Quiz: Box-and-Whiskers SOL A1.10

Quiz: Box-and-Whiskers
SOL A1.10
Name______________________________________________________ Date_________________
Use the information and the box-and-whiskers plots below or questions 1-4.
1) What is the range of test scores for the 1st period class? _____________________________________
2) What is the difference of the interquartile range for the two classes? __________________________
3) If an A is 90%, which class had the most A’s on this test and explain? __________________________
4) Which of the following are the same for both classes?
a) lower extreme and range
b) lower extreme and lower quartile
c) median and upper quartile
d) upper quartile and upper extreme
Use the information and the box-and-whiskers plot below for questions 1- 3.
Janelle recorded the length, in minutes, of each movie in her collection. These box-and-whiskers plots
show the data for the comedies and dramas.
Quiz: Box-and-Whiskers
SOL A1.10
5) Which measure is the same for both the comedies and the dramas?
a) lower extreme
b) lower quartile
c) upper quartile
d) median
6) Which of the following describe the shortest and longest movies in Janelle’s collection?
a) The shortest and longest movies
are both comedies
b) The shortest and longest movies
are both dramas.
c) The shortest movie is a comedy,
and the longest movie is a drama
d) The shortest movie is a drama,
and the longest movie is a comedy.
7) Which statement describes the difference in interquartile ranges?
a) The interquartile range for drama
is the same as the interquartile
range for comedies.
b) The interquartile range for drama is
approximately 5 minutes longer than
the interquartile range for comedies.
c) The interquartile range for drama is
approximately 10 minutes longer
than the interquartile range for
d) The interquartile range for dramas is
approximately 15 minutes longer than
the interquartile range for comedies.