EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Esther Mweso March 2003 Evaluating the importance of soil moisture availability (as a land quality) on selected rainfed crops in Serowe area, Botswana By Esther Mweso Thesis submitted to the international Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, Soil Information Systems for Sustainable Land Management Degree Assessment Board Assoc. Prof. Dr. D.G. Rossiter (ITC) Drs. S. de Bruin (University of Wageningen) Dr. A. Farshad (ITC) Dr. M. Lubczynski (ITC) (Chairman/Second supervisor) (External Examiner) (First supervisor) (Internal Examiner) I Disclaimer This document describes work undertaken as part of a programme of study at the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation. All views and opinions expressed therein remain the sole responsibility of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of the institute. II Abstract The main objective of this research was to evaluate land with emphasis on soil moisture availability for rainfed maize and sorghum in Serowe area in Botswana. To accomplish this, hydraulic properties such as actual soil moisture content, infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity measurements were measured and examined verses soil properties in space. Interviews with farmers and agricultural extension staff helped to formulate land utilisation types (LUTs), land use requirements (LURs) and land characteristics (LCs). PS2 water limited production potential was used to evaluate the effect of soil moisture on yield of the selected crops, namely maize and sorghum. Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) was employed to classify land into suitability classes, considering also the management. The PS2 water limited potential revealed that increase in initial matric suction (PSIinti.) leads to yield reduction of 53% for maize and 57% for sorghum implying that reduction in soil moisture leads to decline in yield. The difference in yield at different levels of PSIint was significant (99%). There is positive relationship between moisture availability and yield of the crops. Late planting leads to low yield. The negative relationship between actual soil moisture and infiltration rate as well as hydraulic conductivity on landscape basis does not give any meaningful results but the positive relationship on the basis of soil type, clearly declare the importance of soil and its variability. The area has different soil types, which are spatially variable. The main soil types are Ferralic Arenosols (mainly in plateau), Calcic Luvisols, Pellic Vertisols, Eutric Nitosols (mainly in peneplain) and Endoleptic Regosols (mainly in hilland). The spatial variability of soil types influences soil moisture distribution. Distribution of farmlands is mainly on clay loam and sandy clay loam soils which are found on the middle and lower terraces. Evaluation results show that different map units have different suitability classes, and that soils of the hilland and plateau are not suitable for the land utilisation types currently practised in the area. III Acknowledgements My deepest and profound gratitude go to Dr A Farshad, my main supervisor for his guidance, expert advices, encouragement and valuable comments. I am indebted for his assistance during fieldwork. I am grateful to Dr D.G Rossiter, my second supervisor for his advice, comments and willingness to assist even during his vacations. Bart Krol and Dr. Shrestha for their suggestions and advice during proposal writing. To the Government of Malawi, The Director of Land Resources Department, Mr J.N Mlenga, for giving me an opportunity to pursue this course, and The Deputy Director for Training, Mr J.J. Mussa for all the logistics made. Dr W. Siderius for his insights about the study area. I am sincerely grateful to my colleagues Ermias Betemariam, Enver Mapanda and Dennis Tembo with whom pleasant and hard times were shared, my colleagues from Soil Science Division, to my M.Sc. colleagues Ki Hwan Cho, Haig Sawasawa, Micheal Mwangangi, Amos Situma, Phoebe Luwum for their invaluable help in enhancing my computer skills. The people at Setekwane camp in Serowe, Botswana for good company-you really made our stay comfortable. I am especially grateful to my husband Sanless, and my children Chimango and Zenani for enduring my eighteen months absence and incessantly offering encouragement throughout the period. To my brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces for their prayers and moral support. To the Almighty God for seeing me through the programme IV V Table Of Contents Disclaimer .................................................................................... II Abstract .......................................................................................III Acknowledgements..................................................................IV Table Of Contents .....................................................................VI List of tables..................................................................................IX List of figures................................................................................. X List of Plates .................................................................................XI Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................. 1 1.1 IMPORTANCE OF AGRICULTURE IN THE SOUTHERN AFRICA DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY (SADC) REGION ........................................................................................ 1 1.2 PROBLEM FORMULATION ........................................................................................... 2 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................. 2 1.3.3 Overall objective ................................................................................................ 2 1.3.2 Specific objectives .............................................................................................. 3 1.3.3 Research questions............................................................................................. 3 1.3.4 Hypotheses ......................................................................................................... 3 1.4 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................................ 3 1.5 THESIS OVERVIEW...................................................................................................... 6 Chapter 2: A Literature review on soil water ...................... 7 2.1 SOIL MOISTURE ..................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Definition and importance ................................................................................. 7 2.1.2 Some concepts of soil moisture .......................................................................... 7 2.1.3 Soil water relations............................................................................................ 8 2.1.4 Infiltration .......................................................................................................... 8 2.1.5 Hydraulic conductivity....................................................................................... 9 2.2 MODELLING SOIL WATER ......................................................................................... 10 2.2.1 WOFOST.......................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 PS123 ............................................................................................................... 10 2.2.3 Hydrus.............................................................................................................. 11 2.2.4 Water balance .................................................................................................. 11 2.2.5 Loss of water by plants .................................................................................... 12 2.2.6 Optimum availability of soil moisture.............................................................. 12 2.4 SOIL VARIABILITY .................................................................................................... 13 2.5 LAND EVALUATION .................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 3 Study area ............................................................... 17 VI 3.1 LOCATION ................................................................................................................ 17 3.2 CLIMATE .................................................................................................................. 17 3.2.1 Rainfall............................................................................................................. 18 3.2.2 Temperature..................................................................................................... 18 3.2.3Relative Humidity.............................................................................................. 19 3.2.4 Evapotranspiration .......................................................................................... 19 3.2.5 Wind ................................................................................................................. 20 3.2.6 Sunshine ........................................................................................................... 20 3.3 GEOLOGY................................................................................................................. 20 3.4 GEOMORPHOLOGY ................................................................................................... 21 3.5 VEGETATION ............................................................................................................ 23 3.6 HYDROLOGY ............................................................................................................ 24 Chapter 4 Materials and Methods ........................................ 26 4.1 MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 27 4.2 RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES ................................................................... 27 4.2.1 Data exploration and Aerial photo interpretation........................................... 27 4.2.2. Soil survey...................................................................................................... 27 (A) Pit description..................................................................................................... 27 (B) Infiltration........................................................................................................... 28 (C) Hydraulic conductivity ....................................................................................... 28 (D) Soil moisture measurements............................................................................... 29 (E) Particle size distribution..................................................................................... 29 4.2.4 Land evaluation ............................................................................................... 30 (A) Interviews............................................................................................................ 30 (B) Climatic data access ........................................................................................... 30 (C) Production potential PS-2 .................................................................................. 31 (D) Selection of Land use requirements (LURs)....................................................... 33 (F) Building model in Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) for Land Suitability Evaluation................................................................................................ 34 4.3 DATA PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 35 4.3.1 Statistical analyses........................................................................................... 35 (A) Hydraulic properties........................................................................................... 35 (B) PS-2 Production Potential water –limited production ....................................... 36 4.3.2 Geostatistical analysis ..................................................................................... 36 4.3.3 Remote Sensing ................................................................................................ 36 4.4 LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................ 36 Chapter 5 Soils ............................................................................. 37 5.1 SOIL AND SOIL FORMATION ...................................................................................... 37 5.1.1 Climate............................................................................................................. 37 5.1.2 Erosion............................................................................................................. 37 5.1.3 Vegetation ........................................................................................................ 39 5.1.4 Parent material ................................................................................................ 39 5.2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LANDFORMS AND SOILS ................................................. 39 5.3 SOILS OF THE STUDY AREA ....................................................................................... 44 VII Chapter 6 Land use .................................................................. 48 6.1 LAND USE DEFINITON AND KINDS OF LAND USE ....................................................... 48 6.2 LAND UTILISATION TYPES IN THE SEROWE AREA ..................................................... 49 Description of land utilisation types (LUTs) ............................................................ 50 LUT1 Maize-based.................................................................................................... 50 LUT2 Sorghum-based ............................................................................................... 51 Chapter 7 Results and Discussion ...................................... 54 7.1 HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES .......................................................................................... 54 7.1.1 Infiltration rates ............................................................................................... 54 7.1.2 Actual moisture content ................................................................................... 57 7.1.3 Hydraulic conductivity (k) ............................................................................... 59 7.1.4 Relationship of the hydraulic properties.......................................................... 62 7.2 SOIL MOISTURE MAP ................................................................................................ 70 7.3 SPATIAL VARIABILITY .............................................................................................. 71 7.3 WATER-LIMITED PRODUCTION POTENTIAL PS2 ....................................................... 75 7.4 PHYSICAL LAND EVALUATION................................................................................. 81 SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 85 Chapter 8 Conclusion and recommendations........................... 86 References..................................................................................... 88 APPENDIX A: SOIL HYDRAULIC PROPERTIES RESULTS ................................................... 91 APPENDIX B: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 93 APPENDIX C: CLIMATIC FILE ....................................................................................... 108 APPENDIX D (A): GENERIC DATA VALUES FOR MAIZE AND SORGHUM ......................... 113 APPENDIX D(B): GENERIC DATA VALUES .................................................................... 113 APPENDIX E: GROWTH CYCLE FOR MAIZE AND SORGHUM ........................................... 114 APPENDIX F: GLOSSARY .............................................................................................. 114 APPENDIX G: QUESTIONNAIRE .................................................................................... 115 APPENDIX H: RESULTS OF PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS ............................ 121 APPENDIX I: DECISION TREES ...................................................................................... 122 VIII List of tables Table 4- 1 The crop indicative values............................................................................ 32 Table 4- 2 LURs for maize ............................................................................................. 33 Table 4- 3 LURs for sorghum ........................................................................................ 34 Table 6- 1 Crop calendar................................................................................................ 49 Table 6- 2 Yield gap for LUT1 in 1999/2000 ................................................................ 51 Table 6- 3 Yield gap for LUT2 in 1999/2000 growing season ..................................... 51 Table 6- 4 Yield gap for late planting for LUT1 .......................................................... 52 Table 6- 5 Yield gap for late planting for LUT2 .......................................................... 52 Table 7- 1 Descritpive statistics for infiltration between landscapes ......................... 55 Table 7- 2 ANOVA for infiltration between landscapes.............................................. 55 Table 7- 3 ANOVA for infiltration between soil types ................................................ 56 Table 7- 4 Differences between pairs of means of soil types ....................................... 56 Table 7- 5 ANOVA for moisture content between the landscapes ............................. 57 Table 7- 6 Descriptive statistics for moisture between landscapes............................. 57 Table 7- 7 ANOVA for differences between pairs of soil types .................................. 58 Table 7- 8 Means and standard deviations of the soil types........................................ 58 Table 7- 9 The confidence intervals of the soil types ................................................... 59 Table 7- 10 ANOVA for hydraulic conductivity based on landscapes...................... 60 Table 7- 11 Descriptive statistics for saturated hydraulic conductivity..................... 60 Table 7- 12 Means and standard deviations of soil types ............................................ 61 Table 7- 13 The ANOVA for the means of saturated hydraulic conductivity........... 61 Table 7- 14 Differences in the means of saturated hydraulic conductivity of different soil types................................................................................................................... 62 Table 7- 15 Correlation of hydraulic properties across the area................................ 62 Table 7- 16 Correlation of hydraulic properties by landscape ................................... 64 Table 7- 17 Correlation of hydraulic properties for soil types ................................... 67 Table 7- 18 The water limited yield of LUT1 for cropping year 1999/2000 .............. 75 Table 7- 19 water limited yield of LUT2 in the cropping year 1999/2000 ................. 75 Table 7- 20 LUT1 yield with different levels of PSIint ................................................ 76 Table 7- 21 ANOVA for water-limited yield of LUT1................................................. 76 Table 7- 22 ANOVA for water-limited yield of LUT2................................................. 77 Table 7- 23 The crop water functions at PSIint 500 and 2000cm for LUT1 ............. 77 Table 7- 24 The crop water functions at PSIint 500 and 2000cm for LUT2 ............. 78 Table 7- 25 Physical suitability for LUT1 and LUT2 .................................................. 83 IX List of figures Fig 1- 1 A generalised flow chart of the conceptual frame work.................................. 5 Ψ-Ψ Ψ relations of soils of different texture ................ 9 Fig 2- 1 Some characteristic SMΨ Fig 2- 2Water fluxes that condition the volume of moisture in the rooting zone and availability of water for uptake by roots............................................................... 12 Fig 3- 1 Location of Serowe the study area in Botswana............................................. 17 Fig 3- 2 The variation in rainfall distribution within years ........................................ 18 Fig 3- 3 Variations in rainfall amount between years ................................................. 18 Fig 3- 4 Temperature ranges of the study area. ........................................................... 19 Fig 3- 5 The relative humidity of the area. ................................................................... 19 Fig 3- 6 Sunshine hours over the year........................................................................... 20 Fig 3- 7 The Kalahari basin with the fault line running northwest to southeast ...... 21 Fig 3- 8 The geological map of Serowe.......................................................................... 21 Fig 3- 9 The stereogram depicting part of the study area. .......................................... 22 Fig 3- 10 The cross section of the study area ................................................................ 23 Fig 4- 1 Flow diagram of research activities................................................................. 26 Fig 4- 2 Theta probe........................................................................................................ 29 Fig 5- 1 Study area showing the sample blocks and pit profile points ....................... 41 Fig 5- 3 The geopedological map of Serowe.................................................................. 42 Fig 5- 4 The soil map of Serowe..................................................................................... 45 Fig 6- 1 Land use map of Serowe................................................................................... 48 Fig 7- 1Basic infiltration rates ....................................................................................... 54 Fig 7- 2 Saturated hydraulic conductivity at SVD 081................................................ 60 Fig 7- 3 Hydraulic properties across the area .............................................................. 63 Fig 7- 4 Relationship of hydraulic properties in hilland ............................................. 65 Fig 7- 5 Relationship of hydraulic properties in peneplain......................................... 66 Fig 7- 6 Relationship of hydraulic properties per soil type......................................... 68 Fig 7- 7 Soil moisture distribution map at 10cm depth ............................................... 71 Fig 7- 8 Soil moisture distribution map at 30cm depth ............................................... 71 Fig 7- 9 Moulded variogram parameters for AMC at 10 and 30 cm depths............. 72 Fig 7- 10 Soil moisture at 10cm depth (ordinary kriging ............................................ 73 Fig 7- 11 The error map at 10cm depth ........................................................................ 73 Fig 7- 12 Soil moisture map at 30cm depth (ordinary kriging) .................................. 74 Fig 7- 13 The error map for 30cm depth ...................................................................... 74 Fig 7- 14 Yield response to PSIint applied for LUT1 .................................................. 79 Fig 7- 15 Yield response to PSIint applied for LUT2 .................................................. 80 Fig 7- 16 Physical land suitability for LUT1 ................................................................ 84 Fig 7- 17 Physical land suitability for LUT2 ................................................................ 84 X List of Plates Plate 3- 1 Part of the study area, depicting plateau and hilland................................. 23 Plate 3- 2 One of the vegetation types in the study area.............................................. 25 Plate 3- 3 Gully erosion in some parts of the study area ............................................. 25 Plate 5- 1 A gully showing layers of depositional materials around Sokwe area in Serowe ...................................................................................................................... 38 Plate 5- 2 Gully formation due to water erosion .......................................................... 38 Plate 5- 3 Ferralic Arenosols and Pellic Vertisols profiles .......................................... 42 XI EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Importance of agriculture in the Southern Africa development Community (SADC) Region Food security is a global concern as it affects the quality of life for both present and future generations. But the environmental degradation poses a challenge to the scientific world since it affects the agricultural production in terms of climatic changes and land degradation. This calls for proper land use information at various levels of planning. In many developing countries, agriculture, more especially crop production, is the major source of livelihood. This is true in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region. Increasing the productivity of marginal rainfed agriculture is the key for many countries to radically improve food security and reduce rural poverty. As observed by Voortm (1985) increased agricultural production can be achieved by more intensive use of land and by bringing additional land to cultivation both of which imply substantial changes in land utilisation. Reliable predictions and recommendations can be made if there is sound planning of changes in land use that requires a thorough knowledge of the natural resources and reliable estimates of what they are capable of producing. Despite the marginal ecological suitability, farmers in semi-arid areas depend on rainfed agriculture. In countries of SADC alone, over two million people are estimated to live in areas with average annual rainfall of around 500mm. The vast majority of these are at least partially dependent on rainfed cropping for their subsistence (Gollifer, 1990) . Farmers in this zone face high risk of crop failure due to variability of rainfall within and between years (Singh and Reddy, 1988; Tersteeg et al., 1992); In bad years, the harvest is very poor to suffice farmers demand. Botswana is one of the countries in southern Africa that faces similar problems. Tersteeg et al, (1993) further explain that in order to adapt to such an environment, farmers have typically adopted strategies to spread and minimise risks like rearing livestock and small-scale commercial activities. Parry et al, (1988) conclude that crop yields in these regions are very sensitive to the amount of seasonal rainfall. Therefore, it is necessary to derive the relationship between average yield decrease and relative evapotranspiration deficit as yield response factor in order to quantify the effect of water stress (Landon, 1984). In agricultural production, climate is one of the factors 1 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA that are considered critically. The most important parameters within climate are rainfall, temperature and radiation (Sys et al., 1991). Today, many developing countries like Botswana are trying to improve on agricultural production with the aim of attaining food security. 