Journal of General Virology (1991), 72, 3077-3084. Printed in Great Britain 3077 The most abundant protein in bovine herpes 1 virions is a homologue of herpes simplex virus type 1 UL47 Dale E. Carpenter and Vikram Misra* Department o f Veterinary Microbiology, Western College o f Veterinary Medicine, University o f Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S 7 N OWO The bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) protein VP8 is present, in large amounts, in the tegument o f virions. As a preliminary step towards determining the function o f VP8 and the biological relevance for its abundant presence, we describe the mapping of the location of its gene and determination o f its nucleotide sequence. The gene for VP8 was located between 0.088 and 0.108 map units on the BHV-1 genome and contained a 2226 bp reading frame encoding a 742 amino acid protein. The protein, produced in vitro by transcribing and translating the reading frame, was precipitated by monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal serum directed against VP8. T h e primary structure of VP8 showed considerable homology with the product o f the U L 4 7 reading frame o f herpes simplex virus type 1. Introduction infected cells, has been shown to be located in the tegument of virions (Marshall et al., 1986) and preliminary results (G. Weinmaster, unpublished results) suggest that it is a 7 phosphoprotein. In this communication, as the first step towards determining the function of VP8 and the biological relevance for its abundant presence, we describe the mapping of the location of its gene and the determination of its nucleotide sequence. The amino acid sequence of VP8 bears considerable resemblance to that of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) gene UL47. Virions of bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) comprise about 25 to 33 polypeptides (Pastoret et al., 1980; Misra et al., 1981). Cells infected with the virus contain an additional 15 polypeptides that are not represented in purified virions (Misra et al., 1981). The nucleotide sequences of the genes for some of these polypeptides have been determined. These include BHV glycoprotein B or gI (Misra et al., 1988; Whitbeck et al., 1988), BHVgC or glII (Fitzpatrick et al., 1989), BHV-gD or glV (Tikoo et al., 1990) and thymidine kinase (TK) (Mittal & Field, 1989; Smith et al., 1990). The location on the genome of other viral genes, including those for the D N A polymerase (Owen & Field, 1988) and the major DNA-binding protein (Bandyopadhyay et al., 1990), have also been mapped. As with other herpesviruses the expression of BHV-1 genes is temporally regulated such that viral proteins can be categorized as immediate early (0t), early (fl) or late ( J depending upon the order of their synthesis in the infected cell (Misra et al., 1981 ; Ludwig & Letchworth, 1987; Nelson et al., 1989). The ~, gene products can be divided further into 71 and 72 subclasses. The ~,1 genes are expressed earlier in infection than 72 genes and are affected minimally if viral D N A replication is interrupted. The ~2 genes are expressed later in infection and are not expressed if viral D N A synthesis is blocked. Virions of BHV-1 contain an abundance of a protein that has been designated VP8 (Misra et al., 1981), VP7 (Pastoret et al., 1980) or 107K (Marshall et al., 1986). The protein, which is also the most abundant viral protein in 0001-0461 © 1991 SGM Methods Cells and virus. BHV-1 strain P8-2 was isolated at the University of Wisconsin by J. R. Saunders. Details of virus propagation in MadinDarby bovine kidney (MDBK)cellshave been published (Misra et aL, 1981). To obtain radiolabelledinfectedcell proteins, cellsinfectedwith BHV-I at a multiplicity of infection of 10 p.f.u, per cell were maintained in either methionine-freemedium to which [35Slmethionine (100~tCi/ml) had been added or in phosphate-free medium supplemented with 500 ~tCiof H332po4 per ml. Cells were harvested 20 h after infection. Construction of a 2gtl l expression library. BHV-I genomicDNA (2.5 ~tg) was partially digested with the restriction enzymes HaelII (2.5 units) and RsaI (7 units) for 8 min. The digest was electrophoresed through a 0.8~ agarose gel and DNA fragments, 500 to 2000 bp in length, were eluted from the gel. EcoRI linkers (Promega)were ligated to the fragments,which werethen digestedwith EcoRI. The fragments were clonedinto Protoclone2gt11 arms (Promega)and packaged using the Packagene in