemnifying Community Trust Company from and
against any losses, therefore, we strongly advise that you obtain all the information necessary to
make an informed investment decision. In particular, you should obtain information on:
the investment itself - including the fair market value of the property (by a recent
independent appraisal), the value of the mortgage and any other existing mortgages on
the property, the risks associated with your investment and your ability to recover your
the mortgagor- in particular, the mortgagor's credit rating and ability to make payments
under the mortgage;
any continuing responsibilities or obligations of the mortgagor or the mortgage broker after
your investment has been made; and
all of the risks associated with making a mortgage investment.
If you have any questions or doubts about a particular mortgage investment, you should seek the
advice of a qualified and independent professional.
Community Trust Company does not authorize their employees or agents to give such advice to
investors, and does not authorize any other person to do so on its behalf. The accepting of your
instructions in respect of an investment in no way should be taken as an endorsement that the
investment is sound or appropriate.
2. Mortgage Terms
You are solely responsible for determining the terms and conditions of the mortgage. It will be
your responsibility to ascertain the credit worthiness of the mortgagor, the value of the property
and the mortgagor's equity in the property and all other matters relevant to your decision to
make the mortgage investment.
You must provide instructions to your Lawyer to prepare and register the mortgage documents and
to disburse the mortgage proceeds. Should the lawyer also represent the mortgagor, we strongly
recommend for you to retain an independent lawyer to advise you on your transaction.
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3. Mortgage Registered Accounts Qualifications
To hold an arm's-length mortgage in your Registered Accounts as a qualified investment, you must
meet all the requirements of the Income Tax Act, as amended from time to time. The Community
Trust Company may be required to deem the mortgage to be a non-qualified investment and issue a
statement to Annuitant/Plan holder and to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) advising of the nonqualified status. The Annuitant/Plan holder will be required to complete and to file certain forms
with CRA, including RC339.
In general:
Mortgages of residential and commercial real estate are acceptable.
Chattel mortgages, collateral mortgages, and promissory notes are not qualified for
Registered Accounts investments.
You must be at arm’s-length from the mortgagor as per IT-320R3 Bulletin.
The mortgage must be on property situated in Canada.
In addition to any legislative requirements, we also require that any arm's-length mortgage that
you wish to hold in your account as a qualified investment meets the following additional
Your loan to value ratio must be no more than 100% - this means that your mortgage loan
cannot be for more than the appraised value of the property in question at the time of
Liquidity requirements : For us to accept the mortgage in your Registered Account, you
must have the following amount of liquid assets in your account:
 2% of the value of the mortgage(s) for mortgage loans held in the Registered Account
(subject to value of the account & the Investment performance).
 Minimum Annual Payment plus 2% of the value of the mortgage(s) for mortgage loans
held in the Registered Account1 (only applicable to RRIF, LIF and LRIF).
These liquidity requirements last throughout the life of the mortgage and are not just applicable
upon funding which means that ongoing monitoring by you is required.
We accept the Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP) free of charge for mortgage payments.
Also, we accept the cheques, however, a service charge fee will apply as per
Administration fee Schedule.
We reserve the right to question, and subsequently refuse, at our sole discretion, any mortgage
we consider unacceptable for placement in your account. You agree to provide us with any and all
information that we may reasonably request in this regard.
Minimum Payment – means the amount that is required to be paid out of the Fund to the Annuitant each year as prescribed
by Applicable Tax Legislation.
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4. Administration
We are responsible for processing payments made by the mortgagor on the mortgage to your
Community Trust Company Registered Account.
We do not accept any form of payment from a third-party (with the exception of a solicitor's
trust account or Third Party Administrator).
If legal action or the courts have directed a third-party to administer a mortgage, we must be
in receipt of all documents relevant to the legal action or court order for review and our
You are responsible for:
Ascertaining the credit worthiness of the mortgagor, the value of the property and the
mortgagor’s equity
Negotiating the terms of the mortgage transaction (provided the market terms and
conditions are met);
Instructing your solicitor to prepare the mortgage (or transfer of mortgage) documents and
informing your solicitor of our requirements;
Ensuring that the mortgage is properly prepared , signed and registered with the correct
priority and that all the mutually agreed upon arrangements of the mortgage are clearly
Ensuring that mortgage payments are made directly to us through a Pre-Authorized Debit
(PAD) from the mortgagor's bank account so that we may remit the appropriate sums to
your Registered Account;
Ensuring that the property is adequately and properly insured at all times ;
Collecting payments in arrears;
Instituting legal proceedings when necessary to recover monies owed by the mortgagor;
To instruct our office to stop further payments and when to reinstate them;
Providing us with all documentation requested;
Adhering to all other terms and conditions contained in the relevant Community Trust
Company Registered Plan Application and Declaration of Trust.
