Do all economies grow equally fast? Yaniv Dover1 , Sonia Moulet1 , Sorin Solomon1,2 and Gur Yaari2,1 May 14, 2009 2 1 Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University, IL-91904 Jerusalem, Israel Institute for Scientific Interchange, via S. Severo 65, IT-10113 Turin, Italy Abstract The stochastic spatially extended generalized Lokta-Volterra approach introduced in Solomon [48], Challet et al. [18], Yaari et al. [58], is extended to the study of interactions between economic sectors, countries and blocks. The theory predicts robustly in a very wide range of conditions systematic regularities in the growth rates evolution of various subsystems. The J-curve phenomenon which was studied in Challet et al. [18] is revisited and more empirical support is given to the theory. In particular to the connection between the economic minimum and the crossover of the new emergent leading sector with the old decaying one. We describe the ’Growth Alignment Effect’ (GAE), it’s theoretical basis and demonstrate it empirically for numerous cases in the inter-national and intra-national economies. The GAE is the concept that in steady state the growth rates of the GDP per capita of the various system components align. We differentiate the GAE predictions from the usual convergence or divergence conceptual framework. Further investigations of GAE and subsidiaries are suggested and possible uses are proposed. Due to it’s simple and robust nature, the method can be used as a tool for economic decisions and policy making. 1 Introduction Macro-Economic systems are considered to be highly complicated and very hard to predict. There has been an extensive amount of literature on the theoretical and numerical modeling of phenomena such as ’Business Cycles’ [52] and a plethora of Economic Growth patterns [3] etc. The recent advances in the understanding of multi-agent systems [e.g., 19, 30, 24, 35] and the recent abundance of available ”Economic Data” in the last years have created an opportunity for an educated search for patterns in the data, using the newly gathered intuition from said advances. Previous work [58, 18] has uncovered some universal behavior that follows arbitrary changes / shocks in the economic systems. In 1 particular we found the existence of three distinct periods following a shock (the liberalization of the Polish economy in the particular case of Yaari et al. [58]): • An initial decay of the previously leading sectors and of the entire economy with the exception of isolated previously sub-dominant system components that display accelerated growth. • A minimum of the economy coinciding with the moment when the old leading sector crosses in size with the new emerging as the leader after the shock. • A return to growth led by those sectors that displayed the accelerated growth and whose growth rate is gradually approached by the rest of the system components. We call the last growth phase, characterized by the fact that all system components approach the same growth rate the Growth Alignment Effect (GAE). Note that we do claim to find neither in the theory nor in the empirical data the usual convergence effects. Growth Alignment means only that the growth rates of various components become equal after a certain time. The mathematical formulation corresponding to such a rate alignment existed for some time in the shape of the Perron-Frobenius theorem [31], but was used in different contexts (mainly the steady state, zero growth rate case) and was never applied to growth phenomenology. The importance of the existence of such an effect, also, in non-stationary systems is unquestionable. Therefore, here, we extend the patterns found in the Polish post-liberalization economy [58] and show that the alignment of the growth rates holds generically in complex systems at various scales. We demonstrate it at the intra-national level (Economic Sectors) and the inter-national level (countries and aggregations of countries). 2 The convergence issue The convergence issue has interested economics since a long time. Nobel Laureate Robert Lucas explained that when he examines the wide variation of crosscountry economic rates of growth ”it is hard to think about anything else.” [37]. A key issue in economics is whether inequalities between countries will persist [10]. Are there forces that make them converge to a steady state in the longrun? This question motivates the debate within the growth theory [3] both on the theoretical and on the empirical point of view. 2.1 The theoretical economics framework Let us review briefly the main points under debate. The premise of the argument of the neo-classical growth theory is that the growth has exogenous origins and that there is a diminishing returns to capital. This leads to the conclusion that economies will eventually reach a point at 2 which no new increase in capital will create economic growth. This point is called a ’steady state’. This branch of growth theory was initiated by Solow [49] and Swan [54] in the 1950s. They were the first attempts to model long-run growth analytically. This model assumes that countries use their resources efficiently and that there are diminishing returns on capital and labor increases. From these two premises, the neo-classical model makes three important predictions: First, increasing capital relative to labor creates economic growth, since people can be more productive given more capital. Second, poor countries with less capital per person will grow faster because each investment in capital will produce a higher return than rich countries with ample capital. Third, economies will eventually reach a steady state in the long run. The key assumption of the neoclassical growth model is that capital is subject to diminishing returns. Given a fixed stock of labor, the impact on output of the last unit of capital accumulated will always be less than the one before. Assuming for simplicity no technological progress or labor force growth, diminishing returns implies that at some point the amount of new capital produced is only just enough to make up for the amount of existing capital lost due to depreciation [49]. Up