The 2nd Amendment DJ Stephens:Counting Blessings Holy Snow

Holy Snow Cones!
May 2013
Vol. III, Issue I
Inside this issue:
The Country’s Top Wrestler 2
Makeup Tips and Tricks
A Wild Job
The New Pres of BCHS
All About Bye Bye Birdie
The 2nd
by Kendal Bolding, Jake
Boone, Noah Frenzel, and
Myron Myers
Guns can help protect people, but
they’re used in many crimes. Do you
think guns should be restricted from
ordinary people or not? Photo by
Noah Frenzel.
In this wonderful country, many
in government want to challenge the second amendment
because of high crime and murder rates, yet others are skeptical of what could happen if the
“right to bear arms” is done
away with. This could cause
controversy. Basically, these
officials, who want to stop crime
rates, have decided that they
wanted to create a proposal
that would strengthen the nation‟s assault weapons bans by
ultimately banning any semiautomatic or fully-automatic
rifle that accepts detachable
magazines. Unless the bill
passes, they feel that crime
rates are likely to continue to
rise. Proposals include an expansion of the states‟ firearm
record-keeping system, a ban
on the sale and possession of
magazines holding more than
10 rounds, a ban on bulk pur-
Continued on Page 8
by Camryn Cassidy, Rachael Donati, Natalie Leopold,
Hannah Kate McDowell, and Allie Willingham
Living the life, David Acklin has
third of his residence is conwhere he gets to see happy
been the owner of Jerry‟s Sno
sumed by a testing lab. Without
faces all day long. Working at
Cones on Whitwell since 1982.
a doubt, Acklin is a devoted
various places before Jerry‟s,
Each day he gets to enjoy the
Christian, and he loves to share
Acklin says no other business
cheerful smiles of
has given him more
who gladly purAcklin
chase their delicious
thankful to occasiontreats! With an honally work with both
est heart, he says he
of his kids at Jerry‟s.
could not have done
Actually, his son creit without LB and
ated the famous flaCordia, the previous
vor called “John
owners who have
since passed away,
managed to get his
and more imporflavor written about
tantly, without the
in the newspaper.
help of God.
Most of the time,
Acklin creates the
flavors in his instates Acklin, “if it
home lab. In total,
weren‟t for God.” In
Jerry‟s has about 100
snow cone flavors as
adopted Jerry‟s bewell as a “hidden”
cause of his child- Acklin takes a moment to pose with the writers. Flavors left to right: menu that allows you
hood memories of Cookie Dough, Tiger’s Blood, Tickle Me Sweet, Red Wedding Cake, & to mention any flavor
going to ice cream
you‟d like! Excited
Pink Lemonade. Photos by Leslie Donati and Hannah Kate McDowell.
shops in Southaven,
to taste the flavors,
such as FreezeWay. Named afGod‟s word with customers
Justin Timberlake, Jerry Lee
ter the original owners‟ son,
whenever he gets the chance.
Lewis, Johnny Cash, and a few
Jerry‟s has a customer base that
Teamwork is the key to
other famous people have visincreases 10 percent each year.
making a successful business.
ited Acklin‟s business. Even a
Commonly purchased on the
As Acklin declared, “It is either
movie has been filmed on the
menu, the red wedding cake
all of us, or none of us!” He
property and surrounding arsnow cone is the most popular
loves seeing smiles. When he
eas of Jerry‟s. Jerry‟s Sno
choice at Jerry‟s. When Acklin
took over the business, he
Cones is truly a great place to
arrives home, he makes new
amazingly created a happy,
hang out and enjoy a delicious
snow cone flavors, and one
family-oriented environment
snow cone!
by Will Barto, Aaron Jones, DJ
DJ Stephens: Counting Blessings Robinson, and Bryce Warren
The elite basketball star DJ
Memphis through his AAU
Stephens has more to his life
team. Sadly, he didn‟t choose a
than just being able to play
college by the deadline, and
amazing basketball. He is a
every college revoked his
great Christian role model and
scholarship. Needing a miracle,
an amazing basketball
star because he works
to be the best in both.
When he was
young, his dad, who
served in the military
in Germany, was transferred to several different
Europe, DJ quickly became a Christian with
The writers interview DJ Stephens as he talks about
his mom‟s guidance.
He says his mom has and faith. Photo by Sharon Watson.
been a great influence
on him as a Christian, which has
he happily says, “I got a phone
tremendously impacted his
call from Josh Pastner saying,
journey throughout sports.
„We want to recruit you to the
As a child, he played
Memphis Tigers.‟”
many sports, but his dad enFull of energy, DJ had
couraged him to pursue basketmany difficulties playing colball. He stood out playing high
lege sports. He believes it was
school varsity basketball, espea big step for Memphis to go
cially during his last year. Comthe second round of the NCAA
petitively, he played AAU bastournament. “I didn‟t have a
ketball and was recruited by
main role, but there was much
more pressure in the second
round.” Afraid that his asthma
would get out of control, DJ often had to sit out. Because he
needed his inhaler often, he
didn‟t have much playing
time, and he was disappointed.
Hoping to play in
the NBA, DJ says he wasn‟t noticed as a freshman,
but he improved each
season. Scouts were at
each game by the middle
of his senior year. Therefore, he believes he has a
decent shot. As a result,
the Grizzlies are looking
at him to play for Memphis. “I would like to play in
Memphis because I‟ve been
here for four years already and
built relationships with people
in this town and built a great
fan base here.”
DJ makes an effort to talk
with young people he meets,
and he tells them, “Don‟t take
anything for granted, and count
your blessings.”
