Waseca County History Crossword Puzzle 10 1 5 2 3 6 4 11 7 16 8 9 17 12 14 19 18 15 20 DOWN: 1. The Waseca County Historical Society was organized on ________ 26th, 1938. 3. The ________ Sorghum Mill is the only known historical sorghum mill remaining in Minnesota. 5. An 847 page book covering the years 1854 to 1904, includes the history of Waseca County plus biographical sketches of early settlers. Authored by James E. ________. 6. The ________ church built in 1908, is significant as the structure that best embodies the Swedish heritage of Waseca County. 8. The Waseca County Historical Society building located on the Waseca County Fairgrounds is called ________ Hall. 9. Waseca County has ________ places on the National Register of Historic Places. 10. The Waseca County Historical Society was once located near the ________. 11. Waseca is a word from language of the ________, a Native American tribe. 13. Leroy ________ was a major American Composer born in Waseca, MN, October 2, 1893. 14. ________ is a memory town platted in Waseca County in 1915. 17. The number of townships in Waseca County. 19. The ________ house is one of Waseca’s oldest homes built in 1868. ACROSS: 2. In 1964, the families of Edgar, Everett and Marvin Johnson had the ________ Church at 2nd Avenue and 4th Street N.E. in Waseca renovated, donated and officially dedicated as the county’s museum. 4. More than ninety bedeck our prosperous land. 7. ________ is an annual event held at Maplewood Park each July. 12. township is the county seat for Waseca County. 14. Mark Barens ________ the domed ceiling at the Waseca County Historical Society. 15. St. Mary Township was once a part of the ________ precinct and also once a part of Wilton precinct. 16. The Sutlief family filed the first claim in the township of . 18. The soil in Waseca County is very . 20. John ________ started the first concrete company in Waseca and constructed the first sidewalks all over the city. 13