to this point, because of the assumptions of no technological progress or labor force growth, the economy ceases to grow. Solow [50] shows one year after that the same logic applies if we assume technological progress. In the short-run the rate of growth slows as diminishing returns take effect and the economy converges to a constant ’steady-state’ rate of growth without economic growth per-capita. Moreover, including non-zero technological progress, a new steady state is reached with constant output per worker-hour required for a unit of output and the per-capita output is growing at the rate of technological progress in the ’steady-state’ [32]. We do not enter in more details of this literature and advice the reader to refer to Solow [51] or Ruttan [46] for more reflexion about the current state of this literature. Endogenous growth theory [e.g., 45, 43, 5] is based on microeconomic foundations. Households are assumed to maximize utility subject to budget constraints while firms maximize profits. Crucial importance is usually given to the production of new technologies and human capital. For the endogenous growth theory, the convergence is not systematic. Endogenous growth theory demonstrates that policy measures can have an impact on the long-run growth rate of an economy. Countries that save more grow faster indefinitely and countries need not converge in income per capita, even if they have the same preferences and technologies. In the past decade, an important debate in the economics of growth has been related to the so-called ’convergence’ issue [39]. Several lines of research have been followed up to now so as to reconcile theory with the empirics of non-systematic and global convergence in growth rates and per capita income 3 [28]. 2.2 The empirical growth convergence As Durlauf [26] underlines ’few issues in empirical growth economics have received as much attention as the question of whether countries exhibit convergence’. Within the empirical literature of growth theory, we distinguish two different approaches [21]. The first approach try to identify the immediate source of growth by measuring the rates of accumulation of productive factors and weighting them according to their share in national income [e.g., 11]. The second approach use statistical techniques to quantify the impact of different variables on growth. Durlauf and Quah [27] provides one overview of the current state of macroeconomist’s knowledge on cross-country growth. Until now, several concepts of convergence (e.g, β-convergence1 , σ converge2 ) have been proposed (or even compared [47, 33]) and different econometric methodologies have been employed. Cross-sections [e.g., 8], time series [e.g., 15, 16], clustering and classification [e.g., 6], and panel data [e.g., 34] have been exploited in the empirical analysis. Most of the papers in this field tend to interpret the convergence or divergence as a confirmation or a falsification of the validity of the neoclassical economic growth theory [20]. Since there is an important debate around the validity and the added values of those methods, we do not enter in details [see 41, for more details]. Nevertheless, from Madison’s work, a common desire persist: quantify economics and the relationships between countries. Once more, we do not enter in details but rather we give some extreme example that seem to be representative to the variety of results we can obtain by looking at different set of data with different tool. There are some ambiguous definitions that put back into questions some empirical conclusion. For example, using a time series data base of productivity levels for 16 Western nations, Abramovitz [2] finds support for the catch-up hypothesis. According to Abramovitz [2], a country’s ability to catch-up to richer countries is determined by the country’s ’social capacity’ to absorb new technology. Baumol [11] also using the Madison data, finds evidence of convergence amongst the developed countries but DeLong [22] points out that Baumol’s definition of developed countries suffers an ex post problem, and when an ex ante definition of ’developed’ is used the convergence disappears. 1 According to Sala-i-Martin [47], there is β-convergence if there is a negative correlation between the average growth rate and the initial per capita income. 2 There is σ-convergence if the dispersion of real per capita income across a group of economies falls over time 4 Also, there are strong assumptions from the literature that are subject to validation of the Solow Model. This is the case of the ’conditional convergence’. The neoclassical growth model assumes convergence conditional on all countries having the same steady-state, i.e. the same technology, same savings rate and same population growth rate. Using the Summers and Heston [53] data, Mankiw et al. [40] attempt to test for ’conditional convergence’. They show that an augmented Solow model that includes accumulation of human as well as physical capital provides an excellent description of the cross-country data. They also examine the implications of the Solow model for whether poor countries tend to grow faster than rich countries. The evidence indicates that, holding population growth and capital accumulation constant, countries converge at about the rate the augmented Solow model predicts. Looking at the empirical literature, we remark that studies tend to give contrary results when applying different methodologies. On one hand, studies based on cross-section tests generally reject the ’no converge null’ hypothesis in the cases of advanced industrialized economies [11, 25] and US regions [9, 10] as well as in large international cross-sections after controlling for variables such as population growth or savings rates [7, 39]. But, on the other hand, time series tests have generally accepted the ’no convergence null’ for a range of data sets, as shown by Quah [42], Bernard [14] and Bernard and Durlauf [15]. When comparing developed and developing nations, the issue of openness of markets becomes a central issue. Romer [44] emphasizes, the implications of openness3 (e.g. openness to international trade, foreign direct investment, and the flow of knowledge and ideas) can differ significantly across different growth models. Empirically however, openness may be a driving force in convergence [13, e.g.,]. Another difficult issue to address the level of economic ”freedom” that exists in an economy. Economic freedom is an important variable in long run economic growth and may play an important role in level of economic convergence. However, cross-country time series data on measurement of economic freedoms is relatively scarce. More generally, Ben-David [12] finds convergence among the world’s wealthiest countries and also finds convergence among the world’s very poorest countries. 