Please note that if we do not hear from you or any involved parties upon maturity of the mortgage
we will continue with the same terms and conditions until we are notified.
Dealing with the Mortgagor:
You are responsible for conducting all communications with the mortgagor. You should advise
your mortgagor how to contact you (or your agent/broker) for any information about the
We will not engage or respond to the mortgagor and any communications or documents received by
us from the mortgagor will be forwarded to you.
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5. Documentation and Funding Requirements
You must have sufficient funds in your Community Trust Company Registered Account in order to
fund the mortgage and meet liquidity requirements. Should you require us to redeem existing
assets in your Registered Account, please allow sufficient time for processing as it may vary.
Community Trust Company can only advance funds provided all documentation is received in good
order. To do this, we require the following information a minimum of 3 business days prior to
the funding date (subject to processing volumes):
Pre-Funding of an Arm's-Length Mortgage
The entire Community Trust Company Arm's-Length Mortgage Package that includes:
The Mortgage Direction form completed and signed by you and witnessed;
The Acknowledgement, Authorization, Direction, Release, Indemnity & Undertaking signed
by you and witnessed;
The Solicitor's Certificate of Disclosure and Undertaking Regarding Arm's-Length Mortgages
as Investments in a Registered Account completed and signed by you and your solicitor;
All pages initialed by you;
Draft Direction Re: of Funds from the Borrower;
Conflict of Interest if applicable;
If the mortgagor is a numbered company/corporation please supply a notarized list of
principal holders, certificate of incumbency and the certificate of status (or the equivalent).
Please also provide us with a statutory declaration that you do not hold a controlling
interest in said mortgagor;
A draft copy of your Mortgage/Charge document from your solicitor. The mortgage should
be registered as follows:
Community Trust Company
in trust for Registered Account
Plan Type _______ Account #________
Annuitant/Holder Name__________________________
For the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) the instructions with a void trust cheque must be
provided. If the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) instructions are not received, the cheque will
be issued for pick up from our office.
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Post Funding an Arm's-Length Mortgage
You or your Solicitor must also provide us with a duplicate of the registered executed mortgage or
registered executed assignment of mortgage document within thirty (30) days of the closing;
The Solicitor's Final Report On Title form completed and signed by your solicitor ;
Evidence of insurance coverage showing Community Trust Company as the L oss P ayee;
The Community Trust Company Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Form signed by the
mortgagor(s) and a VOID cheque or a series of post-dated cheques.
You and your solicitor are solely responsible for the preparation and registration of the
mortgage. Incorrect, illegible and incomplete documentation will be returned and could delay
the mortgage advance or even result in us preventing you from holding the mortgage in or
removing the mortgage altogether from, as the case may be, your Community Trust Company
Registered Account and issue the applicable tax slip.
6. Transfer-In of an Existing Mortgage (In-Kind)
In addition to funding a new mortgage, you may also transfer your existing an arm’s length mortgage
in your Registered Account at another Financial Institution to your Registered Account at Community
Trust Company. Should you wish to do so, you need to provide us with the following documentation
at least sixty (60) days prior to it maturing or coming up for renewal:
A Transfer Authorization Form for Registered Account Administration completed and signed
by you;
A statement of the mortgage account (provided by relinquishing institution) showing that the
mortgage is in good standing (payments are current) and the current balance;
The Community Trust Company Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Form signed by the
mortgagor(s) and a VOID cheque or a series of post-dated cheques.
Evidence of the insurance coverage showing Community Trust Company as the Loss Payee;
If the mortgagor is a numbered company/corporation please supply a notarized list of
principal holders, certificate of incumbency and the certificate of status (or the equivalent).