“I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Top Wrestler Kaleb Baker
Soaring through the ranks of
wrestling, Kaleb Baker, the best
wrestler in the state, is sure to
make a mark somewhere in his
career. Never satisfied, he will
probably pursue a career in the
sport after his stint at Arizona
State University. No doubt, he
will always be remembered by
his peers throughout Memphis.
Baker, a Fargo AllAmerican wrestler at Christian
Brothers, was recently awarded
an impressive scholarship to
Arizona State University for his
wrestling achievements.
Paying for more than
half of his tuition, Arizona State
generously awarded him 50
percent for wrestling and 25
percent for academics, coming
by Nick Cheney, Baylor Harrington, Madisen Morris, and Ben Smith
out to a
monster 75
Astoni shpercent
ingly, he
has only
Allost nine.
though he
comhis prespetitive oftigious
Baker conother coltinues to
l e g e s ,
stay humB a k e r
thought he
modest as
would fit in
best at Arid o n e
zona State
I n before a match. Photo by Mangiante Photography. great caaddition,
he has won three state titles.
Christian Brothers.
The senior won the Tennessee
When questioned about
championship at 135 pounds
his favorite Bible verse, Baker
in 2011 and at 145
replied, “Philippians 4:13 gives
pounds in 2012. In
me confidence in life, and when
2013, he‟s competI‟m down, I am reminded that I
ing at the weight of
can do all things.”
152 pounds. Baker
In the same way, his
passion for his sport is fueled
by his father, grandfather, and
the Olympians who came before him. Inspired by these
people, Baker has thoroughly
enjoyed and excelled in wrestling for the past decade and a
half. Since he was three, Baker
has continued to blow away his
competition as if they are
merely small kids.
Not surprisingly, when
asked about the removal of
wrestling in the Olympics,
Baker did not agree with the
choice. He believes this is temporary. Accompanied by those
who enthusiastically feel the
same way, Baker thinks that
there will be an enormous response throughout the wrestling community because of this
highly controversial decision
that has been made.
Whether it‟s training,
winning, or competing, Baker
knows to give all the glory to
Did you know that these same students also wrote
a magazine? View it online at!
Our Briarcrest Coach by Wes Abington, Duane Caldwell, Garon Durst, Christian Harrison, and Brenton Hu
Undoubtedly, all of us know of
Austin Nichols, but what about
his coach at Briarcrest? Coaching for both the middle and
high school, John Harrington is
an excellent mentor. Mentoring
eighth grade baseball, eighth
grade football, and high school
boys basketball, he is always
busy, but that is part of the reason why he loves it. "Being able
to be a part of something as
competitive as Briarcrest athletics,” he says, "is what really
makes coaching fun."
Harrington has coached
at Briarcrest for 11 years and at
other schools for 18 years. He
has an excellent reputation as a
coach although his experience
with athletics doesn‟t stop
there. Playing quarterback and
defensive back in football,
shortstop in baseball, and
shooting guard in basketball,
he has a brilliant understanding
of all three sports. The main
Coach John Harrington hard at work in
fice. Photo by Christian Harrison.
reason he is coaching basketball is because that is the game
he understands the most, which
is pretty impressive
considering that he
coached the 20122013 eighth grade
football team to an
back, the undefeated
season was one of his
favorite moments ever
coaching for Briarcrest. He says, “The
joy and pride in his
team was amazing and
the fact they were
representing the one
true God in this way
made it even better.”
In all things, he honors God because he
wants to be a great
his ofrepresentation of God
and Christians everywhere.
His life isn't all about athletics. In fact, he sees athletics
as a form of worship to God and
loves to represent God in this
way. As a child, who looked up
to coaches, his favorites were
Bobby Knight, Roy Williams,
and Coach K, all of which were
great and morally right
coaches. Not surprisingly, Harrington, who not only mentors
on the court but also off, is a
positive example to follow.
Since Harrington strives to have
high character, he sets a Christian example for all young men
that he coaches.
Just as he is a Christian
role model, he also encourages
a pre-game ritual. While some
may strangely eat six hot dogs
or put a leaf of cabbage under
one's hat, Harrington prefers to
pray to God before every
game. Amazingly, that dedication to God has brought him to
a state championship and to
playing baseball in Cooperstown, so it is obviously working.
The Art of Kickboxing
by Ethan Barrow, Trey Harrington,
Griffin Hawkins, and Ryan Thomas
Kickboxing is a martial art that water. Because kickboxing
is largely based on kicking and burns four hundred calories an
punching. It is practiced as self- hour, it is commonly known as
defense, general fitness, or as a an extremely intense activity.
contact sport, which can cause Asked where he trains, Michael
injuries if
it is not
s u p e r vised. Although it is
in popularity, kickboxing is
not a very
w e l l k n o w n
sport. MiMichael about to conquer his opponent. Photos by Paul
chael Corbett of Bartlett, Tennessee be- replied, “I train in a martial arts
gan kickboxing in 2011 after gym on a mat, but I fight in the
being inspired by his training cages because of the great
partner. He had always had an competitive environment.”
interest in the sport. According
Kickboxing is quick and
to Michael, he had been en- fast. Vigorously kicking his opcouraging a friend for a fight ponents in the nose and knockwhen he fell in love with the ing them out, Michael defeated
thrill of kickboxing.
one opponent in fifteen secTraining can be rigor- onds, which happens to be his
ous. Along with doing other fastest round to date. His favorcardio, Michael runs 27 miles a ite submission, an impactful,
week to prepare for his finishing move, is the ankle
matches. Balancing his workout lock, known as the Achilles tenand food regime, Michael‟s diet don hold because of the pain it
consists of numerous fruits, inflicts on that tendon.
vegetables, fruit juice, and surCompared to other
prisingly kool-aid because kool sports, kickboxing is not very
-aid is a sugar enhanced form of dangerous. There are more in-
juries in football than there are
in kickboxing. When asked
about the worst injury he‟s inflicted, Michael replied, “I
broke someone‟s ankle.” Michael
b e e n
knocked out
twice during
fights, but he
knocked out
some of his
Surprising to
many, a cut
on the eyeball is the
worst injury
he has sufCorbett.
fered. Being
well trained
and thoroughly supervised allows for less invasive injuries to
occur, which makes this contact
sport safer.