2.3 Our position with respect to the literature As we saw until now, there is no absolute way to define the empirical growth convergence, to measure it or to explain it. Durlauf [26] writes ’ ... the empirical growth literature has failed to develop a coherent approach to assessing convergence as an economic phenomenon’. Economists and econometricians try to predict the dynamics of economic growth, by using several techniques and sometimes making strong assumptions. It is somewhat very hard to extract empirical predictions or real conclusions on what is going on and hence, it is 3 The openness is considerate as the ratio between imports and GDP 5 quite hard to apply policies that should have an impact on the growth [17, 4]. Consequently, we propose an orthogonal way to look at the growth dynamics which can be traced back to the ideas of Romer [44]. We study the system both empirically and theoretically. The theoretical model has stochastic background and hence the strong predictions have statistical meaning: the growth rates of strongly inter-connected countries is expected to align asymptotically. Note that this prediction refers to the rate and not to the absolute value of GDP per capita. This feature to the extent of our knowledge was not discussed so far in the growth literature. We do not look at the per capital real income but rather at the growth in the GDP of a country. Not to confuse with the classical definition of convergence [15, 16], we use the term ’alignment’ and consider that two countries are ’aligned’ if their GDPs growth rates approach one another. On a semilogaritmic plot the two curves become parallel (thus the term ”alignement”) while their distance may stay constant and large. We start by showing the theoretical considerations leading to this prediction, then we demonstrate it’s empirical evidences in various scales: clusters of countries, countries and sectors within a country. We wish by this paper to add yet one more point of view to the important field of economic growth, and by this to catalyze scientists to put back into question the definitions of the various types of dynamics existing in real economic systems. We believe that the form and strength of the international trades influence significantly the dynamics of growth rates. In particular the frictions inherent in getting capital, production skils, technological environment and products across geographical, political, social, educational and economic obstacles may affect crucially the convergence scenario of Solow Model. Our long run ambition is to study the impact of commercial exchanges on the growth of the GDP in terms of the IO matrix representing the world trade and economic exchanges. 3 3.1 The Model Generalized Lotka Volterra The traditional starting point for the investigations of any system in which there is some sort of consumption of a finite amount of resources is the Logistic model [55, 56, 57]: dw = r · w(t) − c · w(t)2 . (1) dt This single equation represents the aggregated dynamical model for a population that proliferates at a constant rate, r relative to its current size w and has a maximal saturation value of wmax = rc where c is the competition constant. Later, the above 1 was generalized into a theoretical framework where the subpopulations were modeled by a set of coupled differential equations [23, 36]. The differential equations paradigm was shown to be less than adequate when it came 6 to reproducing realistic results and then effects of discreteness and stochasticity were introduced into the modeling scheme [48]. This change of paradigm have brought about some success in describing realistic systems and we intend to continue and make use of it here. The so called Generalized Lotka Volterra model [48, 38] is a natural generalization of the aggregated version in the Eq(1): N N N X X X dwi = ri · wi (t) + aij · wj (t) − aji · wi (t) − cij · wi (t) · wj (t) dt j=1 j=1 j=1 wi (t + 1) = wi (t), (2) j = 1, .., N, i 6= j The above is an analytical description of an interacting system composed of N agents. The first term on the right hand side of Eq(2) is the self-growth term which can be a stochastic random variable, per agent. The second term expresses the inflow from other agents to agent i. The third can be interpreted as the outflow and the fourth term is the competition term. In passing, we note that although the Logistic and Lotka-Volterra exist for a considerable time in the literature, only recently the effects of discreteness and stochasticity, which modify completely their behavior, were studied in detail. As a result they were shown to produce unexpected results such as the emergence of adaptive collective objects which insure the sustainability of the system in conditions which naively should lead to total collapse [48, 18, 58]. Therefore, the reinforced realism of this model makes it a worthy candidate when investigating complex systems. For our purposes, a further simplifying assumption will be made, namely a sort of ”mean field” assumption of the competition term: N N X X dwi = ri · wi (t) + aij · wj (t) − aji · wi (t) − c(w̄, t) · wi (t). dt j=1 j=1 (3) This assumption means that we assume that the competition is between the agent and the system as a whole. We note that there is no assumption regarding its time dependence - so, we are still including arbitrary changes in the nonlinear competition term. 3.2 A Prediction: The Coupling of Growth Rates Looking into the model represented in (3) we