We also ask to provide us with a statutory declaration confirming a controlling interest in said
A copy of the original duplicate registered mortgage/charge;
If the mortgage has been renewed, we require a copy of the latest renewal agreement ;
The Transfer/Assignment of mortgage documents should be registered as follows:
Community Trust Company
in trust for Registered Account
Plan Type _______ Account #________
Annuitant/Holder Name__________________________
Please note that you/your solicitor are solely responsible for the preparation and registration of the
Transfer/Assignment mortgage document.
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7. Maturity, Renewals, Transfers-Out and Discharges
Notices will be sent to you approximately thirty (30) and sixty (60) days prior to the mortgage
maturity date.
We will accept informal renewal agreements if signed by all parties concerned or you can choose to
have your solicitor draw up an Amending and/or Extending Agreement for the mortgagor(s) and/or
guarantor(s) to sign. We will sign this agreement only upon receipt of a signed direction from you to
do so.
Should you wish to discharge the mortgage, you must send us your request in writing. Upon receipt
of the request, a discharge statement will be prepared and forwarded to you for approval.
To transfer-out the mortgage in-kind you must send us a Transfer Authorization Form for Registered
Account Administration, a Letter of Acceptance from the receiving institution and if applicable a
cheque to cover fees if there is no cash or liquid asset in the account. Please note that you/your
solicitor are solely responsible for the preparation and registration of the Discharge/Assignment
mortgage document.
8. Mortgage Arrears and Legal Action
Under the terms of the Mortgage Acknowledgement, Authorization, Direction, Release, Indemnity
& Undertaking form completed and signed by you, you confirm that you are ultimately responsible
for all collections of outstanding payments of arrears and for undertaking any legal actions, if
warranted, to protect your mortgage security. You must therefore hire your own solicitor to act
on your behalf and are responsible for all fees, disbursements and other expenses associated with
any legal action taken. However, given that the name of Community Trust Company will appear on
title, you must obtain our written authorization before proceeding. Also, you are solely responsible
for delivering to Community Trust Company all documents concerning the Legal Action taken.
Pursuant to the Income Tax Act, we are required to take reasonable steps to ensure that your
mortgage investment remains a qualified investment under the Act. Should you decide for whatever
reason not to undertake legal action to protect your mortgage security or refuse to do so upon
receiving a notice to that effect from us, we might consider to take whatever actions are necessary on
your behalf, including liquidating the mortgage, in order to protect your mortgage security and/or to
avoid any possible adverse tax consequences. You further agree to, in advance of any legal action,
compensate us for any fees , costs, expenses, penalties or charges incurred by us in connection
with taking such actions and agree to reimburse or make up for any shortfall in the your Plan if
proceeds from our actions prove to be insufficient. Finally, you acknowledge and accept that any
actions taken by us on your behalf may adversely affect your security and could have tax
Legal action may not be an option in all cases. Should you wish to pursue other options, please direct
your written correspondence to our office.
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9. Address for Service
If you need to contact us or send us any documents in relation to your mortgage investment, please
use the contact information below:
Community Trust Company
Self-Directed Registered Account Administration
2325 Skymark Avenue
Mississauga, ON L4W 5A9
Phone: 416-763-2291
Fax: 416-763-2444
Online information:
We charge you fees to hold a mortgage in your Community Trust Company Registered Account.
Currently these fees are charged quarterly per account, provided there is no specific arrangement
in place. The fees are not prorated and are entirely payable, whether or not the mortgage is
administered for less than three months during any calendar year. The fees are not based on the
amount of activity, value, quality or standing of a mortgage. If a mortgage is split between more than
one account, the mortgage fees apply to each account even though the holder of the Registered
Account is the same.
We invite you to consult our current fee schedule on our website at All fees
are subject to applicable federal and provincial taxes and are subject to change.
Forms/Fee Schedule
We have attached our most commonly-used forms and the fee schedule for your convenience.
