Algae used as Medicine and Food-A Short Review

S. Pooja /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 6(1), 2014, 33 - 35
Algae used as Medicine and Food-A Short Review
Saveetha Dental college and hospital
No.162 poonamalle high road,Chennai-600077,Tamil Nadu,India.
Algae are a very large and diverse group of autotrophic organisms which ranges from unicellular to multicellular forms. They are
primary producers which is a source of many nutrients and it has high protein content. The most complex marine forms are called
seaweeds. Blue green algae ,red algae, green algae assigned higher contents of dietary fibres. Certain beverages are prepared from
sea algae. Mainly marine algae have been used as food and medicine for many centuries .they are not only used as food but also
used as extracts in food, dairy, cosmetics, and industrial uses. Algae is used as one of important medical source due to its
antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral properties. .Therapeutic properties of algae is used for promotion of health .edible algae is
recognized as complete foods which provides correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates ,vitamins ,and minerals.
Key words: autotrophic organisms, seaweeds, marine algae, therapeutic properties.
Algae are one of the primary producers it is the divisions of
lower plants that contains chlorophyll in plant cells. They can
be divided broadly into macro-algae (macroscopic algae) and
microalgae (microscopic algae). [1]. Algae’s are important
producers of vitamins, minerals and proteins and fatty acids
etc. [2]. Amidst all these facts the facts pertaining to algae
are not concentrated and focussed to the level it has to be.[3].
Marine algae have been used as food, and medicine from
centuries. The species of algae find its applications in food,
dairy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and industry. Algae can be
in the preparation of Biodiesel, Bioethanol, biobutanol and
Hydrogen gases, [4].and could be used as antioxidants,
antibiotics, and/or virostatic agents. Food products prepared
from algae could involve positive negative or disputable
effects in mammalian organism. Hence higher contents of
toxic elements (e.g. cadmium) or fucotoxins (algal protective
compounds against herbivore attack and pathogens) in algal
food products are to be avoided. Thereby the digestibility and
the contents of dietary fibre and bioactive compounds in
algae play an important role in the evaluation of algal food
quality. Digestibility is studied on the basis of nitrogen
consumption before and after the process of digestion, using
enzymes namely pepsin under in vitro conditions [5]. Several
analytical methodologies are available for the study of
bioactive compounds in algal material. [6]. This paper
emphasis on the medicinal food values on algae in particular
marine algae.
Antioxidants play prominent role in the later stages of cancer
development. The most powerful water soluble antioxidants
found in algae are polyphenols, phycobiliproteins and
vitamins [7]. Oxidative processes promote carcinogenesis.
The antioxidants may be able to cause the regression of
premalignant lesions and inhibit their development into
cancer. It is found that , several algal species have prevented
oxidative damage by scavenging free radicals and active
oxygen and hence able to prevent the occurrence of cancer
cell formation [8], these Antioxidants are considered key
compounds to fight against various diseases (e.g. cancer,
chronic inflammation, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular
disorder) and ageing processes [9]. Polyphenols in marine
brown algae are called phlorotannins and known to act as
potential antioxidants. They are formed by the polymerization
of phloroglucinol (1,3,5- trihydroxybenzene) monomer units
and synthesized in the acetate malonate pathway in marine
alga. The sulphated polysaccharides when isolated from
marine alga exert radical scavenging activities in vitro and in
vivo. However, biochemical scientists have several
techniques to extract bioactive compounds from algal
biomass [10]. Several herbs and spices including rosemary,
sage, thyme, nutmeg, turmeric, white pepper, chilli, pepper,
ginger, and plenty of other medicinal plants are reportedly
exhibiting antioxidant activity.
Marine macro-algae belongs to the most interesting algae
group because of their wide range spectrum of biological
activities such as antimicrobial [11], antiviral [12],
antifungal[13], anti-allergic [14], anticoagulant [15],
anticancer [16], antifouling and antioxidant activities [17].
They produce variety of chemically active metabolites in
their surroundings as a weapon to protect themselves against
other settling organisms [18]. There are lots of reports on
macro-algae derived chemical compounds that possess
ranges of biological activities, out of which some could be
used in pharmaceutical industries. Many marine algae
S. Pooja /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 6(1), 2014, 33 - 35
produce antibiotic substances capable of inhibiting bacteria,
viruses, fungi, and other pibionts. The antibiotic characteristic
is dependent on factors like that particular alga, the
microorganisms, the season, and the growth conditions [19].