can find that it has an interesting property. Writing the temporal transformation in a matrix form: dw ~ = M(t, w̄(t)) · w(t) ~ (4) dt where w ~ denotes the vector of all N agents (while w̄ denotes the average) and the, Markovian like, transformation matrix is defined, using (3): Mii (t, w̄(t)) ≡ ri − N X j=1 7 aji − c(w̄(t), t) Mij (t, w̄(t)) ≡ aij . (5) Looking at the normalized (perhaps ”deflated”) space, we can see an even simpler form of the transformation 34. Changing variables to w(t) w̄(t) (as was shown in [58] and [48]) the matrix becomes: Mii (t, w̄(t)) ≡ r̃i (t) − N X aji j=1 Mij (t, w̄(t)) ≡ aij (6) where r̃i (t) is the fluctuating part of the stochastic self-growth term in (3). In this version (6) the ”temporal nonlinear” term, c(w̄, t) · wi (t) does not appear and the time dependence arises only endogenously. On time scales larger than the one of the fluctuations, the steady state solution of (4) in the case of (6) is the eigenvector of M corresponding to its largest eigenvalue [58]. This means that the growth steady state solution is: w(t) ~ = W0 · w ~ max (t) · eλmax ·t (7) where W0 is a diagonal matrix representing the initial conditions and w ~ max (t) is the eigenvector of M corresponding to the highest eigenvalue λmax . This means that after some mixing time which is approximately −1/ ln(λ0 ) (λ0 being the second highest eigenvalue) the whole system is driven toward a steady state growth where the growth rates of all agents are equal. There is a small caveat that fortunately applies only to a very small amount of countries: if there is complete decoupling between a system component (or a group) and all the others, then of course there is no equalization of the growth rates (this might happen mainly for dictatorial isolationist regimes or for regimes under universal embargo). 3.3 The J-curve prediction. Universal transient behavior after shocks. The present framework has often unexpected powerful implications in situations in which there is almost no a priori knowledge on the details of the conditions in which the system is placed. Suppose a policy maker comes and say: I am going to make some reforms that completely reshuffle the present national priorities. What is going to happen next? The first reaction could be ” well, it depends of what changes you make”. As it turns out this is in general not true: ”a complete reshuffle ” means essential by definition that most likely the leading components of the economy are going to change. Mathematically, this means that the interaction matrix is going to change and in particular its highest eigen vector. Thus most likely the largest 8 component, which by the Frobenius-Perron theorem had until now the highest intrinsic growth rate, is going to be substituted by another component that was sub-dominated until now. From the moment that the old dominant is going down and until the moment that the new dominant component becomes comparable in size with it, the entire system will have a downward tendency. This will change only after the new fast developing component becomes large enough. Thus, without knowing the details of the change , just based on the interaction matrix concept and its eigenvector analysis one obtains that following a generic shock the economy will follow a j-shape: first down and then stronger up. The existence of a J-shape is not related with the desirability of the change or with the way it is implemented: it is a generic fact that has to be taken into account. One may in certain conditions optimize by taxation and subsidies the transition period but it is virtually impossible to eliminate it. This is just one simple example[18] in which the new approach allows one to inform politicians of nontrivial yet generic facts that might strongly affect the outcome of their policies. Of course more knowledge of the system will allow more detailed analysis and advice. 4 4.1 Results Global Scale As a first example, we present evidence for our claims at the global level of aggregates of entire countries4 . In Fig. 1 one can see the different aggregates and how many converge with time. Notice the clear convergence of rates of the US, Australia and the Western Europe countries. Also oe can see clearly from Fig. 1 the divergence triggered (according to the above mechanism) by an exogenous shock: the fall of the Iron curtain towards the end of the 1990’s. A clear J-shape is evident in the growth of the eastern bloc (and it’s effect on the whole world). It is relatively easy to recognize cliques from the graphs, not only by looking at the absolute value of growth (σ-convergence) but also of the exponential rate of growth (i.e. the slope, GAE) which, as we explained above, marks strong economic coupling. Another interesting and approximately universal phenomenon we observe is the relatively high growth rate for countries with regimes that are less liberal than what is common in ”Western countries”. Such examples include China in Fig. 1 and Greece, Spain and Portugal in Fig. 2 before 1973 (i.e. before the regime change). At some point, though, such a 4 For all countries the series are expressed in 1990 US dollars converted at ”Geary-Khamis” purchasing power parities (PPPs). The 1990 US dollar estimates are in almost all cases derived from Maddison, A. (2007), Historical Statistics for the World Economy: 1 − 2003 AD with a downward adjustment of 22.6 percent made to China’s GK PPP-converted GDP level in U.S. dollars, reflecting a partial adjustment to recent GK PPP estimates by the World Bank for 2005 to better represent urban price levels. To extend the GDP series to the period before 1950, these series can be linked to Maddisons historical series, which often go back to the 19th century and in some cases even further back. Series on real gross domestic product in both constant 1990 and current 2008 US dollars are presently available for 123 countries. Series are expressed in market prices and cover the period 1950 − 2008 for all countries. (2009) 9 country is bound to couple to the external economy due to its size and extent of activity. This will eventually align its growth as well as its much of its economic functioning with the rest of the world. This has happened with Greece, Spain and Portugal (see the next section) and may happen to China in the future. Note that we do not say that China’s GDP needs to reach the western world level before its growth rate will align itself with the western world level - but it is enough that the upper Chinese class (say, the people that live in big cities) will have comparable income to the western world that they will start buying more intensively from the rest of the world and by this will join the block of highly connected economies. Joining this block means aligning the growth rate with rest of the world. 