Green Ash Woodlands A Review Peter Lesica Affiliate Faculty, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana Clayton Marlow Research Bulletin No. 4601 Professor in Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University 2 Introduction Green ash woodlands or draws are widespread across eastern Montana and the Northern Great Plains. The majority occur on private land. This review examines what is known about the physical environment, composition, values and management of these important habitats and their component trees. Historic Conditions The Physical Environment Woodland vegetation is uncommon amidst the grasslands of the northwestern Great Plains and eastern Montana in particular. Native deciduous woodlands dominated by green ash (see Appendix for scientific names of plants), boxelder and chokecherry occur on cool slopes or along ephemeral streams where flooding is more sporadic or of short duration. These woodlands are often referred to as hardwood draws, woody draws, wooded draws or ash draws (Photo 1, 2, 3). PHOTO 1. Green ash woodland south of Baker in Fallon County. PHOTO 2. Green ash woodland south of Glasgow in McCone County. Fort Peck Reservoir is in the background. PHOTO 3. Green ash woodland along Burns Creek southwest of Sidney in Dawson County. Green Ash Woodlands: A Review Peter Lesica, Affiliate Faculty, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana Clayton Marlow, Professor in Animal and Range Sciences , Montana State University Copyright © 2013 MSU Extension We encourage the use of this document for nonprofit educational purposes. This document may be reprinted for nonprofit educational purposes if no endorsement of a commercial product, service or company is stated or implied, and if appropriate credit is given to the author and MSU Extension. To use these documents in electronic formats, permission must be sought from the Extension Communications Coordinator, 135 Culbertson Hall, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717; e-mail: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Jill Martz, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 3 Climate of the region is semi-arid and continental with very cold winters and hot summers. Three climate recording stations representative of the part of eastern Montana with the most extensive green ash woodlands are at Baker, Sidney and Terry. Mean January minimum and July maximum varied from 0.8 to 6.8°F and 85.1 to 90.5°F respectively. Mean annual precipitation varied between 11.6 and 14 inches with 77–80% falling during the growing season (April-September)62. Green ash woodlands are most abundant where topography is broken, such as drainage divides or along incised stream beds. Snow accumulates in sites sheltered from the wind, such as on lee slopes and in ravines, resulting in improved early-spring moisture conditions compared to the adjacent terrain (Photo 4). Presumably it is these hydrologic conditions that allow the recruitment and persistence of trees and tall shrubs in this arid environment2. Soils of green ash woodlands in the western Dakotas are loamy to somewhat fine-textured, moderately deep and well-drained with near-neutral pH. They are moderately Photo 4. Snow accumulation in a green ash draw fertile with 4–20% following a spring storm in Prairie County. (R. Reukauf photograph) organic matter and moderately high levels of all nutrients except nitrogen and phosphorus. The ability of the soil to provide plants with nutrients, i.e. cation exchange capacity, is high, but amounts of exchangeable sodium are low32,97. Nonetheless, there is little correlation between soil properties and understory vegetation in hardwood draws97. More recently green ash woodlands have been formally described for western North Dakota24,32, northwest South Dakota and adjacent southeast Montana31 and eastern Montana33. These woodlands have been classified into either one or two community types. Hansen and colleagues consider all ash woodlands to belong to the Green ash/chokecherry habitat type31,32,33. Stands of this woodland vegetation with a substantial presence of American elm occur in eastern Montana counties as well as North Dakota and South Dakota. Understory vegetation of these stands appears to be more moisture-loving than stands without elm24,44, and they have been classified as the American elm phase of the Green ash/ chokecherry habitat type24. Green ash woodlands along floodplains of rivers and their major tributaries are similar to the drier margins of upland ash woodlands. This vegetation has been described as the Green ash/snowberry habitat type24,32, but it is strictly riparian and will not be considered here. Green ash woodlands are dominated by green ash in the canopy (Photo 5). Basal area (sum of cross-sectional area of all trees) of ash stands ranged from 24 to 195 square-feet/acre with means of 90, 116 and 65 square-feet/acre for southeast Montana and adjacent South Dakota31, southwest North Dakota32, and east-central Montana45 respectively. Canopy cover of ash averaged 40–45% in eastern Montana44,45. In eastern Montana, American elm occurred in some stands and was occasionally co-dominant with a mean canopy cover of 32% in stands in which it occurred44,45. Boxelder also occurred in some stands but never in any abundance. Vegetation Early explorers and settlers reported the occurrence of green ash woodlands in eastern Montana and the adjacent Dakotas71. Granville Stuart85, an early cattle rancher, described the country along Rosebud Creek and the Tongue River in 1880 as having “plenty of big scrubby ash trees along the dry creeks and bluffs” and “small groves of ash and boxelder in ravines and along little creeks.” Stephen Visher96 described the vegetation and wildlife of ash woodlands of northwest South Dakota. He reported that bluegrass, wildrye, brome and thistle were common in open stands, but closed-canopy stands were dominated by more shade-loving species. Such reports and early photographic evidence indicated that ash woodlands were common prior to European settlement71. PHOTO 5. Green ash trees dominate in a small draw in the Slim Buttes of Harding County, South Dakota. 