Although some people
fight for a career, Michael
chooses to fight for fun. Although he is excited before
every match, he says that he
still gets nervous. According to
him, being nervous shows that
he cares. His next fight will be
in May or June of this year.
Confidently, Michael is preparing for his next battle.
An Ordinary 19-Year-Old on the PGA Tour
by Logan Biggs, Harrison Eller, Duval Farnsworth, Grant Gentry, and Spencer Vaughn
To become a professional, you
gin his career on the PGA Tour.
have to do everything right.
“I wasn‟t a high profile player,”
However, everything can end
Robert boldly stated. “I didn‟t
in a flash. Determined to join
sign many autographs.”
the PGA Tour, Robert FarnsStill, he was living the
worth went to the University of
dream. He played with the
Miami to play on their golf
great Jack Nicklaus, Arnold
squad. He is a perfect example
of how a promising career on
the PGA Tour can all come
crashing down in a split second. Skiing down a slope in
Kentucky, Farnsworth tore his
ACL, MCL and Patella, extremely critical parts of his
knee. Tragically, Farnsworth‟s
golf career was over in a matter
of five seconds.
Unquestionably, Farnsworth is a down-to-earth guy
who enjoys playing at Kiawah Golf will always remain one of FarnsIsland. According to Robert, “I worth’s most treasured pastimes.
began playing golf at age five.”
Because he started playing at a
Palmer, Fred Couples, Greg
young age, it was obvious that
Norman, Payne Stewart, and
Farnsworth was a natural golfer.
many other professionals,
He grew up playing at Memphis
which was a once-in-a-lifetime
Country Club and Greenville
experience because not everyCountry Club, which helped
one gets to meet such high prohim discover his true talent.
file people. He says his best
Later on, Farnsworth attended
experience on tour was playing
Miami University, which has
with Jack Nicklaus. At last, he
one of the best athletic prowas finally living the dream of
gram in the south. In 1987, he
playing on the PGA Tour.
transferred to Memphis to be-
He was on his way to a
successful career. Determined
to place well, before each tournament Farnsworth would
spend 40 hours working on his
game. After hitting an innocent
bystander, Farnsworth had to
sign and present the woman
with a glove and a ball. Robert,
proudly sponsored by TaylorMade, was living the life many
can only dream of. Since he
played many courses on tour,
he would say that his favorite
course was Doral.
Recovered from his
knee injury, Farnsworth is excelling in his occupation of VP
for a mutual fund company. He
now has wife and four extraordinary children. He continues
to golf, and once he got a hole
in one! At the age of 38 at the
Olive Branch Country Club, he
used an eight iron to hit a hole
in one on hole thirteen with a
light cut shot. He lives in Memphis, Tennessee and enjoys
duck hunting because it is any
easy way to relax in the outdoors. In the end, he now understands God has a plan for
his life.
Academic Strength:
HS Math Prep
by Ryan Anderson, Will Gentry,
Karma Jones, Ben Wilson
Confirmed by Ms. Davis,
the placement of next year‟s
courses of math, which will affect the student‟s entire high
school and college career,
is determined by the student‟s
grades from previous classes.
There is a variation of ability
and aptitude in the eighth graders at BCMS. Next door at the
high school, teachers are preparing to teach upcoming students various math courses like
Algebra and Geometry. Both of
these are offered at standard
and honors levels. Math placement will help decide students‟
future college plans because
different colleges have different
“The class placement is
dependent on the student,” Ms.
Davis politely replied
when reflecting the importance
of selecting a student‟s
math course. A student survey
revealed that more students are
doing Geometry than any other
class. When in school, the
ten anonymous students were
asked what math class they
were going to take next year in
the high school. Impressively,
four out of ten students selected
Geometry, two out of ten chose
Honors Geometry, and one out
of ten chose Honors Algebra.
Three chose Algebra.
Obviously, Ms. Davis is
a thorough teacher that reflects
on the students‟ last three nine
weeks and the student‟s personal
She strongly confirmed that if a
student in honors was doing
average, he or she would likely
need to be in standard Geometry. Additionally, honors classes
are not easy to get into because
it takes much cooperation and
effort. Not many people
can pass. Still, many students
have outstanding, God-given
talents and the courage to do
their best in every way. Prepared for next year‟s classes,
honors students already have
the foundation for their future
Preparing students for
next year, Ms. Davis has been
stern, hardworking, and appreciative towards her students, who are determined to
do their best. Ms. Davis even
allows her students to call or
text her if they desperately need additional help. Ms.
Davis believes her students
have the potential to succeed,
and she has definitely been
an amazing math teacher.
For this group, the next
school year will be an extraordinary one because of Ms.
Davis‟ teaching.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Styles Supposedly Forgotten?
Psalm 139:14
by Mary Katherine Keough, Katherine Ann Mohler,
Bailey Purkey, and Katherine Vaiden
Imagine sitting poolside, flip50‟s, countless
ping through your monthly istrends that were
sue of Seventeen magazine.
set will never be
Skimming through the endless
pages, you search for trendy
The 70‟s.
eye candy as if your life deHigh
pended on it. Your eyes dart to
shorts. Chevron
the top of the next page where
stripes. Flannels.
the bolded headline reads
“Trends Coming Back from Reshorts are arcent Decades.”