4.2 International Scale One of the striking examples of the coupling of growth rates is the coupling of Spain, Portugal and Greece to the 12 European Countries 5 . This, of course, is evidence for the inter-national effect. Looking at Figure 2, one can see that before the year 1973, Spain, Greece and Portugal (denoted by lines with symbols) had a long-scale growth rate (Logarithm slope) that is distinctly different than that of the main 12 countries (denoted by solid lines - no symbols). After the practical joining, in 1973, the Logarithm slopes of all countries aligns on scales of decades. One can also see that the slope of the 12 European countries for the pre-1973 period, also changed as a result of the transition. Mathematically speaking, this is expected when one considers that the eigenvalue of the original growth matrix (or block) of the 12 European countries is attached to the growth matrix of Spain, Greece and Portugal. This means that the new matrix will have a different maximal eigenvalue than the original matrix. Since the 12 Countries are the majority, obviously the change of their maximal eigenvalue is less prominent than that of the more dramatic change of the growth rate of Spain, Greece and Portugal. This can also be seen in Figure 2. One can note that the actual official joining of the three countries to the European Union did happen up to 8−10 years later - Spain(1986), Greece(1981) and Portugal (1986). Obviously, a proper recognition of this kind of effect can assist policy makers in analyzing and identifying of underlying couplings between Economic entities. This, of course, could also have crucial influence on the creation of Monetary and Economic policies. All three countries have been through some kind of a transition of regimes around 1973−1974. In this work we only analyze the empirical evidence without going into the complexities of the political situation, which will be done elsewhere. In order to accumulate evidence to verify the nature of the effect seen in Figure 2, we’ve also analyzed Trade-Volume data [29]. For demonstration purposes, we’ve analyzed the total inflow of trade into the the three countries, 5 The 12 European countries are: UK, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Finland, Denmark, Belgium and Austria 10 Spain, Greece and Portugal. We do not argue that this is the only or the best way of measuring connectivity, but we do argue that this demonstrates the validity of our claims. The detailed discussion in methods of measuring connectivity and the comparison of the coupling of growth rates effect to the results of these methods, will be dealt with elsewhere. As we can see in Figure 3, the normalized inflow of trade (for details see caption) has a step-like behavior around the year 1973. The normalized trade volume increase in a factor of 2 − 3 within the time interval 1970-1980, which is unusually high in relation to the preceding years. We interpret it as suggesting a jump in the amount of trading activity. Even though the documented trade is only a fraction of other activities that may connect Economies of countries, it should be proportional to the aggregated inter-activity. This is indeed only a simple starting point, but we suggest that this step-like behavior is an indicator for an establishment of a connection of the the above three countries to the 12 European countries, as was seen, independently, through the growth rates (Figure 2). Examples for the same growth rate coupling effect on a higher level of international aggregation can be seen in Figure 1. One can see in Figure 1 that all throughout the time range, Australia and the US share a similar growth rate (Logarithm slope) on scales of more than a few years. We interpret that as their being connected. Mathematically speaking, this means that an interaction exists between them - i.e. that in M (5) one of the non-diagonal elements is not zero. In case of two or more sub-groups of connected Economic entities, we expect that M will be composed of blocks. One can also see in Figure 1 the convergence of Western Europe to the US and Australia growth rates at around 1975 (which is also, curiously, more or less coincident with the transition year observed in Figure 2). Prior to 1975, we can see that Western Europe’s growth rate seems to be similar to that of the Eastern Bloc. This is an interesting observation that awaits clarification. One can clearly see that at the point of liberalization (around 1989) there is a clear divergence of growth rates, suggesting that the system is composed of underlying, isolated blocks. One can use the fact that during shocks to the system, the divergence contains information regarding the structure of the interaction matrix M and reconstruct it. Another apparent observation in Figure 1 is the coupling between the East European countries and the USSR, up until the liberalization point. Last but not least, one can spot the convergence of the East European countries towards the ”Western” growth rate (West Europe, US and Australia). It is tempting to suggest that in the near future, the Russian growth rate might also converge with the western rate, but we do not have enough numerical evidence at present to make anything but an intuitive suggestion. The exercise we demonstrated above, of course, can be done for all international aggregates and for a variety of historical eras. We have taken the above example as a strong indicator of our claims to the existence of the GAE on the international level. 