KS2 Tr y Sin gs o ng s Will teaches the children how to stand, show respect and curtsey. He also shares a few juicy secrets about the things that he’s seen and heard. Children discover the kinds of people who Will knows at court and what jobs they do. By the end of the session, children have all the knowledge they need if they ever find themselves face-to-face with Henry himself. Curriculum links History, Drama, speaking and listening, life at Tudor Court. In the classroom Visit our website for a variety of session-linked classroom activities to help you prepare for your visit and follow it up back at school: rmg.co.uk/schools ion est u Q Exp lor e All of the children are placed in the Tudor ‘great chain of being’, the system used by Henry’s court and Tudor England to organize everyone according to class and rank. Children learn how to behave if they want to rise up the ‘great chain’ but they also discover the dreadful truth of what might happen if they make a mistake. Using some of the Museum’s collection of replica objects, we take a close look at clothes, shoes and accessories, just like the ones worn in Tudor times, and think about the difference between rich and poor people’s belongings. We also meet some famous faces from Tudor England in our portrait collection. To uc h Le a r n ip the sh In our ‘Henry VIII: life in Tudor times’ session, children meet Master Will Farrow, a manservant to the king’s most-trusted adviser, Sir Francis Bryan, and learn all about life at Henry’s court. As a servant, our actor-character Will knows everyone and everything. the Scrub Life at Henry VIII’s court can be tough so it’s best to get some expert advice on how to behave. Otherwise, who knows what might happen? At best, you’ll be sent home. At worst… off with your head! decks Henry VIII Life in Tudor times Steer a t ra i l Session outline D i sc u ss