1.2 Problem formulation Drought is a major drawback in agricultural production and has become a worrisome situation in the SADC region. Serowe area in Botswana, which is the study area for this research, experiences long droughts. In some years farmers plant seeds without harvesting due to a number of factors, such as poor rainfall distribution, use of late maturing crop varieties and poor choice of land for agricultural production as more land is devoted to livestock production followed by settlement (D. O. S. M, 2001). This calls for better planning of land for maximum productivity. Land evaluation provides a set of data on potentials and constraints that can contribute to decisions on a sustainable land use. The suitability map (FAO, 1990c) available for rainfed agriculture in Botswana was conducted at a national scale (Tersteeg et al., 1992) making the map generic. This map cannot give detailed information of soils in a specific area but can be instrumental for further research. It is assumed that there are some variations within an area for soil characteristics. This makes the suitability map weak tool for planning because it can only evaluate production systems based on standard level of inputs. Therefore, some studies are needed to focus on smallholder farmer level. Some studies have been conducted in the area especially looking at the groundwater flow and recharge for domestic use (SGC, 1988). These studies focussed on improvement of water supply to the residents and livestock of the area. So far little has been done in Botswana on the role of soil moisture availability in relation to crop yield. With no surface water resources, farmers rely on rainfall for crop production yet this rainfall is not enough. Therefore there is need to establish the water balance model for the area that can be used as a reference point for production of some cereal crops. It is against this background that the study is going to evaluate land in Serowe area in Botswana with emphasis on soil moisture availability. 1.3 Research objectives 1.3.3 Overall objective The overall objective is to evaluate the effect of available soil moisture on yield of rainfed maize and sorghum in Serowe area in Botswana. 2 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 1.3.2 Specific objectives 1. To determine the theoretical water-limited yield of grain crops (maize and sorghum) 2. To examine variations in distribution of different soil types 3. To analyse the relationship between soil types and hydraulic properties (actual water content (AWC), hydraulic conductivity (k) and infiltration rate) 4. To evaluate soil moisture availability with respect to soil type and spatial variability 5. To describe principle land use types for rainfed smallholder grain products 6. To carry out land suitability evaluation with emphasis on soil moisture availability. using PS123 and ALES softwares. 1.3.3 Research questions 1. What is the theoretical water limited yield for sorghum and maize? 2. Does the area have different soil- geomorphic units? 3. What are the different types of soil in the study area? 4. What are the factors that influence soil moisture availability? 5. Does spatial variability affect soil moisture distribution? 1.3.4 Hypotheses 1.Different soil types have different soil hydraulic properties. 2.Soil moisture distribution is controlled by spatial variability. 3.There is a spatial dependency between soil moisture and soil variability. 4.Soil properties can be used to infer the land quality moisture availability in the land suitability evaluation process. 1.4 Conceptual framework In carrying out a research, all activities and procedures have to be laid and followed properly in order to succeed with that work. Similarly, there is a conceptual framework that was laid which acted as a guide and provided links to different activities within the research life cycle. Referring to the diagram (fig 1-1) of this conceptual framework a brief explanation is given. The central point is the moisture availability, which is explained by different tools. The aim is to find out the effect of soil moisture availability on the crop production (yield), for which maize 3 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA and sorghum were selected. Each tool comes into play at different stage and one tool can be an input to another tool. The major tools are PS2, which is a production potential programme for estimating yield, and Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES), which is used to evaluate land. The entry point is the aerial photo and image interpretation leading to the establishment of map units, which can be described after fieldwork, that is, when the soil contents of the units become known. On top of the newly collected information, historical data are also used in different stages of the study. Then soils are examined for their hydraulic properties. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to the farmers and agriculture extension workers to get data on agronomic, management, land use requirements and land characteristics. Apart from getting data from interviews, LURs and LCs were developed based on environmental conditions of the area. Climatic data was also accessed. These data were used to run PS2 (of PS123) and ALES. The results of PS-2 programme and the LURs and LCs were put in ALES to build a model to classify land into suitability classes. This final product can be used in land use planning. 4 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA API Topographic map Landsat Prefield work Geomorphology Land cover units Geopedological units Fieldwork Land qualities Interviews LUTs LUR/LC Post fieldwork Climatic data PS2 ALES Land suitability classes Fig 1- 1 A generalised flow chart of the conceptual frame work 5 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 1.5 Thesis overview This research work is concerned with land evaluation with emphasis on soil moisture availability as a land quality. The water limited production potential model is used to come up with theoretical crop yield for the area. The model considers climatic conditions, crop attributes, soil attributes and management practices in the study area. Chapter 1 gives the introduction of research with its problem formulation, research objectives, research questions, hypotheses and conceptual framework. Chapter 2 is reviewing soil moisture and soil water related concepts, the empirical crop modelling that simulates the ideal situation of the crop environment and land evaluation concepts which deals with matters on what resources are available, the demands of the crop and how these match to each other to come up with the suitability class. Chapter 3 describes the study area in terms of location, that is, the geographical position of the area, climate as it relates to the performance of the selected crops, geomorphology which gives the picture on the terrain of an area, geology as it reveals the parent material of soils in the area, vegetation and hydrology that is, all relevant environmental parameters. Chapter 4 gives the research methods as well as the materials used in this research and problems faced during the research work. Chapter 5 discusses the soils in terms of factors that influence soil formation, description of geomorphological units, soil profiles and description of soils occurring in the area. Chapter 6 is on Land use/cover. This chapter covers land use and land cover in general, the land utilisation types (LUTs) in the area, the LUTs being researched and their key attributes and the differences in yield between actual and potential. Chapter 7 presents the results and discussion on the sample sites, soil profiles, description of soil map units, hydraulic properties and their relationship, soil moisture maps, the water limited production potential and land evaluation. Chapter 8 gives the conclusion and recommendations. 6 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 2: A Literature review on soil water There is a relationship amongst soil, climatic factors and biotic factors. In this relationship, the crop is the beneficiary. The soil water does interact with the above-mentioned factors. 2.1 Soil moisture 2.1.1 Definition and importance Soil moisture is the water held in pores in the soil in liquid and vapour phases(Scott and Maitre, 1998). Soil moisture is the source of water for plant use in particular, in the rainfed agriculture. There are a number of factors that affect the growth and performance of crops like soil, water and evapotranspiration (ET). Water serves four general conditions in plants: the major constituent of the physiologically active tissue; As a reagent in photosynthetic and hydrolytic processes; as a solvent for salts, sugars and other solutes and water is essential for the maintenance of turgidity necessary for cell enlargement and growth. Therefore, It is vital to check at which crop growth stage is moisture critical so as to take mitigation measures like timely planting and soil and water conservation practices (Kamoni, 1985). In the development of a crop, the annual mean figures as well as their distribution during the year are important. 2.1.2 Some concepts of soil moisture Available water capacity (AWC) is the amount of water that the soil can store; that is available for use by plants expressed as volume fraction or percentage (USDA, 1997). Field capacity (FC) is the maximum water content that the soil holds following free drainage. It represents the condition of each individual soil after the large pores have drained freely under gravity (Landon, 1984). This in practice is usually taken as the moisture content of a soil, which has drained freely for two days after saturation. Wilting point (WP) is the condition at which the plant loses turgor and is commonly estimated by measuring the 15-bar percentage of a soil (wilting point). Permanent wilting point (PWP) is defined as soil moisture content at which the leaves do not recover their turgor if subsequently placed in a saturated atmosphere. PWP is taken as the lower limit of available water so that water in drier soils is assumed to be not available to plants. Water in unsaturated soils is held in thin films on soil particles or pore surface or as wedges where the particle or pore surfaces lie sufficiently close together (Landon, 1984). In practice, 7 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA water uptake by the roots is affected by the depth and density of rooting, gradients in water potential and hydraulic conductivity of both soil and roots. Under irrigation conditions, the relationship between crop yield and water supply can be determined when the crop water requirements and crop water deficits on one hand and maximum and actual crop yield on the other hand are quantified. Doorenbos and Kassam (1979) describe that there is relationship between yield and evapotranspiration and that in general, the decrease in yield is proportionally greater with increase in water deficit. 2.1.3 Soil water relations In irrigated maize, cumulative pan evaporation ratio of 1.0 gives high yield as well as maximum efficiency of water use as compared to ratios of 1.4, 1.2, 0.8 and 0.6 (Prasad et al., 1997). This suggests that there is a threshold of moisture that the crop requires to perform economically other factors remaining constant. Maximum available moisture can be defined as the amount of water present at field capacity diminished by the amount, which is present at permanent wilting point. Crop water use (also known as evapotranspiration (ET)) is influenced by prevailing weather condition, available water in the soil, crop species and growth stages (Al-Kaisi and Broner, 1992). After the rain or irrigation, actual ET is higher than when the soil or crop surface is dry. However, not all the available water capacity can be considered as equally available to plants. It is this readily available water held in at low tension within the larger soil pores, which is particularly affected by soil structural conditions. In many cases crops must rely on water that is stored in the soil (residual moisture) at the end of the rainy season (Landon, 1984). In crop production, there are a number of factors needed like solar radiation nutrients and moisture but the availability of soil moisture is the key to plant growth and to the net production of crops. Tersteeg et al., (1993) cite (Pike 1971) that in Botswana, rainfall varies spatially from 250mm to 700mm that is erratically distributed between years. The soil moisture availability is also affected by the farming system in the area. 2.1.4 Infiltration Infiltration refers to the vertical intake of water into a soil usually at the soil surface. The larger the pore size the greater the infiltration rate. The infiltration rate determines a soils water adsorption capacity that reveals the likely behaviour of soil under precipitation. It is the rate of this process, relative to the rate of water supply that determines how much water will enter the unsaturated soil zone, and how much if any, will runoff (Hillel, 1982). The infiltration rate of a 8 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA soil remains the same for a very long time unless the soil itself is changed. After infiltration, percolation takes place which is a general term for downward flow of water in the unsaturated zone (Dingman, 1993) 2.1.5 Hydraulic conductivity The soil moisture availability is related to soil hydraulic properties. Hydraulic conductivity (k) is the rate at which water moves through a porous medium under a unit potential gradient. It is also called permeability (Dingman, 1993). Knowledge of the hydraulic properties is indispensable for addressing many soil, hydrological, environmental, ecological and agricultural problems (USDA, 1997). These hydraulic properties are influenced by texture, structural characteristics and organic matter content of the soil (Landon, 1984; Lascano, 1997; Ward and Robinson, 1989). In general there is rapid decrease of K with decrease in water content in unsaturated soils due to rapid draining of larger pores (Landon, 1984). Kosta (1994) further explains that soil water in unsaturated zone is of special importance at the partitioning of water in form of precipitation. There is a relationship between soil moisture retention curve and hydraulic conductivity (k). Different methods are used to measure k and these should give similar results. Fig 2-1 below shows some characteristic matric suction relations of soils of different textures. Ψ-Ψ Ψ relations of soils of different texture Fig 2- 1 Some characteristic SMΨ Source: Landon (1984) 9 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 2.2 Modelling soil water There are several empirical models in soil water that are used to predict the yield of crops in various situations. Such empirical models are useful as they forewarn the future in terms of agricultural production. 2.2.1 WOFOST This is an empirical modelling tool that explains crop growth on the basis of the underlying processes such as photosynthesis and respiration, and how these processes are affected by environmental conditions. The model describes crop growth as biomass accumulation in combination with phonological development. It stimulates the crop life cycle from sowing to maturity. The basis for calculation of dry matter production and yield is the rate of gross carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation by the green canopy, determined by the level of irradiance, the green area of the crop capable of intercepting the incoming radiation, the photosynthetic characteristics of the crop species and the prevailing temperature. A part of assimilates is used by crop for respiratory processes to provide energy for its own maintenance. The remainder of assimilates is available for the increase in structural dry matter. The increase in total weight is partitioned over the roots, stem and storage organs (Wokabi, 1994). 2.2.2 PS123 This is a procedure that assumes the ideal situation of a crop. All factors that affect the growth and performance of a crop are considered to run the model. The PS123 programme is a crop growth simulation model. The basis for calculating the biophysical (crop) production potential (yield) is the capability of green plants to reduce atmospheric CO2 to carbohydrates. As the intake of atmospheric CO2 takes place through the stomata, which also forms the defence system of the plant against moisture stress, there is a strong correlation between the rate of transpiration and the rate of assimilation of CO2 (Driessen and Konijn, 1992). The PS-1 production situation represents the least possible analytical complexity, as only solar radiation and temperature during the growing period and the biophysical characteristics of the crops are taken into account. All other land qualities are assumed to be optimum. The PS-2 simulates the water limited production potential. Production possibilities are determined by irradiance of photosynthetically active radiation temperature and availability of water (Driessen and Konijn, 1992). Crops have different response to the total received radiation and how much can be converted to growth and yield. 10 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 2.2.3 Hydrus This is a programme that simulates two-dimensional variably saturated water flow, heat movement and transport of solutes involved in sequential first order decay reactions. The programme numerically solves the Richard’s equation for saturated-unsaturated water flow and convection dispersion type equations for heat and solute transport. The flow equation incorporates a sink term to account for water uptake by plant roots. The programme may be used to analyse water and solute movement in unsaturated, partially saturated or fully saturated porous media (Simunek et al., 1999). 2.2.4 Water balance Water transport and retention processes in the soil are complex. The soil surface is exposed continuously to changing radiation fluxes, which create diurnal cycles of temperature, relative humidity, and even water vapour fluxes caused by temperature gradients. Plants take up water from the soil through their roots and lose it through transpiration. This water uptake is controlled by soil matric suction in the rooting zone, which partly controls the rate of infiltration and sorptivity, which is the combined influences of capillary action and adhesive forces to soil and solid surfaces. The status of the plant influences the rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) supply because the stomatal openings are affected by the water potential in the plant (Van Keulen and Wolf, 1986). The crop water requirements vary considerably with the crop, crop development stages and their length, and with the evaporative demand of the atmosphere. The water balance can be described as follows: RMS = [UPFLUX=(CR+D)-TR]/RD (2-1)(Van Keulen and Wolf, 1986) Where, RSM is the rate of change of volume fraction of moisture in the rooting zone (cm d -1) UPFLUX is the net of water vapour flow through the upper boundary of the rooting zone (cm d-1) (CR+D) is the net rate of water flow through the lower boundary of the rooting zone (cm d-1) TR is the actual rate of transpiration (cm d-1) RD is equivalent depth of the rooting zone (cm). 11 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Fig 2- 2Water fluxes that condition the volume of moisture in the rooting zone and availability of water for uptake by roots Source: Driessen and Konijn (1992) 2.2.5 Loss of water by plants Uptake of water by crops is almost equal to the rate of transpiration. Plants can produce to their biophysical potential only if the availability of water is optimum. Plants curb their consumption of water if supply is constrained; actual transpiration becomes less than maximum and production becomes less than the biophysical potential (Driessen and Konijn, 1992). 2.2.6 Optimum availability of soil moisture Most of the times water stress in plants is associated with shortage of water in the soil. However, shortage of air (oxygen) in the soil interferes with uptake of water by the plant. Some plants are adapted to such conditions because of the development of some tissues (Aerenchyma) through which oxygen diffuses easily from the tissues of the leaves into the shoot axis and roots(Larcher, 1980) . Plants that are not equipped with aerenchyma in their roots have difficulties in taking up water in waterlogged environments; they show symptoms of drought and close their stomata. 12 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA There are two critical boundary values in the range of moisture in the soils. One is associated with wetness and low matric suction and another one with drought and high suction. 2.4 Soil variability Soils from different areas behave differently (spatial and temporal variability of soils) for example in water holding capacity, infiltration rate, drainage and erosion risk. This implies that different management practices are also applied for sustainable management. According to Wilding and Drees (1983) spatial studies of soil properties and the nature of soil variability depend largely on the scale of observation and properties in question. Despite the economic and cultural importance of soil maintenance, detailed international surveys suggest that soils under agricultural use are in danger of losing capacity to fulfil their economic, cultural and ecological functions (Jazairy, 1993) Soil characteristics vary in time and space (Parry et al., 1988). Models can be developed to explain these variations. There are a number of models that are used depending on the purpose of the project. Soil surveys are one type of the models that are carried out to obtain information about the distribution of soil characteristics of an area. This can be detailed or semi-detailed soil survey based on the geopedological approach (Zinck, 1988/89) that emphasises the strong integration of geomorphology and pedology. It is based on hypothesis that boundaries drawn by landscape analysis separate most of the variation in the soils and sample areas are representative (Girma, 2001). This is not a complete approach as we assume that soils within the landscape can have variations as well hence the application of geostatistical approach is employed to supplement the information gaps in the variations of soils in time and space. The Continuous Model of Spatial Variation (McBratney and Gruijter, 1992) can be used to assess the variations of soil within the soil map unit that is homogeneous so as to come up with detailed information of that soil map unit and interpolate to the unvisited points. 2.5 Land evaluation Environmental attributes such as land and topography play controlling roles in the spatial distribution of soil moisture content (Qiu et al., 2001). This necessitates the usefulness of land evaluation in order to come up with a sound land use planning. Land evaluation can be defined as the assessment of land performance when used for specified purposes (FAO, 1983). Land evaluation predicts how each land area would behave if it were used according to each system. In 13 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA order for the evaluation to be meaningful it should take into account the economics of the proposed alternative enterprises, the social and the environmental implications of such enterprises. However, most land evaluation methods have been focussed on assessing the potential of land without considering the economic part. Carrying out area specific land evaluation can provide good guidance for planners at local level. Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) Land evaluation mostly deals with demand side of the resources (land use requirements) and the supply side (land qualities). The two are matched to come up with the land suitability class. Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) is a programme that is used by land evaluators to build expert systems to evaluate land (Rossiter and Van Wambeke, 1993). It should be noted that the system is an empty shell that requires knowledge from the expert. The entities evaluated by ALES are map units which may be defined either broadly (as in reconnaissance surveys and general feasibility studies) or narrowly (as in detailed surveys and farm scale planning (Rossiter and Van Wambeke, 1997). The system has also the format of an expert system based on the FAO framework for land evaluation. It allows the user to build decision trees, containing ratings for land qualities and requirements for land utilisation types. The four major components are: • A knowledge base (the actual expert system), containing descriptions of different land uses in both physical and economic terms • A data base containing, information on the natural resources • An inference algorithm, allowing matching of land and land uses • An explanation facility, which permits the analysis of results The knowledge base is specified by the user and contains the relations between land and land use requirements, in which land use can either, be a single crop or a crop rotation. Land use requirements are defined in the system in terms of levels of limitation. Similar levels of limitations may originate from different combinations of land characteristics as derived from the decision trees. The database to be developed by the user contains information from natural resource surveys. Both discrete and continuous information can be handled by the system, which provides possibilities to generate missing information through decision tress. 14 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA In the inference algorithm, matching of land qualities and land use requirements takes place according to user defined procedures, which results in an evaluation matrix, that allows easy selection of the best land for a particular land use. Suitability is expressed quantitatively, according to the framework principles, and in relation to a non-constrained yield or ‘nominative’ yield for use in economic evaluation. The explanation facility allows the user to analyse the results through a backward chain in the system. Interactive procedure is possible to improve the evaluation procedure. ALES is able to evaluate land in physical terms only, or both physical and economic terms. Each evaluation consists of land utilisation types like proposed land uses and a set of land mapping units. In physical evaluation, map units are assigned physical suitability classes, which indicate the relative suitability: s1, s2 s3/nl and n2. ALES can also compute an economic evaluation following the computation of a physical evaluation. All components of economic model have to be present otherwise evaluation will not be possible. One of the limitations of ALES is that it has no input or output for maps. It is important for evaluators to construct decision trees to infer each land quality from its set of diagnostic characteristics. These are hierarchical multi-way keys, in which values of the diagnostic land characteristics (LCs) are the diagnostic criteria and the result is the severity level of the land quality to be evaluated (Rossiter, 2001b). This is where the expert knowledge of the evaluator has to be put into systematic form. Certain concepts and definitions are needed to form a basis of land evaluation. These concern the land quality, land characteristics, diagnostic factors and land requirements. The following definitions are from the FAO (1983): Land quality (LQ) is an attribute of land that acts in a distinct manner in its influence on the suitability of the land for a specific kind of use like temperature regimes, soil moisture availability and drainage. It directs attention towards the way in which the land affects suitability for use. Land characteristic (LC) is an attribute of land that can be measured or estimated, and that can be employed as a means of describing land qualities or distinguishing land units of differing suitabilities for use. Diagnostic factor is a variable that is used to estimate land qualities in land evaluation. In some cases a land quality can be satisfactorily described on the basis of a single land characteristic or a combination of a number of land characteristics. 