vitro packaging system (Promega). The library was grown on Escherichia coli host strain Y1090(r-)and expressionof the pgalactosidase-VP8 fusionprotein was inducedwith isopropylthio-fl-l> 3078 D. E. Carpenter and V. M i s r a galactoside (Bethesda Research Laboratories). Plaques were transferred to nylon membranes by the method of Maniatis et aL (1982). VP8polyclonal antisera. Antisera to VP8 were raised in rabbits. The polypeptides of virions purified from infected ceils in eight t00 mm diameter culture plates were separated by electrophoresis through a preparative 7-5% (w/v) SDS-PAGE gel (Misra et al., 1981). The outer lanes of the gel were stained with Coomassie blue to visualize the proteins. The segment of the unstained gel, which corresponded to the VP8 band, was excised and dialysed in water to remove SDS. The gel slices were homogenized to a slurry with a Polytron homogenizer (Brinkman Instruments). Freund's complete adjuvant (1 ml) and the slurry (1 ml) were mixed and 0-4 ml inoculant was injected intramuscularly and subcutaneously at several sites. At 2 week intervals, 1 ml slurry and 1 ml Freund's incomplete adjuvant were mixed and injected into the rabbits. Eight weeks after the initial immunization, the rabbits were bled and serum was collected. The rabbit serum was absorbed with ProtoBlot E. coli extract (Promega) to remove cross-reacting antibodies. The resulting serum, diluted 1 : 500, was used to detect VP8-expressing plaques from the 2gtl I library. Bound antibody was visualized with horseradish peroxidase-labelled anti-rabbit antibody (Bio-Rad). Mapping of the VP8 gene on the BHV-1 viral genome. Viral genomic DNA (2 rtg) was digested with the restriction enzymes EcoRI, HpaI, HindlII and BgllI (5 units, 1 h at 37 °C) then electrophoresed through a 0.8% agarose gel. The DNA fragments were transferred to a nylon membrane (Amersham) and hybridized to a radiolabelled DNA fragment isolated from the 2gtl 1 clone that reacted with the anti-VP8 serum. S~ nuclease mapping of the start of transcription. A variation of the procedure of Berk & Sharp (1977) was used to map the start of transcription of the VP8 gene. The VP8 gene was mapped, by Sl nuclease digestion, in two segments. The 3-0 kb EcoRl G fragment (Fig. 2) was cloned into the EcoRI site of the multiple cloning site of pEMBL18. The orientation of the insertion was determined from the location of an internal HindlII site. A HindlII digest would excise a 2-0 kb fragment if the insert was cloned in one direction or a 1.0 kb fragment if it was cloned in the other direction. A clone that released a 2.0 kb fragment upon HindlII digestion was digested with ApaI and HindlIl. A 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI fragment of BHV-1 DNA, with the entire multiple c!oning site adjacent to the EcoRI end, was eluted from the gel and was labelled at the 5' ends with [y-32p]ATP using alkaline phosphatase (Promega). The fragment was then digested with EcoRI to remove the labelled multiple cloning site. The result was a 1300 bp EcoRI-ApaI fragment labelled on one strand at the ApaI site. A similar strategy was used to label the 1700 bp EcoRI-HindIII portion of the 3-7 kb HindlIl M fragment. The entire 3-7 kb HindlII M fragment was cloned into the HindlIP site of the multiple cloning site. An internal EcoRI restriction site was used to determine the orientation. The 1700 bp EcoRI-HindlII portion with the entire multiple cloning site at the HindlII end was released with an EcoRI digest. This was eluted from a gel, labelled and the multiple cloning site was removed with a HindIII digest. This resulted in a 1700 bp EcoRI-HindlII fragment labelled 5" on one strand at the EcoRI site. Labelled DNA was hybridized to total infected cell RNA at a ratio of 1:5. Total infected cell RNA was isolated from MDBK cells, by the method of Cathala et al. (1983), 20 h after BHV-I infection. Products of S~ digestion were electrophoresed on a urea-containing 6% (w/v) acrylamide gel. A ~2Pqabelled BstEII digest of 2 DNA was denatured and electrophoresed to determine the size of the fragments protected from digestion with $1 nuclease. In vitro transcription and translation. The coding sequence for the VP8 gene was cloned between the AccI and HindllI sites of pGEM-3Z (Promega) in a two step cloning reaction. First the HindlIl M fragment was cloned into the HindlII site of pGEM-3Z. An EcoRI digest was used to determine the fragment orientation. A clone that would release a 1.7 kb fragment