Your mind
guably the bigreminisces over the countless
gest trend that
styles that were supposedly
has resurfaced
from the 1970‟s.
The 50‟s. Pedal Pushers.
Rising above the
Saddle Oxfords. Tied up tbelly
shirts. All these trends have
these shorts efcome back into style the past
fortlessly comcouple of years. Everyone wore
plete almost any
pedal pushers. Defined as tight,
outfit. Tucked in
calf length pants, Pedal Pushers
at the top and
have made a reappearance in
cinched with a
our present American culture.
On the other hand, Saddle Ox- The hangers in this photo capture the essence of present
waisted shorts
fords have been constantly
have renewed
and past decade styles and how similar they are. Photo by
spotted in schools nationwide
their popularity
although they originated years
every summer
ago. Because society has
Draadopted the timeless black and
essence of the 1950‟s. It is a
matically, chevron was a huge
white combination, the shoe,
simple fad which has recreated
craze in the 70‟s because it
which attracts people everyitself in today‟s society. This
slimmed down your appearwhere, has been purchased
style choice, commonly spotted
ance. Dresses everywhere
excessively. The tied up t-shirt
on teenagers, is comfy and
sport this trend. “Lots of flanis a casual way to capture the
cute. Throughout the fabulous
nels are also coming back,”
Makeup Tips for True Beauty
says Urban Outfitters employee, Zoe Vu. Located in
Memphis‟ famous midtown, Urban Outfitters is the place to
find tons of must-have reappearing trends. From quirky
patterns to everyday shorts, the
70‟s was a funky period of fashion.
The 90‟s. Army camouflage. Denim. Printed and patterned pants. Continuously,
Army camo grabs the attention
of fashion risk takers. Whereas
most people think camouflage
is for hunting, the more edgy
crowd grabs this risk-taking
opportunity. “Camo is coming
back really strong,” says Vu.
Denim clothing has also made a
comeback because of its unchanging characteristics that
appeal to so many people.
“Denim has been coming back
in different ways such as acid
wash,” Vu adds. Printed patterned pants, a fresh and creative way to recreate 90‟s apparel, are an ironically contemporary clothing choice.
These chic trends from
previous decades will be reminisced by fashion followers
by Tylar Dean, Carley Howell, Lindi Perkins, and Savannah Shell
Struggling daily, many girls
wonder what to put on their
face. Too many girls consistently make the wrong decision
whether it is dark brown
bronzer or baby blue eye
shadow. Many girls have the
right idea, but the wrong products cause them to look like
clowns. With the help from
makeup artists like Nicki Davis,
owner of Face Girl Artistry, you
can reverse your wrong ways
by using some great tips to help
you become fabulous.
Makeup is full of dos
and don‟ts, which include everything from finding the right
products to correctly applying
these products. There are many
common mistakes such as buying the wrong shade of foundation, applying the foundations
incorrectly, not blending your Savannah Shell demonstrates how these tips can take you from drab to fab.
eye shadow, piling on too much
Photo by Tylar Dean.
mascara, or incorrectly applying eyeliner.
foundation, Estée Lauder Ideal
her list is never ending. SamA huge aspect of enjoyLight Brush-On Illuminator, Mac
pling these products in the mall
ing your makeup is finding the
Mineralized Skinfinish in Lightis an excellent way to see what
best products. Davis states, “My
scape, NYX fat white eye liner
products are best for you and
favorite products are Chanel Le
pencil, and Clarin Double Sewhich will help you look your
Volume mascara, L‟Oreal Lumi
rum,” but she also admits that
makeup mistakes involve foundation because people want to
look and feel flawless. Making
sure you find the correct shade
will benefit you greatly in the
end. Therefore, it is very important to find a color that will
blend well with your face and
neck color. Unfortunately, few
people have a face and neck
that are the same shade, so
Nicki mentioned, “What you
need to do is make sure the
color fades out and closely resembles your neck but matches
your face—unless you want to
look like you have on a mask.”
Yuck! If you find your correct
skin tone, you can blend your
makeup correctly, and your
skin will look more amazing
than ever before.
Obsessed about their
looks because of society pressure, many girls worry constantly. Girls must remember
that even though makeup is fun,
you don‟t need makeup to be
“Everything is beautiful, but
beauty is not everything.”
Store-Owner Spills Details
by Kayla Slater, Sydney Sparks,
Jessica Williams, and Callie Wilmore
various markets during the
Young and aspiring business
year to find the latest accessoowner, Ashley Toney, owns a
ries and furniture for the comhome furnishings and design
ing seasons, which always
store, First Fruits Collection, in
grabs the customers‟ attenthe Collierville Town Square. In
her college years, Toney,
who dedicated her time to
her schooling, worked diligently at First Fruits Collection as an interior designer
because she chose to use that
as her internship through the
University of Memphis. She
has always loved decorating.
“I unexpectedly decided to purchase the store
about a year ago when the
former owners started talking
about selling,” says Toney.
Deciding suddenly, Toney
was still cautious about the
choices she made when leaping into the business. The
store has been open since.
Eagerly, Toney exFirst Fruits Owner Ashley Toney poses outclaims, “We have a very
side her store on the Collierville Town
unique look: we mix rustic,
modern, and traditional styles Square. Photo by Meredith McKinney.
together to create our special
tion.” Decorating homes is one
style; we also have various
of Toney‟s passions because it
price points, so that convenallows her to show her creative
iently everyone can afford to
shop at our store.” When it
One of Toney‟s chalcomes to owning a store, Toney
owning her own busisays, “I love traveling to the
ness is “dealing with damaged
items and upset customers,
which leaves me frazzled.”