15 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Land use requirement (LUR) is the conditions of land necessary or desirable for the successful and sustained practice of a given land utilization type. It considers crop requirements, management requirements and conservation requirements. Land utilization type (LUT) is a specific manner of occupying and using the land, with specified management methods in a defined technical and socio-economic setting. In the context of rainfed agriculture, it can refer to a crop, crop combination or cropping system. Land mapping units (LMU) as defined by Rossiter (2001b) is a specific area of that land that can be delineated on a thematic map and whose land characteristics can be determined. These are sets of maps delineations designated by a single name, and representing a single legend category. 16 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 3 Study area 3.1 Location The study area is a part of the Serowe area in Botswana located 300km northwest of Gaborone, which is the capital (fig 3-1). The elevation of Serowe ranges from 1060 to 1240m above sea level. The geographical position is within the range of 16o 07’37” to 26o 54’10” East and 22o 14’10” to 22o 30’33” South (UTM coordinates of 410000, 7650000 and 49000, 7510000) covering an area of about 244048ha. Fig 3- 1 Location of Serowe the study area in Botswana Reasons for selecting Serowe area: 1. Semi-arid area with rainfall range of 450-470mm/annum 2. Subsistence agriculture is predominant 3. High erosion potential due to topography and sealing 3.2 Climate Serowe area in Botswana is characterized by semi-arid climate with cool dry winters and hot moist summers. 17 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 3.2.1 Rainfall The mean annual rainfall is 477mm as reported by Swedish Geological Survey (1988). The rainfall is highly variable in time and space with growing period starting from November to April (Fig 3-2 and Fig 3-3). Botswana in general falls under ustic regimes based on the available climatic data (De Wit and Nachtergaele, 1990). During the rainy season and indeed all the year round , monthly totals are consistently exceeded by the potential evaporation for the same period. Rainstorms are frequently intense and of short duration and localised. An entire month’s total can fall within the space of a few hours over a small area (SGC, 1988). Rainfall (mm) Rainfall distribution within years 150 100 50 0 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Time (months) Fig 3- 2 The variation in rainfall distribution within years Rainfall (mm) Rainfall variations between years 1000 500 0 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 Time (Years) Fig 3- 3 Variations in rainfall amount between years 3.2.2 Temperature The temperature goes as high as 30 or more before rainy season in October whilst in winter period (May to August) the area experiences low temperatures of minimum of 12 oC. This period 18 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA is also characterised by low wind speed and long hours of sunshine. The radiation and evaporation are at their lowest levels. Fig 3-4 below shows the daily temperature for the year 2000. Temperature Temperature 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Time (months) Fig 3- 4 Temperature ranges of the study area. 3.2.3Relative Humidity The area experiences low relative humidity during winter (May to August) with minimum of 45% but start increasing in late August and reach a maximum of 70%. Refer to fig 3-5 Relative Humidity (%) Relative Humidity 80 60 40 20 0 Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Fig 3- 5 The relative humidity of the area. 3.2.4 Evapotranspiration As a semi-arid area, Serowe experiences high evapotranspiration rates in summer when temperatures are high and moisture is available. Low evapotranspiration occurs during winter when soils become drier. Soil moisture of <0.05cm3/cm3 were recorded to a depth of 1.80m near the ADAS station in mid August (Timmermans and Meijerink, 1999) indicating very dry soils. Evapotranspiration rates varying from 0.2 to 10mm/d have been estimated by different methods during different previous studies carried out in the area. 19 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 3.2.5 Wind Wind can be described as air in motion. It moves in circuits and is powered by unequal heating of large masses of air. Wind plays an important role in rain formation. Since the earth is warmed differently, the air above these surfaces absorbs different amounts of heat. Warm air rises while cool air sinks which creates the environment for flowing air movement. This movement ends up in the formation of clouds and eventually rain is formed. The average wind speed in the study area is 1.22m/s. Windspeed Windspeed 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Months Figure 3-6 Wind speed graph 3.2.6 Sunshine Sunshine is a form of measuring solar radiation. The World Meteorological Organisation defines sunshine hours as the sum of the time intervals during which the direct solar irradiance exceeds a threshold of 120Wm-2 . In crop production, this amount of solar irradiance plays a major role in photosynthetic process. The area receives an average of 8.6 sunshine hours per day. 15.00 10.00 5.00 ec D Ju l Au g Se p O ct N ov Ju n M Fe b ar Ap ri M ay 0.00 Ja n Sunshine Sunshine hours Months Fig 3- 6 Sunshine hours over the year 3.3 Geology There is a fault line running from northwest to southeast that led to the formation of a bed-like feature in the Kalahari (Fig 3-7). The sandveld (see 3.4) consists of sandstone of different nature 20 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA in terms of colour (red, yellowish and whitish). There are some intrusions of sand in the hardveld (see section 3.4). Around Mogorosi area, there is occurrence of ironstone of the plinthic groups. Some calcium carbonate concretions also appear in some parts of Mabeleapodi that is in the northeast of the study area and around Sokwe hill. In the hardveld there are Andesite deposits that were cooled under water. Fig 3-8 shows the geology of the study area. Fig 3- 7 The Kalahari basin with the fault line running northwest to southeast Fig 3- 8 The geological map of Serowe 3.4 Geomorphology Following the geopedological approach (Zinck, 1988/89) three main physiographic units have been distinguished, namely Sandveld, escarpment and hardveld. The escarpment stretching along 21 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA the plateau edge is not of the same breadth throughout the unit. From the escarpment going to the east, there is a stretch of undulating to rolling land where there is existence of some rock outcrops. In general, the escarpment outlines the eastern limit of the stormberg basalt despite the fact that basalt also occurs extensively to the east of the escarpment line between Serowe and Mogorosi village (Wellfield Consulting Services, 1998).It should be noted that it is difficult to come up with geopedological terms for Sandveld and Hardveld, the terms which are used by the local researchers. The sandveld matches the term plateau, and the hardveld is a peneplain, with a few terrace levels which can be termed as glacis terraces resulted from peneplanation (Zinck, 1988/89). This is also approved by occurrence of the inselbergs that are exposed in the area. In between the plateau and the peneplain, there is a hilly area. Keeping that in mind, three landscapes were adopted and identified namely Plateau, Hilland and Peneplain. The elevation ranges from 1000m to 1250m from the hardveld to the sandveld Figure 3-9 shows the stereogram depicting the study area; plate3-1 showing an overview of the area and figure 3-10 presents the cross section from west to east. Fig 3- 9 The stereogram depicting part of the study area. 22 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Plate 3- 1 Part of the study area, depicting plateau and hilland Cross section Pu111 Height (m) 1250 Hi111 1200 Hi112 1150 Pe114 1100 Pe111 1050 Pe113 1000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 Distance (m) Fig 3- 10 The cross section of the study area 3.5 Vegetation The sandveld is covered by variable dense of trees, shrub and grass (D. O. S. M, 2001). Denser and taller vegetation is generally along the strip of the escarpment contrary to the shallowness of the soils in this area. However, from field observations, it was noted that the escarpment soils have high moisture retention capabilities. The common species are Terminalia sericea, Dichrostachys cinerea, Ochna pulchra and Burkea Africana on sandveld whilst Accacia mellifera, Ziziphus mucrotana, Accaci tortillas and Accacia luederitzii on the hardveld. 23 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 3.6 Hydrology The area has seasonal rivers which means they flow for only part of the year. Sometimes they may only flow for a few hours after heavy rains in summer (SGC, 1988). The drainage network is more pronounced in the east of the escarpment. The rivers are deeply incised due to gully erosion as observed around the Sokwe area (Plate3-3) whilst in the escarpment the river course mostly is in the bedrock. The water table lies between 10 to 40m in the hardveld and 40 to 60m in the sandveld (D. O. S. M, 2001). 24 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Plate 3- 2 One of the vegetation types in the study area Plate 3- 3 Gully erosion in some parts of the study area 25 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 4 Materials and Methods Climatic data Literature review Aerial photographs Landsat TM Problem definition, research objectives, research questions Image interpretation Develop questionnaire Pre-fieldwork Geopedological units for sampling Sampling: pits, mini pits, soil Conduct interviews Run PS2 programme Fieldwork LUTs,LQs, LURs, LCs, Post fieldwork Build computer model in ALES for land evaluation Compute the evaluation Laboratory analysis Statistical and geostatistical Land suitability classes Presentation of results Fig 4- 1 Flow diagram of research activities 26 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 4.1 Materials The existing aerial photographs at scale of 1:50000 Satellite images of Landsat TM (August 2000) and IKONOS covering 10*10km in the western part of Serowe. Existing soil maps of scales: 1:250000 (De Alwis, 1985) and 1:1000000 (FAO, 1990b) Field documents (FAO, 1990c; Joshua, 1991; Nampad, 2000) ILWIS 3.1 software PS123 software ALES software Climatic data: Rainfall (1986-2000), Relative humidity, Wind speed, Evapotranspiration and Temperature for some of the years. 4.2 Research methods and techniques 4.2.1 Data exploration and Aerial photo interpretation The research work was divided into three phases namely pre-fieldwork, fieldwork and postfieldwork. The first stage was research proposal writing that comprised literature review and collection of general information of the study area. Then preparation for filed work was followed. Due to missing of some of the aerial photographs, it was not possible to produce a complete aerial photo interpretation to develop a base map. Rather, a combination of the aerial photos and information extracted from the Landsat image were used to come up with a temporary base map. Three strata were produced, one on the sandveld, another one on the hardveld and the last one cutting across sandveld and the hardveld on the north-eastern part of the study area. This was corrected in the field and finally came up with two blocks (see fig 5-1). 4.2.2. Soil survey A reconnaissance survey was carried on the first day to get an overview of the area. The main aim was to get acquainted with the area, infrastructure and to figure out where to make pits for soil profile description and also the position of the farmlands. The base map was corrected in the field to suit the reality of the study area. (A) Pit description Full pit and mini-pits were studied on the main mapping units. Apart from soil description, other tests like infiltration; hydraulic conductivity and moisture measurements were conducted. Pits 27 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA were dug to a depth of 120m and continue with auguring down to a depth of 180m. Auger hole observations were made subjectively on some of the sample points. Soils were described according to the 3rd edition (Revised) (FAO, 1990a). (B) Infiltration This was measured using double ring infiltrometer (Eijkelkamp, 1998). Only two sets were used due to the lack of floaters. The test points were selected and prewetted the previous day. The rings were pushed ten (10) cm into the soil followed by pouring water into the ring to a depth of 10cm. The drop in water surface (depth) was recorded at every minute until a base saturation was reached (Plate 4-1). These tests were done on random points as well as on the pit description sites. The whole procedure was taking about two hours for the sandy soils but longer in heavy soils. Plate 4- 1 Conducting infiltration test on one of the sites (C) Hydraulic conductivity The inverse auger hole method applied. The test was done after the infiltration test has taken place. The site where rings were placed was augured to a depth of 100cm, with ten cm diameter and water was poured into the auger hole. The drop in water depth was measured every 60 seconds for a period of ten minutes. It should be noted that for heavy soils (mainly vertisols) in some instances, this test was a failure because of development of cracks in the shrinking soils such that water poured in the auger hole was drained within few seconds. 28 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA (D) Soil moisture measurements The soil moisture measurements was done in two different ways: (i) Gravimetric method: Samples were taken at two different depths of 0-10cm and 2030cm. The samples were weighed and placed in the oven at 105oC for 12hours. After oven drying, the samples were reweighed to get actual moisture on date of sampling. (ii) Volumetric method: Theta probe is an instrument used to measure volumetric soil moisture θv, in the soil instantly (fig 4-2). Volumetric soil moisture content is the ratio between the volume of water present and the total volume of the sample. This is expressed as percentage (%vol), or a ratio (m3/m3) (Eijkelkamp, 1998). The probes were inserted into the soil and a reading was taken after 8 seconds to give room for stabilisation of the instrument. The theta probe was not reliable in the sense that at some sites (especially sandy soils) it would give negative readings hence it was abandoned. Fig 4- 2 Theta probe (E) Particle size distribution Soils from different soil horizons from a number of profiles and auger holes were brought to I.T.C and laboratory analysis on particle size distribution was performed using pipette method. The following is the procedure for pipette: 15ml of water and 15ml of H2O2 30% were added to each 20g of soil samples. The samples were left on water bath at temperature of 80oC for overnight. Then 300ml of water were added and boiled for one hour. After cooling, the samples were centrifuged and 5mls of 1M CaCl2 solution was added. The samples were then placed on a shaker for 16hours. Sand was separated with a 50µ sieve. The suspension of clay and silt were transferred into 1000ml cylinder. The clay and silt were determined by pipetting. The pipette 29 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA suspensions and sand were oven dried at 105oC for 12hours. A blank sample was also prepared to check the error committed during the procedure. The laboratory results were used to cross check field description on soil texture. Plate 4- 2 Particle size distribution procedure in the laboratory 4.2.4 Land evaluation (A) Interviews A main objective of this research was to carry out an evaluation of land in the study area hence interviews were conducted. Arrangements were made with the Agricultural District Officer to conduct interviews with smallholder farmers as well as the technical assistants and Soil surveyor at District level. Semi-structured questionnaire were prepared during prefield phase (appendix G). Individual farmers were interviewed at their farmlands. Agricultural extension workers were interviewed to get information on land use types, land characteristics and severity levels. This information has been integrated with results from the water balance model and processed using ALES programme. (B) Climatic data access Climatic data for the study area was accessed from Water Resources Programme of ITC. The data covers a period of 15 years (1986-2001). The data comprised of rainfall, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine. From this data, only rainfall 30 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA covered the stated period whilst the rest of parameters were from April 1998 to 2001 for Paje and Mokongweng stations. The data had some missing variables and this posed a problem in running PS123 programme. Due to this problem, parameters from Paje and Mokongweng (stations surrounding Serowe) were regressed and interpolated to fill gaps in Serowe’s climatic data. In some instances, it was not possible to regress, as only one set of data was available. This was another hiccup. In order to solve this problem, another set of climatic data was obtained from FAOCLIM. FAOCLIM is a set data file that stores climatic data for most of the worlds’ meteorological stations. However, this FAOCLIM data does not indicate the year for which the data was recorded. From this set of data, maximum and minimum temperatures of Mahalapye station were extracted and used to fill in the gaps. The latitude difference between Serowe and Mahalapye is 0.6o so it was assumed that there would be no major climatic differences. In addition to this data, another set of data was obtained from Gaborone, Botswana. This data contained rainfall, relative humidity, maximum and minimum temperature of different stations from 1998 to 2000. From this data, rainfall was for Serowe, maximum and minimum temperature for Mahalapye and the rest for unknown stations. Some variables from Serowe and Mahalapye were used to fill in the gaps. Through this rather complex procedure a climatic file was created. (C) Production potential PS-2 The PS123 programme requires daily climatic data, generic characteristics of the crop and soil data. The climatic parameters required are maximum and minimum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, potential rate of evaporation, sunshine hours and rate of evapotranspiration. The files for crop and soil were created based on the crop varieties grown in the area and soil properties. The model was run from Julian day 306 to Julian day 61 using five different levels of initial matric suction (PSIint.). The planting date was hypothetically chosen from the information that was derived from interviews. The PSIint used were 500cm, 1000cm, 1500cm, 2000cm, 2500cm and 3000cm. The surface storage capacity of water was calculated based on the surface roughness of the farmland and the position on the landscape. The following formula was used for calculation of surface water storage. 31 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA SSC = 0.5 * dr * sin 2( SIG − PHI ) cot an( SIG + PHI ) + cot an( SIG − PHI ) * sin( SIG ) 2 * cos(SIG ) * cos( PHI ) (4-1) Where SSC is equivalent to surface storage capacity (cm) dr is surface roughness or furrow depth (cm) SIG is clod angle or furrow angle (degree) PHI is average slope of the land (degree) (Driessen and Konijn, 1992) It should be noted that only Pe111 (Tread/Riser on higher terrace), Pe112 (Tread/riser on middle terrace), Pe113 (Tread/Riser on Lower terrace) and Pe115 (Slope floor complex of the Vale) were evaluated in this programme of PS123 because that is where the farmlands are located. Apart from running the programme using different initial matric suctions, another scenario was run that considered late planting by two weeks. The reason behind this was to find out if there would be differences in yield between early and late planting since most of the farmers plant late. This was revealed during farmer interviews. Below are crop characteristics that represent the crop indicative values. Table 4- 1 The crop indicative values Characteristic Photosynthetic mechanism SLA TO oC Tsum ke Tleaf Root depth Maize C4 14-35 10 1600 0.6 1000 100-170 Sorghum C4 11-21 10 1600 0.6 975 100-120 SLA is specific leaf area, m2 kg-1 TO is threshold temperature of development (oC d) Tsum is heat requirement for full development (oC d) Ke is the extinction coefficient for visible light Tleaf is heat sum for full development of leaf tissue (oC d) 32 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA (D) Selection of Land use requirements (LURs) Set of LUR were selected which suits the environmental conditions of the area as well as the land use types according to the list published by FAO (1984) of the suggested land use requirements. These LURs were based on the following criteria: • Importance (relevance) for use • Spatial variations in the corresponding land quality in the study area • Availability of knowledge with which to evaluate the corresponding land quality • Availability of data with which to evaluate the corresponding land quality The LURs and LCs were chosen and crosschecked using the information acquired through interviews from the farmers and agricultural extension staff. (See Table 4-2) Table 4- 2 LURs for maize Land quality Diagnostic factor Factor rating Erosion hazard Soil workability Highly suitable s1 Total rainfall in >600 growing season (mm) Textural class SC, VFS, CL Yield Kg ha >6000 Soil effective >120 depth (cm) Textural class SL, SC, LS, S Soil effective >120 depth (cm) Soil drainage Excessively drained, well drained Slope % <3 Erosion class None Wet consistence class (stickness) Non-sticky Sealing hazard Texture class Crusts (mm) Moisture availability Rooting conditions Oxygen availability S, LS, SL None 33 Mod. Marginally Suitable s2 suitable s3 400-600 300-400 Not suitable n <300 FS, SL S 4000-6000 2000-4000 50-120 30-50 C <2000 <30 SCL, L SiCL, C 50-120 30-50 <30 Mod.well drained Imperfectly drained Poorly drained 3-8 Moderate 9-16 Severe >16 very severe Slightly sticky SCL <5 Sticky Very sticky L, CL 5-10 _ >10 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 4- 3 LURs for sorghum Land quality Diagnostic factor Moisture availability Total rainfall in growing season (mm) Textural class Yield Kg -ha Soil effective depth (cm) Textural class Rooting conditions Factor rating Highly suitable S1 >500 Mod. Suitable S2 400-500 SL, LS 3000 >170 FS, CL S, SCL 2000-3000 1500-2000 50-170 50-70 C, S <1500 <50 SL, LS, S SCL, L CL C 50-70 <50 Imperfectly drained Poorly drained 9-16 Severe >16 Very severe Sticky Very sticky Si, SiL, C 2-5 >5 Erosion hazard Soil effective >170 70-170 depth Soil drainage Excessively Mod.well drained, well drained drained Slope % <3 3-8 Erosion class Slight Moderate Soil workability Wet consistence class (stickness) Non-sticky Sealing hazard Texture class Oxygen availability Crusts (mm) S, LS, SiC, SC <1 Slightly sticky C, SL, SCL 1-2 Marginally suitable S3 Not suitable N 250-400 <250 (F) Building model in Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) for Land Suitability Evaluation The data obtained through interviews during fieldwork was processed and fed into ALES. A single model called “Botswana Suitability Land Evaluation” was built for both LUTs. This is the stage by which ALES can assess the suitability of each land-mapping unit. This involves construction of decision trees for each LUR based on expert knowledge. Each LUT has different LURs. The LURs and their diagnostic factors as shown in tables 4-2 and 4-3 were the inputs for construction of decision trees. In this procedure, one land quality would be determined by more than one land characteristic to come up with the severity levels. The decision trees were constructed by matching the LURs and LCs for example; decision tree for land quality moisture availability was determined by considering diagnostic factors total 34 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA rainfall in the growing season, the soil depth, the textural class and yield. The major factor is total rainfall, therefore was at the top of the tree but the amount of water a soil can hold also depends on soil depth hence soil depth was the second branch. Soil texture plays a role in the moisture holding capacity of the soil, this factor came at the third branch and then the yield came on the last branch. These factors were matched against each other to determine the severity level of land quality soil moisture availability. Below is an example of a decision tree. LUT 2,Erosion hazard > Slp (Slope) <3 (none) [0-3 %]....... : 1 (none) 3-8 (slight) [3-8 %] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 c : 2(slight) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : 3 (moderate) LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : =2 CL (Clay loam) [20-50 c : =3 (moderate) SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : 2 (slight) 9-16 (moderate) [8-16 %] : 3 (moderate) >16 (severe) [16-25 %].. : 4 (severe) The last step was to enter all the map units into database where the severity level was determined based on the decision trees, which had already been created. At this point, the model was now ready to compute the evaluation. After computation, the results were reviewed to check for irregularities and improve the evaluation procedure Since ALES is not GIS based, the map units were classified using Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) programme, a geographical information system. Columns were added to the histogram of the Geopedological map using the suitability class domain. The suitability maps were created from attribute map of the geopedological map. 4.3 Data processing and analysis 4.3.1 Statistical analyses (A) Hydraulic properties The measurements from field were statistically analysed using Excel, SPSS and R programme (R Development Core Team, 2002) softwares in order to examine the differences in the strata and also to evaluate the relationship between them. Parameters like descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were performed. 35 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA (B) PS-2 Production Potential water –limited production The results from PS-2 were regressed using Excel software in order to establish the relationship between moisture availability and yield. The independent variable (x-axis) was the initial matric suction and dependent variable (y-axis) was yield (See fig 7-3 –7-6). Furthermore, the yield was classified into suitability classes and used as a diagnostic factor in ALES programme. The reason for using two evaluation tools is that PS2 evaluates land based on water-limited only whilst ALES considers environmental aspects, managerial aspects and soil characteristics. 