upon EcoRI digestion was isolated. This clone was digested with Accl which released a 600 bp fragment and a 1100 bp fragment from the vector which still contains 2000 bp of the VP8 gene. The 1100 bp fragment and the pGEM-partial VP8 fragment were eluted from a gel and ligated. Regeneration of the VP8 gene coding sequence in the pGEM vector was screened by EcoRI digestion. RNA was transcribed from the T7 promoter using the Riboprobe system (Promega). During transcription the transcripts were capped with the cap analogue pGppp (Pharmacia). The capped RNA was translated in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate containing PSlmethionine (Pelham & Jackson, 1976). The reticulocyte lysate was a gift from A. J. Pawson (Univeristy of Toronto). Immunoprecipitation. Immunoprecipitations were carried out using the method of Misra et al. (1982) using monclonal antibodies (MAbs) or polyclonal antisera developed in our laboratory. Sequencing. Sequenase and 7-deaza-dGTP reagents (United States Biochemicals) were used to determine the nucleotide sequence of the VP8 gene. Nested deletions of the DNA or subclones, constructed using convenient restriction sites, were used to sequence both strands of the entire VP8 coding region. Regions downstream from the VP8 coding region were sequenced on one strand only. Protein sequence alignment. VP8 and UL47 protein sequences were aligned using the CLUSTAL computer program of Higgins & Sharp (1988). Results V P 8 is a y2 phosphoprotein T h e p r o t e i n w e h a v e d e s i g n a t e d V P 8 ( M i s r a et al., 1981) is m a d e in t h e l a t e r s t a g e s o f i n f e c t i o n a n d is t h e m o s t a b u n d a n t o f t h e v i r i o n p r o t e i n s o f B H V - 1 ( M i s r a et al., 1981; P a s t o r e t et al., 1980; M a r s h a l l et al., 1986). V P 8 h a s also b e e n s h o w n to r e s i d e in t h e v i r a l t e g u m e n t ( M a r s h a l l et al., 1986) a n d G . W e i n m a s t e r ( u n p u b l i s h e d results) d e m o n s t r a t e d t h a t B H V - l - i n f e c t e d cells c o n t a i n a phosphoprotein with an electrophoretic mobility s i m i l a r to t h a t o f V P 8 . T o c o n f i r m t h a t V P 8 is a 7 class p h o s p h o p r o t e i n , B H V - 1 i n f e c t e d cells w e r e l a b e l l e d w i t h e i t h e r [35S]methi o n i n e o r H 3 3 2 p o 4 , in t h e p r e s e n c e o r a b s e n c e o f 250 ~tg phosphonoformic acid (PFA) per ml medium. VP8 and B H V - g B , a f l class p r o t e i n ( N e l s o n et al., 1989), w e r e t h e n i m m u n o p r e c i p i t a t e d f r o m t h e cell lysates. M o n o c l o n a l a n t i b o d i e s w e r e u s e d for i m m u n o p r e c i p i t a t i o n . F i g . 1 s h o w s t h a t a l t h o u g h 35S-labelled i n t a c t B H V - g B ( 1 3 0 K ) a n d its c l e a v a g e p r o d u c t s ( 7 0 K a n d 5 0 K ) w e r e immunoprecipitated from PFA-treated and untreated cells, V P 8 a n d 6 0 K p r o t e o l y t i c d e g r a d a t i o n p r o d u c t w e r e i m m u n o p r e c i p i t a t e d o n l y f r o m cells in w h i c h v i r a l D N A s y n t h e s i s h a d n o t b e e n i n t e r r u p t e d by P F A . V P 8 , i m m u n o p r e c i p i t a t e d f r o m u n t r e a t e d i n f e c t e d cells, w a s l a b e l l e d w i t h 32p. T h e s e results c o n f i r m t h a t V P 8 is a y2 class p h o s p h o p r o t e i n . BHV-1 homologue of HSV-1 UL47 (b) (a) Mock BHV-I BHV-1 VP8 VP8 BHV-gB Infected MAb against Treatment PFA PFA fragment was sequenced using a primer homologous to the coding sequences of fl-galactosidase in 2gtll to determine in which reading frame this fragment was being expressed. Mock BHV-1 BHV-1 VP8 VP8 BHV-gB PFA PFA PFA 3079 PFA - - 200K Mapping the location of VP8 on the BHV-1 genome --92K --69K The 600 bp D N A fragment from the expression library was used to probe fragments in EcoRI, HpaI, BglII and HindIII digests of the BHV-1 genome. The location of the sites for these enzymes onthe P8-2 strain of the BHV1 genome have been mapped (M. A. N. Beckie, unpublished results). The probe hybridized to the 3 kb EcoRI G fragment (0-096 to 0.119 map units), the 15 kb HpaI D fragment (0.032 to 0-143 map units), the 3.7 kb HindIII M fragment (0.083 to 0-111 map units) and the 12-5 kb BglII E fragment (0.026 to 0.119 map units). These fragments all map at the left-hand end of the BHV-1 genome (Fig. 2). --46K Fig. 1. VP8 is a ~,2 phosphoprotein. VP8 and BHV-gB, a fl protein, were immunoprecipitated