“Although having
rough spots in the business is
hard, I love owning my own
store; it always gives me the
ability to be creative.” Her customers love the stores constantly changing inventory; “It‟s
extremely refreshing and reassuring to hear them say that
because we spend a ton of time
attempting to please them!”
says Toney.
Tired and restless,
Toney unwinds by watching the
latest TV shows while comfortably relaxing with her family.
To her surprise, Toney,
who previously had no idea
about the amount of taxes you
must pay in owning your own
business, manages to keep her
business up and running with
patience and ease; however,
she learned to accept it.
Pleased with the outcome of her investment, Toney
continues to strive to meet her
other goals in life. Boldly,
Toney exclaims, “If you work
hard, you can achieve whatever
dream you may have!”
Perfect Compromise
by Kailee East, Julee Ellis, Elena Gentleman, Bailee Ross, and Ariana Wright
lor says as she relates back to and are not bringing what they
Taylor Horton, a Nike and Luher need to always walk in with [envision], then they have
lulemon sportswear model in
her best foot forward since wasted thousands of dollars
Los Angeles, has truly been
there is always a call for consis- and tons of their time.” Norliving her childhood dream
mally, it might sound like hard
tency in her confidence.
since 2011. Dabbling with modwork, but everything has its
eling in elementary school,
perks. Of all of these things,
Taylor discovered a love
Taylor joyfully mentioned
for the skill and plausible
that she gets to rule the role.
future success. Whether it‟s
“Once you get on set, it‟s
keeping herself in check
your set,” Taylor, feeling
both physically and emoempowered, boldly jokes as
tionally, pulling ahead in
she was never one to follow
the business, or even thinkthe rules. While having muling about the future, Taylor
tiple things on her mind, all
constantly keeps a busy
she needs to do to pull
schedule in her modeling
ahead is be herself.
career, even when it means
Fascinated by what
cutting back on family
holds, everyone
from elementary school stuKeeping her body
dents to senior citizens
fit, Taylor, who steadily
dreams of the times ahead.
maintains a disciplined
Thinking about her future,
diet, looks for as many
Taylor, already knowing the
ways possible to get the
impact she wanted to
physical workout a shoot
make on the fashion industry
calls for. However, her
from a young age, wasn‟t
physical appearance is not
aiming to be the size zero
the only thing to be looked
skinny model. “Why pretend
after in the modeling busito be something I‟m not?”
ness. Continuously build- Coast Nike model, Taylor Horton, resides in Los
ing up her self esteem over Angeles, California. In this shot, Taylor proves to Taylor commented. With
the years before modeling, the world that all you must do to make someone’s Nike and Lululemon, she
freely found a place where
Taylor‟s confidence was day, is giving them a simple smile.
she could be both an inonly a fraction of the chacredible model and an athrisma and passion she brought
since she‟s had a love for
to the fashion industry. “I have
since childhood. She
demand. “Bring consistency in
the same job with a different
perfect compromise.
delivering the results,” Taylor
scene, a different set, and difmentions. “If you arrive to set
ferent people every day,” Tay-
A Guy’s Mind
by Courtney Artzer, Marley
Bennett, Makenzie Bradford,
Brooke Reed, and Peyton
Have you ever wondered what
goes on inside a guy‟s brain? At
BCMS, many girls would die to
know more! Interestingly, girls
react differently than boys to
many situations, particularly
when it comes to relationships.
Having mixed feelings,
have trouble telling a girl how
they feel. Usually, they
are nervous about what they
will say and how they will look.
Additionally, boys can be
scared of rejection. A male
BCMS student said, “Guys are
afraid of the way the girl
will respond to his question because her response
could lower his self-esteem.”
Some kids fear the embarrassment. “They are terrified of embarrassing themselves,” another adolescent boy said,
“because their friends could
start making cruel jokes.” In
addition, they are afraid they
will say something dumb. For
example, sometimes guys think
that they are saying hilarious
jokes, but the jokes can turn
into something immature.
Frightened, the majority
of boys need to conquer their
fear of asking a girl out. Typically, guys get tremendously
anxious before asking a girl
out, and often they are too nervous to ask at all. At times, they
question sound like a massive
joke, which can hurt a girl‟s
feelings. “If he knows the girl
well, then he will tell her how
he feels,” another BCMS student said, “but if he does not
know her, then he won‟t.” No
matter what, girls just want guys
to be themselves! Boys should
share how they feel with as
much confidence as they can.
Intimidated by the prospect of dating at times,
guys, who sometimes wish that
girls would ask them out for a
change, tire of carrying
a thousand pounds of pressure.
Still, a BCMS student said, “A
boy should ask the girl out—
guys should be willing to step
out of their comfort zones.”
Although girls and guys
are completely different, take
comfort that someday you will
meet your perfect match.
“The fear of the Lord leads to life, and whoever has it rests satisfied.” Proverbs 19:23
Photos compliments of the Memphis Zoo.
The writers pose with zoologist Emily Buford.