4.3.2 Geostatistical analysis This operation was done in order to examine the spatial variability of soils and soil moisture distribution as well as producing the soil map. The operation used the Ordinary krigging. The lag spacing was set at 2000m for both moisture at 10cm depth and 30cm depth. The range was 1700m with a limiting distance of 14000m for moisture at 10cm depth. In case of 30cm depth, the lag was 2000m, a range of 4000m with limiting distance of 16000m. Although the sample size was small (56points) the analysis went further to do krigging to examine the spatial variability. 4.3.3 Remote Sensing This technique was employed to produce a land use map using ILWIS software. Initially, a map list of bands 1,2,3,4,5 and 7 from Landsat image was created. From this map list, a sample set was produced that stores the relevant data regarding input bands, land use classes and background image for selecting the training areas. A false colour composite (FCC) map was produced from bands 4,3,2 (4-red, 3-blue and 2-green) and was used as a background image to train the sample set. A training phase was performed whereby six classes were defined and these are bare sand, dense vegetation, farmland, Savanna shrub, Savanna trees and settlement. Classification of the image was done using Minimum Mahalanobis Distance Classifier algorithm. 4.4 Limitations • The climatic data sets had a lot of gaps. • With system of operating from three different settlements (cattle post, farmland and village) it was time consuming to get access to some of the farmers for interviews. 36 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 5 Soils 5.1 Soil and soil formation Soils are one of the major natural resources that life depends on. Dumanski (1993) describes soil as a natural body in relation to the factors of soil formation. Soil formation is induced by a number of factors such as climate, parent material, biological activity and topography (Jenny, 1941). Development of soil is materialised in the formation of horizons. The soil horizons are layers of soil or soil material approximately parallel to the land surface and differing from adjacent genetically related layers. 5.1.1 Climate Botswana, in particular Serowe area is under semi-desert area, hence climatic factor plays a major role in soil formation. Daily and seasonal variations coupled with low and irregular rainfall are responsible for the type of weathering and profile development in general. However, rainfall effectiveness in terms of infiltration /runoff, temperature and wind are important parameters to consider when discussing soil formation in the study area. Wind plays a role more especially in the sandveld where it blows the sands from one place to another making some depositional aeolian dunes. Despite the strong winds on the sandy material, a dense vegetation of the area (Savannah bush land with good grass cover) has led to minimal wind erosion except in the open spaces where vegetation is very scanty or no vegetation at all. 5.1.2 Erosion Water erosion has played a major part in the peneplain. Soil materials move from the eroded terrace to the lower glacis of the area resulting in the stratification of horizons as they get deposited at different time. These materials are unconsolidated which undergo further weathering (see plates 5-1 and 5-2). 37 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Plate 5- 1 A gully showing layers of depositional materials around Sokwe area in Serowe Plate 5- 2 Gully formation due to water erosion 38 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 5.1.3 Vegetation Although the area is densely vegetated, its role in soil formation is very minimal (subverting wind erosion). This is due to the small leaf nature of vegetation. The organic matter content is low ranging from 0.39% top (10cm) in sandveld to 0.65% (Betemariam, 2003) in the hardveld. The soil structure is not well developed because of the low organic content as explained by Farshad (1997) that organic matter content of less than 1% is insufficient to promote good soil structure and cohesion between soil particles, hence, leading to higher susceptibility to soil erosion. 5.1.4 Parent material The major parent material in the area is sand derived from sandstone and stormberg Basalt. However, some lime does occur in the peneplain. Most of the soils are formed insitu. Alluvial deposits are common in the lower part of the peneplain. 5.2 General description of landforms and soils A geopedological map (fig 5-2) of the study area was developed with the corresponding legend upon inferring the available aerial photographs and image interpretation. The area has three main landscapes (see 3.4) upon which landforms were distinguished. Fig 5-1 shows the points of soil profile pits within the two blocks. Pu111 Summit This is the highest point in the study area. It lies on the bed of Kalahari basin with elevation ranging from 1200 to 1260m.The map unit is limited by abrupt descent to the lower plains. The soils are deep to very deep, well to somewhat excessively drained. Three different soils occur in this landform. The yellowish and grayish soils are on the western part of the plateau where they are found in strips in the direction of the wind. These soils are formed on aeolian deposits. The third type occurs near the escarpment and these are yellowish brown (with chroma more than 4) to yellowish red fine sands. The pH ranges between 4 and 4.5. There is not much distinction in horizons of the soil profile (see plate 5-3 for soil profiles in the study area). It is flat to undulating. Hi111 Slope facet complex This map unit divides the sandveld and the hardveld and stretches northeast to southwest. The soils are shallow, somewhat excessively drained, yellowish red to yellowish or dark reddish brown sands and loamy sands. The area is hilly with slope of 10-30%. 39 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Hi112 Talus-hillock-complex The map unit is on the lower part of Hi111 with slope of 0-5%. The soils are moderately deep to shallow, well to somewhat excessively drained, light yellowish brown to dark grayish brown fine sands to loamy fine sands (non calcareous between 50-100cm). It is flat to undulating. Pe111 Tread/riser of Lower terrace In this map unit, the soils are deep to very deep, poorly to imperfectly drained, dark grayish brown to very dark gray clay. The slope is within the range of 0-5%. It is the lowest part of the study area with elevation of 1000m. The area is undulating. It is used for arable cropping. The soils are compound and have abrupt boundaries. Some lime concretions occur in some parts of it. Pe112 Middle terrace The map unit has deep, moderately well drained reddish brown to dark yellowish brown sandy clayloam to sandyclay. These are alluvial deposits that come from the eroded terrace. They show lamellae of clay accumulation. The soil is a consociation of Calcic Luvisol. It has a slope of 0-2% with pH of 7.5. They are used for arable cropping. Pe113 Tread/riser of Higher terrace The soils in this map unit are deep to very deep, well to excessively drained, red to yellowish red loamy fine sands over sand loams. The slope is within the range of 0-5%. The area is flat to undulating. Pe114 Tread/riser of Eroded terrace The map unit is in the centre of the study area. It is highly eroded. The soils are moderately deep to shallow, moderately well to well drained, dark brown to reddish brown clayloam to clay. It lies on the basalt basement complex with a few rock outcrops. It is undulating to rolling. This is used for settlement and commercial purposes. Pe115 Slope floor complex of the vale These are incisions that occur at the bottom of the middle terrace. The soils are deep to very deep, moderately to imperfectly drained, dark grayish brown-to-brown clayloam to clay. The slope is 05%. It is flat to undulating. 40 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Pe116 Slope facet complex of the Inselbergs These are rocky hills that occur on hardveld. They are steep-sided residual hills rising abruptly from the surrounding erosional peneplain. They occur mostly on the granitic gneiss basement complex. Fig 5- 1 Study area showing the sample blocks and pit profile points 41 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Plate 5- 3 Ferralic Arenosols and Pellic Vertisols profiles Fig 5- 2 The geopedological map of Serowe 42 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 5-1 The geopedological legend Landscape Relief Type Lithology Landform Plateau Mesa Sand with Silcretes and ferricretes Summit Hilland Hill Sandstone Peneplain Map unit symbol Pu 111 Slope (%) Major soils 0-5 Arenosols (Orthoeutric Arenosol Hypoluvic Dystric Arenosol, etc) Slope facet complex Hi111 10-30 Eutric Arenosol Arenic Luvic Xerosol Ferralic Arenosol Arenic Ferric Luvisol Arenic Ferric Luvisol Calcic Luvisol Orthic Luvisol Chromic Luvisol 13885 Sandstone Talus-hillock complex Hi 112 0-5 Orthic Luvisol Ferralic Arenosol Arenic Ferric Luvisol Luvic Arenosol Chromic Calcic Luvisol Calcic Eutric Nitosol 4020 Higher Terrace Residual/unconsolidated Tread/Riser Pe113 0-5 Calcic Luvisol Ferralic Arenosol Arenic Ferric Luvisol Calcic Cambisol Orthic Luvisols Eutric Nitosols Chromic Nitosol Chromic Calcic Luvisol Calcic Gleysol 18124 Middle terrace Residual/unconsolidated Tread/Riser Pe112 0-5 Ferralic Arenosol Chromic Luvisol Arenic Calcic Luvisol Eutric Nitosol Calcic Eutric Nitosol 18124 Lower terrace Residual/unconsolidated Tread/Riser of Pe113 0-5 Pellic Vertisol Ferric Arenosol Chromic Vertisol Calcic Cambisol Orthic Luvisol Chromic Calcic Luvisol 10977 Eroded terrace Sandstone Eroded terrace Pe114 0-5 Chromic Calcic Luvisol Ferralic Arenosol 4637 43 Area (ha) 163826 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Vale Residual/unconsolidated Slope floor complex Pe115 Inselbergs Basalt/Sandstone Slope facet complex Pe116 0-5 Arenic Ferric Luvisol Calcic cambisol Ferralic Arenosol Orthic Luvisol Pellic Vertisol Chromic Calcic Luvisols Rock outcrops 14975 221 5.3 Soils of the study area The study area has four groups of soils (Driessen et al., 1998) namely Arenosols, Regosols, Luvisols, and Vertisols. The dominant group is the Arenosols. They are inherent, yellowish red to reddish brown single grain materials. They are predominantly structureless, non-stick and non-plastic when wet and loose when dry. These are deep to very deep sands predominantly of Aeolian nature (D. O. S. M, 2001), and excessively to somewhat excessively well-drained soils with an average pH of 4.5. There are some patches where the soils are just yellowish fine sands. The profiles are quite uniform throughout the depth. The total fine sands are generally more than 50 percent. Clay and silt are less than 10 percent (laboratory results). One strange thing about these sandy soils is the growth of small plants (with shallow rooting depth) during the hot months yet the moisture content is very low. This suggests that there is some moisture kept within 10-20cm of the soil profile. In most cases the subsurface horizons are completely dry. After rains most moisture is available up to 10m deep (D. O. S. M, 2001). The Luvisols are characterised with crusting which impedes water infiltration. This results in widespread of sheet erosion in arable fields. They have a pH of 5.5 on average and are well to somewhat excessively drained. They are occur on the young land surfaces on the lower parts of the landscapes, in some cases are associated with vertisols. The Regosols are shallow soils with uncompleted weathered parent material with low infiltration rates. They are prone to erosion. Regosols form a hard surface early in dry season that (this crust) hinders emergence of seedlings and infiltration of rain. In general the surface horizon is thin with very low organic matter content. The soil pH is 7.0. They occur on the peneplain and are used for grazing livestock. 44 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA The Vertisols are deep soils characterised by high clay content, usually more than 50% with poor drainage. Results from particle size distribution analysis indicate a range of 48 to 51% clay content. Fig 5-3 shows the soil map of the study area.. It should be noted that the soil map has been adopted from the original map (De Alwis, 1985). Although some differences were noted in the field especially in the western part of Pu111 and in map unit Pe111, these could not be added on the map because data gathered from the field was not enough to effect the change. Fig 5- 3 The soil map of Serowe 45 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 5-2 Correlation table between the FAO soil map and geopedological map (presented in this thesis) Symbol Soil Description Classification Landform A1 Deep to very deep, poorly to imperfectly drained, dark grayish brown to very dark gray clay. Flat to almost flat Deep to very deep, poorly to imperfectly drained, dark grayish brown to reddish brown clay loam to clay Flat to slightly undulating Pellic vertisol, partly sodic Chromic Vertisol Lower terrace (Pe113) Lower terrace (Pe113) Deep to very deep, imperfectly drained dark grayish brown sandy clayloam to clay. Flat to slightly undulating Mod. deep to very deep. Imperfectly to mod. Well drained, dark grayish brown to brown sandy loam to sandy clay Flat to slightly undulating Vertic Cambisol Middle terrace (Pe112) Vale (Pe115) A4b Mod. deep to very deep imperfectly to mod. Well drained. Dark grayish brown to brown clay loam to clay Flat to undulating Calcic Cambisol A4c Mod. deep to very deep, mod. Well-drained grayish brown-to-brown sandy loam to sandy clayloam. Flat to undulating Deep to very deep, imperfectly to mod. Ell drained, dark brown sandy clay loam to clay Flat to slightly undulating Calcic cambisol A10 Deep to very deep, mod. Well-drained, strong brown to yellowish red sandy loams to sandy clayloams. Flat to undulating Chromic Calcic Luvisol partly petrocalcic High terrace (Pe111) A12 Mod. Deep to deep, well drained, brown to yellowish red loamy sands to sandy loams Almost flat to undulating Arenic Ferric Luvisol Middle terrace (Pe112) A13 Mod. deep to deep mod. Well to well drained, dark red to strong brown, sandy loam to sandy clayloam. Almost flat to undulating Chromic Luvisol Middle terrace (Pe112) A14 Mod. deep to very deep, mod well to well drained. Dark brown to yellowish sandy loam to sandy clay Flat to undulating Orthic Luvisol Middle terrace (Pe112) A16 Very deep., mod. Well to well drained, dark red to strong brown, sandy loam to sandy clayloam. Almost flat to undulating. Eutric Nitosol A16a Very deep, imperfectly to mod. Well-drained, dark red to dark brown sandy clayloam to clay strongly calcareous and often with dark grayish brown top layer. Flat to almost flat. Deep to very deep well to somewhat excessively drained, dark red to brown sands to loamy sands Almost flat to slightly undulating Calcic Nitric Nitosol Middle terrace (Pe112) High terrace (Pe111) Middle terrace (Pe112) A2 A3 A4 A9 A19 Calcic Cambisol Calcic Luvisol Lower terrace (Pe113) Vale (Pe115) Vale (Pe115) Middle terrace (Pe112) Ferralic Arenosol Lower terrace (Pe111) Deep to very deep imperfectly to poorly drained (very) dark gray sandy clay to clay. Flat Very shallow to shallow, well to somewhat excessively drained, reddish brown to dark brown sandy loam to clay loam Undulating to hilly Calcaric Gleysol Sodic High terrace (Pe111) Slope-facet complex Hi111 B5 Mod. deep to deep, mod well to well drained, reddish brown to strong brown sandy clay loam to clay Undulating to rolling on basalt Chromic Luvisol Slope-facet complex B5a Shallow t mod deep, well drained reddish brown to strong brown sandy clay loam to sandy clay Undulating to rolling (mainly on basalt) Chromic Luvisol Partly petric, some lithic Vale (Pe115) B6 Mod. deep to deep, mod. well to well drain, dark brown to reddish brown clayloam to clay. Undulating to rolling (basalt) Calcic Luvisol Eroded terrace (Pe114) A30 B1 46 Eutric Regosol EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA D9 Deep, mod, well drained, reddish brown to dark yellowish brown sandy clay loam to sandy clay Flat to undulating Calcic Luvisol Middle terrace (Pe112) S1 Very shallow to shallow, excessively drained yellowish red to yellowish brown sands and loamy sands Undulating to hilly Ferralic Arenosol Lithic Slope-facet complex Hi111 S1a Moderately deep, somewhat excessively drained, yellowish red to yellowish or dark reddish brown sands and loamy sands. Undulating to hilly Ferralic Arenosol Slope complex (Hi111) S3 Deep to very deep, well to somewhat excessively drained, yellowish brown (but with chroma of more than 4) to yellowish red fine sands. Flat to undulating Ferralic Arenosol Summit (Pu111) S5 Deep to very deep, well to somewhat excessively drained, red to strong brown fine sands to loamy fine sands Flat to undulating Ferralic Arenosol S5a As S5, but showing lamellae of clay accumulation Luvic Arenosol S6 Deep to very deep, somewhat excessively to excessively drained, red to yellowish brown fine sands and loamy fine sands. Undulating to rolling dunes Ferralic Arenosol Middle terrace (Pe112) High terrace (Pe113) Middle terrace (Pe112) Middle terrace (Pe112) S7 Deep to very deep, well to somewhat excessively drained, red to strong brown loamy fine sand. Flat to undulating Arenic Ferric Luvisol Middle terrace (Pe112) S10 Deep to very deep, well to excessively drained, red to yellowish red loamy fine sands over sand loams Flat to undulating Arenic Ferric Luvisol High terrace (Pe111) S16 Deep to very deep, somewhat excessively drained, light yellowish brown to dark grayish brown fine sands to loamy fine sands Flat to undulating Dystric Arenosol Vale (Pe115) S17 Deep to very deep, well to somewhat excessively drained, light yellowish brown to dark grayish brown fine sands to loamy fine sands (non calcareous between 50 and 100cm) Eutric Arenosol Talus-hillock complex (Hi112) Note: Ks= soils on coarse-grained sedimentary rocks R = very shallow soils on steep hills, ridges and escarpments Adopted from: Soil Mapping and Advisory Service Project BOT/80/003 47 facet EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 6 Land use 6.1 Land use definiton and kinds of land use Land use is the activity that is carried out on a piece of land for a certain period of time. It may change with time from one land use to another. However the concept of land use is too wide to be useful except in very general analyses(Driessen and Konijn, 1992).The major kinds of land use are rainfed agriculture and grazing whilst irrigated agriculture is at a very small scale. Land use in Serowe is also influenced by settlement. The major settlements are found along the base of the scarp. The concentration here, according to senior residents, owes much to the existence of ephemeral springs in the former years. Although these no longer flow, abandoned spring discharge points can still be seen at Serowe and Paje (SGC, 1988). Fig 6-1 shows the land use/land cover for the area. Fig 6- 1 Land use map of Serowe 48 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 6.2 Land utilisation types in the Serowe area As “land use” is too wide a concept to be useful in land evaluation, land utilisation type (LUT) was introduced which is more specific. It is characterised by its key attributes like biological, socio-economic and technical aspects of land use that are relevant to functioning of it (Driessen and Konijn, 1992) In Serowe area, there are a number of LUTs that are practised and these are as follows; traditional rainfed maize, traditional rainfed sorghum, traditional millet, traditional, mechanised rainfed maize, irrigated vegetables, orchards and traditional cattle ranching. A cattle rearing is the biggest enterprise in the area. The land parcels are commonly called cattle posts. There are no paddocks to limit mobility of cattle during grazing. The herdsmen have to drive cattle to the drinking places that are improvised by borehole at the cattle posts. As the interest of this research was on smallholder farmers who grow rainfed crops, LUTs traditional rainfed maize and traditional rainfed sorghum were chosen, as they are major cereal foods in the area and in Southern region as a whole. The two LUTs are sometimes grown under mixed cropping but majority of the farmers that were interviewed practise single cropping systems. The area of farmland ranges from 4ha to 10ha. For those with greater than 4ha do not use the whole land at one growing season due to problems of acquiring farm inputs such that part of the land remains idle. This indirectly leads to fallowing of the land although it is not their intention to do so. All the farms are well fenced to protect the crops from destruction by grazing animals. The rains start in November and end in April and harvesting is done in May/June when crops have completely dried (see table 6-1). This crop calendar was captured during the interviews with farmers in the study area. The hypothetical dates for planting were chosen based on this calendar. Table 6- 1 Crop calendar Activity Land preparation & seeding Weeding Harvesting Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 49 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA There are specific varieties that are grown for one main reason of early maturity, as the rains are very erratic. The varieties for maize are Kgalagadi, Porch pearl and R201, all mature within the range of 120-125 days. Farmers use a seed rate of 7kg -ha (calculated from the results of farmers interviews) yet the recommended rate is 10kg -ha for row planting and 20kg -ha for broadcasting. As for sorghum, the varieties are Phofu (red in colour) and Segaolane (white in colour). Phofu takes 115 to 125 days and Segaolane matures within the range of 125 to 130 days. According to results of the farmers’ interviews, the management of the farms is generally poor. Land preparation and planting are done simultaneously as the farmers wait until the rains come. The seed is mostly recycled from the previous harvest. Description of land utilisation types (LUTs) The selection of land use types depends on the local resources situation. The land use types in the area are maize, sorghum, millet, cowpeas and cattle raise-based. Obviously the climatic condition of the area is an important and decisive factor why these types are practised. The selected land use types in this study are rainfed maize and sorghum under traditional management. Since these LUTs are traditionally managed, the inputs are low with low degree of management. For these low inputs, the farmer does not apply anything to improve the quality of land therefore; it is not strange that farmers in the area experience low yields. LUT1 Maize-based This is a rainfed traditionally managed land use type. The family members provide labour but during peak periods of weeding, casual labour is employed. It should be noted that only those families that can afford to pay for casual labour do employ it. Main source of power is animal draught except for a few farmers who use tractors for ploughing and planting only. The seed is broadcasted on the same day of ploughing the field, at rate of seven kilograms per hectare. The farmers have access to reasonable agricultural services. The main variety grown is Kgalagadi, which takes 125 days to reach maturity with plant population of 10,000per hectare. In all the farmlands visited no fertiliser is applied to the crops. Sometimes the crop is attacked by stalkborers but there is no control measure. Farmers do not practice any soil and water conservation measures. 50 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA LUT2 Sorghum-based This is also rainfed traditionally managed land use type. The family members provide labour but during peak periods of weeding, casual labour is employed. Main source of power is animal drought except for a few farmers who use tractors for ploughing and planting only. The seed is broadcasted on the same day of ploughing the field, at rate of five kilograms per hectare. The farmers have access to reasonable agricultural services. The preferred variety is Phofu (red sorghum), which takes 115 to 125 days to reach maturity with plant population of 40,000 per hectare. In all the farmlands visited no fertiliser is applied. Crickets, aphids and birds mainly attack sorghum. The birds are the most serious pests of sorghum and if left unattended to, the production is drastically reduced to zero. There is no control for crickets and aphids but scaring them away controls birds. Below are tables showing the differences in yield between the actual and potential for both early and late planting. The actual yields are calculated from the yields obtained during interviews with farmers whilst the potential yields are the results from PS2 water- limited production potential (see tables 6-2 to 6-5). Table 6- 2 Yield gap for LUT1 in 1999/2000 Mapping units Actual yield Water-limited yield Yield gap Pe111 96 6072 5976 Pe112 & Pe113 219 5754 5535 Pe115 317 1606 1289 Table 6- 3 Yield gap for LUT2 in 1999/2000 growing season Mapping units Actual yield Water-limited yield Yield gap Pe111 305 1420 1115 Pe112 & Pe113 219 1268 1049 Pe115 105 1115 1050 51 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 6- 4 Yield gap for late planting for LUT1 Mapping units Actual yield Water-limited yield Yield gap Pe111 96 5853 5757 Pe112 & Pe113 219 5455 5236 Pe115 317 1257 940 Table 6- 5 Yield gap for late planting for LUT2 Mapping units Actual yield Water-limited yield Yield gap Pe111 96 1219 914 Pe112 & Pe113 219 1021 802 Pe115 317 1008 903 The yield gap is very wide due to a number of reasons: Late land preparation as the farmers wait for the rains to come. The seed rate used by farmers is too low to produce good yield since plant population is also reduced. The recommended seed rates are 20kg –ha for maize and 10kg –ha for sorghum. Farmers never apply fertilizer to their crops to boost plant growth. Although nutrient test was not conducted in the area during fieldwork, the soils are not fertile enough to produce good yield. Literature on crop production in the area indicates that fertilizing the crops either in organic form or inorganic form is necessary for better output (Gibbon and Pain, 1985; Nampad, 2000) Weeding is done only once, which gives chance for the weeds to compete favourably with the crops. Farmers do not practise soil and water conservation measures that would assist in minimising water runoff and encourage infiltration as revealed from interviews. Since some farms are on sloping areas this water runoff also carries away fertility of the soil. Control of pests is minimal especially for sorghum, which is highly susceptible to attack by birds. Labour to scare these birds are rarely found as it used to be in the past years when children were used. Nowadays, children are encouraged to go to school hence there is no one to attend to the crops. 