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Solicitor's Certificate of Disclosure and Undertaking Regarding Arm's-Length Mortgages
as Investments in a Registered Account
I, _______________________, of the firm of ______________________________
practicing in the City of_______________________, Province of, _______________________ acknowledge that my services
have been retained by (please initial appropriate box (es) if applicable and complete):
The mortgagor, namely___________________________ and _________________________
I have disclosed to the lender/investor that Ido not represent him/her and cannot protect his/her interests in connection
with this transaction and
I have advised the lender/investor to seek independent legal advice, in accordance with the Rules of Professional
Conduct of the Law Society of this province;
The lender/investor, namely ___________________________________________________
Both the mortgagor and the lender/investor named above;
to prepare and register a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or other (circle one) mortgage on the following property:
In favour of Community Trust Company in trust for Registered Account (RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP) # ____________________________
I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the mortgage or the property.
I understand that Community Trust Company will upon receipt of a duly executed "Mortgage Direction and Undertaking" from
the lender/investor, advance funds to me, in trust, from the lender/investor's Registered Account.
I undertake to hold these funds in escrow until registration on the appropriate Land Title Register of a valid and
enforceable___________ (rank) mortgage on the property described above.
I further undertake to provide Community Trust Company with a copy of the mortgage, duly registered, within 30 days of the
advance of the funds to the mortgagor.
I acknowledge that this Certificate of Disclosure and Undertaking is a requirement of intended for the sole use and benefit of
the lender/investor and further declare that I am not acting for Community Trust Company, that I am not taking instructions
from Community Trust Company have no obligation towards me or the mortgagor in connection with this transaction .
If the transaction contemplated is not completed, I undertake to return the funds to Community Trust Company, for deposit in
the lender/investor Registered Account.
Signed this _____________day of__________________, 20____
Solicitor's signature
I have read the foregoing and I am satisfied with its content. I understand that this certificate is required by Community Trust
Company for my benefit only and that Community Trust Company make no representation as to the veracity and/or accuracy
of its content nor has any obligation to make any verification or investigation in this regard.
Signed this _____________day of__________________, 20____
Lender/Investor's signature
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2325 Skymark Avenue
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A9
Details of existing Mortgage(s) in priority:
Mortgagee (Name of trust company, financial institution etc.)
I the undersigned do hereby authorize and direct Community Trust to pay the sum of ________________ to my solicitor
_______________________________________________________________________________ “In Trust" for the purpose of
funding the mortgage described herein, registered as follows:
RRIF/RRSP/TFSA/RDSP #_______________ - ________________________
If more than 1 party
as to an undivided ______________ % interest and
RRIF/RRSP/TFSA/RDSP #_______________ - ________________________
as to the remaining undivided ___________% interest
: __________________________________________________________________
Address of Property
: __________________________________________________________________
 Funding Date: __________________________________
 First Payment Date: _______________________Interest Adjustment Date: ____________________________________
Interest Rate: __________ Term: _________ Amortization: ______________ Repayment: ________________
Payment Frequency:
Bi - weekly
Interest Calculation:
Special Conditions:
1. Do you have a current Appraisal?
Estimate current market value of property.
Are you satisfied that the mortgagor(s) has/have sufficient cash flow to service his/her debt?
Should the mortgage not be paid, is there enough equity in the property to redeem your mortgage
If you answered NO to any of these questions, your investment may be speculative and losses could occur. If you have any
questions, please ask our staff.
The undersigned hereby confirms that the mortgagors are not relatives and that this transaction is being conducted at arm’s
Dated at
this _________ day of
, 20
RRIF/RRSP/TFSA/RDSP Annuitant/Plan Holder Signature_________________________________________
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Acknowledgement, Authorization, Direction, Release, Indemnity & Undertaking
Community Trust Company (“Community”)
Community Trust Company Self-Directed
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP Account # ______________ (____________________ “Annuitant”/”Holder”)
(Annuitant/Holder name)
Direction for Mortgage Advance.
Mortgagor: _______________________________________
Property Address: ___________________________________________________
The undersigned Annuitant/Holder hereby acknowledges that he/she has requested and hereby directs
Community Trust Company to advance the sum of $___________________ as an investment to be secured by
___________________mortgage or charge over_________________________________________________.
(Position of mortgage)
(Property address)
The Annuitant/Holder hereby acknowledges that he/she has requested and hereby directs that all funds be advanced on behalf
of the above RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP account to his/her solicitor
_________________________________________________________________“In Trust”
(Name as solicitor)
For so doing this shall be your good and sufficient authority.