The Zoo: A Wild Job by Coby Bennett, Maisen Conley, Caleb Hydrick, Jared McDaniel, and Dylan McGee
Memphis Zoo President and
CEO Chuck Brady and zoologist Emily Buford revealed to us
that they believe they have the
most fascinating job in the
When Emily Burford
was a young girl, she gradually
recognized that her dream was
to work with animals. She began her journey at Rhodes College where she graduated with
a major in Biology. Experimenting with mice, Burford worked
at St. Jude and received the animal experience that was required for her future job. Eventually, she was accepted into
the Memphis Zoo Society and
began working with the animal
she believes to be the most ex-
otic, the stingray. Trimmed of
their barbs, the stingrays had to
be skillfully captured in nets by
the workers to complete this
task on opening day of Stingray
Bay. This is Emily‟s favorite exhibit, and many visitors enjoy it
as well. In fact, this exhibit is
unique because it is the only
enclosure where you can touch
the animals. The largest stingray in the bay, Scarlett, is a female fifteen year old southern
stingray, weighs a whopping
120 pounds, and has an average lifespan of eighteen
Did you know that penguins don't live only in Antarctica? Penguins are native to
South Africa, but they are born
and bred at the zoo. When a
female penguin has an egg in
the zoo, she is not allowed to
hold onto the egg herself because there are too many birds
inside the exhibit that could
egg. Furthermore, when the
staff sees that a penguin has an
egg, they quickly replace it
with a wooden "dummy" egg to
keep the mother happy and to
protect the egg. Placed back in
the enclosure, the mother then
nurtures her baby for a couple
of weeks. Cautiously, the staff
takes the baby away again after
she has time with it. To care for
her baby, the mother chews the
fish and regurgitates it into the
baby‟s mouth since the chick
Reaching Tegucigalpa for God
Over the past spring break, The
Orchard Fellowship, a Memphis
area church, visited Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras,
to spread the word of God.
While they were there,
they opened up the eyes of
many who may not have had
any chance at hearing the gospel. Luke Saunders, the student
minister at The Orchard, was
given the chance to go on this
mission trip and experience life
changing events. “I think they
thought of me as a rich, white
American,” Saunders said, “but
after we told them what our purpose was and how great life is
when you have God, they saw
me as more of a pastor, someone to trust.”
Moved by the stories
they heard from their new Honduran friends, Saunders and
fellow Orchard members were
astonished by the small amount
of believers, but instinctively
bubbled with exhilaration for
Christ. Undoubtedly, you could
by Elizabeth French, Cameron Pleasant, Jake Powers,
Brittany Nicholas, and Drew Nicholson
ham Rowell said. “They appreciate things so much while our
own habits make us seem so
During the trip,
they tackled topics
such as marriage
counseling because
different culture
life. Touching on this
topic, Luke was reminded of how difficult it can be to try
and change people‟s
daily routines.
Most of the children
were relentlessly asking questions and exceptionally excited to
Orchard members are sharing the gospel to young hear about Christ. In
addition, they were
children that have never been exposed to God's
given the opportunity
word. Photo by Luke Saunders.
to educate young
“The part that meant the children while opening their
most was helping the kids at the eyes up to the gospel. Seeing
orphanage and seeing their the change in children‟s lives,
faces light up at the simplest Saunders said, “It affected my
things,” Briarcrest junior Gra- life dramatically, and I looked
at the kids differently than I
feel the joy in the air. Privileged with the experience,
Saunders says his eyes were
opened to new ideas, and he‟d
love to visit again.
cannot feed itself. There is a
danger in this. Unfortunately,
the penguins are susceptible to
catching a form of malaria,
which is why the staff feeds
them medication to keep the
flightless birds healthy.
Mr. Brady has been
working with animals for a long
time, and he has had much experience with the animals. Mr.
Brady would have no other job.
“This is one of the most rewarding jobs because you get to
work with some of the most
dedicated people. Also getting
to see the smile on people‟s
faces when they visit makes it
completely worth it.”
looked at them before.”
Although they had an
incredible time, they were concerned about the water, the
food, and transportation. The
Orchard was only there for five
days, and they accomplished
many things even if it was such
a short trip. Many participants
agreed that it was an overwhelming and rewarding experience. Their work is commendable.
New friendships were
built and many lives were permanently changed because of
The Orchard‟s enthusiastic actions to preach His word. Saunders mentioned, “I hope I can
go back in the fall to preach
more and learn more about
their culture and nation.”
According to Rowell,
“We came to teach them about
Christ, but they ended up
teaching me!”
Choosing to go on this
mission trip is something they‟ll
never forget.
He’ll Drive You Crazy
by Jack Anderson, Grayson Gwaltney, Nat Hooker, and Parker Hubbard
Phillip Powers, Mrs. Saunders‟
brother, describes himself as a
loud, entertaining, and kind
person. If anything, he is being
modest. In the past, Powers has
done many hilarious jokes
meant to confuse people and
make others laugh, one of
which includes him excitedly
holding up a monstrous sign
boasting the face of Full House
star John Stamos. This sign was
held up during ESPN College
GameDay in Knoxville, while
his celebrity crush, Samantha
Steele, was covering the game.
Unexpectedly, the sportscaster
tweeted that her favorite sign Phillip proudly displays his imfamous Uncle
was Uncle Jesse! Powers then Jesse sign. Photo by Wesley Dutton.
yelled to her, “Be my Aunt
Becky!” This caused the entire
crowd to chant, “Uncle Jessie!
Uncle Jessie!”
Being an architect, Powers has the ability to create
some pretty remarkable structures. Commonly reused during Halloween, Powers and his
friends made costumes that resembled pieces from the game Some of the writers with Powers. #besties
Tetris. One friend was the long,
straight piece while Powers was
cop did not yell or scream at
the zig-zag piece. While walkthem to move. Surprisingly, the
ing around town, a cop car
cop laughed hysterically. Then
spotted them. Using his genius
he simply applauded.
mind, Powers and his buddies,
What started all of these
notorious helpers, decided to
shenanigans? Powers says, “I
assemble into a blockade. The
think I‟ve been doing weird
A High School Inspiration
stuff for so long.” The earliest
weird thing Powers remembers
doing is from the fifth grade. As
soon as the kids in the family
got a hold of the Scholastic
book orders, they wanted the
books right away. Filled with
knowledge, all of the kids in the
Powers family got one book
each. While Mrs. Saunders and
their sister, Adeline, got educational books, Powers took this
as an opportunity to confuse his
classmates. Starting his hilarious shenanigans, he ended up
on getting a Britney Spears biography book called She Will
Drive You Crazy. Satisfied with
his work, a poster, which came
with the book, was promptly
hung upon his wall.