52 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA As observed from tables 6-2 to 6-5, the yields are too low to offset the cost of growing these crops. The currency is in Pulas (P). The cost of maize seed is P3 per 10kg bag. On average the area planted is 4ha and making a total of P12. Casual labour is P5 per day per person and on average one employs 3casual labourers, which gives a total of P45. Total expenditure is P57. This gives a negative gross margin of P57 since the yield is not sold but rather consumed by the family members. 53 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 7 Results and Discussion 7.1 Hydraulic properties This section describes the results got from measurements of hydraulic properties and their relationships. 7.1.1 Infiltration rates Below is fig 7-1 showing the infiltration rates over time that was measured in the field. 60 60 Infiltration Infiltration 80 40 20 0 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 Time (a) 5 10 Time (b) EPT 01 SVD 081 Fig 7- 1Basic infiltration rates In some sites, at first the water intake was high (7-1a) and dropped with time until the base infiltration rate was reached whilst in other sites, the initial intake was low (7-1b) but increased with time, then dropped until it reached the base infiltration rate. This can be attributed to the status of the surface features of the sites. In cases where there was leaf litter and a lot of cow dung on the surface, initial intake was high as opposed to surfaces without any litter. It should be noted that the graphs are not smooth and this is probably due to the fact that in the process of infiltration, the water intake is not always in the order of decreasing at a decreasing rate but rather it fluctuates as water enters the soil until it stabilises. (See appendix A for the results of measurements) 54 15 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 1 Descritpive statistics for infiltration between landscapes STRATUM Sandveld (Plateau) Escarpment (Hilland) Hardveld (Peneplain) Variable Infiltration rate Infiltration rate Infiltration rate Minimum Maximum Mean 18.5 47.5 22.99 8.3 36.2 18.37 6 18 14.43 Std. Deviation 8.9 7.25 8.3 Results from descriptive statistics indicate that soils from plateau area have highest infiltration rates and those of peneplain have the lowest rates. There are variations in all the three landscapes and the widest variations occur in the peneplain. This can be attributed to different soil types found in the landscape. There are Arenosols, Luvisols, Regosols and vertisols, which have different infiltration rates. Another reason could be due to different position in the landscape as soils on the plateau are different from soils on the slope facet complex due to soil forming factors. Variations in the plateau area can be attributed to fine sands as well as very fine sands occurring in the area. Also the clay percent in these soils is different. The clay percent ranges from 3% to 8% of the first 10 to 20 cm of the soil profiles. Joshua (1991) explains that infiltration rates can be variable for a textural class. In his findings, the Arenosols had a range of 18.5 to 54.3cm/hr from the same study area. There are differences in these rates and to see the significance of their differences an ANOVA table was calculated (see table 7-2 below). The proportion of different soil particle size fractions influences the pore size distribution, which in turn determines the infiltration rates. Table 7- 2 ANOVA for infiltration between landscapes Infiltration rate SS df Between landscapes 979.2219 Within landscapes Total 6870.286 7849.508 MS 2 489.6109 98 100 70.10496 F Sig. 6.98397 0.000 The differences between the landscapes and within each landscapes are highly significant (P=0.000). The analysis went further to look at differences in soil type. Table 7-3 shows the ANOVA table for differences between point pairs of the soil types. 55 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 3 ANOVA for infiltration between soil types Soil type Residual Df 4 48 SS 1687.57 2773.75 MS 421.89 57.79 F-value 7.3009 P 0.000112 The ANOVA for differences between pairs of soil types indicate that there is high significant difference between the means of the pairs of soil types. Table 7- 4 Differences between pairs of means of soil types Soil type VC PV OL FA CL Mean 9.757143 12.74444 26.875 22.40385 13.9875 Stdev 4.238261 6.389271 10.62022 8.459432 5.736708 FA-CL OL-CL PV-CL VC-CL OL-FA PV-FA VC-FA PV-OL VC-OL VC-PV Infiltration rates Difference L-limit -2.6297 -6.7791 -2.4393 -8.5471 6.0634 1.1153 2.1428 -3.0660 0.1904 -5.0434 8.6932 4.9243 4.7725 0.6230 8.5028 2.6468 4.5822 -1.5257 -3.9206 -8.8316 U-limit 1.5198 3.6686 10.9744 7.3517 5.4242 12.4619 8.9220 14.3587 10.6900 0.9903 Note: FA is Ferralic Arenosols; OL is Orthic Luvisols; CL is Chromic Luvisols; PV is Pellic Vertisols and VC is Vertic Cambisols. The means between Pellic Vertisols and Calcic Luvisols, Pellic Vertisols and Ferralic Arenosols, Vertic Cambisols and Ferralic Arenosols and Pellic Vertisols and Orthic Luvisols are significantly different (95%) (Tukey HSD) but there is no significant difference between Vertic Cambisols and Chromic Luvisols and Vertic Cambisols and Orthic Luvisols. Considering the upper and lower limits of these differences, an overlap that includes a zero between the lower and upper limits indicates that the means are significantly different. These results imply that there are variations in the soil properties that led to such differences in behaviour. These variations are probably due to the texture of soils and organic matter as Dingman (1993) explains that soil texture and organic matter are some of the factors that influence infiltration of fluids in the soil. 56 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 7.1.2 Actual moisture content The moisture results are not due to rainfall differences since the area did not receive any rains during the period of moisture measurements. Below is analysis of variance table (table 7-5) for the measurements of actual moisture content based on landscape. Table 7- 5 ANOVA for moisture content between the landscapes AMC at 10cm SS Between landscapes 456.2632 df 2 MS 228.1316 98 100 2 18.39074 AMC at 30cm Within landscapes 1802.292 Total 2258.555 Between landscapes 350.2463 Within landscapes Total 98 100 1604.67 1954.917 175.1232 F 12.4047 Sig. 0.000 10.69507 0.000 16.37419 There is high significant difference in the moisture content between the landscapes (99% level). The differences are higher at 10cm depth than at 30cm depth. The F-values are high (12.4 and 10.69) meaning that there are high variations in the moisture content between the landscapes. Table 7-6 shows the descriptive statistics. Table 7- 6 Descriptive statistics for moisture between landscapes STRATUM Sandveld (Plateau) Escarpment (Hilland) Hardveld (Peneplain) Variable AMC at 10cm AMC at 30cm AMC at 10cm AMC at 30cm AMC at 10cm AMC at 30cm Minimum Maximum 0.72 7.45 0.22 5.11 1.06 20.92 1.19 13.56 0.38 9.6 0.44 13.56 Mean 3.23 2.12 8.55 7.08 5.00 6.61 Std. Deviation 2.03 1.33 5.77 4.66 3.05 4.18 Soils in the hilland had the highest moisture content at both depths of 10cm and 30cm followed by peneplain and the last being plateau area. The standard deviation is also high in the hilland, which implies that there is a wide variation in the soil properties. The field measurements were further analysed based on soil type as shown in table 7-7 57 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 7 ANOVA for differences between pairs of soil types Actual moisture at 10cm depth Df SS Soil type 4 565.25 Residual 48 567.46 MS 141.31 11.82 F-value 11.953 P 0.000 Actual moisture at 30cm depth Df SS Soil type 4 647.26 Residual 48 314.93 MS 161.81 6.56 F-value 24.663 P 0.000 There is high significant difference between the means in soil types (table 7-7). The Fvalues are high signifying wide variations in the actual moisture content between the soil types. Below is table 7-8 showing the means and standard deviations of these soil types. Table 7- 8 Means and standard deviations of the soil types At 10cm depth Soil Type Mean STDEV At 30cm depth Soil Type Mean STDEV Ferralic Arenosol 3.058 2.187 Ferralic Arenosol 2.073 1.642 Chromic Luvisol 6.829 2.308 Chromic Luvisol 8.614 4.432 Vertic Cambisol 11.01 5.306 Vertic Cambisol 10.07 1.316 Pellic Vertisol 7.911 0.998 Pellic Vertisol 11 3.693 Orthic Luvisol 3.775 3.197 Orthic Luvisol 1.6 0.271 The Vertic Cambisols had highest mean (11.01) as well as standard deviation (5.306) at 10cm depth whilst Pellic Vertisols had highest (11) with Calcic Luvisols having the highest standard deviation (4.432) at 30cm depth. These variations indicate that the soils have different properties and behaviour. In order to examine the differences in pairs of soil types, the confidence intervals were calculated for each pair (table 7-9). 58 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 9 The confidence intervals of the soil types Moisture at 10cm depth Soil type Difference Lower limit FA-CL -2.6296 -6.7791 OL-CL -2.4393 -8.5471 PV-CL 6.0634 1.1526 VC-CL 2.1428 -3.0660 OL-FA 0.1904 -5.0434 PV-FA 8.6932 4.9244 VC-FA 4.7725 0.6230 PV-OL 8.5028 2.6469 VC-OL 4.5821 -1.5257 VC-PV -3.9206 -8.8316 Moisture at 30cm depth U-limit 1.5198 3.6686 10.9744 7.3517 5.4242 12.4619 8.9220 14.3587 10.6900 0.9903 Soil type FA-CL OL-CL PV-CL VC-CL OL-FA PV-FA VC-FA PV-OL VC-OL VC-PV Difference -6.1390 -7.2428 1.0016 1.0571 -1.1038 7.1406 7.1961 8.2444 8.3000 0.0556 L-limit U-limit -9.2302 -3.0478 -11.7930 -2.6927 -2.6569 4.6601 -2.8233 4.9375 -5.0029 2.7952 4.3330 9.9482 4.1049 10.2874 3.8819 12.6069 3.7498 12.8502 -3.6029 3.7140 There is significant difference (99%) confidence interval (Tukey HSD) between means for soil type pairs Pellic Vertisols and Chromic Luvisol, Pellic Vertisols and Ferralic Arenosols, Vertic Cambisols and Ferralic Arenosols and Pellic Vertisols and Orthic Luvisols at 10cm depth whilst at 30cm depth, they are Ferralic Arenosols and Chromic Luvisols, Orthic Luvisols and Chromic Luvisols, Pellic Vertisols and Ferralic Arenosols, Vertic Cambisols and Ferralic Arenosols and finally Vertic Cambisols and Orthic Luvisols. The difference between Orthic Luvisols and Ferralic Arenosols is not significant. 7.1.3 Hydraulic conductivity (k) The inverse auger hole measurements were calculated and below is an example of the saturated hydraulic conductivity over time. Amongst the soil types occurring in the area, Arenosols had the highest hydraulic conductivity. This owes to the fact that large continuous pores have a lower resistance to flow (and thus a higher conductivity) than or discontinuous pores (Irvine et al., 2001). 59 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA [h+r/2] (log) INVERSE AUGER METHOD 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 0 200 400 600 Time [sec] Kshat=397.4cm -d Fig 7- 2 Saturated hydraulic conductivity at SVD 081 The calculated results were further analysed to find out the differences between the landscapes and also between the soil types. Table 7-10 shows the ANOVA for hydraulic conductivity between the landscapes Table 7- 10 ANOVA for hydraulic conductivity based on landscapes SS Hydraulic conductivity Between landscapes 657237.5 Within landscapes Total 2711456 3368694 df MS F Sig 2 328618.7 11.88 0 98 100 27667.92 There is significant difference between the landscapes (99%). But to have a better understanding of this variable, the computed means are displayed in table 7-14. Table 7- 11 Descriptive statistics for saturated hydraulic conductivity STRATUM Variable Minimum Maximum Sandveld (Plateau) Hydraulic conductivity 99.4 844.6 Escarpment (Hilland) Hydraulic conductivity 9.9 695 Hardveld (Peneplain) Hydraulic conductivity 9.9 397.4 Mean 301.65 193.49 82.71 Std. Deviation 232.50 176.92 108.02 The descriptive statistics indicate that hydraulic conductivity in the plateau area is highest followed by hilland and the least being the peneplain. The standard deviation follows the same 60 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA trend. There is wide variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity in the plateau area due to different particle size of the sands in the area. There are fine sands as well as very fine sands and in some instances, there are loamy sands. The means and standard deviations were calculated for the soil types in the area table 7-12. Table 7- 12 Means and standard deviations of soil types Soil type Mean Pellic Vertisols 75.2 Vertic Cambisols 104.85 Orthic Luvisols 188.8 Ferralic Arenosols 291.88 Calcic Luvisols 77.3 STDEV 151.98 119.26 173.51 224.44 84.37 The Ferralic Arenosols have highest mean (291.8) and standard deviation (224.4) and these are significant (99%) as shown in table 7-13. The reason for this high standard deviation can probably be due to the variation of the size of the sand particles in this soil. In some cases there are very fine sand to fine sand whilst in other cases there are fine sandy loam. This is supported by Irvine (2001) who came into conclusion that hydraulic conductivity is a highly variable soil property. The ANOVA was calculated for the means of the soil types (table 7-13) whilst table 7-14 shows the confidence intervals. Table 7- 13 The ANOVA for the means of saturated hydraulic conductivity Soil type Residual Df 4 48 SS 515440 1687981 MS 128860 35166 F-value 3.6643 Although the F-value is low (3.66) the difference is significant. 61 P 0.01104 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 14 Differences in the means of saturated hydraulic conductivity of different soil types. Soil type FA-CL OL-CL PV-CL VC-CL OL-FA PV-FA VC-FA PV-OL VC-OL VC-PV Hydraulic conductivity Difference L-limit U-limit 214.584 -11.7285 440.8977 133.85 -199.274 466.9739 27.555 -240.286 295.3972 -2.1 -286.189 281.989 -80.7346 -366.186 204.7169 -187.029 -392.578 18.5195 -216.685 -442.998 9.6285 -106.294 -425.675 213.0864 -135.95 -469.074 197.1739 -29.6556 -297.497 238.1861 Although the means show differences, these are not significant. The lower and upper limits overlap each other and include a zero, which implies that they are not significantly different. 7.1.4 Relationship of the hydraulic properties. In order to evaluate the relationship of these hydraulic properties, correlation was done based on all observations, landscapes and soil type. Table 7-15 shows the correlation of hydraulic properties across the area. Table 7- 15 Correlation of hydraulic properties across the area Infiltration AMC at 10cm AMC at 30cm Hydraulic (k) rate AMC at 10cm Pearson Correlation 1 Sig. (2-tailed) AMC at 30cm Pearson Correlation 0.6757** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) 8.43E-16 Hydraulic (K) Pearson Correlation -1.96E-01* -0.3622** 1.0000 Sig. (2-tailed) 4.96E-02 0.00019721 Infiltration rate Pearson Correlation -2.74E-01** -0.5374** 0.5368** 1.0000 Sig. (2-tailed) 5.54E-03 6.74023E-09 0.0000 AMC is Actual Moisture content ** Correlation is significant at the 0.001level (2-tailed) * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) The results show that AMC at 10 and 30cm are highly correlated (0.001 level), hydraulic conductivity and AMC at 10 and 30cm depth are correlated (0.05level), infiltration and AMC at 62 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 10 and 30cm depth; infiltration and hydraulic conductivity are highly correlated (0.001level) (table 7-15). Based on these correlations, the analysis went further to perform regression analysis. Figure 7-3 shows the results of regression analysis across the area. Across the area y = -0.6103x + 21.85 2 R = 0.1008 Infiltration cm-hr Infiltration cm-hr Across the area 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 y = -1.1189x + 24.572 R2 = 0.2972 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 AWC at 10 15 20 25 AWC at 30 (a) (b) 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 y = -17.763x + 289.39 R2 = 0.1516 Across the area y = -10.805x + 252.51 R2 = 0.064 Hydraulic conductivity Hydraulic conductivity cm-d Across the area 1000 500 0 25 0 5 10 15 AWC at 30 AWC at 10 (c) (d) Hydraulic conductivity cm-d Across the area y = 10.848x - 8.3023 R2 = 0.2382 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 Infiltration cm-hr (e) Fig 7- 3 Hydraulic properties across the area 63 30 40 50 20 25 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA There is weak negative relationship between AMC at 10 and 30cm respectively (7-3a and b) and infiltration with R2=0.29. Again there is a weak negative relationship between AMC at 10 and 30cm and hydraulic conductivity (7-3 c and d). But the relationship is significant (0.001 and 0.05 levels) as observed in table 7-15. As for infiltration and hydraulic conductivity, the relationship is positive. In all the cases, the R2 is not explaining much of the relationships, which means that there are other factors that come into play. Correlation of hydraulic properties between landscapes was calculated and presented in table 7-16 and regression was calculated based on the significance of the correlation (fig 7-4) Table 7- 16 Correlation of hydraulic properties by landscape Landscape Plateau (Sandveld) Hilland (Escarpment) Peneplain (Hardveld) Variable AMC at 10 AMC at 10 AMC at 30 Hydraulic Infiltration rate Pearson Correlation 1.00 Sig. Level AMC at 30 Pearson Correlation 0.04 1.00 Sig.level 0.86 Hydraulic (k) Pearson Correlation -0.29 -0.14 1.00 Sig. level 0.22 0.58 Infiltration rate Pearson Correlation -0.02 -0.24 0.19 1.00 Sig. level 0.94 0.32 0.44 AMC at 10 Pearson Correlation 1.00 Sig. level AMC at 30 Pearson Correlation 0.61* 1.00 Sig.level 0.00 Hydraulic (k) Pearson Correlation -0.11 -0.17 1.00 Sig. level 0.48 0.29 Infiltration rate Pearson Correlation -0.20 -0.50 0.43* 1.00 Sig.level 0.20 0.00 0.00 AMC at 10 Pearson Correlation 1.00 Sig. level AMC at 30 Pearson Correlation 0.91* 1.00 Sig. level 0.00 . Hydraulic (k) Pearson Correlation -0.70 -0.69* 1.00 Sig. level 0.00 0.00 . Infiltration rate Pearson Correlation -0.65* -0.60* 0.82* 1.00 Sig. level 0.00 0.00 0.00 . * Correlation is significant at the 0.001 level (2-tailed) 64 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA From table 7-16, hydraulic properties in the plateau area show no significant correlation ; in hilland, AMC at 10 and 30cm depth (61%) and infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity are correlated (43%). In the peneplain , all the hydraulic properties are highly correlated. Based on those that are significantly correlated, a regression analysis was performed (see fig 7-4 and 7-5). 40 30 20 10 0 0 Hilland y = -0.3653x + 22.013 R2 = 0.0829 5 10 15 Infiltration cm-hr Infiltration cm-hr Hilland 20 y = -0.8713x + 24.909 R2 = 0.3058 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 AWC at 10 10 AWC at 30 (b) (a) Hydraulic cm-d Hilland y = 10.943x - 4.0861 R2 = 0.2034 800 600 400 200 0 0 10 20 Infiltration cm-hr (c) Fig 7- 4 Relationship of hydraulic properties in hilland 65 30 40 15 20 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA The relationship between AMC at 10 cm depth and infiltration (7-4a) is negative and very weak (R2 =0.08), the same with 30cm depth (R2 =0.31) but the relationship is significant (0.001 level). This implies that the less the moisture the soil has, the higher the infiltration. There is positive relationship between infiltration and hydraulic conductivity. The lower the infiltration rates the lower the hydraulic rates. Peneplain y = -1.2689x + 19.333 R2 = 0.4443 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 Infiltration cm-hr Infiltration cm-hr Peneplain 20 y = -0.8093x + 18.298 R2 = 0.3417 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 20 AWC at 30 AWC at 10 (a) (b) y = -19.143x + 168.05 R2 = 0.4446 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 y = -11.441x + 131.72 R2 = 0.7209 Peneplain Hydraulic conductivity cmd Hydraulic conductivity cm-d Peneplain 20 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 AWC at 30 AWC at 10 (c) (d) Hydraulic conductivity (cmd) Peneplain y = 9.2968x - 51.775 R2 = 0.4045 400 300 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 Infitration rate (cm-hr) Fig 7- 5 Relationship of hydraulic properties in peneplain 66 20 25 15 20 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Again, the trend is the same as in the hilland; the relationship is negative for AMC and infiltration at both depths but the R2 improves to 44 and 34% respectively (7-5a and b) and for AMC and hydraulic conductivity improves to 44 and 72% respectively (7-5 c and d). This shows that soils in different landscapes have different properties; hence, landscape has an influence on the relationship of the hydraulic properties. Finally, the correlation was calculated based on soil type as shown in table 7-17. Table 7- 17 Correlation of hydraulic properties for soil types AMC at 10 AMC at 30 Hydraulic k Infiltration Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) AMC at 10 AMC at 30 Hydraulic k Infiltration 1 0.6784** 0.000 -0.2514 0.0694 -0.2432 0.0793 1 -0.4643** 0.0005 -0.5585** 0.000 1 0.5301** 0.000 1 From table 7-17, the results show that AMC at 10cm is highly correlated with AMC at 30cm; AMC at 30cm is highly correlated with hydraulic conductivity; AMC at 30cm is highly correlated with infiltration and hydraulic conductivity is highly correlated with infiltration. It is from these correlated variables that regression analysis was performed. Fig 7-6 shows the relationship of the hydraulic properties by soil type. 67 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 60 Orthic Luvisols y = 3.2917x + 14.449 2 R = 0.982 Hydraulic conductivity (cm/d) Infiltration (cm/hr) Orthic Luvisols 40 20 0 0 5 y = 49.612x + 23.865 R2 = 0.6835 600 400 200 0 0 10 5 10 AMC at 10cm AMC at 10cm (a) (b) y = 16.007x - 219.04 R2 = 0.7851 Infiltration rate Orthic Luvisols Hydraulic conductivity (cm/d) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 Infiltration (cm /hr) (c) Pellic Vertisolsy = 0.9434x + 2.4825 2 R = 0.8826 30 20 10 0 0 Hydraulic conductivity (cm/d) 20 AMC at 10cm (d) Pellic Vertisols 10 y = 14.86x - 84.53 R 2 = 0.6338 400 300 200 100 0 0 10 20 30 Infiltration (cm/hr) (e) (c) Fig 7- 6 Relationship of hydraulic properties per soil type Referring to fig 7-6,in Orthic Luvisols, there is a strong positive relationship between AMC at 10cm depth and infiltration (R2=0.98); a mild relationship between AMC at 10cm depth and hydraulic conductivity (R2=0.68) and a good relationship between infiltration and hydraulic conductivity (R2=0.785). These relationships are highly significant (99%). As for Pellic Vertisols, the relationship between AMC at 10cm is very strong (R2=0.88) and good relationship between infiltration and hydraulic conductivity 68 30 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA (R2=0.63). These high values of R2 are explaining more of the relationship implying that they affect each other and the remainder could be factors that were not dealt with in this research. It should be noted that the sample size for observation per soil type was not adequate to make concrete conclusion, however, it was worth analysing it to examine their relationship. General summary The results from regression of actual moisture content and infiltration rate indicate that there is a weak negative relationship since the correlation is very low. But the relationship is significant (99%) level. This implies that when a soil is moist, infiltration is lower than when the soil is dry. Since infiltration is influenced by a number of factors like texture, crust, organic matter content, porosity, compaction and structure apart from moisture content ((Dingman, 1993; USDA, 1998) this explains the reason why the R2 is low in all categories. It is explaining only 10 and 29% (at 10cm and 30cm respectively) across the study area (fig 7-3), 8 and 31% in hilland (fig 7-4) and 44 and 34% in the peneplain (fig 7-5). However, the relationship is positive in the category of soil type 98 and 68% for Orthic Luvisols and 88 and 63% for Pellic Vertisols (fig 7-6). The remainder is explained by other factors, which were not dealt with during this research such as porosity, compaction and structure. The relationship between actual moisture content and hydraulic conductivity is also negative with R2 of 6% and 15% respectively across the area (fig 7-3) but it is significant at 99% implying that the less the moisture in the soil the higher the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The relationship improves in the peneplain (7-5) where the R2 is 44% and 72% respectively. There is an increase in the saturated hydraulic conductivity as moisture of the soil is reduced since water fills the pore spaces in the soil. Soils with light texture (Arenosols) had higher hydraulic conductivity values than those with heavy texture (Vertisols). There is a positive relationship between infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity with R2 of 23% across the area (fig 7-3) but higher in peneplain 40% (fig 7-5) which is significant (99%). This implies that the more the water enters the soil the faster it is drawn to the lower horizons of the soil profile. Since the R2 is explaining less of the relationship, it shows that there are other factors that influence these two variables like texture, crust, organic matter content, porosity, 69 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA compaction and structure as already mentioned in the first paragraph. The Arenosols showed highest values of both hydraulic properties amongst the soil types. 7.2 Soil moisture map In this section, the soil maps are shown that are resulting from geostatistical approach at depth of 10cm and another at depth of 30cm. The operation assumed the Continuous model of spatial variation (CMSV) that soil forming factors vary continuously in space and that there is spatial dependency between them, therefore the soil properties also are spatially variable. (See fig 7-7 and 7-8) The results show the soil moisture distribution at depth of 10cm (fig 7-7) whilst the one below shows distribution of soil moisture at depth of 30cm (fig 7-8). The highest values fall in Pellic Vertisols, Calcic Luvisols and Vertic Cambisols for the depth of 10cm but at 30cm depth the highest values fall in the Vertic Cambisols and Pellic vertisols only. 70 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Fig 7- 7 Soil moisture distribution map at 10cm depth Fig 7- 8 Soil moisture distribution map at 30cm depth 7.3 Spatial variability Although the sample size (56 points) was not adequate to reliably estimate a variogram, we attempted it nonetheless. Results should be considered indicative rather than definitive. This aimed at assessing the variability of soils in the area. Using soil moisture 71 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA as one of the hydraulic properties, ordinary kriging was performed using lag distance of 2000m for both depths with maximum point pairs of 16. The Continuous model of spatial Variation (McBratney and Gruijter, 1992) was assumed. Fig 7-9 shows the moulded variogram for the parameters. AMC at 10cm Nugget Sill Range AMC at 30cm Nugget Sill Range 3 32.5 4000 2 20 4000 Fig 7- 9 Moulded variogram parameters for AMC at 10 and 30 cm depths The moulded variograms show that there is long-range dependence in the soil moisture at both depths. The range is the same (4000m) but differ in the sill and nugget (2 and 32.5 for AMC at 10cm and 2 and 20 for AMC at 30cm). After 4000m, which is a point of 72 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA inflection, thereafter, the points are no longer related. Fig 7-10 to 7-13 show the maps using ordinary kriging with their error maps. Fig 7- 10 Soil moisture at 10cm depth (ordinary kriging Fig 7- 11 The error map at 10cm depth 73 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA The Error maps show the deviation of the estimated values from the actual values that were calculated in the field. The further you go away from the point the greater the error. The lower values indicate less deviation and the higher values indicate greater deviation from the true value. Fig 7- 12 Soil moisture map at 30cm depth (ordinary kriging) Fig 7- 13 The error map for 30cm depth 74 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA The results show that there is spatial variability of soils. There is spatial dependency of the variables up to a distance of 4000m. These results also show that soil moisture spatial distribution is related to soil type. These results also agree with Kosta (1994) who came to the same conclusion; spatial distribution of moisture is related to soil type, vegetation type, relative height, slope and distance from water streams. 