4 Understory vegetation of green ash woodlands is rich in shrub and herbaceous species24, 31,33,44. Chokecherry and snowberry, or buckbrush, are dominant shrubs, while American plum, pin cherry, poison ivy, serviceberry, hawthorn and wild rose are common in many stands (Photo 6, 7, 8). PHOTO 6. Understory of good-condition green ash draw in Dawson County. The dominant shrub is chokecherry. PHOTO 7. Understory of good-condition green ash draw in Harding County, South Dakota. Chokecherry is the common shrub, the ground layer is dominated by Sprengel’s sedge. The native Sprengel’s sedge and introduced Kentucky bluegrass, smooth brome, PHOTO 8. Chokecherry flowers and leaves. Japanese brome and quackgrass are common grass-like plants. Common native broad-leaved plants include strawberry, Canada violet, northern bedstraw, black snakeroot, small-flowered buttercup, cleavers, starry Solomon’s plume and meadowrue (Photo 9). Common introduced forbs are dandelion and burdock. Woodlands with more closed canopies have extensive leaf litter on the ground with more native forbs and relatively less cover of grass-like plants24. PHOTO 9. Ground layer of a good-condition green ash draw in Dawson County. Sprengels sedge, Oregon grape and sweet cicely are common. Fire The role of fire in destroying or maintaining green ash woodlands on the northwestern Great Plains is unknown. Fire frequency is thought to have declined following European settlement88, and it has been hypothesized that woodlands were less common in pre-settlement times partly as a result of higher fire frequency43. Green ash woodlands burned by wildfire had fewer tree seedlings and more dead trees than adjacent unburned stands46. However, there are several reasons to think that fire plays only a minor role in green ash woodland dynamics. Woodlands maintain a higher humidity than adjacent grasslands, and fuels are expected to be less combustible. Many woodlands occupy deep ravines or steep slopes with cool aspects that act as natural fire breaks. Furthermore, the important tree and shrub species (e.g., ash, elm, chokecherry) of ash woodlands produce sprouts from the root crown when the main trunk is damaged25,45,74,94,105. The ability of dominant species to sprout prolifically (Photo 10) suggests that these communities are adapted to fire and able to recover quickly. Green ash trees in southeast Montana woodlands had three times as many crown sprouts and were twice as large as those in adjacent unburned stands46, and in western PHOTO 10. Green ash trees sprouted after being top- North Dakota the killed by wildfire in Prairie County. density of understory shrubs was higher in ash woodlands exposed to wildfire compared to unburned stands105. However, very intense fire can destroy trees and convert woodlands to shrublands, at least temporarily 46 (Photo 11). PHOTO 11. Dead green ash and boxelder trees following wildfire in Custer County. 5 Grazing Bison were common in eastern Montana prior to European settlement. Some have speculated that bison had a strong impact on Great Plains woodlands74. However, evidence from modern herds suggests that bison did not severely affect woodlands in most cases. Bison in Theodore Roosevelt National Park in western North Dakota did not preferentially use woodlands, did little browsing, and their impacts occurred mainly at the grassland-woodland margin40,63. The observation that bison avoid timbered habitats is corroborated by early reports of explorers in southwest Montana48. Past effects of deer browsing on green ash woodlands are not known. Life History of Common Woody Species Green ash Green ash is the dominant and often only tree of deciduous woodlands in eastern Montana. It is a small tree with male and female flowers on separate plants. In Montana green ash can become up to 65 feet tall and 20 inches in diameter. It is common along streams and in floodplains and other bottomland habitats from Nova Scotia to Alberta, and southward from Texas to Florida20,28. Although natural stands are usually confined to bottomlands along streams, green ash will grow well on moist upland soils, and it is commonly planted in Great Plains shelterbelts20. Flowers are produced as the leaves expand, commonly in late May in eastern Montana. However, female flowers and young fruits are very sensitive to late spring frosts104. Fruits are winged and mature in late summer but may remain on the tree through the winter (Photo 12). Cold stratification is required for germination of seed14,83. Green ash is reported to have a short-lived seed bank18, but harvested seeds may be stored at room temperature for at least one year without loss of viability20. Seedlings grow equally well in sun or shade9 (Photo 13), but are intolerant of saline soil conditions65. Seedlings can survive for 1–2 years in competition with dense herbaceous cover, but growth is greatly curtailed20. Grasses deplete soil moisture, lowering seedling survival2. Recruitment of green ash from seed is reported to be curtailed by competition with grass in eastern Montana woodlands44,45,47. Droughtstressed seedlings become dormant earlier than those that are well-watered75. Green ash readily sprouts from the root crown, allowing it to rejuvenate if mature trunks are lost20,25,31,74,105 (Photo 14). More than 90% of green ash trees had basal sprouts after being cut in an experimental study in western North Dakota94. On average, 33% of green ash trees in east-central Montana woodlands had basal sprouts, and 30% of the ash trees had more than one trunk, suggesting a minimum of one-third of the trees in these stands arose as basal sprouts instead of from seed45 (Photo 15). Crown sprouts are capable of regenerating a canopy-size tree in approximately 20 years47,93. Root systems are horizontally extensive but shallow, extending only 3­–5 feet deep into the soil at maturity20. PHOTO 14. Stump sprouts from a cut green ash tree. PHOTO 15. Multiple-stem green ash tree that probably arose from stump sprouts. PHOTO 12. Green ash with maturing seeds. PHOTO 13. A first-year green ash seedling. The lowest “leaves” are actually the cotyledons (seed coat). 