The Annuitant/Holder hereby confirms that he/she deals with the mortgagor at arm’s length.
The Annuitant/Holder hereby undertakes to deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Community Trust Company copies of the
solicitors’ reporting letter, mortgage and other security documents, evidence of insurance and any other documents that may
be requested by Community Trust in connection with the mortgage advance directed to be made herein.
Annuitant/Holder, does hereby remise, release and forever discharge Community Trust from all actions, causes of action, suits,
debts, duties, covenants, claims, and demands whatsoever which the Annuitant /Holder could or might have against Community
Trust for, or by reason of, or in any way arising out of any cause, matter or thing whatsoever which may arise out of the advance
of funds as authorized and directed by Annuitant/Holder.
Annuitant/Holder further covenants and agrees not to make any claim or maintain any action or proceeding against any person,
corporation or entity in which anything hereby released could be claimed by way of contribution or indemnity or otherwise,
including the directors, management, employees and agents of Community Trust.
Annuitant/Holder hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless Community Trust from and against any and all losses, costs,
damages, claims, demands, proceedings, charges and expenses of any nature whatsoever which may at any time be claimed or
brought against Community Trust by any person, corporation, regulatory agency or body, Her Majesty in the Right of Canada or
of any Province of Canada, and which may in any way whatsoever arise out of or be connected in any way by Community Trust
acting as Trustee of the above mentioned RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP account or in any way acting it accordance with any
authorizations and directions and instructions received from Annuitant/Holder.
Dated at
this _________ day of
, 20
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Witnessed By:
(Signature of Witness)
(Signature of Annuitant/Holder)
Name of Witness (please print)
Community Trust Company Self – Directed
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP Account #_____________
Address of Witness:
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Solicitor’s Final Report on Title
Community Trust
Registered Account Administration Department
Name (s):
Phone #.
Work #
Legal Description:
Mortgage Loan
Mortgage amount:
Interest rate:
Maturity date:
Monthly payment amount:
Payment day:
First payment date:
Please include details (if space is insufficient please use separate sheet).
Right Of Way And
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Fire Hazard
We verify that fire/hazard insurance and extended coverage has been placed on the
mortgaged property, and that loss is payable to Community Trust as _____
mortgagee pursuant to your mortgage commitment and includes a mortgage clause
approved by the Insurance bureau of Canada
Policy No.:
Expiry Date:
Realty Taxes
Realty taxes for the current calendar year are:
Realty taxes for the previous calendar year are:
All outstanding realty taxes have been paid in full to the date of advance of funds
and a copy of the receipted tax bill is enclosed
Existing survey
Up to date plan of survey
Registration Details
Registration date:
Registration Number:
Registration time:
Registry Office:
List, if prior to registration, there were outstanding writs of execution on file with
the Sheriff against the mortgagor(s), or the guarantor(s) or any predecessor on title
which would affect the security. Please enclose a Sheriff’s Certificate.
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Restrictions ByLaws
Indicate if all municipal by-laws, Provincial Statues and registered restrictions
affecting the property have been complied with. List any work orders on record and
state if the use of the mortgaged property for its present purposes is in compliance
with municipal zoning laws.
Special Terms
Indicate any special terms such as Prepayment Options.
Independent Legal
(Name(s) of Individuals)
was/were referred to (Name of Solicitor)
Barrister and Solicitor practicing at:
who gave independent legal advice prior to the execution of the documents
We the undersigned have investigated the title to the lands and premises described
in the mortgage and hereby certify that at the time of registration for the mortgage
and advance of funds, the mortgagor(s) had a good and marketable title in fee simple
to the said lands and premises and Community Trust’s_______ mortgage constitutes
a valid ______ Mortgage thereof subject only to the encroachments and easements
as herein before set out. We confirm that all realty taxes have been paid to date and
there are no executions files in the Office of the Sheriff or in the Land Titles Office in
jurisdiction where the lands are registered.