7.3 Water-limited production potential PS2 The results from production potential situation PS2 have been tabulated in table 7-18 and 7-19 for LUT1 and LUT2 with the growing cycle starting from Julian day 306 and ending on Julian day 61. Table 7- 18 The water limited yield of LUT1 for cropping year 1999/2000 Mapping units Growing cycle Storage yield (SSO) Total dry matter Pe111 306-61 6072 11691 Pe112 & Pe113 306-61 5754 9537 Pe115 306-61 1606 6485 Note: These yields are for initial matric suction (PSIint also symbolised by Ψ) at 500cm. Table 7- 19 water limited yield of LUT2 in the cropping year 1999/2000 Mapping units Growing cycle Storage yield (SSO) Total dry matter (TDM) Pe111 306-61 1234 10611 Pe112 &Pe113 306-61 1544 9352 Pe115 306-61 1206 13964 In order to evaluate the relationship of available moisture and yield, different levels of initial matric suction were applied and table 7-20 and 7-21present the results for both LUTs. 75 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 20 LUT1 yield with different levels of PSIint LUT1 Mapping units Pe111 Pe112 &Pe113 Pe115 LUT2 PSIint levels (cm) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Yield kg/ha 6072 5069 4957 4421 4494 4327 5754 5768 5814 5719 5823 5823 1606 1476 1488 1456 1365 1338 PSIint levels (cm) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Yield kg/ha 1420 1234 1174 1157 1018 1013 1268 1544 2069 1951 2039 2072 1155 1097 1090 1073 1056 1051 Analysis of variance was calculated to compare the differences in the yield between the PSIint. See tables 7-22 and 7-23 Table 7- 21 ANOVA for water-limited yield of LUT1 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df Between Groups 62425452 2 31212726 252.6198 Within Groups 1853342 15 123556.1 Total 64278794 17 MS F P-value 0 The ANOVA for yield of LUT1 shows that there is significant difference in yield (95% level) at different levels of matric suction within the land units as well as between the land units. That is successive increase in matric suction results in significant difference in 76 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA yield. Comparing between mapping units, it also shows that the yields are significantly different (95)% level. Table 7- 22 ANOVA for water-limited yield of LUT2 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df Between Groups 1956145 2 978072.4 21.16624 Within Groups 693136.2 15 46209.08 Total 2649281 17 MS F P-value 0.000 In sorghum the results also indicate that there is significant difference in the yield at 95 % level as the matric suction is increased. The striking thing in sorghum is that in land unit Pe112 and Pe113 yield increases with increase in matric suction up to 1500 where it drops then picks up again at 2500 up to 3000. This can be attributed to the soil physical characteristics of clayloam in that land unit. Table 7- 23 The crop water functions at PSIint 500 and 2000cm for LUT1 PSIint at 500cm Day LAI Cfwater 306 0 1 316 0.01 1 326 0.07 1 336 0.29 1 346 1.06 1 356 2.53 1 1 3.81 1 11 3.59 0.59 21 2.7 0.13 31 1.25 0.22 41 0 0 51 0 0 53 0 0 Day 306 316 326 336 346 356 1 11 21 31 41 51 53 PSIint at 2000cm LAI Cfwater 0 1 0.01 1 0.07 1 0.29 1 1.06 1 2.53 1 3.81 0.89 3.56 0.3 2.63 0.11 0.46 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 77 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Table 7- 24 The crop water functions at PSIint 500 and 2000cm for LUT2 PSIint at 500cm Day LAI Cfwater 306 0 1 316 0.02 1 326 0.15 1 336 1.2 0.92 346 5.27 0.51 356 6.27 0.45 1 5.91 0.47 11 4.44 0.71 21 0.47 0.4 31 0 0 41 0 0 50 0 0 Day 306 316 326 336 346 356 1 11 21 31 41 50 PSIint at 2000cm LAI Cfwater 0 1 0.02 1 0.15 1 1.2 0.83 4.72 0.5 5.79 0.46 5.57 0.49 4.21 0.73 0.65 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 In LUT1, with initial matric suction of 500,1000 and 1500cm, the water stress develops at 70th day after planting (table 7-23) with crop water factor of 0.59 and keeps on reducing to 0.11 but it improves again on 90th day. At this period in the growing cycle of maize, this is the flowering and ripening stage which requires enough water to produce yield (Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979). This implies a reduction in the yield, as the activity is not carried out accordingly. Yield reduction is in the range of 49 to 53%. However, as initial matric suction increases from 1500 to 3000cm, the water stress develops even earlier at 60th day (table 7-23) with crop water factor of 0.89 which means from late vegetative growth, flowering and yield formation are affected which eventually reduces the number of grains on the cob as well as the weight. This event coupled with poor ripening of grains leads even to high yield reduction (57%). The differences in yield from different land units are probably due to soil inherent properties. In sorghum, the story is slightly different in the sense that water stress develops quite early at 30th day of planting (table 7-24) but this improves from 70th up to 90th day. This implies that flowering is taking place under moisture stress but ripening coincides with improvement of moisture. Yield reduction in sorghum is in the range of 83.5 to 90%. The yield results were regressed with the level of initial matric suction (PSIint) applied and fig 714 and 7-15 show the relationship of yield and PSIint applied. 78 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 y = -0.5858x + 5890.6 R2 = 0.835 Yield response Pe112 &113 Yield kg/ha Yield kg/ha Yield response for Pe111 0 1000 2000 3000 y = -0.0442x + 5860.8 R2 = 0.9157 5850 5800 5750 5700 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 PSIint (cm) PSIint (cm) Yield response Pe115 y = -0.0974x + 1625.3 R2 = 0.9004 Yield kg/ha 2000 1500 Fig 7-12 Yield response1000 for maize at different initial matric suction 500 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 PSIint (cm) Fig 7- 14 Yield response to PSIint applied for LUT1 The yield response to levels of matric suction applied shows that there is a positive relationship between the moisture available in the soil and the crop yield. The R2 is good ranging from 83 to 91% (fig 7-14) which means that moisture availability, explains more of this relationship and the remainder is explained by other factors which were not dealt with in this research but make a contribution to the growth and development of the crop. 79 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Yield responsePe111 y = -0.1543x + 1439.3 R 2 = 0.9093 + 1285.1 Yield response Pe112 &113y = 0.3078x 2 R = 0.7255 Yield kg/ha Yield kg/ha 1500 1000 500 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 1000 PSIint (cm) 2000 3000 4000 PSIint (cm) y = -0.0377x + 1153 2 R = 0.866 Yield response Pe115 Yield kg/ha 1500 1000 500 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 PSIint (cm) Fig 7- 15 Yield response to PSIint applied for LUT2 Similarly, the yield response to levels of matric suction applied shows that there is a positive relationship between the moisture available in the soil and the crop yield. The R2 is also good ranging from 72 to 91% (fig 7-15) which means that moisture availability, explains more of this relationship and the remainder is explained by other factors which were not dealt with in this research but make a contribution to the growth and development of the crop. The yield can be interpolated from the regressed graphs (fig 7-14 and 7-15). However, taking into account of the problem faced in the data input (section 4.2.4(B)) to running of this model, one cannot comfortably claim that these results are reliable to be used in the estimation of yield as explained. In this case, potential yield are greater than experimental yields from the study area. 80 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Nonhebel (1994) Nonhebel came into a conclusion that the averaged data input overestimated the yields in Netherlands. 7.4 Physical Land Evaluation The suitability class orders followed the ones published by FAO (1976) (see table below). Order S1 S2 S3 N Suitability class Highly suitable Moderately suitable Marginally suitable Not suitable The suitability in general shows that there are differences in ratings of the mapping units depending on the requirements of the LUTs. One mapping unit is rated moderately suitable, three are marginally suitable and five are not suitable for maize production whilst three are marginally suitable and six are not suitable for sorghum. The ratings of individual mapping units are discussed below. (See fig 7-13 and 7-14 for suitability maps) Hi111 (Slope facet complex) The mapping unit is rated unsuitable for both LUTs (sorghum and maize). The physical suitability subclass is 4Erhz. This map unit is a scarp with slope of >16% and coupled with fine sand renders it to highly susceptible to erosion. This map unit is not used for arable cropping. Hi112 (Talus-hillock complex) This map unit is rated marginally suitable and not suitable for sorghum. The unit has two different ratings because it is an association of two different soils occurring in the same mapping unit. The physical suitability subclass is 3Erhz and 4Moav. This map unit is hilly with slope of 10% with shallow soil depth of 50-120cm. In case of maize, the unit is rated marginally suitable with maximum limiting factors as erosion and moisture availability (3Erhz/Moav). Although the area gets rainfall within the range of 400-600mm per year, the soil depth is shallow. This coupled with erosion means that much of this water does not infiltrate into the soil but rather go as runoff. 81 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Pe111 (Tread/Riser of the higher terrace) The map unit is rated marginally suitable and moderately suitable for sorghum. The physical suitability subclass is 3Erhz &2Moav/Oxav/Rtco/se/Sowo.This map unit is a compound unit. One of the components has a slope of 10% and erosion is high. In other components, the soil is clayloam with shallow depth (60cm) impeding root proliferation. Besides that, it contains some gravel throughout the soil profile of the 60cm. Germination of seeds is affected by sealing as reported by farmers during interviews. As for maize, it is rated moderately suitable with maximum limiting factors of 2Erhz /Rtco/Sowo for one component, 2Oxav/Rtco for the second and 3Rtco for the third component. This implies that the third component has rooting depth as a maximum limiting factor. Pe112 (Tread/Riser of the middle terrace) This has been rated marginally suitable and not suitable for sorghum. The physical suitability subclass is 4Moav and 3Erhz for both components, which constitute Pe112. Field interviews revealed that even though farmers grow sorghum on this unit, the yields are very low. In case of maize, it is rated not suitable and marginally suitable due to oxygen availability as maximum limiting factor (4Oxav) meaning that the soils are poorly drained and also rated moderately suitable due to erosion as a limiting factor (3Erhz). This implies that there are problems of oxygen availability and erosion. Pe113 Tread/Riser in the lower terrace This map unit is rated not suitable for sorghum. The maximum limiting factor is oxygen availability (4Oxav). A particle size distribution analysis result indicates 51% clay and is poorly to imperfectly drain. For maize, it is marginally suitable (3Oxav). During interviews with farmers from this unit, it was learnt that if it rained heavily, the soils get waterlogged for almost two weeks. This is an indication of poor drainage. Pe114 Tread/Riser of the Eroded terrace The map unit is rated as marginally suitable for sorghum but marginally for maize. The maximum limiting factor is 2Erhz whilst 3Erhz for maize. The map unit is characterised with runoff as the area is undulating to rolling. From field observations, the area has some surface stones. It is used for settlement. 82 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Pe115 Slope floor complex of the Vale It is rated marginally suitable for sorghum and not suitable for maize. This rating coincides with results from PS-2 where the lowest yields are from this unit for both LUTs. The physical suitability subclass indicates maximum limiting factors of 3Oxav for sorghum and 4Oxav for maize. This implies that the land unit has poor drainage that renders oxygen unavailable hence the crops cannot assimilate CO2. This is supported by infiltration results of 6cm/hr for the area (appendix A). Pe116 Inselberg The map unit is rated unsuitable for both LUTs (4Rtco). The physical suitability subclass indicates rooting conditions being the maximum limiting factor. Since this are has shallow soil effective depth (30cm) coupled with slope of 9-16%, such soils cannot support crop growth as root proliferation is hindered. Pu111 Summit The map unit is rated not suitable for both LUTs. Pu111 is a compound unit with association of three components. The first component that contributes 5% of the map unit is not suitable with maximum limiting factor of moisture availability (4Moav). It has medium to fine sands that are excessively drained. This implies that it cannot support growth of these crops. This map unit is used for livestock grazing. Table 7- 25 Physical suitability for LUT1 and LUT2 Land Mapping units Hi111 Hi112 Pe111 Pe112 Pe113 Pe114 Pe115 Pe116 Pu111 Physical Suitability subclass 4Erhz 3Erhz & 4Moav 2Erhz/Rtco/Sowo &2Oxav/Rtco/Sowo&2Rtco 4Oxav & 3Erhz 2Oxav 3Erhz 4Oxav 4Rtco 4Moav Note: Erhz is Erosion hazard Rtco is rooting condition Suitabili ty class LUT1 S4 s3 s2 n &s3 s3 s3 n n n Physical Suitability subclass Suitability class LUT2 4Erhz 3Erhz/Moa 3Erhz&2Moav/Oxav/Rtco/Se/ Sowo & 2Moav/Rtco 4Oxav 4Oxav 3Erhz 4Oxav 4Rtco 4Moav n S3&n s3&s2 Oxav is oxygen availability Se is sealing 83 S4&s3 n S3 n n n Sowo is soil workability Moav is moisture availability EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Fig 7- 16 Physical land suitability for LUT1 Fig 7- 17 Physical land suitability for LUT2 84 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Summary There is relationship between the hydraulic properties and the nature of relationship is in two ways as observed across the area (7-3), landscapes (7-4) and soil type (7-5). Actual moisture content exhibits negative relationship with infiltration and hydraulic conductivity based on the overall area and landscapes but has a positive relationship on the basis of soil type. Infiltration rate has a positive relationship with hydraulic conductivity in all scenarios. The infiltration rate, hydraulic conductivity and texture affect the soil moisture availability in the soil. There is spatial dependence of soils in the area and the soils are spatially variable. The spatial variability of soils affects soil moisture distribution as these soils have different properties. The water-limited production potential has revealed that increase in initial matric suction (PSIint) leads to yield reduction implying that reduction in soil moisture especially at reproductive stage leads to decline in yield. The major factors leading to low yield realised by farmers (chapter6.2) in the area are poor farm management (revealed from interviews) and low erratic rainfall. The land evaluation ratings show that soils of hilland and plateau are not suitable for the land utilisation types currently practised in the area mainly due to poor moisture availability. 85 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Chapter 8: Conclusion and recommendations The findings emanating from this research are presented in this chapter on the basis of the objectives and research questions. There is a positive relationship between soil moisture availability and yield as observed from PS2 that as the moisture in the soil decreases the yield also decline due to moisture stress hence low yield. The best initial matric suction (PSIint) to be applied is 500cm. The area has three major landscapes namely Plateau, Hilland and Peneplain (corresponding with Sandveld, escarpment and Hardveld units of FAO soil map). There are different geomorphic units that have different soil types. The geopedological units affect the land utilisation types apart from the precipitation received in the area. The main soils in the area are Ferralic Arenosols (mainly in the plateau), Calcic Luvisols, Pellic Vertisols, Eutric Nitosols (mainly in peneplain), and Endoleptic Regosols (mainly in hilland). There is a relationship between the hydraulic properties. There is a negative relationship between soil moisture and infiltration rate (see fig 7-3 and 7-4), a negative relationship between soil moisture and hydraulic conductivity (see fig 7-3 and 7-4) and positive relationship between infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity (see fig 7-3 and 7-4). The relationship of these hydraulic properties based on soil types is also positive (see fig 7-5). High hydraulic conductivity and infiltration rates in sandy soils is an indication that water goes deep into the soil profiles, and the water table is very deep. This probably feeds the ground water. There is a wide variation for rate of evapotranspiration (0.2 to 10mm –d) that could have an influence for the precipitation in the area and indirectly affect the ground water recharge. There is a spatial dependency of soils in the area. This spatial variability influences soil moisture distribution since different soils have different properties. Soil moisture is influenced by infiltration rate, texture of soil, depth of soil profile, organic matter content and hydraulic conductivity. Soil moisture can be used to infer the land quality moisture availability in the land suitability evaluation process. 86 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA The distribution of farmlands is mostly on clay loam and sandy clay loam soils as these have a higher capacity of holding soil moisture. The land utilisation types considered are traditionally managed rainfed maize and sorghum grown in single cropping system within the growing cycle of November to May. Land evaluation reveals that soils in the hilland and plateau are not suitable for the land utilisation types currently practised in the area. As regards the rainfall pattern in the area, these suitability classes can be used in the planning of land use. Interviews with farmers revealed that for the past six years, rainfall distribution has been very poor; sometimes drought develops when the crops are approaching flowering stage and never came back. This in most cases leads to zero yield. From these results, maize and sorghum are not suitable for the area, especially at the level of management practised by farmers. Recommendations For further studies, it is recommended to do soil moisture measurements during rainy season for the following reasons: • Time sequence monitoring of soil moisture over entire season to identify critical periods and assess detailed performance of PS123. • Since hydraulic conductivity is a highly variable soil property, a single measured value is unreliable indicator of hydraulic conductivity of soil; therefore more measurements should be conducted to come up with a reliable estimate. • To enhance understanding of the behaviour of soil hydraulic properties in the area. Improvements in terms of cultural practices is needed like early land preparation and weeding at the right time. Application of fertilizer especially of organic type should be encouraged since this improves soil structure, nutrient status and water holding capacity. 87 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA References Al-Kaisi, M.M., and I. Broner. 1992. Crop water use and growth stages [Online] http://www.ext.colostate.edu/PUBS/CROPS/04715.html (posted 14/06/02). Betemariam, E. 2003. Soil-vegetation interaction in relation to soil carbon sequestration (A case study in Serowe, Botswana). Unpublished M.Sc thesis, Enschede, The Netherlands. D. O. S. M. 2001. National Atlas of Botswana Government of Botswana, Gaborone. De Alwis, K.A.M. 1985. Soil Map (Serowe). Republic of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana. De Wit, P.V., and F.O. Nachtergaele. 1990. Explanatory note on the Soil map of the Republic of Botswana. FAO, Gaborone. Dingman, S.L. 1993. Physical Hydrology Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Doorenbos, J., and A.H. 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X_ coord Y_coord Infilt.rate 10cm at Moist.at 30cm K cm/day EPT 001 474663 7539777 18 4.03 2.38 347.10 EPT 002 475335 7531980 24 7.45 4.26 248.40 EPT 003 475066 7535877 27 4.85 1.19 198.10 EPT 004 475135 7530185 28.2 4.72 1.46 99.40 ESC 007 473503 7534453 24.5 5.28 0.22 99.40 ESC 027 475317 7531820 12 5.67 2.69 29.80 ESC 051 474197 7529534 26.5 7.91 1.41 149.00 Hard 001 460758 7522868 18 9.66 12.81 29.80 HPT 001 466980 7513874 20.5 1.36 1.69 149.00 HPT 002 466771 7510453 6.1 6.35 9.17 9.9 HPT 003 465347 7507938 20 1.91 0.93 99.4 HPT 004 468575 7513048 12 6.24 8.76 9.9 HPT 005 469774 7518089 6 6.88 9.09 9.9 HPT 006 467215 7517154 6 8.24 7.21 9.9 HPT 007 467604 7519059 18 4.86 8.24 49.7 HPT 008 468601 7518513 17.8 4.58 5.81 99.4 SVD 001 435542 7525186 47.5 0.38 0.44 397.4 SVD 010 434542 7525186 41.3 1.31 2.54 496.8 SVD 200 436542 7527186 27.5 0.77 0.87 447.1 SPT 001 433495 7527033 22.5 0.75 0.83 149 SPT 002 428575 7531451 24.5 1.60 2.12 248.4 SPT 003 444677 7516908 35.2 1.97 1.13 397.4 SPT 004 460780 7525102 18 4.04 1.08 248 Hard 36 466077 7515673 14 1.56 2.60 794.9 Hard 13 466910 7510494 17 8.38 1.67 99.4 Hard 14 475015 7530045 17.5 1.06 1.54 99.4 EST 002 476357 7534631 21.8 20.70 7.99 149 ESC 061 468225 7528791 27.6 6.21 2.14 695 ESC 062 468349 7528318 25.3 6.03 2.82 149 PLT 011 471741 7531685 22.3 20.92 11.84 298.1 PLT 019 470620 7532142 24.5 2.94 5.79 99.4 PLT 024 470047 7532187 21.8 5.06 6.65 397.4 PLN 028 471611 7532947 17.5 15.71 12.90 198.7 PLT 053 471592 7533175 12.5 7.62 6.62 248.4 EPT 021 474564 7539239 18 1.12 1.41 99.4 EPT 012 473645 7539268 18.5 1.12 1.30 844.6 FRM 001 460594 7520848 14.5 3.45 5.11 198.7 FRM 002 463636 7519154 8 9.60 12.07 24.8 FRM 003 464878 7519907 7.3 9.16 11.64 9.9 91 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA FRM 004 463525 7519876 12.5 9.41 10.11 9.9 FRM 005 481118 7537905 8.2 7.49 9.40 9.9 FRM 006 485189 7539910 8.5 6.77 8.99 9.9 FRM 007 484385 7538250 14.3 7.51 11.04 347.8 SVD 081 462000 7527775 36.2 2.40 1.19 397.4 SVD 082 470521 7535305 25.5 0.72 4.63 99.4 SVD 083 464693 7539551 28.3 5.69 1.73 397.4 FRM 008 484223 7538215 8.5 3.19 2.51 9.9 FRM 009 463159 7517322 8.5 10.96 12.22 9.9 ESC 063 471611 7532947 8.3 18.60 12.76 9.9 FRM 010 463153 7517319 8.8 7.15 10.59 447.1 FRM 011 466658 7510188 6 6.30 8.11 9.9 FRM 012 466643 7510139 6 4.01 8.83 9.9 PLN 001 481157 7537855 16.5 1.47 0.69 347.8 Hard 059 461653 7523416 18.8 7.09 13.56 99.4 Hard 071 474783 7530344 15.5 1.39 2.03 99.4 Hard 085 475396 7528069 17.8 1.22 1.70 99.4 EST 003 476642 7535642 18 2.00 2.76 99.4 92 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix B: Soil profile description Appendix 1: Soil Profile Description Soil profile SPT 001/2002 A. Information on soil profile site B. General information on the soil profile Date of examination 25/09/02 Type of observation mini pit Authors Effective soil depth Location Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 433495, 7527033, Haplic Arenosol vegetation moderately disturbed very deep, >150cm Drainage class excessively drained Altitude 1213 m.a.s.l. Internal drainage well drained Geopedological unit Pu111 External drainage neither receiving nor Topography flat Slope Parent material Vegetation 0-2% Aeolian sand open savannah shrub land with good grass cover open grazing Land use C. Classification (WRB) Human influence shedding Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion none none Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) A 0-10 C1 10-40 C2 40-70 C3 70-120 Description Yellow brown (10YR 5/4) when dry and dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) when moist; fine sand; massive structure; medium sub angular blocky; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; fine to medium size roots are common; field pH 4.5; gradual boundary Very brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) when dry and yellow brown (10YR 5/4) when moist; fine sand; massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; few medium roots; field pH 5.0; gradual boundary Yellowish brown (10YR 5/8)when dry and when moist; fine sand; massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; few fine roots; field pH 5.5; gradual boundary Very brownish yellow (10YR 6/8) when dry and yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) when moist; fine sand; weak massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non-sticky and non-plastic; few fine roots; field pH 5.5. 93 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile SPT 002/2002 B. A. Classification (WRB) Human influence Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Effective soil depth Epidystric Arenosol vegetation moderately disturbed very deep, >150cm Drainage class excessively drained Internal drainage well drained External drainage neither receiving nor Date of examination 25/09/02 Type of observation Authors Location mini pit Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 428575,7531451 Altitude 1200 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Pu111 (Kalahari sand) Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Topography flat Surface stoniness none Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use 0-2% Aeolian sand Savannah open grazing Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting none none C. shedding Moisture condition Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 C1 15-35 C2 35-80 C3 80-140 Description Very brown (10YR 4/3) when dry and yellowish brown (10YR 5/4)) when moist; loamy very fine sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and loose when wet; non sticky and non plastic; many very fine, many fine pores; fine and medium roots are common; field pH 5; gradual boundary Dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) when dry and dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) when moist; loamy very fine sand; weak massive structure; soft when dry and loose when wet; non sticky and non plastic; many fine pores; medium size roots are common; field pH 6.5; gradual boundary Very dark yellowish brown (10YR4/4) when dry and dark greyish brown (10YR4/2) when moist; loamy very fine sand; weak massive structure, medium to coarse sub-angular blocky; loose when dry and wet ; non sticky and non plastic; many fine pores; few coarse roots; field pH 7; gradual boundary Very yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) when dry and brown (10YR 4/3) when moist; loamy very fine sand; weak massive structure; loose when dry and wet; non sticky and non plastic; many fine pores; few coarse roots; field pH 7.0 94 dry EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile SPT 003/2002 A. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Human influence Effective soil depth Hypoluvic Dystric Arenosol vegetation disturbed very deep, >150cm Drainage class excessively drained Pu111 Internal drainage well drained Topography flat External drainage neither Parent material sand Slope Parent material 0-2% Aeolian sand Vegetation Land use savannah open grazing Date of examination 26/09/02 Authors Location Altitude Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 444677, 7516908 1200 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit C. Classification (WRB) receiving shedding Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion wind Sealing /crusting none Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Description A 0-10 Dark greyish brown (7.5YR 4/4) when moist; fine sand; loose when dry and wet; non stick non plastic; many very fine pores, fine and medium roots are common; field pH 6.0 Bt1 10-30 Bt2 30-120 Olive brown (5YR 4.5/4) when moist, loamy fine sand; slightly hard when dry and loos when wet: non sticky and non plastic; clay bridges; many very fine pores; few medium size roots; field pH 6.5 Light olive brown (5YR5/4) when moist, loamy fine sand; slightly hard when dry and loos when wet: non sticky and non plastic; clay bridges; many fine pores; few medium size roots; field pH 6.5 95 nor EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile SPT 004/2002 A. Information on soil profile site B. General information on the soil profile Date of examination 24/09/02 Type of observation mini pit Authors Human influence Effective soil depth Location Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 435542,7525186, Hypoluvic Dystric Arenosol vegetation disturbed very deep, >150cm Drainage class excessively drained Altitude 1205 m.a.s.l. Internal drainage well drained Geopedological unit Pu111 External drainage neither receiving nor Topography flat Slope Parent material Vegetation 0-2% sandstone Savannah woodland Land use Grazing C. Classification (WRB) shedding Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion wind Sealing /crusting none Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 C1 15-45 C2 45-130 Description Very dark grey (10YR 6/2.5) when dry dark brown (10YR 4/2.5) when moist; fine sand; weak massive structure; loose when dry and friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; fine roots are common; field pH 5; gradual boundary Very dark grey (10YR 6/8) when dry and dark brown (7.5YR 5/5) when moist; Gradual boundary, fine sand; weak massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; medium size roots are common; field pH 5.5; gradual boundary Very dark grey (10YR 6/3.5) when dry and dark brown (7.5YR 5/4) when moist; fine sand; weak massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; few fine; field pH 6 96 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile EPT 001/2002 A. Date of examination Type of observation Authors Altitude Geopedological unit Topography 13/09/02 mini pit Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 474663, 7539777 (300 m from the main road to Khama Rhino sanctuary) 1294m.a.s.l. Hi111 flat Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use 0-2 % Aeolian sand Savannah woodland open grazing Location C. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Effective soil depth Drainage class Ferralic Arenosol vegetation slightly disturbed Very deep, >150cm Ground water depth Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting somewhat excessively drained never saturated (well drained) neither receiving nor shedding very deep, >150cm none none none none Moisture condition dry Internal drainage External drainage Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) A 0-18 C 18 + Description Reddish brown (5YR4/4) when dry and yellowish red (5YR4/6) when moist; fine sand; weak with massive structure; soft when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; few coarser roots; field pH4.5, smooth boundary Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8)when dry and strong brown (7.5YR5/8) when moist; fine sand; weak with massive structure; slightly hard when dry, very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; fine roots are common, field pH 5.0 smooth boundary 97 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile EPT 002/2002 A. Date of examination Authors Location Altitude Geopedological unit Topography: Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use C. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence 15/09/02 Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 475335, 7531980 (100m from the military camp fence 1050m.a.s.l. Hi112 flat 0-2% Aeolian sand savannah woodland open grazing Effective soil depth Drainage class Internal drainage External drainage Ground water depth Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Arenosol Slight vegetation disturbance very deep, >150cm well drained rarely saturated slow run-off Sealing /crusting very deep, >150cm none none water, 0-5% area affected none Moisture condition moist Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) A 0-16 B 16+ Description Dark greyish brown (2.5Y4/2) when dry and light olive brown (2.5 Y 5/3) when moist; fine sand; weak with massive structure; soft when dry and loose when moist; slightly sticky and non- plastic; very fine pores are common; very few fine roots; field pH5.5 abrupt Reddish yellow (7.5YR 6/8) when dry and strong brown (7.5YR 5/8) when moist; fine sand; weak massive structure; hard when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky non plastic; few fine roots; pH 5 98 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile EPT 003/2002 B. General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Arenic Acrisol Human influence slight vegetation disturbance Effective soil depth Very deep, >150cm Drainage class somehow excessively drained Internal drainage none External drainage neither receiving nor A. Information on soil profile site Date of examination 18/09/02 Authors Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. Location 475066, 7535877, 6Km west of Paje village Altitude 1211m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Hi112 foot of the shedding escarpment 0-2% sandstone savannah woodland Ground water depth Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting Very deep, >150cm none none vegetation disturbance none open grazing Moisture condition first 20cm moist, the Topography flat Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use rest C. is Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 Description Reddish brown (7.5YR7/6) when dry and strong brown (7.5YR4/6) when moist; loamy fine sand; massive structure; loose when dry and moist; non sticky and non plastic; fine pores are common; very fine roots are common; field pH5; clear boundary Bt1 15-35 Reddish yellow (7.5YR6/6) when dry and (7.5YR6/4) when moist; loamy fine sand; massive structure; loose and friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; fine pores are common; few medium size roots; field pH5.7; gradual boundary Bt2 35-54 Pink (7.5YR8/4) when dry and strong brown (7.5YR5/6) when moist; loamy fine sand; massive structure; soft when dry and friable when moist; non-sticky and non-plastic; very few mottles of medium size. Common clay cutans ; very fine pores are common; very few fine roots; field pH5.7; clear boundary BC 54-60 Pink (7.5YR8/4) when dry and strong brown (7.5YR5/6) when moist; loamy fine sand; massive structure; soft when dry and friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; Abundant coarse, angular, weathered sandstone rock fragments Fine pores; many mottles of medium size grey in colour. Common clay cutans ; very fine pores are common; few fine roots; field pH5.5; clear boundary BC2 60-120 Pink (7.5YR8/4) when dry and strong brown (7.5YR8/4) when moist; loamy fine sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and friable when moist; non-sticky and non plastic; Dominant stones, angular, weathered sandstone rock fragments Fine pores; many mottles of medium size grey in colour. Common clay cutans; many very fine pores; few fine roots; filed pH 5.0 99 dry EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 001/2002 A. Information on soil profile site B. General information on the soil profile Date of examination Type of observation 20/09/02 mini pit Authors Location Altitude Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 465347, 7507938 1025 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Sd111 Topography flat Internal drainage well drained Slope Parent material Vegetation 0-2% alluvial material Savannah bush External drainage neither Land use open grazing C. Horizon Ah Classification (WRB) Human influence Effective soil depth Arenic Rhodic Acrisol slight vegetation disturbance Very deep, >150cm Drainage class somehow excessively drained receiving nor shedding Ground water depth Very deep, >150cm Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting none none none none Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Depth (cm) 0-15 Bt1 15-80 Bt2 80-130 Description Yellowish red (5YR5/6) when dry and when moist; loamy sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; bridges of sand coated but not strongly cutans; many medium pores; fine roots are common; biological activities are common; field pH 6.0; gradual boundary Yellowish red (5YR6/8) when dry and moist; loamy sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; clay bridges and sand coated, but not strong; many medium pores; many fine roots; field pH 5.5; gradual boundary Yellowish red (5YR5/6) when dry and moist; loamy sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and very friable moist; non sticky and non plastic; clay bridges and sand coated, but not strong; many medium pores; few medium roots; field pH 5.0 100 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 002/2002 A. B. General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Arenic Rhodic Acrisol Human influence vegetation disturbed Effective soil depth very deep, >150cm Information on soil profile site Date of examination 20/09/02 Type of observation mini pit Authors Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 466771, 7510453, Location 15m from the road to 1053 m.a.s.l. Geopedologic unit Hi412 Topography Flat Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use C. 0-2% Alluvial deposits Shrub open grazing Internal drainage not known Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting none none none none Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-22 22-70 Bw1 Bw2 poorly drained External drainage sokwe hill Altitude Drainage class 70-120 Description Dark grey (5Y4/1) when dry and very dark grey (5Y3/1) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure is coarse and prismatic; hard when dry and very firm when moist; sticky and plastic; clear slicken sides; fine roots are common; field pH 8.0; gradual boundary Dark grey (5Y4/1) when dry and very dark grey (5Y3/1) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; very hard when dry and very firm when moist; very sticky and very plastic; clear slicken sides; few coarse roots; field pH 7.5; gradual boundary Dark grey (5Y4/1) when dry and very dark grey (5Y3/1) when moist; sandy clay; excessively hard when dry and very firm when moist; very sticky and very plastic; clear slicken sides; no roots; field pH 7.0 101 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 003/2002 A. Information on soil profile site Date of examination Type of observation Authors B. Altitude Geopedological unit 20/09/02 mini pit Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 466980, 7513874, near Sokwe hill 1067m.a.s.l. Hi412, sand deposit Topography Flat Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use 0-2% Sandstone shrub savannah open grazing Location C. General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Effective soil depth Arenic Rhodic Arenosol vegetation disturbed very deep, >150cm Internal drainage well drained External drainage neither receiving nor shedding Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stones Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting none none none none Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Description Bt1 0-10 Red (10R4/6) when dry and dark red (10R3/6) when moist; very fine loamy sand; massive structure; loose when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; many prominent cutans ; field pH 5.5; clear boundary Bt2 10-30 Bt3 30+ Red (10R4/6) when dry and dusky red (10R3/4) when moist; very fine loamy sand; massive structure; slightly hard when dry and friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; Many prominent cutans; field pH 5.5; clear boundary Dusky red (10R3/4)) when dry and dark red (10R3/6) when moist; very fine loamy sand; hard when dry and firm when moist; slightly hard when dry and very friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; Many prominent cutans; field pH 5 102 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 004/2002 A. Information on soil profile site B. Date of examination 21/09/02 Type of observation Mini-Pit Authors Location Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 468575,7513048, Altitude General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Vertisol vegetation disturbed Effective soil depth Very deep, >150cm Drainage class poorly drained 1068 m.a.s.l. Internal drainage not known Geopedological unit Sd111 External drainage Topography flat shedding Slope Parent material 0-2% Vegetation Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Alluvial deposits Surface stoniness none Savannah Rock outcrops Evidence of erosion Sealing /crusting none none medium grassland with scanty shrubs Land use C. neither receiving nor Grazing Moisture condition dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-20 Bt1 20-50 Bt2 50-90 Bt3 90-130 Description Dark grey (5Y4/1) when dry and very dark grey (5Y3.1/1) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; hard when dry and very firm when moist; sticky and plastic; clear slicken sides; fine roots are common; field pH 7.5; gradual boundary Dark grey (5Y4/1) when dry and moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; hard when dry and very firm when very sticky and very plastic; clear slicken sides; few coarse roots; field pH 8.0; gradual boundary Dark grey (5Y3/1) when dry and black (5y2.5/1) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure that is coarse and prismatic; hard when dry and very firm when moist; very sticky and very plastic; clear slicken sides; no roots; field pH 7.5; gradual boundary Dark olive grey (5Y3/2) when dry and dark grey (5Y4/1) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure that is coarse and prismatic; hard when dry and very firm when moist; clear slicken sides; very sticky and very plastic; no roots; field pH 7.5 103 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 005/2002 A. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Vertisol vegetation Date of examination 21/09/02 Type of observation mini-Pit Authors Effective soil depth very deep, >150cm Location Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 469774,7518089, Drainage class poorly drained Altitude 1111 m.a.s.l. Internal drainage well drained Geopedological unit Pe311 External drainage neither Topography Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use flat 0-2% alluvial deposit savannah bush open grazing shedding C. slightly disturbed receiving Ground water depth very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion none Sealing /crusting medium Moisture condition dry nor Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 Bt1 15-70 Bt2 70+ Description Black (5Y2.5/1) when dry and moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; slightly hard when dry and moist; sticky and plastic; clear slicken sides; fine roots are common; field pH 7.5; gradual boundary Black (5Y2.5/1) when dry and dark olive grey (5Y3/2) when moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; sticky and plastic; clear slicken sides; fine roots are common; field pH7.0; gradual boundary Black (5Y2.5/2) when dry and hen dry and moist; sandy clay; very strong structure which is coarse and prismatic; sticky and plastic; clear slicken sides; fine roots are common; field pH 8.5 104 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 006/2002 A. B. Information on soil profile site Date of examination Type of observation Authors Location Type of observation Altitude 22/09/02 Mini-Pit Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 467215, 7517154 mini pit 1094 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Sd111 Topography Flat Slope Parent material 0-2% Alluvial deposits Vegetation Land use Savannah shrub farmland General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Endoleptic Cambisol none Vertic Effective soil depth very deep, >150cm Drainage class poorly drained Internal drainage well drained External drainage neither receiving nor shedding Ground water depth Very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion none Sealing /crusting very thick Moisture condition dry Remark: A farmland closer to Sokwe hill C. Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 Bw1 15-40 Bw2 40-70 Description Very dark grey (10YR3/1) when dry and dark brown (10YR3/3) when moist; sandy clay; strong sub angular structure; extremely hard when dry and firm when moist; stick and very plastic; fine roots are common; field pH 7.5; gradual boundary Very dark grey (10YR3/1) when dry and very dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) when moist; sandy clay; very strong sub angular structure; extremely hard when dry and very firm when moist; stick and very plastic; few medium size roots; field pH 8.0; gradual boundary Very dark grey (10YR3/1) when dry and very dark greyish brown (10YR3/2) when moist; sandy clay loam; very strong sub angular structure; extremely hard when dry and very firm when moist; sticky and very plastic; field pH 8.0 105 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 007/2002 A. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Endoleptic Luvisol none Cutanic Effective soil depth very deep, >150cm Drainage class somehow Date of examination Type of observation 22/09/02 Mini-Pit Authors Location Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 467604, 7519059 Altitude 1112 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Sd111 Internal drainage Rapid Topography Flat External drainage slow run-off Ground water depth Very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Rock outcrops none Evidence of erosion none Sealing /crusting none Moisture condition Dry Slope Parent material Vegetation Land use C. excessively drained 0-2% Alluvial deposits (Andezitic substratum) Savannah shrub Grazing Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Ah 0-15 Bt1 15-40 Bt2 40-70 Description Dark greyish brown (10YR3/1or 2) when dry and dark brown (10YR3/3) when moist; fine sandy loam; weak sub- angular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry and friable when moist. Slightly sticky and plastic; clay cutans are common; many fine pores; fine and medium roots are common; field pH 7.5; wavy boundary Very dark grey (10YR4/2) when dry and very dark greyish brown (10YR4/4) when moist; sandy clay loam; weak sub angular blocky structure; slightly hard when dry and firm when moist; slightly sticky and plastic; many fine pores; few medium and coarse roots; field pH 7.5; wavy boundary Very dark grey (7.5YR4/3) when dry and very dark greyish brown (7.5YR3/3) when moist; sandy clay loam; hard when dry and firm when moist; gravel sticky; fine pores are common; no roots; field pH 7.5 106 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Soil profile HPT 008/2002 A. B. Information on soil profile site General information on the soil profile Classification (WRB) Human influence Endoleptic Endoeutic Regosol vegetation disturbed Effective soil depth 35cm Drainage class somehow excessively Date of examination 23/09/02 Type of observation Authors Location Min-Pit Ermias Aynekulu, Esther Mweso. 468601, 7518513 Altitude 1075 m.a.s.l. Geopedological unit Sd111 Internal drainage not known Topography Flat External drainage slow run-off Slope Parent material 2-5% Sandstone Ground water depth Very deep, >150cm Surface stoniness none Vegetation Woodland Rock outcrops none Land use Grazing Evidence of erosion sheet erosion Sealing /crusting none drained Moisture condition C. Dry Soil profile description Horizon Depth (cm) Description A 0-10 Very dark grey (5YR4/3) when dry and dark brown (5YR3/3) when moist; sandy clay loam; loose when dry and friable when moist; non sticky and non plastic; field pH 7.0; wavy boundary Cr 10-35 Very dark grey (5YR4/3) when dry and dark brown (5YR3/3) when moist; coarse sandy loam; loose when dry and when moist; non sticky and non plastic; field pH 7.5 107 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix C: Climatic file ' Serowe002" -22.16, 26.4, 1040 1 30.5 20 0 0.86 0.637 7.5 0.543 41 28.1 19.2 1.52 0.81 0.635 8.6 0.53 2 30.2 20 0.6 0.76 0.638 7.5 0.544 42 24.4 18.4 2 0.95 0.634 8.6 0.529 3 26 19.4 1.4 0.85 0.64 7.6 0.545 43 27.4 19 0.4 0.91 0.633 8.6 0.528 4 27.9 19.4 0 0.88 0.641 7.6 0.547 44 27.5 20.8 0.4 0.84 0.632 8.6 0.527 5 28.2 20.5 0 0.8 0.643 7.7 0.548 45 28.5 19.8 0 0.94 0.631 8.6 0.526 6 30.5 20.1 0.9 0.8 0.645 7.7 0.549 46 29.3 21.5 5 0.91 0.63 8.7 0.524 7 29.5 21 0.4 0.8 0.646 7.8 0.55 47 28.3 19.5 1.8 0.9 0.627 8.6 0.522 8 32.5 20 0 0.7 0.648 7.8 0.552 48 25.8 17.8 0 0.81 0.623 8.6 0.519 9 27 19.5 0 0.9 0.649 7.9 0.553 49 25.5 16 0 0.56 0.74 8.6 0.516 10 27.7 19.5 0 0.85 0.651 7.9 0.554 50 27.7 17.5 0 0.91 0.616 8.5 0.513 11 29.7 19.1 0 0.79 0.652 8 0.555 51 29.7 17.2 0 0.79 0.613 8.5 0.51 12 30 18.1 0 0.73 0.654 8 0.557 52 28.5 20.4 0 0.94 0.61 8.5 0.507 13 27.5 20.1 0 0.62 0.655 8.1 0.558 53 31 18.8 0 0.83 0.606 8.4 0.504 14 25.6 18 0 0.7 0.657 8.1 0.559 54 28.5 19 0.21 0.86 0.602 8.4 0.501 15 21.3 18 0.3 7.9 0.86 0.56 55 24 17.9 5.4 0.95 0.599 8.4 0.498 16 21.5 17 6.03 0.98 0.658 8.2 0.559 56 21.8 17.5 3.72 0.95 0.595 8.3 0.496 17 22.2 15.4 1.3 0.86 0.657 8.2 0.558 57 24.8 17.5 1.4 0.97 0.592 8.3 0.493 18 20 17 0 0.87 0.656 8.2 0.557 58 26 18.6 1.4 0.92 0.588 8.3 0.49 19 23.5 16.2 0 0.81 0.655 8.2 0.556 59 25.5 19.2 0 0.82 0.585 8.2 0.487 20 24.6 14.5 0 0.8 0.654 8.3 0.555 60 26 17 0 0.86 0.582 8.2 0.484 21 26.8 13.5 0 0.8 0.653 8.3 0.554 61 28.5 17.5 0 0.95 0.578 8.2 0.481 22 28.7 13.8 0 0.7 0.652 8.3 0.552 62 28.5 18.5 0 0.91 0.574 8.1 0.478 23 28.5 14.6 0 0.7 0.651 8.3 0.475 24 28.3 17.2 0 0.55 0.65 25 23.5 18.8 0 26 27.4 19 27 28.1 28 31.7 29 8.2 0.551 63 29.1 19.5 0 0.82 0.571 8.1 0.55 64 29.6 18 0 0.79 0.567 8.1 0.472 0.77 0.649 8.3 0.549 65 29 18.1 0 0.8 0.564 8 0.47 2 0.94 0.649 8.3 0.548 66 27 19 0 0.91 0.56 8 0.467 19.5 0.8 0.95 0.648 8.4 0.547 67 27.2 18 0 0.87 0.557 8 0.464 18.6 0.001 0.93 0.647 8.4 0.545 68 27.2 17.7 0 0.91 0.554 7.9 0.461 32 16.8 0 0.51 0.646 8.4 0.544 69 30.6 17 0 0.82 0.55 7.9 0.458 30 33.2 15.3 0 0.52 0.645 8.4 0.543 70 30.3 15.6 0 0.83 0.546 7.9 0.455 31 35 17.1 0 0.64 0.644 8.4 0.542 71 27.5 18.2 0 0.76 0.543 7.8 0.452 32 32.6 20.1 0 0.76 0.643 8.4 0.541 72 27 17.4 0 0.84 0.539 7.8 0.449 33 33.8 19.5 0 0.74 0.642 8.5 0.54 73 28.6 18.8 0 0.86 0.536 7.8 0.446 34 34.9 19.8 0 0.78 0.641 8.5 0.538 74 30.1 17 0.3 0.95 0.532 7.7 0.444 35 31.1 18.3 0 0.64 0.64 8.5 0.537 75 28 17.5 0 0.83 0.529 7.7 0.441 36 31.1 18 0 0.66 0.64 8.5 0.536 76 28.2 19.4 0 0.96 0.525 7.7 0.438 37 30 18.7 11.9 0.91 0.639 8.5 0.535 77 27 18.4 0 0.94 0.522 7.7 0.435 38 23 19 2.52 0.96 0.638 8.5 0.534 78 24.5 18.5 0 0.96 0.518 7.8 0.432 39 22.5 20 2.9 0.87 0.637 8.6 0.533 79 22.4 19 1.2 0.95 0.515 7.8 0.429 40 26.4 19.1 0.7 0.96 0.636 8.6 0.531 80 26 18.5 4.1 0.95 0.511 7.8 0.426 8.3 108 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 81 26.5 18.5 0.6 0.91 0.508 7.8 0.423 121 21 11.1 0 0.85 0.366 8.2 82 27 17.8 5.4 0.88 0.504 7.8 0.42 122 25.2 8 0 0.84 0.362 8.2 0.301 83 27.8 16.7 0 0.87 0.501 7.8 0.417 123 27 9 0 0.75 0.359 8.2 0.298 84 29 17 0 0.89 0.497 7.8 0.414 124 23.4 11.8 0 0.81 0.355 8.2 0.295 85 30 17 0 0.82 0.494 7.8 0.412 125 24.5 13 0 0.96 0.351 8.2 0.292 86 25.5 16.2 0 0.85 0.49 7.8 0.409 126 25.2 11 2.2 0.89 0.348 8.2 0.289 87 28.2 17 0 0.91 0.487 7.8 0.406 127 24 12 0.9 0.95 0.344 8.2 0.286 88 27.5 16 0 0.9 0.403 128 23.4 6.2 0 0.83 0.341 8.2 0.283 89 25.5 15.6 0 0.85 0.48 0.4 129 22.2 9 0 0.92 0.337 8.3 0.28 90 28.2 18 0 0.89 0.476 7.9 0.397 130 23.5 7.5 0 0.82 0.334 8.3 0.277 91 27 17.5 0 0.87 0.473 7.9 0.394 131 22 10.1 0 0.91 0.33 8.3 0.274 92 23.5 19 0 0.82 0.469 7.9 0.391 132 23 7.5 0 0.84 0.326 8.3 0.271 93 27.5 14 0 0.95 0.466 7.9 0.388 133 21.5 7.3 0 0.9 0.323 8.3 0.268 94 29.5 13 0 0.94 0.462 7.9 0.385 134 18.1 10.5 0 0.83 0.319 8.3 0.265 95 21.3 13.6 0 0.79 0.459 7.9 0.383 135 21.6 3 0.04 0.83 0.322 8.3 0.261 96 23.5 13.5 0 0.9 0.455 7.9 0.38 136 22.5 3.4 0 0.81 0.313 8.3 0.26 97 23.1 14.5 0.13 0.9 0.452 7.9 0.377 137 22 4.5 0 0.78 0.311 8.3 0.258 98 24 13.7 0 0.9 0.448 7.9 0.374 138 22.5 7 0 0.94 0.309 8.3 0.256 99 27 100 25.5 0.483 7.8 7.8 0.304 11 0 0.9 0.445 7.9 0.371 139 24.7 5.7 0 0.8 0.307 8.3 0.254 11.8 0 0.84 0.441 7.9 0.368 140 24.8 6.5 0 0.73 0.304 8.3 0.252 101 25 13.4 0 0.86 0.438 7.9 0.365 141 24.3 6 0 0.77 0.302 8.3 0.25 102 27.5 13.5 0 0.9 0.434 8 0.362 142 24.2 6.6 0 0.75 0.3 8.3 0.248 103 27.8 12 0 0.86 0.431 8 0.359 143 24.8 7.09 0 0.71 0.298 8.2 0.246 104 26.6 13.5 0 0.86 0.427 8 0.356 144 25.5 5.4 0 0.72 0.295 8.2 0.244 105 22 13.4 0 0.87 0.423 8 0.354 145 24.5 5.5 0 0.69 0.293 8.2 0.242 106 22.92 16.6 0 0.97 0.42 0.35 146 25.4 6 0 0.7 0.291 8.2 0.24 107 24.5 10.5 0 0.98 0.416 8 8 0.347 147 26 10.1 0 0.68 0.289 8.2 0.238 108 25.5 11 0 0.97 0.413 8 0.344 148 24.5 3.4 0 0.68 0.287 8.2 0.236 109 26 11.5 2.3 0.86 0.409 8 0.341 149 24.4 6.41 0 0.95 0.284 8.2 0.234 110 24.1 12.7 0 0.76 0.405 8 0.338 150 24 3.6 0 0.74 0.282 8.2 0.232 111 22 13.5 0 0.85 0.402 8 0.335 151 25.7 5 0 0.62 0.28 8.2 0.231 112 24.8 15.4 0 0.91 0.398 8.1 0.332 152 23.1 5 0 0.62 0.278 8.1 0.229 113 27.5 11 0 0.91 0.395 8.1 0.329 153 22.5 2.6 0 0.87 0.275 8.1 0.227 114 30.2 13 0 0.72 0.391 8.1 0.326 154 22.6 2 0 0.73 0.273 8.1 0.225 115 31.5 13 0 0.72 0.388 8.1 0.323 155 21.2 4.1 0 0.84 0.271 8.1 0.223 116 30 11.5 0 0.68 0.384 8.1 0.32 156 16.7 4.6 0 0.99 0.269 8.1 0.221 117 31.5 13.2 0 0.68 0.38 8.1 0.317 157 17.6 4 0 0.94 0.267 8.1 0.219 118 30 0.13 0 0.77 0.377 8.1 0.314 158 18.1 4.5 0 0.94 0.264 8.1 0.217 119 19.5 14.5 0 0.77 0.373 8.1 0.311 159 20 11.2 0 0.87 0.262 8.1 0.215 120 18.5 14.4 0 0.86 0.37 0.307 160 23.9 5.17 2.52 0.91 0.26 8.1 0.213 8.2 109 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 161 24 11 1.4 0.91 0.258 8.1 0.211 201 22.48 6.5 0 0.37 0.29 8.5 0.245 162 22.17 7.6 0.53 0.91 0.255 8 0.209 202 22.58 5.2 0 0.43 0.294 8.6 0.248 163 22.08 7.1 0 0.79 0.253 8 0.207 203 22.67 1 0 0.58 0.298 8.6 0.252 164 21.98 8.6 0 0.82 0.251 8 0.205 204 22.77 3.5 0 0.94 0.302 8.6 0.255 165 21.89 6.5 