THE NEWS HERALD • www.morganton .com A4 + FRIDAY, JULY 2;>, 2014 Exhibit recalls ErVin's role in Watergate case Contributed RALEIGH - This year is the 40th anniversary of President Richard M. Nixon's resignation and the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh will present the program "Sam Ervin and Watergate: 40 Years Later." • · Hear about the senator's time as chair of the Senate Watergate · Committee from those who remember this distinguished North Carolinian the best. · A panel discussion at 2 p.m. Aug. 9 will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Admission is free. Ervin's grandson, N.C. Court of Appeals Judge Sam J. Ervin IV; will participate in the discussion about his grandfather's role in the committee that investigated Nixon's 1972 campaign for re-election. Evidence presented during the Senate Watergate Committee hearings, House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearings, and a criminal investigation led to the president's resignation and the indictment of 40 Nixon campaign and administration officials. The elder Ervin, whose hometown was Morganton, served 20 years in the U.S. Senate. He retired in December 1974, four months Will moderate the Aug. 9 panel discussion. He is an associate professor of history at Appalachian State University. Americans became enamore~ by Ervin's Southern charm and . ready wit during the televised Watergate hearings. Although Ervin referred to himself as an "old country lawyer," his sharp intelligence and Harvard. Law School training revealed his legal expertise. Ervin's clear sense of moral outrage at the scandal's revelations struck a chord with many citizens. "Watergate: Political Scandal and the Presidency" will remain open through Aug. 10he exhibi1 tells the story of the Watergatf scandal in a straightforward, en _. . • COURTESY OFSEI'lATOR SAM J. ~RVJN)R.liBRAR:XAND ~USEUM .~gaging Wa~ ~· ~ North Carolina Sen. Sam Ervrn Jr. (center) consults w1th others durrng a Artifacts photographs videc hearin~ of the ~enat~ Watergat~ Com~ittee. Ervi~ se-;ved as chair _of the clips and' a 1970s livi~g-roon comm1t!ee that rnvest1gated Pres1de~t Richard M. N1xon s 1972 campa1gn for setting intrigue both younge1 re-election. visitors and those who recall thil after Nixon's resignation. Sen. Sam lawyer on July 23, 1973, to ob- transformative time in our na· passed away on April24, 1985. · tain recordings. ·of Nixon's White tion's histoiy. Another panelist will be Raleigh .House conversations. He also Watergate also highlights man) attorney Rufus Edmisten, who was responsible for interviewing Tar Heels who played importan served as an aide to Ervin and was severa1J witness~s anq managing roles in investigating the scandal deputy legal ·counsel to the sena- many logistical decisions related For information about theN. tor during his chairmanship of to the hearings. Museum of History, a Smithson the Senate Watergate Committee. Karl Camp hell, author of "Sena- ian-affiliated museum, call 919 Edmisten delivered the sub poe- tor Sam Ervin, Last of the Found- ·807 -7900 or access www.ncmt nas served to President Nixon's ing Fathers" (UNC Press, 2007) ,