Preliminary studies have indicated that some antioxidants,
particularly β-carotene, may be of benefit in the treatment of
precancerous conditions such as oral leukoplakia, possibly a
precursor of oral-cancer [20]. The development of marine
floral compounds as therapeutic agents is still in its
embryonic stage due to the fact of collecting the marine floral
samples. Significant efforts have been made, by both
pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions, to
isolate and identify new marine-derived, natural products
especially from faunal species. The marine floras are not
explored significantly for promoting further research in this
field. [21]
Vaccines are very successful in controlling many viral
diseases, yet some diseases are not controlled by vaccination.
Some synthetic antiviral compounds were developed for
treatment of active herpetic infections, were not effective for
the treatment of latent infections [22]. It reported on severe
side effects and development of some resistant mutations of
this virus, especially during long term medication with
antiviral drugs. Because of the toxicity of many of the earlier
antiviral agents. The concept of antiviral compounds with
pharmaceutical value could not be accepted easily. Some
plants and algae extracts were tested on different viruses
including the herpes viruses [23]. In some of these
experiments different species of brown algae were tested for
their antiviral activity. From the test report it has been found
that these species contain antiviral property. The antiviral
agent must have a wide spectrum of activity, inhibit the virus
completely, to have favourable pharmacodynamics properties
and not be immunosuppressive which is important, as there
should be no suppression of the normal immune processes.
[24]. The discovery of the role of the interferon as cellular
antiviral systems and the elucidation of differences between
normal cellular metabolism and viral replication have led to a
renewed interest in antiviral chemotherapy.
In current world people concentrates very much on diet. The
diet of highly caloric and in combination with the modern
style of life leads to health issues, such as obesity, heart
diseases, diabetes, etc. Therefore, food products need to be
concentrated to promote health by enriching the diet with
vitamins, minerals, etc., and according to consumers using
the natural forms of ingredients instead of the synthetically
ones has become very essential.
The reports have suggested that there is significant
improvement in the state of the health not only to algal
proteins but also to therapeutic factors [25].
In coastal areas of all continents, sea-weeds are used in
human and animal nutrition, so that they are widely cultivated
algal crops. Consumers are fascinated towards species such
as Porphyra sp., Chondrus crispus, Himanthalia elongata
and Undaria pinnatifida and also towards the food industry
because of their low content in calories and high content in
vitamins, minerals and dietetic fibre [26]. Micro-algal
biomass is available in a form of powder, tablets, capsules,
liquids and, also, it can be incorporated into different food
products and the most important in human nutrition are
Spirulina and Chlorella genera.
Bioactive compounds are to develop new drugs and health
foods. Edible algae are producers of rich source of dietary
fibre, minerals, and proteins [27]. Marine algae are also
considered as rich source of antioxidants [28]. Some active
antioxidant compounds from brown algae are as
phylopheophytin in Eisenia bicyclis (arame) [29] and
fucoxantinein Hijikia fusiformis (hijiki) [30].
The marine algae are boiled and steamed, dried and stored in
process. [31] Then, these dried products are soaked with 20
40 time volumes of water before being consumed. Agars,
extracted from red seaweeds such as Gracilaria , are used in
S. Pooja /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 6(1), 2014, 33 - 35
the food industry and in laboratory media culture.
Carrageenans, the extraction from red seaweeds namely
Chondrus, Gymnogongrus, and Eucheuma , are used to
provide particular gel qualities. The incorporation of
ingredients with the natural origin and functional properties
in the traditional food is a way to design attractive and
healthy new pro-ducts, there are numerous combinations of
microalgae or mixtures with other foods all over the
The marine algae are taxonomically diverse, largely
productive, biologically active, and chemically unique
offering a great scope for discovery of new anticancer drugs.
The marine floras belonging to polyphenols and sulphated
polysaccharides are rich in medicinally chemical potent
predominantly. Since algae also represent an important
source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and natural
colorants, the incorporation of the whole biomass in food and
feed could be used to provide the colour, increment
nutritional value, and improve texture or resistance to
oxidation. While a mixture of different species or
combinations with other food opens up many possibilities,
their use in feed can also compensate the usage of other foods
which are in first position. The cultivation of algae population
with so many medicinal benefits need to promoted and
improved using modern techniques.
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