Mathematics Grade 10 Lesson Notes Calculating with Data 7 Lesson Teacher Guide ? Range and other Measures of Dispersion ! In this lesson, we look at different ways of finding out how R spread out a set of data is. We find the range, lower and upper quartiles, and the interquartile and semi-interquartile ranges. E Lesson Outcomes Curriculum Links LO4: Data Handling and Probability. 10.4.1 (a) Collect, organise and interpret data in order to determine measures of dispersion: range, percentiles, interquartile and semi-interquartile range. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: • calculate range •calculate interquartile range •calculate semi-interquartile range •compare data using this information . Lesson notes ? We have looked at the average as one way of analysing data. Another aspect of analysing data is to look at how spread out the data is. A simple R measure of spread is called the range. ! The 2+2=4 shows the difference between the E range smallest and the biggest value in our data set. For example, let’s consider the masses of twelve burger patties: 286 g 312 g 286 g 324 g 292 g 356 g 298 g 363 g Once you have found your quartiles, you can find the interquartile range. This is the range of numbers between the lower and upper quartiles. In this case, the interquartile range will be 51 g (340 – 289 = 51). In some situations this value is more useful than the range, because it shows us the spread without the extreme measurements. 300 g 401 g The biggest value in this data set is 401, and the smallest is 251. This means that our range is 150 g. This shows that our data is very spread out, because we would expect all the patties to have a similar mass. You may have noticed that most of the masses are much closer to 300 grams. 251 grams is extremely low in comparison, and 401 grams is extremely high in comparison. Another way of analysing the spread of data, without the results being affected by extreme measurements, is to divide our data set into quartiles, or four parts. This means dividing our data into four parts. We halve our data to find the median, and then we divide each half of the data into two parts again. This information can be shown on a box-andwhisker plot. Sometimes researchers divide the interquartile range into half again. This is called the semiinterquartile range. For example, 51 ÷ 2 = 25,5 g. This gives an even smaller range within the middle part of the data. ! 251g 300 g The median lies between the sixth and the seventh value, so it is 300 g. R Halfway between 286 and 292 is 289 g. We call this the lower quartile. E Halfway between 324 and 356 is 340 g. This is called the upper quartile. 2+2=4 ? Task Find the range, the interquartile range and the semi-interquartile range for this data: 8kg 8kg 7kg 9kg 8kg 9kg 2kg 1kg 1kg 2+2=4 2kg 4kg 5kg 4kg