0 0.88 0.249 8 0.203 205 22.87 3.5 0 0.88 0.306 8.6 0.258 166 21.79 5.6 0 0.9 0.246 8 0.202 206 22.96 5.5 0 0.93 0.31 8.7 0.261 167 21.8 4.9 0 0.84 0.247 8 0.202 207 23.06 3.3 0 0.85 0.314 8.7 0.265 168 21.81 8.5 0 0.84 0.248 8 0.203 208 23.16 2.54 0 0.74 0.318 8.7 0.268 169 21.81 13.5 0 0.87 0.249 8 0.204 209 23.25 3.4 0 0.96 0.322 8.7 0.271 170 21.82 11.6 0 0.89 0.25 8.1 0.205 210 23.35 2.4 0 0.8 0.326 8.7 0.275 171 21.83 8.6 0 0.91 0.25 8.1 0.206 211 23.45 4 0 0.76 0.33 8.8 0.278 172 21.84 12.7 0 0.95 0.251 8.1 0.207 212 23.54 4.5 0 0.69 0.333 8.8 0.281 173 21.84 12.5 0 0.94 0.252 8.1 0.208 213 23.64 5.4 0 0.63 0.337 8.8 0.284 174 21.85 9.5 0 0.98 0.253 8.1 0.209 214 23.74 4.6 0 0.59 0.341 8.8 0.288 175 21.85 9.4 0 0.84 0.254 8.1 0.21 215 23.83 5.4 0 0.84 0.345 8.9 0.291 176 21.86 8.1 0 0.93 0.254 8.1 0.211 216 23.93 6 0 0.79 0.349 8.9 0.294 177 21.87 8.3 0 0.94 0.255 8.2 0.211 217 25.4 8.5 0 0.62 0.353 8.9 0.298 178 21.87 4.5 0 0.95 0.256 8.2 0.212 218 22.9 6.01 0 0.79 0.357 8.9 0.301 179 21.88 3.6 0 0.8 0.257 8.2 0.213 219 23.5 6.1 0 0.96 0.361 9 0.304 180 21.89 4.9 0 0.87 0.258 8.2 0.214 220 23.6 6.19 0 0.91 0.365 9 0.307 181 21.89 5.5 0 0.9 0.259 8.2 0.215 221 24 6.27 0 0.81 0.369 9 0.311 182 21.9 4.5 0 0.9 0.259 8.2 0.216 222 24.8 6.36 0 0.59 0.373 9 0.314 183 21.91 4.5 0 0.9 0.26 0.217 223 27.3 6.45 0 0.5 0.377 9.1 0.317 184 21.92 2.5 0 0.8 0.261 8.3 0.218 224 25.4 6.23 0 0.54 0.381 9.1 0.321 185 21.92 2.8 0 0.82 0.262 8.3 0.219 225 24.4 6.62 0 0.34 0.385 9.1 0.324 186 21.93 5 0 0.95 0.263 8.3 0.219 226 22.2 6.71 0 0.89 0.389 9.1 0.327 187 21.94 3.5 0 0.86 0.263 8.3 0.22 227 21 5.8 0 0.79 0.393 9.1 0.331 188 21.94 3 0 0.86 0.264 8.3 0.221 228 23.5 6.95 0 0.79 0.398 9.1 0.336 189 21.95 4.2 0 0.93 0.265 8.3 0.222 229 25.5 7.11 0 0.82 0.404 9.1 0.341 190 21.95 4 0 0.93 0.266 8.3 0.223 230 26.5 7.27 0 0.61 0.409 9.1 0.347 191 21.96 3.1 0 0.86 0.266 8.3 0.224 231 24.5 7.43 0 0.64 0.415 9.1 0.352 192 21.97 2.5 0 0.68 0.267 8.4 0.225 232 23.5 7.59 0 0.5 0.421 9.1 0.357 193 21.97 5.5 0 0.8 0.268 8.4 0.226 233 24.5 7.74 0 0.75 0.426 9 0.363 194 21.98 9 0 0.88 0.269 8.4 0.227 234 26.3 7.9 0 0.67 0.432 9 0.368 195 21.99 7.3 0 0.94 0.27 8.4 0.228 235 27.5 8.06 0 0.57 0.438 9 0.373 0.27 8.2 196 22 4.09 0 0.8 8.4 0.229 236 26.7 8.22 0 0.53 0.443 9 0.379 197 22.09 7.4 0 0.65 0.274 8.4 0.232 237 27.5 8.38 0 0.73 0.449 9 0.384 198 22.19 3.5 0 0.62 0.278 8.5 0.235 238 26.9 8.53 0 0.58 0.455 9 0.389 199 22.29 2.5 0 0.6 0.282 8.5 0.238 239 27.5 8.69 0 0.6 0.46 8.9 0.395 200 22.38 0.1 0 0.66 0.286 8.5 0.242 240 28.8 8.85 0 0.65 0.466 8.9 0.4 110 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 241 29.8 9.01 0 0.8 0.472 8.9 0.405 281 31 20 0.077 0.43 0.658 8.3 0.575 242 31.8 9.17 0 0.5 0.477 8.9 0.411 282 30.3 19.5 0.08 0.54 0.662 8.3 0.578 243 32.5 9.32 0 0.35 0.483 8.9 0.416 283 36.8 16.5 0.082 0.41 0.666 8.3 0.581 244 33.8 9.48 0 0.33 0.488 8.9 0.422 284 28.1 18 0.084 0.27 0.67 8.3 0.585 245 33.5 9.64 0 0.28 0.494 8.8 0.427 285 23.7 14.6 0.086 0.65 0.674 8.3 0.588 246 34.5 9.8 0 0.53 0.5 8.8 0.432 286 30 11.6 0.089 0.75 0.678 8.3 0.592 247 33.4 9.96 0 0.45 0.505 8.8 0.438 287 32.5 13 0.091 0.77 0.682 8.3 0.595 248 24.5 10.11 0 0.35 0.511 8.8 0.443 288 34 13.6 0.093 0.5 0.685 8.2 0.598 249 31.4 10.3 0 0.72 0.517 8.8 0.448 289 34.2 12.5 0.097 0.31 0.685 8.2 0.597 250 32.64 10.43 0 0.8 0.522 8.8 0.454 290 35.7 15.1 0.102 0.4 0.684 8.2 0.596 251 25.5 10.59 0 0.31 0.528 8.7 0.459 291 34.6 15.4 0.106 0.44 0.683 8.2 0.595 252 29.2 10.75 0 0.67 0.534 8.7 0.464 292 36.5 19.5 0.11 0.682 8.2 0.594 253 35.2 10.9 0 0.6 0.539 8.7 0.47 293 30.5 20 0.115 0.44 0.681 8.2 0.593 254 28.5 11.06 0 0.5 0.545 8.7 0.475 294 32 16.5 0.119 0.61 0.68 8.1 0.592 255 22.2 11.2 0 0.3 0.551 8.7 0.48 295 27.2 17.3 0.123 0.62 0.679 8.1 0.59 256 33.5 11.38 0 0.7 0.556 8.6 0.486 296 29.9 14 0.127 0.73 0.678 8.1 0.589 257 35.6 11.54 0 0.9 0.562 8.6 0.491 297 31.6 16.5 0.132 0.65 0.677 8.1 0.588 258 24.6 11.69 0 0.4 0.568 8.6 0.497 298 34.5 17.9 0.136 0.56 0.676 8.1 0.587 259 22.5 11.83 0 0.6 0.571 8.6 0.5 299 25.5 17.5 0.14 0.55 0.675 8 0.586 260 29.5 11.97 0 0.7 0.575 8.6 0.503 300 20.5 16 0.145 0.93 0.674 8 0.585 261 27.2 12.1 0 0.8 0.579 8.6 0.507 301 23.9 14.5 0.149 0.95 0.673 8 0.583 262 23.2 12.24 0 0.6 0.583 8.6 0.51 302 28.2 13 0.153 0.95 0.672 8 0.582 0.36 263 20 12.38 0 0.7 0.587 8.6 0.513 303 31.6 14.9 0.157 0.69 0.671 8 0.581 264 24.2 12.51 0 0.8 0.591 8.5 0.517 304 26.29 15.4 0.162 0.62 0.67 8 0.58 265 24.9 12.65 0 0.8 0.595 8.5 0.52 305 25 15 0.166 0.94 0.669 7.9 0.579 266 25.7 12.79 0 0.71 0.599 8.5 0.524 306 30.3 14 0.17 0.84 0.668 7.9 0.578 267 27.3 12.93 0 0.72 0.603 8.5 0.527 307 32.2 16.5 0.175 0.88 0.667 7.9 0.576 268 33 13.06 0 0.75 0.607 8.5 0.531 308 34.6 14 0.179 0.6 0.666 7.9 0.575 269 34.7 13.2 0 0.47 0.611 8.5 0.534 309 35 17 0.183 0.72 0.665 7.9 0.574 270 27.5 13.34 0 0.38 0.615 8.5 0.537 310 31.5 20.4 0.188 0.32 0.664 7.9 0.573 271 32 13 0 0.61 0.619 8.5 0.541 311 31 18.5 0.192 0.61 0.663 7.8 0.572 272 34.4 13.7 0 0.68 0.623 8.4 0.544 312 32.6 16.5 0.196 0.61 0.662 7.8 0.571 273 33.5 15.5 0 0.53 0.626 8.4 0.547 313 35.7 16.2 0.2 0.661 7.8 0.569 274 35.5 14.1 0 0.43 0.63 8.4 0.551 314 35 20 0.205 0.44 0.66 7.8 0.568 275 32 18 0 0.33 0.634 8.4 0.554 315 36 17 0.209 0.48 0.659 7.8 0.567 276 29.5 15 0 0.36 0.638 8.4 0.558 316 34.3 15.8 0.213 0.51 0.658 7.7 0.566 277 30.4 12.7 0 0.63 0.642 8.4 0.561 317 33.2 18 0.218 0.67 0.657 7.7 0.565 278 35.1 16 0 0.76 0.646 8.4 0.564 318 31.4 14 0.222 0.3 0.656 7.7 0.564 279 36 16.5 0 0.4 8.4 0.568 319 32.1 14 0.226 0.5 0.65 7.7 0.563 280 36.2 19.4 0.075 0.37 0.654 8.3 0.571 320 30.7 19.5 0.228 0.7 0.654 7.7 0.561 0.65 111 0.53 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA 321 31.9 19.1 0.6 0.652 7.6 0.56 322 29.5 18.04 0.232 0.6 0.23 0.651 7.6 0.558 323 24 17.4 0.233 0.7 0.65 7.6 0.557 324 28.5 11 0.235 0.5 0.648 7.5 0.556 325 28 18.16 0.24 0.647 7.5 0.554 326 26.2 18 0.239 0.64 0.645 7.5 0.553 327 28.5 20 0.241 0.71 0.643 7.4 0.552 328 34.4 14.11 0.242 0.61 0.642 7.4 0.55 329 33 15 0 0.54 0.641 7.3 0.549 330 32.5 20.4 0 0.64 0.639 7.3 0.547 331 26.5 18.5 0 0.67 0.638 7.3 0.546 332 32.1 20 0 0.73 0.636 7.2 0.545 0.6 333 31 20.5 0 0.8 0.634 7.2 0.543 334 29.5 18.5 0 0.7 0.633 7.2 0.542 335 26.2 18.5 0 0.79 0.632 7.1 0.541 336 31.2 17.4 0 0.67 0.63 7.1 0.539 337 33.9 15 0 0.46 0.629 7.1 0.538 338 33.8 16 0 0.41 0.627 7 0.537 339 32 17 0 0.59 0.625 7 0.535 340 34.5 18.5 0 0.49 0.624 7 0.534 341 35 19 0 0.48 0.623 6.9 0.532 342 37.3 20 0 0.51 0.621 6.9 0.531 343 26.5 21 0 0.79 0.62 0.53 344 29.1 23 0 0.8 0.618 6.8 0.528 345 28.9 20.43 0 0.83 0.616 6.8 0.527 346 32.5 20.15 0 0.68 0.615 6.8 0.526 347 24.5 18.6 0 0.76 0.614 6.7 0.524 348 31.4 19 0 0.63 0.612 6.7 0.523 349 31.5 14 3 0.46 0.611 6.7 0.522 350 32.5 16.7 3.2 0.57 0.612 6.7 0.523 351 33.4 15.5 0.2 0.47 0.614 6.8 0.524 352 34.5 16.54 0.3 0.49 0.615 6.8 0.525 353 34 18 0.68 0.617 6.9 0.527 0 6.9 354 33 19.5 0 0.54 0.618 6.9 0.528 355 29.6 20.5 0 0.82 0.62 0.529 356 28 19 0 0.91 0.621 7 0.53 357 31 18 0 0.53 0.76 0.532 6.9 7 358 34 17.5 0 0.58 0.624 7.1 0.533 359 32.6 18 0 0.59 0.626 7.1 0.534 360 29 20.5 0 0.66 0.628 7.2 0.535 361 27.3 18.5 0 0.74 0.629 7.2 0.537 362 33.8 19 0.62 0.63 0.631 7.3 0.538 363 37 16 0 0.37 0.632 7.3 0.539 364 34.1 18.5 0 0.57 0.634 7.4 0.54 365 33.3 21 0 0.73 0.635 7.4 0.542 112 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix D (a): Generic data values for maize and sorghum Photosynthetic mechanism Threshold temperature TO TSUM Rooting zone RDS Rooting depth initial Maximum Critical leaf water heads PSI leaf SLA range Extinction coefficient visible light ke Maintenance respiration r(org) Root Leaf Stem S.O Maize C4 Sorghum C4 10 1600 10 1600 10 100-170 5-10 100-200 17000 14-35 0.6 20000 11-21 0.5 0.010 0.013 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.010 0.010 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.74 Heat sum for development tissue EC (org) Leaf Root Stem s.o Appendix D(b): Generic data values RDS Fr (leaf) Fr (root) Fr (stem) Fr (s.o) Maize 0 0.60 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.2 0.70 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.3 0.65 0.23 0.12 0.00 113 Sorghum 0 0.22 0.45 0.55 0.55 0.33 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.65 0.25 0.10 0.00 0.56 0.25 0.05 0.70 0.00 0.61 0.13 0.00 0.80 0.07 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix E: Growth cycle for maize and sorghum Maize Sorghum Establishment 15-25 15-20 Vegetative 25-40 20-30 Flowering 15-20 15-20 Yield 35-45 35-40 Ripening 10-15 10-15 Source:(Doorenbos and Kassam, 1979) Appendix F: Glossary ASSC is Actual surface storage SSC is equivalent to surface storage capacity (cm) (CR+D) is the net rate of water flow through the lower boundary of the rooting zone (cm d-1) Dr is surface roughness or furrow depth (cm) SIG is clod angle or furrow angle (degree) PHI is average slope of the land (degree) SLA is specific leaf area, m2 kg -1 TO is threshold temperature for development, oC Tsum is heat requirement for full development, oC d Ke is the extinction coefficient for visible light K is the hydraulic conductivity LAI is leaf area index LC is land characteristic LUR is land use requirement PSIint is the matric suction at planting or germination (cm) (ψ) RD is equivalent depth of the rooting zone (cm) RDSroot is reletive development stage. RSM is the rate of change of volume fraction of moisture in the rooting zone (cm) SSC is equivalent surface storage capacity Tleaf is heat sum for full development of leaf tissue TR is the actual rate of transpiration (cm d-1) UPFLUX is the net of water vapour flow through the upper boundary of the rooting zone (cm d-1) ZTint is depth of phreatic level at planting is matric suction Ψ 114 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix G: Questionnaire Farmer 1 Location: 460594, 7520848 Farm size: 5.3ha Type of crops grown: maize Land tenure: customary Farm operations: Ploughing and planting are done at the same time in Nov /Dec Weeding is done only once Fertilizer application: No fertilizer is used Harvesting: in May when the crop is completely dry Input acquisition: buys cash Power: uses animal draught (donkeys) Labour supply: Family labour Labour intensity: intensity is high during weeding and harvesting time Yield: could not disclose the yield Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: no fallowing Performance of the farm: no variations in the performance Problems faced: corn crickets Control: by hand picking Extension services: access to agriculture extension services Note: is a model farmer Farmer 2 Location: 463636, 7519154 Farm size: 7ha but uses only 3ha; the remainder is used for grazing livestock Type of crops grown: maize and sorghum Land tenure: customary Farm operations: land preparation and planting done at the same time when rains come in November Weeding is done after two months Fertilizer application: Does not apply fertilizers Harvesting; May/June Input acquisition: Cash Power: animal draught (donkeys) Labour supply: family members Labour intensity: medium intensity Yield: 7bags of 70kgs maize and 15bags of 70kg for sorghum Cropping system: Mixed cropping Fallowing: Does not fallow Performance of the farm: part of the farm is stony and performance is poor in that area Problems faced: High winds sooner after emergency of the seedlings and sorghum Birds attacking sorghum Sealing of the soil 115 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Solution: there is no control for wind, as for birds, they are scared and nothing done for the sealing problem Extension services: Has access to agricultural extension services Farmer 3 Location: 464878, 7519907 Type of crops grown: sorghum, maize, cowpeas, and pumpkins Land tenure: customary Farm operations: land preparation and planting are done simultaneously Weeding is done in December Fertilizer application: no fertilizer application Harvesting: My/June Input acquisition: Recycled seed Power: Animal draught Labour supply: Family labour for weeding Labour intensity: high labour intensity Yield: 10bags of 70kg maize, 15bags of 70kg sorghum Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: No fallowing Performance of the farm: Eroded area gives low yield Problems faced: Soil erosion, sealing, birds and aphids on cowpeas Solution: makes box ridges for soil erosion scaring away birds but no solution for the rest of the problems Extension services: gets access to agricultural services Farmer 4 Location: 481118, 7537905 Farm size: 5.5ha Type of crops grown: sorghum, maize and cowpeas Land tenure: customary Farm operations: land preparation and planting at the same time in Nov/Dec Weeding is done once Fertilizer application; no fertilizer applied Harvesting: June Input acquisition: Cash (50kg in total for all crops) Power: animal draught (donkeys) Labour supply: Family members for weeding Labour intensity: High Yield: 13 bags of 70kg sorghum, 8 bags of 70kg Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: no fallowing Performance of the farm: no variations Problems faced: wind erosion, aphids on sorghum, sealing Solution: no solution provided 116 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Extension services: have access to agricultural services Farmer 5 Location: 485189, 7539910 Farm size: 10ha Type of crops grown: sorghum, maize and cowpeas Land tenure: customary Farm operations: land preparation and planting at the same time Weeding is done in December Fertilizer application Harvesting Input acquisition: Uses recycled seed but sometimes buys cash Power: Donkeys Labour supply: Family members Labour intensity: high intensity during weeding Yield: 41bags of 70kg maize Cropping system: Mixed cropping Fallowing: At times 5ha may be fallowed for only one year Performance of the farm: Experience low yield on sloping side Problems faced: water and wind erosion Solution: planted trees to act as wind break but died due to lack of moisture Extension services: Get access to agricultural extension services Farmer 6 Location: 484385, 7538250 Farm size: 3ha Type of crops grown: sorghum Land tenure: customary Farm operations: Ploughing and planting simultaneously Weeding done once when weeds appear Fertilizer application: no fertilizer application Harvesting: done in May when the crop is dry Input acquisition: Uses recycled seed Power: Uses donkeys Labour supply: Family members Labour intensity: Medium intensity Yield: 70 bags of 70kg each Cropping system: Single cropping Fallowing: No fallowing Performance of the farm: No variations in the performance of the farm Problems faced: Birds Solution: No control Extension services: Get access to agricultural extension services Farmer 7 Location: 484223, 7538215 117 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Farm size: 6ha Type of crops grown: sorghum, maize and cowpeas Land tenure: customary Farm operations: Ploughing and planting done simultaneously in November Weeding is done once Fertilizer application: No fertilizer is applied Harvesting: Done in May/June Input acquisition: Uses recycled seed but sometimes buys using cash Power: Uses donkeys Labour supply: Family members but sometimes employ casual labour for weeding Labour charge: Pays P5 per person per day depending on availability of finances Labour intensity: Medium intensity Yield: could not disclose Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: no fallowing Performance of the farm: Part of the farm has sandy soils and get low yield on that side Problems faced: birds attacking sorghum Solution: by scaring the birds away Extension services: get access to agricultural extension services Farmer 8 Location: 463159, 7517322 Farm size: 19.5ha but uses only 5ha Type of crops grown: sorghum and maize Land tenure: customary Farm operations: Ploughing and planting done simultaneously Weeding: done when weeds appear Fertilizer application: does not apply fertilizer Harvesting: In May/June Input acquisition: cash Power: draught animals (donkeys) Labour supply: Family members but sometimes employ casual labour for weeding Labour intensity: medium intensity Labour charge: P15 per person per day and can employ a maximum of 5 Yield: 11bags of 70kg for sorghum and 17bgas of 70kg for maize Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: Fallow for one year Performance of the farm: There are some pans in the field where yield is lower than the rest Problems faced: stalkborers and sealing but is not serious Solution: No control measure Extension services: Has access to Agricultural extension services 118 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Farmer 9 Location: 463153, 7517319 Farm size: 10ha but uses only 7ha Type of crops grown: sorghum and maize Land tenure: Customary Farm operations: Ploughing and planting done simultaneously Weeding: done when weeds appear and weeds only once Fertilizer application: does not apply fertilizer Harvesting: in June Input acquisition: Uses recycled and plants 8kg ha-1 for sorghum and 10kg ha-1 Power: Draught animals Labour supply: prepares traditional beer to people working on the farm Labour intensity: high labour intensity Yield: 1bag of 70kg for each crop Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: does fallow for one season Performance of the farm: part of the farm has cynodon dactylon and competes with crop leading to low yield Soil and water conservation: does not practise any Problems faced: soil erosion, birds and elegant grasshoppers Scaring them away controls birds, elegant grasshoppers are hand picked and no measure control for erosion Extension services: Has access to agricultural extension services Farmer 10 Location: 466658, 7510188 Farm size: 7ha Type of crops grown: sorghum, maize and cowpeas Land tenure: Customary Farm operations Ploughing and planting done simultaneously Weeding: done when weeds appear and weeds only once Fertilizer application: does not apply fertilizer Harvesting: in June Input acquisition: buys cash: 10P per 10kg Power: animal draught Labour supply: family members Labour intensity: medium Yield: 30bags of 70kg for maize and no yield for sorghum due to bird’s attack Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: no fallowing Performance of the farm: no variations in performance Problems faced: Cynodon dactylon weed, birds and elegant grasshoppers Solution: no control Extension services: Has access to agricultural extension services 119 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Farmer 11 Location: 466643, 7510139 Farm size: 8ha Type of crops grown: maize, sorghum and cowpeas Land tenure: Farm operations Ploughing and planting done simultaneously Weeding: done when weeds appear and weeds only once Fertilizer application: does not apply fertilizer Harvesting: in June Input acquisition: cash Power: animal draught Labour supply: family members for weeding Labour intensity: Low Yield: 5gags of 70kg for each crop Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: no fallowing Performance of the farm: no variations Problems faced: the farmland is stony, birds attacking sorghum Solution: scaring the birds away Extension services: has access to agricultural extension services Farmer 12 Location: 467185, 7518324 Farm size: 8ha Type of crops grown: sorghum and maize Land tenure: Customary Farm operations Ploughing and planting done simultaneously Weeding: done when weeds appear and weeds only once Fertilizer application: does not apply fertilizer Harvesting: in June Input acquisition: cash, buys 3-4 bags of 10kg at 3P/kg Power: Animal draught Labour supply: Family labour for weeding Labour intensity: medium Yield: 7bags of 70kg of sorghum and 3bags of 70kg of maize Cropping system: single cropping Fallowing: fallow for one season Performance of the farm: no variations in performance Problems faced: soil erosion, birds attacking sorghum corn cricket attacking maize Solution: scaring the birds away and no control for corn crickets Extension services: Does not have access to agricultural services 120 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix H: Results of Particle size distribution analysis Code X_coord Y_coord Sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Texture SPT_002 428575 7531451 95.324 1.306 3.370 Sand SPT_002 428575 7531451 94.094 1.115 4.791 Sand SPT_002 428575 7531451 92.929 0.534 6.537 Sand HARD_13 466995 7514049 93.998 1.414 4.589 Sand HARD_13 466995 7514049 92.268 1.693 6.039 Sand HARD_13 466995 7514049 91.757 1.563 6.680 Sand HPT_001 466980 7513874 91.719 4.983 3.297 Sand HPT_001 466980 7513874 91.983 1.897 6.120 Sand HPT_001 466980 7513874 89.443 1.610 8.947 Loamy sand HPT_003 465347 7507938 91.719 4.983 3.297 Sand HPT_003 465347 7507938 91.983 1.897 6.120 Sand HPT_003 465347 7507938 89.443 1.610 8.947 Loamy sand SPT_003 444677 7516908 94.395 0.872 4.733 Sand SPT_003 444677 7516908 94.704 0.659 4.637 Sand SPT_003 444677 7516908 92.371 1.314 6.315 Sand EPT_002 475066 7535877 87.671 4.110 8.219 Loamy sand EPT_002 475066 7535877 87.240 3.683 9.078 Loamy sand HPT_007 467604 7519059 71.099 15.973 12.928 Sandy Loam HPT_007 467604 7519059 60.365 19.681 19.954 Sandy Loam HPT_007 467604 7519059 73.317 15.570 11.114 Sandy Loam HPT_005 469774 7518089 23.544 31.646 44.810 Clay HPT_005 469774 7518089 22.993 25.571 51.436 Clay HPT_005 469774 7518089 24.561 26.816 48.623 Clay HPT_005 469774 7518089 18.324 30.823 50.853 Clay HPT_06 467215 7517154 56.178 15.084 28.737 Sandy clay loam HPT_06 467215 7517154 19.969 38.555 41.476 Clay HPT_06 467215 7517154 68.239 6.646 EPT_01 474663 7539777 88.573 3.809 25.115 Sandy clay loam 7.618 Loamy sand EPT_01 474663 7539777 88.316 3.372 8.311 Loamy sand SPT_1 433495 7527033 77.185 12.609 10.206 Sandy Loam ESC_10 479088 7539915 78.447 12.576 ESC_07 470500 7537503 58.666 17.109 8.977 Sandy Loam 24.225 Sandy clay loam ESC_11 470089 7534546 58.561 13.760 27.679 Sandy clay loam ESC_30 473503 7517178 46.700 18.946 34.354 Sandy clay loam 27.375 Sandy clay loam ESC_14 471662 7532578 56.033 16.592 Sand_17 425914 7534098 96.904 0.888 2.208 Sand Sand_ 43 431077 7530673 96.953 0.932 2.115 Sand Sand_ 56 433493 7527033 94.695 1.364 3.941 Sand Hard_01 460013 7510014 94.138 1.036 4.826 Sand Hard_32 466630 7513081 91.884 2.977 Hard_11 461741 7511696 26.555 71.998 5.139 Sand 1.447 Silt loam Hard_54 469767 7518092 22.824 29.453 47.723 Clay Hard_56 467597 7519066 64.894 16.929 18.177 Sandy loam Esc_58 474799 7535997 93.815 2.930 3.255 Sand Farm_01 460594 7520848 87.109 2.902 9.989 Loamy sand Farm_02 463636 7519154 86.356 2.886 10.758 Loamy sand Farm_03 464878 7519907 77.430 5.061 17.509 Sandy Loam 121 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA Appendix I: Decision trees LUT1 Erosion hazard > Slp (Slope) <3 (none) [0-3 %]....... : 1 (none) 3-8 (slight) [3-8 %] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla : 2 (slight) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : =1 LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : =1 CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : 1 (none) SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : =4 9-16 (moderate) [8-16 %] : 3 (moderate) >16 (severe) [16-25 %].. : 4 (severe) LUT1,Oxygen availability > Drg (Soil drainage class) Wd (Well drained)....... : Mod (Moderately drained) : Imp (Imperfectly drained : Pr (Poorly drained)..... : 1 2 3 4 LUT1,Moisture availability > TRf (Total rainfall) 250-300 (not adequate) [ : 4 (severe stress) 300-400 (Stress) [300-400 mm] > SEDth (Soil effective depth) <30 (very shallow) [0-30 : 4 (severe stress) 30-50 ( shallow) [30-50 cm] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 class] > Yd (LUT1 Yield class) ns (not suitable) [1500-] : 4 (severe stress) ms (marginally suitable) : 3 (stress) mod.s (moderately suitab) : =2 suit (suitable) [6000-65] : 2 (slightly adequat) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : =1 LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : =1 CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : 2 (slightly adequat) SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : =4 50-120 (slightly deep) [ : 3 (stress) 500 (deep) [120-500 cm]. : 2 (slightly adequat) 400-600 (Less adequate) [400-600 mm] > SEDth (Soil effective depth) <30 (very shallow) [0-30 : 3 (stress) 30-50 ( shallow) [30-50 : 2 (slightly adequat) 50-120 (slightly deep) [ : 1 (adequate) 500 (deep) [120-500 cm]. : =3 >600 (Adequate) [600-750 mm]>SEDth(Soil effective depth) <30 (very shallow) [0-30 : 2 (slightly adequat) 30-50 ( shallow) [30-50 : 1 (adequate) 50-120 (slightly deep) [ : =2 500 (deep) [120-500 cm]. : =2 122 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA LUT1,Rooting Condition > SEDth (Soil effective depth) <30 (very shallow) [0-30 : 4 (poor) 30-50 ( shallow) [30-50 cm] > Drg (Soil drainage class) Wd (Well drained)....... : 1 (very good) Mod (Moderately drained) : 2 (good) Imp (Imperfectly drained : 3 (moderate) Pr (Poorly drained)..... : 4 (poor) 50-120 (slightly deep) [ : 2 (good) 500 (deep) [120-500 cm]. : 1 (very good LUT1,Soil workability > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla : SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : =3 SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : 1 =1 2 =4 LUT 2,Erosion hazard > Slp (Slope) <3 (none) [0-3 %]....... : 1 (none) 3-8 (slight) [3-8 %] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 c : 2 (slight) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : 3 (moderate) LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : =2 CL (Clay loam) [20-50 c : =3 (moderate) SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : 2 (slight) 9-16 (moderate) [8-16 %] : 3 (moderate) >16 (severe) [16-25 %].. : 4 (severe) LUT 2,Rooting condition > SEDth (Soil effective depth) <30 (very shallow) [0-30 : 4 (poor) 30-50 ( shallow) [30-50 cm] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla : 1 (very good) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : =1 LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : 2 (good) CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : =3 SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : =4 50-120 (slightly deep) [ : 2 (good) 500 (deep) [120-500 cm]. : 1 (very good) 123 EVALUATING THE IMPORTANCE OF SOIL MOISTURE AVAILABILITY (AS A LAND QUALITY) ON SELECTED RAINFED CROPS IN SEROWE AREA, BOTSWANA LUT 2,Sealing > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : : : : : 1 (no problem) =1 2 (slight prob) 2 (slight prob) LUT 2,Soil workability > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla : 1 (Easy) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 c : =1 LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : 2 (Moderate) CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : =3 SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : =4 LUT 2,Oxygen availability > Drg (Soil drainage class) Wd (Well drained)....... : Mod (Moderately drained) : Imp (Imperfectly drained : Pr (Poorly drained)..... : 1 (no limitation) 2 (slight limit) 4 (poor) =3 LUT 2,Moisture availability > TRf (Total rainfall) 250-300 (not adequate) [ : 4 (severe stress) 300-400 (Stress) [300-400 mm] > Txc (Textural class) FS (Fine sand) [3-10 cla : 4 (severe stress) SL (Sandy loam) [10-15 class] > Yd LUT2 (LUT2 yield class) ns (not suitable) [0-1000] : 3 (stress) ms (marginally suitable) : 3 (stress) mod.s (moderately suitab : 2 (less adequate) suit (suitable) [2000-3000] : 1 (adequate) LS (Loamy sand) [15-20 c : 3 (stress) CL (Clay loam) [20-50 cl : =3 SCL (Sandy clay loam) [5 : 2 (less adequate) 400-600 (Less adequate) : 1 (adequate) >600 (Adequate) [600-750 : =3 124