from lysates of (a) 35S- or (b) 32p-labelled mock-infected or BHV-l-infected cells. Cells were either treated with PFA (250 pg/ml), to interrupt viral DNA synthesis, or were left untreated. The position of Mr markers, electrophoresed in the same gel are indicated. Screening the 2gt11 library A BHV-1 expression library was constructed to isolate a D N A probe for the VP8 gene. To determine which phage in the expression library contained a portion of the VP8 gene, polyclonal antisera to the protein were raised in rabbits. Serum from rabbits, immunized three times with VP8 protein, bound to the VP8 protein in Western blot analysis. The VP8 antiserum detected a plaque from the 2gtl 1 BHV-1 genomic library. This clone contained a 600 bp fragment of BHV-1 DNA. The 5' end of this 0 0'l 0.2 i I I 0"3 $1 nuclease mapping the VP8 transcriptional start site The transcriptional start site of the VP8 gene was located on the 3.7 kb HindlII M fragment by $1 nuclease mapping. The HindlII M fragment was digested into a 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI fragment and a ! 700 bp EcoRI- 0-4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1-0 I I I I I I I IRs UL E G 3.0 D B A 15.0 D .|}~.~:}~:-~.~.~:i.:'i:i.-.~.~.~.~:~:i-~:~ 4.3 15-0 N I I 2.5 J 8-8 M i:~*.:-':.~ 3-7 E 1 10-0 18.0 G 13.7 A I L C I 18.3 O I I 7.5 15-8 G F K II C H D I I I 8-2 A Hindlll ll.5 F K I 14-8 H I 8-2 D I lJ E I I!~::::::~ Hpal ~45.0 B 20.0 EcoRI A I 11.7 I 8.3 1 9.0 I I 16.0 F 1 24-0 I 11.5 C 1 Genome (132 kb) F .'l 23-5 E B I C I ~48.5 G [ TRs I I 13.0 Us Map units 13.0 B I BgllI 2-2 12.5 8-4 9.5 1.4 17.5 7-5 16.0 ~38"0 18.5 1-3 Fig. 2. Mapping the location of the VP8 gene on the BHV-1 genome. The BHV-1 genome is depicted showing the location of the unique long (UL), unique short (Us), internal repeating sequence (IRs) and terminal repeating sequence (TRs). Map units are indicated on the top bar. The lower bars depict restriction maps of the genome of the P8-2 strain of BHV-1. The fragments are lettered above the restriction maps in decreasing size with A indicating the largest fragment, B indicating the second largest fragment, etc. Sizes of the restriction fragments in kb are indicated below the fragments. The HindlII restriction map has an additional set of fragments as there are HindllI sites within the Us region. These fragments appear as the Us region can be present in two orientations. The restriction fragments that hybridized to the 600 bp VP8 probe in Southern blot analysis are indicated as shaded boxes. I I I I 1 3080 D. E. Carpenter and V. Misra (a) (b) 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 2 3 4 Original probe isolated from expression library (c) VP8 transcription start site I 5 i II Accl I Accl EcoRt Hindlll 1700 bp Apal 1300 bp HindllI 700 bp Fig. 3. Mapping the transcriptional start site of the VP8 gene. $1 nuclease protection analysis was performed on two different pieces of the HindlII M fragment. (a) Result of $1 mapping the 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI fragment. Radiolabelled 2BstEII size markers (lanes 5) were electrophoresed to determine the size of protected fragments and the sizes are indicated in the centre. Lanes 1, labelled DNA (5' endlabelled at the ApaI site); lanes 2, D N A / R N A hybrid (labelled DNA hybridized to the RNA); lanes 3, Sl-treated (labelled DNA hybridized to RNA and treated with S~ nuclease); lanes 4, second Sl-treated sample incubated for twice the time period. RNAprotected bands are indicated by << in lanes 3 and 4. (b) Result of $1 mapping the 1700 bp EcoRI-HindllI fragment. The lane numbers are the same as for (a) except that the 1700 bp EcoRI-HindlII fragment, 5' end-labelled at the EcoRl site, was used. RNA-protected bands are again indicated by <<. (c) Summary of results. The solid black bar represents the HindlII M fragment. Relevant restriction sites are indicated and the sizes of restriction fragments are given below. The small dark shaded box represents the portion of the HindlII fragment originally isolated from the Jlgtl 1 library and used as a probe for the VP8 gene. The large lightly shaded boxes represent the DNA fragments protected from S~ degradation when the 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI and 1700 bp EcoRI-HindlII portions of the HindllI M fragment were subjected to $I nuclease protection analysis. The major transcriptional start site is indicated. HindlII fragment (Fig. 3c). R N A from BHV-l-infected cells protected