Name of Firm:
Address of Firm:
Per (Signature of Solicitor):
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Please check appropriate boxes:
Duplicate Registered Mortgage
Fire Insurance Policy
Tax Certificate – Realty Tax Bill (Paid)
Copy of Survey or Declaration
Building Department Report
Declaration of Canadian Residency
Sheriff’s Certificate
Other – Please Specify
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Annuitant/Holder Instructions Concerning the Power of Sale Proceedings
T O:
2325 Skymark Avenue
Mississauga, On., L4W 5A9
RE :
PROPERTY ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP #_______________ _____________________________
(Annuitant/Holder Name)
I/We, _________________________________, confirm that power of sale proceedings are being
commenced on the property located at____________________________as a result of default of the
payments with respect to the Mortgage above-noted.
I/We hereby authorize and direct Community Trust Company in Trust for RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP
#_______________________ to stop all future payments that the Mortgagor may attempt to submit with
respect to the above-noted Mortgage.
I/We, the undersigned hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless Community Trust from and against
any and all losses, costs, damages, claims, demands, proceedings, charges and expenses of any nature
whatsoever which may at any time be claimed or brought against Community Trust by any person,
corporation, regulatory agency or body, Her Majesty in the Right of Canada or of any Province of
Canada, and which may in any way whatsoever arise out of or be connected in any way by Community
Trust acting as Trustee of the above mentioned account or in any way acting it accordance with this
Dated this __________ day of ______________ , 20____
Annuitant/Holder (Print name)
Witness (Print name)
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Confirmation, Authorization & Indemnity Concerning the Power of Sale
T O:
2325 Skymark Avenue
Mississauga, On., L4W 5A9
RE :
PROPERTY ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP #________________ ____________________________
(Account #)
(Annuitant/Holder Name)
I/We,______________________________, confirm that I/We have retained ____________________,
Barrister & Solicitor to act as solicitor for record on my behalf with respect to the above-noted loan.
I/We hereby authorize and direct Community Trust Company in Trust for RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP #
_________________ to sign the enclosed retainer with respect to the said ________________ carrying
out any and all necessary actions required in this matter and in addition, would ask that you supply
_____________ as soon as possible, with an information statement for the purpose of commencing power
of sale proceedings.
I/We understand that all legal expenses incurred as a result of this action will be my full responsibility.
I/We, the undersigned hereby agree to indemnify and save harmless Community Trust from and against
any and all losses, costs, damages, claims, demands, proceedings, charges and expenses of any nature
whatsoever which may at any time be claimed or brought against Community Trust by any person,
corporation, regulatory agency or body, Her Majesty in the Right of Canada or of any Province of
Canada, and which may in any way whatsoever arise out of or be connected in any way by Community
Trust acting as Trustee of the above mentioned account or in any way acting it accordance with this
Direction and Authorization.
Dated this _________ day of _____________ , 20____
Annuitant/Holder (Print name)
Witness (Print name)
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T O:
(Solicitor’s Name)
(Solicitor’s address)
RE :
PROPERTY ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP #________________ ___________________________
(Annuitant/Holder Name)
I/We, ___________________________ and COMMUNITY TRUST COMPANY in Trust for
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP #_______________ confirm that it is our intention to retain your law firm as our
solicitor of record and authorize you to carry out any and all actions that are necessary or required in this
Dated this ____________ day of _____________, 20____
Annuitant/Holder (Print name)
RRSP/RRIF/TFSA/RDSP#___________– _______________
*We have the authority to bind the corporation.
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Effective July 1, 2012
Self-Directed RRSP/RRIF/RDSP/TFSA/RESP Fee Schedule
Annual Adminstration Fee:
Additional Fees:
Transfer Out / Partial Withdrawals Etc.:
Transfer Out In Kind:
Duplicate Tax / Deposit Receipt:
Delivery Against Payment Including Safekeeping:
Swap Transaction:
Mortgage Administration Fees:
Mortgage Administration Annual Fee:
(Non-Arm’s Length or Arm’s Length)
Set Up Fee – Arm’s Length:
– Non-Arm’s Length:
Renewal Fee:
NSF Fee:
Legal Notices / Arrears Letters:
Processing Post-Dated Cheques:
Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP):
PAP Payments (Irregular)
Discharge Fee: (Execution Fee and Statement Fee,
Excluding Preparation of Documentation)
$50.00 / Hour
Note: Your account will automatically be debited. If you re-imburse your account outside of the
plan, we will issue a receipt for income tax purposes.
Subject to HST.
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