AP Biology

AP Biology
Chapter 50 Study Guide: An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere
How to use this study guide: Look over the entire study guide—read each question to prepare you for reading
the chapter. Read the chapter carefully and thoroughly. Make sure to look at all of the figures and pictures
and read their captions. Then…answer the questions posed below.
The Scope of Ecology
1. Ecology is the scientific study of the interactions between organisms and the environment. What do
these interactions determine?
a. What are the three questions this leads ecologists to ask?
2. What other phenomena do the interactions affect?
Ecology is the study of interaction between organisms and the environment
3. How is ecology studied “experimentally?”
a. Why has experimental study of ecology lead to so much innovation?
4. How do ecology and evolutionary biology relate to each other?
5. Contrast abiotic and biotic factors.
a. How are these factors involved in experimental studies of ecology?
6. Within which area of ecology is each of the following directly working:
a. An ecologist studying the distribution and abundance of red kangaroos in Australia
b. An ecologist studying changes in which plant species are most abundant in a forest following a
7. Contrast the terms ecology and environmentalism.
a. How does ecology relate to environmentalism?
Interaction between organisms and the environment limit the distribution of species
8. Biogeography is the study of the geographic distribution of species. How would a biogeographer
explain why there are no kangaroo in North America?
9. There are two ways to determine how the dispersal and distribution of a species are interacting: natural
range expansions and species transplants. Explain what each action can tell you about dispersal and
10. What role might behavior play in habitat selection?
11. Use an example to explain how biotic factors might limit the distribution of a species.
12. Define and contrast the terms “spatial heterogeneity” and “temporal heterogeneity”.
13. In the chart below, list the abiotic factors that influence species distribution and dispersal and describe
its effects.
Abiotic Factor
14. Define climate. What factors contribute to climate?
15. Differentiate between macroclimate and microclimate.
16. What are the major factors in the earth’s macroclimate?
a. Read/Study Figure 50.10. For each of the following describe the “cause” and characterize the
effect on global climate.
i. Latitudinal Variation
ii. Seasonal variation in sunlight intensity-
iii. global air circulation and precipitation-
iv. global wind patterns-
17. Regional and local variations in climate contribute to the patchiness of the biosphere. Explain how
each of the following contributes to the variations.
a. Bodies of water
b. Mountains
c. Seasonality
i. Explain why seasonal turnover is important in lakes that ice over in winter.
18. Give some examples of influences that contribute to microclimate.
19. What are the issues with long-term global climate change? What are some of the conclusions?
Abiotic and biotic factors influence the structure and dynamics of aquatic biomes
20. What is a biome?
21. Distinguish between freshwater and marine biomes. What properties are used?
22. How are biomes classified with respect to:
a. Light penetration (describe the difference between freshwater and marine)
b. distance from shore and water depth (describe the different between freshwater and marine)
c. open water versus bottom
Climate largely determines the distribution and structure of terrestrial biomes
23. What information does a climatograph give you? How is this information helpful?
a. Be sure to distinguish between correlation and causation in your answer.
24. How can we explain the “exceptions” to the correlations?
a. Judging from the climatograph, what mainly distinguishes dry tundra from dessert?
25. For what are biomes named? What are the general features of terrestrial biomes?
a. Be sure to include the terms: canopy, ecotone.
26. What is the rule for biomes? Give at least three examples of how this rule is experienced in biomes.
a. How do humans contribute to this rule?
27. Complete the chart with the information requested for each of the aquatic biomes.
Physical Environment
Intertidal Zones
Oceanic Pelagic
Coral Reefs
Marine Benthic
Human Impact
28. Complete the chart with the information requested for each of the aquatic biomes.
Precipitation &
Tropical Forest
Human Impact