the entire 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI portion of the 3-7 kb HindlII fragment from $1 digestion (Fig. 3a) suggesting that the fragment was included, in its entirety, within a transcript. The size of the 1700 bp EcoRIHindlII subfragment, labelled with 32p at the EcoRI site, was reduced in size by 600 bp by $1 nuclease, indicating that the beginning of the main transcriptional unit in this fragment was about 1100 bp from the EcoRI site (Fig. 3 b). A minor transcription start site mapped about 650 bp from the EcoRI site. Immunoprecipitation To confirm that the transcription start site, identified by the $1 protection experiments, was that of VP8, a 3.1 kb AccI-HindlII piece of D N A from the HindlII M fragment was cloned between the AccI and HindIII sites of pGEM-3Z. The AccI site in the HindlII M fragment was located immediately upstream from the putative start site of the VP8 transcript (Fig. 3c). In vitro transcription, from the T7 promoter of pGEM-3Z, resulted in a single 3.1 kb R N A transcript. In vitro translation of this R N A produced a 90K protein which could be immunoprecipitated from the reticulocyte lysate by the anti-VP8 sera used initially to screen the 2gtl 1 BHV-1 genomic library but not with monoclonal antibodies to BHV-gB (Fig. 4). Monoclonal antibodies to VP8 also immunoprecipitated the in vitro translated protein (data not shown). The VP8 antisera and monoclonal antibodies to VP8 and BHV-gB immunoprecipitated the appropriate proteins from lysates of BHV-1 BHV-1 homologue of HSV-1 UL47 kDa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 200K - - M D A A GTCTACACGGGATTTAGTTTTCGCGCCCGCGGCTTTCTAGGCCCCCLIAGACGCCATGGACGCCGCTAGGGA 12 24 36 48 60 G R P E R R P R R S G T Y R T H P F Q R P S A R D 72 R TGGGCGGCCTGAGCGCCGCCCGCGCCGCTCCGG~CGTACCGCACGCACCCGTTCCAGCGCCCCTCTGCCCG 84 92.5K-- 3081 R S L P D F L 96 D A L R R P P D A 108 A D A E D T S E 120 A A E R P E N V Y R 132 V R R P Y I D G 144 R GCGGAGCCTGCTGGACGCCCTGCGCGCTGCnGACGCCGAGGCCGCGGAGCGCCCGCGGGTCCGGCGCCCGCG 156 Q 168 E 180 192 D D 204 216 D GCCTGACTTCCAGCGGCCCCCGGACGAGGACACCAGTGAGGACGAG~CGTGTATGATTACATCGACGGCGA 228 68K-- 240 252 264 276 288 S S D S A D D Y D S D Y F T A N R G P N H G A G TAGCAGCGACAGCGCCGACGACTATGATAGCGATTATTTTACTGCT~CCGCGGCCCC~TCACGGCGCCGG 300 312 324 336 348 D A M D T D A P P E R A P E G G A P Q D Y L T 360 A CGATGCTATGGACACAGACGCACCACCCGAGCGCGCCCCGG~GGGGGTGCCCCGC~GACTACTTGACGGC 372 384 396 408 420 432 HLRAIEAc~GPESAPHRSLLERTART CCACCTGCGCGCCATCGAGGCC 444 V Y ~ H E F P CCCGAGTCAGCGCCCCACCGGAGCCTGCTGGAGCGCACGGCCCGGAC 456 468 480 492 P R D L S A G S R A P A Q R A R 504 R CGTGTATGCGCACGAGTTTCCCCCGCGCGATTTGAGTGCGGGCTCCAGGGCGCCGGCACAGCGCGCGCGGCG 516 46K-- 528 540 552 564 576 S L R G F p R G G G G G Q E P G P D D E G D D A GAGCCTCCGCGGCTTCCCGCGTGGCGGCGGGGGCGGCCAGG~CCCGGGCCAGACGACG~GGCGACGACGC 588 600 612 624 636 A D L R E D L V P D E A Y A H L E R D E R L S 648 E CGCAGACCTGCGCGAGGACCTTGTGCCAGATGAGGCCTACGCGCACCTAGAGCGCGACGAGCGGCTGTCGGA 660 Fig. 4. Immunoprecipitation of the VP8 protein from in vitro translation reaction and infected cell lysate. Lanes: 1, reticulocyte lysate with no exogenous RNA added; 2, in vitro translation of in vitro transcribed RNA containing the VP8 coding region; 3, immunoprecipitate of in vitro translated VP8 using the polyclonal VP8 antisera originally used to screen the 2gtl 1 library; 4, immunoprecipitate of in vitro translation using gB MAb; 5, immunoprecipitate of BHV-1infected cell lysate with VP8 MAb; 6, immunoprecipitate of BHV-1infected cell lysate with polyclonal VP8 antisera; 7, immunoprecipitate of BHV-l-infected cell lysate with gB MAb. Mr markers are indicated. 672 684 696 708 720 G P P L L N M E A A A A A A G E R S V V E E L F AGGGCCCCCGCTCCTC~CATGGAGGCGGCCGCTGCGGCTGCGGGG~AGAGGAGCGTGGTGGAGGAGCTGTT 732 744 756 768 780 782 T Y A P A Q P Q V E V p L P R I L E G R V R P S TACGTACGCCCCTGCCCAGCCTCAGGTAGAGGTGCCGCTGCCCAGGATTTTGGAGGGCCGGGTGCGGCCCAG 804 816 828 840 852 864 A F F R R A A Q M P L D M A S D A L C R P H G L T P P N D I T T W Q R V V R T V D P E CGCCTTCTTCGCGCAGATGCCGCTGGACGCGCTGTGCCGCACGCCGCCC~CGATCAGCGCGTGGTGCGCGA 876 W 888 T 900 912 L S 924 936 E GCGGCGCGCTTGGGACATGGCCGGTACGCCGCATGGGCTCCT~T~CCACGTGGAGCACGGTGGACCCGGA 948 960 972 984 996 1008 F S I G G M Y V G A P E G T R P R L V W R R A M ATTCTCGATCGGCGGCATGTACGTGGGCGCCCCTGAGGGCACCCGGCCCCGGCTAGTGTGGCGGCGCGCGAT 1020 1032 1044 1056 1068 1080 K Q A M A L Q Y R L G V G G L C R A V D G A R M