11 4.3 Intranational Scale In Figure 6 we plot the Added-Value of a ten-sector partition of the Brazilian Economy over the last 30 − 40 years. In other words, we plot the production growth estimate of a certain sectoral partition of a one-country Economy. For political or economical reasons that await explanations, we see convergence of growth rates from the mid 1990’s and onwards. Also, in the case of Bolivia’s ten-sector partition, there is also a convergence of most of the sectors’ growth rate as is seen in Figure 6 from the late 1990s onward. We have plotted the three sectors deviating from this pattern in weaker dotted lines as to enhance the distinction. We interpret this as the Bolivian economic structure composed of one big 7-sector (matricial) block (i.e. 7 sectors that are connected) and the three other isolated sectors, which might be connected to each other to form a second block, or not. What we see here is a measure for the substructure of the system. It is quite clear, though, that within these 7-sector sub-economy there is a convergence of growth rate. Another example for the convergence effect, we can see in Figure 6 where a 6-sector partition of the Romanian economy is plotted (Added Value). Here, also in the late 1990s, we see a clear convergence of all sectors. But, we see also from the year 1982 to around 1988 a clear convergence of growth rates. This convergence breaks at the liberalization point and is only fully regained, as we said above, in the late 1990s. This scrambling of growth rates, at the liberalization point is crucial in the understanding the underlying connectivity of the sub systems, M (5). 4.4 Reconstruction of Economic Networks Using our model and the assumption of growth rate convergence, we can also use available data to uncover hidden interactions and coupling networks. The straightforward way of doing so, is to calculate the ”distance” between exponential growth rates of interacting components (countries, sectors or aggregates). The distance was defined to be: d(t)i,j = (β(t)i − β(t)j )2 σ(t)2 (8) Meaning, the distance between components i and j at time t equal the distance between exponential growth rates (β(t)) normalized by the standard deviation of the exponential growth rate of that year among components. In order to take out the local noise, different smoothing lengths were used for the exponential growth rates. Using our model, one can say that d(t)i,j should be proportional to the coupling between components i and j. One case study was calculated for Argentina for the period of 20 years (1960 − 1980), which was an eventful one as can be seen in its economic growth during these years (Fig. 5a and b ). The result is presented in the form of a matrix of coupling strengths in Fig. 5c for these years. It is easy to identify in this form cliques and coupling within the matrix. Using the growth data of the sectors alone, one can infer the microscopic 12 coupling of the sectors and by that identify clusters and their dynamics. In the case of Argentina, one can see that a ”shock” around the year 1965, has brought to light the decoupling of two cliques (Seen by two separated bright squares). Following the decoupling stage with time, as we explained above and after some reshuffling of interactions we see more uniformity in the matrix suggesting a convergence of the most of the sectors, as is also seen in Fig. 5a and b. One has to note that in this mode of analysis the resulting matrix is symmetrical while in the economic reality the inter-country influence is not necessarily symmetrical. So the coupling strengths measured here is a measure of the overall interaction and not the directional one. Note that the reshoufling of the interaction matrix is contemporary with the aftershock J shape minimum and with the crossing between the decaying ”old” leading component and the growing new one. 5 Discussion The numerical evidence we have shown above, indicates that economic systems at various scales display generically the growth rate alignment effect(GAE). This is a much weaker claim than the usual convergence hypothesis: we only claim that in steady state the growth rates of the GDP per capita of the various system components align. We do not address the issue of the equalization of the GDP per capita itself. Our hypothesis is that for the equalization of rates it is sufficient to have free capital flow between the components while for the equalization of the absolute GDP/capita values one needs also free man-power flow. Contrary to the neoclassical assumptions underlying the Solow models it is difficult to achieve manpower interchangeability not only between countries but also between sectors and regions in the sam country: one cannot expect the workers of the mining sector to start producing high-tech software as soon as .com sector becomes profitable (see for example the alignement at very different absolute values of the GDP of Polish counties [58]). The rate convergence and the ratio between the absolute GDP/capita values depend on the matrix that contains as the diagonal terms the intrinsic growth rates of the components and as the off diagonal terms the flow between the components. In a sense one can consider this matrix as an extension of the Leontief matrix. Thus with some abuse of language one may claim that GAE is the Frobenius-Perron theorem applied to the Leontief matrix. According to our model, one can extend the Perron-Frobeniun theorem to nonlinear, nonstationary systems too. This is confirmed empirically by evidence at various inter- and intra- national scales. We do not claim that the analytical model based on the exponentiation of the generalization of the Leontieff matrix is the most general or ultimate model for multi-component economic systems , but we do note that not only it exhibits stylized facts seen in real life data (even in conditions where other analytical methods are impracticable) but it also has some quantitative relative success in describing complex phenomena [48, 18, 58]. This work is only a starting point. The numerical method awaits further specifications and the abundant relevant data is still to be confronted. 