6 Mean lifetime girth growth rate (radius/age) for green ash in east-central Montana ranged from 0.02 inch/year to 0.17 inch/year with a mean of 0.07 inch/year45. Growth rate between 1980 and 2000 averaged 0.12 inches/year across the entire Northern Great Plains region100. A maximum age of approximately 100 years has been reported for green ash in the region10,18,23,31,32,42,45,76. These estimates are for above-ground trunks and do not take recruitment from stump sprouts into account. Life expectancy for individual root systems is not known. Green ash trees from more arid parts of the species’ range in western North Dakota are more resistant to drought stress than those from eastern Nebraska and Kansas59. Crown dieback in green ash has been variously attributed to disease, drought and freeze injury50,100 (Photo 16). Green ash is very susceptible to white stringy heartrot fungus (Perenniporia fraxinophila =Fomes fraxinophilus) in the northwestern portion of its range69,104. Heartrot is common in native and planted stands of green ash on the Great Plains67,68,99, and is common in eastern Montana’s ash woodlands. This native fungus enters through wounds or broken branches and causes decay of the wood of the trunk and major branches. Sporocarps (fruiting bodies or conks, Photo 18) develop in areas where decay is extensive35,69. Heartrot rarely kills its host tree, but infected trunks and branches are weakened and more susceptible to breakage by wind or ice (Photo 19). PHOTO 18. Sporocarps (conks) of white stringy heartrot on green ash. PHOTO 16. Crown dieback of green ash trees along Cherry Creek in Prairie County. Green ash is on the western and most arid margin of its range in eastern Montana and is likely at the limit of its environmental tolerances. Hence, extended periods of drought may have an adverse effect on regeneration and probably enhance other problems74 (see below). The great drought of the 1930s caused dieback of many green ash and boxelder trees in shelterbelt plantings and native stands throughout the Northern Great Plains2. Ranchers in eastern Montana report that a severe late spring freeze caused extensive dieback of many native ash trees in the mid-1980s49 (Photo 17). However, crown dieback increased with tree age but was not related to mean annual precipitation among stands in east-central Montana49. PHOTO 17. Leaves and flowers of green ash killed by a late spring freeze. New leaves will sprout, but some dieback may occur as a result of the freezing. In east-central Montana, an average of 38% of ash trees displayed heartrot with a mean of five sporocarps per tree50. Older, larger PHOTO 19. Trunk of green ash weakened by trees are more likely to heartrot and broken by wind. Note the white fungal mycelium in the center of the trunk. demonstrate symptoms of heartrot, and growth rate declined with increasing numbers of sporocarps50. Dead branches are common in the crowns of green ash trees throughout the Northern Great Plains. Green ash with heartrot sporocarps had nearly twice as much crown dieback as those without50. Heartrot is more common in arid climates, suggesting that it may contribute to the decline of ash woodlands where drought stress is common50. Ash yellows is a native disease of ash trees caused by a bacteria (mycoplasma) that infects the tree’s vascular system. In eastern North America, ash yellows is reported to cause reduced growth and crown dieback in mature trees and witches’ brooms in sprouts80, but these symptoms have not been confirmed for green ash on the Great Plains100. Seedlings and saplings are most severely affected, suffering root dieback and suppressed shoot growth80. Young trees with ash yellows may fail to develop to maturity98. Ash yellows is difficult to detect in mature trees without laboratory analysis, but surveys throughout the Northern Great Plains indicate the mycoplasma is found in most native stands100. There are few reports from 7 Montana, but incidence is high in native woodlands of adjacent North Dakota100. Ash yellows was weakly associated with higher levels of dieback; however, it is not clear how much or in what way the disease contributes to this dieback100. Little is known about the insect pests and their long-term effects on green ash in Great Plains woodlands. Ash bark beetles (Hylesinus californicus) were present in a small number of stands in east-central Montana, and were thought to be at least partly responsible for killing a number of trees in these stands49 (Photo 20). The adults and larvae create galleries in the sapwood underneath the bark, essentially girdling the trunk15. Larvae of the black-headed sawfly (Tethida cordigera) skeletonize ash leaves by consuming the mesophyll tissue between the epidermal layers. Evidence of black-headed sawfly was observed in four stands in east-central Montana with 18% to 86% of the sampled twigs affected49. Evidence of forest tent caterpillars (Malacosoma disstria) was common in ash woodlands of east-central Montana in 2000. Typical injury PHOTO 20. Dead green ash tree with bark removed to show was one to several leaflets with large horizontal galleries excavated by holes. Occasionally leaflets were ash bark beetles. completely consumed49. The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis), a metallic wood-boring beetle native to China, was introduced into Michigan around 2000 and has since spread to at least 13 states and two Canadian provinces89. The emerald ash borer attacks green ash and is capable of killing tress in one to three years. It has potential to cause economic and ecological damage to ash on a scale similar to the impacts of invasive pests on American chestnut and American elm13. It is not known whether emerald ash borer will spread into Montana. It has been documented to occur as far west as southeastern Minnesota and southeastern Missouri89. The native range in China as well as the current invaded range in North America encompasses regions having a frost-free period of at least 150 days and receiving annual precipitation of 20–40 inches102. It may not be able to tolerate the harsher climate of the semi-arid west. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that emerald ash borers cannot tolerate winter climates where warming events (45°–50°F) of several days are followed by cold spells (10°–15°F)81. Emerald ash borers can be transported long distances in firewood collected from infested forests. Beetles thought to be emerald ash borers (Photo 21) should be collected and sent to a county PHOTO 21. Emerald ash borer (J. Hahn photograph). Extension agent for identification. American elm American elm occurs in many green ash woodlands in eastern Montana counties and may occasionally be co-dominant with green ash (Photo 22). Mean canopy cover of American elm was 32% in stands in which it occurred in eastern Montana44,49 and 29% in southwestern North Dakota24. American elm is a large deciduous tree reaching 100 feet in height and 70 inches in diameter in Montana. It is shallow-rooted and common on floodplains from Newfoundland to Saskatchewan and south to Florida through Texas28,66. Flowers are produced before the leaves (late May in Montana), and winged seeds are shed in June. American elm is capable of sprouting from the base if the trunk is lost to fire or woodcutting25,31. American elm has hard, strong wood and was commonly planted as an ornamental. Maximum age is thought to be about 200 years18. PHOTO 22. Leaves and fruits of American elm. American elm displays significant dieback in green ash woodlands49. Trees often have large-diameter branches with numerous small twigs but few intermediate branches. The cause of the dieback is not known but is likely related to drought or late spring freezes. Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi) occurs in native and planted elms throughout the Great Plains82. Although Dutch elm disease is reported in street trees in many towns in eastern Montana79, there are no reports from native stands49. Boxelder Boxelder occurs sporadically but is never dominant in green ash woodlands in eastern Montana (Photo 23). It is a small deciduous tree with separate sexes growing to 65 feet in height and 40 inches in diameter. It is intolerant of shade. In northeastern North America it is fastgrowing but lives for PHOTO 23. Leaves and fruit of boxelder. 8 only about 60 years18. Boxelder is common on floodplains and stream banks and in other moist, disturbed sites from New England to eastern Alberta and south to California, Arizona, Texas, Mexico and Florida66. Flowers are produced with expanding leaves; in late May or early June in Montana. Winged fruits mature in late summer. Boxelder is capable of sprouting from the root crown if the trunk is destroyed. Wood is soft and branches are weak. Boxelder is susceptible to heartrot. It is fed on by boxelder bugs (Leptochoris spp.), but rarely suffers permanent damage. Values of green ash woodlands Wildlife Game mammals Green ash woodlands are important elements of mule deer summer and winter range and critical winter habitat for white-tailed deer55,73,86. Swenson86 found that they are excellent wildlife habitat because of the multi-level canopy structure, high edge-to-area ratio and prevalence of succulent foliage, fruits, and buds. His research indicates that green ash woodlands provide important escape cover, travel corridors, late summer and winter forage, and fawning grounds for white-tailed and mule deer. Thompson87 reported that although they comprised approximately one percent of available habitat in McCone County, five percent of all mule and white-tailed deer observations occurred in green ash woodlands. Aerial surveys indicated that mule deer and whitetailed deer use green ash woodlands more than any other habitat in southeast Montana53. observed in green ash woodlands in northwest South Dakota, 22 of which were observed breeding36. The highest total biomass and species diversity of breeding birds in McCone County, Montana was found in green ash draws87. Although northwest North Dakota woodlands had lower species diversity than bottomland forests, green ash woodlands supported a much higher density of breeding pairs than any other habitat38,39. Breeding bird diversity of ash woodlands was as high as riparian forest and much higher than any other vegetation type in northeast Montana86. Several species of raptors used green ash woodlands for nesting in the western Dakotas. These include Greathorned Owl, Long-eared Owl, Swainson’s Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Ferruginous Hawk, Sharp-shinned Hawk, and American Kestrel21,36. At least 10 bird species of conservation concern commonly occur in green ash woodlands64. Sharp-shinned Hawk, Swanson’s Hawk and Eastern Screech Owl require the tree canopy for nesting as do the Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Downy Woodpecker and Red-eyed Vireo. Black-billed Cuckoo, Gray Catbird, and Warbling Vireo require tall shrubs, and the Ovenbird requires dense ground cover and leaf litter. Plants Several species of herbaceous plants commonly found in coniferous or deciduous forests of more humid regions of North America survive in the benign conditions of green ash woodlands of the Great Plains (Photo 24, 25, 26). Game birds During the fall and winter months green ash woodlands provide critical habitat for Sharp-tailed Grouse, particularly when snow makes grain fields inaccessible86, and nearly ten percent of Sharp-tailed Grouse observations were made in these communities. Wild Turkeys commonly occur in green ash woodlands16,38,36,71. PHOTO 25. Canada violets (Viola canadensis) PHOTO 26. Carrion flower (Smilax herbacea) Non-game mammals Green ash woodlands provide important habitat for coyotes, weasel, red fox, and bobcat78,86. Meadow voles were more common in ash woodlands, while deer mice and thirteenlined ground squirrels preferred grasslands and shrublands91. Non-game birds Green ash woodlands provide critical habitat for many species of birds that would otherwise not occur in the semi-arid Great Plains, including many songbirds typical of eastern deciduous forests71. Forty-seven species of breeding birds were recorded in western North Dakota woodlands; of these, 22 species were neotropical migrants16,17. Eighty-two species of birds were PHOTO 24. Sprengel’s sedge (Carex sprengelii). 9 These include agrimony, bristle-leaved sedge, Sprengel’s sedge, striped coralroot, fairybells, frog orchis, fringed loosestrife, pin cherry, small buttercup, and carrion flower44 (see Appendix for scientific names). Pregnant sedge, although not globally rare, is a species of conservation concern60 and known from only a handful of woodland sites in eastern Montana. Economic values There has been only one analysis of the economic value of green ash woodlands7. Woodlands provide critical habitat that supports deer populations (see above), and there was approximately $9 million dollars spent on deer hunting associated with Montana green ash woodlands in 1982. The same study estimated that $264,000 was derived from turkey hunting that same year. Fur harvest associated with green ash woodlands in Montana in the 1975–1976 season was valued at $492,000, although trapping in eastern Montana has declined by 36% the past 30 years22. After adjusting for inflation90, this study suggests green ash woodlands account for approximately $19.5 million dollars of hunting and trapping revenue each year in Montana. It has been suggested that firewood could be harvested on a sustained yield basis by cutting only declining ash trees on a 20-year rotation7. The value of firewood that could be produced each year from eastern Montana green ash woodlands is not known. Systematic and sustained firewood cutting would also likely reduce the value of woodlands for some cavity nesting bird species and other organisms that depend on coarse woody material. Green ash woodlands provide undetermined economic benefits to farmers and ranchers by providing habitat for livestock to escape heat during summer and shelter from wind during winter. Wild fruit such as chokecherries and plums harvested from green ash woodlands are used by local residents to make jams and preserves. Most green ash trees in woodlands of eastern Montana and the adjacent Dakotas are