G~GCAGGCCATGGCGCTGCAGTACCGGCTGGGGGTGGGGGGCCTGTGCCGAGCAGTAGACGGCGCACG~T 1092 1104 1116 1128 1140 1152 P P T E A L L F L A A R A A A R S A Q L P F F V GCCGCCCACTGAGGCGCTGCTCTTTTTGGCGGCACGCGCTGCTGCGCGTAGTGCGC~CTGCCATTTTTTGT 1164 1176 1188 1200 1212 1224 A A G A R G R R R A A P A R G G G W A A G S H A CGCGGCCGGGGCGCGCGGGCGGCGCCGCGCGGCGCCTGCCCGCGGCGGCGGTTGGGCTGCTGGCAGCCACGC 1236 1248 1260 1272 2284 V H A T G R V P H A T L F R G S M G S L I Y W H AGTTCACGCCACCGGACGCGTCCCCCACGCGACGCTCTTTCGCGGCTC~TGGGCTCCCTGATTTACTGGCA 1308 1320 1332 1344 1356 infected cells. The in vitro translation of VP8 also yielded an approx 50K protein. This protein was translated from RNA endogenous to the lysate and appeared even if no external RNA was added to the lysate. E L R E L Y A Y L L G P V M L T A V L A L R L F V A P T A A P A L C S E A P A E R A F R E V A R Y A G Y T A N R W L Y A K I P A G L Q R Y A A G A E R L S 1296 1368 A CGAGCTGCGCGTGATGCTGACTGCGGTGCCGGCCCTGTGCGCGCGCTACGCGGGCGCCGGGCTGCAGTCGGC 1380 L 1392 H 1404 1416 G E 1428 L 1440 $ CGAGCTGTACCTGCTGGCGCTACGGCACTCAGAGGCGCCCGGCTACACGGCAAATGAGCGCTACGCGCTCTC 1452 T 1464 L 1476 1488 V L 1500 H 1512 L GGCGTACCTGACGCTGTTTGTAGCGCTCGCGGAGCGGGCCGTGCGCTGGCTGTATCTAGCGGGCGCGCACCT 1524 H 1536 A 1548 1560 R Y 1572 P 1584 L GCTCGGGCCGCACCCCACAGCGGCGGCCTTCCGCG~GTGCGCGCC~GATCCCGTACGAGCGGCTGCCGCT 1596 1608 1620 1632 1644 1656 Sequencing G S A T L H D A E V E T V D S A T F Q E A L A F AGGCAGCGCGACGCTGCACGACGCCG~GTGGAGACGGTGGACTCGGCCACCTTCCAGGAGGCCCTGGI~ 1668 1680 1692 1704 1716 After confirming that the DNA from the HindlII M fragment contained the gene for VP8, the nucleotide sequence of both strands of the fragment from the AccI site to 2500 bp downstream was determined (Fig. 5). The fragment contained a 2226 bp open reading frame which would encode a protein 742 amino acids in length. This coding sequence was located between 0-088 and 0.108 map units on the BHV-1 genome. TAGCGCGCTGGCACATGTTTACGGGGAGGCCTACGTAGCGGTGCGGACCGCGACGACGCTGCTGATGGCCGA S A L A H V Y G 1740 Y A A H E A Y V A 1752 A E R R D V R T A 1764 V R E M T T L L M 1776 T A A F L G A E 1788 V G L I 1800 A GTACGCGGCCCACGCTGAGCGCCGGGACGTGCGCGAGATGACAGCGGCCTTCCTGGGCGTGGGGCTGATCGC 1812 1824 1836 1848 1860 1872 Q R L M G S L E P A A E L R S R R S G V R G P A GCAGCGGCTGATGGGCAGCCTCG~CCTGCTGCTG~CTGCGTAGCCGGCGCAGCGGTGTACGGGGGGCGGC 1884 1896 1908 1920 1932 C P T p V S V R E G T V E F W L A R Y S A R D G L L A D A M R E L A L P L L R p V 1944 R GTGTCCGACGGTGCGCGAGGGCACGCTCGCGCGGTACAGCCTGCTAGCGGACGCGGCACTGCCGCTGGTGCG 1956 L 1968 E 1980 1992 V R 2004 V 2016 A CCCGGTGTCCCTGGTGGAGTTCTGGGAGGCCCGCGACGGCGTCATGCGCGAGCTGCGGCTGCGGCCCGTGGC 2028 2040 2052 2064 2076 S P P L A G K R R V M E L Y L S L D S I E A L V GAGCCCGCCCCTGGCCGGC~GCGGCGGGTCATGGAGCTGTACCTCTCGCTGGACAGCATAGAGGCGCT~ 2100 2112 2124 2136 2148 G R E P H L P L G S R T G D G P V L G P L V D I A E A L A D 2088 2 H CGGCCGCGAGCCGCTAGGTTCGCGGCCGGTGCTTGGGCCGCTCGTGGACATCGCGGAGGCGCTGGCGGACCA 2172 Protein sequence alignment A comparison of the VP8 amino acid sequence with the sequence of HSV-1 (McGeoch et al., 1988) revealed considerable homology with the protein encoded by the open reading frame UL47. A more detailed alignment, using the CLUSTAL program (Higgins & Sharp, 1988) Fig. 5. Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the coding region for the VP8 gene. The sequence for the segment of the D N A containing a large open reading frame, from which in vitro transcription/translation produced the VP8 protein, is listed above. The AccI restriction site used V 2184 R 2196 G P R L G 2208 G R 2220 2232 * CCCGCACCTCGTCACGGGCGATGGGCGGGGCCCGCGCCTGGGCGGCCGCTAGCGGCAGGCCCGCGCTTACCG 2244 2256 ~ 2280 2292 2304 CGGCGGCTGGGACCGCCCACATCAGCCACCACGCCCGCGGCGGGCG~GGCGGGAGCATACGGATATATCGGC 2316 2328 2340 2362 -- 2 3 6 4 2376 AGTGCG~CTTACGGTTCGCGGTGA~GGGCGGCGCCGCTTTACGCACCGGCCGGCGGAGAGCCCCGGAGTA 2388 2400 2412 2424 2436 2448 GCTCGCCCGCCCGTCTCTTCCCCACGGACGACGGCTGCGAGCGTCTACT 2460 2472 2484 2496 to clone the fragment into pGEM-3Z is indicated. The ApaI restriction site located within the fragment isolated as a probe is also indicated between 2260 bp and 2270 bp. The putative promoter consensus sequences (i.e. TATA box and SP1 sites) for a gene that shares a 3' terminus with the VP8 gene are indicated between 2340 and 2376 bp (underlined). The region > 60 bp downstream from the VP8 coding sequence was sequenced on one strand only. 3082 D. E. Carpenter and V. Misra VP8 M DAARDGRPERRPRRS GTYRTH p FQRpSARRS LLDALRAA D A E A A E R P R V R R PRPDFQRP UL47 M-SARE* .