13 One should also try to understand the ramifications of the success of such models and investigate the details of the dynamics leading to alignment and out of it. Information on the system should also be extracted from the data before the alignment takes place at the stage of decay after the shock. This may allow the prediction of the crisis depth and duration and most importantly identify the components of the system likely to lead the rebound out of it. Consequently one can suggest the optimal policy to accelerate their take-over of the economy and eliminate the after-shock crisis completely [58]). In general, one should further calibrate, tune, and test the model and its parameters. In a wider perspective, the effects described here, could also be exploited in reconstruction methods for networks (only where the analogy of the agents’ growth rate is clear). Thus, we believe that this might be a good anchor point in the understanding of the nature of interactivity, growth and dynamics of complex systems in general. Due to its simple and robust nature, we also suggest it as an analytical tool for economic and politcal decision making and policy testing. 6 Conclusions We have studied the effects of interactions on the growth rates of the components of various economic systems. We have shown that even in non-stationary conditions and even under arbitrary shock conditions, one can make definite non-trivial generic predictions about the evolution of the system. The crucial object turns out to be the matrix characterizing the coupling between the system components: regions, sectors, countries, economic blocks. The matrix can be thought as a generalization of the I/O , Leontief matrix in as far as its entries quantify the transfer of economic activity, production, capital between the system components. The diagonal elements of the matrix are the intrinsic growth rates of each component. The dynamics of the system can be then regarded as an exponentiation of the interaction matrix. Thus, applying to the interaction matrix the Perron-Frobenius theorem one predicts that the various components will reach asymptotically a common growth rate equal to the highest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix. We call this phenomenon Growth Alignment Effect(GAE) and document its presence at various scales in the intra- and inter-national economic scales. Note that according to the Perron-Frobenius theorem the absolute value of the (per capita) production of each system component approaches a value proportional to its representation in the eigenvector corresponding to the highest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix. Thus the present framework does not predict the previously defined β or σ convergence. In fact the empirical data support our theoretical prediction: that while the growth rates approach a common value, the ratio between the production level (per capita) of the various components approach non-trivial (different from 1) constants. Moreover if due to endogenous or exogenous shocks the interaction matrix is dramatically affected, our model predicts a cross-over between the production (per capita) of different system components: the weight of the old dominant ones shrinks while the components enjoying new large in14 trinsic growth values take-over. Eventually all the components re-align to a common growth rate but in the intermediate time range after the shock the model predicts a set of generic stylized facts: the various system components associated with the ”old” and ”new” leading components follow very different paths and growth rates: usually the parts of the system strongly connected to the ”old” dominating component display immediately after the shock of matrix reshufling negative growth rates while the ”new” components develop rapidly. This intermediate time period is also characterized by a J-shape evolution of the entire system with a minimum located at the time when the ”old” and ”new” components sizes cross [18] On could see in the example of Argentina 5 this split of the economy in clusters during transition periods and the return to economic growth rate uniformity across the sectors in the steady periods. Moreover one could see in the examples of Portugal and China (graphs 6 and 7) the coincidence between the times when the old dominating and sub-dominating economic sectors cross and the time of minimum GDP during the post-shock J recovery (called in some literature ”adaptation”) process. Another clue given by the present analysis is about the causes of growth rate alignment taking place and the causes for the apparent absence of GDP per capita equalization in absolute values. Indeed, one see in graph 2 that among all countries joining the bulk of EU, only Ireland has equalized the GDP with the former EU members while all the others new-comers have equalized only the GDP growth rate. The answer may lie in the fact that most of the Irish population speaks English and thus there were no barriers in the Irish manpower to take over any jobs held by previous EU citizens. For the other countries that joined EU (except East Germany where the same phenomenon as with Ireland held), it was only the capital that could now flow freely between them and EU. This might turn out to be the clue to the puzzle: • capital / investment exploits, gains and pursue relative growth : investing in shares of a very productive company with stable equity price is not producing significant gain. • As opposed to it, people live on and pursue present absolute value of wages (proportional to the production per capita), Getting a good job in a company with stable production is all one wishes. Thus free movement / interchangeability of workforce insures convergence of GDP per capita (as in the case of Ireland) while free movement of capital insures only the alignment of growth rates (GAE, as in the case of Spain and Portugal, or in the comparison of US, EU and Australia 1). Note that these effects are somewhat complementary but congenial to the neoclassical analysis of Solow [49] where the capital flow between countries with various productivity and capital / manpower ratios is