Powers also told us a
few stories about Mrs. Saunders, which were a little embarrassing. Although he said the
stories could be told, he also
mentioned that because of him
growing up with Mrs. Saunders,
she is immune to most annoying, irritating things. Therefore,
Mrs. Saunders can‟t be messed
with. Although he is loud, entertaining, and nice, Mrs. Saunders knows for a fact that he
will drive you crazy.
by Callie Anderton, Kendal Strand,
Amanda Williams, and Madelyn Winstead
Andrew Foster, a high school
minish superficial, cliquish reinspiration, was the natural winlationships and promote activiner for Student Body President
ties that will develop and enfor the 2013-2014 school year
at Briarcrest Christian High
School as the only candidate
on the ballot on Wednesday,
April 3. Proving himself to be
quite a leader, Andrew believes the student body could
not be more excited for his
upcoming leadership. After
all, the primary goal of Andrew's term will be to unite the
entire student body.
Since this was a personal goal, this win was a huge
accomplishment for him. During Andrew's freshman year,
Michael Johnson, who served
as the senior president at that
time, set a godly example that Andrew Foster, a football legacy, is about to
Andrew wanted to emulate.
become the President of BCHS for 2013-2014.
Humbled by his inspiration,
Andrew was spiritually moti- Photo by Dana Goode.
vated by Michael Johnson,
courage long lasting friendwho showed him that he wanted
ships. What a valuable goal!
to serve and contribute to the
Finding opportunities to visit
school in a significant way.
each department, Andrew, who
Wanting to lead by example
finds it more difficult to connect
and encourage all students to
with others outside of his after
get involved and leave a posischool sports and other activitive mark on their high school,
ties, is excited about those he
he wants them to experience
will meet. “I know everything
the way he felt.
about the guys in baseball and
While promoting unity,
football because I have a
Andrew hopes to quickly dichance every day to bond with
them on a spiritual and friendship basis, yet I want to try to
interact with those in Drama
Club and Fine Arts,” Andrew
said. Creatively thinking of
ways to promote school wide
participation, Andrew thinks
it can be done through sports,
arts, or music since several
are involved in those activities.
Meanwhile, he is also
continually praying for ways
to encourage the development of relationships with
God because this should be
an extreme priority. Determined to complete the task,
Andrew believes that it is a
worthwhile undertaking. "We
will take it day by day and
seek the guidance of God.
Hopefully, any decision that
we make as a counsel will
bring honor to God and integrity to our school."
Andrew says that his
prayer is to be used by God
every day because he wants to
set an example for the student
body. He wants to leave a lasting legacy of his days at BCHS.
There‟s no doubt that God will
use him!
One of the Best
by Luke Drumwright, Ryan
Duke, Christian Hammond,
Kevin Nutt, & Cameron Wright
“Do the chickens have large
talons?” This and other quotes
are what make the movie
Napoleon Dynamite so memorable. Overwhelmed by listening
to everybody talking about this
spectacular movie, Jarred Sullivan decided to borrow it from a
friend and see what all the fuss
was about. After watching, his
mind buzzed excitedly as he
realized that it was one of the
best movies he has ever witnessed.
Loved by all Americans,
Napoleon Dynamite, a story of a
young and nerdy juvenile, is
one of the most beloved and
most quoted movies in Hollywood history. Surprisingly, Napoleon Dynamite is a great
movie for all ages because
it has such a wide variety of humor and characters. As the
movie progresses, the hilarity
refuses to cease. Napoleon's
interactions with other characters are priceless. Leading the
clean comedy category, this
movie should still be winning
rewards although there aren't
superstar actors in the
film. Napoleon Dynamite is a
must-see movie.
After his experience,
Jarred said, “I love this movie. I
could never get tired of it.” His
parents say otherwise. After
analyzing it a bit more thoroughly, he found his favorite
quote; Jarred said, “I laughed
so hard I almost flipped off of
my couch when I heard him talk
to his pet llama.” Giggling like
a child when he recalled that
scene, Jarred obviously found a
new favorite film.
In the world of film and
production, Napoleon Dynamite
has entertained viewers across
the country. Reflecting on the
movie, Jarred said, “It is funny,
and it is random at points." In
addition to that, Jarred marveled, “My favorite part is
when the cow gets shot in front
of the school bus." Happily,
Jarred mentioned, “I liked the
ending because the horse was
As a cult classic, Napoleon Dynamite has remained
popular for years, gaining new
fans all the time. Jarred said, “I
loved the movie and would
definitely recommend it to a
friend.” Ecstatically, Jarred exclaimed, “I would watch this
movie at least seven more
All About Bye Bye Birdie
by Alex Minford, Pierson Oglesby, Zack
Parrish, and Connor Sneathern
lished a children‟s book called
Bye Bye Birdie was performed at
The Little Blue Bird.
Briarcrest East Campus and enNever doubting her
tertained and thrilled all audicast, she did not worry about
ences. The play was directed
being prepared on time. The
by Melody Weintraub, with a
star-studded cast
of talented students.
Mrs. Weintraub, a former
Bye Bye Birdie cast
member herself,
chose to do the
play for multiple
reasons. Speaking
Weintraub said, "I
thought it would
be fun for the kids
at Briarcrest. In
addition, this was The principle roles in Bye Bye Birdie gather together at the
performed at the Campus in front of Will Tucker’s (Briarcrest Alum 2012)1957
Memphis vertible.
campus, which is
cast was excellent. Bye Bye
like saying „bye bye.‟" Truly
Birdie is about a famous singer
amazing the audience, one the
named Conrad Birdie, played
unique quality in this play is
by Jacob Szulewski, going off
that the actors‟ real ages reseminto the American army while
ble the ages in the play with the
his agent (Connor Sneathern)
exception of a few characters.