**. -PAGRRRRAST *. * . * * . . * ................................. RPRA .... S ***, Mapunits 0 0.1 I VP8 UL47 PDEDTSEDENVYDY I DGDSS DSADDYDS DYFTANRGPNHGAGDAMDTDAPPERAPEGGAP PVADEPAGDGV-GFMG . . . . . . . . . y I/~AV F R G D D D S E L E A L E E M A G D E p p V R R R R E G P R ,., ...... , .... , .. , . . . . . . , ..,. ,.** * . i.. VP8 UL47 QDy LTAH LRAI EA LPESA PHRS LLERTARTVYAHEF PPRDLSAGSRA PAQRARRS LRG FP AR .... RRRASEAPP--TSHR .... RASR ........ QRPGPDAARSQSVRGR ..... LD ** ** * ,,** *..* .* .... *... *.* VP8 UL47 RGGGGGQEPGPDDEGDDAADLREDLVPDEAYAHLER-DDDEVPRGPPQARQGGY ....... LGPVDARAI ..... * ...*. * * .* * VP8 UL47 RS V~E E LFT yA pAQ PQVEVPLPR I LEGRVRPS A F FAQM PLDALCRT PPN DQRWRE RRAW EAVGPEDGGGAR5 PPKVEV ..... LEG RVPG pE LRAA F PLDR L- -A PQVAVWDESVR S AL .* * . *...*.*** ***** .... *..*** * .* . . . . *.* %/P8 UL47 DblAGTPHG LLI TTWSTVD P E FS - - - I GGMYVGAPEGTR PR LVWRRAMKQAMA LQ -YR LGV AL-GHPAGF .... y pCPDSAFGLSRVGVMHFAS PD- -NPAVFFRQTLQQGEALAWY ITGD .. * * *. .. *,.*. .* * . . . * . .* . .* . . . . *. * * . * * VP8 UL47 GG LCRAV DGARM P PTEA LLF LAA ................ RAAARSAQ LPF FVAAGARGRR G i L D L T D R R T K T S A A Q A M S F L A O A V V R L A I N G W V C G T R L H A E A R G S D L D D R A A E LP-RQ F A * * ....... *. * * * .*,**..,* ,*. * VP8 UL47 RAA PARGGGWAAG S HAVHATGRV ..... PHAT LFRGSMGS LI YWHELRVMLTAVPALCAR S LTALRPVG -AA; PLLSAGG LVS pQSG PDAAVFRS S LGS LLYWPGVRALLDRDCRVAAR • .. * * **.. , *.* * *.*..**.*.***.**...*..*. VP8 UL47 HSV-1 DERLSEG pPLLNMEAAAAAAGE LGRVGGSRVAPS PLFLEELQYEE DDYP *.* ..*...* .* . . . . . . (~) YAG--AGLQSAE Ly LLALRHS EAPGYTANERYALSAY LTLFVALAERAVRWLyLAGAHLL YAG RMTY LAT GAL- LARFN PDAVRCV LTREAA F LGRV LDV LAVMAE QTVQW LS VVVGARL GPHPTAAAFREVRAKI PYERLPLGSATLHDAEVETVDSATFQEALAFSALAHVYGEAYVA HPHVHH PAFADVARE ELF RALP LGS PAWGAEH EALG DTAARRLLAN SG LNAVLGAAV¥ ** . * * .* . . ***** .... ** * ....... ** *,*. * *.* VD8 UL47 VRTATT LLMAEYA .... AHAERRDVREMTAA F LGVG L IAQR LMG- - -S LEPAAE LRS RRS LHTA LATVT LKYARACG DAHRRR D DAAATRA I LAAG LV LQRLLG FA DTVVACVTLAAF DG ..** . . .** *** . * *.*..** ***.* ..... * , VP8 GVRG PAC PTVREGT LARY S LLADAA L PLVR PVS LV E FWEAR DGVMRE LR LRpVAS P PLAG GFTAFEVGTY- -TPLRYACVLRATQPLYARTTPAKFWADVRAAAEHVDLRPASSApRAP * *. * * ** . *. * * ..... ** . . . . . . ***..*.* * A * VP8 ~3L47 KRRVME Ly LS LDS I EALVGRE PLGS RPVLG P LVD I AE ALADHPHLVTG DG .......... VSGTADPAFLLKDLEPF P- PAPVS GGSV LG PRVRW DIMS Q FRKLLMG DEGAAA LRAHVS . . . . *...* .... *...- . * * * * * ........ *. * * . VP8 UL47 --RGPRLGGR--GRRATGLGGPPRp *.. ***, Fig. 6. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of BHV-1 VP8 and HSV-1 UL47 as determined by the CLUSTAL sequence alignment computer program. An asterisk below amino acids indicates identical residues, and a point below corresponding amino acids indicates conservative substitutions. showed that regions of homology were located throughout the two molecules (Fig. 6). The CLUSTAL alignment program's method for deciding conservative replacements is based on the log odds matrix of Dayhoff (1978). This relies on the frequency at which various amino acids are replaced by each other. Discussion Several lines of evidence suggest that the BHV-1 protein VP8 is a homologue of the product of the HSV-1 gene UL47. First, the genomic map location of VP8 is similar to UL47 with respect to other shared homologues, (e.g. gB, gC, DNA polymerase, TK and capsid protein) of the viruses (Fig. 7). Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) also has a gene arrangement collinear to those of BHV-1 and HSV1, with the open reading frame 11 mapping in the same relative location as VP8 and UL47 (Wirth et al., 1989; McGeoch et al., 1988; Davison & Scott, 1986). Additional evidence is found in RNA transcript mapping. UL47 is transcribed as a 4.7 kb ),2 transcript 0.2 0-3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 I I I I I I I I I UL ~ VZV UL47 gC homologue orfl 1 BHV-1 CV6~ gC ** VP8 UL47 UL47 I Us D~NA gB TK Capsid polymerase UL Us CZS3"---"CS~ DNA gB Deoxy- Capsid polymerase pyrimidine kinase UL E I Us L__ DNA gB TK Capsid polymerase Fig. 7. Collinear gene arrangement of herpesviruses. The genomes of HSV-1, VZV and BHV-I are compared showing the unique long (UL), unique short (Us) and repeating sequences (open boxes). Map units are indicated on the bar above. Homologous genes and direction of transcription are indicated by arrows. Information for VZV genes is from Davison & Scott (1986), for HSV-1 McGeoch et al. (1988) and