the mechanism for convergence. However, in the neoclassical analysis the inequivalence between the services and needs characterizing widely different countries and economies were not included. Such an analysis could fit 15 the convergence of counties within the same state in US [33] but not culturally or geographical segregated societies (or very different sectors corresponding to widely separated social groups and interests). In our case the result of the analysis is rather the alignment of growth rates(GAE) which is much easier to recognize and study in the empirical structures and data. It is remarkable that so much can be said within the present framework before even entering the details of the external changes and conditions. It is also hoped that introduction of new concepts such as the interaction matrix and the Growth Alignment Effect might help to a better capture of the stylized facts dominating the phenomenology and might allow a better understanding, policy and control of particular empirical situations: crises, social and technological change, political reforms etc. Acknowledgements We enjoyed during the thinking on the issues related to this project discussions with David Bree, Simona Cantono, Marco Lamieri, Moshe Levy, Yoram Louzoun, Lev Muchnik, Andrzej Nowak, Dietrich Stauffer and Leanne Ussher. The research was supported in part by the CO3 and Daphnet STREP grants from ICT and NEST, EU FP6. References [1] The conference board, total economy database. January . URL [2] M. Abramovitz. Catching up, forging ahead, and falling behind. Journal of Economic History, XLVI(2):385–406, 1986. [3] P. Aghion and S. Durlauf, editors. Handbook of Economic Growth, volume 1 of Handbook of Economic Growth. 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USSR) China Latin America Africa U.S. 10000 Australia Real GDP per capita India 1000 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Time[years] Figure 1: Real per capita GDPs (in units of 1990 US dollars) of countries aggregates around the world. Data taken from GGDC[1] 20 25000 Real per capita GDP 20000 15000 10000 Netherland Norway Austria Belgium Denmark Finland 5000 France Germany Sweden UK Ireland Greece Portugal Spain Italy 1970 1980 1990 2000 Time [years] Figure 2: Real GDPs (in units of 1990 US dollars) for the years 1965 − 2003, of the 12 European Countries with the Real GDPs of Spain, Greece and Portugal [1]. 21 18 Normalized incoming Trade 16 Portugal 14 Spain Greece 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Time [years] Figure 3: The sum of total incoming trade [29] coming in from the 12 European Countries (US$). The data is deflated using the US CPI and normalized using the importing country’s real GDP per capita. 22 Value Added [M. Pesos] Value Added [M. Reales] 100000 10000 Agric. For. Fish. Transp. Comm. Mining Quar. Finance Insur. Rl. Est. Manufac. 1975 1980 100 Serv. PublicUtil 1970 1000 Agric. For. Fish. Trade Rest. Hot. Mining Quar. Transp. Comm. Manufac. Finance Insur. Real Est. PublicUtil Dwellings Construct. Construct. Wh. Sale. Ret. Trad. WholeSale. Ret. 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1980 1990 Time [years] Serv. Dwellings 2000 Time [years] (b) Bolivia Value Added [Const US$] (a) Brazil 1E10 1E9 Agric. Whole Sale Manuf. Transp. Com. Construc. 1985 1990 Other 1995 2000 2005 Time [years] (c) Romania Figure 4: Value Added (equivalent to sectorial GDP) of three countries. The list of sectors is given in initials in the legend. 23 Figure 5: The case of Argentina (Data taken from GGDC [1]): (a) One example of the J-shape of Growth Rate of Economic sectors within a country. Argentina in the last 60 years which, in this case, is partitioned into 9 sectors (which include: Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing, Construction, Finance etc.) [1]. (b)One can see that the J-shape in the real GDP per capita of Argentina during the 1980s and 1990s result from a switch between dominating groups of sectors. Data taken from GGDC [1] (c)The di,j matrices of every year in the range of 1961 − 1980 for the Argentina sectoral growth. The color base was chosen to be inversely proportional to the exponential growth distance (Eq. 8), the lower the distance is the brighter the color of the cell is (i.e. the brighter it is the stronger the coupling). The data used for calculation is the data shown in a. Cell i, j in the matrix, represents the coupling strength between sector i and sector j. One can see how the different growth periods reflect in the matrix in the form of different partitioning to blocks. 24 22000 20000 500 18000 400 16000 Group B 14000 12000 300 10000 8000 200 Real GDP per capita Value Added [M. of Euros] Group A GDP 6000 100 1970 1975 1980 1985 Time [years] Figure 6: The case of Portugal (Data taken from GGDC [1]): (a) Another example of the J-shape of Growth Rate of Economic sectors within a country. Portugal during the 1970’s and 1980’s. The two solid lines represent Value Added (equivalent to sectorial GDP) of the aggregations of the sectors into two groups, group A contains Construction, Retail, Transport, Communications and Finance and Group B contains Hotels, Restaurants, Services, Health, Education and Public administration. The crossing described in the text (switch between dominating groups of sectors) happens at around 1975 as is also evident in Portugal’s real GDP per capita(blue line). 25 200 Agriculture PublicUtil Industry Bank. Insur. 160 Construction Real Estate Transp. Comm. Sci. Edu. Cul. Health 140 Commerce Gov. Party Soci. Org. Soc. Services 1000 %GDP 120 GDP 100 80 60 Real GDP per capita 180 40 20 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 Time [years] Figure 7: The case of China (Data taken from GGDC [1]): (a) Another example of the J-shape of Growth Rate of Economic sectors within a country. China during the 1950’s until the 1980’s: the graph exhibits percentage of each sector out of the total Value Added (equivalent to sectorial GDP). In this case the dominant sectors are Agriculture and Industry. The interplay and crossing between them around 1960 and around 1970 causes the J-shapes in the real GDP per capita (blue line). 26