approaching the putative maximum age of 100 years. Mean age of green ash in native stands in western North Dakota was reported to be greater than 50 years in 1984 and 60–70 years in 198410,32. Mean age of ash trees in eastern Montana was reported to be 70–80 years in 198831 and 60 years in 200145. Greater ages reported by Hansen and collaborators31,32 is likely the result of subjectively choosing stands presumed to be “undisturbed” and “mature.” Stand-age distributions indicate that recent recruitment has been greatly reduced compared to the first half of the 20th Century45. PHOTO 27. Declining green ash woodland in the Chalk Buttes, Carter County. The ground layer is dominated by smooth brome. Current condition Description of declining woodlands Evidence from studies throughout the Northern Great Plains between 1978 and the present suggests that the majority of green ash woodlands have declined8,10,25,31,37,44,45,54,72,97. Many green ash woodlands in eastern Montana and the adjacent Dakotas are relatively open with few young trees and understories dominated by snowberry, grassland forbs and rhizomatous, usually exotic grasses (Photo 27, 28). In some cases, what were once woodlands have become meadows8 (Photo 29). It is believed that these more open stands are degraded examples of rich, “good-condition” woodlands with a relatively dense tree canopy, ash trees of all ages and understories dominated by chokecherry, wild plum, hawthorn, serviceberry, Sprengel’s sedge and shade-loving forbs (Photo 6, 7). Most ash woodlands are intermediate in composition between these two extremes. PHOTO 28. Declining green ash draw in Cave Hills, Harding County, South Dakota. Buckbrush and smooth brome are dominant species. PHOTO 29. Green ash draw in the final stages of decline, Richland County. 10 Stand condition is important to wildlife, and several researchers have found that wildlife diversity is reduced in declining (open, grass-dominated) stands compared to goodcondition (closed-canopy/shrub-dominated understory) woodlands. Bird density and diversity was higher in goodcondition stands in northwestern South Dakota; Rufous-sided Towhee, Black-capped Chickadee, Field Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Dark-eyed Junco, small flycatchers, Orangecrowned Warbler, Wilson’s Warbler and Swainson’s Thrush were all more common in closed-canopy woodlands37,78. Deer mice, white-footed mice and woodrats occurred more commonly in closed-canopy stands, while no mammalian species was more common in the open stands37. Of the 81 species of birds observed in ash woodlands, 65 species require woodland habitat. Closed-canopy stands had greater numbers of tree-nesting and shrub-nesting birds but fewer ground-nesting species. Mourning Doves, American Goldfinches, Bell’s Vireos, Yellow Warblers, Rufous-sided Towhees and Brown-headed Cowbirds were more abundant in stands with a more closed canopy and denser, tall shrub layer. No bird species were significantly more abundant in the more open stands72. Causes of woodland decline There are several potential causes for the decline of green ash woodlands in Montana25. None are mutually exclusive, and more than one may be acting together synergistically. Moreover, different factors may have more or less importance in different parts of the state and in different environments. Woodcutting A large influx of homesteaders arrived in eastern Montana during the years of 1900–191856. Wood was needed for building houses, barns and fences. Pine was used preferentially, but where pine was scarce, ash could be used for fence posts and some building construction. Homesteads occurred wherever there was land level enough to plow, and in areas without pine it is likely that ash was cut extensively96. Starting around 1920 a decline in farm prices and a series of severe droughts led to a rapid reduction in the rural population56 and a concomitant lessening of woodcutting. Presently woodcutting is minimal49. Peak recruitment of green ash stems in eastern Montana occurred in the 15-year period of 1926–194045. This surge in ash stem recruitment was likely the result of sprouting after trees were cut and then the land abandoned in response to drought45. Presently woodcutting is probably sustainable in most areas. Grazing The decline of green ash woodlands has most often been attributed to overgrazing by livestock10,31,44,97. Livestock grazing in eastern Montana began in earnest in the 1870s and 1880s56. Cattle and sheep were common up until approximately the 1930s when the number of sheep began to decline, and the number of cattle to increase. There are few sheep operations in eastern Montana at the present time. Woodlands provide shade, succulent forage, relief from biting insects and sometimes water. Consequently, grazing animals tend to congregate in these habitats during the hot, dry summer and early fall months. Since ash woodlands occupy only a small portion of most pastures, they will usually be overgrazed even at moderate stocking rates74. Overgrazing has a number of purported adverse effects on the structure of woodlands. Heavy browsing of tree seedlings and saplings leads eventually to opening of the canopy10,11,94. Rubbing and trampling also reduce the cover of tree species10,11. Browsing by livestock can stimulate production of more basal sprouting by green ash trees; however, ash saplings subject to grazing grow more slowly, are shorter, and have less chance of survival than those protected from grazing93,94. It is thought that constant herbage removal associated with overgrazing allows soil temperatures to rise and increases evaporation from surface horizons which, in turn, impedes tree seedling recruitment74. Another effect of overgrazing is soil compaction which reduces infiltration rates and causes increased runoff and erosion74. Erosion of the drainage results in gully formation and a concomitant drop in the water table86. Decreased infiltration and a lower water table would likely result in decreased establishment of deciduous trees. It is possible that deer browsing may also reduce tree regeneration in ash woodlands. In many parts of eastern Montana the development of land for agriculture has resulted in an increase in white-tailed deer populations compared to what was present prior to European settlement. Prior to 1941, white-tailed deer in eastern Montana primarily inhabited the Yellowstone and Missouri river bottoms; however, in recent times, populations have grown and extended their range into the uplands61. Equally important is that Montana deer populations, like those nationwide, were low during the homesteading and dust bowl eras52, which