for BHV-gC (glII) Fitzpatrick et al. (1989), DNA polymerase Owen & Field (1988), gB Misra et al. (1988), TK Mittal & Field (1989) and capsid Wirth et al. (1989). which shares a 3' terminus with a 2.5 kb 71 transcript (Hall et al., 1982). This is very similar to the transcript map of the corresponding region of the BHV-1 genome. Wirth et al 0989) showed that the 3-7 kb HindlII M fragment hybridizes to a 4-5 kb ~2 and a 2-7 kb 71 transcript. In Northern blot analysis, we have found the 1300 bp ApaI-EcoRI fragment, containing the distal half of the VP8 gene, hybridized to a 4.5 kb transcript (data not shown) of which only the first 2700 bp would encode the VP8 protein. Immediately downstream from the VP8 coding sequence there is a promoter consensus sequence (Fig. 5) which may be the regulatory sequence for the transcript that shares a 3' terminus with VP8. Finally, we have sequenced the BHV-1 VP8 gene and shown that the derived amino acid sequence has considerable homology to the derived amino acid sequence of HSV-1 UL47 (McGeoch et al., 1988). Blocks of identical amino acids appear throughout the sequences; however, the carboxy half of the molecules appear to have maintained greater conservation. The proteins differ in size by 49 amino acids. This size difference generally seems to be due to changes in the amino terminal half of the proteins. VP8 also shares considerable homology with VZV open reading frame 11. Once again there seems to be more conservation of the carboxy half of the proteins with variability in the amino half of the molecule. In HSV-l-infected cells, viral gene expression is initiated when the major structural tegument protein I B H V - 1 homologue o f H S V - 1 UL47 V m w 6 5 (~-trans-inducing factor or g-TIF) forms a complex with cellular proteins which then bind to cisacting elements in the g gene promoters ( R o i z m a n et al., 1988). A review of V m w 6 5 interaction with cellular proteins is presented by Stern et al. (1989) and G o d i n g & O ' H a r e (1989). The gene products o f the HSV-1 o p e n reading frames U L 4 7 and U L 4 6 were initially implicated as modulators o f the ~-TIF trans-activation in transient expression systems ( M c K n i g h t et al., 1987). A more recent paper indicates that deletion o f UL46, within the context o f the virus, has no a p p a r e n t effect on ~ - T I F trans-activation but deletion of U L 4 7 has a significant effect ( Z h a n g et al., 1991). It is not k n o w n by w h a t m e c h a n i s m the product of U L 4 7 affects ~-TIF trans-activation. T h e coding sequence for U L 4 7 is reportedly not required for viral replication in cell culture (Barker & R o i z m a n , 1990; Z h a n g et al., 1991). Previous research demonstrates t h a t VP8 protein is located in the tegument o f BHV-1. Bolton et al. (1983) showed that if BHV-1 virions are disrupted with the detergent NP40, approximately h a l f o f the VP8 protein fractionates with the m e m b r a n e s and the other half fractionates with the nucleocapsids. Marshall et al. (1986) confirmed these results with similar experiments but also iodinated the surface proteins o f BHV-1 virions. Unlike the glycoproteins, VP8 is not iodinated on intact infected cells but can be iodinated after viral disruption with NP40. Although there is little published data on BHV-1 gene regulation suggesting that it is identical to HSV-1 gene regulation, we find it useful to base hypotheses on systems which, at least initially, a p p e a r to be similar. T h e identification o f VP8 as the major t e g u m e n t protein o f BHV-1 and demonstration that it is homologous to the HSV-1 U L 4 7 gene product is consistent with the identification o f the HSV-1 U L 4 7 gene product as a major tegument protein o f H S V - l virions ( M c L e a n et al., 1990). U p o n viral infection, UL47, a modulator o f g-TIF, as well as the a - T I F is carried into the cell. U'L47 m a y act by complexing with the g - T I F and cellular proteins or by modifying g - T I F or cellular proteins, changing their ability to trans-activate immediate early genes. It has been k n o w n for some time that H S V - I carries a protein kinase in its tegument (Lemaster & R o i z m a n , 1980). It is possible U L 4 7 m a y have kinase activity that modulates the activity o f the p h o s p h o p r o t e i n V m w 6 5 (~-TIF). W e have recently shown t h a t BHV-1 carries protein kinase activity in its tegument. 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