Albert‟s business is going into
Melody Weintraub has
the gutter. Albert‟s smart secrea very interesting life. With a
tary Rosie (Allison Szulewski)
passion for art, she is currently
intelligently came up with the
an art teacher at Briarcrest
idea that Conrad should be on
Christian Middle School. She is
the Ed Sullivan show and kiss a
also an actress. Excelling in her
random girl. Truly picking a
profession, she acts in movies
random name, Rosie chooses
and local commercials throughKim MacAfee (Katherine Ann
out Memphis. However, not too
Mohler) from Sweet Apple,
long ago she wrote and pub-
Successful Fast Food!
Ohio. Kim‟s boyfriend, Hugo
(Will Draper), is extremely unhappy that Kim kissed Conrad,
so he punches Conrad in the
face on live television, an act
Rosie, who is
Albert deserted
hilariously played by
Savannah Shell.
clear to every
audience member that the cast
was jam-packed
with talent. One
talent was SydEast Memphis ney Sparks, who
Belaire Conplayed the role
of Kim‟s mother,
Doris MacAfee.
Sydney had to portray a 1950s
housewife that is losing control
of her family. Sydney plans to
participate in theatre in high
school, which will give her a
better opportunity to fulfill her
dream. Sydney knew in sixth
grade that she wanted to be in
theater because she liked the
environment and the roles in
theatre. It‟s likely that many of
these actors will continue to
pursue theatre based on the
success of Bye Bye Birdie!
by Alexander Hurley, Ryan Moss,
Jake Scott, and Clay Stewart
busy. Enthusiastically, Clapp said,
“At six a.m. breakfast
starts, at lunch time
the dining room fills
school people come
bu siest
hour.” Concentrated
on his faith, Clapp,
says he became a
born again Christian.
Throughout the day,
you can see the effects
Marc Clapp is the proud owner of Chick-fil-a Ger- of Christ in the store;
he said, “Christian
mantown. Photo by Jake Scott.
values like the Golden
Rule and loving Christ dictate
Chick-fil-A owner Marc Clapp
the atmosphere.” Furthermore,
is a dedicated Christian man
Clapp regularly goes to an
who not only shines Christ‟s
evangelical church and learns
love away from work but to all
the gospel, which he then
the people who pass through
shares with his employees to let
his restaurant. While many
them know about Christ‟s love
business owners don‟t take refor them.
ligion into their business, Clapp
Employed workers
believes differently. He said, “I
have to meet some requirewanted to run a business that
ments. For one, you have to at
rewards hard work and runs on
least be close to 16 years of
biblical principles.” Nevertheage. Hiring many teens, Clapp
less, Clapp‟s sales grew during
believes that young people
the same sex marriage debate.
should learn how to thoroughly
Clapp said, “Chick-fil-A sales
prepare for jobs later in life.
grew and broke existing reWhile many businesses don‟t
care if their employees have
Clapp‟s daily routine is
any experience, Clapp says
that you have to have some experience serving others.
Sadly, the Chick-fil-A in
Germantown will be closed for
three months in the summer
due to remodeling of the restaurant. That may completely
change the way Germantown
eats chicken for the summer!
The Chick-fil-A franchise has no plans of building
more restaurants in the area
because they lack real estate. Although they cannot expand in Memphis, they are still
blessed to have great business.
They are also extremely
blessed because they are the
number one Chick-fil-A in the
region, and Clapp is extremely
proud of that. Excited, both
Griffin Hawkins and Trey Harrington agree that Chick-fil-A is
the best for breakfast, lunch,
and dinner. Mrs. Saunders
loves Chick-fil-A. She says
whenever she passes by the
restaurant, she bravely fights
not pull in and get their heavenly food. In Memphis, Chickfil-A is probably the most successful fast food place. Clapp
hopes that his Chick-fil-A will
be around for a long time.
Continued from Page 1
chases of ammunition, and a
requirement that people obtain
a gun license and a hunting
license to purchase ammunition, which slows gun purchases. Because guns might be
banned, many people are
Mrs. Anderson stated,
“Hitler said, „The fastest way to
take down a nation is to take
a w a y
t h e i r
g u n
rights.‟” Restricted, some believe we may not be able to
fight off countries that attack us.
If the people in a nation do not
possess a gun or a significant
way to protect themselves, they
can be more easily taken over
by another country. Obviously,
if guns are restricted and we
are left vulnerable, another
country could attempt to take
over the U.S. and succeed.
Thus, we may not have any way
to stand our own ground, and
essentially we could be defenseless.
Mrs. West comments,
“The Second
which clearly states our rights
as American citizens, says that
all Americans have the right to
bear arms. I believe it is not the
guns that kill people and evil
people will use other forces to
cause harm.” Because our
founding fathers felt it was best
for this country, they gave us
this right. On the other hand,
some think that because the
elastic clause in the Bill of
Rights is in play, the ban will
not be against our rights and
will be completely logical and
Mrs. West also stated,
“People who are stripped of
their guns and defense will be
vulnerable to people who have
somehow obtained a gun and
have ammo, and law abiding
citizens will become defenseless. I do believe in background checks and permits for
gun owners.” Shaking in fear
because it might pass, some
people think that the law might
be unconstitutional. Clearly,
these people think that if guns
are restricted, we will not have
to worry as much about felonies in the U.S. as we did before.
Whatever the result, it
is clear that the issue will continue to cause controversy.
All writers are students in
Briarcrest Christian Middle
School’s eighth grade
Essentials of Writing class,
taught by Caroline Saunders.
See our online version
Thanks for reading!