coincides with the apparent peak recruitment of green ash during the period 1926 to 1940. White-tailed deer now use ash woodlands heavily during winter months86. Green ash stump sprouts were heavily browsed by deer in two of three livestock exclosures in southeast Montana47 (Photo 30), likely preventing them from PHOTO 30. Green ash sapling browsed repeatedly by deer. growing into mature 11 trees. Similar effects could be expected with ash saplings arising from seed. Studies in deciduous or mixed forests in central and eastern North America also suggest that overbrowsing by white-tailed deer can impact forest canopy composition. Deciduous forests in southeastern Nebraska with high white-tailed deer densities had fewer ash saplings compared to forests with low deer densities29. Deer browsing is a significant threat to green ash growth and survival in Georgia19. In many areas of the upper Midwest and the Appalachian Mountains, white-tailed deer populations have increased dramatically since the introduction of agriculture and timber harvest, curtailing regeneration of preferred tree species, altering structure, composition and productivity of stands3,4,5,51,57,84. Exotic species Several species of invasive, rhizomatous sod grasses were introduced into the Great Plains with European settlement and have increased in rangelands under the influence of heavy livestock grazing70. Reduced canopy cover of tall shrubs was associated with heavier livestock grazing in North Dakota woodlands10,31. Herbivory of the tall shrub layer and young trees would be expected to result in more sunlight reaching the ground layer and an increase of light-loving, grazingadapted species, especially crested wheatgrass and invasive exotic sod grasses such as smooth brome, Kentucky bluegrass and quackgrass (Photo 27). A decline in tree seedling density was associated with a change from a ground layer of the native Sprengel’s sedge to exotic rhizomatous grass45, and this change was associated with heavier livestock grazing of adjacent grasslands and presumably the woodlands themselves44. Green ash seedlings were common in good-condition woodlands in Theodore Roosevelt National Park where livestock and elk grazing was minimal32. Treating exotic-grass sod with herbicide in degraded hardwood draws resulted in increased green ash and chokecherry seedling recruitment and survival47. These studies indicate that tree recruitment from seed is curtailed as the tall shrub layer declines and the ground layer becomes dominated by a sod of exotic grasses. Tree recruitment is reported to be reduced by competition with grass in many systems because grasses deplete soil moisture thereby lowering seedling survival2,27,95. In spite of broad negative effects, the disturbance caused by occasional heavy grazing can benefit tree seedling recruitment under some circumstances. Experiments conducted in declining woodlands showed that densities of ash and elm seedlings were higher on grazed plots compared to those protected from grazing47,94, although seedling survival was low in the grazed plots either because seedlings were grazed or because grass vigor recovered too quickly. Apparently loss of shrub layer and increased sod grasses cause a decline in tree recruitment. However, once a woodland is in an advanced state of decline and the ground layer is dominated by grass sod, seedling survival may be enhanced by herbicide or grazing that breaks up the sod and weakens its competitive advantage47,94. Climate Drought and grazing often have similar effects on rangeland101. An increase of more drought-tolerant, grazing-adapted species and a decline in tree seedling recruitment might also be expected with a decrease in precipitation even in the absence of grazing. More open stands are associated with drier sites or regions24,37,45. It is likely that the future climate of the northwestern Great Plains in particular will be characterized by decreases in precipitation and increases in temperature and the frequency of extreme climatic events30,34. Such changes could make recruitment of green ash from seed a rare occurrence in many stands at the arid edge of the tree’s geographic range. Management Conservation Hardwood draws in good condition should be maintained as such because restoration of eastern Montana woodlands will be difficult due to the presence of non-native sod-forming grasses and recurring drought. Even though recent livestock grazing and wildlife use have been implicated as the primary causes of woodland decline, the current condition of green ash draws may be more a reflection of past (1880–1930) grazing pressure. Regardless, it is essential to manage livestock in ways that are compatible with good-condition woodlands. Few studies have focused on determining grazing strategies most compatible with maintaining woodlands in good condition. There was a greater density of ash saplings and higher canopy cover of tall shrubs in a stand protected from livestock grazing for 40 years compared to grazed stands in western North Dakota10. Similarly there was a higher density of green ash seedlings and saplings in stands that were in a multiple-pasture, rotational grazing system, and higher tree recruitment in winter pastures compared to summer pastures, and in stands farthest from water developments41. Green ash and chokecherry grew 2–5 times faster when protected from livestock grazing in western North Dakota93. Good-condition woodlands have been maintained in Wibaux County, Montana by a system of season-long grazing followed by two years of rest6. However, these woodlands on the YellowstoneLittle Missouri Divide receive mean annual precipitation of 16 inches compared to 12–14 inches for most of eastern Montana. Girard et al.25 also suggest electric fencing, winter grazing and moving water developments for managing woody draws, but admit that their suggestions are largely untested and based on other rangeland systems. The few available studies indicate that season-long (more than 30 days) summer grazing is detrimental, probably 12 because cattle spend much of their time in the shade and overgraze the understory. It appears that summer grazing can be compatible with maintaining good condition woodlands if livestock are removed as soon as browsing becomes noticeable (25–30% of shrubs and seedling exhibiting use) and the grazing period is followed with at least two years of rest. Under light stocking cattle will sometimes not go into the draws92. The grazing reduces grass cover and creates disturbed sites that allow tree seedlings to establish; subsequent protection from grazing promotes survival. While complete protection from