Page 1 Harassment What is Sexual Assault as defined in the UCSC

What is Sexual Assault as defined in the UCSC Policy on Sexual Assault?
assault is a general term which covers a range of behaviors, including rape.
It is non-consensual intercourse, other sexual acts, and sexual ba ery.
Sexual ba ery is the touching of an in mate part of a man or a women without her/his consent.
What is Sexual Harassment as defined in the UC Policy on Sexual Harassment?
sexual harassment is unwelcome and/or uninvited conduct that is directed at you
because of your sex (female or male), that you have to put up with to keep your job,
your academic status, or any other benefit or opportunity and/or that is so severe or pervasive
that it creates a hos le working, academic or living environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Include:
Unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.
Unwelcome physical, verbal, or non-verbal behavior of a sexual nature based on sex.
Terms of endearment.
Pressure for a date or “personal” rela onship.
Unwanted touching of any kind.
Angry, in mida ng and/or threatening behavior based on a person’s sex.
Sexual jokes, comments, or innuendos.
Sex based cartoons or visuals that ridicule or denigrate a person.
Employment decisions that are based solely or par ally on a person’s sex.
Who should you contact?
For completely private advice and op ons for staff, faculty and students, including resolving and,
if necessary, inves ga ng sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sex descrimina on claims:
Title IX/Sexual Harassment Officer:
Rita Walker, office: (831) 459-2462, cell/page: (831) 334-1803, email:
 tle9-sh/
Visit the UCSC Title IX web site for policy and other relevant informa on, including this brochure
in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and Tagalog.
Rape, Relationship Violence & Stalking Crisis Counseling
Completely ConfidenƟal State CerƟfied Rape Crisis Counselors:
Women’s Center
(831) 459-2169/459-2072
Sexual Assault Preven on Educator @ Health Center (831) 459-2721
Women’s Crisis Support/Defensa de Mujeres
(831) 425-4030
UCSC Policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of:
race, color, na onal origin, religion, sex, gender iden ty, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical
~ condi
on, gene c informa on, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orienta on, ci zenship, or service in the
uniformed services. This nondiscrimina on policy applies to employment, student admissions, access to and
treatment in University programs and ac vi es. UC policy also prohibits retalia on against employees,
students, and others for filing or providing informa on related to a complaint of discrimina on or harassment.
If you are a UCSC staff, academic, student employee or applicant for employment, and you
believe that you have been discriminated against or harassed on the basis of any of the above categories,
please call the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 831.459.3676. Students with non-employment
related discrimina on concerns should call Student Judicial Affairs, 831.459.1738
Persons with Disabili es
Undergraduate & Graduate Students
may also seek accomoda on assistance, raise
concerns and file complaints with:
with non-employment related discrimina on
or harassment concerns may contact:
Access to Electronic Informa on
ADA Compliance Officer
831.459.4380, email:
Employment Related Accommoda ons
Disability Management Coordinator
Employment Related Complaints
Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
831.459.3676, h p://
Facili es Access
Student Disability-Related Grievances
Student Judicial Affairs
831.459.1738, email:
Student Educa on/Program Access
& Accomoda ons
Disability Resource Center
831.459.2089, email:
Ma ers involving another student:
Your Associate College Administra ve Officer (ACAO)
Student Judicial Affairs, 831.459.1738
h p://
Title IX/Sexual Harassment Officer, 831.459.2462
h p:// tle9-sh/
University Police (for harassment), 831.459.2231
Ma ers involving faculty, academic or staff employees:
Your College Administra ve Officer (CAO)
Academic Department Chair
Student Judicial Affairs, 831.459.1738
Title IX/Sexual Harassment Officer, 831.459.2462
To Report Hate/Bias Incidents
h p://