Julius Caesar Amusement Park

Julius Caesar Amusement Park
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Julius Caesar Theme Park
Shakespeare has hit the big time. His estate is allowing you, the theme
park developer, to create a theme park based on one of his most famous
plays, Julius Caesar. The Romeo and Juliet theme park has been such a
success, it only seems natural to now open a second theme park based on a
different play.
As the developer, you must make important decisions regarding the
attractions, cost, requirements, and many other items. You are also in
charge of promoting this theme park.
Your job as the developer will come in steps. First, you need to decide the
1. What is the name of the theme park? (5 points)
2. What main attractions will you have? A good theme park would have 5
major attractions to advertise. (40 points)
3. Where is the theme park located? (5 points)
4. What is the cost of admission? (5 points)
5. What restaraunts and other amenities are available? (5 points)
6. You may choose to add other information at your discretion. After all,
you are the developer!
Next, you must design a brochure for your theme park. The brochure
must be neatly designed and it must relay all information outlined avove.
(40 points)
3/5/2009 8:13 PM