grazing using permanent or temporary fencing is also likely to conserve good condition stands, regular cooperation with state wildlife managers will be necessary to gain further protection from deer browsing. Some fall and winter use may also be compatible with maintaining good-condition ash woodlands as long as livestock are not fed within one-eighth to one-quarter mile of wooded draws. Restoration Overgrazing by livestock may have been the primary agent initiating woodland decline; however, discontinuing livestock grazing alone is not likely to result in enhanced tree recruitment because sod of exotic grasses curtails seedling survival, and browsing by large deer populations will prevent growth of tree seedlings. For example, excluding livestock access to degraded woody draws has not resulted in new tree recruitment at Cherry Creek on the Reukauf Ranch in Prairie County. Fire has been suggested as a process that could facilitate regeneration of woodlands on the Great Plains1,25,44, but there is limited evidence to support this idea. Fire creates open sites in grass sod for tree seedling germination and growth in Pacific Slope woodlands58, and low-severity, controlled spring burns increased the frequency of green ash sprouting in western South Dakota77. Wildfire caused increased sprouting at seven sites in eastern Montana; however, cover of introduced sod grasses was not reduced, green ash seedlings were fewer, and many mature trees were killed in burned stands46 (Photo 11). Restoration of green ash recruitment from seed in eastern Montana woodlands will be difficult at best, requiring either a coincidence of increasingly unlikely biological and environmental conditions or large expenditures of time and money. Applying herbicide (glyphosate) to the grass sod greatly increased green ash seedling recruitment and survival compared to untreated sod, probably by reducing competition for water and nutrients in a study in southeast Montana. Unfortunately, seedlings grew very poorly, and would probably not persist in competition with herbaceous plants that began to reoccupy treated areas after only a few years47 (Photo 31). The reason for poor tree seedling growth is unknown, but other conditions required for successful regeneration of green ash from seed may occur at long intervals or may no longer occur at all. The northwestern Great Plains semi-arid environment is marginal for tree growth2, and green ash is at the western, most arid margin of its range in eastern Montana. Green ash is primarily a tree of humid to sub-humid climates, occurring mainly in bottom lands19,20, so it is reasonable to assume that hydrology is an important limiting factor for the growth of green ash in eastern Montana. In the first decade of the 21st century, winter (December-February) precipitation was approximately 25% lower than the 20th century average in southeast Montana. Perhaps more importantly, the winters averaged more than 3°F warmer than in the last century62. These conditions have probably reduced snow accumulations, early spring flows and the deep water penetration into the soil compared to the past. Hydrologic conditions conducive to recruitment and growth of green ash seedlings in eastern Montana may have been sporadic, even prior to the introduction of Eurasian sod grasses into the woodland understory25. These conditions may be even less common now in a warmer, drier climate30. Recruitment of green ash seedlings might be possible by first establishing a chokecherry understory to act as “nurse plants.” The frequency of seedling-, sapling- and pole-size green ash was positively associated with the canopy cover of chokecherry in many woodlands in the northwestern Great Plains25,31,44,45,72, and this association suggests that recruitment of green ash from seed may be enhanced by a tall shrub understory. Reduced vigor of sod grasses associated with shading by a healthy shrub layer would likely mean more safe sites for tree seedlings2,95. Green ash seedlings are shadetolerant9, so interference from the chokecherry canopy would be minimal. Herbicide-treated plots seeded to chokecherry produced more than six times as many seedlings compared to seeding into undisturbed sod47. Most seedlings grew at an average of one inch/year, but 5% of them grew at more than four inches/ year, suggesting that it may be possible to establish stands of chokecherry by using herbicide to lower perennial grass cover followed by supplemental seeding. Once the chokecherry thicket is established and sod grass cover reduced, green ash could establish. Establishment of tree seedlings in PHOTO 31. A three-year old green ash seedling semi-arid climates is growing in an area of sod previously treated with commonly facilitated herbicide. 13 by shrubs that provide a more humid environment with less herbivory12,26,103. This method of hardwood draw restoration is plausible but should be tested first before it is widely applied. Livestock and deer access would have to be controlled to minimize browsing. Coppicing, or pruning to ground level, cannot produce more trees but it can increase tree canopy cover by replacing diseased or weakened trees with new and more vigorous trunks and branches. In southeast Montana, green ash trees cut to the base sprouted vigorously and grew at a rate of 16 inches per year even if the old trunks had been diseased47 (Photo 32). Similar results were obtained in western North Dakota93,94, suggesting that average mature tree height (22 feet) could be obtained in less than 20 years. Ash trees are generally capable of sprouting vigorously, but sprouts regularly browsed by deer grow very little. While unbrowsed sprouts grew 16 inches per year, PHOTO 32. Three-year old stump sprouts from a green those exposed to ash are five feet tall. heavy browsing grew only 5 inches per year and sprout height was strongly correlated with the number of times they had been browsed47. Stump sprouting may have been the dominant form of reproduction for green ash in the northwestern Great Plains even in the absence of livestock grazing, woodcutting or exotic grasses. The last major recruitment event for green ash across eastern Montana occurred 70–80 years ago as a result of stump sprouting during a time when deer populations were low45. Successful coppicing would require controlling livestock to minimize browsing and may not be possible in areas with high densities of white-tailed deer. Acknowledgements Helen Atthowe, Adam Carr, Dan Brunkhorst, and Carla Lawrence helped in the field, and Louise DeMontingy, Dale Tribby, Kristi DuBois and Ann Fisher provided logistical support. Rob and Judy Reukauf, Monte Herzog, Fred