Senior Ad Order Form

yearbook’14 senior ad form
Yearbook ads celebrating seniors are very popular. We have a limited number of pages, so ads
are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, with a limit of ½ page per family. Groups of seniors
may buy additional “friends” ads. Ads must be submitted by October 28.
No late ads will be accepted.
Color ½ page: Color ¼ page: B&W ½ page: B&W ¼ page: Special Sentiment:
$350 7 5/8” wide x 5” tall
$250 3 ¾” wide x 5” tall
$275 7 5/8” wide x 5” tall
$175 3 ¾” wide x 5” tall
$25 This ad is text only,
25 words or fewer, YBK staff will format
Submission Guidelines:
• All ads must be camera-ready... this means that we print the ad
exactly as it is submitted.
• Ads may be submitted in hard copy, on a CD or emailed to
• Ads emailed must be submitted as JPEG files. When sending a JPEG, make sure the ad
measurements are correct and the resolution is set at 300+
• Ads will only be accepted with completed ad form, artwork and payment. We will not accept
payment to hold spots.
• Artwork will not be returned.
Make checks payable to Staples Yearbook. You can drop off your ad, form and payment at the
Yearbook Office, Room 512, mail it to Staples Yearbook, Staples High School, 70 North Avenue,
Westport, CT 06880, or email to If you mail your payment,
please include a copy of the ad artwork. Any questions, send us an email or call the yearbook
office at 341-1358.
Senior Ad Order Form
YBK Office Use: Placed by __________________ Page #_______
Student Name(s)_____________________________________________________________________
Parent Name _______________________________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________
•Ad Choice:
Color ½ page ___
•Ad Artwork:
Artwork attached ___
Color ¼ page ___
CD attached ___
B&W ½ page ___
B&W ¼ page ___
Special Sentiment___
Artwork emailed ___
•Total Amount Enclosed: $ _______________________
(checks payable to Staples Yearbook)
•Purchaser’s Signature ________________________________________ Date:_____________