Hoff, Jerry and Kathy Sikorski, Ray Bannister and many others allowed me to conduct research on their land. Daniel Uresk, Jane Mangold, Rob Reukauf and Jon Siddoway provided helpful comments on the manuscript. James Knight was instrumental in bringing this project to completion. I am grateful to Sara Adlington and Millie Veltkamp for careful editing. Funding for P. Lesica’s research was funded by the Bureau of Land Management, Conservation Biology Research, The Nature Conservancy, Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks, and the Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative. Appendix: Species List 14 Common Name Scientific Name Family Cystopteris fragilis Polypodiaceae Agrimonia striata Heuchera richardsonii Vicia americana Artemisia biennis Rosaceae Saxifragaceae Fabaceae Asteraceae Polygonum convolvulus* Medicago lupulina* Lactuca pulchella Sisyrinchium montanum Cirsium vulgare* Arctium minus* Sanguisorba annua Solidago canadensis Polygonaceae Cirsium arvense* Viola canadensis Smilax herbacea Nepeta cataria Galium aparine Plantago major* Heracleum sphondylium Rumex crispus Grindelia squarrosa Asteraceae Violaceae Liliaceae Lamiaceae Rubiaceae Plantaginaceae Apiaceae Hesperis matronalis* Taraxacum officinale* Zigadenus venenosus Apocynum androsaemifolium Silene douglasii Elissia nyctelea Disporum trachycarpum Camelina microcarpa* Thlaspi arvense* Cerastium arvense Astragalus agrestis Mentha arvensis Descurainia sophia* Cirsium flodmanii Brassicaceae Asteraceae Liliaceae Apocynaceae * indicates exotic species FERNS Fragile fern FORBS Agrimony Alum root American vetch Biennial wormwood Bindweed Black medic Blue lettuce Blue-eyed grass Bull thistle Burdock Burnet Canada goldenrod Canada thistle Canada violet Carrion flower Catnip Cleavers Common plantain Cow parsnip Curly dock Curlycup gumweed Dame’s rocket Dandelion Death camas Dogbane Douglas silene Ellisia Fairybells False flax Fanweed Field chickweed Field milkvetch Field mint Fixweed Flodman’s thistle Fabaceae Asteraceae Iridaceae Asteraceae Asteraceae Rosaceae Asteraceae Polygonaceae Asteraceae Caryophyllaceae Hydrophyllaceae Liliaceae Brassicaceae Brassicaceae Caryophyllaceae Fabaceae Lamiaceae Brassicaceae Asteraceae Fringed loosestrife Frog orchis Fumitory Harebell Hook-spur violet Horse mint Hyssop Lamb’s quarters Lysimachia ciliata Primulaceae Habenaria viridis Fumaria vaillantii* Campanula rotundifolia Viola adunca Monarda fistulosa Agastache foeniculum Chenopodium album* Lance-leaved bluebells Large-leaved avens Leafy spurge Macoun’s buttercup Meadow rue Mugwort Northern bedstraw Northern bog violet Pellitory Poison hemlock Prickly wild lettuce Pussytoes Sanicle Seaside buttercup Side-flowering sandwort Small buttercup Smooth blue aster Smooth daisy Starry Solomon’s plume Stickseed Stickseed Stiff goldenrod Stinging nettle Striped corallroot Mertensia lanceolata Orchidaceae Fumariaceae Campanulaceae Violaceae Lamiaceae Lamiaceae Chenopodiaceae Boraginaceae Geum macrophyllum Rosaceae Euphorbia esula* Ranunculus macounii Euphorbiaceae Ranunculaceae Thalictrum dasycarpum Ranunculaceae Artemisia ludoviciana Asteraceae Galium boreale Rubiaceae Viola pratinicola Violaceae Parietaria pensylvanica Conium maculatum* Lactuca serriola* Urticaceae Apiaceae Asteraceae Antennaria neglecta Asteraceae Sanicula marilandica Apiaceae Ranunculus cymbalaria Ranunculaceae Arenaria lateriflora Caryophyllaceae Ranunculus abortivus Aster laevis Ranunculaceae Asteraceae Erigeron glabellus Smilacina stellata Asteraceae Liliaceae Hackelia deflexa Lappula redowskii Solidago rigida Urtica dioica Corallorhiza striata Boraginaceae Boraginaceae Asteraceae Urticaceae Orchidaceae Appendix: Species List FORBS (continued) Summer cypress Kochia scoparia* Sweet cicely Sweet cicely Tall goldenrod Thimbleweed Tumble mustard Osmorhiza chilensis Osmorhiza longistylis Solidago gigantea Anemone cylindrica Sisymbrium altissimum* Lychnis alba* Trifolium repens* Glycerrhiza lepidota Fragaria virginiana White campion White clover Wild licorice Wild strawberry GRAMINOIDS Woodland strawberry Yarrow Yellow avens Yellow prairie violet Yellow sweetclover Bristle-leaved sedge Canada bluegrass Cheatgrass Clustered field sedge Common spikerush Crested wheatgrass Golden sedge Green needlegrass Indian ricegrass Inland bluegrass Japanese brome Kentucky bluegrass Liddon’s sedge Little ricegrass Little-seed ricegrass Low northern sedge Meadow barley 15 SHRUBS Chenopodiaceae Apiaceae Apiaceae Asteraceae Ranunculaceae Brassicaceae Caryophyllaceae Fabaceae Fabaceae Rosaceae (grass-like plants) Fragaria vesca Rosaceae Achillea millefolium Geum allepicum Viola nuttallii Asteraceae Rosaceae Violaceae Melilotus officinalis* Fabaceae Carex eburnea Cyperaceae Poa compressa* Poaceae Bromus tectorum* Carex praegracils Poaceae Cyperaceae Eleocharis palustris Cyperaceae Agropyron cristatum* Poaceae Carex aurea Stipa viridula Cyperaceae Poaceae Oryzopsis hymenoides Poa interior Bromus japonicus* Poa pratense* Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Poaceae Carex petasata Oryzopsis micrantha Oryzopsis micrantha Cyperaceae Poaceae Poaceae Carex concinna Cyperaceae Hordeum bracyantherum Poaceae Pregnant sedge Quackgrass Slender wheatgrass Smooth brome Sprengel’s sedge Timothy Virginia wildrye Black wild currant Bristly gooseberry Buckbrush Buffaloberry Chokecherry Common juniper Golden currant Oregon grape Peach-leaf willow Pin cherry Poison ivy Red osier dogwood Red raspberry Serviceberry Silver sagebrush Carex gravida Agropyron repens* Agropyron caninum Cyperaceae Poaceae Poaceae Bromus inermis* Carex sprengelii Phleum pratense* Elymus virginicus Ribes americanum Ribes setosum Poaceae Cyperaceae Poaceae Poaceae Grossulariaceae Grossulariaceae Symphoricarpos occidentalis Shepherdia argentea Prunus virginiana Juniperus communis Ribes aureum Berberis repens Salix amygdaloides Prunus pensylvanica Toxicodendron rydbergii Cornus stolonifera Caprifoliaceae Rubus idaeus Amelanchier alnifolia Artemisia cana Rosaceae Rosaceae Asteraceae Rhus aromatica Anacardiaceae Crataegus macrantha Rosaceae Parthenocissus vitacea Clematis ligusticifolia Prunus americana Elaeagnus commutata Rosa woodsii Ulmus americana Acer negundo Fraxinus pennsylvanica Populus deltoides Vitaceae Ranunculaceae Rosaceae Elaeagnaceae Rosaceae Ulmaceae Aceraceae Oleaceae Salicaceae Populus tremuloides Betula occidentalis Juniperus scopulorum Salicaceae Betulaceae Cupressaceae Elaeagnaceae Rosaceae Cupressaceae Grossulariaceae Berberidaceae Salicaceae Rosaceae Anacardiaceae Cornaceae TREES Skunkbush sumac Succulent hawthorn 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